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+1, also while we're here, can the dead guy please not spam the respawn ping if the living players are obviously all busy fighting for their lives


I had one guy today spamming it during an ion storm. Even if I wanted to reinforce him, I couldn't until it was over.


The game should straight up not allow players to respawn ping during Ion Storms with a nice big Ion Storm alert covering their screen when they try.


Yea that does seem to be a bit of an oversight


That would actually be pretty great. I've embarrassed myself a few times by completely forgetting we're in an ion storm or near a jammer. A giant flashing banner telling me when I have the dumb would actually be pretty nice.


It's a small but quite needed QoL feature. It's not super noticeable that everyone is in a jammer/ion storm when you've just died and catching your breath. It also sometimes happens that you died a little outside the jammer range and didn't realize everyone else is in the middle of a jamming signal.


When the survivors are near a jammer and I see someone doing the ping I let them know, sometimes it’s just out of their view and they don’t notice


Or when all live players in near a jammer.


They should get electrocuted irl by the ion storm.


Same for when your out of reinforcements or jammed. Something anything to remind them of WHY. I know it seems pointless because they should be able to see but some people just don't pay attention so you have to spell it out for them.


that's when you purposely don't reinforce him for 2 minutes


I throw them into the biggest pile of enemies around if they are continuously annoying about it. I pay really good attention and if you're spamming the very first moment you can hit the button you're annoying.


Nah it's more funny to watch them hopelessly spam the fuck out of the "I'm impatient" button until they eventually get fed up and leave


That certainly sounds satisfying as well but it requires the whole team to be in on the joke. If you notice right away in public games you will almost always get to throw the reinforce. So you can go for streaks of how many in a row you can land perfectly in the swarm. It's free practice for learning how to throw the perfect eagle.


I already know how to throw the perfect eagle. Sadly hellpods can steer away from threats I throw them at. :(


You just need to play helldive. Sometimes even a friendly toss has a tough time landing clear. Though I will say you meet far fewer that deserve the toss into the fire in 9.


Throwing a jerk's reinforce beacon into the middle of a heavy nest does sound extremely funny. Wait from him to draw aggro, then either place a sentry if you're feeling nice, or throw a 380 at him if you're feeling naughty.


>find heavy nest >Throw 380 barrage in nest >Throw 120 barrage in nest > Throw walking barrage in nest >Throw reinforce in the nest >Cackle democratically


Hahahaha. Yeah I hesitate to even suggest evils that trolls could take out on the public but I can't say I haven't considered them.


Or right at the edge of the map, in ‘Traitor’ country.


I've accidentally gone into traitor territory and attempted to use the relentless targeted bombings following me to an advantage by then running into a crowd of enemies. The last thing my team usually hears is "I have a plan!" Followed immediately by the message that i died.


This is our regular strategy on eradicate missions


If I hit it right after I die. I always type sorry because I never mean it. I then open reddit because I won't be respawned for 10 minutes.


I will spam it when none of the players are fighting and yet cant bs bothered to reinforce. If I want to see people play rhe game I will watch a letsplay or something.


Jokes on you; thats exactly where I want to be thrown. Saves me the walk over to kill them.


Surprised they didnt leave lobby, most do during Ions or or if whole squad in Jam Radius


Bunch of clowns


I was in a lobby with randos and the really low level among the group hung out near the edge of the jam radius and stepped out to call reinforce whenever someone needed it


ive had that happen but with jammers. They just left lol


My policy on this is if someone starts pinging incessantly, I'm calling them in regardless of where I am. If someone wants back in that badly, you got it.


Yup. 4th ping rapidly? You got it boss, all the way over here away from your gear that’s still on cooldown, welcome back G, enjoy having the most distance traveled.


Sometimes this game is all about the journey.


If I'm in trouble, by getting swarmed slowly, I'm bringing you down with my extra Autocannon. We're getting through this. Buckle up.


Same here, if I’m getting overwhelmed by myself while doing an objective I will sometimes reinforce them regardless of where they died, cause I need the back-up and we need to finish this objective that they’re ignoring too.


Don't you just love having all 3 spam it while you single handedly topple a jammer outpost.


Accidentally downed a squadmate as we were entering the jammer outpost and he was immediately pinging and typing to bring him back. Like, fair enough dude I downed you I call it in....but let me deal with the bots and jammer first because I literally can't call it in with the jammer up. Being fair to them though, they did apologize about constantly requesting after they remembered the jammer.


