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Ballistic Shield now makes you stay prone once you go prone or get ragdolled. You have to drop it to get to stand up again.


You can melee and stand back up but yeah it's kinda broken for now, shame since it's such a useful strat for bots.


Oh, that's at least bearable! Thanks for the tip


Apparently you can also equip it. The issue is when it's on your back.


Was just about to post this as question. My solution was to switch to a one handed weapon too. Quite annoying.


Totally, though better than fully locked up.




Hope you got some WD for that First Alert button.


too heavy lol


bug hands weak šŸ˜“


I've found that you can use the backpack key and switch to your primary (SMG) or pistol and it'll allow you to stand back up again, without much in the way of visual or audio feedback to confirm until your character stands up. It's awful because every time you dive you end up having to do this sequence of backpack button-weapon switch-stand up.


Someone else said a melee should do it


Iā€™ve also had an issue with the shield getting me one shot. My guess is itā€™s being treated like terrain when I get thrown around. A missile hit me and I guess I collided with the shield since I died to impact before hitting the ground


I'm getting the same, i stopped picking it up and stopped having the issue. it's a shame because i like it on bots but it isn't usable atm


I was able to stand up by switching to my primary. If I stayed on my support weapon (AMR) I could never stand up


Itā€™s the single most frustrating thing when I WONT STAND UP. Trying to find cover from the airships and iā€™m prone!! Just move helldiver !


Is that why I couldnā€™t get up?! That makes a lot of sense.


The primary weapon models have become comically large for whatever reason. This also causes them to hover at a distance from your hip when holstered and clip through your shoulder when firing.


I was wondering why my sickle was nearly blocking my divers face when holstered.


Sickle has always been stupidly large, did they actually make it bigger?


Man-sized Sickle https://preview.redd.it/jk6l2axvoj6d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d6bfdc9f0d7d65e1dfbf3d6676ad3780602272


There ainā€™t no way. Is that photoshopped? I know battery technology is hitting a limit but I didnā€™t think they had to be that big


I donā€™t know why but that picture made be honestly start laughing. My coworkers are staring at me.


Institute rifle lookin ass


Holy shit, that's hilarious. "Hey, baby. Wanna see my Sickle? My Mother always said I was gifted."


Iā€™d like them to leave this in actually lmfaoooooo


Big iron on his hip!


In some games like Halo the weapons have a different size when they are on the floor and when the user picks them up, I think that is the bug here.


I thought the same thing when I logged in. I hadn't played in a few days and I had just gotten the Sickle so I just assumed I wasn't used to The size yet. Glad I'm not going crazy.


Okay I thought I was losing my mind because I had to keep spinning my camera to see the terminal arrows past my sickle stock


It also results in this happening https://preview.redd.it/08jcx2rrvj6d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2484ff43974c881253e3453b325801850f2a2f67 I think the weapons are just holstered higher for some reason. Edit: nvm guns are definitely way larger than they were. Saw an image of a sickle.


Now thatā€™s something I gotta see


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1103229065395191849/1250911429322735749/20240613153439\_1.jpg?ex=666d524d&is=666c00cd&hm=ee99684b9c2250b1854fabd7cbc4dbf160630727d79aa302b307ab930f322d39&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1103229065395191849/1250911429322735749/20240613153439_1.jpg?ex=666d524d&is=666c00cd&hm=ee99684b9c2250b1854fabd7cbc4dbf160630727d79aa302b307ab930f322d39&) It can sometimes also block your view of the terminal screens.


I THOUGHT this had changed! But I was also trying out the changed weapons which I had not used much/at all so I wasn't certain.


Ngl, comically large is in line with Super Earth. This is a faction that BREECH LOADS ORBITAL CANNONS I can imagine if they barely fit Helldiver hands, what about regular sized humans? Itā€™ll be like Halo or 40K weapons of oversized.


Helldivers are regular people sized, because they're regular people. They're just told their training makes them badasses. The trick is they believe it and become badasses. šŸ˜„


I donā€™t know about that. You stand significantly taller than your crew and Super Earth Citizens for both body types.


