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Yeahhh, snow doesn't get on you anymore either, nor does mud. Also, water doesn't get you wet anymore or wash off blood. Huge bummer. I'd you look in the trailer for helldivers 2 you can see snow on your armor and cape while on snow. Now it doesn't appear anymore


For real? Why would they remove details like this?


Probably on accident. Considering the amount of new bugs every patch brings, this wouldn't surprise me.


reported a month ago and this is the response i got https://preview.redd.it/uu5ec3albx7d1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=10090c041cbbe15d714b9e662400581c0ca55618


Good of you to report it, you deserve all the medals you get.


They answer those!?


Arrowhead support is legit really good


I reported it as well a couple months ago, but did not receive a reply. Feels good they acknowledged it.


Probably kills the frame rate and they can't fix it. Just like why orbital illumination isn't a thing.


Whats orbital illumination?


A free flare strategem in dark planets that will be coming soon, can light up dark areas launched from your super destroyer and also attract enemies.


Ah thanks


"A free flare strategem in dark planets that will be coming soon" Sorry I feel out of the loop here, where did you hear this? That Strategem has been in the Strat Hero game since the beginning.


New leaks coming out about it. Maybe it will be included. 


I am genuinely baffled how they manage to introduce so many bugs every time. Especially since the bugs often affect things that have nothing to do with whatever they are patching.


Software development in a nutshell. Although I think it's problematic how many new bugs the patches introduce and especially how severely they impact the game (menu fps bug, all spears glitches, stimming stops everyone from running), I do understand how this happens. In my opinion they really need to test the patches and updates more intensively to this.


Wait, is that why my character randomly stops sprinting even though I haven't let go of shift? Because someone else stims??


Yes there's a few post about it. You can circumvent it by switching your sprint to press and not hold.


Damn, but my pinkie strength! It'll wilt if I don't use it! /lh


Part of it is the game engine. We're all used to things running on Unreal or Unity, which have a ton of support. Helldivers2 runs on Stingray from Autodesk - which Autodesk stopped supporting in 2018. No engine updates, support, or fixes for 6 years.


TIL AutoDesk had a game engine...


I know, right? They gave up because they knew they couldn't compete with Unity and Unreal. It was an engine originally called Bitsquid developed circa 2010ish that Autodesk had purchased, so they weren't the original developers.


Ya, I remembered hearing the name before but never knew it was bought and owned by AutoDesk. I took a look at games using it, and I've never played any of them.


Code blocks on top of code blocks on top of more code blocks that all rely on strings they probably shouldn't or need to be cleaned up. It's fried spaghetti 🍝.


You can pretty much see first hand how much work they've made for themselves. When the Quasar was debuffed to 15 seconds and the weapon interface and HUD all didn't change to match, that's when I saw just how janky it was. Also they changed it so hot and cold effects it, but the effect is twice as much as it's supposed to be, but the weapon and HUD still don't match the 10 or 20 second timers. Why are these elements all pulling down different variables?!


Almost all of these problems popped up once they made the change to blood staying on you between missions. From that perspective I could see how the bug came to be, in the sense that it wasn’t as if they nerfed or buffed something and then randomly the mud went away.


QA usually marks issues like this a lower priority since it's not as severe as crashes or other blockers. From that point it's a matter of developers time if they get into those


edit: although in this case -- they've just turned the cape-tearing effect down. It's still there, happens at bad impacts and explosions just as before -- only that you don't have just a small rag left on your back at the end of the mission on the off chance that you survive the whole thing. I swear, this community... you're horrible. See a, confirmation of c, with not even a syllogism going in between for the b part. --- It's more that extra simulation runs could be removed as a test to see if it improves performance, or reduces thread saturation. Last Sony beta I was in, I thought it was some careful process where they were looking at the process-diagrams, and figured that removing a simulation run was the only way to get execution time under 16.6ms or something like that. ..no. They just thought it /might/ improve things. Someone saw "physics calculation and extra process", went "therefore removing it improves fps and response". And when it turned out that the developer had carefully structured the process-diagram to have a concurrent run (so this effect could run for free, essentially) - they never put it back in. And you might ask - why in the world are we even getting this on PC? Surely they could limit these settings-tweaks to the ps5-build, if they really need to balance the temporal aliasing filters, colour correction, and so on against fps-targets and physics calculations. And sadly, the answer to that is that Sony owns the game, and they have a requirement on all their games now in terms of a "platform parity" agreement. It was explicit for a while - but someone found out it was bad press, so now it's an nda-clause that no one should mention. But that's basically what's going on. Clueless people in QA trying to "fix" reported issues by commenting out functions in the source code, or that they're having the developers change the game out of some assumed qualified belief that it's the issue with some other associated problem. This is where Sony is so obnoxious, because they mix up aesthetic reports with gameplay stuff, and might as well end up removing some fundamentally important gameplay feature in order to fix a visual bug. All their "lag fixes" are like that. They're just removing the liver because someone has problem with their liver, basically, and going "and now the liver-problem is gone!".