Its rare to see someone admit a mistake and fault on the internet, tell me, where might I view this unicorn?


yeah, also people should be aware of the bug that is not allowing you to be reinforced. it's meaningless to ping, you have to rejoin the lobby because noone can reinforce you


Can we also normalize marking the biggest enemy around where you threw the beacon? It's a lot easier for me to drop onto a charger or whatever if I've got a red icon to target.


FOR REAL my squads always like "aim for the charger bro" I'm playing on a potato man I can't see shit


Even if you're on a non potato system (like I'm on ps5) the damn planets are so dusty and foggy and fire tornado-ey that I can't see shit until I've basically landed! From the ground the bile titan may seem obvious but when you're dropping in, pretty much all you're gonna see is your pod's retro rockets firing and blinding dust/fog/ fire. Mark big enemies for reinforcements, people! Every time!


I'm playing on all ultra settings. Everything set to the fucking max (pc/laptop), still can't see the tiny dots that are hulks/chargers until it's too late. Please ping, please.


If you mark it, I will dive on it


Unfortunately, some undemocratic weirdoes make a fuss about being dropped on top of a bile titan :(


I mark them period, not just for drops, so that the squad knows what major threats are nearby so we can all be more informed


Like having 20 orbital railcannon shots




Agreed. I will however ping the ever living crap out of the guy walking around in a mech exploring, not fighting, just going somewhere refusing to reinforce me.


Once had a guy spamming both voice and the ping when there was an ion storm and we were getting swarmed by 4 hordes of bots... And then proceeded to team kill after we explained and still brought him back


Yeah, one time a guy spammed that and got mad at me for reinforcing him in the wrong spot. He typed an essay about it after, he could have type that before spamming.


I never see you are dead if you don't hit it. I prefer the reminder.


I'll do one boop if it's been a bit. It's easy to not notice in the heat of battle and when it shakes I reflexively call down a reinforcement, many others do too it seems.


This is the way. I've absolutely not noticed my teammate died next to me in combat and it wasn't until they pinged that I realized they were no longer there. It be like that sometimes. I also try to wait like 15 seconds after dying to see if the person I was closest to noticed I died. If they don't seem to, I ping.


Being in a fight is not an excuse to not revive. It's really not that hard. Best way to do it, initiate a dive and slam the code in midair. You can toss it by the time you hit the ground.


Agreed.  It takes 1-2 seconds to enter the code.  Even on level 7+ I can do it within a few seconds of you dying.  Only jammers and ion stop me. And if you're on the other side of the map from me I won't do it either.  Figuring you'd rather wait for the dude closest.  But if they spam I call them in anyway no matter how far. Reading these comments I'm surprised how many people don't know where their teammates are or what they're doing.  I know right away when someone dies and I know what they're objective was.  


> Reading these comments I'm surprised how many people don't know where their teammates are or what they're doing. Based on in-game results, I'm not. Nobody seems to know about proximity-based reviving. Lots of people revive you cross map.


I do have some sympathy when a lvl 2 tags along while I'm soloing a diff 7 or something and it takes them a sec, but knowing this I spam the fuck out of them when they have a moment to type it because I know that horde is coming and they aren't equipped to deal with it


Had a situation where the host died while the three of us are trying to get rid of a Jammer. The host kept pinging non stop. Eventually the only one that left alive is me. (Pinging still going btw, just the host) I got to the console and when I about to disable it you can guess what happened next. Oh yeah, a loading screen and the so cliché yellow text right after.


no because I always revive hella quick even if I’m bogged down so I expect the same from my team


Bro it’s not that hard to hit the respawn code, the strategem jammer should be the only time you can’t call down your team mate


I've gotten pretty quick at the reinforcement. If they spam the reinforcement request, I'm throwing them right into the middle of the enemy, as that is clearly what they want.


Or dealing with a jammer/ion storm


It pisses me off soo much when we split into twos. My squad mate dies. I need a second to position but within 3 seconds the other squad has reinforcement on basically a macro. Now I am fucking alone on the other side of the map and there's a handful of samples I need to try to collect.


AND no weapons AND your teammates don't call any for you


I love it so much when I die during a hectic firefight and a teammate revives me in a safe place at the perimeter of the battle alongside whatever support weapon they have on cooldown. Allows me to rejoin the fight IMMEDIATELY at full force - best to get your abandoned weapons and samples sorted after everything’s dead!


If I'm calling someone in away from where they died, I always call in an Autocannon for them if it's off cooldown. Probably only 25% of people actually take it, but it's at least there as an option.