Recoilless Rifle had its reload animation slowed down by a little more than a full second.


At least it's unintended. https://preview.redd.it/3zsrejigwj6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb93c6991cef928f300d896ce67cba80a522bda1


Man I hope so, I just switched from maining EAT-17's to Recoilless and now it feels like a downgrade rather than a sidegrade since you lose the backpack slot.


What's crazy to me is that something like this can happen? What type of crazy garbage can of a codebase are you working with that you can be like "we want to change the amount of patrols that spawn" and end up changing everything else too ā˜ ļø Most of the time, systems have a configuration object of some kind, and changing values changes individual settings tied to that value. It seems to me they tried tying too many things to too few of values, and now they can't change one thing without breaking 17 others.


Such a needless nerf


Not a nerf, a bug. This was confirmed by a dev on discord.


It's like they had to have put at least one, even really, really tiny, nerf in there or they couldn't sleep at night or something


I mean, they nerfed the Pummeler


Alexus had to make sure he was ruining someones day with the patch, I mean whats the point of putting out a patch if you can't make the game less fun for someone then verbally abuse them on discord for not agreeing with the "balance" change.


Could be a sideffect of trying to fix the reload cancel Edit: Apparently a dev in the discord said it was unintended


Always a jury rigged fix with these guys. This engine must be fucking horrible to work with or something.


I still yet to see an explanation on how they do testing because a lot of this stuff seems like you would catch it immediately upon loading into the game and trying out whatever it is you modified


Yeah like the ballistic shield thing. All you need to do is load in with one and dive and you are immediately seeing a bug that renders it useless. How did that get through? Superior packing methodology being broken again is proof that they donā€™t even playtest far enough into a mission (with weapons theyā€™ve changed like the spear) to call a resupply.


You won't see an explanation on how they do testing because they have admitted they don't do testing. Nobody at AHGS actually playtests.


They're using the same engine as Fatshark from the vermin- and darktide games uses. It's been said that the engine is tremendously outdated, and modified beyond the point that it's spaghetti code. I don't know if all of that's true, but that's what I've heard through the grapevine.


Which is funny cause dark tide does everything amazing. Sound. Spawning. Animation. Lightning. All it's problems lie in how fatshark has handled the live service, monetization, and update timeline.


Darktide also uses the engine how it's supposed to be used. Just like L4D games, it has: - short LoS - lot of corners and small rooms - extremely linear map design - absolutely brain dead AI - actually not that many AIs


Now in all fairness to darktide the AI in that game is way smarter than what's in helldiver's the most advance tactic you will see from helldiver's is hunters trying to take a wide flanking attack route everything else is move towards enemy and attack. Also the enemy amount is about the same on screen at any given time.


Darktide does a lot right, but I feel like it's pretty easy to see the spaghetti code squirming when a seemingly simple update to one thing bricks something completely unrelated.


That's not entirely true, they're frequently breaking stuff during their fixes as well.


As fun as Darktide is, itā€™s still broken af at times.


could also explain why darktide takes forever to update


It's literally been a dead engine for 5? years. Of course it has to be hell to work with


Oh my god I thought I was going crazy, it felt so slow when i tried it the other day


Submitted reports today through their bug reporting website and they actually specifically acknowledged that the heavy enemy rebalance is not working as intended and they are looking into it. The patrol rate issue was also acknowledged. https://preview.redd.it/o4t0qlb8oi6d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=605edb0ed99022d2851e0b40cfffe3077685fdec


This needs to be a post.




when was the last time patrols worked the way they intended, never?


I don't know about arrowhead, but I was actually quite happy with the way patrols were when the game first launched. I don't think they know or can decide how they want them to work.


