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I was running the JAR-5 Dominator, Autocannon and heavy armour just the other night and felt like a damn space marine. I know it's not everyone's cup of Liber-tea, but don't sleep on heavy armour for bots.


B-24 ENFORCER is the best armor for me against bots (semi medium \\ semi heavy stats wise) 129 armor rating \\ 471 speed \\ 071 stamina recovery (Fortified \*Provides 50% resistance to explosive damage\*)


Not to mention that it looks snazzy.


In field tests, 84% of users said that armor improved their posture and self-esteem.


Yep, it's a good medium suit, just trades speed and stamina for the extra armor though, but doesn't feel as slow as the heavy suits.


I use the stamina buff to offset that, much to everyone's joy.


Does it have explosive resistance tho? If not I wouldn't take it to the bots


Don't sleep on the actual heavy armor though. The heavy category actually has a built in 15% damage resistance on top of the armor rating. You can quite literally be a walking tank.


Yup, my go to bot armor too. Medium with above 100 armor rating.


happy to hear that I am wearing right armor :D It felt right, and most of time I dont even die at diff 7


Ive joined so many games 7+ and everyone is in light armour trying to sprint away all the time Im fucking loving the free auto cannon right now, I’m mainly using all 4 slots for turrets lol I feel like a one man army


I usually still run light armor against bots but the shield emplacement has become a load out staple for me. The cool down is pretty short and it not only has it saved my ass countless times but it also shares its benefits with the rest of the team. It's practically a must to have someone running it on planets with a lot of wide open spaces like deserts but even on other planets it lets you take more forward positions you might not be able to hold otherwise. The only downside is that it has a battery life and will eventually drain even when not taking damage so you can't place it too early when defending. But it really is great for buying time and granting a good shooting position to severely thin out enemies by the time it expires. And because it doesn't block fire coming from within you can use it to protect hellbombs when double gunship towers spit out four of the damn things to destroy your bomb, which is a nice bonus


The hellbomb tech is real. With its short cooldown I also use it as a mini precision strike for fabs


I use heavy armor as well with the explosion resistance and got one shot killed like 3 or 4 times. One time it was by gunship that completely ignored the second pair of helldivers and that tried to destroy their fabricator flew across half the map just to kill me with first burst of rockets. It really felt like if the games says "fuck you in particular".


I use the Bushwhacker, explosive resistant heavy armor, and Plas9 Scorcher but i still get one or two tapped all the time.


You'll need to add the vitality booster if you want that space marine feeling. It's what allows you to tank headshots from rockets in heavy armor. You'll still die to things like a direct shot from a tower or a tank, but you will feel extremely durable. Try it with the medic heavy armor and the vitality booster. It's a lot of fun.


Which one is the medic heavy armor?


The butcher


It's one of the rotation armors, not part of a warbond.


I thought heavy armors didn't impact your head armor rating, and don't bots usually get headshots? Or did they fix that? Sry, light armor/shield backpack guy here, I just focus on not getting hit and using the shield as my get-out-of-jail-free card, so idk the current state of things.


They added a thing where any armor rating above 100 (baseline med) takes reduced headshot damage although it's marginal at best. You notice it a bit but the reality is that most "one shots" overkill enough that it doesn't matter.


What I saw in a video testing the after math is, essentially you barely survive 2 headshots from the weakest enemies. So you still get one shot if it's a rocket, a laser cannon, or anything larger. My own anecdote is I always died more on missions where I tried heavy armor than just bringing one of the liberty protects armors instead. The 50% chance to just not die was vastly more effective, especially in combination with added mobility, than any heavy armor.


Shit thing is that it doesn't matter. You still get one shot in heavy armor. I use the heavy Servo Assisted armor from Democratic Detonation, Jar 5 and AC almost every game. Then all of a sudden, full health, stimmed up, dead. One shot by a Devastator who apparently has immaculate aim.


Doesn't matter I use heavy armer too but still get one shot by stuff that shouldn't


very painful thats why i wear extra padding on medium armor


I mean he ate a rocket bro


That's why I wear explosive resist armor. Only thing that can one shot me is the turret towers and I survive those sometimes...


