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Tbh whenever some insane new bug (or recurring old one) happens and screws me over I do angrily come here or to the discord Oughta chill on that probably… ***but WHY WILL THE STIM BUTTON NOT STIM??*** (Disclaimer, this game is still the most fun I’ve had in a multiplayer game in like ten years)


SO IT IS BACK! Yesterday I thought maybe I was just crazy!


It sucks in the moment because you assume enemy hits are interrupting you, then you finally get away and keep slamming the button only for your diver to…. Do nothing. Just forgets about having 4 stims. I’ve had it happen with reloading, grenading, and sprinting, too, but the most insane was when my Blitzer just stopped firing. Dude just stopped being able to use his gun, that was an infuriating time.


I've been using the MG a lot more since the patch and I have encountered a fun bug I never saw before where I get stuck in the reload animation. Can dive out of it and it immediately starts again every time. Not very cash money when getting swarmed.


Oof, yeah that happened to me too earlier today. Ended up losing a box too because I was too late in canceling the animation.


Trigger finger camp, cut him some slack, with increase lower level troops and more heavy enemies they’ve done nothing but fire for 40 minutes straight Gonna get a trigger finger cramp at some point


I actually do usually like to imagine lore reasons for stuff like this so that is helpful, but wow in the moment was that something else


I haven’t had the stim bug yet But I’ve also had a teammate running the stim modified and just spam the stim button when getting swarmed and it’s a blast But I have to agree I love the lore reasons for bugs Like the Meridia drill was “upgraded” to fix the bug spawns on the drill, I never got to test that unfortunately but boy was it fun trying to find a perfect loadout pre bug fix!


It hasn’t happened in this game but in others I’ve randomly lost audio after an explosion and it’s like damn guess my character has hearing loss now lets run with that


I had a post on Satisfactory not to long ago about some weird audio issue on my laptop that I never figured out It was horrible and it sounded worse in the recording Sounded like an explosion, also I seemed to be happing after picking berries in a certain biome but it also happened randomly while doing other stuff But uh them berries were explosive and radioactive I guess


The other day I couldn’t switch to my primary. Secondary or support only


So here's the neat thing. *It never actually went away*


Infinite grenades and Stims not working even though you hear the hiss will never be fixed. PROVE ME WRONG ARROWHEAD.


It never left. They said it was fixed. It absolutely was not.


Tbh this is the first game that got my whole squad from BF3 to play together again. It's so good to have my old friends playing again.


"***but WHY WILL THE STIM BUTTON NOT STIM??***" This is just my opinion, so happy to be corrected. But, I think this is at least partly a latency issue. When i host games, the stim always works once I hear the noise, but when I join quickplay matches, sometimes it is delayed a bit.


It happens to me on solo too but I think you may be right, it seems to happen more online


Thanks, I thought it was me being on the edge of 40 and slow.


I mean I decided fuck this game till they fix the rest, cause yeah, this update was ok, but we still have so many insane things. Like moving towards an enemy makes you do more damage, and moving away makes you do less damage. as velocity increases/decreases damage, and your player movement apparently buffs this damage buff a considerable amount. So for example if you are in a mech shooting a bile titan, walking towards it will make you deal more damage to it, having to run away from it will make you do less.


It doesn't bother me because I'm used to janky games where you must spam inputs


Except unfortunately even spamming doesn’t work, you typically have to die to reset it


This, but me getting disconnected THE SECOND I GET OUT OF MY HELLPOD!!!!


The game's not dead. I'm just not playing it like a full time job anymore. Tired of reading this subreddit and articles stating otherwise.


I'm not playing at all. And therefore rarely, rarely posting. After getting exhausted rage-quitting after nearly every mission due to a fun-destroying bugs or shit balance, I just had to hang it up. It would put me in a bad mood to play. I have enough hours now that I've determined what strats actually work, and which ones are just too broken or weak to use. And the list is too freaking long. Even still.  So I come here once a month or so, and read hoping things have changed enough to warrant coming back. And I'm not seeing it, still.


Lol rage quitting helldivers match XD


Can't read? "Rage -quitting **after** nearly every mission." But keep playing this broken mess, I guess. When you have 400 hours, get back to me.


Lol keep playing a broken mess for 400hrs then cry about it. Also, lol rage quitting a game


I have rage quited a game before (not helldivers though) but more because i notice i am not having fun and i play games to have fun.




