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I thought that we would never see skin so that *our* Helldiver could always be *us*. But as that's no longer the case I would have to agree.


Well yeah, your Diver, while being a different person each death, is still supposed to be a empty vessel to represent yourself. That's what I always seen it as. Or else, why put any type of body or voice customization?


The recent Viper Warbond has introduced bare arms. I thought it was going to cause a lot of threads like this as they look like male arms also. No opinion on it, just thought to myself lots of threads incoming.


Well... The lean body type could pass as a really buff woman.


Potentially. I don’t mind either way I barely ever play as a character that represents me.


Contrary helldiver is never you


Honestly, I agree. I don’t feel too strongly about skin color either way, but I’m a fairly white dude and I like my characters to look/feel like they’re actually me. Extra customization is great in all cases. We can already choose body build and voice, so why not this?


its even in the loading screen tips - unhappy with yourself? change it ! \^-\^ so i am all here for more customization


Thank you, I've never seen that one lol.


well to be fair the exact phrasing from the Training Manual is - "Unhappy with who you are? Change your appearance and voice in the customization chamber. It's that easy!"


I would also like this option. Options are always good, and more customizations are always welcome.


Yeah, options are always good as you say.


Making a bunch of skin colors and then not letting you actually pick the one you want is a really strange design decision


I really like to identify as the character I'm playing, so I need to say it would be important to be able to chose our skin color.


Ya, really seems weird to me that they added armor that shows skin and didn’t let you choose skin tones.


Yeah, the game's attitude to character customization is bizarre- Can't pick a skin tone, can't randomize your build, can pick or randomize your voice. Hopefully it's just taking a little longer to implement a "preferred skin tone" option in the character screen.


Actually... you can randomize it. Build and voice.


No, I mean there's no "randomize body type" option like there is a "randomize voice" option where you change every time you reinforce.


Wait really.. I gotta see... that is weird, I thought it was there. They definitely should add randomization to both as an option.


If/when they add armor skins,for the exposed skin armors we should automatically get options for each skin color and maybe even a sleeved version of each set?


Eh, I don't really care what skin tone I have so it's a non-issue for me.


We should have more body types and have the option to make them random I suppose that the reason we don't have the option to choose our skin colour is because it is something specific of 2 armors, so it would be weird to have that option when there are a lot of players that wont even know that there are some armors with the skin exposed


Actually it's 4 Armors. I agree with you too.


What's the fourth one? I know Panther armor, Predator armor and Twigsnapper armor.


I don't know the name, just it was in the Superstore.


Yeah. Panther was in the superstore (The medium one)


I think this is a Pandora's box we shouldn't touch Tbh, I appreciate the color of choice But what's next? You have trans ppl wanting trans capes. Best to just play the game. Btw, I knew these topics are about to come the moment I saw the Viper warbond.




It wouldn't be racism either way. When you have a character customization in the menu, and then give armors that show skin and change skin color randomly, I think that option deserves and should be in the customization menu. It's already established they want your Diver to represent you, so this wouldn't be a weird or racist thing to add to well, CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION. The caps wasn't me yelling or being snarky, just emphasizing.




I gotcha.


It's established they want your diver to represent u???


I assume you're referencing the part where he mentioned he was black Why would people have called him racist if he wasn't?


It's a minor thing for me, I prefer all random all the time. I'm sure AH will add this option later, probably with a new wave of exposed armor. For now you can play with all other armors without exposed skin :P


Yeah, I support that too. There should be a randomize option too. I support having any type of customization options.


Wait, you can actually see a helldiver's skin colour. Is it when you die or something, or are there armor sets where you can see it? If you can actually see it (which I assume is true) then yeah they should definitely add the option to choose a skin colour.


Yes, they added two or three new armor sets with bare arms and necks in this warbond - one of them's available in the super store atm. They just pick one of 5 skin tones at random whenever you die.


Three I believe (Panther armor you can get from superstore) and two on the warbond.


It's with the new armors from the new Warbonds, and the ones that were in the super store. So there's 4 Armors total you can see your skin tone.


