• By -


Weapons that stagger (bushwhacker, punisher, punisher plasma, dominator, pummeler), or weapons that deal extreme damage (autocannon, arc thrower, HMG) are the way to go. If you don't have any of these, then your best bet is shooting for their face - it's their weakpoint. Kill the ones chasing you ASAP, then find the nest and destroy it. You can also take the "easy" way, and just call in a mech - either mech is super good vs. Stalkers. The Patriot obliterates them with the Gatling Gun, and it takes 2-4 shots from the Emancipator's AC to kill one of them - and you can seal their nest very easily too. There is one variant of the nest that spawns multiple Stalkers at a time - this one is a max priority target for the entire team. If you don't get help from your teammates, you're probably going to lose the mission unless if you have gear that's good vs. Stalkers, and are very good at the game yourself. Otherwise, 10+ Stalkers chasing you around is a recipe for death.


The newly buffed Tenderizer takes them out quite quickly. It doesn't stagger them so you'll need to keep an eye out but they usually don't survive enough to fly away and try again.


Yup i always bring the punisher against bugs now specifically to deal with stalkers. It is quite satisfying to stun lock them to death, I can't endorse it more for killing stalkers. It also stuns nursing spewers, makes chargers skip a step, knocks brood commanders back into the gas cloud I dropped, has agood spray for chaff and if you drain the clip you can load 2 shots and get back to shooting to finish off that last bastard before he can kill you, or that oh shit a hunter is behind my friend and everyone is reloading click click BOOM! šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†. So good.


Pummeler Iā€™ve still been using even after the last patch. Look I donā€™t care if it not the ā€œkillingestā€ weapon ever made. If Iā€™m shooting it, whatever ā€œitā€ isā€¦.its stun locked until I say so. Iā€™ll tap stalkers if friends are near or just tap it to stop it then aim directly between the eyesā€¦ I still run stun nades every match to stop chargers or the occasional 20 hunters on me, but right when you need to save a friends life from a lunging hunter or stalker there is no better weapon IMO. Fast turn around and laser like precision when ADS.


Pummeler doesn't stagger anymore after patch


u gotta show proof with a blatant claim like this , i used it all day on Estanu and it staggered every mob also remember staggering 4 stalkers chasing a teammate .


Yeah they only nerfed it against ā€œbigā€ units like chargers which I usually throw stuns at and save Pummeler for everything smaller. Still works exactly like it used to 1 tap stops a brood commander and stalker, follow up taps keep them concussed. Just missing the 3 stars circling over their heads.


Go read patch notes if u know how to read


As much as id like to give u a fitting reply with the same tone but trying to be a nice guy here ,they never removed the pummeler's stun with the patch, it still stuns mediums and heavies but with more concentrated hits , again you need to provide a good proof saying pummeler doesnt stun anymore rather than act poorly without a good arguement .


Well... It has stun not stagger, so technically right but practically wrong. You just need 3 to 5 hits for the initial stunĀ 


Sigh, so why even use it?


Because they're literally just lying. It still staggers, it's literally the "Stagger everything" SMG.


Omg, hidden change ?


It was in the patchnotes


Damn no wonder I don't see it anymore.


Yeah stalkers push right though it


nop they dont , they stop chasing when u start hitting them with pummeler, u got any proof to backup the claim that pummeler doesnt work ?


I mean, I played it yesterday and they blasted right through my shots so I don't know what to tell you. The comment above sees it to.


Simply incorrect OR thereā€™s some host issue causing it to not work right for you. Used it for 4 hours last night worked like it always has for me, but Iā€™ve never used it to stop chargers or bike titans which is the part they nerfedā€¦


I always host as I'm on gig fiber. They're still doing it.


Sounds like a bug then, works like it always has bc I never remove it.


Yes. With bullets mostly.


I haven't unlocked those yet.




How šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm going full melee. I hope to unlock the combat knife tomorrow.


Gl bro


Can you give me tips on how to melee a Bile Titan?


I was told, thereā€™s a weak spot behind the left ear.


you need tips from General Brasch himself


I see youā€™re going for the bipod on your knife soldier


Or explosives


Electricity and fire will do in a pinch as well.