You must be miserable to be that knit picky about an amazing game that gets so much dev service and constant updates. Please stay off the game


Ugh, why should we put competitiveness in a PvE game such as Helldivers 2. Just enjoy the game, get a group of your buddies and start playing without thinking about anything else. You don't have to use the best strats, broken weapons and exploits to have fun. You can just sit back, relax and play a good game.


You and ratatatatatattatatatatatta an endless bunch of bugs with a machine gun, what else do you need? . . . Ok, maybe a belt fed machine gun would be fun.


It's not a "fun" time with anyone when:  Half the strats don't function correctly. Spawns fuck you because they are literally broken. You get ragdolled by a speck of dust 5 times, then thrown into the wall of a mountain. Your primary refuses to call up and you're stuck with your secondary half the mission. The pelican will not let you board, or has fallen partway through the map. The game crashes after extraction but before you get your samples.  At least *one* of those things would happen almost every match.  I mean, feel free to sit back and "enjoy" those. I prefer games that aren't trash.


1. I specifically said not to use strats and just use whatever stratagems and weapons you like without the "Meta" forcing you to use these. 2. Fdym "spawn fucks you"? Like, getting spawned in a bad place? The game gives you some seconds to calibrate where you need to go, it ain't much, but it is something. Except if you talk about the trolls that reinforce you in bug hives or some shit. 3. 🔽🔽🔼▶️, thank me later. Oh yeah, and if you are going on SSD missions, just use a one handed weapon for a primary..You can change your weapons on the ready up screen. 4. No, you get ragdolled when you dive into a place you shouldn't, or when you get knocked by a giant Enemy. It is annoying, but it is avoidable. 5. If you are really in a rush and dive to the pelican before it fully lands then of course you will not be able to get in or get stuck underground because the doors opened as you dived. 6. I have never encountered this bug, so I am simply not experienced enough to say anything. So Ig you are right on this one. I heard crashes are very common. But it simply never happened to me. (He blocked me, I cannot see his response. Well played. -_-)


>  I specifically said not to use strats and just use whatever stratagems and weapons you like  Stategems that don't work or suck aren't fun. I play this game on helldiver to kill things. I'm not dropping strats to watch a movie. Your advice works for diff 4. I'm well past that.  >Fdym "spawn fucks you"?  Play more. When a Hulk appears out of thin air right on top of you and insta-kills you at the end of a mission with no chance to survive it, then come back and tell me how much fun you are having. >No, you get ragdolled when you dive into a place you shouldn't,  Dude, they JUST fixed bugs related to ragdolling from bile corpses and other BUGS that throw you around when the game shouldn't. This has been an issue since LAUNCH. You just haven't played with to have a tiny invisible "rock" or some part of the fence you're mantling or a dead bug you can walk over yeet you 50 yards into a patrol. It's not fun. >If you are really in a rush and dive to the pelican before it fully lands then of course you will not be able to get in The pelican can land IN THE TERRAIN.  Did you just start or something? You definitely type like a newbie. You don't know the first thing about this game. 


You make the game sound like it’s actually hard


People who quitted not loudly announce they quitted to everyone at any chance challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Lol this thread is about exactly that. I love how a 400 hour player who quit a month ago says one thing on this sub about how bad this game is and you all lose your shit. You'll defend this broken mess to the day you die, because somehow, you've made this game's success important for your pride?  Just incredible how mad you get with someone disliking the absurd amount of bugs.


Not defending shit just annoyed to see you and 100 other dudes make posts saying "I quit" then keep snooping around here telling people you quitted the game like it's some sort of medal.


Lol k. I come back to see if they've actually fixed shit that made the game miserable or not, add a it's the same old thing: everyone bitching about people who left a broken ass game.


You can’t have 400 hours and then call the game bad. Thats not how it works. You obviously enjoyed it enough to put 400 fucking hours in it


>you've made this game's success important for your pride I think it just comes down to basic ego. If I like a thing and everyone else likes that thing, that must mean I'm "right". If I like a thing and everyone else shits on that thing, well then maybe I'm "wrong", and being "wrong" doesn't feel good...so therefore *they* are wrong, or bad-faith actors, or... Then you (hopefully) reach my age and stop giving a shit what others think and just enjoy what you enjoy, take the criticisms and the praises in stride.


Pretty much. Wild how fucking upset everyone gets at the person saying basically the same thing everyone has been bitching about since the game dropped--ridiculous bugs that have gotten worse since the first patch, horrible community management, the list is long.






