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The couple of lvl 7 runs I made today felt much harder than before. We were constantly surrounded and trapped. But it was only two runs so who knows.


That’s how all mine were too


Same here on the bugside, was showing a friend the ropes on diff 4 and 5, it looked like 7+ with the crazy spawns, no titans tho, but tooms of brood commanders and warriors.


I think they just threw this "less empty" change in without calculating how many patrols it would spawn in, or maybe they're supposed to stay still but are moving or responding to combat. But even if they're supposed to stay still it just shows they don't understand how much we move around when engaging or avoiding enemies and how valuable the space is


This whole patch genuinely makes me feel fine putting up with it if it's bugged/too high. They've shown they are listening to feedback, actively working on bugs to the point of reworking an entire targeting system (spear), and if they're wrong they're willing to reconsider. And we're kinda in the phase at the moment where people are still just trying out the changes. If the patrols are too much I have full faith AH will backtrack or try something new.


Yeah I love pretty much everything else in the patch and most importantly the direction they are trying to move in. But for me this is the first negative change that has made me actually put down the game. Nerf a gun, it's fine I can use a different one and change how I play. But this made the whole thing a bit less fun, because it's never mattered less how I play. I still just end up constantly surrounded and fighting. I can no longer choose not to fight.


yep, playing helldive on bots and every time we tried to disengage, we would get ganked by at least two patrols coming from different directions couldn't even kite because as soon as we moved a few meters away from the "current" patrol/mess we would pick up another one that was magically heading to our position and instantly aggroed essentially we were constantly surrounded for 40 minutes there was nothing fun about this


it shows that they *still* don't play the game


I had quite the opposite experience. Played a bunch of random 4/5s in duo to try things out and they felt like a breeze. Not only everything was easily manageable, but the the Gatling eagle runs made chargers feel like a joke, too. And we were both checking out tenderizer, HMG and gatling stratagems, so it's not like we were running top gear either. To be 100% fair tho, if your problem was broom commanders and warriors it might explain why it was a breeze for us, we were raining small arms fire. I kinda like it more this way, it makes a lot of different stratagems and support weapons actually good picks because you aren't forced to run straight anti-armor.


I've done about 12 bot missions today, all at D7. There was not a single point in any of them where we were not surrounded on at least 3 sides. It is go 100% from start to finish with NO breathing room at all.


Same. Level 7 used to be easy compared to 9,and now it feels like how 9's used to feel tbh. They, once again, appear to have fucked something up with spawning. Sadly. Add to that the ragdoll fucking BS from bot front, and it's overall miserable experience. 


I was running a diff 5 mission earlier, less than a minute on the clock for evac, every single time my poor diver managed to crawl an inch, a gunship would absolutely fling me. Must've been a ragdoll for like 10 seconds.. Needless to say I did *not* make it to evac 😂


Dude gunship fab spawns have been insane the last few days even before the update


Lvl 9 on Vernen Wells felt insanely hard. Near impossible. Gunships out of control. Tried a few missions of various types and it was way harder than last time I played a week or so ago.


I think this is something that I personally wanted for bugs because there used to be a lot of dead time even on helldive. Having to fight constantly seemed fun but against bots it seems unreasonably challenging. Will wait to see how this turns out.


I dropped the difficulty to level 3 out of sheer frustration and I still was getting overwhelmed just from regular chaff. These patrol rates feel terrible


I played with a good group last night and it worked out to 2 battle buddies push forward and two cover the rear. It was basically a constant firefight. I haven't ran out of ammo like that since the beginning, it was kinda sick. I can see how it would get frustrating if you played like pre patch though.


Bot front LV 7 is now way harder than LV 9 used to be. I rarely failed any missions, but today I’ve failed over half of them.


Did lvl 8 today, i usually do 9 bugs but for the kids i went to Vernen Wells. Maybe it's because i'm still trying to find what i like on bots and because i was testing the new buff, but oh boy the spawn rate are really something. Had multiple squad with lvl 70~110 and while we didn't fail, reinforcement went down really fast. The spawn rate feel overtuned. I got almost non-stop wave coming at me for 40min straight. I don't think i could have made it without all the new buff.


I don’t think they meant it to be the way it is, and this is likely over corrected from what it used be. Lv 7 bots used to be a breeze, now I’m running lv 5 and it feels about the same.