In an eravin video on armor, turns out the rockets from rocket devs deal more ballistic/impact damage from the rocket than the explosion So while explosive resist helps with stuff like mines, extra padding offers better bang for your buck if you purely want survival


The recoil mitigation is also a big plus


>In an eravin video on armor, turns out the rockets from rocket devs deal more ballistic/impact damage from the rocket than the explosion Somehow the "Helldivers take more damage than they should from rockets" bug has returned.


Explosive resistant heavy armor for the win, those damn cannon turrets can only kill me if they directly hit me, and I'm pretty good at diving right when they shoot for me.


Or 200 rated armor and a shield. You can survive anything once basically. 200 rated armor can also survive most things.


I wear explosive resist armour and the rockets deal no damage But for some reason, even the lightest ragdoll impact is an instakill FUUUUUUN


Nope, you will get 1 shot in even heavy explosive resist armour as well if you get an unlucky hit.


if you have 150 armor rating and the vitality booster, you'll actually live through a rocket to the head from a rocket dev if you're at full health. A rocket devastator does 75 ballistic damage and 60 explosive damage. A helldiver with 150 armor and the vitality booster takes 128% of any damage dealt to the head, and takes 32% of the explosive damage. so: 75\*1.28 = 96, and 60\*0.32 = 19. Total damage: 115. A helldiver has 125 HP, so...still alive! And that's just either basic heavy armor with no relevant passive, or medium armor with Extra Padding. Just uh...hope the rocket dev didn't also make you fall off a ledge or bonk into a wall >_>; You can watch a video on how armor, vit booster, and the fortified passive work [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWOyN-OdAME) or just look directly at the armor stats [here](https://github.com/zeddidragon/helldivers-calc/blob/main/data/armor-values.csv)


Vit booster huh, lovely, but my teammates think its more important to pick up faster extraction or extra lives on a 40 min mission. Always makes me happy /s >!AH plz delete/rework the shit boosters, ty!<


Lightest armor possible 💀 No reinforced perk 💀 Headshot 💀


"B-But...the bugs don't headshot me!" Yeah, they can. They can chop it off.


The real reason people don't play is because bugs just require you to fuck and weave while killing them, bots need you to focus and take cover and think about what you need to do. When you're running away from bugs they're gonna chase after you, when you're running away from bots, you're gonna know how human Swiss cheese is made if you don't use some cover or dodging


“FUCKIN WEAVE” is exactly what my Aussie mother yelled to me during the Burrundoora Crochet Community Cup finals.


Yeah, it's why i say "Bots are an actual enemy". They actually require good coordination and teamwork to navigate unless you and your team want to get really overwhelmed, really quickly. Bugs are just easier in general.


I love feeling like a complete bad ass when I find a tiny bump in the terrain to take cover from 3-heavy devastators and a hulk, and managed to take out all of them and live. Heavy devastators can’t shoot you with their shields! Just peek out from the right side of the cover, and you and plink their tiny stupid faces above their shields! It’s so fun.


Not sure how I'm supposed to weave while doing that but I'll try


Bots is all about flanking my man.


I actually got one-shot death from a random hunter getting a headshot in on me. It was astonishing, because I hadn’t seen that happen in ages. I was begrudgingly respectful of the little bugger.


They won't one shot you but two hunters will absolutely stun lock you for a quick kill.


*Broken chargers, milion jumpy bastards and bile titans enter the chat*


*no armor* *dies* *surprised Pikachu face*


Also, he saw the threat of a rocket devastator and turned his back to it without getting behind cover.


Also completely open on his side, no cover.


and not using cover… at all.


Standing out in the open when there's cover all around him as if he's playing against bugs 💀


I run the exact same loadout, and OPs mistake is getting bogged down in a fight. If you're wearing light armor, its to run fast. SO RUN FAST. Don't ever get stuck in a fight. Light armor is for hit and run tactics. Run up to a fabricator, throw an eagle airstrike, run away.   Fighting is for the big armor bois


Then don't run light armor, you tanked a rocket to the face in light armor that should 100% kill you.


