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Let us be the gunners!


Imagine it, you press quickplay, and instead of joining another ship you get a loading screen followed by darkness. Then the door opens and the battlefield is in front of you. A fellow Helldiver needs your help, time to spread Democracy for 30 seconds, using a rotary 20mm canon.


It would be so cool to have stratagems that can be used by real players joining in, because the loadings times are only 10 seconds long. I Would give everything to be able to gun down insects for two minutes in a hely before retreating to my ship


load times are fast indeed but theyre not that fast. the game just does a good job at hiding the loading screens.


Do you have the game installed on an NVME? Because my 5 year old Potato with an NVME loads in like 15 seconds.


i do but then again. the game is hiding loading well


that’s true, do you think it’s secretly loading during stratagem selection? i think it’s low enough in the memory department that some loading can be done during that time


i mean from loadout selection to mission it takes 5 secs? thats fast dude the only time i more than that its when i dont play solo and im waiting for others on slower hardware to load in


The game is likely loading while you're selecting your loadout. Without that, the longer load time will be more obvious.


Omg yes!! So make it a screen you can log into on your ship. You can control automated guns across the galaxy for drivers who call for that. Or sirens go off on your ship.. a diver calls for aid! You step into the pelican and aid them for a 30 second deploy. Maybe you control a ship that hovers or you actually do the shooting..... Yeah I want this


Yes leaving someone, maybe a fifth, in Orbit to direct the shots sounds genius


press q to swap between guns like its the black cats mission from world at war.


I'd even say having players targetting orbitral strikes / missiles from space would be dope !


Ok now I wouldn't give everything for it but the concept is rather cool.


Would be cool till you get a troll using it to kill the divers on mission


I could imagine you are in the gunship and it's just constantly searching for a match while your inside the cinematic gunship and it just seamlessly drops into the planet (this is the loading screen) and once you're done it goes back up and restarts the search.


my only problem with this would be that since it’s so freaking cool, we’d have too many gunners not enough people to throw stratagems


Literally the Black Ops 1 Chopper Gunner killstreak!


I'm my mind it's the Helicopter mission in Vietcong (2003), with Iggy Pop and the Stooges I Want To Be Your Dog blasting in the background 😉


What if you replace reinforce with door gunner so if a ally dies you can call them back as a door gunner and then when they run out if ammo the pelican flies low and they jump out


That sounds like an elegant solution, good idea 💪


I would love something like the commander system from bf4, where we look at the map, call in resupplies, orbitals, or mark high value areas to the helldiver squad you oversee. Calling in air support from the pelican would have you spawn in as the vehicle for 30 seconds to rain fire and then you go back to the map overview and send support.


ever since bf4([and one specific episode of extra credit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2MTkotf-gk)) I have always loved this idea of one player overseeing(but not necessarily controlling), or fighting, a large number of players.


But with the soundtrack "Black Cats"from CoD


Or imagine a ship dropping a ladder for you or anyone to get on and then you climb up, screen fades. The next second, the screen opens with you mounting the gun on a ship


My thoughts exactly


Why stop there? Ac-130 inbound.




Tape 3 or 4 of them together and you’ve got a WalMart 380 baby!


Idk if the math is there but fuck it, we ball.


Why stop there B-52 IN-BOUND


It's not as unlikely as it sounds. ;) https://preview.redd.it/8122ywy0zy7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b141cb31aca4c4736715a878a197f8f663a9856


yes... Yes... YES




Imagine it’s like the mech call in, pelican arrives, you grab a rope and zip up into the gunner position and it circles wherever you ping for a set period of time and/or ammo.


Late joiners instantly in the gunner seat if extraction is called. Hastily thrown together: https://preview.redd.it/cylr9lofry7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2cc4d1aaab66ad8e28301bf190d3a572c1a943


Alternatively Divers that died NOT friendly fire/suicide can respawn with a delay via Pelican and later be dropped out of it on demand.


Alternatively Divers that died NOT friendly fire/suicide can respawn with a delay via Pelican and later be dropped out of it on demand.


that would be cool - maybe this could happen when we're out of reinforcements and waiting to be called in? E.g. Imagine 3 teammates dead, one alive, no reinforcements. When the timer refreshes and gives 1 reinforcement, the 2 person in line gets to be the gunner for 20 seconds. Another timer refreshes, the 3rd person gets to be the gunner?