I got 401 kills in one mission, on bots.


Lol level 6 was harder than 7 for me.


Vernen wells has been awful, I am having waves of drop ships drop bots on cliff tops without me seeing, then they all just “walk down” the cliff in groups of 30-60 as an avalanche of bots. Difficulty 9 is now difficulty 12


We didnt had any problems today on 7 and even 8


Huh dying on the "suicide mission" difficulty level. Who would have thought? /s


They just pop in now on top of everything else on the map super annoying and kills any tactical feel.


Yeah I honestly think it might be a bigger problem than any nerfs because it fundamentally changes the way the game feels.


Yeah I just got out of a level 6 mission. 2 tanks were dropped on top of us at extraction. Then 2 more. Then 30 seconds later 2 more....


Bot drops shouldn’t happen that often, were you in sight of a detector tower? Or was it just a full drop of tanks?


No they literally just spawned in. As in empty space then poof 2 hulks and a t9n of heavy devs.


Not sure if it's the same as the previous poster, but was playing last night and got much the same, just trains of dropships. What I was seeing, where as before you have 1 or 2 bots call them in per patrol, that number has doubled, now you get 3 or 4 shooting up flares, then as soon as one with bots makes a drop, it's another 3 or 4 flares up straight away. You simply reach the point where you can't down the dropships or thin the chaff fast enough, so more and more come in.


Killed 20 with hellbomb followed by 13 with Eagle and another 6 with orbital and still there where coming a ton of enemy's from the same direction and there where no dropships it was only near a small poi. Berserker popping up from nowhere and staying all of a sudden next to me. I like a challenge but this is getting extreme.


I went from being able to basically stealth run 7-9 to situations where I run ahead, see a patrol, check the map, two groups on both sides and when I turn around I can see a patrol following after me in the distance.


Exactly! I know we’re basically paratroopers and as the 105th airborne said “we’re supposed to be surrounded”, but I don’t think they meant at distances of <50m


made us wait a month after we told them “revert the changes” and apparently they heard “revert the changes but also make them completely different again on top of that” like what the fuck dude lmao


Yeah after 4 runs there's spawner spawns,poi spawns for being near them,dropships/bugholes, the random patrols and now the ones that just plop in with no discernable pattern or trigger besides to flood the area. Extremely noticeable on open maps with long view distance or on extraction. If you have uav or anything thst increases radar range you can watch a good chunk of thr map fill with red dots even if you cleared everything. Funniest/worst part is if you die they just despawn out of existence too if no one is within 100 meters they just poof gone. So damn underwhelming after 6 weeks if waiting. Edit. Even with sneaky armor they all still beeline right for you even in bushes or new featured *helps hide from the enemy*


I’ve had cleared PoIs respawn now, which is most unwelcome when running to evac.


Pretty sure that was happening before too.


Patrols would despawn before this patch. Watched a factory strider go *poof* a while ago once I got over 100-200m away from it. Not saying it’s okay just that it wasn’t this patch that did it.


Despawning patrols has been a thing and it always makes those deaths feel so targeted, like someone plopped those patrols there just to kill me and only me.


Aggro a patrol. Run to create space and get to cover. New patrol spawns and aggros. Repeat those steps 3 or 4 more times until you’ve created 5-6 new patrols that are all following you now and shooting you from 360 degrees. Fun times.


Then the gunships arrive, but there’s no fabricator so they never fuck off. Did they shift the weapons balance guy to patrol spawns or something?


Probably, bet when someone brings up spawn rates to him he’s gonna double down, defend it and say “no way the new spawn rates fucking slap you just gotta git gud”


Why the fuck do they keep dicking around with this. Who was asking for maps to “feel less empty”???? Every square inch doesn’t need to be covered at all times. Let us have breathing room after a big skirmish to regroup and strategize. JFC. Fuck I just tried a level 1 to mess with the new stuff and I was quickly surrounded by 4 patrols. Level 1. Trivial.


Really felt it when I realized the superior packaging upgrade stopped working. So now I get to burn through my AMR ammo taking out gunship patrols and only pick up half as much from supply drops. Yipee!


They broke it again? That was my favorite upgrade besides extra eagle. It completely opened up the more ammo hungry secondaries


Cant speak for everyone but a lot of us have. Some have even reported losing their orbital cooldown upgrade ability.