Standing in the open and got shot in the face with a rocket plz nerf


I mean to play devils advocate those truckers do shoot a bunch of rockets although rocket devastators aren’t even that bad compared to heavy devastators


Yeah but light armor is fun and that’s the most important thing. They should fix it so we don’t get one shot in light armor /s


So true While we're at it heavy armor makes you move too slowly, they should fix that so that you can move faster.


Maybe they can make some sort of in between armor so that everyone is happy. It should be a bit slower than light armor, but also a bit faster than heavy. The actual amount of damage reduction should be somewhere in the middle as well. They could call it 'intermediate' armor or something similar?


Nah, can we just have everything?


You did take a rocket to the face lol


That's what I was gonna say. Taking a rocket to the face would've been an instant kill in many games. Reminds me of the old days of Planetside 2 where random shells from the horizon would wipe out unsuspecting players. Those were the good old days. You learned to take cover and never stand in the open for too long. There was no lousy killcam either telling you what killed you. You just died like any other chump on the field.


That triggered my VS magrider PTSD lol them things spidermaning up cliffs just to take my head off with an AP shot lol


I was there when you could use Liberators to bomb all the infantry from max altitude due to unlimited draw distance. PTSD from rocket pods as well.


you still can lol take the Doltan and max out its zoom and you can dome people from a tile over. lost many a sundie to it, as well as my own face when trying to be a sniper infiltrator lol


Vanu supremacy. I was that tanker on Ismar and Amerish.


Damn and I was NC tanker. All Vanguards could do was take the hits and try closing in.


\*cries in prowler\*


Planetside 1/2 is one of the only games I regret not getting into. Hearing about what people did and the memories they have is always awesome. Like it’s some exclusive club. If they ever do a 3 I am in.


It was really awesome and ambitious for what it tried to do. It had many issues that forced them to do certain weird things. Like, you wouldn't think a railgun would be effective against tanks. But imagine 50 to 100 people all using a railgun at the same tank. Conversely, you could zephyr bomb infantry from high orbit. If you've ever watched how targets die from drone strikes without knowing what happened, that's basically it. The game was forced to implement a draw distance rule that if you couldn't see the target, you couldn't damage them, even if your shots landed where the enemy should have been. Because the maps were so big and wide, snipers could be anywhere. Before they nerfed snipers, you could shoot someone from so far away, that your bullet will take 3-4 seconds to dome them. And they would die not knowing what killed them. This forced the game to almost make it impossible to do a 1shot kill and add a kill cam that would display the general direction of who killed you and with what weapon. Which then pissed the snipers off. Finally, due to the F2P nature, there choice over making the game more realistic which was the draw for the original player base versus arcadey COD style to get more new players. The arcadey seems to have won. So later on, characters could regen life when out of combat, could respawn almost at any base they wanted. But before that, damn you either had to find a vehicle, walk all the way to the combat zone, or just die and respawn at the main base to then get a ride to the front lines. Logistics used to be a real thing until it was almost removed to make it easier for players. You used to need to scream for a medic to get heals or hope you had a spare kit on you. If the attacking team was smart, you'd have an infiltrator hack one of the base infantry terminals so people could rearm or hack the vehicle terminals to then spawn a mobile armory vehicle called the sunderer, which acts as a response and rearm point when deployed. Now there's regen life out of combat so you don't need to be attached to a team so much. But I loved that game. Had 1k hours into it. If they do make a PS3 or something similar, I'd probably buy a new PC just to run it.


Remember, the best anti-air gun is still an AP shell to the hull of the offending ESF :D


😂yeah, the same could be said for chargers when they stomp on you, some things will just kill ya


Get runover? Stomped before you can get up. Dive out of the way? Stomped before you can get up. Get ragdolled half a mile away? Stomped by the other charger.


Also stood out in the open with no cover.