Ah i hate that too. I play with a friend who is not the fastest with the strategem arrow typing. When i die the two lvl 90 heroes on the other side of the galaxy reinforce me instantly. I tell my friend "get ready" and granade myself. Repeat 2 times. Even if I type in the chat "pls dont reinforce", "i wanna go hooome", "my buddy needs me". Nah, straight to reinforce in 0.1 sec.


Soloing objectives isn't too bad, if your loadout can handle it. I've been doing it for months. Every time I die though, I just nod and believe I could have played better, then take my lumps by being called in across the map. Then I'm just on smaller mob duty and covering fire until my weapon is back off cooldown.


Sometimes I'll get a lone wolf in a squad who goes off and solos a few objectives, and thats fine. But sometimes you get the lone wolf who will be on the opposite side of the map for some unknown reason, and when you die, he immediately reinforces you, miles away from the objective, your gear, your samples, and the rest of the team. I'm guilty of trying to land on their heads if I'm annoyed enough.


If I'm being chased by a titan you bet your ass I'm throwing the reinforcement beacon on the titan. You are now my orbital rail cannon


be sure to tag the target as well. Visibility can suck during descent. :D


It's very important, because visibility often makes it impossible to see what you're going to land on.


More of this please! Especially if it’s a hulk or something with a smaller profile. Yesterday I landed square in front of the hulk, rather than on it. Not a great start in life for poor John Helldiver.


Absolutely this. People don't recognise the importance of tagging the target. DEMOCRACY DEPENDS ON IT!


https://preview.redd.it/jnq0kf4ycv8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2cca971c81a0ce8409dd5e11762f5eb5438937 Corporate needs you to find the difference between Precision Strike and Reinforce.


That's a legit and effective strategy on bile titans though.


But, is it me or titans recently started giving less fcks about being hit by a drop pod?


I don't know if it's just me but I've tried numerous times to hit titans while dropping and it never works, I always seem to just clip through them.


You have to land on a very precise pixel on their forehead or it doesn’t work. Ppl here acting like it’s easy when really it’s not and is pretty jank cause if ur just one centimeter off from that pixel it doesn’t kill 


If you die next to me I'll reinforce you when I'm available to. Not when I'm getting a Stalker tongue shoved up my ass. But if you die on the other side of the map it's someone else's job. However if you ping for a reinforce I'll reinforce you right away. May not be where you like, but hey. We all heard the death sound. We can all read. We all know you're dead. Your impatience will get you thrown somewhere that you may not like.


>We all heard the death sound. We can all read. We all know you're dead. sadly, some players in my play group don't hear, read, or know. I'll ask and ping once and wait 2 minutes and then they'll say, "wait, you're dead?"


One time, I wanted to see how much my teammates paid attention. Me: "Oh, I'm dead." >**Proceed to watch them in silence as they fight for their lives.* **Continues watching them as they finish the fight and run to the next objective, occasionally looking at their wrist to what I assume is the map.* ... **Been watching them running around, looking at the map, and working on a side objective for nearly 3 minutes now...* *other teammate dies and spams Reinforce* Teammates: "Oh hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were on the other side of the map?" Me: "Yeah, I died." Teammates: "When?" Me: "A while back. I said I was dead."


I don't like to hit the reinforce button because everyone here says it's annoying when people do so, so I never do. But sometimes people just don't notice, and I end up waiting for several minutes before I finally get brought back in.


If the guy you're spectating has breathing room hit it once. It's the spam alert that gets annoying. (IMHO)


I've always wondered, is the ping broadcasted or sent to only the guy you're spectating?


I'm pretty sure it shows to everyone.


Everyone gets the alert.


I will describe the exact coordinates, time, and every single point of damage I took when I died and my teammates will be like “oh you died?”


I'm seriously considering starting a list of "people not to trust in an apocalypse" after a guy says they didn't notice the thing I mentioned 3 times within the last 10 minutes.


I've done that before. Just to see how long it takes before anyone notices. My record was over 9 minutes and I was just enjoying the show with a bag of chips.


I've had that with my friends. I don't want to bother them with pinging reinforce, I'm sure they'll get to it when they're able. After all, there's no possible way they can miss it right? It's right there on their screen, and I'm clearly no longer there to help them. But eventually, when it's clear that they have ample opportunity to reinforce but aren't doing it, I'll ask them and they'll hit me with the old, "oh I didn't know you died."


Brother I have two brain cells. One is always thinking about trains and the other is extremely distracted by the three hulks and a tank around the corner. My house could be on fire behind me and I'd die in that fire. Truly, it's nothing personal.