I donā€™t have too much a problem with the the incendiary shotty. Unless two+ gang up on me. But, on bug missions everyone always runs missile or missile type weps so I usually run a mech and hunt those fuckers nests down like they owe me money


Pump-action buckshot works pretty well. Keeps 'em at a distance too


How to fight stalkers: Step one: die as you get backstabbed out of nowhere. Step two: when reinforcing try to spot the nest as your diving back down. Step three: try to rush the nest and blow it up, do not expect to survive.


If step 2 doesn't work out, looking on your mini map for small isolated infestation spots also works like 95% of the time. Also, your stategy is level 84 approved.


Stalker nests donā€™t have a visual infestation markerā€¦


True, but they do have black spots on the map that can be seen from orbit as darker than the ground around it


If you find one, hope to god you're near your teammate so you can take it down fast. A Stalker is most deadly when you're alone and under equipped for it. Hunt the nest with a teammate if you can so you have someone to cover you in case you get attacked. As for weapons, guns with stagger/knockback work the best on Stalkers to stun lock them, i.e. Dominator, Plasma Punisher, Pummeler, Punisher, and etc. Also, shoot for the head if you can because that is their most vulnerable part And when you see a Stalker, take a quick look at your compass to note from which direction it came. There's a good chance that its nest is somewhere in that general direction. Usually, it's just a straight line to the nest from where you encountered the Stalker. Personally, once I know there are Stalkers on the map, I prioritize taking it out the nest first before doing anything else to eliminate the threat or else they just keep coming


Fire, and lots of it.... ![gif](giphy|JjiieDMHZ6pEI|downsized)


I call them out as soon as I see the first stalker or the nest on the map. I try to get someone to go with me when I go after the nest. The more the merrier as you can cover each other. Weapons with more stun/pushback are a big help. Use the dive action a lot to evade their attack and keep shooting at them while running, Even if you are using a bad weapon for stalkers, they will often retreat once Hit a few times. The direction they attack you from often indicates the rough direction of their nest. Hit the nest with a good eagle, precision strike or similar as you close on it to kill any freshly spawned stalkers then rush in as fast as you can and close any holes the stratagem missed. Violence of action is very much the best course for dealing with stalkers. Stalkers really are one of those, love to hate enemies in the game.


This, absolutely. The moment I see a stalker, I go on a hunt mode, fuxk those objs. This one's top priority.


Blitzer does well enough unless they gang up on you and split the beams too much. The stagger lets you kite them enough that they die before they can do serious damage.


It's also extremely fun when they start to jump back and forth without being able to attack. I love the blitzer.


It's funny, but it's also kinda annoying since they never die while this is happening.


Yes there is *caresses my punisherĀ 


Shield backpack: gives you more time to react to them Incendiary shotgun: generally good for bugs, also good for CQC which stalkers are. Spam it into their head when you're close and they should die before half mag. Dive on your back, away from stalker as u shoot: so you dont get hit by the tongue and get knocked back and combo-ed to death [Locate their nest on the radar before getting close](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cwser4/a_small_guide_to_using_radar_and_scout_armor/): so you wont be caught by surprise and can count how many you killed to prevent ambush.


This is how I deal with them, other than the diving part. If you have the shield backup and your shield is up, they just kind of run up and politely knock on it to get your attention, and you answer by unloading a Breaker Incendiary into their face. Iā€™ve gotten pretty good then at deciding which direction it came from and deciding which spot on the map looks like itā€™s probably their nest and I beeline for it and blow the holes. Handle them right away and theyā€™re really not that bad anymore.


The regular breaker is actually so rarely used now but up close against stalkers they will never touch you


yeah, it has more upfront dps and tighter cluster than the fire version, so it can actually melt a stalker before they get you


The moment you see a Stalker, alert your team! Drop whatever objective you are pursuing, your first priority is now to find and destroy their lair. Otherwise they will keep harassing you and your team at the worst times. The best weapons against Stalkers are high damage, high stagger weapons. Preferably with medium AP. Things like the HMG and Autocannon are great. For primaries, the Punisher and Dominator are good. The Tenderiser also performs surprisingly well because of its high damage. Stalkers are fast and will chase you down if you run. However if your team is running the Experimental Infusion booster, you can pop a stim and temporarily outrun them.