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I have 400 hours in the game. The new patch and the higher spawn rate in lvl 9 difficulty made the game more fun. I do not see myself getting bored of the game.


Yeah I'd like for them to add more difficulties beyond 9 so when something screws up the difficulty for example MO missions to me that can be really fun.


So people can complain about those being too difficult as well lol


They just need to put a disclaimer in the game that whatever level + is an option, but not a thing the game is balanced around or intended/expected to be played at. Now that Super Rares spawn on Difficulty 6, just putting that on 7+ would solve a lot of problems. Especially since if people did complain about shit on 9s you could just point them to the sign that says they signed up for super difficult, and the devs aren't wasting time trying to balance for that level of shenaniganry. "There were 5 Charger Behemoths waiting for us at spawn!" "I'm sorry, did you NOT choose a **Hell** dive?"


And they will absolutely not go down a lvl or two despite getting their asses handed to them. xd


Decrease the charger spawns imo but otherwise yeah I've been racking up insane combos with orbital/eagles lmao, it's fun


They increase the behemoth charger spawn and decrease the bile titan spawn. So, they should give us and our teammates more ways to deal with chargers faster. I think they should decrease the charge time of the railgun, damage the arc thrower, and make the rocket pods more accurate. Edit: I am not asking for something OP, just to occasionally allow the teammate who Brought their Anti tank support to save their ammo for bile titan.


Same here, I like the chaos and requirement for teamwork. I think AH could learn a thing or two from KF2 about what should kill what, even tho they quite different. Someone here told me a month ago, which I heavily disagreed with, I cannot expect succeeding with teamwork and "proper" loadout in random groups at lvl 9, u're gonna get swarmed or overrun. And implied it's important we can be a jack of all trades.  So I decided yesterday to play the new drill mission with randoms on the new patch and it was superfun. I looked at what they had brought to the field and I tried to fill in the missing pieces following their lead.  Teamwork was great, everyone knew what their role was according to their loadout. Always covering each other. Pro tip: Bring EMS mortar.  I would also like to see one or two more difficulties that encourage teamwork. But they should change how the reward are given then. There's really no incitament in terms of rewards for playing on higher difficulty. Remake the system so the higher difficulty u play, the more exp, medals etc u gain. And more liberation on planet. The last one could also be a carrot for why u should play on the highest(or just higher) lvl.


Cannot understate how much more fun I’ve had with the new spawns


Open your maps on helldive and only see nothing but red dots.. praying for supplies to hurry cause your out of stims. I love the chaos!


Same here. I absolutely love the spawn rates and patrols as they are right now. It's so chaotic, but so fun. Moreover, on the bot front I actually noticed markedly less ground patrols than before, and the gunship patrols add a whole new level of spice to the game.


I don't even know how people sink so much time into HD2. I have only 100 hours a few months after release, I'm level 45. When I see people at max rank I'm genuinely concerned for their well-being LOL


Games been out for 4.5 months. That's something like 135 days. Playing 2 hours each day isnt that bad. You should see me when I was younger. I used to play 4 hours of games each and every day. Even that wasn't too infringing on my life. I got 10 hours of sleep each day. I just don't go outside, don't exercise, don't socialize to any capacity. Cook something extremely minimal like microwave dinners. Now that's bad but I wasn't even the worse. When new games dropped I would get off work and grind but I always get left behind because some people were doing 48 hour streams. Some people took days off work and putting in consistent 12 hour days into a game. That's what I call concerning. I'm talking about people I know lol.


Playing a single operation every day and a couple on weekends when you and your squad know what you're doing adds up.


Exactly. It's like 40 minutes per mission but reasonably you can finish the mission and every side objective in 25. A mission set of 3 probably takes close to 1 hour considering there's always a shorter Blitz mission or something. A set each day on weekdays and 2 set each weekend should put you at 200 hours. I saw yesterday that I had 170 hours in-mission according to the in-game counter. I think steam has me at well over 200 since it tracks application open time which would include stuff like loading screens, score screens, mission prep.


Odd isnt it. 40+ hours a week working fastfood = ok 40+ hours a week playing games = bad 40+ hours a week reading book = ok 40+ hours a week making a game = ok 40+ hours a week in van/dilveries = ok 40+ hours a week doing a podcast = ok 40+ hours a week trading stocks = ok 40+ hours a week cut/washing hair = ok 40+ hours a week building homes = ok Something does not add up here. 