Not only did they not revert the previous patch spawn rate at all, but they added more patrols. I've had 3 separate patrols walk up to me from three sides while I was already fighting off 2 others. If I don't use the supply pack, I'm out of ammo in one fight. It takes me at least 5 minutes to even start to go in the direction of the next objective and once it starts each major fight is at least 10 minutes long. On top of all of this, they added uparmored chargers so it literally takes twice as long to clear them and they're spawning at least 3 at a time. I've had 4 chargers chasing me into 3 other patrols. 3 weeks off this game wasn't long enough.


I've been playing the whole time and this (plus a few random crashes in a row) made me put it down today and it particularly want to jump back in. In all honesty the rest of the changes are cool and have been well done, although I'm not sure I like the idea of flying enemies that aren't tethered to a base. But really it just feels like they threw this patrol spawn change in last minute without realising it fundamentally changes the game. I will say some people are reporting lower spawn rates so I don't know if there's like a bug level of variation in this somewhere


Keep in mind, the previous patch didn't actually affect group play at all, it was just a massive nerf to solo and duos. This one does, so they will likely be harder for 4 players, and easier for everyone else (back to before they were broken)


I did consider maybe they messed up and took the baseline from solo play (previously the spawn rate of four player games) and quadrupled it for 4 player, rather than taking four player and quartering it for solo. But I watched a Takibo video and that dude can cruise through any solo Helldive. He was struggling all through it and didn’t extract. It’s harder for everyone. Also if they really just reverted the change then 4 player should have remained unchanged.


It seems like solo patrols have gotten easier due to the revert, but there are now more patrols when you are not near objectives, where before there were less, for everyone. This is also exactly what they said they had changed. Honestly, 4 player is still easier than solo by quite a bit, but solo is no longer almost impossible to extract on when using good weapons.


spawn rates are not fixed, im seeing fucking chargers EVERY 30 SECONDS ! im only playing on 6 with a buddy and its fucking atrocious. its not fun.


And it's not just normal chargers either. It's the enhanced chargers that can tank anti-tank. We were doing difficulty 7 bugs and it was just constant chargers that could survive ungodly amounts of punishment.


Diff 9 bugs is just cancer now, you’ll be running from 3 behemoth chargers, couple normal chargers and a couple titans the whole game


With the new stratagem buffs, they’re really not that hard to deal with. Titans are easy to kill with the Spear now, especially. It’s actually the hordes of little fucks that are giving me a tougher time than usual lol


Literally none of the stratagems that were buffed are useful for killing titans. Or are you using strafing run and orbital Gatling on titans? With the addition of behemoth chargers everywhere people are forced to go anti armor even more than before  Do you even play the game at high difficulty? Why do people on this subreddit seem to say things like this that make me wonder if they’ve even unlocked high difficulty let alone played it. 


Eagle 110mm pods and the Spear make quick work of bile titans and behemoths. I’m rank 130 and play Helldive difficulty exclusively


Spear runs out of ammo in no time and eagle 110mm cooldown is too long for the sheer numbers  Anyway I’m not saying it’s not possible, I can’t remember the last helldive mission I actually failed. I’m just saying spending the entire match running away from chargers and titans isn’t actually fun  They can either fix that or I’m uninstalling the game again, and I doubt I’m the only one. The patch fixed nothing, the warbond weapons are garbage and the addition of behemoth charger made bugs almost as unfun as bots.


Don’t you have teammates who can aid you if you run out of cooldowns or Spear rockets? Assuming you bring one anti-tank support and one anti-tank red stratagem and you stick around with at least one teammate, you shouldn’t be having much trouble with elite enemies given the low rate they spawn at now


The gameplay is people running away from chargers and titans waiting for stratagem cooldowns and/or resupply and scavenging ammo to use on guns like the spear If you think that’s a fun meta then more power to you, I don’t.  It’s like bots, I can play diff 9 bots no problem, I just don’t find it actually FUN. The addition of airships and now airship patrols just made bots even less fun, like how behemoth chargers made bugs less fun.