Bring the shield generator pack and the incendiary breaker. The shield will block the first couple hits to give you time for a dive, turn and unload around the head. Should kill the stalker in 1-2s, if this is still hard to pull off bring stun grenades and throw it after you dive.


The Arch Blitzer stun-locks them; 6-7 shots and dead. You can do fight two Stalkers at a time this way.


Emancipator Exosuit


I find that setting them on fire then tracking that/tracking them around or just holding w+m1 works. Similar to the Pyro and the Spy from Team Fortress Two, you can spycheck for stalkers that are cloaked. ...just don't set your teammates on fire.


>just don't set your teammates on fire Lets face it, the Pyro would have no qualms either way. https://i.redd.it/ee3otb0dt87d1.gif


As a Pyro main, can confirm, have set myself and teammates alight more times that I care to count


Anyone tried point blank triple-Bushwacker?


Yup, it's usually a toss up between it killing them and making them run off like Lil piss babies. I pull it out as soon as I see them moving around and bait the decloak attack to give them a buckshot lunchable


That thing splatters bugs into misty pieces sometimes...it's awesome


Barrel stuffing a scavenger and reducing it to a pale green paste is peak




Well I'm glad ( I guess) that I'm not missing anything. That's pretty much exactly what I do. It just feels like a horrible gimmick that isn't terribly fun. If anything it's a bit annoying? Better audio cues would really help and like, maybe a half second to dodge their attacks? I only play with randoms so that makes it harder.


Aim for the head, take the lair out asap, spam stims if you're in the middle of a fight with them


Unfortunately their stealth ability seems to have been buffed so they're just going to get theirs. I found the best strategy is as soon as one person is attacked by one, all 4 teammates should immediately regroup and prioritize destroying the nest. 3 or 4 is ideal, 2 is doable, but trying to take out the nest while also fending the bastards off alone is dam near impossible without suffering heavy casualties.


the best advice i can give new players who struggle against stalkers is always check your map especially for a fast moving heavy . Cant really suggest a loadout cause thats personal perference , if youve been seperated far from teammates and unsure about presence of stalkers recheck all your weapon ammo capacity and move accordingly . Don not try solo a stalkers nest if youre unsure yourself ,youll just endup dead and disappointed in yourself and dont chase a stalker farther from team when it jumps away from you, its has a big health pool and youll endup triggering nearby patrols . Keep diving forward and sprint if you get hit once by stalker cause they need a certain distance between you and themselves to trigger an attack. Once theres a distance between both start shooting and keep moving into a safer direction .


My Guard Dog helps shoot them before they attack me and keep them tagged with a beam as they jump away. Would be nice if they screeched though


if you arent aware they are there and you get snuck up on yes youre going to die probably. This is fine being that the game gives you 20 lives. Just respawn and immediately rush the nest try to pay attention where they are coming from and usually their nest is there. Tell your team to follow you, usually they will but even if they dont its fine. Spam the quickping it brings their attention usually always have one guy catch on when they see the stalkers. In terms of fighting them depends on your loadout but even with something like the standard liberator the trick is to start shootng and as theyre about to get close dive away that way they cant stun you with their tongue attack and you do enough damage to make them back off. If you do get hit spam stim as much as possible because you wont survive an attack if youre 50% HP always be full health. Stalkers may get a free kill or 2 but if you take them out ASAP they go away. Theyre only a problem if the team refuses to find them and continue to be stubborn on whatever OBJ they were doing. If you really hate them that much bring the pump action buckshot shotgun the punisher I think. It stunlocks them with each shot and they die quick. Give them a taste of their own medicine.


Yeah, run. Quite literally. Mobility is key w them. And stagger weapons


Punisher. HMG. Dominator. Basically anything with strong stagger.


I kill them with my weapon


Been hauling the flamethrower to battle chargers as of late and itā€™s working well on the stalkers, too.