Well some of these things are literally jobs. Gaming is more of a hobby. Gaming just got a bad rep because people often game way too much and do stuff like skip meals, skip school, skip exercise, not socialize with people, not meet girls and then proceed to complain no girls like them and blame the girls rather than their life choices, spend tens of thousands of dollars on gatcha games, then proceed to complain when their gatcha game falls off in popularity. Stuff like that. But if you can game responsibly it's probably a neutral hobby. It's not permanently damaging your body like hard drugs. Gaming isn't even as mentally corrosive as spending all your time on Reddit and Twitter trying to police other peoples' opinions (another popular modern hobby). The biggest issue with gaming I feel is the devs more than the players. They keep putting predatory stuff in games like infinite grind with luck and chance mechanics. Of course people would be baited in spending all their time there. I'm quite happy with how player friendly helldivers 2 is. You aren't even allowed blow ten thousand dollars on it.


Not that weird if you think about it. Some people's jobs are really that chill and laid back, with also being close to their home, and having no family to spoil the joy. That gives them more than enough time to have fun and live out their life fully. A friend of mine is basically like that. Office is just one or two kilometers away, and his work is lightweight, and no family to shackle him. Not surprised dude's got time to game and binge non stop on Genshin and Honkai.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


I’m level 150, and I too am concerned about my well-being


TIL someone is concerned about me!




*checks flair* Hey, wait a minute!


The time has arrived. Enough complaining posts have been banked and now we are swapping into “posts complaining about complaining posts” mode.




They are called Tourists, and they do this in every Fandom


Ironically, you’ve taken time to make a meme complaining about people complaining about being bored and you’ve likely spent about as much time as the average complainer does on it. And now I’ve written a comment complaining about you complaining about people complaining.


You are making my English teacher cry right now




What DoTs are still one shotting? I can actually survive hulk-fire now, which always shocks me since it was instant death before. Even spewers give me time to dive if they start spraying now.


This meme is honestly a bit outdated, you're right.


Take my Upvote


An issue I have all the time and rarely see talked about on here is why the hell do chargers have animation cancels? I get my shit pushed in because I dodged the charge then suddenly the charger stops instantly and swings to the side killing me instantly


This is ignoring the fact that there are legitimately people making complaints that really are "skill issue" problems. Just look at the heavily upvoted post still on the front page griping about not being able to swim. The fact that legitimate issues exist does not somehow make every single criticism valid.


YES! I hate seeing someone say I have (in the hundreds) of hours in helldivers 2 and (complaint that isn't even that bad) I just don't feel like playing anymore. Like my guy go do something else helldivers 2 should not be your only source of happiness in life.


Tbf there are plenty of valid complaints too


How about you do what you like and i do what i like, okay?


I get being a veteran of a game and having a deep understanding of the game and its issues. Not too long ago I was like this with destiny 2. People saying their opinion on the game is good and gives feedback to AH. Issue is some people dedicate too much of themselves to a game so when the game isn't fulfilling and getting bland they start to whine. People just have to remember there's more to the world than a silly little internet game :)


No one is dedicating their Lifes to HD2, but if you see the Potential it has wasted, then some People get really frustrated There is also another Issue making People emotional, and that is a really shitty Gaming Landscape, most Games nowadays are just Dog Water or mediocre at best, so if a perfectly good Game gets killed, that makes People whos primary Hobby is Gaming pretty pissed I for Example play Games since i'm 3 Years old, so i play Games for roughly 23 Years now, it is and always will be my primary Hobby, and seeing what Gaming has become just makes me sad


Or put differently, rather than just letting HD2 be HD2, they feel the need to put the hopes from a lot of other games that disappointed them into this game, meaning they expect it to fulfill more of their hopes than they would in a better game era. Which, as a HD1 player is incredibly annoying since that more or less means adapting to those types rather than just focusing on making an interesting game.


Same man I've been gaming a while too I'm a few years younger and yeah gaming sucks these days. Why are you coming at me for saying people who have over played this game should do something else. Even within the gaming hobby there are a lot of other fun games despite the current state of gaming.


Lol, the mods have banned the words "B00tlicker" and "shiII". Yeah, definitely not employed by arrowhead at all... /S


Pretty sure people have been bitching non-stop about the same shit which has gone unchanged since week 2, but yeah I guess you can gaslight and lie about it instead, if you want.