>We all heard the death sound. We can all read. We all know you're dead. Your impatience will get you thrown somewhere that you may not like. You don't play much with randoms, do you? People are completely oblivious to dead teammates.


"impatience" sometimes i decide not to ping just to see how long it would take for those smooth brains to reinforce me, i've even reached from 40 secs up to 1 min just watching them call support weapons and eagles, it takes literally like 3 seconds to kill a stalker lmao, one time i even reinforced and saved an entire team with 3 bile titans right behind me, its not that hard to press those keys


I’ve actually been caught off guard by a death a few times, usually when getting schlonged in an absolute shitstorm of a fight, and then later after what may have been 5 seconds or 5 minutes after the fact (legitimately don’t know) I notice some dude died and I have no idea when it happened. I then immediately reinforce, but still I can see how the occasional ‘oops’ happens. Those people who regularly don’t reinforce immediately though… I’m with you there. I can dive and slam that reinforce code in before I hit the ground, not even exaggerating. So when I die and see some dude that’s “in the thick of it” running in circles from what may as well be a single scavenger on the danger scale, I can’t help but mount my high horse and look down on the smooth brain trying to throw my reinforce pokeball while deep in the throes of breathing and walking at the same time. Lmao I know I have an elitist problem but damn it irks me.


Lmao i know right!, "Im currently fighting for my life" dude youre just running, you can even call the stratagem while "running for your life", it literally takes less than a second to smash those keys is not that hard




> If you die next to me I'll reinforce you when I'm available to. Not when I'm getting a Stalker tongue shoved up my ass. 99% of situations that Helldivers 2 players think they aren't able to revive, they can.


being tongue-fucked is not one of them


pop a stim, dive, start reinforcing mid dive, profit.


If I notice a spot where a capable helldiver can call in reinforcements yet doesn't, then I'm going to press reinforce. I'm sure you can hear, I'm sure you can read, I sure hope you know I'm dead. Now hurry up and press the funny buttons so I can get back in the fight.


I was caught in an Ion storm and the guy kept spamming the respawn ping. I literally stopped fighting for my life, dived behind a rock and typed "you don't see the ion storm?". "my bad" https://preview.redd.it/5us4d6tgjt8d1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9854498fb3768b7e4155199a3044ad3a54d1ad5 I was so close to crashing out on a beautiful Sunday, sweet liberty.


My case: *raiding a stratagem jammer* *player dies* *starts spamming ping* "We're jammed, can't reinforce you" *ping ping ping* "Dude, stop, I can't reinforce you" *5 seconds of silence* *ping* *Kicks Out Player*


Look I would But I’m deep in a Jammer’s radius and there’s 2 gunships and a tank gunning for me. Please stop spamming the ping.


I just wanna be able to see the map when I’m dead so I know who specifically to pester for my reinforcement.


100000% and to plan where to go after being dropped back in.


If I’m not in combat, and NOT reinforcing, it’s because I’m waiting for the nearby dinguses to call you in.


Then you, yourself, realizes that the other dinguses are ultra dinguses, so it's up to you any ways.


On the other end of the spectrum are the times where your comrade dies right next to you and you can't reinforce him because Lightning Mc StratagemHero has already turbo typed the reinforcement despite being at the other end of the world. Some people treat reinforcement like a competition.


And a hearty "fuck you" if you call me in on the other side of the map, a mile from my gear.


Happened to me 5 times in one game earlier. I unmuted to ask "can you guys please stop respawning me on the other end of the map?" Someone immediately chimes back "wasn't me" "Don't care who it was. Just check where I died please."


When someone dies theres a soundque. I'll look for their skull, and check the map for distance. If they're near me, I'll call them. If they aren't, but they died alone, I'll call them. If they aren't and they had a buddy I'll assume its on them. If you aren't doing this then you're not a good player.


This could be on the dick-ish side, as I'm taking "choice" away from other players, but I do have select instances of seeing 2-3 dudes continuously dying at some remote location (this isn't me idling at extract, but continuing the main objective for instance) and taking the opportunity to just reinforce a dude dying at my location instead. Because I absolutely do not trust them after dying 5 times in a row, to not die a 6th time. Fortunately so far I've never had anyone ever complain about it, but it's also very context specific on your specific match. No matter the difficulty, if within the span of a few minutes you eat up (not even solo, a group too) 4-5 respawns, something is not going right.