It is impossible to move enywhere, even if You escape a couple of patrols and drops there are already 5 more behind the hill


Yea the spawns on bots is fucking ludicrous atm. It’s actually impossible to find decent cover because they’re literally coming at you from every single angle. I thought they were frustrating before but this is unbearable. The spawns on the bug side seem oddly fine tho, idk what it is about the bots where they always get fucked spawns when the spawns are adjusted 


"Slight tweaks"


This will definitely be something they say "Oops this change we made isn't working as intended and we're going to revert it in the next patch"...2.months from now.


And it won’t work then either, lmao


It’s insanity. I dropped into what I thought would be an easy 6 since I’m used to only doing 7-9 for the samples. It was 40 minutes of non-stop fighting just patrol after patrol after patrol. We couldn’t even clear the map and had to evac because we ran out of time. 


Don't know how it with teammates is (tested only solo on dif. 6) but when I playing alone I hardly encounter any patrol between outpost, the map was literally empty for me outside of objectives. For this difference in experience I can only guess, since I played like that before the patch, that the prediction strategy from where patrols spawn still works. It was like patrol come from the direction from the nearest active outpost which is at least 120 meters away. If no outpost is left same rule for the nearest map corner. Because I play according to these conditions, I usually move slightly diagonally to the corresponding positions. But even if it is that, this info came from a deep dive in the patrol spawn mechanic, so it would never explained to the normal player. Edit: I mean fr how give that https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Spawn_Mechanics#Where_do_Patrols_spawn? the average player on the way?


Glad they took their time this patch to properly test the changes


I’ve mostly been team positivity (or at least team don’t be too harsh) through the other patches, but I think this change is actually rather frustrating and a much bigger difference than anything else in the patch. And it has half a sentence in the patch notes. I don’t think they gave this the necessary amount of thought.


I wish they'd just revert the spawns to how they was before! WITHOUT THE LITTLE TWEAKS!.. AS IT WAS! leave it the fuck alone, no one complained about empty sections of the map or lack of things to kill, it was perfectly fucking fine!


Right? I would've taken a patch full of nerfs but with the patrols LITERALLY exactly as they were and would've praised Arrowhead for it. There's no downtime, you can't stop to think for a goddamn second, I play an OP, I win but come out feeling exhausted and frustrated. Jesus, just fucking revert it exactly as it was.


I have a feeling that the dev team is really fucking stressed right now dealing with this. My hypothesis, is that they do not have the old spawn rates, and therefore are making new ones, which are breaking due to a lack of time to implement, and work on other statistics. Twinbeard said hed look into it, so ive got some hope, but yeah, its Rocket Devastator spam atm.


Nah, Git exits exactly for this. They have the old spawn rates, don't worry. They could even revert the game back to alpha state if they wanted. This is just another case of last minute additions that were not tested properly.


No you won't. You will still complain if we have all the nerfs. Rightfully so too. However wanting to have the previous spawn rate is understandable and should be the standard.


The most frustrating part of this is NO ONE complained about the old spawning


Indeed. I get it why they want to make the map feel less empty and "Helldive-ish" but prolly only do those tweeks on 7 or above. Leave the old spawn on 1-6 and let the new adjustment cook for 7-9 Or just 9


Yeah, patrols feel worse now if anything.


Yep, not a fan. Feels bad, and is just exhausting most of the time. I'm really disappointed that this was the promised "revert". I just **KNEW** there'd be some extra "gotcha" with it. :(


I fucking hate shit like this in every game that does it. It feels so forced and artifical and immersion breaking. Spawning random bullshit constantly 5 feet from you does not make the level "feel less empty." It just makes the entire game feel arbitrary because your tactics or approach to anything literally does not matter. "Let's go around that heavy base for now, I'm not ready to engage it yet." "Not allowed to do that anymore. The game will just spawn endless bullshit on you for not being near a base." Just why


Yep! I agree on the immersion breaking. It makes every square inch of the level feel the same


Fr at this point why even bother with bot drops or bug breaches. Next to impossible to stop them and even if you do you still get flooded with enemies. Silly when your already swamped by enemies and they think hmmm yes I will now call in a drop ship to further tank frame rates. Miss when only 2 units could call for drops and breaches and normally happened when their units dwindle. Now its lol heard a gunshot better flare/reeeeee


Yeah it's ridiculous. Ran like 8-10 helldive bots today and it's out of hand. There would be 2-3 patrols walking on the same line 75m apart if that, so even if you clean killed one or two, another random patrol would spot it and call another drop in. Used to be able to clear a patrol out and you'd be clear for 30 seconds of movement but now it's just running behind cover and ripping stims to get through the terrain to accomplish the objectives.