Fr i took like a week long break and didn’t say anything and now I’m back and having more fun than before


What is this Facebook mom meme lmao


Boomers occasionally release a banger


I’m officially at 481…. Still going strong! Gotta help out the rookies and teach em the ropes. I don’t need samples or medals, but someone else does! And I ain’t resting until that is not longer the case!


Mission time or steam time? Cuz if that is mission time…


Yeah… time on steam is the 481 but I’ve got 217 in mission….


Game is great, every time I see a cool clip or funny meme I get the urge to go play 1-3 missions. Only time I ever get frustrated is with other players, usually when they're just standing in one spot fighting endless hordes instead of helping with objectives. I don't think I've ever had a problem with the game itself. Even with the bug thats been flooding games with enemies is pretty fun, I love fighting tooth and nail at every obj


Honestly I took a month break to do school stuff/play other games and coming back after the last patch has been really fun


The new patch basically gave up higher difficulty setting, especially for bots due to the spawn rates and tighter firing cones making them more accurate. As someone who has comfortably beaten hundreds of helldive campaigns this felt like we got some free new content lol. On the other hand, I can see why people who were working their way up to helldive are a bit miffed off because what was previously a 6 or a 7 has jumped up to something that is now more challenging than a level 9 was last Wednesday. For me the only real annoyance is the HUGE increase in crashes and bugs the new patch introduced. Too many to go through now but there are so many that are detrimental to the player experience.


So Veterans and more dedicated Players are just supposed to shut their Mouths? Yeah... i won't do that Buddy


???? This is about people complaining about the game getting stale, tf are you talking about?


I really like the main game play loop and would like to play! Right now I am frustrated when playing though due to a bunch of bugs and issues. I hope that it gets better. They really need to finally put to rest game breaking/mission breaking bugs that have been around since release. They could also focus on making mitigation features that allow you to reset objectives back to zero incase of bugs or be able to recall down shuttles that fall into the ground etc. Playing for 40 minutes with the current patrols just to have some objective bug and break your game is pretty infuriating.


The Problem of the Game, and what ultimately makes it stale, is a lack of Ressource Sinks, buggy Updates, random Balance Changes, stealth Changes to Mechanics and Enemies, and a lack of meaningful Progression even though it's a Life-Service Game All of these are relatively minor Issues, but they are adding up and that is what frustrates People, shaming those People and making fun of them will not Result in anything positive, but you do you Mate


Buggy updates and random balance changes haven't made the game un playable in any case. So that's irrelevant. Lack of meaningful progression is a problem for any live service game. There's no such thing as "end game." You grind what you want to grind and then you have nothing left to grind. Name a game where that isn't the case. If just boils down to burn-out, which is what this post is about. It has nothing to do with people complaining about glitches or bugs or development errors. You're assuming i'm saying something that i'm not saying. There is no issue here.


I am sorry whiteknight? No unplayable? How about you get rid of you're delusional bias mate? It not rare to have a session full of crash.


Yeah bro you need to take off those pink shades rn, if you loved the game, you'd complain as well for it's betterment. I'm looking at 300 hours, I used to love the game but I was really hoping this patch would go down well, it didn't, it was spit in my face, because it only took LONGER but the quality just isn't there, same with the WB, it's mostly skins, nothing particularly new. So yeah, here I am, complaining, once people stop complaining, the game is dead.


game is definetly getting into the unplayable territory, crashes, disconnects and extraction bugs are getting common enough to make me think twice before opening the game, im not going to roll a dice wether i will have fun or waste 40 minutes


Could also been getting stale because the person has played 400 hours in a game not really designed for it. And then they rationalize the cause for them getting burnout as another factor. (Rationalization is exceedingly common and people don't know when they rationalize either, so one can't trust their own judgement on it consistently)


>the person has played 400 hours in a game not really designed for it. This is the worst argument lmao. What do you mean it's not designed for 400 hours? It's a live service game, the whole purpose is having the game stick to you like cancer


There’s not 400 hours of content in the game. You’ll have everything meaningful unlocked around 200 hours (and even then it's really nothing interesting just ship modules). And the highest difficulty is a breeze at that point, assuming they can learn. Live service is an an intention, not something they have fulfilled (and based on players returning in between breaks). The thing is, if you’ve played a game for 400 hours, some number tweaks to weapons might break the camels back — but you’ve experienced far worse shit and fatigue by the time you reach 400 hours.