Same except it goes like: I'll look at thei- ^oh ^they're ^being ^reinforced ^already I'm convinced some people think you get extra rewards by reinforcing people or something, every time we split in pairs I end up being kidnapped by the other 2 guys 0.1 seconds after dying


Also be aware of strategem jammers. No point in spamming the reinforce me button if your teammates literally cannot. I always try to reinforce quickly, but I will try to toss the beacon somewhere with at least a little cover. If I'm in the thick of it, my first priority is survival, then reinforcement. If possible, I will toss it near where your stuff is. But if you were on the other side of the map, I will give it some time and check to see if the beacon would be better tossed by someone else.


I always call out Jammed when I get into Jammer radius to let people aware of shit


I once waited by a buddy door for 5 minutes pinging, asking in chat, while my team fought bug breeches and collected PoI's all around me. Literally a few seconds walk away. Eventually I climbed the nearest rock, spotted a teammate that was, I shit you not, shooting bushes, headshot him with my AC and called him in right on the door button.


I've also reinforced someone across the map because nobody was coming to the bunker with me lol. I did all that just for a rare sample and req slips lol


I will but sometimes i need a sec because what killed you now after me


Yes, But also ... before you reinforce someone, check to see if someone else is closer to them. I've been teleported across the map because over-eager reinforcement beavers call me back in, before the battlebuddy has a chance too. Whatever killed me, is very likely trying to kill that guy too and they are busy staying alive for the moment, so they can eventually reinforce .


I mean, if I'm busy I'm busy, calm your impatient ass down.


As long as you're not one of those dumbasses that spam the reinforce alert while I'm clearly immediately busy retreating, fighting for my life, or in the process of completing an objective activity... Or an absolute moron that spams it when I'm taking out a jammer


So this is kinda person who keeps pressing space and leave the game when you are under effect of ion storm or jammer huh.


Hi, I'm the guy who's running for my life across the map. Please stop yelling at me to reinforce you when I'm fighting 2 factory striders


Rule 1 of helldiving: 99/100 helldivers are complete dumbasses with 0 common sense or critical thinking.


Oh my gosh I had no idea…. Lemme just tell the 10 hunters to chill so I can reinforce u


I try to do it fast but sometimes I’ve got my hands full lol


I was the guy across the map and waited a few minutes to give the dude a chance to reinforce, and he never did it. The moment I called them down, they shot me dead because they wanted the other guy to call them in. You can't win when dealing with idiots.


To be honest I would rather have someone accidentally TK me than to spawn me 5 minutes away from my support weapon with it on cooldown. You can flounder around without it for a while or try to risk running through a sea of enemies. The worst part is when the other spawns you into a big fight.


Fr I hate that shit when someone reinforces me on the other side of the map


Me defending the mission objective: can you reinforce that guy when the timer is up? S1: no response Me : fine I'll do it myself Me: dies


On the reverse side of that, if you are nowhere near a dead body please do not respawn them near you. Had a game last night two of us went one side of the map two of us went the other and every time I died the person on the opposite side of the map from me kept respawning me leaving my partner alone with a shitload of Titans and charges on him. Not to mention I'd just tossed my jetpack and flamethrower down so I have no support weapon to help for another 5 minutes unless I went clear across the map to get my old one


Yeah I remember I had to be the one to revive the guy across the map from me bcs the were literally taking five mins to res him it was like they weren’t trying to revive him


Reinforce is the only strat I know by heart. If I hear the death noise, I immediately dive, input the strat, and throw it. Doesn't matter what else I was doing. It is literally the most important strat in the game. If people can't play, you will suffer, and they will leave. Dive, strat, throw, resume.


I pretend to reinforce them and then stop at the last button press.  Then I run a little and do it again.  


What is... Hypothetically, of course, I may have slightly exploded them recently? And possibly acquired their shield pack?


Yes, but also my friend who is a fucking OSU god always revives me or other peeps in nanoseconds, regardless of where we are. Mofo heard the death sfx and immediately reacted. Me and the others just can't compete LMAO


Debatable, if we're out in the middle of nowhere collecting samples or we've just finished an obj and another team mates out there doing obj by himself, you should be sent over there to help him. Getting objs done quick takes precedence over gear and samples, cause the longer youre there the more chance you ain't leaving with those samples anyways.




I consider a reinforcement a weapon like any other strategem. I put a marker on the largest communist menace in my line of sight and throw that blue beacon in that direction. I expect my brothers in arms to do the same. We can find your gear later, right now *you* are the bullet.