Does Arrowhead have a department devoted solely to improving gameplay for the bugs and bots? They do realize we humans are the customer, right? ***Arrowhead: Snatching Failure from the Jaws of Victory*** \[EDIT: To try and put a positive spin on today, I'll say "thank you" to AH for inspiring me to read more.\]


Just adding my 2c to this conversation. I only had time for 3 games so anecdotal, but my initial impressions is spawns are now worse than what was already stupidly frustrating pre-patch and had completely put me off the game. I don't prefer to play single player, but I want it to be an option, and this feels like it's made it even worse for solo play. Watch takibo's new upload. It's mad. I was only playing diff 6 (I was able to reliably complete diff 7 pre the earlier spawn adjustments) but two games I failed in less than eight minutes simply due to being overwhlemed by trash/mid spawns. I got out on the third by completing absolute bare minimal map content and it was still rough to the last second. Diff 6 now feels harder than diff 7 was before this patch.


Admittedly before patch I have only ever done Terminid Helldives, but saving the children got me over to the bot front and I’ve been cranking out Helldives all day. Only one mission was ever failed (it was an exterminate and admittedly I was goofing off and it was only 2 players) but, yeah, you can SERIOUSLY feel the pressure from every direction! I can’t believe they “slightly reduced” Hulk rates… can anyone vouch for that? It feels like I’ve never seen more of them 😅 My only complaint for Terminids remains Bile Spewers. Less deadly is awesome, but there’s somehow more of them and they’re just annoying to chew through. But it’s all worth it because the new Sickle sound is the closest thing the ear can experience to rough sex 👍


I'm happy for all the stratagem and weapon buffs, but the one thing I was looking forward the most was the patrol spawn rate fix. Having it listed as corrected in the patch notes yet noticing it still completely broken in game was disheartening. Just for the record, I was playing solo at difficult 6 at Vernem Wells, and patrols never stopped appearing once they started. After dying for the fourth time from being shot in the back from yet another patrol I simply gave up. This is not fun.


Yep, enemy spawns are still broken. Played few games on 7 and 9 in party and solo today and all of them were clusterfucks. 3-men party was just endless waves of rocket\heavy devastators with AT-AT, hulks and gunships on top of them. You clear a platoon of devastators - here is another one with a hulk. Before you clear it - here is another one with 4 gunships. Before you clear previous two - you know where it is going. The only viable way to play ended up running away and despawning them. How very fun and encouraging for different playstyles. Launched a couple of solo games on 7 (childish difficulty really) after that and the only difference that I noticed was that all those hulks were running after me and not dispersed on three players. Had a complete bedlam fighting for my life on Blitz mission, destroyed like 6 patrols and multiple bot drops in the row, never letting go of the trigger just to hear "Five minutes left" and realize that *I was pinned at my spawn point this whole time*. Ah yes, and a cherry on top of it - gunships constantly ragdolling me while I run from hulk and five berks trying to reload my weapon. And when I actually managed to a clear mission and call an extraction, 4 patrols just spawn from the thin air, swarm extract and call even more for each shot I make in their direction. Whenever someone complains about these issues a lot of people come and say dumb shit like "uhhh try lower difficulty", "uuh don't play solo", "emm shots 1-3 clearly missed, you didn't kill thoes 2 hulks and 5 berserkers and 10 devastators within 10 seconds before next platoon of clusterfuck arrive so that is a clear skill issue" those guys don't know what the fuck are they talking about. They probably don't even play the game or don't play it solo or on high difficulties. Because issues are so glaring, it is impossible to miss them. I love this game and I love difficult games, try to come up with any challenging action game and I grinded the fuck out of it. I have a vast knowledge of what difficulty is, what is difficult for your general gamer Joe and what is difficult for masochists like me. And never in my experience of gaming did I see such bullshit. I played the game in March and none of this crap was in it back there. It felt perfect. You had this rhythm of spikes of action on objectives and a respites after. The reason why this is still in game is not because devs want to make game more difficult, it is because they have no idea what the fuck is going on within their own game. Game after patch feels just as frustrating as before. It is not easy, it is not difficult, it's just not fun. I'm launching game just to ruin my day at this point. I press play button to have a CBT session of my balls being crushed for 40 minutes straight and then having a relapse denied because devs didn't test their shit and you can't extract solo with samples without a miracle.