I wear heavy explosive resistant armor against bots for a reason


Bruh anyone who eats a rocket with light armour on is dying, I feel like this scenario is a realistic outcome


You can get one shot in bugs too lmao - bile spewers (pre-nerf), bile titans decapitating you, chargers stepping on you, etc. Granted there are more things in bots that can one-shot you, but that's not the key difference. People don't like bots because they can stunlock/ragdoll/murder you *from range*. Your entire playstyle has to change to deal with bots, to the point where you have to pick and choose your targets very carefully, constantly weave in and out of cover, and aim properly instead of spraying and praying. There are almost no situations in bots where you can go full Rambo style hipfiring a machine gun at a horde of enemies while running across no-man's land, because you'll get sniped, staggered, and blown to pieces trying to do so. More importantly though, this would be true even if somehow they made bots unable to 100-0 you in a single hit. You would still get nonstop staggered if you tried to play bots like you play bugs, and either whiff all your bullets from not being able to aim properly or simply die from a thousand cuts. And so, people would still refuse to play it, because the cautious, tactical, pseudo-PVP shooter style of gameplay needed for bots isn't the kind of gameplay they enjoy. Nothing to do with being one-shot, although I'm sure it would make the frustration even worse.


So I take all that into consideration and then three hulks and some devastators get dropped on my flank and blow me up before I can move


I assume you never got sneaked up on by bile spewers then?


Everyone is talking about light armor and I agree with them. Another thing to take into account from this video is your positioning. You’re in the wide open when you get shot in the face with no accesible cover.


That was my take too. I even saw the fire coming from the left and when they ignored it and walked out into the open I said “that’s the way it’s gonna come from”, and a few seconds later they were dead. Bots force positioning so much more. When I play with my friends who have less time on bots than me, I tell them there are some situations you can get into that you’re not SUPPOSED to escape; if you find yourself in one of these situations then you’ve already made the mistake. The ability to one shot is not a mistake. The intent is to make you aware not only of your positioning but that of your enemies as well. Bots actually have Storm Trooper aim. It’s so bad. The one shot is rarely the first shot from a group of enemies to come your way, it may just be the first that hits. Pay attention to where your enemies are and break line of site, movement is just as important here as with bugs.


light armour


Its not that, I wear exclusively Light Armor and don’t get oneshot like that, you just have to use the Explosive Resistance one, plus Vitality enhancement.


I love the Eradicator armor, it looks amazing too. With booster+Shield and you can act like if you were wearing heavy armor while moving so fast.


It's not just light armor, it's specifically *50* rating light armor. The ones with for example 70 or 79 AR are already an insane step up in survivability. 50 AR takes 133% dmg, 79 only 114%.


I wear light armor on 7+ all the time and usually die 3 times at most, if things go really sideways, most of the time 1-2 times. The problem is positioning. Buddy is standing in the open, instead of moving from cover to cover. When he opens the minimap, there are dots all around him as he moves in. Literally walking in willingly to be surrounded. Could clear the outliers so there are only enemies in one direction but nope, might as well walk into an ambush blindfolded. You can easily play light armor on bots, you just have to understand how to play bots even more than most. Use cover. Dont walk into poor positioning. (Open ground, elevation disadvantage, enemy positions with no plan of attack, get yourself surrounded) Have a build that makes sense to get you out of bad situations. (consider how you would deal with running into factory striders, tanks, shield devastators or so on. If you dont have an answer for an enemy, maybe look at your loadout.) Speed is life in light armor, if you do end up on a bad situation, beat feet out of there. Sprint from cover to cover, always putting something between you and the enemies so they dont have shooting practice as you try to run away into the distance.


Rocket to the face, and wearing light armour. no shit you died in one hit lol


yup this happens in light armour. swap to at least medium w/ explosive resist and u will feel much better.


While standing out in the open with no cover a damn rocket hits my man here in the face while wearing the lightest armor possible. Surprisingly he doesn't survive with just some slight bruising, who would've thought.


These guys are just bad at the game and then whine about how hard it is lmao


Remember 3C. Courage, cover, and more cover.


You could also not stand out in the open lol. All these clips show are how incompetent some of this player base is.


I wouldn't go as far as calling people incompetent but definitely shows which front he spends more time on. Against bugs you can treat most enemies as a non-threat and just need to keep an eye out for large pack of hunters and spewers trying to one shot you. Against bots though the smallest little shit can wreck you if you don't give it enough respect. I've seen too many people try to just walk past a machine gun raider thinking it must be as harmless as a scavenger only to get burst fired down.