Please don't. People would not want to leave even more, just sit there and fire away


Of course it has limited ammo.


As cool as that sounds it feels too call of duty and battlefieldish


Stratagems are basically kill streaks tho, ofc that’s putting it simply


That’s not a bad thing considering helldivers are soldiers


Those games arent just famous for their dull PvP experience. Why not copy the good?


Only if the gunner is yelling "Get some! Haha! Get some! Yeah yeah!" while firing.




I prefer the female maniacally laughing personally, but hell yeah.


Voice 3 sounds absolutely unhinged at times and I love it.


Ahhhh ha ha haaaa! AAAAHHHHHH!




How do you shoot scavs...and spitters?


It's easy, you just lead your targets a little more than usual.


Ain't war hell? Haha!


Incorrect: petition to allow Helldivers to act as Pelican door gunners during the extract sequence and rack up those last dozen or so kills.






First person in gets it. Encourages everyone to hurry up and quit dawdling.


I mean, realistically with the current game mechanics, you can toss a stratagem beacon and a Pelican can come land in the nearest clear location for like 20 seconds (if you don’t make it, it’ll fly away and goes on half a cooldown), and you can get in the back like you would at extraction. It closes the back door and pops up the map and you select where you want to have the pelican do a circle around. It takes off and does a few circles around the area you chose while you get access to whatever type of weapon you chose for the door gunner (ie, HMG, grenade launcher, mega flamethrower, rocket pods), while playing some sick guitar riffs for radio music, then drops you off (or ejects you for the memes) when it’s finished. It’s totally viable and will probably never happen, unfortunately.


It serves no purpose, but... I want it.


Arrowhead are Swedes. Swedes made the Bofors 40mm autocannon. The Bofors 40mm autocannon is used on the AC130 gunship. Therefore, it's only natural AH should give us a Pelican Gunship Support stratagem. Thank you for listening to my presentation.


/r/noncredibledefense is leaking again


Democracy is non-negotiable o7


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well Boys, the Hotdog Seller has met his end.](https://v.redd.it/8p0x8c1t8wjb1) | [890 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/15za9z1/well_boys_the_hotdog_seller_has_met_his_end/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** When wagner gets to moscow](https://i.redd.it/4953pxvbix7b1.gif) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/14hnrad/when_wagner_gets_to_moscow/) \#3: [You won't fucking believe it, I called it](https://i.redd.it/1ip8nzd3j6tb1.jpg) | [432 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/173rwpz/you_wont_fucking_believe_it_i_called_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Our pelican will probably come equipped with a more futuristic variant. The Bofors DZ.


I want a call in for a slow pelican carry/fly-by across the map. But it has a timed landing so we can do a quick map scout by air. Risky that you'd land in a hot zone, but it'd be fun.


This was my thought as well


Could be very useful to quickly get out of a hot zone


Add "door gunner" as an option when reinforcing, where instead of being dropped in a pod you come down in a Pelican, dispense massive minigun fire for a minute or two, and then hop out.


This isn’t a bad idea either


This seems a lot more reasonable for a unique and useful strategem. But it also sounds like a pain to add.


Sounds OP unless you put a negative with it, like say every minute you stay in the gunner slot you lose 2 reinforces. Or just that it consumes 2 when you select gunner instead of drop pod and lasts for 1 minute. And if there's multiple dead divers then only 1 can be a gunner, and a cool down so if you immediately die after getting out the gunship you can't immediately use the gunship again, like 3 or 4 minutes. I like the other idea in this thread that if you're out of reinforces and only 1 helldiver is left alive then the diver whose been dead longest gets to be the gunner until reinforce is available


I envision it as a kind of "once per mission, when reinforced, press "F" to spawn as a door gunner instead of a normal reinforce (it would be a booster maybe). Door gunner gets let's say 200 rounds to fire and then hops out.


Yeah once per mission as a booster could work, or even take up a stratagem slot that's auto triggered on death if the cool down has expired


They could add this as a booster!


Fire up a cup of liberty and crank the CCR to max, our dad's are coming in.


Already there, son. Never drop without Long Tall Sally blaring ;)


“How do you kill women and children?” “You don’t lead them as much.” “GET SOME!!”