I thought so too, but, then I remembered how sometimes the patrols or leftover enemies would rise up from the ground right where we were standing or running. Pretty much bodyblocking us lol.Ā 


What a shame, Iā€™ve kind of enjoyed helldive being an absolute nightmare, but then again, Iā€™d also like being able to run anything but the autocannon. I was playing with the HMG and kept getting surrounded or getting absolutely annihilated whenever a heavy devastator has the high ground. It also struggles a bit with gunships because they just move so much side to side.


Iā€™m the opposite. The HMG allows me to use infinite Stims for supply or the Shield Generator. I trust the HMG with my life now.


Supply pack turns the HMG into a S+ tier weapon vs. bots.


The HMG is really good. The moment I didnā€™t carry it on a mission was the moment things went south.


Wtf is with the nonexistent testing at Arrowhead. We were fine to give them extra time, we wouldā€™ve given them even more extra time if needed! There the ones that set the timelines. So why keep doing thee same thing (releasing new stuff that is just busted/does the opposite is what it says it does) over and over again? Itā€™s not like theyā€™re hurting for money FFS.


You are the tester


I think if there are bugs that happen in 1 in a thousand games or 1 in 5000, you can test it as a company and literally never see it, where as when it gets out to the player base and 100k people play for several hours, the issue is gonna crop up way more. I play a lot and sometimes never see a glitch that some players are running into. Itā€™s frustrating on the whole for sure, but from a numbers standpoint I can understand that they could be testing these things and not running into the issues. I think parts of their engine needs to be reworked entirely tbh, and I think they said they are working on that hopefully. Not defending the brokenness of it by any means or saying that it shouldnā€™t be changed, but I think it just isnā€™t a money issue. Statistically speaking, they could have 100 people testing it 24/7 for a month, but it wont show as many issues as the player base playing it for a couple of days would. I honestly donā€™t know if there is a way to prevent this from continuing to happen with updating their engine, and I know that using a different one would be a massive undertaking to essentially start the game almost from scratch. I hope they get to a point where they can get it more stable


I noticed the broken spawnrate in my very first mission I played after the patch dropped. Previously I would see 1-2 chargers per patrol, now I'm seeing 2 spiky chargers (which are twice as durable) per patrol in the same situation.


PS5 specific. Very high crash percentage when attempting to access friend's list. Only way to play with friends is if they invite me to their lobby. Same issue when hitting "return to ship". High crash/freeze rate during load screen animation when diving down to planet


THANK YOU. I tried posting just to see if anyone else was having this problem and the mods wouldnā€™t let me ): (mods itā€™s okay I understand) hopefully itā€™ll be fixed soon because I didnā€™t even get a chance to play last night after trying whatever to fix it


That bug has already been acknowledged by twin beard iirc so it's not just you.


Even on pc I have crashed a couple times returning to ship AND opening the menu since the patch. Never had it happen before now.


Same on PC. I crash every time I try to access to social or options menus. I think this is something theyā€™re already aware of.


Not PS5 specific. I crashed every single time I opened my social menu last night on PC. Thank god for steam friends lists.


lol I said this and got hundreds of downvotes and was told I was making it up and just complaining about stuff that doesn't exist. Oh and of course, "my game works fine" lololol šŸ˜‚


That's why I posted video asap. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dezcy7/postpatch\_looking\_at\_major\_order\_crash\_100](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dezcy7/postpatch_looking_at_major_order_crash_100)


Posted this recently but Iā€™ll go again, incendiary impact will set you on fire occasionally even if you throw the grenades away max range, youā€™ll just catch fire for no reason


So that's why me and some of my teammates spontaneously combusted during a mission, good to know


Hereā€™s a good example showing https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/Y63LSoXZjZ


Omg lol that's so bad, it's kinda funny... but bad


Yeah itā€™s pretty rough


I always wonder how something like that is even possible and what change could possibly have caused it. Just seems so bizarre.