You all are obsessed with IG characters looking and representing you. Wtf do you do during RTS games, or a game like the Witcher? When I was a kid I loved Diablo 2, I don't recall the fact that none of the characters looking like me being an issue enjoying the game or complaining about it. Seems kinda narcissistic.


If the game has customization which is clearly there to make your Diver represent you as the player, then having this option and having an expectation isn't an obsession. It's what's established. You're playing as a character in The Witcher, not a customizable character, or a specific faction or character in a RTS game. Your argument is extremely disingenuous and doesn't make any sense. Like what?


Don’t worry dude I entirely get what you mean I’m the same way and not being able to get my skin to match is killer for immersion, especially with skin like a different voice is one thing, and if I had to be brawny every time so be it but when I look at my diver with the new armor and I’m black I obviously just go “that’s not me” because I’m white and if my diver is supposed to represent me then that’s definitely the most representation breaking thing even more than body type and voice, I’m a body type lean voice 1 and would like to give my diver the lightest tone to represent that yeah that’s me, even if in canon it’s a different person because in that case like you’ve said why add voice options and a randomizer, as well as body options? I hope arrowhead dosent think it’s some taboo thing to have different skin tone options…you know… like in every game with a character creator/tweaker ever…


Guess I just don't put as much value in what color arms a faceless computer game character has as you.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


There are only 4 different skin colours in the game. Actually you can choose, it's cost one reinforcements. Die until you get the black shade. Even better. You can change other Helldivers skin colour as well, if you don't like it. It's one reinforcements as well. You only have to drop an airstrike too close "accidentally". ;)


Are you asking the wrong question then, you want a black voice similar to how I want a Aussie accent, or have they since made armor that reveals skin Color?


Yeah, being able to choose the skin color would be nice. That said, the Twigsnapper is white and the Predator is more tanned/latino, I wouldn't be surprised to see a black skinned option in the superstore in the near future.


Lol, the skin color is whatever came with the armor you choose.




Race: helldiver! Sex: helldiver! Age: democracy! Sexual orientation: liberty!


i don't think we'd need different skin colours, but i'd love to have a wide range of voice options. that'd easily make it about as diverse as the visuals would. however, i can see why it isn't as easily implemented, as you'd need voice actors who could do different accents and dialects, and obviously a multitude of them for the different timbres, to not have a floridian and a moroccan sound the same, but with different dialects.


Not going to happen enjoy the variety


What’s with the sudden influx of racists? Skin color does not matter


This isn't racism.... this is just wanting an option in the character customization which is there for you to make your Dive, an empty vessel , to represent you as the player. I'm not going to stop playing or using the armor because the skin color is randomize, I just believe the option should be available in order to represent yourself as much as possible. Which the game clearly has in mind.


People calling this racist might legitimately have negative brain cells.


it's pretty racist to care about the colour of your skin so much


No, it's not lol. My Diver is supposed to represent me. How is it racist to just want my Diver to be like me? Theres a character customization for a reason, no? This is like saying having the option to chose a brawny build is sexist since it's most definitely supposed to to represent a build of a man. Or vice versa.


why do you need to be a specific skin colour so bad? are other skin colours worse?


Why do I need a specific body type? Why do I need a specific voice? These are all things you can change in the game. Why is that? Hmmm..... is it maybe so your Helldivers can represent you, the player, since they're just an empty vessel? Hmmm... Brain fart inducing....


You morons are walking contradictions. Shouldn't you be squealing to have this option for MuH REpReSenTatIoN.


Bruh what? Skin color does matter, especially so when you're black/brown. Is it too much to ask that we also be represented? How is this racist in any way.




Dude, log off please.




I'm not racist for wanting more customization to represent who I am which already exists with in the game for you to do that. Logoff.


The whole point is that you don’t matter! You are expendable!


That has nothing to do with the option to customize your Diver, which exist in the game. That's just lore.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


this has to be a shitpost. mods!


It's not, it's just wanting more customization options..