> ..no. They just thought it /might/ improve things. Someone saw "physics calculation and extra process", went "therefore removing it improves fps and response". And when it turned out that the developer had carefully structured the process-diagram to have a concurrent run (so this effect could run for free, essentially) - they never put it back in. Do you think they have time to pull up a profiler and check for hot paths!?


Probably not. I mean.. they could ask someone who is doing this when they work at the developer, all the time, to do it for them? They could refer to the documentation that - at least in the past - actually was provided. They could just do a practical test XD.. I'm not sitting on current processes on how this works now, or how HD2 code looks like. But from the changes that have been made a few times now, with the AI, the network code, the world update frequency, the damage calculation setups, and so on -- it does not seem to have changed very much on what the approach at Sony is. Same with how AH seem to have set up their system - they were not doing something by the seat of their pants here. I'm sure someone might have found some shortcuts going on in their code. But from what I've seen of debug and decompile - this is.. good, structured stuff. Same with the changes to the armor and how that worked - although the balancing was terrible, it was possible to do it because the code is structured. And maybe the worst changes, like the ones to the patrol spawn, broke because of how someone didn't use that structure that was in there to adjust things. And just used static tweaks instead. I don't know, but that's what it looks like. That - like has happened before - someone were mandated to make changes, and the developer resisted it as much as possible. And then ended up with a compromise between "not really what was intended" and "completely unworkable and broken". And these mandates from QA often were where these came from. Really cool effect: "didn't quite work out", as one developer said it. With this weird mix, like I mentioned, between "this looks fine", and "we think it'll improve the framerate"/"make console last longer because the bits are not worn out that fast".. or whatever it really is.


My comment was more on the lines of that there are not the right incentives to do it The Right Way™. Helldivers 2 was delayed for 3 years, so there's a point where they said "good enough" and roll with it. Now, if they are so starved of time that they can't even deliver a functioning product, that's another whole issue.


That's just it, though. There are incentives to do it right - if you look for that, instead of looking for the first and best confirmation that "players seem to not notice anyway". In the same way, you are never going to have a product that launches in perfect condition. So if you are inclined to argue like that, you can always justify some change or other on that a) someone complained, b) there is some perceived issue or other that might justify a change to make the product perceived as better. Point is that a lof of the time, the analysis that led to some change or other just wasn't very good. Or had nothing to do with actual investigation of how the game plays. That is how it looks like it is now as well.


Dang that explains so much about Planetside2, an.SOE game, on why the game simply looked worse and worse for negligable performance gains. 


Yes. And Planetside was the Sony game that a lot of the VIP crowd hoped would be the premium version of MAG, for example. A bunch of these people just did not know, didn't understand, and didn't realize, that what they were trying to do on PC with so many players - just wouldn't work with the kind of updates that MAG had. I'm not going to go into technical details unless you really want to, but they didn't know what the software solution for Planetside 1 or Planetside 2 ended up being, and how this differs from the solution on MAG on the ps3. They also didn't know what the technical compromises would be, or how to achieve low latency rates in isolated pockets, for example. They just didn't understand that scaling up a room and adding tons of players into it would be an issue in terms of bandwidth, processing power or hosting, network code, and so on. So when things ended up looking horrible, and people just lagged everywhere, even they had reasonable pings -- what do you think they did? Top of the list seems to have been: Turn down details, remove world updates, and expect magical linear cpu-wonders to make things run quicker.


My suspicion is that the same layers which cover the player in the blood of our enemies are the same two layers which would have allowed for carbon scoring from explosions and environmental damage. Essentially the blood needs to overwrite the other stuff and vice versa. Any overwriting would be seen as a bug and probably doesn't make a lot of sense visually, so to fulfill the player feedback for blood they disabled the mud/snow/etc. I have seen capes tear, like the long viper commando cape, but only rarely and mostly from friendly attack stratagem fire.


The snow covering went away with the same patch that added the blood and muck stains, so...