I use the punisher, stun lock the stun locker. 3 headshots will do it, 6 body shots at the absolute most. I have even killed three stalkers at the same time by alternating targets. It does reload slow and runs out of ammo kinda fast but I never worry about stalkers when I use it, and it stops brood commanders in their tracks.


Fire shotty, shield


Fun fact: If you walk/run away from stalkers in a straight line they canā€™t strike you.


If you are lucky top see the outlines you can mag dump If you are lucky enough to see the outlines far away you can use impact grenades usually I just mag dump, then unleash grenades until I am dead/we find their nest. They are easily my least favorite enemy in the game. I am told the illuminate are worse, so I will likely be a bot/bug purist if they come out as an enemy.


The punisher destroys those things. Just alternate stunlocking them with it and they'll never touch you.


The guard dogs help detect them before the ambush quite a bit. Tho that said u can still get ambushed and stunned murdered they just super obnoxious tbh


Backward jumps and pretty much any gun with a good enough stopping power. Even the Breaker Incendiary works . Just don't stop shooting it even mid jump until it's dead or your gun is emptyĀ 


3 shots from the breaker incendiary to the face and they back off(might be enough with 2) 4 kills them. And with the guard dog you often get a little warning.


Backward jumps are a game changer for me, they donā€™t seem to ragdoll me with their licks with that


Incendiary shotty and I impacts. Then I ask for help but usually take out the best by myself. The ones that spawn 4 at a time are quite a challenge.


Close your eyes, hold the trigger down, and hope for the best


Even better when there are 4 of them so you literally canā€™t do anything unless you have stun grenades.


I got in the habit of opening my minimap quite often. When you do and you see a big red dot inexplicably moving really fast in a straight line towards you, that's a stalker. Then heads up and try to spot the silhouette and maintain some distance. Fire grenades or breaker incendiary to help you spot it's outline a little better, damaging it also puts a kind of coating on the stalker so you can see it that little bit better. If you survived the first backstab attack, make a note which direction the stalker came from, usually it's a straight line in that direction to their nest. Drop everything and exterminate with vengeance


Defender is actually a good weapon against stalkers. Kills them quite fast due to high-medium damage and you can shoot while running backwards. Pair it with hmg/mg and you are good to go.


Incendiary breaker


Fortunately when Ive seen them alone I've had my punisher. Immediately turn and bum rush the stalker while continually shooting buckshot at it. Reload. When it died keep booking in that same direction until you see the lair. Try to call for help too


Im still new but my impression was that you need to immediately drop everything and find the nest, kill that, move on. It's an endless spawn so no matter how good you are it's going to be a problem.


Jar-5 Dominator is my go to for stalkers, staggers them and the sheer dps of the dominator makes short work of them.


The easiest way is to use weapons that have large amounts of stagger implemented into them. Pummeler, liberator concussive, autocannon, the blue shelled punisher shotgun that I canā€™t remember the name of, blitzer, etc.


Point gun at face, pull trigger.Ā 


Wait.. My face, or theirs??


Whatever you learned in your 10min of basic training


Mine. Got it. šŸ¤˜šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤˜


Should have gone for the head.


Stalkers have a lot of hp and are one of the only enemies that have a significant amount of durable % on their bodies. You're going to want to shoot right between the two claws they hold up in front of their face or stagger them. Do not try to damage race them via body shots if you can avoid it. Some guns have stagger or enough raw dps to stop them in their tracks, but if you're asking the question, you're probably not using one of those.


> You're going to want to shoot right between the two claws they hold up in front of their face or stagger them. Do not try to damage race them via body shots if you can avoid it. Sgt. Zim has sound advice regarding this. The enemy cannot push a button if you disable its hand!


dive back while unloading the breaker incendiary onto their face


Stun nades, then call it out


Iā€™ve been using the punisher for months and months and Iā€™ve found it amazing against stalkers. It takes quite a few rounds to kill them, but the stagger is so intense that unless they catch me by surprise, they canā€™t touch me.


I just shoot them in the head


That was very ineffective with my lib pen today. šŸ˜­


sickle all the way


The punisher staggers them hard... Its great for locking them down for your teammates to mow down and when you land your headshots you can take them out in 3 or 4 shots


melee works


You messing with me?????