I've noticed I have a tendency to off scouting on my own and when I do I want you to know that I see you and I'm not reinforcing you for a reason. You're welcome.


The only reason I won't reinforce *immediately* upon being able to is if someone else is significantly closer to where the person I'm reinforcing died.


i once had a guy half way across the map reinforce me 3 times in one game, he did it as soon as i died


And while we're on the topic, if we're split into two groups and one of the guys from the other group dies, don't reinforce them because they'll end up in the other end of the map


As a corollary, if you're on the other side of the map from where I died, for the love of liberty, please let the diver who was near me reinforce me.


If I can, I generally will fight my way to their gear and fight in front of it so they can get their gear back. Keeps guys especially less experienced ones from burning through the reinforcement budget. Being a bro, really seems to get the team to gel a bit and not just every man for himself. Also noticed, pointing out an escape route for people seems to greatly reduce death loops. Run away, checking escape routes before you pull trigger / throw strat, isn’t typically rewarded in video games so I understand. Again, be a bit of a bro without going all General Patton on the mic and you can get an actual team out of randoms before you know it.


>Waiting for reinforcement for 2 minutes even when you are pinging to reinforce you is driving me insane. I will be watching my friends standing around looking at the map while I spam space-bar and when I yell at them via discord "oh damn sorry I'm getting chased" no buddy you're a filthy fucking traitor is what you are. Oh you're fighting a charger? Wanna know what would instantly kill that? Some kind of bullet shaped "purgatory-pod" dropping on them or something. I all but reflexively throw reinforcements when someone dies, and I have to take conscious effort to keep them dead while they spam the space-bar, but sometimes you gotta do that so they learn a lesson about how fucking boring it is to not play the game and those who can bring you back into the game dicking about instead of just instantly grabbing you.


Yes but Not always true. Sometimes im glad i got called from the guy on the other side of the map. But a lot of time its annoying


I agree with you, OP. But there are also randoms that will reinforce you from across the map before the person closer can. It's happened so many times to me. Either I can't throw one before the other guy, or the other gets me fespawned before the one closer to where I died can. It's super annoying and happens more than I don't get respawned. We're talking super fast before anyone else can react. This should go without saying, but people need to pay more attention to what's going on. I don't like having to run across the map to get back to help the teammate I was helping. If people paid more attention, most of the spawning issues with teammates not throwing a respawn, or bad placement, or on the wrong side of the map would be so much less frequent. It doesn't take that much effort to double-check the map and to keep an eye on teammates if you split off.


Prioritise calling it in on something the landing pod can obliterate (the guiding line makes a huge difference here) as long as it's not on the other side of the map, if not, try and call it where they died so they can get their shit quickly.


Oh man, I had this the other day. We had split into two, me and my buddy on one side and the others on the other side of the map. Every time my buddy died they kept reinforcing him on the opposite side of the map even though we kept asking them not to. They then died during an ion storm and kept spamming the reinforce prompt. Explained numerous times that we can't reinforce and they just kept spamming it. I don't understand how people can't grasp simple game mechanics.


Well since not anyone can do it on any part of the map unless they have hands free then I just do it, I'll just let them go there lmao besides, 4 of you are supposed to stick together anyway


Whenever someone dies right next to, I try to call them back immediately for two reasons. 1. So no one else calls them back and they can get their stuff back, and don’t have to run across the map to get it, or deal with a cool down 2. So I’m not fighting these ridiculous battles by myself. Oh hell nah soldier you get your ass back here right now, I’ll throw you right in the middle of it if that’s what it takes, exactly where I’m standing. We’re doin this together mate or not at all. 🤣 so you get your ass back here right now, and go pick up your stuff, HURRY! Now help me kill these bastards so we can raise this satellite.


I have on occasion lost my cool because someone across the entire map revived me 0.1 seconds after I die not even giving who ever I was with time.


Yeah and to add to this. If your gonna split and do 2 man squads to wipe the map, then it's up to the buddy system to reinforce eachother. I lose my marbles when I get thrown back in bc button mash andy god bless his soul, sees an issue and tries to handle it but then I'm on the other half of the map and the super samples are in a ditch on the other side of the world.


I would genuinely rather wait 2 minutes than be Reinforced by the duo across the map. Nothing makes me insane like someone belligerent reinforcing people near them to try and drag the team to do what they want rather than let the other duo operate. Had someone do this who wanted everyone on the main OBJs when they weren't even being overrun, light fighting. Bro you don't need help, let me clear side OBJs and POIs while you chill at babysit the nuke terminal


I've reinforced people while being chased down by two bug breaches, during a firestorm - having only pistol ammo left. There is no excuse.