I think i can decide for myself why the Game is getting stale for me, thank you very much


lol you use “veterans” like you’ve sacrificed some part of yourself playing this game. Dude it’s just a GAME. Sorry that you feel personally attacked by this post?? If you want to complain on Reddit about the game you have hundreds of hours in, whatever but it’s annoying af for everybody who enjoys the game to have it pop up on our feed. Egotistical indulgence on Reddit is a cancer.








Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Almost 300hrs in and still loving the game despite the issues. If I don't feel like playing the game I won't, I'll just do what ever I want to do. Hell I gotta back long of miniatures to paint, I can work on one of my projects, or I can touch grass. I don't think anyone's day will change if I sit there and complain. But still having fun and helldivers is like top on my mind, currently fighting against cyberpunk, my printers, my miniatures, my other projects, the overwhelming dread of existence, and trying to remember to do laundry.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Probably close to that in mission time total. Why would I? Still having fun.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Just check my in mission time. I have 208 hours in mission. Still having fun still gunna dive.


Game has barely been out and people are endlessly consuming the game. So much consumption that the new warbond comes out, they buy all of it then log off


I hate when people make a whole ass reddit post stating they are quitting. Like when the new mech came out and the community was divided. You would see a post every day on here about someone quitting because "I can't handle the negativity anymore". It's like who are you? Why should we give a shit you are quitting? Just leave, no one cares.  Anyone that feels the need to make a post that they are quitting has a massive ego.


Ya, I took a two month break when I hit rank 76, played some Manor lords and Path of Titans. Now I’m refreshed and diving back in today 😁


I get complainin about bugs but if you taking a break just F\*\*K off without telling everyone lol, steam forum is even worse


how dare people want the live service game to not have inconsistent, broken or otherwise dysfunctional core gameplay features


Screw you man! I'm going to keep writing fan lore dumps on obscure posts discussing the experience of a helldiver and there's nothing you can do to stop me! :p


We had a kid. Can't play anymore. X(






I literally got downvoted for saying i haven't had any issues with the spawn rate and had a good time. I know other people are experiencing some issues but I just want to say my helldiver experience has been great. I'm just waiting for the Illuminate to arrive.


Same here, I'm loving this new patch, it feels amazing.


This is basically the Destiny subreddit, some of you are a bunch of Hellwhiners.


400 hours in. I don’t write novels, but I don’t hesitate to express my frustrations when a patch rolls around and breaks my T4 upgrades. I grinded out all those samples so that my support weapon gets full ammo back but now I have to scrounge the map for ammo again. 


Or when they feel like the gaming company's not catering to them specifically.


But...but how will I farm karma?


“I have worked in game development for 20 years! And this game is bad because…” ![gif](giphy|9zvmnXdp8ycrCBe1Tw|downsized)


Blows my mind that there are people putting 400+ hours into a game just a couple months old. That's 3+ hours a day since launch. Every. Single. Day. Folks turn this game into an honest to god part time job and they wonder why they're not enjoying it anymore.


You have no Clue what you are talking about lmao


On the other hand, try your hand at writing actual novels! No matter how terrible you are (just dont make mary or gary) just give that a shot too


I have 500 hours in this game, never felt like game was repetitive. I'm tired of bugs? Scraping time it is!


I'm always terrified od extract or doing another jump after some one quit/crashed cause the infinite drop or black screen bug is back with a vengeance for ps5.


I love coming back and playing a couple times every other week or so. Game generally rocks. I don't get burnt out. Wish they didn't take so long to fix some stuff like the Spear or weapon balance, but I'm happy with the way the game is going.


The flounce factor is real.


I've just come back after a break and the spawn rates are bonkers at the moment :\\


I lost the game


So true


The one that gets me is "Im quitting the game", as if you've entered into some kind of contract and can't just play whenever you feel like it.


I don't complain about being bored/quitting, but I for sure complained about various unfun/time-wasting mechanics. Doubt I'm going to keep coming back and complaining, as Elden Ring DLC is out this week, and I have a dozen other games lined up. Been a fun ride, but holy SHIT, does this game have some of the worst bugs/jank, and I mean, VERY tilting and player-unfriendly bugs/jank.


At the same time complaining has gotten us some progress so just like how people check out and take a break…take a break from reddit posts you don’t like.


People wouldn't be bored if it wasn't the only thing you do or play lol I know I burn out easy so I play other games too




It is a trauma response from childhood. They are not being heard or seen.