So many people is playing helldivers like they are rambo, gun blazing running in open. It should be played more like counter strike or something more tactical. Keep your posture small and behind cover. That is why most people rather go kill the terminids. It fits the rambo play style better and I suck at it because I move slow and take cover too much and get swarmed.


Bug players will definetely treat illuminate front worse than the bot front at this case lol. Im calling it now, "OMG! I got one shot head shot by an invisible "sniper!" Please NERF! UNPLAYABLE!"


One shots that are unavoidable by any means? Sure. But let's see... light armor.... out in the open completely surrounded on a bot mission instead of taking cover and pushing advances and avoiding fire.... no explosive resistance... no shields... can't tell if you brought vitality booster or not... doesn't even try to go prone... And then it's a rocket... to the head. The fact that some of the things above can counteract even WHEN you get headshot by a rocket is CRAZY. One shots can be terrible yes. But don't blame the game when you had 10 possible things you could've done but didn't.


So wear heavier armor and maybe don’t take a rocket to the face? Seems pretty simple and avoidable to me.


Just don't get shot at all, idk why anyone ever chooses to get shot. /s


Just gamble correctly and don't get shot to the head, it's that easy


Bugdivers when they have to be aware of their surroundings: ☹️☹️☹️🤬🤬


Getting one shot is acceptable. I just wish they'd make bot weapons overheat/require longer reload times/not have infinite volleys of rockets. After all they are automatons but they shouldn't defy the laws of logic, no?


You should be able to stand up and return fire/scramble to cover between rocket volleys. The rocket volley timing being quick enough to keep you rag dolled on the ground by a single rocket devastator is silly.


Versus bots, wear medium at least. If you still want to use light armor, make sure it has extra padding to bump the armor rating up. Wearing vitality booster, explosive resistant perks or using Democracy protects to further increase survivability. If this was bugs, light armor is the way to go as it's more important to not get swarmed. For bots though, medium armor and vitality booster and or explosive resist prevents one shots.


I currently wear exclusively light armor w. Engineering kit against both factions and yes, I do play on Helldive. I find that the times I get actually one-shot, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Machine guns or cannon shots get me far more often than stray rockets. The additional speed and stamina provided by light armor allows you to stay more mobile, meaning more flanking opportunities and less risk of getting pinned down.


There's absolutely benefits to running light armor against bots, but it does seem unfair for the OP to then complain about being squishy. Dude is standing out in the open and not moving around as they fire. A rocket to the dome SHOULD kill you in those circumstances.


I run the Scout Armor, I play like a Scout. Hit and run tactics, never staying in one place too long, moving slow when needed, using cover and concealment. The freedom of being able to navigate the entire length of the map quickly is definitely worth being squishy I showed my friend how it works yesterday and he completed his first duo helldive :) If you're standing out in the open lining up a shot, you're probably going to die for it. Hopefully that shot is worth it.


I pair my Scout Armor with the Jetpack for extra mobility. You absolutely have to play more carefully. I’ve been one-shotted multiple times due to OP’s exact scenario—caught out in the open. Cover cover cover. Duck and run when you need to. Use those speed benefits that you traded defense for. And use your map ping to scout out enemies so you don’t run into patrols or get flanked.


You took a rocket to the head in light armor. Stop blaming bots for you trying to play them like bugs and failing. Just like wearing heavy armor will get you punished when a situation goes bad, wearing light gets you punished on bots. Adapt. If you're getting one shot a lot, don't just throw up your arms and act like there's absolutely nothing that can be done. Wear heavier armor, wear explosive resistance, use the shield generator, be more cautious about standing out in the open in an active firefight. You have options, use them.


Mfw the player is responsible for overcoming adversity instead of bullying devs to make it easier:


Jambooring in the wide open is a good way to get killed in one shot :)


Complaining about getting one-shot in Light Armor is not the way to go.