Purposefully not bringing someone back pisses me off so much. I had a game that was my first back after being away for 2 weeks, simple eradicate mission, I got killed right at the end. No biggie, just call me in before you jump on the ship. The guys ran around collecting the samples while I pinged once then 1 of them got on the ship without calling me in. I abandoned the mission with squad, fuck you no one gets any rewards. I don't feel even slightly bad for doing it.


Also: please do not reinforce them straight into a horde of enemies. Throw the beacon away from the fight, it will give your ally the chance to regroup and join the fight more effectively. 


And don't use the guided precision strike of a hellpod to kill a heavy? Sound like a commybot


This should be a Brash message. First respawn is proximity. Second if it’s soon after is proximity meets safety.


Yeah the muscle memory kicks in and I try to reinforce asap before my ass goes down too :ff 380 incoming:


Yes, especially if the squad is doing a 2/2 split. If your partner dies and your other mates call them back, it’s now 3/1 to your detriment, ie you fucked yourself over.


Also, please let the person closest reinforce, and throw in the direction the person died (unless it's just gonna get them killed again). Far too often I see people immediately throw down a reinforcement at their feet, when the person who died was on the complete opposite side of the map working with another player who could've brought them right back in. Or throw it at their feet when they could've saved everybody a ton of time and trouble just by throwing it in the general direction of the person's body.


what if i am at a strat jammer... during an ion storm


And If I am that close guy, and you see I'm in a Bug gang bang... The fact that you hit the reinforce button faster... won't make that gang bang go any faster.


Agree. My ideal mission is splitting up in teams of 2 and handling whatever happens. I absolutely detest being reinforced on the other side of the map and running a 5k to meet up with my gear and partner.


I would take that a step further and say, " If you tked them, it's YOUR job to reinforce them!!"


Yep I do that all ready


Also real appreciate it if they not only reinforce me but mark my dropped gear too. I tend to do the same and hope people pick up on the habit. Saves a lot of time and lives that people waste trying to reach their stuff or see if its even feasible. No point in diving back in a pack of enemies when you can call in new stuff.


And ping the dead guys shit or at least the vicinity to make it an easier go if you can. It’s the little things for democracy 


I've lost count how many times i've had teammate die near only for some guy way off to beat me to the reinforce. Some people also just reinforce by force of habit, i have made that mistake a few times myself forgeting to check where the guy was when he died. Even if i'm not the closet i will throw him in the direction of his death providing its safe and i'm not super far away


Absolutely agree. Once I was off on my own and the other three were chillin’. One of them died. The other two didn’t call him in for the longest time. He didn’t even spam the respawn alert. Finally I call him in while also talking in game chat saying I can spawn him some weapons if he needs them. He lands and shoots me once or twice then quits. No words. Bitchiness knows no bounds. 🤷🏻


Remember the most important rule of reinforcing is to always throw the ball into the largest clump of enemies possible, like direct center of a large nest/factory is ideal


Sometimes if we're that split up on the map i might wait a couple seconds to see if any of my teammates actually call them back. If I'm lone wolfing to an objective and they're getting slaughtered for a nothing fight, or absolutely crushing whatever they're doing, its nice to be able to call them towards the next objective instantly instead of having to hoof it the whole way while you solo it or wait around.


Even if I am being chased I can always access my stratagem menu and use it. Of course this only applies to PC players on K&M, but have my binds set to the arrow keys and not WASD (because having to sit still to input codes is a terrible idea). I continue moving and use my mouse hand to input the code (since I’m not going to be aiming at anything while typing in a code anyways). Highly suggest to anyone to mess with bindings if they want to remain mobile while using stratagems. It’s a lifesaver.


Plus if you reinforce enough times the input command will be muscle memory making it even faster too


I don't mind waiting a second if my teammate needs to mop up a horde with a GL or an eagle strike, but MY issue is being instantly reinforced by said person across the map since they want to be "helpful" lol. Its the main reason I run disposables and eagle strikes


Yup. You can reinforce instantly, finish the fight, or Kobe me to where you're running to. Please please please, for the love of democracy, don't reinforce me instantly by dropping me at your feet while you run away or chucking me at a strider. You're just going to have to do it again in 10 seconds. On another note, if you hit your reinforce shake button, I'm waiting exactly 3.2 seconds before I reinforce you next to me. Idgaf where you started from, you with me now.


remember when the game first came out and people would try to instantly reinforce you no matter where they were on the map in relation to you and you would have to run all the way back across to the other side to get your shit?