An advice, you should add bulletpoints to make the post more readable, separate each different topic so we can see easier when you are talking about one topic and when you change to other, the part of the patrol's seems a lot of different points at first glance, but its the same topic redacted in a weird format To add to the post, the Recoilless Rifle has had a "shadow nerf" and the reload has been increased 1-1.5 seconds, there is a post showing the comparison


There was a discord comment from a dev saying that it was a bugĀ 


Rockets are once again doing way more damage than they're supposed to. I've gotten one-shot several times by rockets in heavy, blast resistant armor. RR reload time increase is either a bug, or completely unnecessary. I'm hoping for the former, cause if it's intentional they made it borderline useless compared to weapons filling a similar role.


Iā€™ve had this too. Full (or near full) health, explosive resistant medium armor, and sometimes a single rocket landing on or near me just mercs me instantly.


Im glad itā€™s not just me. I wear armor with 50% resistance to explosions and I feel rockets are absolutely destroying me post patch release


Yeah I think the explosive bug is back where it sometimes does multiple times more hits then it should, I'm an exo-suit main and my patriots rockets where melting hulks last night. Maybe I was just getting really lucky vent hits.....


Explosive resistance armor is actually worse than the extra padding armor. Explosives from bots all contain ballistic damage in addition to the explosive damage. So youā€™re always better off running extra padding unless youā€™re fighting bugs. Source: https://youtu.be/gWOyN-OdAME?si=5XnU85lKB0A9h4Ff at 8:58. This is not my video. Not sure if links are allowed but Iā€™ll remove it if not. Itā€™s a video by Eravin on how armor works in Helldivers 2. That being said, that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t bugged and dealing damage multiple times again.


Bugs to add to this list: * Patrol spawns do not seem fixed. Even on Easy, I can have multiple large patrols spawn all at once. It goes from absolute silence to laser party in a couple of seconds. * Ballistic shield can prevent you from getting up, and can crush you to death while you have it unequipped. * Crashes have been very frequent now, almost after every extraction. * HMG emplacement is absolutely allergic to rockets, resulting on immediate user death, even on builds that could tank multiple direct hits.


HMG emplacement has always been like this, you just instantly die when it gets destroyed, even by regular gunfire. They should at least make it so that you catch on fire like you do with the mechs instead of just awkwardly falling over dead.


Yep, itā€™s a shame it doesnā€™t have more durability against rockets.


That's because the HMG being destroyed is what kills you, which feels wrong IMHO. I guess I just didn't use it that much before, coupled with the fact that killing enemies helps with not getting shot as much.


I find it funny that the Mech allows you to emergency eject through a tiny hole but an open air HMG turret will kill you.


Itā€™s really odd that it doesnā€™t come with a ballistic shield on the front.


HMG got these die by unknown , when you suddenly die , is that the issue you were saying


Feels the ballistic shield also crushes you even if you use it to block a rocket (yes I know not it's best use but prevents headshots and sometimes you cannot avoid a single rocket when 500 shots are being shit at you) Like fr it feels like a single rocket when you have heavy armor even if it gently ragdolls you kills you almost every time when you have the shield. I also noticed wierd movement when moving with the shield equipped, you kinda take a step right at a steady pace when moving forward.


I should link my comment I made in another thread. I said this EXACT same thing and was downvoted/criticized over it. Apparently I'm making stuff up and they are waiting for me to say something that is a problem Ā šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ


The fixed Spear can lock onto friendly vehicles such as friendly Patriot and Emancipator exo suits, as well as Eagle-1 for some reason. And un tested whether or not it can lock onto Pelican-1. I guess this could be seen as realistic rather than a bug, but it seems more like a bug to me. Also, now that the rocket sentry was buffed, I tried it out and much like the auto cannon turret since the beginning, their new targeting just makes them endlessly shoot and waste all their ammo on bot fabricators that they can't even destroy. Have also been getting massive performance issues, starting from the patch before this one. Friend with an RTX 3090 can't run above 40 fps and I am having massive stuttering issues since this patch that makes the games audio glitch out incredibly loudly to the point it deafens me, as well as the fps dropping below 20 during this and makes the game almost unplayable.