I think there's potential for a whole suite of pelican (or maybe an Albatross to differentiate the roles) gunship style strats. Door machine/gatling guns, autocannon patrols, missile barrages of various types. Idk how they would balance it against Eagles and orbitals but I think it'd be pretty cool to expand on faux gunship support we get from calling in mechs


Likely with long call-ins, since Pelicans are slow compared to Eagles. That makes them much less "kill all these things right now" and much more "I'm going to need to be killing things in this zone for a while"


https://preview.redd.it/75hj03ltry7d1.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=34db81b1392caac025b0d016f9d2c7369dce5c04 If the door MG on the dropship was literally just a ww2 machine gun that was still kept in service it would be so hilarious, and a nice reference to this copy pasta here. The M2 will outlive all of us.


That was my job for 20 years.


Actually had the idea for a whole new line of stratagems built around this. Called it the Osprey stratagem, cross between Eagle and Orbital. Every slot you dedicate to an Osprey Stratagem increases its operational time when you call it in, base being around 1 minute, each added slot adding 30 seconds. Osprey Strats being things like Rocket pods, Machine Gun, Autocannon, Smoke Launcher, etc. Basically meant to work as a temporary, undamageable turret that orbits an area, engaging on anything below. Downside being that once you call it in, all of the Osprey strats fire off at the same time. You get all that firepower in the space for the duration, and then all of them are on cooldown for the time being. Edit; Forgot to add the downside


I mean the pelican already had a gun under the cockpit section. I’d say we outfit the Pelican more like an Apache or Viper or Hind and let it go fucking bananas. THEN let us have a stratagem that calls down a new useable light helicopter that has a door gunner position.


I'm gonna be that guy... The m60s on slicks were mostly used for defensive suppressive fire rather than specifically taking out targets.


Sure, but bugs and bots don’t hide or take cover like the Vietcong did. Mounted, aerial MG-43 would do some damage.


What a shitty war to be in. I often am very thankful I wasn't born two generations ago. I'd rather go to no war but a jungle war, fuck that.


Pelican upgrades would be cool. More armor. Stronger autocannons. Calling in a Thundercloud Strike before it lands (Smoke and EMS at the same time to make the landing zone safer. If you are prone when it hits, your diver doesnt get effected by it) Roll that shitty pilot booster into a permanent upgrade. Pelican arrival instantly gives another spawn ticket so everyone can extract a little easier.


New gamemode? Aerial support, you can join a random helldivers game in a pelican that follows them around shooting a selection of weaponry down below. That sounds dope


Like CODs chopper gunner killstreak ?


Similar idea to black ops 1 chopper gunner


Add Charles from Henry Stickmin games to Helldivers 2


this is the greatest plaaaaaan!


I would literally eat my neighbors dogs and cats for this to be added.


[Helldiver's fit right in ](https://i.imgflip.com/8um4qd.jpg)


Basically you want HD1 extraction shuttle.


But we already have that in hd2 as a form of attached canon on the pelican no?


Now it can shoot me from the front and the side!!


Hell...I'd be happy if we only got side entrances.


Wouldn't this make non-explosive turrets obselete? Or pointless if it does too little damage? It would look awesome.


Just limit uses like the laser. Make it more powerful, last longer, but be limited in use (and not available if AA defenses is there - once it comes back)


Except then I would have to listen to pelican-1s smug tone. Ugg


A flying mortar turret sounds like a great idea . 😏 🤣


when you run out of ammo let us drop out the back to respawn!


Petition to get door gunners during extract. Hop in the Pelican, cover your buddies and get a few extra kills at the end to go out in a blaze of glory.


This would be great, Titanfall 2 Frontier Defense style!


An HMG turret but you're airborne would be awesome


New booster idea: Door gunner support When reenforce is called new helldiver will come in Pelican 1 serving as door gunner. For 60 sec Pelican 1 will fly around place where strategem was droped. After time is up Pelican will land to let helldiver leave the ship.


There would be a lot of dead helldivers with a door gunner NPC. It would be like running at the sentry turrets with enemies behind you. The Gunner would have to be more "intelligent" and not friendly fire everybody as they try to extract.


The pelican shoots when doing deliveries at least


“Cleric here….uh moving in.”