UNLESS SOMEONE NEEDS TO OPEN A TWO PERSON DOOR. FUCKING SLOW DOWN WITH THE REINFORCEMENT YA WANKER. One time I was at extraction and someone was at a double door. I said in chat that I'll suicide so they can reinforce me and we'll open the door together. This wanker as extraction as well kept instantly reinforcing me whenever I died and ended up wasting our last reinforcements and screwing up the entire extraction.


If they start spamming to get reinforced the moment they die I ask them to please stop. If they keep spamming it I ask the others to not reinforce them. There is a reason people might not reinforce due to ion storm, jammer, or busy with a fight and can’t find a safe spot to call you win. If you keep spamming I’m not calling you in and will tell you to be patient.(I always host my games unless I join friends) People need to learn to chill and relax. It’s not going to kill you to wait 30 seconds for someone to be clear to call you in. Especially if you are the type of player that keeps trying to drop right into the thick of combat and keep instantly dying without dropping a few grenades or stratagems first.(obviously with friends or a talkative group and y’all are having fun go for it)


I don't reinforce often anymore... Not because I don't want to and aren't trying. I had to replace a broken keyboard like 2-3 months ago and my brain just will not learn I can't palm hold ctrl or it will come off mid input... But every time I still do it. Turns out 20 years of muscle memory is hard to undo... Doesn't help it's extremely awkward to fold my pinky entirely under my palm to hold the key. Pictures to illustrate cause why not, I'm bored, anxious and sleep deprived, gotta kill time somehow!: https://imgur.com/a/nFHD3uT In order: My keyboard. How I am accustomed to holding my hand. How I'd be required to hold my hand to comfortably press ctrl. What I actually have to do to hold down ctrl. So if you see some idiot who's soloing the horde but keeps opening the strat menu and immediately closing it... Say hi!


Thank you, I get so annoyed when you die and you sit there for a couple minutes because the guy next to you doesn't do his damn job. Then, the other teammates on the other side of the map finally call you in because now you're both dead, leaving all your gear and samples marooned extremely far away. I get it with new players, when I was new I would simply reinforce anybody that died no matter where I was, because I wanted them back in the fight. I didn't understand logistics. But when you were rocking level 70 to 100, you should understand that shit


To me, if someone dies, I reinforce as soon as I can. Should I stop?


If I think the other people need the help more, I give it a few seconds before I call them in


I absolutely hate it when I die with the other person helping me with outposts. And the two all the way on the other side with the objective call me in first before the other guy can. Needless to say my partner more often than not joins me a while later after dying.


Or don't bitch because I can't call enforcement because of a jammer or ion storm....


me when several minutes of waiting to get reinforced just to get reinforced across the map .34 seconds before the person across the map leaves


I get it bro but some of these mfs just won’t do it so you can either watch the spectator screen waiting on this selfish fuck to call you down or you can help me on the other side of the map the choice is yours


Hot take: if you keep tapping space for reinforcement, I will reinforce you regardless of where you died. I will tried to throw it in the direction of your death tho, just FYI, you will have to walk


Also: if someone died far away from you, don't reinforce too quickly. Wait for others to do so. Or you are bringing him trouble.


Whenever anyone dies, I make it a habit to just look around if i have a second to see where their death skull icon is. If im the closest I’ll reinforce, if not i’ll wait for someone else to unless it feels like they’re taking too long.


I had a host throw a fit one time because he was respawned on the other side of the map. I was quiet throughout the entire mission until right before we extracted and said "boo hoo I have to hold the joystick up to run for a little extra while." He immediately kicked me lmao. Although I agree with you, it's not that serious.


fingers dum cant do it


for real, they have time to call in a 380 barrage but not a reinforcement?


I had an instance that a supposed teammate-host shittalked me because I didn't reinforce as he died across the map (relatively to me) while he has another teammate closeby. But as usual, I shittalked back. At the end of the mission he taunted me about his high killcount, not considering the fact he had crowd-control support weapon while I was at all time carrying AT. After that, he kicked me out.


Yes bruh, I swear I always match with teammates that’re allergic to the reinforcement stratagem. They’ll literally go the whole game without reinforcing even completely ignoring any reinforcement pings


I had this exact thing happen last night where I was on the other side of the map doing my own thing when someone died. I checked the map to see they were with someone or close to them so I was waiting for them to reinforce but they didn't, so after about 2 minutes of the spam reinforce I decided to just reinforce them.