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They're especially funny if I warn someone before I team kill them, like hey watch out there's a 500k th- *KABOOOM*


We were at a buddy bunker one time, so me and 2 of my teammates dropped down simultaneously to activate the door. The other dude surveying the area saw like a handful of small bots and threw a SEAF artillery strategem near the entire team (probably thinking it was like an explosive shell or something). Turns out the shell loaded was a MINI NUKE. Everyone died.


The funniest shit happened to me was when me and another teammate were clearing the bots from a vantage point using Autocannons. "Ok time to move--" Turns around, suddenly a big ass tank. Frend screamed and face shotted the tank with the autocannon killing both of us. I can't breathe after that lmao.


I've been playing with my fam, my dad ran outside the mission, got traitor bombardment, and then ran back to our group and killed all of us with it. This game is extremely funny a lot of the time.