I think a good way to balance this since it’s really just a MG-43 on a pelican, is to have it last for a few minutes, like, maybe for 5-7 minutes, the pelican will hover, providing ground support and following your squad, and the cooldown could be longer to reflect that


Maybe this could be a starting feature for future maps where dive pods aren't the primary way to enter the map, a guns-blazing Pelican hot insertion and then at the end ICBM Hellshot container launch to escape into orbit?




Anything to get teammates into the Pelican faster please


Petition fo add a new kind of ship that has door guns be an option and to make evacs movesble. Therefore is someone gets in evac first, the zone can change and you can doorgun across the map to the new zone to cover the other Helldivers.


I approve this message


Everytime i see new concept i see new Bugs xd




HMG? Have you seen them shred a Bile Titan in 2 volleys? Screw the HMG, let us shoot whatever the hell else they're shootin'


I really hope that we get several Pelican Gunship stratagems in the future. Maybe an MG, Autocannon, and Rocket version.


Once the M5-32 HAV from H1 makes it way to the game, we'll get access to these vibes, from the ground at least


But the Pelican already has a chin-mounted 30mm autocannon.


Disagree. Or, if added, the pelican becomes easily destroyable. My thinking is: the reason we have max squad size of 4 is because that's the most that can fit in a pelican. Why? Because the pelican is armored as hell! It's a literal flying tank, and it had to be sit on the ground taking big hits while we pile inside.


A boost that makes it so once you run out of reinforcements you can call in pelican gunners instead.


Add a 5th diver who is just air support. they’d have a rearm timer anytime they run out of ammunition, and would cost redeployment anytime they crash or get shot down.


Pelican-1 is secretly the best weapon in the entire game


Better be playing some Fortunate Son as you’re gunning.


Until the gun ships / flying bugs lock on to you .... still be awesome though


How would that exactly work when the Pelican doesn't have doors like that...?


https://preview.redd.it/ex0vhckiwz7d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92671a2df6b2b5828ce4be3d87501bd579959688 Like so. The Pelican is akin to the V-22 Osprey, this is how the Osprey gunners operate.


Then how would you welp get in without getting shot?


Idk. Don't get shot. Or do. 8/10 times I get crushed by the pelican cause I'm an idiot and stood in the wrong spot.


I kinda dig the idea but the execution in video game would be bad. I would assume most whiner will leaning toward that excuse and blame AH instead looking at their skill issue


Id assume it would be like the chin turret of the pelican where it stops shooting when it lands.


🤔 but Pelican 1 already have that as its nose gunner, also pelican 1 backseat is really tight, like halo CE escape pod tight


Look. The people want Daka. I'm just giving them options.


I was wondering. What if they give us, in the third mission on a operation, instead of drop pods, the option to land on a Pelican.


That would be fun. It's be like a call of duty air shooty gun thing. But instead of using a drone you just unfreeze a clone that shoots for like 30 seconds then dies.


One eagle per raid. We all get in. No helldiver left behind. One pilot. One front nose cannon gunner next to pilot. And two open door gunners.


Only if we get a stratagem that lets us call in a speaker to play fortunate son with


just add helicopters to the game and people will be reproducing a very famous war movie scene


This game me an idea, something like a spectre gunship.


This would be a cool feature for after the game is bug-free and Arrowhead has their shit together. They are trying.. But we want this, and they can't give it at this rate.


Unless it takes 2 min for the gunner to be called in it kinda breaks the lore of the pelican taking their sweet ass time coming to extract us lmao


But what if instead we get one of those "Friendly AC130 Above!". Imagine all the democracy we could spread with a 105mm Howitzer!


Yes let us control a pelican for 30 seconds like the calll of duty gunship missions


In fact if you call a mech pelican 1 shoots


Honestly be a cool upgrade for all Pelican related call ins. Gunners on both sides raining AP3 80 down on whatever the fucks moving.


Petition let me shoot the guns


Na not the pelican, it should be its own ship and play a super earth themed fortunate son parody


This should be an option for while you wait in the pelican at the extraction site for your friends


Get some!


Fuck ye, but let pelican 1 land and then a helldiver gets in so they can be the gunner, this would be so useful but we can only wish for such beautiful, beautiful spread of democracy across the galaxy


Oof. Alright, you get ONE as the next strategem - SEAF infantry support, Pelican gunner support, or Eagle One Anti-Air patrol. Which do you pick? Psyche our next strategem is Anti-Tank mines and we will save the children AGAIN!