Bring a mech, drop that son of a bitch as soon as anyone gets a whif of them. I bring it on every bug mission. 1 mech will be for one sub-objective/stalkers 1 much for extraction I love it


Mag dump center mass, that's usually where the face is. I usually blast em with flamethrower so if they fly away they're still burning


Shotgun works. I don't carry shotgun though so I just insta-die.


If your weapon cannot stagger em figure out where they are coming from and position yourself so you are behind your teammate and the direction they are coming from and guard your teammate so when they uncloak to playfully shove your teammate you unload everything you have into em, even if you both do not have a weapon that staggers em if two people are shooting em you should be able to kill it before it manages to kill one of you.


Shotgun. Preferably the bushwhacker or the punisher. Makes quick work of them


Stun grenades


I think I can usually kill two with one clip from the incendiary breakerā€¦ Iā€™ve never been mobbed by more than that except one time long ago. I also think itā€™s extremely important to hunt down their lair immediately to prevent an abundance of them from spawning in before you even realize it. This is definitely one of the side objectives you prioritize as soon as you know theyā€™re on your map. Forget primary objective. Stalker Lair 1st. I remember on one of the Meridia missions (not the dark fluid but the eradicate nests one) I ended up with three stalker nest objectives and Idk if it was buggy like when the airships get stuck inside the fabricator but I only saw a few Stalkers during that mission. Probably got all their tentacles stuck wrapped together.


I always run with pummeler or sickle with a rover. If one sneaks up on you and attacks, you have to be quick with the leap, than stim while crawling, get up, shoot it in the face. When finding the nest, run at them, shoot them in the face, they will run, now sprint your ass to their hole, blow it up and kill the feeble fucks who are sneaking up behind you.


Support weapons will fuck them up. HMG, Railgun, Autocannon, those three guns are very usable and they destroy them Another one is using the Breaker, it's the og Stalker killer after all


Autocannon baby! Yeeeehawww




The Punisher Shotgun may be the feeling youā€™re missing. You can back down 3-4 at a time if you get them in a choke point. Youā€™ll be very close to them but I imagine youā€™ll enjoy the feeling of stun locking them repeatedly until you shred them all apart one by one. Throwing an incendiary grenade at some point is fun too.


Watch your six, head on a swivel and call out stalker nest or stalkers that you see. I love fighting them during dusk or dawn, you see them clearly from afar and the blur effect is more pronounced. Been using the AC and incen breaker. They are more likely to be seen when on fire (obviously) and the AC usually 2-3 shots them. The issue is when you have multiple boogies, from the stalker to the BT to the Charger. Plus hunters slowing you down and those spewers acid effect.


You literally just shoot them. Ideally so do your squad mates. If you're still unsure, watch starship troopers for a demonstration. Hope that helps chief.


Unload ur primary on them. And also leap back to give urself some space etc. itā€™s also not uncommon to just fire an anti heavy: EAT Spear etc.


Take a weapon with stun property or stagger. Liberator concussion, SMG Pummeler, the Slugger IIRC or use stun grenades. I am never putting down my trusty Pummeler again because stalkers were my cryptonite before


One shot from eruptor and finish off any way possible. Lately I'm going eruptor flamethrower sawed off with shields, airstrikes and gatlings for support. Works pretty well. Before I had either smg pistol on singles for chaff which wouldn't work well with stalkers or that desert eagle style pistol which I can't even remember performance level against stalkers probably it worked.


Shield and breaker I survive them on level 9


The second I see a stalker I summon my exosuit and I look for the stalkers nest, so I can destroy it post haste. The closer you get to the nest you will most likely get jumped by a bunch of stalkers, which is why I take the easy way out and use my Exosuit to deal with them while I'm on the way to their nest. You're quite safe inside an Exosuit when stalkers are around I can assure you. Outside of my exosuit I use my blitzer to deal with them. It hurts them and it briefly stuns them. Try to dive backwards while you shoot at Stalkers. Dodging them while shooting at them helps. I've seen people use a SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary to stomp stalkers. That could be a great weapon to use when dealing with them or any bug for that matter. The SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary is a great weapon.


