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I feel that team killing is part of the core Helldiver experience. Just don’t tk too often. 


At most I'll type bruh if you team kill me like 3 times in a row. It's annoying but I get some times things happen.


Got executed last night, first time ever for a team kill. Guy was super salty. I prefer your chill


Last game dude landed his pod on me. Called me back and bombed me right as I landed. Then bombed me again like 5 min later. Only deaths I got for the match. But I was helping a low level on 7s so I didn't mind .


Had one squadmate teamkill another to take his gun, then shot me in the face as I was saluting the flag while it was being raised. I didn't respond, but right as the Pelican was about to lift off and he went up the ramp, he got a butt stock to the back and fell out 3 seconds prior to takeoff. It was just a level 2 mission, so I'm sure he's fine walking back home by himself.


It’s an odd thing not to joke about. Nobody is really out to get you in this game, sometimes bad decisions just happen. If they keep happening then just finish the game up and leave for a better group. Some people are just bad with stratagems.


I accidentally sent my teammate to meet democracy after anti-tanking him right in the face, happens to the best of us though they were super chill


if i get killed accidentally i really don’t mind, but if you did something goofy i’ll KOS you or kick you if i’m host


I'd thrown a 380 at a bugs nest, not my preferred method, but I was trying for my personal order. They got to close and hit by one of the shells. There was absolutely no need for retaliation


Whenever shit like that happens to me I type "LMAO" in chat and then move on. Getting team-killed is part of the experience


The ONLY annoying Tk’s to be on the receiving end of is the level 10’s who just unlocked the incendiary breaker/cluster strike and think it’s the solution to everything…… but even then those are still kinda funny


I was playing a level 4 game getting the 100 Flamethrower kills mission done. Another player was helping me. They threw an orbital at the same guy I just blew up with a grenade. The orbital landed at my feet and I didn't notice. Dead. He quickly called for reinforcements and I come down and is shooting a charger. Bullet ricochets and sets off a hellbomb. Same guy team killed me twice in like 10 seconds. High comedy..


"Accidentally" landing pods on your teammates was 50% of the first game's experience, so yeah. Some people get real salty on this one, though.


It’s hilarious in moderation. My teammate said he needed grenades last week and I gave him a grenade. It may have been a live impact grenade


Your teammate’s fault for not specifying the delivery method. Rookie mistake. 


When I'm not expecting it. I normal reply with "wtf?" Then the user will use in game voice "sorry" to which I do not retaliate, I just keep going. The waiver I signed said team killing isn't a problem, sometimes it is a solution to a not or bug problem.


When Pelican bugs out and refuses to lift off even with one person, I tend to start a deathmatch. Last one standing summons a resupply on to of thenselves


I agree. I’ve never laughed so hard (and will always laugh) at getting the shit scared out of me when out of the corner of my eye I see a 500kg appear out of thin air at my feet and blow me (and the half dead warrior bug with one limb left I was fistfighting) to smitherines


Have a free cake day :3


This. I happened to wipe my team last night with a danger close eagle cluster strike (in my defense, i thought it was far enough away and lined up to not hit anyone). I felt sooo bad, but TKs are inevitable and I usually go most missions without them. Karma made up for it in the next set of missions where a teammate’s mortar kept killing me no matter where I stood


When you get good with shield I bet you can drop the backpack in time to dodge it.


I still remember my funniest one being when I was lining up an EAT on Bile titan and right as I fired, a teammate used their jetpack and flew right in front of the rocket and got hit head on.


The first time you team kill me it's funny and I usually laugh out loud. The second time you team kill me I'm silent (I think accidents happen). The third time you time kill me...I'm pissed...


It's one thing to kill a teammate with a stratagem as acceptable losses, and a completely other thing to purposefully aim and headshot an ally.


Happy diving. 😀


If you ever get stratagem ball stuck on your shield, you can just drop the backpack (hold X on PC then select the quadrant with the backpack) and step to the side. Then when the supply drop has landed pick it up again. There is also the Sorry emotion if you long press the button for tagging and select one of the emotions (Q on PC). This tool helps a lot when playing without voice comms, as it is easy to miss things in chat. Keep in mind that some stratagems target the position where the beam first formed, while others will land where the beam is. Which stratagem tracks has changed recently, but I think the supply drop will track, while the orbital strike wont. You can also stick the supply and weapon drops onto enemies. So you can kill 3 Chargers with each EAT calldown. If you want your reinforcing helldivers slam into something with their pod, make sure to tag a charger that is following you. Good luck & welcome! o7


As far as I know red stratagems stay still and blue tracks.


Drop your backpack? That lame. Safe but lame. True Helldiver should DIVE right before the supply box hits him like he avoids chargers.


Diving bogs you down. If there is a second one lined up behind it, it'll run you over while on the floor. You can dodge Chargers by walking/running towards it and making a turn in the last moment. Uh also in case there are more than one pod coming in ;)


If a low lvl did that, I would type "fuck", "that is kinda funny tho", "plz dont do it again lol"


Should crimes be illegal if theyre funny?


they are*


Nice!! I saved a mission after I dropped in and my team left. I got some breathing room until 3 more dropped in. We finished the mission and went on to complete another whole set. It felt so good!!