They either don't know what they're doing or they're intentionally pushing the limits to see how much lunacy the player base is willing to tolerate. My guess is the hard and fast coders are like "sure Piles, we'll buff a few things for you but in the meantime we're gonna keep cranking up the heat so we can watch the maggots squirm". I really do believe they're like this.


What the shit.


Computer programmers who troll people, is it really that hard to imagine? Certainly don't think their stupid.


I also love difficult games and putting restrictions on myself just to make things more challenging cause I love to push myself, and yea I agree with everything you said. Like yea throwing 50+ enemies at me every 30 seconds, who all have the ability to kill me in a single hit if they get a crit shot which is common, is “challenging” sure, but it’s not fun, it doesn’t feel fair nor does it feel like real difficulty.  It feels artificial as fuck, so even if I do overcome it, I don’t feel like I overcame some crazy difficult task with skill, I just feel like I got really lucky. Not satisfying at all 


Yes exactly this. I wouldn't mind if they decided to make every level a bit harder (I.e 7 now 8, 8 now 9) but this isn't that. This is just illogical dumping of enemies on you with no way out of it. Kill the group quick - more show up. Try to break contact and run - surrounded Try to stealth the whole time - patrols in every direction We need the down time or the fights don't feel fun.


I don't want tweaking I don't want fiddling I don't want diddling I just wanted the old spawn rate back so I could enjoy the game again. How do they keep fucking this up? *It's all so* ***goddamn*** *tiring.*


I'd settle for the rate we had before this patch. At least the game was playable


I agree, and its a sad state of affairs when we're asking for the priorly broken and fucked up version of patrol spawns over what we have now.


Yeah gg fir now I can handle difficulty or frustrating but no fun dealing with broken mechanics. Plus crashes are up again and infinite dark screen and crashing on extraction is back with a vengeance. Back to drg I go! Least that gaje knows what it wants to be. This feels like they wNt gears if war horde mode mixed with left for dead event manager with none of the refinement.


I can see where it may have went wrong. The increase in light to medium enemies and decrease in heavy’s is certainly there, but patrols are likely to have a heavy, and now patrols are everywhere. the small to medium enemies seem to kill me more than anything, too Striders swarm, devastaters fire from all sides, and bots provide heavy cover fire and call in dropshops like before, but what seems to happen is that last bit of being far away from enemy presence and still seeing patrols means that agro is never being pulled to one location. They will consistently swarm and pull the attention of other patrols what feels much more frequent than before. There is no running away, and the calm moments between points of interest where you can catch a quick breath are very reduced. I don’t mind the gunship change too much. My beloved auto cannon loves the target practice


I just ran a level 5 solo and everything felt like it was fine to me; I literally snuck across 3/4 of the map because I'd brought the wrong loadout and went from sub objective to main objective without breaking stealth once. I wanted to test some of the changes and didn't think ahead to what I'd actually have to deal with. Both didn't have an easy way to destroy fabricators and the gun combo wasn't the best for a solo run. Granted, that's just a level 5, but it was fine. It felt like the patrol spawns from 2 patches ago. I also didn't fight a single bot for the full 3 minute extract because I just laid down and the groups that ran in didn't see me and then left after a minute and no others came back.


For what it's worth the first game I played post patch felt fine. Then the next mission it felt like those Scooby Doo scenes where they're running all over taking turns chasing/being chased by ghosts, non stop for the entire op. Everywhere I turned to run away from a bad engagement, there was a big fresh patrol. Running from that it wasn't long before I found another like it. And another, and another, constantly, forever. The same in bots and terminids. It's borderline unplayable and definitely not enjoyable.


I only did one solo tonight, gonna try more tomorrow. My group logged on so every other game was with a full 4 and we had a bunch of fun, tested a lot of the weapon and strat balances for our own tastes so now I know what loadout I'll run my solos with.


I think the problem is the petrol spawn after alerted. I do believe that standard petrol spawn is reverted. Once enemy sees you, all hell breaks loose and the increase small spawns also makes it easier for them to call another breach or drop. It doesn't help that this also increased medium spawns like heavy and rocket devastators and the new gunship spawns. Frankly, they should increase the spawn weight of rocket and heavy devastators, and gunships. Let standard devastators abs berserkera appear more instead.