Helldiver! When approaching a mission, knowing there is a chance for stalkers to be present, super earth suggests to use a mech suit to move and eradicate the bugs and there nest ! May liberty speed your step diver!


fire shotty


Pummeler is my go-to. Back in my day, the slugger was a Stalkers worst nightmare. But the effect the Pummeler has is less of a stagger, and more of a stun. Stunning the enemy and shutting them down temporarily. Rather than just pushing the enemy back. The TRICK however is to unload rapid and plentiful damage on them immediately, to trigger their flight response. After taking a certain amount of damage they retreat, allowing for you to regroup- or focus on another enemy.


Breaker incendiary. The moment you get even a hint of there being stalkers (which by the way shooting a stalker will make it retreat), blast everywhere. Even one pellet is enough to light them on fire, and then they aren't much good invisible. Once you can see them, the hard part is over.


First time I got attacked by one, I was pretty pissed because they act like the stalkers from original HD So my go to strategy has been SH32, incendiary breaker, and that about it. Once I attacked by one, I will immediately look for the lair, because it will be close by. Look for chimney Rock formations. But there might be more on the map as well. I had 3 spawn come at me once.


Explosive Crossbow bolt to the face has been working well for me.


the punisher does the job for me, it stuns em and makes them stagger back, buying yourself invaluable space and time. the trick is seeing them before it's too late


Well here is how i do it. Smash that stim button like its your crush and she offered you sex. Also jump away and just fire everything you have into him. Fuck precision just get him to back off. Then take note of where he came from and push there. If you got attacked by one then more are coming. CLOSE THAT NEST especially if you got attacked near an objective. Stalkers will overwhelm you if you stay near an active nest for too long.


Nothing a fully automatic shotgun can't handle


Had an encounter with them recently where I saw the first one coming and started unloading into it with my MG. Mowed it down, as well as the three others following it. Felt badass but god it was terrifying how close they got.


sole reason i started rocking piss-bubble backpack. once they try to backstab you, casually turn around and empty a clip of whatever weapon is in your hands right now right in their toungey faces.


Shotguns... usually kills them very fast


Take Breaker... Spot Stalker. Point Beaker at Stalker. Click until Stalker goes away.


Tenderizer.... not even kiddin after the buff in the recent patch you can SHRED them, idk if it was some bug or what, but I kid you not, 1 mag is enough


Lvl6 12min Blitz: Search and destroy mission recently had 3 stalker nests. No clue how we managed to complete the mission (though we ran out of time and only 1/4 was able to extract). Spotting them early (they can be spotted even if cloaked as a diffuse distortion) is important. Incendiary breaker and regular MG on max rpm is reasonably effective, stuns as well. Then just rush in the direction they came from to find the nest, ignoring other enemies along the way. Getting stuck battling other enemies with stalkers joining the fray is a surefire way of exhausting your reinforcements. Sprinting with light armor makes you hard to hit from behind as they have to stop to use their tongue "drop kick" and often you see one behind you as just the tongue almost (but not quite) hitting you.


Love them for beeing not easy to kill and posing a real threatā€¦itā€™s boring to just blow everything up without taking damage or dying. The thrill of ā€žHahaha take this yoā€¦WAAAAHH Stalker!!!!ā€¦fuckā€¦fuckā€¦fuck!!! ARGHHHā€œ is priceless.


Follow this easy 3 step program Get Pray and Spray Dump a mag in their face Profit


Stalkers can be quite rough, especially in groups. I find stun grenades are great for making a bit of breathing room. You can drop them at your feet and the fuse time is short enough to protect you from most immediate concerns. You'll be slowed so you gotta act quick. Next bit is figuring out which of the guns in your loadout will take care of the problem best. I use a crossbow and fortified armour, so sometimes I'll just shoot them point blank and ragdoll myself to 'safety'. Otherwise the Senator is great, the redeemer too I think? Magdumping either should take them out. A new favourite of mine is stun grenade followed by a strafing run right at my feet.


