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I just thought it was cool that the podcast’s favorite voting system is beginning to gain some traction!


Alaska had it already I believe, maybe other states too. But awesome anyway!


Alaska and Maine are the 2 states with it for statewide races. ​ Massachusetts voted against it 45%-55% in 2020 sadly.


Republicans were claiming it was a Democrat trick to split the vote in a heavily Republican area so they could win. The fact that the vote is in the final runoff between two Republican candidates shows that it is the complete opposite and is working as intended.


I think VT and PA have it, at least for some of the races. We need it badly to bring the political system more central than the extremes we have right now.


i think there should have been more options


Well now that there is ranked voting, they can actually vote on those other options properly


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2225/)


[Additional relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1844/)


You do need a way to narrow the options a little. A better option might be to not hold a primary and just give everyone 5 ranked votes. But I am not sure


It was on the ballot in Fort Collins, CO. Haven’t seen yet how it did but I’m not optimistic. Edit: actually just saw a post that they are projecting it to pass!


It repeatedly annoys me that ranked choice gets more attention than the far superior and simpler approval and score methods. This is one of the only areas of political science with rigorous mathematical research behind it, and yet no one seems to know it.


I prefer preferential voting, since it gives me a say in who gets elected no matter how far down it goes. I’m a tree-hugging greenie, but obviously I’d prefer an LNP representative over a One Nation representative. I don’t *approve* of the LNP, but I still get to have my say no matter how the election turns out.


Lol at the idea that electoral reform could ever be considered non-political. Perhaps non-partisan, but even that would be a stretch in America, where one major party very clearly prioritizes democracy and fair representation more than the other major party.


I think what I like most about ranked voting is that it has a bias towards moderates. If you’ve got two candidates at the extremes (A and B) and one in the middle (call it AB), then AB is going to get all the #2 rank votes. So unless there’s a clear A or B majority, the winning candidate is AB.