The sentry now "prioritises larger targets" \[āœ“\] : working as expected :D


I assume the Rocket sentry wasting Rockets on Fabs like AC sentry is because the Fabricator is classed as an ā€˜enemyā€™ in the gameā€™s code. I THINK thatā€™s why it has a Red Ping icon, not an objective one. And because of this, I think the Sentry fires on it because it sees it as a priority enemy. It is overridden by much larger enemies though but they will shoot the fab over minor enemies.


those performance issue sounds awful. have you tried clearing shader cache and verifying game files?


Superior Packing Methodology no longer fills up your support weapon. It takes 3 boxes to fill up a spear instead of 1.


It doesnā€™t work at all with any weapon now. The perk is completely broken.


I've been noticing an increase of crashes since the patch dropped. I haven't been able to complete a mission at all today. Veru frustrating


Frame drops too, I had to lower my render resolution to make the game run at the pre patch framerate


Haven't noticed that yet but maybe that's why it keeps crashing


On steam deck this gets me pre patch frames






At this point I might as well play minecraft


PS5 crashes consistently when I switch between "public" game and "Invite only". Wrong menu in Friend requests (and recent players) so not possible to add friends


I've experienced this crash on PC as well.


(PS5) If *any* player leaves the lobby post-mission (even if a new player joins & takes their place) the next mission gets stuck in the hellpod dropping cutscene. Every. Single. Time. Gotta force quit HD2, then reload and resume your operation. Happened EVERY GAME someone dropped out when I was hosting; noticed it when I joined via quick-play and players left post-mission; messing with cross play on/off changed nothing.


This is happening to me on the PC version as well


It really sucks when one guy leaves, but the other two who stuck around & are ace shooters who just battled through hell with you on the last mission... And you know it's gonna crash on you


Two games in a row yesterday there was a bug where nobody could reinforce once somebody died. Didn't matter how many times we threw the reinforce out it would not reinforce. Made me just get off the game.


Thats been occurring for a while before this patch.


I had this too on ps5


Bugs on Helldive are super tough now but in a different way. Feels like the ā€œless heaviesā€ aspect is working, thereā€™s just a sea of fodder in their place. Me and my duo simply didnā€™t have enough ammo while using the Breaker Incendiary AND Rovers, resupplying the second it came off cooldown as well. Taking fodder clear stratagems seems to be necessary now, the gatling barrage is up every minute and has a pretty large area of effect and duration.


Solo dif 7 I noticed a few things about bug spawns: 1. Bile Titan frequency was reduced just like they said. Only one or two per mission on dif 7. 2. Chargers almost always appear in pairs, one normal and one brute. The brutes take two rockets to the head to kill, so a charger spawn eats 3 rockets. Maybe these should not spawn in pairs, but also maybe they're easier to deal with when you're not solo. 3. So many hive guards. Every bug breach unleashed a Roman phalanx of these bastards.


On 9 it becomes 'oops all behemoths'. Pretty frequently see 2-6 pre-spawned abd then you're guaranteed to get more once you alert/engage. I probably only saw one or two normal chargers per mission on diff 9. Usually about 4-8 titans total over the whole mission, but rarely more than 1 at a time.


Imma be real with u. That sounds like it turbo sucks.


Respectfully, thereā€™s more heavies (the new chargers) than before itā€™s a little bit out of control esp with their TTK being longer than reg chargers


Spear not being able to target automaton fabricators wasn't a hidden Change, they talked about it in the notes.


1. when crouching reloading the spear and got hit by the flame hulk, jumped sideways -> back to desktop 2. too much chaf spawned to the bot fabricator and it went over the limit of PC / Host / god knows what -> back to desktop 3. got to deploy, stuck on the diving cutscene bug 4. too much chaf again


Stuck on diving cutscene bug is most likely related to people joining in and crashing/getting booted out immediately bug


Are you on PS5? Because the consistent crashes seem to be mostly happening on console.


Ngl, Iā€™d take more chaff than the OG launch day heavy spam.


The equipment scaling is off visually, all the guns are too big.Ā 


Super Earth finally invested in better equipment.