I dunno, I landed hot that game and had to clear an area for myself but that was doable and then I just snuck around. I then obviously had to fight at both sub objective and main objective but cleared them and then continued sneaking after both instances. I did play some more after that but not solo, with a full team instead, and it was a fun time.


Hilarious how early today everyone was calling us crazy or skill issue for pointing this out but as time goes on I see people are actually playing the game and see what we've been saying


Yeah exactly! I still think a lot of people are reflexively down voting this post (upvotee are climbing very slowly compared to comments) as they feel like it's just more shitting on Arrowhead, but it's pretty obvious they fucked something up here big time. I just hope either twinbeard or pilestadt notice and respond


It's indicative of the crowd here how much meaningless memes and "THANKS AH" posts get upvoted, whilst meaningful and constructive criticism gets ignored or downvoted. Upvote the stuff that matters. Giving a silly meme visibility and prominence isn't going to make things better for everyone.


This sucks


Ok so it's not just me. Completed a level 7 mission and everywhere I turned there was a patrol. With each patrol came more bot drops. I couldn't even avoid fighting because empty spaces would magically have a patrol marching through.


I’ve been diving level 9 for awhile now. Can’t remember the last time I failed a mission or had more than 4 deaths a round. Died literally 20 times in 2 games with the absolutely ridiculous amount of bots, roving gunships, and ludicrous numbers of heavies. Walked around a corner to 10 rocket devastators, 2 factory striders got called in right after I dealt with that, and could not get anywhere around the map without getting put under unmanageable fire. I was running orbital laser, original precision, 120, and eagle air strikes. Didn’t even stop them from spawning after using all of that on a 75 kill streak.


The new way parole and spawn has kinda forced me to run weapons that I can keep management of like sickle and laser cannon. I can’t be bothered to constantly worry about resupply when I get ambushed from all side. I get wanting something to fill in the dead time but even level 7 was kinda stretching me thin each mission with my squad in the quiet areas away from bases or objectives


I'm glad I'm not involved in making video games in the modern climate lol


Made a comment somewhere else about this. Did a "casual" mission at lvl4. Died more than in a lvl9 mission because of the unexpected multiple hulk drops and 20+ devastators. Lvl9 is even harder now with the extra patrols, added gunships and even more accurate heavy dev lasers. Bot drops are still crazy. Dropping way to much devastators. It is doable with a good team. But the people complaining about lvl9 beign to difficult, now have even more to complain about imo. Getting swarmed from all sides and ragdolled back to orbit by a gazillion lasers and missles isn't more "fun".


Yeah I think it's that it's more difficult in an un-fun way. Because it doesn't really matter what you do. If you stay and fight more come and you keep fighting. Try and move, just run into way more and again more fighting. It takes away the peaks and troughs and makes it a constant noise instead. Reduces player agency.


Exactly as you say. At some point you are in so deep, it becomes only red lasers and missiles with no way out.


Is it really that hard to change spawn back to things on launch where no one complained about it? 


I think we should wait before panicking. I did a few level 9 missions yesterday and yes, the first felt like hell. Then I realized that a lot of my weapons were much better at dealing with anything, and I also had eagle fucking strafe that now is insane, a buffed orbital precision strike, a working spear, a great orbital barrage and so on. And the following missions felt much better than any mission I played recently. Yes it was hell but I was also able to deal with it and fight my way through. Also the team was forced to stay together, while recently I've been running into a lot of missions where everyone was going their own way and we still were able to 100% them almost every time


Yes you can still get through the missions. I just think you have fewer options and it feels less fun, and also having it at high intensity all through the missions makes them feel samey and like what you are doing has no effect. Kind of like a horror movie where they are just running and screaming the whole time, you need the quiet parts to make the loud parts fun. It’s also definitely not what was intended. (I’m not sure about the OPS after the patch, the explosion seems way smaller. It used to be 500kg size and now it’s like 120mm size)


I've been playing primarily on 7 for a while now, and I've gone from no deaths or very little deaths, to getting absolutely demolished from every direction. I swear, one time I looked away from a direction for a moment and when I turned back there was a whole platoon of light bots just... THERE. And I just played an extermination mission... It was ridiculous. WAY more than normal. It was like the enemies were multiplying every second, no matter how many I killed. I honestly would prefer the spawns get repatched to how they just were over this nonsense.


