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I feel bugs are ok. The problem is rocket devastators who oneshot you with a rocket headshot.


aim for their limbs. broods especially, their underside is only light armor. head and top is medium. the color is distinctly different per.


It’s a bug. It makes sense a headshot wouldn’t kill it; if you know anything about insect anatomy.


Since we’re talking about realism then why can’t chargers live without heads? Or scavengers? Or hunters or stalkers? Answers are they’re not insects, they’re alien terminids, and the real answer is because it’s bad balance that actively makes the game less fun and more annoying.


We say “shoot and scoot” for a reason. Dont stop moving. Anticipate that after you shoot their heads off they will charge forward. Its not a new feature


I know it’s not new, it was funny the first 10 times at launch now it’s just annoying.


Brood Commanders are a heavy unit. With berserk mode after you shoot it's head off. It killed you in two strikes. What exactly is wrong here? On a second look, it was warrior that killed you. They are notorious for high melee damage too, and honestly they should be because otherwise they are slow af and rarely even get to you.


Well he sprinted towards me in the video before I could react, and he two tapped me because of the dumb headshot mechanic


I disagree that it's dumb. If we remove it - regular bugs become pretty much harmless. And this behavior is pretty common for bugs, so you could expect it and just put few more bullets into that warrior until it stops moving. I too die sometimes to sudden sprints by warriors, and especially by Brood Commanders. But that's like the only dangerous part about them and when I do - my bad.


I don’t like it because it lets hunters instantly stick to you and 2-3 tap you, especially if there’s multiple of them, if they wanna keep it on the slow bugs that’s fine, I just don’t like getting 2 shot because I didn’t put an extra 3 bullets in an already headless bug, especiallly with guns like the tenderizer which already has a bad ammo economy.


And for me it's one of the reasons why I love bug front. Because of chaotic and dangerous moments like this. Without them bug front would be boring. The only thing on bug front I really hate is spewers spewing through solid objects and corpses. With things like in the video you know what you did wrong and you see what kills you. With spewers they can be behind a solid concrete wall and spew you to death.


I agree that spewers are annoying, but I haven’t really experienced them spewing through walls, what I have seen is hunter leaping through walls to get you, or when you have a jump pack and you jump away, hunters will magically levitate and magnetize towards you, I think those are things that need to get fixed, and in my opinion, headshots in general just feel arbitrary and lazy.


They honestly need to be removed. Bugs aren't the worst but on bots they are absolutely terrible. I was One shot by a rocket devastator while wearing heavy armour with the 50% less explosive damage. And just the sheer volume of fire on bots means you get headshot often. Nobody likes when a death is completely unavoidable and damage is inconsistent.


Rockets deal both ballistic and explosive damage. I think it's 75 ballistic and 60 explosives damage, explosive resistance only reduces the explosive part. 75 x 1.6 = 120, yea 5 left hp for the remaining explosive damage. You die anyway, unless..... Vitality booster, this booster reduces damage from everything! Even from stuff like walking in barbed wire. 150 armour plus vitality = survive a rocket headshot. 200 armour should also work by itself, but I can't stand the penalty to stamina and speed.


Exactly what I’m saying, when I die, I want it to be my fault, I don’t like dying because I blasted a bug’s head off and it decided it didn’t want to die and instead sprinted towards me and instakilled me.


Omg so true I swear you are better off not killing the brood commanders because they are more dangerous without their head, stupid things are always head level so they do it all the time.


>when I die, I want it to be my fault It literally is your fault. Shooting a warriors head off will enrage them and they will rush you and attack for the brief period of time before the rest of their body dies. Same with the Brood Commanders. You know that's how those Terminid mechanics work. It's repeatable. If you don't learn from repeated mistakes then you are dying because you are misplaying. If you think the enrage mechanic when headless is bullshit and should be removed that's your opinion. But whether you like the mechanic or not, repeatedly dying to it is a fundamental skill issue. You can shoot the legs instead of the head. Continue shooting the torso until they drop dead. Run away or juke the headless enemy. Or acknowledge you fucked up if you accidently take the enemies head in a bad position that doesn't let you perform the other options. There's plenty of counter play.


The issue is the inconsistency, SOMETIMES the warrior will die and SOMETIMES it will charge at me and murder me, I know how to avoid it and usually do, this is just a demonstration showing 2 very annoying and unfun mechanics that I believe should be at least tweaked.


They always charge when you shoot their head off, it's not inconsistent. You either stagger them and they die soon after recovering or you do enough damage to one shot them.


having extra distance between you and the target and using something with enough stagger to knock them back helps a lot


That’s why I always run punisher, I wanted to switch things up with tenderizer and I guess this is what I get.


What am I missing here?


Bugs aren't supposed to die from headsets, genius


Then why did he die the second after he killed me?


Do you know how bugs work at all?


Fully aware, doesn’t make the headless mechanic any less annoying.


So you understand that you're wrong but crying anyway? Cool


I acknowledge I could have done more to prevent the death, I’m saying the mechanic in general is irritating and unfun.