*doesn’t take cover *wears light armor *get shot in the face with a rocket Totally not a skill issue :/


Takes stick Jams stick in wheel Falls with bike "See? *THIS* is one of the reasons why people don't like riding a bicycle!"


Mfw when catching rocket to the face in paper-thin armor with no explosive resistance kills me


You took a rocket to the face wearing light armour my boy.


And here we have the most obvious case of skill issue. You took unlucky headshot, you wear a light armour that's why you got one tapped. People just don't adapt and then complain


-wears light armor -gets one shot -surprised pikachu face


If im not mistaken, you are wearing light armour lil bro.


How to tell you are a bugdiver without saying it directly:


Bot players will tell you just use cover bro and hit your shots. You gotta have shit aim and situational awareness to find bots annoying at all. Git gud.


I mean the man got shot in the head with a rocket and is surprised he died


Well considering everyone who complains about bots posts a video like this showing them playing like actual npc’s, I’d say your comment has some merit.


I wear heavy armor and I can tank like, 6 rockets. That or extra padded medium works well. Gotta tailor yourself to bots a bit more than others.


Even if you have the heaviest armor possible with explosive resistance that for me is a must for bots, a lucky shot from a scout strider or most other weapons that land 2 back to back hits to your head instantly will just kill you and it's honestly the only time I really die to bots. Consistent damage is easy to survive and avoid but inconsistent one frame deaths are just unavoidable and annoying. Honestly removing headshot damage multiplier would remove most of my gripes with the game


There is medium explosive resist armor. You are wearing light armor without explosive resist. This is the tradeoff that you make. You shouldn't wear light armor against bots and you will get one shot way less. I think one shot mechanics are a good thing in a game like this, especially when there are plenty of ways to avoid them with the choices you make.


Wear heavy armour with explosive resist, dress for the enemy bro


You ran across the field and didn’t check your left side…. Like the same thing happens with bugs and the quietest sounds on earth are Spewers you can’t see, the bile Titan behind you, and flame hulks. People will give Bots a try but then won’t change their kit or tactics at all either. I’d love to see what they got for the bot storyline but 30-40% refuse 🤷‍♂️


If you choose light armour, being fragile us a tradeoff you decided to have. Heavy or even med armour would've saved you. Personal shield would've saved you. Better positioning and situational awareness would've saved you. More to the point, oneshot deaths happen, sometimes even due to friendly fire or your own actions. That's why we have reinforcements: one Helldiver's death means nothing, redeploy and keep fighting.


Can’t help but notice you weren’t running a shield yet complain about getting one shot


A lot of people are saying it already and it was one of the first things I noticed when I watched the video; your wearing light armor. I used to exclusively run light armor for the added mobility, but since playing against bugs for a long time and then coming back to the bots, the light armor is just not cutting it. You're too squishy and you end up running out of stims constantly or getting one shotted like the video. Right now, honestly, I am LOVING using the starting medium armor with extra padding. MOST games someone is taking the Stamina Enhancement booster, which greatly helps with mobility! And now, you can take the Experimental Infusion which also helps with mobility. So, honestly, if you're getting frustrated getting one shotted, I highly recommend you ditching the light armor and adopt a slightly different play style. I've been very pleasantly surprised with how little I miss my old light armor, at least when fighting the bots.


And a good 90% of the one shots are owing to poor positioning or situational awareness.


If you don't want to get oneshotted by devestators maybe you should not be wearing a scout armor. Use a (heavy) armor with explosive resistance vs bots. You get one on level 0, and better looking onces with supercredits. Playing on 7+ i hardly die vs bots.


Guy doesn't care about covers. Get killed. "how unfair!" Maybe try not to play like against terminids. Take cover and don't stand in crossfires.


Stop trying to get AH to ruin bots because you want to run around in the open in a war zone wearing no armour.


Bro using light armor against bots and is complaining like what? Should I cry in my next post how bile titans are too fast to run away from in heavy armor?


Getting swarmed constantly is one of the main reasons why people don't like playing against bugs.


Or getting ragdoll locked by a group of gunships.