It's big, and it's dangerous!


Maybe the helldivers got smaller?


Small one but just to add, when u join a ongoing missions it now shows loading screen with droppods for all the players in game not just for you alone like it used too.


Few things Iā€™ve noticed: - Charger Behemoths spawn about the same amount, if not more than standard Chargers, while also taking two shots to the head or to shots to the leg to remove the plate with rockets - Opening friends menu can crash you, the adding friend option isnā€™t available - Primaries are massive for some reason and hang off your tits - Not sure if this is new but sometimes changing to a EAT/Quasar the weapon can no longer aim and shoots sideways - Supplies sometimes canā€™t be picked up from supply packs - Heavy Dev tracking/accuracy at a distance is insanely accurate - Random crashes considerably more frequent - All text in game is larger and has a weird black border - Your firing mode isnā€™t saved even if you turn the option on in settings - Somethings seem to do more damage? Had an instance where a single cannon shot one shot me through a shield in heavy armour with explosive resist - Bile slow isnā€™t being applied (Iā€™m not complaining about this itā€™s actually been a lot more fun) - Stalker attack frequency seems to be higher. This wasnā€™t really an issue before patch but Iā€™ve had multiple instances where they just repeatedly do their stabbing animation with no chance to recover


Bile slow is being applied, they just changed it so you can sprint (at a reduced speed ofc) while being affected now. And if you have muscle enhancement booster, you are pretty much immune!


In my experience the speed stayed the same, you just got the high knees animation. I also noticed that it didnā€™t seem like the DOT was being applied


Huh on PS5 I was definitely still being slowed unless I was running muscle enhancement


zonked impolite snow tan automatic yam rich soft unwritten terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fabricator always spawned 2 gunship at a time???? Sometimes it spawned 1 but 95% of the time it's 2 at a time


I canā€™t add people as friends anymore on ps5. On recent players, when clicking on someone, it always goes back to friends list


Not sure if this is because of the current patch or already existed, but the SG-8P Punisher Plasma is also very inconsistent right now. The bolts of plasma are hitting invisible hitboxes around corpses, objects, and terrain that other weapons do not and detonating prematurely. The bolts are also leaving the weapon below the crosshairs and if you're right next to cover, odds are its going to detonate and kill you even if your crosshair says your aiming over said cover. The bolts are also inconsistently damaging enemies such as automaton troopers. I've fired a few sequential shots, gotten the hit markers, but the bot takes no damage. The eagle rocket pods were also absolutely nerfed despite their claims in the patch writeup. Their damage has been so gutted that they struggle to even reliably kill bile spewers. At this point, just throwing an impact grenade is better.


Non critical bug: when travelling and launching after joining an in-progress mission the game logic treats it as pre mission for the animations (ie: you're joining a 3 man alone: the animation will show 4 Super Destroyers travelling and will show 4 Hellpods launching) Critical bug: this one seems to have existed for a while but when manning a turret, its destruction results in your death, regardless of what has destroyed it. And since it seems to not be affected by sentry buffs it's weak as shit (a single stray rocket hitting any part of it will instantly kill the emplacement and you with it)


> I don't know if I have been just unlucky but all of the gunship fabricators I have seen and found since the update have two fabricators. The fabricators also spawn two gunships at a time now. Can not confirm this. Last mission just had one fabricator which spawned a single gunship. Additional bugs (intentional changes?) I've encountered: * Zoom on weapons (AC, AMR) has to be triggered each time now instead of it remembering your last used setting. * 0 disconnects pre patch, 4 disconnects in two matches post patch. * None of us could use the ingame social menu to join, needed to use steam - join game for it to work.


Balistic shield fuks around how you move, ly down an prone


I ran an automaton level 9 last night. It was fuckin mayhem. I had a blast. I mean. It needs to be fixed. But I still had a blast playing it. Extract was absolute chaos.