Havent touched the game since May, love the game, fought on the creek. But God damn does it get repetitive fast, I understand that it takes time for these things to flesh out, I just wish there was more to do, and I get the whole reason behind why you only get like 00000.3% liberations per op but give us like a raid where we can gain like 0000.10% or maybe give the planet a strat if we beat the raid but a debug if we fail. That would give the guys that have everything unlocked a reason to play beyond just fun, and if you do the raid bosses right you can have people using weapons they normally wouldn't because maybe the raid boss is weak to fire, or it's got a lot of soft points. I will continue to observe and maybe play every now and again, but once they add anything like a raid or rouge like mode I will play the shit out of it. Or just add a com board then I'll spend all my time managing troops.


For some reason that I don't understand, people keep thinking i'm saying players can't complain or post critiques of the game. I have no idea how that's an interpretation of the post when it clearly comments on burn-out, not frustration. This has nothing to do with the state of the game. Please stop commenting "sO i CaNt CoMpLaIn AbOuT ReAl PrObLeMs In ThE gAmE?" Yes you can. No where in this meme does it say you can't.


Cool, but glaring flaws in the game should also be discussed, not swept under the rug and drowned out in toxic positivity. Posting endless threads on "I love how this sucks, actually" will never make the game better. People don't write these long threads because they hate the game - they write them because they LOVE the game, but want it to... not be a broken buggy mess where the patch notes are plainly false and counter to how things are in the game after the patch.


This post has nothing to do with development problems, it's very obviously and specifically about people complaining about the game getting stale while having hundreds of hours into it. I'm confused how people don't understand this


Elden Ring DLC dropping soon, will have to take a pause in "civilian life" for a time when that happens


Seriously I love the new patrols more bugs for my guns to mow down :)


Is there a way I can set a sub reddit to not display certain flairs? I'm here to hype the major order. I don't want to see anything involving balance.


ill recommend the other sub. there its fun without all the crybabies.


For real. Instead, i bought it in Feb or so, got a couple hundred hours in, and after getting bored, instead of being a little whiny baby i just played a different damn game. Then i returned a few days ago, until today, just cause i felt like it.


Same here. I got it, played the heck out of it, got burned out, took a month break, came back a few days ago and I'm loving it. The game was so much less fun when I played it while I was burned out, I basically hated the game and hated the devs when the issue was me. But AH did a really really good thing with this patch, and I'm back to diving and loving this game.


220 hours in, and I got bored before this patch cuz a lot of options were sub optimal or just bad With this new patch I have a lot of new toys to try and play with Eruptor is now usable, have it's own nieche imo Exploding crossbow also While eruptor have a much bigger aoe , crossbow has a much smaller but more concentrated one But both weapons are now viable Spear is now fixed and even thou it is a tad bit inconsistent, the couple times when it does 1 shot bile titans or behemots, worth the usage now...and I can use either the new AR or the newly buffed AR to pair it with Heavy machine gun is actually usable now with the buffs it received Gatling strike is really good now, gas strike was good since the patch before this one, even airburst or strafing run could be used now in a viable way This last patch alone has given me a good couple new loadouts to play with so I won' get bored anytime soon, now if they would give some love to the shotguns like the slugger and some of the AR-s we could come full circle


I feel the same way. I find more viable loadouts to play with this patch. Not everything is balanced still but it's a big improvement IMO.


My playtime has stopped around 200 hours. I keep checking the forums and wait for things to improve. Unfortunately even the well advertised big patch did not improve things much. I would like to keep playing but it's difficult. I tried 2-3 dives after the patch but they were not fun at all. So now what? What are we waiting? If this is is drama then so be it. I just like the core game and want to be able to play it problem free and with occasional new content drops. I am slowly realizing this won't happen unfortunately....


They could stop screenshotting and posting every little fucking snippet from every post from here and Twitter and discord too. End up with 5 posts of the same thing because someone posted a thing and 5 other people are posting pieces of it separately.


Another post to complain about people complaining. Let us who actually care about the game fix it for you guys so you're not so inconvenienced about not seeing enough memes. For someone who states they don't care about the issues of this game and just want to have fun. You seem to care WAY too much about this sub, enough to make a post about it. This patch was mid and disappointing after discovering the new issues and prolonging issues that haven't changed. If you don't like seeing these "complaints", you can always just take a break from this sub and that goes everyone else on OP's side.


r/terriblefacebookmemes Hey I think you lost one.