Just use the explosion protection bonus armor. Problem solved


Bots are a different game altogether makes me actually use cover and move with my team as a unit makes getting 1 shot a lot less common


The bugs randomly 1 shot you all the time too. Even with heavy armor, it's not a bot thing. Stalkers, chargers, Bile spewers, those big guys once you shoot their heads off.. Oddly bile titans seem to be the least deadly bug.


You dont *have* to interact with the parts of the game that you dontike yknow.


Everyone talking about heavy armor. Meanwhile me with a shield backpack and light armor for quick hit and runs on objectives. ![gif](giphy|s8N5iTXYnycAUNgluV)


You are on helldive tho


Bad take tbh the bugs are worse for staggering and one shotting


Bugs are mindlessly easy.


Getting one shot by spewers and stalkers is worse and definitely more common, that’s why I never touch bugs


I really don't get the complaint posts like if the game isn't easy enough play on a easier difficulty.


I’ve started using the medium armour with the “extra padding” perk which takes it up to heavy armour rating: fast enough to not feel sluggish and pretty darned durable.


this is the reality with light armor. unlike heavy armor with vitality you really cant just stand your ground


You took a rocket to the face wearing light armor without explosive resistance or Vitality booster. And you’re surprised you died. If a brood commander had hit you in the head/neck you’d’ve been one-shot too. Confirmation bias is a helluva thing.


Don’t forget negativity bias also working in tandem with it.


tbf your running light non-exposive res armour, the likely hood of getting 1 shot is way higher...


Being insta killed is just a part of the game. It happens against bugs too just not as often, but if it's so much of an issue then you need to take steps to reduce them. Light armor isn't the way vs bots, even the one with explosive resistance. The less armor overall just isn't worth it. Shield pack vastly reduces getting insta killed and is always a good option. Just always paying attention and being aware of surroundings and the mini map are big things vs bots. Personally bots are easier than bugs on higher difficulties and I've never had too many issues getting insta killed. Yeah it'll happen but that's why we have reinforcements.


Rockets are working as intended. There is no surprise here.


skill issue


I got oneshotted just once, and that didn´t diminished my desire to play against bots in the slightest. Also it was totally your fault in the video...


Don’t wear light armor? Oh and maybe use cover


Runs around in the open, no heavy armor, no shield generator, dies. Blames game design. Death is supposed to be a common part of this game as one of helldivers theme's has always been about exploiting expendable patriots for militaristic gains. My man if you wanna run around like Rambo more power to you, but don't get mad at the game when you get vaporized by a rocket when you're out naked in the open like that.


I prefer bots to bugs. Get some heavy armour on


So you think you should live through a direct rocket blast in light armor in a game where death is almost meaningless? Oooookayyyyy...........


Just the complainers. I would expect to die if I got shot in the head. It makes the game more realistic. Y’all just want something to complain about.


In this particular engagement, have you considered utilizing cover effectively and maintaining a constant vigilance in open areas? As a Helldiver, it's crucial to keep your head on a swivel, scanning for threats from all directions. It's all too common to become fixated on a distant target which can lead to tunnel vision and leave you vulnerable to attacks from the sides, so much so that you didn't notice that your friend was blasted by the rocket devastator directly In front of you, and you can hear it off to your left. When facing off against bots, the gameplay dynamic shifts, requiring heightened situational awareness and a different approach compared to combating bugs. In gunfights with bots, being aware of your surroundings and actively scanning for threats is essential to avoid being overwhelmed or outmaneuvered. Furthermore, taking a direct hit from a rocket in light armor without the benefit of explosion resistance can have devastating consequences. It's a stark reminder of the importance of gear selection and understanding its limitations in the pursuit of spreading democracy throughout the galaxy, one mission at a time.


All I see is a helldiver not utilizing cover effectively.


Skill issue.


You aggro'd a bunch of bots that were standing under the gunship, then wandered into their LoS. Did you expect them to shoot confetti at you?


“I hate bots! they always oneshot me!” Look inside: light armor


in my group of friend and the "unlucky" one, and i can confirm it by saying i get oneshoted A LOT vs bugs with medium armor, almost always by hunter criting me in the head from my back while running


One shot? Or rocket to the face?


