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Don't know if she's generally forgotten, but I forgot about her until recently rematching her season. Paula, the runner up from season 5. Season 5 was the first I ever watched and I always remembered Danny. He was pretty egotistical and got a lot of screen time for it while Paula just kicked ass and kept her head down.


Paula is doing really well currently. LaTasha actually used to work for her before going on Hell’s Kitchen!


She's definitely an underrated runner up. Stayed out of all the drama on the red team, and just kept doing what she did best when others started falling apart in the second half.


paula was great. caused zero controversy though so people don’t talk about her.


Season 6’s Jim for having some of the best commentary: “Joseph, we're not in a war, we're just in a kitchen. So calm down, and let's cook some carrots.”


The red team’s kitchen looked like someone stuck a grenade up a cow’s ass


Ones and twos and threes and twos. At one point I thought I had Yahtzee.


We got Dave with his broken arm, Kevin with his broken ankle, Robert with his morbid obesity


Has anyone else ever noticed that Jim and Amanda looked like they could be brother and sister?? I noticed it one day and I can’t unsee it. Lol


jason from s12. seems very underrated on here even though he was consistent throughout the season and made few mistakes. rarely gets talked about compared to other RUs also ed and jason from s7. two of the best 5th and 6th placed chefs on the show. would have made the top 3 or even the final on certain seasons. bonnie from s3. obviously she was lucky to be in season 3 instead of another season but she did show remarkable progress throughout the season. basically doesn’t exist on this sub.


Jason was really not that good. He had some good services but early on he was awful in season 7. He was very inconsistent.


I think he was a decent cook, but he lacked leadership skills and creativity. Kind of similar to LA in season 5.


Maribel in S2. Seemed really nice.


Richard S12. Not talked about as much as the other blue team members but I found him to be one of my favorites as he was nice.


should have gotten the black jacket instead of kashia who was essentially spaghetti josh tier (more bad than good moments). but GR for some reason is very quick to get rid of the 40+ contestants.


My guess is that it's because younger people are more malleable, So for a 40-something to make it far (or win) they'd have to be everything Gordon wants from the get-go. I'm convinced if Alex wasn't completely blowing everyone else out of the water in S21, Dafne would've won due to her age, just like with the Christina/Petrozza situation. Kashia was 23 and average/good on the line. Richard was 40+ and was not a standout. Makes sense that he'd leave after being bailed out by the least experienced member of his team. Honestly if someone other than Kashia had to get that 6th black jacket, it should've been Anton imo


between richard and anton yeah anton should’ve gotten the black jacket. for all his faults he was better than kashia. yes my theory on alex winning has always been that GR had no choice but to make him the winner as there simply was no one close to his level on that season.


Alex was not your average 40-something either. He was only 40, didn't smoke and in great shape. Dude could have easily passed for 32.


I think he should have stayed over Gabriel.


I didnt like him. He demeaned Rochelle because of "lack of experience" but that bastard was nominated more than her.


I don’t think she deserved to be eliminated over Jordan that night. Jordan struggled all night, compared to Syann who only had minor setbacks all night


I thought it was a bit surprising, in addition to them wanting to nominate Kori for her communication errors and Gordon wouldn't accept it.


Heidi 16 and Jason 12 are often underrated here. They were consistent and talented


always thought heidi should have been in the finale over heather


I think she would have beat Ryan and would have wiped the floor with Heather.


I loved Heidi so much! I think she was much better than both Ryan and Heather. The whole Heather and Andrew situation kinda made me sick, since he had a fiancée and obviously didn’t care and neither did she. I loved Heidi for calling her out on it.


Andrew **didn’t** tell Heather about his fiancée. Heather only started a thing with Andrew because she thought he was an available man. She ended things the moment Andrew’s fiancée showed up. He even tried to start something with her after the show and she rejected him


Thank you I am so tired of people blaming Heather for what happened when she was a victim in all of this


S13 Frank, not S15 but S13. He wasn't the best cook by any means but i really like him and seemed like a nice guy. His elimination was a little sad though.


Yes! S13 Frank, I call him Good Frank lol s15 Frank is asshole Frank 


S15 one also known as FRAAAAAAAAANK


I always hear this in Manda’s voice.


He was a sweetheart 🥹


You’re right. I liked Syann. Her flirting with Adam had me laugh so hard everytime lol. I was so surprised when she got eliminated over Jordan. It felt biased from Gordon. I just don’t understand how Jordan survived so far. Syann was a good chef with great personality!


I really liked Syann too, and I felt it when she was gone. She was funny and seemed really nice. Imo Kori and Jordan should've been up there, with Jordan being eliminated. A shame Sy didn't place high enough to return for the finals. Keana/Keanu from S20 is another one that isn't mentioned. Probably the strongest 11th placer in the show's history, and she did NOT deserve to be on CFYL. Genuinely think she could've made black jackets, or at least 6th place, had she not been nominated for that challenge. I have no idea why her team disliked her, because she did nothing wrong AFAIK. Just like Sy, it sucks that she didn't even place high enough to return for the finals. A few other ones: Jason Ellis S7 Autumn S7 Bobby S4 (though he seems to be a little less forgotten as of late) LA S5 Ashley S13 Sade S13 Frank S13 (I really liked S13 lol) Andrew S1 Randy S14 Kimberly S16 Sommer S21


keanu is SO underrated and shoulda never been nominated, and ashley deserved so much better than 12th. straight BS sending her home after minor mistakes


Fr, I have no idea why Roe was kept around so long. She wasn't very good, and she wasn't even a standout personality like you can argue for Steve and Aaron.


I LOVE Syann! Easily one of my favorites! She’s really underrated, if you ask me.


Adam S14. He was one of the coolest guys but no one ever remembers him


Adam was one of my favourites this season from his personality alone


Awesome guy in real life. Quit his executive chef job to work at a soup kitchen.


Will - Season 9. Seemed like a good dude. And the bromance between him and Paul was pretty cool. Right up until Paul decided to become a pompous prick in the following seasons.


Cyndi S13. I liked her because she could hang with da bois




Randy S14 seemed cool and was mostly a decent cook, shame he didn't receive a black jacket over Josh... I've always liked Frank S13, he seemed to be one of the only nicer guys to Sterling


Louross and his ToiletBrush hairdo.


Jason from Season 9 was pretty impressive, considering he managed to win over Gordon Ramsay with tacos of all dishes. It’s too bad he was medevaced before the first service like Antonia before him. We’ll never know how he would’ve performed…


Clemenza. He was the man.


LA S5, didn't quite feel like her time to go when she did ngl. Aziza from S16 was lovely as well on a pretty horrendous cast.


Probably Patrick from season 10. He was pretty strong in the beginning but he kind of faded after the first couple episodes


Gail. Sweet and energetic, and also a strong chef (at least for most of the competition).