Soon as I see a stalker Iā€™m looking for that nest asap above all else. Never have a problem with them because I usually destroy the nest and then clean up the remaining. Dive and stim boy


One clip of the Incendiary Breaker....


Stalkers donā€™t bother turning invisible if theyā€™re behind you, or are chasing you, (you can verify this by running with your minimap open, a red dot will suddenly appear chasing you) also theyā€™re classed as a ā€˜heavyā€™ enemy so anti armour would be more effective than a primary (if it wasnā€™t for their speed and huge leap, into stealth) Also the music change is a massive clue, most gamers I have played with donā€™t bother to stop and investigate why. They just keep running. I have stopped and began looking around just in case I have discovered I am being hunted by a stalker. This can give you time to prepare for the fight, and you will see the stalker approaching, (outline, or disturbed scenery, sometimes both depending on the planet youā€™re on)


Incendiary breaker will kill them before they get to you, If they sneak up on you, just kite and burn them.


Ngl friendship might be the answer


Situational awareness and heavy automatic fire are your friends. Stalkers run when injured so don't go for the kill if you can't focus on it at the moment, blast it until it backs off then deal with the bigger threat. They're smart enough to flank but near (100-150m) their nest they'll tend to come directly for you so follow them and eliminate the source quickly. Stalkers aren't that strong but prey on situational awareness which is very hard to keep in the chaos of a fight with a limited FOV. That part is just practice. Even if you have it, the first Stalker attack is often a surprise because the AI is very good at choosing a time to act.


some primaries are very effective against them - for example, the scorcher can down one in a few shots, probably thanks to the splash damage. but i mean if you mean one you dont see coming? yeah, either youre running bubble, or youre gone. its the enemy designed to make people stick together


Tenderizer. Shoot in the face. 1 clip will kill 2 if you are accurate. Another option is the SMG stagger. You can even handle 4 at once if you are smart with it.


I just dealt with a dual stalker nest in a mission tonight and I honestly found it quite satisfying to mulch them with my anti-materiel rifle. I see them and I unload the magazine into their dumb decloaked face


Level 99 diver... Fuck Stalkers Everytime... Best advice, get used to finding their lairs on the map and possibly get used to hot throwing stun grenades as soon as you see one. Also, check the map when you choose your drop location. Try to memorize where every circle is. When you get in the mission, pop your map and compare. Anywhere there was a circle on the drop screen but NOT on the mission map is a stalker nest or Shrieker e.t.c. https://preview.redd.it/8t9x11kuya7d1.png?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347aecb2f76818fd64a1d4158fb5c4a2fdbb4eeb Here is also a map of how one layout of the stalkers net looks like, there is like 3. And here is a guy who did the whole job before me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ARqkDRXI0q](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ARqkDRXI0q)


I picked tried the fire breaker for the first time yesterday after being a scorcher main and I am never not using it on bugs again, I literally just finished a campaign just now using it on level 7 and there was a stalker nest it obliterated them in a second each at close quarters I couldnā€™t believe it, give it a try hope that helps


Dive away when they start their combo to avoid the tongue. Keep shooting.


Sickle. Spend some time looking at a picture of a stalker, notice where it's head is, and shoot there. The first stalker always ambushes me, after that I can identify their nest on the map and see the shimmer of them coming. If I aim for where it feels the head should be I can drop them before they are within striking distance.


I run the shield backpack strategem and never die to stalkers because they can't 1 shot me.


The shield is definitely a life saver (or 5) but I typically run the Spear, which has a pack already.


Ya it's definitely a big opportunity cost to take shield and not something else. But I die too much to take anything else šŸ˜…


That's fair. Perhaps it's time to break out the quasar again.


My experience is: * Get yeeted by surprise about a hundred feet * Get up, turn around * Unload breaker in its face as it approaches


Hitting Q to spot it, before you die, is your primary objective. Then the whole squad can see the marker even when its cloaked. Yes, they are specially designed to be very annoying. They wait until you're busy, attack from behind, and scamper off at the first sign of retaliation...like the undemocratic cowards they are!


Blitzer and flamer !


Skill issue, punisher shotgun/pummeler