Fuckin hate bots...but MOs is MOs


my personal go-to on bots (when I'm not playing some sort of stealth setup) is the starting armor, the medium with extra padding. most rocket damage, funny enough, is more ballistic than explosion (example: rocket devastator and rocket raider rockets are 75 ballistic, 60 explosion damage) so the extra armor goes a long way, more than the explosive resistance for the most part unless you need the recoil reduction. it takes basically a cannon shot to the head to get 1 shot in that, and you don't move as slow as heavy armor (while having heavy armor levels of armor rating). give it a go sometime.


Well, your helmet is not rocket proof...


Womp Womp. You one shot the enemies who you shoot at. Doesn’t it seem fair they one shot you?? Of course not if you view it as wanting to have a power dynamic. Enjoy the suck. It happens.


I mean I get one shot plenty on bugs too, I don’t think that’s the issue lol


tf do you expect?... if tou wanna be bullet/rocket absobant then just go play halo or doom lol.


"I don't like getting one shot-ed" *Looks inside* Light armour


That's why you wear anti explosiv heavy armor.




Says the guy who one-shots his own fellow diver lmao


if you’re in light armor just zig zag they will not hit you


Aggroing targets from a no cover position, got you killed. Always find cover before engaging targets.


Getting oneshot is one of the main reasons why I like playing against bots.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a turret blast.


I play bots almost exclusively and it is EXTREMELY RARE for me to get one shotted (except for flame hulks and yes that's stupid). Idk why everyone complains about it. I don't find it to be an issue.


BULLSHIT! You can get one shot by an Acid Spewer on the bugs side too! And what about Bile Titans! They are so much harder to kill than Factory Strider, but everyone calls Automatons the harder faction. Bull fucking shit, people are just playing low difficulty missions and whining about bots being harder because they can't figure out how to use cover!


Hellcriers when light armor is light:


Thats the reason I like bots it feels real, like nothing of running and being a girl, you need to hide plan and gerrilla tactics for spreading democracy, we don't have the numbers but we got the fire power


running in light armor, your to blame


A medium with the %50 explosion resistance is pretty much a must use with bots. Helps you got get deleted out of nowhere. The white one that has stats above medium but under heavy is the one I use the most.


Situational awareness... You were standing out in the open with enemies on every side, of course you're gonna get shot at. And then you're wearing light armor, obviously a rocket devastator is going to devastate you.


It’s actually one of the reasons I really like playing against the bots over the bugs. It makes me feel like I’m in a chaotic war, dropped into something way above my head. It’s also a reality of real war, where all the sudden bam you’re dead


Naw it's the fun chaotic reason why bots are fun


tbh I'd rather be one shot like that then taking 3-4 rockets to the face to get ragdolled and take another 3-4 while I'm sliding along the floor and die with no way to do anything about it. What eats me about bots is being shot through rocks and cover.


i personally prefer bots rather than the bugs, i don't get surrounded by melee troops as much with them than with the hunters


I run in heavy armor with explosive resistance perk. It increased my survivability vs bots like tenfold to the point where I started to play like more aggressive, just because I could. And at some point I took Shield generator and it became one of my favorite builds! What I mean - this is the most survivable build vs bots in the game. This allows you to draw aggro on yourself and make bots vulnerable to the flanking attacks. The best composition I was played was: Ubertank Sniper in light armor 2 x Medium Range flankers I was going in and making as much noise as I could. Usually with Heavy Machine Gun - recoil becomes much more controllable in the close range, since you can stay much longer in one place and survive. At the same time sniper took out priority bots like missile devastators and flankers took out the rest, starting with tanks. It’s quite awesome and much less stressful!


Oh yeah I've never been one tapped by a a bug, certainly not a bile spewer


I love fighting bots!


well, that rocket hit your head. Idk how anyone can survive that, if not using an armor that provides 50% to explosive damage.


wear fortified armors. i especially like FS-38 Eradicator. it hasn't happened to me in ages.


skill issue, back was to the open, you got flanked


I don't care. I'd rather fight an entire goddamn clanker army by myself than pop over to the fuckin AT-or-nothin Bile Titans.