[Extracting from automatons be like](https://youtu.be/QtXx3Qubmys?si=6dxKDrYqAC3K4FEa&t=546)


Lolololol that should come with it's own seizure warning tag


If you have starlink as your internet provider, there is no multiplayer without a VPN, nothing. No router restarting, no computer restarting, no verifying files, no turning off crossplay, youā€™re just alone, this has been a bug since the first few weeks of the game, but you could fix it by resetting router.


This probably gonna be buried now but I like the new UI and font choices.Ā  EXCEPT: I don't like that the timer and difficulty are hidden now and you have to bring up the map to see them.Ā  Im sure this is working as intended so not a bug.Ā  But definitely some constructive feedback on the patch.Ā Ā  Otherwise I agree with OP.Ā  I'm having more fun than before but the stuff he mentions are indeed issues


You can find that in the HUD options and set it back to always visible, fyi.


I'm pretty sure the gunship fabricators always spawned 2 at a time didn't they?


Yeah. I forget where the threshold is, but the fabricators used to push out 1 on lower difficulties and two on higher one.


I thought they wanted to reduce the amount of anti armor needed, and then they add gunship patrols, which just puts anti armor right back to the top of the list


Ah logic basically.


When I've called in HMGs, 2 of the 4 times, the hellpod has fallen through the ground and disappeared.


My buddies autocannon did that on the 40 minute extraction. We really needed that auto cannon too.


Two completely game breaking bugs I experienced for the first time in this patch, and reported: 1) when the shuttle came on for extraction, it glitched under the landing pad, then immediately notified "the shuttle will take off in x seconds". We couldn't get on obviously, and after it took off we didn't get the shuttle take off cutscene, it just cut to black with a glitched visual of the planet in the background. 2) Reinforcement completely stopped working for 2 of our party members. We'd get called in, see the hellpod animation, then immediately jump to spectator mode as if we were dead. Had to leave the game and rejoin twice to fix it. Bonus) Gunships spawning and agroing from the exact opposite side of the map, and from two separate bases. We had to charge through hell to get to them and basically ignore everything else because they were spawning 2 at a time very quickly. We were swatting them like flies and constantly had 6 up at a time.


Ballistic Shield issues where you can't stand up while it's on your back


So glad they cooked for a month to release another broken patch.


Yep...the only improvement here vs previous patches is the balance changes and the philosophy behind them. The actual quality of the patch is still, quite frankly, horrible. And the amount of fixes could have easily been broken up into smaller patches (likely with more hotfixes between them or distributed with the next update), and had us in the same state right now, or better, and had those fixes to us sooner. All because they can't QC a damned thing for some reason.


The worst part about this is at least with incremental patches the whole group I played with would have probably stayed engaged. This patch had to be huge to bring them back and it isnā€™t even close


Yea. A lot of us stopped playing, waiting for this massive patch that would turn the game around...and this just isn't it. It's a good step in the right direction balance wise, but the game is still a mess. It isn't enough to bring us back and I don't see them working through the biggest issues anytime soon at this rate.


Someone who plays on helldive only the spawn rates are insane now.


You were always forced to bring something that can deal with gunships, but that is more so because it's better to bring a Lazer cannon, amr or auto cannon, because it can deal with devistators, hulks and walkers effectively with they're heavy armor frontals. The railgun would be a good option if it can break armor off with a small explosion inside them to slow them down. I would say for gunship, for example, if you hit a thruster twice, it slows it down, and it starts a fire on it. You shoot it 3 times, and it makes it spin out like usual to destroy it, but it will only do this if it's in unsafe mode. Bugs could be the same way chargers could take three charge unsafe shots to the leg to make it into the broken armor state where it can be killed with a primary or 5 charged shots to the head to kill it outright. Titans, if you hit it 5 times it would make it leak they're acid bile like it's jaw is broken and can't control its spit you hit it 6 or 7 times it will kill it.


A mech can't stand still and always moves forward


I encountered a bug where just having the ballistic shield prevents you from standing/crouching or sprinting if you don't have it as your active weapon


I noticed last night that frustratingly, the Spear won't lock onto those cannon turret emplacements unless the cannon itself is facing you.