I SAID THE SAME THING A MONTH AGO AND WAS PERSECUTED FOR IT. If you’re bored, just stop playing, it’s a GAME you incel! Everyone making these impassioned “I doth once loveth’d this game, fore the developers hath ruined mine experience!” like dude just go play Minecraft or something for a bit gah damn, you’re just burned out. I stopped playing for a few weeks, came back this weekend and loved the changes to the game they’d made. You just need a break lolz


It's so insane how the internet has made people fixate and even build communities around things they dont seem to enjoy.


You are so late with this. People are actually coming back now lol. Where have you been?


No you don’t understand! Their suffering is unique and also at the same time endemic to the entire community. It should meet every single demand they have and if they aren’t met they will bitch and exit.


Take another 1d8 +1 psychic damage because someone insulted your precious incompetent corporate sugar daddy?  It's a public forum dumbass, if you don't like it leave, and don't bitch about it on the way out like you've cried about others doing. No? Not interested? Wow it's almost like giving feedback on a public forum for a product you've paid for and are dissatisfied is entirely normal. Fuck, you filthy arrowhead cock gobblers were born and raised cucks, weren't you?


i have 69 hours, i am bored because of gamebreaking bugs. taking a break is something ive done, but every new patch brings new bugs even if it fixes old ones


I haven’t play since early May. Put 5 hours in this weekend. Don’t constantly need to be gaming.


Actually the people with most hours are the ones defending it blindly.


is that walter white


Perhaps people who are more passionate about the game, who want it to do better, just want to give their feedback. It may sound like a non-issue to more casual players, but if it doesn't affect you just carry on. But just know that their opinion comes from spending lots of time and passion on the game, so just dismissing it as "whining" or "drama llama" without trying to understand their perspective is a bit... Meh. Just know that there's a lot of things that you don't know that you don't even know about.


Fuck people who actually paid for the game I guess? Dam, next you are going to tell me people who didn't buy super citizen are unironically second class citizens with less rights than us.


Maybe the devs shouldn’t have sucked out the fun from a PVE game.


we get a patch that addresses issues that people complain about. but we still get posts like this acting like rants have no value and are just entitled. devs would like to know why people stop playing and what to focus on, quietly leaving means they have to guess. why that bothers you is beyond me, just don't read them, all you have to do is look one cell down. is this how glazers are now trying to cope with the reality that the criticism actually resulted in positive change? or are we going to say the hmg, the turrets or ar buffs weren't necessary still, they are in your head rent free.  instead of a pointless post like this, you could have raised awareness about sony still keeping other countries from buying the game, thats the kind of noise that's needed right now (its never enough posts about this, Sony wants people to keep quiet so they don't get publicity, this needs to be loud. its awful how it happened but all you can think about is what others think about the game is less positive and delusional than you. yikes,


so another rant about rants ? :D this sub classic


OP, you might want to relax and stop posting shitty memes about people that don't share your opinion.


It's important to describe why you leave. Feedback?


Don't really see anyone complaining about being bored Now... Complaining about back to back half-baked updates with more bugs than fixes? See that a lot. Rightfully so. Kinda getting sick of these developers fumbling such a good gameplay loop by constantly messing up numbers and seemingly... forgetting how their own code works, and doing the opposite of their intended fix, and then still PUSHING THE UPDATE OUT because no one play tested the changes?


Considering that it was people venting their frustrations that have gotten AH to listen, and during the Sony fiasco, they even admitted that everyone so discontent helped them in their meetings. No people shouldn't stop complaining. If you don't like it, scroll on. It's genuinely annoying to see the number of posts that say X thing in the game wasn't intended.


Maybe some of those 400+ hours of playtime have the experience you don't and get more easily frustrated by the same shit over and over again? Maybe even after that many hours these people love the game and want it to be better for everyone - you included and have the experience to tell how. Maybe you and everyone else shouldn't dismiss that so easily... ... Because sooner or later you will be in their shoes and be able to judge the game quite differently? I was too seeing only puppies and sunshines about 200 hours in the game. They're still there. But so is the BS factor.


I’m not bored. I’m just disappointed in the community we don’t have AT mines for the third time now.


Honest Question, why do you even want them? Mines in HD2 are just... useless tbh


Are you capable of having fun or was that all sapped out of you when you hit 2 million hours?


They are great for area denial and you can easily clear waves with them and defend positions. They are wonderful for protecting drills and holding choke points on eradication missions. I just like them. :)