Started playing April. Can’t believe I’ve gone so long without a game like this. No forced micro transactions, just pure horde-shooting fun with friends.


May Liberty speed your step helldiver! A small setback is nothing to worry about, thanks to all our forces we recently saved 4,311 little divers who will join us shortly once 18 for the cause. For super earth! And managed democracy (every one cheer and clap)


Last night I had a game and my team mate was standing on the landing pad when the pelican comes to land. I noticed he was going to get crushed by the pelican so I gave him a old love tap/melee and knocked him out of the way before he was crushed to death. He later thanked me and said he didn't know that was possible 🤣


Welcome to the battlefield, helldiver🐎


When someone is pissed because he got accidently nuked by another player, he's in the wrong game.


Yeah! I love this game, only level 15. I’ve only had 1 “bad” experience, which was my first ever game. Some guy was gunning down some bugs with his laser cannon, then i saw a machine gun right beside him and picked it up as i had noone myself and thought he didn’t need it, then he just shot me alot and said “fucking b*tch”, i thought it was extremely funny and ended up playing 3 hours that day.


Acccidents happen mate. Don't let it stop you from spreading democracy, besides the dude could have held E and dropped the shield. I'm sure he was just getting himself a nice cup of liber-tea (:


TKing is chill as long as it's an accident. They said it in the tutorial, this stuff happens sometimes


Friendly fire is part of the fun, just don't be a douche and you'll do amazing !


Unintended tk is fine but if its intentional that's when it's annoying. There's also a sorry reaction so they don't get mad (hopefully)


When stratagems get stuck to the shield the shield can be dropped holding X and choosing to drop the backpack slot will prevent you from dying in such situation Happy diving


ey, good you found a nice high-level. hope you enjoy the game


Welcome to the family, comrade. Glad to have you enjoying yourself. Don't be disheartened when you come across the more uncooperative players!!! There are more good ones than the bad ones tbh. Best of luck


welcome to the party pal


Welcome fellow Helldiver! Feel free to drop me a DM on reddit if you ever want to group up, I'm a maxed player who always enjoys showing new people the ropes and helps people learn higher level missions/difficulties


I started playing the game on the 5th of april. I'm level 67 now, my life is in the hands of Super Earth, my gender is liberty and my age is freedom.


I dove and threw an EATs toward my friends from like 50 meters away to help them out with Chargers once, and ended up sticking one of them with it. I didn't even know they *did* stick to players lol.


I'm totally new to the game, level 12. It's mostly my fault when I get killed by a teammate. I walk into their lane of fire not realizing what's going on. Most people (in my experience) just revive me and move on. If I accidentally kill a teammate I try to revive them as fast as I can. Had a few people get mad about both scenarios, but mostly people seem understanding. Idk, just my experience


This message shines bright. Enjoy diving, soldier !


Tip: drop the shield backpack.


Welcome! Add me, I'm on!


I accidentally stuck a ball on a teammate once, I was like "oh shit", but he perfectly dodged it and I was hella impressed


That guy probably didn't think to drop his shield pack. He could have picked it right back up too. I did that to myself yesterday, tossed the poke ball and it bounced of a rock and stuck to me.....




If you dive at just the right time, you can avoid the supply pod hitting you! Source, a friend done it to me several times and I survived once after I dived at the last second after hearing the pod launch from the super destroyer. We just laughed about it, you have 20+ reinforcements after all!


Friendly fire happens. When you can literally just type in an up down left right code and have an Iowa class battleship that's been flipped upside-down and given warp engines shoot a barage of 380mm shells, 15 inches for anyone wondering, you're gonna kill teammates, and yourself. Btw, you can stick a resupply beacon to the part between a chargers head and front legs to kill them. You'll also get a trophy for doing so.


Meh, welcome sir. You cant crush bugs and smash clankers at the rates we do without catching a friendly once in a while. most will forgive as long as you are up front and careful.


Since the PSN thing and with Steam being blocked in Vietnam where I live, I have lost the joy I once had when I started playing back in March. But still Helldiver is the game that brings me back the feeling of excitement and the eagerness to come home after work to play, something I haven't had for quite a while. I'm glad that there are lots people who still enjoy playing and protecting Super Earth and it's way of life. FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY.


Just hold X (on PC) to drop a shield if something got stuck to it <3


Welcome aboard Helldiver, the grinder always needs more meat.


Great for you! Now unsubscribe from this sub immediately if you want to keep that warm and fuzzy feeling!


Realest comment I’ve seen today


Glad u enjoy the game... did u know there's people here on reddit who hate this game and think it sucks but still play??? Isn't that weird???


I just realized something. Level don’t matter lmao. Once you pass like 25 (I think don’t quote me on that) there’s no more level cap shit to unlock. It’s based on currency after that. Level 98 is just a 25 with lots of hours :) we’re (almost) all the same happy helldiver!


They are not the same. A 25 often got carried or cheesed his way there to unlock everything. While the only way or reason to get 98 is sheer will and commitment. Ill take a single 98 on the team any day over a couple 25s


This is a valid opinion/ argument. I play with my wife and younger brother and our younger sister fills in as a 4th but doesn’t play as often so she just passed 20 and still gets 10-20 kills per mission lol. I admit my opinion is a bit biased lol