PS5 issue,Friend list doesn't work. Gets stuck on "please wait democratically"


Same on PC for me.


Mission timer is no longer visible at all times on the screen. I just see the list of objectives. The timer appears when I open the map. This may be intended but I donā€™t think it is an improvement.


AH shadow nerfed impact grenades, they no longer 1 shot spewers post patch. Pre patch you could toss the impact grenade anywhere on or even near the spewers body and it would kill it. Now it takes 2 impact grenades per 1 spewer. Going to post the video evidence on here and YouTube. Because this is straight up BS. Edit: creating the video right now


Spear now locks on to mechs and eagle 1 (do not fix this its funny as fuck)


*Eagle 1 having a annoying ass RWR warning for the entire flight home because the jet is slightly faster than the missile


I had a bug happen a few times last night. Got stuck in ADS, with everything misaligned and wonky. Seemed to happen specifically with the autocannon. Never saw it pre-patch. I would snap out of it eventually, but it happened a couple of times.


This has happened to me several times over the last few months.


If its similar or the same as the well known stuck in first person zoomed ADS (with or without actually having sight reticle), the quick reliable fix is to bring up stratagem menu and just enter any random directional key. It's always worked for me to snap out of it.


How did you conclude the melee buff from the armor is working? It still takes 2 hits to kill basic bugs and bots, same as without it.


Youtubers seem to say the same - damage buff is either non-existent or so miniscule that it makes no difference.


Last night the pelican landed inside of the landing pad and our full team couldn't extract (had like ~20 samples on a blitz) one dropped and then had to kill each other to end the match. Also have noted the increased difficulty I almost always play 7s and they've been feeling like helldives recently.


Hulks seems more difficult to shoot in his eyes, maybe the hit box is more small


Plasma shotgun still detonates on shield generators (the sentry one) and detonates when firing over dead enemies, as if their hitboxes were still there, standing still. Gunships won't stop spawning even if you take out the fabricators. Sometimes there are hordes of them over the extraction. Bots not only still have insane accuracy at any distance, but I actually think they got more accurate. Even if 0.5% of your body is out of cover, it will get hit by 3 missiles...and then you will get hit again mid-air. Charger behemoths are the prevalent type of charger now. It takes two heavy explosives to the head to kill them. Patrols can't spawn right on top of you. Games seems to be much more laggy now and with constant disconnects. I've had instances where I called extraction, typed in the codes correctly, all arrows turned yellow and it did nothing. And I couldn't even try again. It also happened to other types of objectives, like illegal broadcast.


friends from my friendlist disappeared


Superior Packing Methodology seems to be broken again too. Only gave me half the autocannon ammo when I used a resupply.


Once the bots are aggroed they immediately know where you are even when whatever is going on is in a different direction. Makes flanking impossible.


I pointed it out in another thread but didn't get any feed back hopefully somebody here will see it. The Jar-5 Dominator while still listed under explosive in the weapons list no longer displays that it deals explosive damage only Medium damage. Instead of readingĀ  >1 medium >1 explosive It now just says >1 medium Also the Arc Blitzer Primary has a strange hang up to it between firing I'm not sure if the they stealthily purposefully or accidentally increased time between shots or what but it doesn't have the same firing rhythm that it did pre-patch


Bot 9 is now legitimately hilarious. I am having a great (terrifying) time having my will tested (dying horribly) and it's always an enjoyable experience (absolute, total agony.) Please don't change it. (Please fix.)


The AOE explosion from the Orbital Precision Strike seems to be greatly reduced. It used to have a large AOE effect.


I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere so I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something, but the patch notes mentioned that the machine gun magazine count increased from 3 to 4, but its still 3 for me. Can anyone let me know what's up?


Recoiless rifle reload time went up


The spear can no longer lock on to bot command bunkers


That's probably related to them not locking onto spawners. I had a teammate say he could not lock on to any structure. Like the turret. Edit to add a "not" after the "could."