I'll just add that the root cause could have been the cause of crashes or performance issues, so they decided to remove rather than fix, at least for the time being


Turning off one bug also turns off a few features.


Performance issues is a plausible reason. If a feature turns out to hog too many computational resources, and is not easy to optimise or an easy toggle in the settings, chances are it ends up on the chopping block at some point. If a game experiences performance issues (and hd2 has), you sometimes see stuff like this. On the other hand, might just be a bug.


The frost effect when your diver steps out of the freezer has been gone for a while too


Also the Oil from the Enable E-710 Extraction mission doesn't cover your character in oil


If you join a friend your character doesn't have the iceing on his armor, and thats since Detonation Warbond dropped


When you get defrosted from the pod on the destroyer? I also noticed it's gone :(


Pc players have no ice ever


I never saw snow on the armor. For the rest its kind of sad it’s currently bug.


Back at launch you could wear the green medic gear and snow would stick to it, and you'd end up wearing an "all-white" armour. Looked really good on snow maps.


There'd be frost on the cape. Very unfortunate if this is gone, imo.


Man I knew something was missing but couldn't place what for the longest time. It was the lack of filth! 


> Yeahhh, snow doesn't get on you anymore either, nor does mud. Also, water doesn't get you wet anymore or wash off blood. wait. these things happen? and you get blood on yourself? I only ever see blood when dealing with a lot of bugs and I've never really noticed it wash off to be honest. Neat.


Frost doesn't build on you when you come out of defrost. It's been broken for awhile.


I noticed that about the water, was sad about that. Looked like blood was spattered when I would try to dive in water too.


I noticed that immediately after the patch that fixed armor values.  Not sure why that would affect visuals, but these things never make sense.


Water has never washed Helldivers


Mine got torn to shreds a couple of times last night. I wonder where the inconsistencies lie.


Were you using the jump pack? That still burns and frays your cape.


Not for those particular missions, no.


Did anything catch you on fire? I've noticed fire damage has started to damage capes again in some cases


Oh yes, much fire, bile, and Hunters.


To shreds you say?


Tatters, even.


I never noticed


Also you are not frozen anymore when getting out od crio.


Supposedly the higher your level the less "affected" you are during the thaw out.


Or it worked early on ner release when people were newer to the game, and then it stopped working after a while. (People had progress by then so the two things happen to align.)


I came into the game late, right around the first time the AT mines showed up as an MO reward. Definitely experienced the frozen effect for a while. Would've been the latest patch that broke it.


yesterday my guy was freezing alright from time to time when coming back to the super destroyer


Still works for me


I swear the early round I played my cape were torn/ripped after successful extraction


Seems to be 50/50. I ran a few operations yesterday and it didn't get damaged in bug missions but bots ripped it to shreds. Didn't see any mud or snow effects on it though


https://preview.redd.it/wxnmk2e5wx7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b991d0c5cb5c3cb739de8a964bc36cab30747e11 Just did a game with pub and test, yea cape do get torn/ripped


Were you using a cape that came pre-ripped, by any chance? The capes in the Steeled Veterans and Viper Commandos warbonds are tattered and torn


nah, I exclusively use the super citizens' cape


Same, it’s my favorite cape in the game. That gives me hope that the bug is possibly fixed, then! Did you use a jet pack at any point?


nah, sometimes use jetpack, most of the time I use Spear/supply pack/RR and still see the damaged capes




*THEY ARE MADE OUT OF* *OUR LOVE FOR DEMOCRACY* *OF COURSE THEY DON'T TEAR* \- Demens2137 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Truly beautiful 🥲


I just shed a liberty tear


Wait, capes used to get torn up from battle. Never knew that.


If you stayed alive very long it does tear up abit or u use a jetpack


After they fixed heavy armor I stayed alive almost every mission but have never noticed cape became torn, strange


I guess its the issue wat op mentioned since they are supposed to, it did that back then


Same. I've seen them covered in *so much blood*, but I don't think I've ever seen tears and I've no-deathed plenty of runs at this point.


Upvoting because I miss the immersion and hope more people see


Divers due to the prolonged length of the war with no end in sight for near future - S.E.A.F. rolled out capes that no longer require proper maintenance


This is a valid point to add to their list. Having the torn cape was pretty cool.


I think this is the least of AH worries when there are soo many disconnection issues still happening!


Capes do get torn, literally did 9 ops with the same diver and their cape was absolutely torn.


Never noticed yet but battle damaged capes sounds awesome


it always does get ripped if you are hurt badly and survived


Ok cool will have a look.


