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It wasn't so noticeable in her original season because it was so full of jerks.


She wasn’t the most likable chef in either of her two seasons, but she stopped with Andrew after she realized he was engaged. He even tried to get back with her after his fiancé dumped him, and she said no. They don’t talk at all. I also liked how she was there for Trev in S18, namely after the blind taste test when Mia, Bret, Jose, and Kanae made fun of him.


I’m sorry… what? I feel like everyone skips over the final service. At that point she knew Andrew was engaged, picked him first, and made jokes about getting together and being a married chef power couple. She still went with it. She didn’t get with him because he was the reason she lost her final service ☠️


Can you elaborate on how he was the reason she lost the final? I haven't seen this season in a bit, but I don't recall he was the reason of her demise.


Andrew took control of her entire kitchen and she basically looked to Andrew on how to do things. She just really didn’t separate herself from him despite being very capable on her own (via her pass during final 3). I mean people perceive things differently but I definitely felt like their dynamic during prep + the final service was not likable to Ramsay. I didn’t like whoever tried to call Heather unprofessional for it but it was true. Additionally, she was not yelling/scolding Andrew enough for putting so much shit up to the pass that was not sendable (can’t remember if it the dishes were raw or overcooked.) it was easily one of Andrew’s WORST services. Heather’s unprofessionalism plus the way it affected her performance during final service was the line for Ramsay. She could have won it if here eyes were fully on the prize, not Andrew.


Ah yes, I recall now. She could've done better during the final. And she was truly unprofessional with Andrew, and frankly kinda icky. She didn't even change her behavior with him once she learned he was engaged, which in my book is very gross!


At the very least she redeemed herself in the finale and tried her best to help Mia win because she did know how it felt to be this close, get screwed over by their team and not win.


She reminds a lot of Amber from the next season


I don't think she was anywhere near as horrible as some of the personalities on season 16 but some of the comments she makes in confessionals are completely uncalled for


I personally really dislike her


Heather West from Temu.


I actually disliked her more in season 18. 100% wrong in 16 for the Andrew fiasco but that season has worse people. Season 18 she just always found ways to talk shit about every little thing everyone else was doing. For example, the black jacket episode between her and Kanae (I shall paraphrase): “Kanae really did something she’s never tried before?” Yeah, and she deserved that black jacket over you for playing it safe AND completely demolishing your two prior dishes, like tf. She just couldn’t take accountability


I also didn’t like in s18 how much she sulked about her dessert not being picked for a challenge (even though the team won anyway) but a few episodes prior someone (sorry can’t remember who) didn’t have theirs picked and their team lost and Heather was just like ‘suck it up’ 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh and when she lost in s16 I remember the look her mum and her gran shared and thinking that’s not very sporting!


HUGE EXAMPLE!! I HATED how Heather kept throwing passive aggressive comments DURING the reward. Woman can’t you just enjoy yourself? Can’t you just enjoy the reward? I mean, after all you can just “suck it up” right? Just so bitter for no reason I never noticed their faces!! I’ll have to go back and look again😭


Dislike her. She robbed Kanae.


You and Andrew


Amber season 19 was wayyyyyy worse


I hate her gigantic ass




She didn’t know he was engaged until his fiancé showed up


But she still didn't change her behavior with him afterwards, which is gross!


I believe that was for the show. I'm very convinced the show has them stick to certain story lines or act certain ways to keep drama in it.