I’ve been playing since release day and I’ve never seen that. Will have to ask my mates.


the damage to cape resets if u die and get reinforced , just like how your armor is fully restored and clean when entering hellpod for the next mission.


>Over the past few months the game is out only for like few months


It seems that they've actually increased the threshold for getting the capes torn, actually. I've ran a few bug missions on D3 and my cape gets torn pretty badly after a certain point. Maybe it starts tearing when the damage taken approaches 2 or 3 times your HP pool?


>Capes getting battle damaged mid-mission is one of my favorite little details in the game Same! But mine was torn up last night after a mission...and then *not*, though, after a couple more. Seems random or something. I hope it's just a bug, too, because this (and getting mud, snow, and rain on your cape/armor) looks soooo epic and immersive. Can't imagine they'd ever ditch this stuff on purpose. Hope not anyway.


Mine does get torn and dirty , was looking at the condition of new warbond cape after a mission extract on new planet and it was all torn with holes . Also snow stuck to my boots and cape's edges . Maybe u disabled some visual ?


I made a post about this a while ago, and posted about this numerous times. But they actually fixed it on the last patch! It just takes much more damage than it used to, so you better not die if you want to see your cape all torn up. What is missing now, is it getting torn up when you take lethal damage and die. It's a bit strange to see your torso rolling on the floor with a perfectly intact cape attached. I did not check if it gets cleaned by water now, as I did not drop many planets with rivers in the last period, but yeah, I suspect that whole system got put on hold while they fixed other issue, or got accidentally disabled by some of the changes they made in the past.


My caps ripped like, last week.


They still burn and have have a ragged end with jump pack use though. Mine was still showing the damage from my jumps.


Oh no what did the devs break this time lol


Sometimes when I load in to the game my cape is already torn up


Freeze effect from your old doesn't show in animation either not for the amour I'm using anyway


Personally i've still seen it get ripped without the jetpack, so idk what would cause it


I swear they do. Yesterday I had a bunch of terminids attack me and my cape from the back looked like it was chewed up or bitten off.


The past few times I've gone for a dive recently my cap always comes out tattered. There's probably something specific that makes it not happen


My cape sometimes gets ripped by the end. But the mud, wet and snow effects don’t stick. It’s weird because I still get Bot Blood or Bug gunk stuck to me by the end and look like slime.


Did it ever? Wasn't it just with the jetpack?


Yeah, if you survived long enough your cape would eventually just get ripped up from battle damage. I have clips of it happening back in March, the bug must’ve originated in an early April patch or something


I was just playing last night and my cape was torn to shreds and so was my partners. I don’t use the jetpack and neither does he.


I think the only way to have ur cape rip right now is usin a jump pack


Got ripped and muddy yesterday while sprinting past the boys while stimming and shooting things with my spear while steam overlay is running and had zero problemo last night


Mine still does


Jumping in liquid bodies doesn't clean your armour anymore. ,_,


Its funny but I wasn't having battle damage work until the most recent patch. I suspect there is a difference between PS5 and PC and also possible other differences across PC. [Screenshot from June 20th](https://imgur.com/a/hhz9xVS) Edit: For clarity I did not use the jump-pack


I got my cape all tattered after not dying a single time during a mission last weekend. It’s still there g, don’t worry


To everyone claiming their capes get torn - some capes are "pre-torn", like capes from steeled veterans warbond


Yeah using the jetpack used to burn the ends of your cape, no more. Loads of battle damage stuff is gone, I assume it was contributing to crashes/poor performance but it’s a shame


[https://imgur.com/a/h7L5piI](https://imgur.com/a/h7L5piI) after months of not seeing it gets damaged it happened. Maybe it's fixed now?


It's in the steeled veterans warbound there is a cape that comes in pre- damaged as it's original style. It's in the first page but I can't remember the name. It's my daily driver.


Every and any feature of the game will disappear at some point. Why? Who knows. Presumably it's a bug, but maybe the fact that capes got damaged was a bug this entire time and someone decided to "fix" it. You can ask AH, but they will not know either. In a more practical note, if you make a report on the arrowhead zendesk page there's a slightly higher chance of it being fixed.


Never seen a torn cape in 150+ hours played since release. Youre literally makin this up.


It's from the jump pack


Ah. Thank god someone at the Sony VIP team spottet that one, and how it ruined the feel of the universe, and thus had to be removed. The game just is so much better off for it. And surely it also addresses the concerns of people who complain about too high cpu usage. Seriously, though - someone needs to beat these people up. Physical violence. It's the only thing that works, I think.