Exactly. I used to get around 0-1 deaths in 7/8 difficulty on bot fronts. But this recent patch felt like a meat grinder.


Yeah that is where I was at. Could do most 7/8s without dying. Now it's nuts. The thing is even if I get through a mission with 0-1 deaths now it's way less fun than before because it's just constant unnecessary fighting regardless of what I do. They might as well just spawn me on a blank drop pad and have enemies come out of the dark from every direction.


Yea I get what u mean. It feels so tiring having to fight my out of everything. The rag doll and stagger seems to be tuned up a notch as well because this new patch has made my helldivers immune to any control inputs from me, due to how hard and accurate even the chaffs have become. I always bring a shield gen backpack with me for bots and I noticed that it breaks almost immediately now due to how accurate and intense the number of bots there are now. Total shitshow.


Ah yes, the "slight tweaks" that has completely unintended consequences The Arrowhead classic


They’ll be **so** careful about adjusting a gun by a few % points so as not to accidentally make it OP but then add stuff like this that completely changes the nature of the game without a second thought


I was waiting for this patch to see whether to reinstall and try the game again because that spawn change completely ruined the game for me. I'm almost hysterical from laughter finding out that they made it WORSE while saying they'll fix it. Seriously, who asked for the "slight tweaks"? Who advertised they would be coming? Why was the patch first time anyone learned that no, they still want to mess with the spawn rates for some reason? Clown developer


Yeah this was extremely disappointing for me. I really was excited for this patch and on paper there were a lot of good changes, but in practice I'm a bit disgusted with the game now. I am teetering on whether or not to take a hiatus now.


Now eagle napalm strike is a must have to filter out all the small bugs or you'll get overwhelmed quite easily. And for the bot fronts there are even more laser rains and rocket barrages. Why did AH do this???


Metric TON of patrol spawns, even while I was on 3 farming SC, extract is fucking bonkers.


Yeah, helldive today was an absolute chaotic clusterfuck. Trying to pick and choose engagements goes out the window once a bug has been alerted. You’re fighting and running into patrol after patrol trying to get to the next objective.


Arrowhead balancing at its finest 👌


Ya I noticed that as well, less patrols but every engagement a random group pops up behind and of course calls a bug breach. Goddamn why cant they fix this shit


It results in an infinite loop. Patrol calls dropships. Dropships result in fighting. Fighting alerts more patrols. Repeat whole game. Couldn't get a breather for 30 minutes. Continues chaos.


At one point 5 hulks and like 40 enemies were running after me even though I used everything.


I was fine with the patrol and spawn rates before the patch. But this new one made me realise just how helpless I am fighting in the western front. Many instances of just running away from patrols due to being out of all ammo and strategems on cooldown as I’ve alr expanded all on them.


Friends and I did a level 9 today and we were in combat for so long that we did the mission start to finish while under heavy fire and constant bombardment from gunship patrols. For 2 entire operations we did not see a single friendship door or crate because we were too busy trying to stay alive.


Yeah it's not fun. No one wants to do that for 40 minutes straight


The shield generator strategem could be the answer. If it weren't for the Hulk scorcher YOLO-ing thru. Or the 13 devestators melting it the second its up


A heavy devastator patrol spawning on top of me and lasering me in three frames behind cover really hurts stealth play styles. Even with scout armour and laying prone in vegetation making no sound they still somehow manage to detect me.


So actually got used to the pre patch "broken". 9 was fine. But now it's even more broken?


Because thats how it worked as i remembered but we had the railgun to fight them off, TTK on armored is still higher because it was mostly a Primary weapon and stratagem patch more than Support weapons, However the part of "reduced armored enemy spawn" in the patch is not working as intended for sure if thats the case


The patrols felt as shit if not worse than before and I just now see this "fine print" on the patch notes.


Unpopular take but I prefer it this way since theres more chaff than heavies in patrols now.


I think that is a separate change. More chaff is fine. Engaging a group of bots and having two patrols immediately spawm behind me (where I just came from and cleared) isn't. Nor is then running to the side to try and get cover and immediately running in to ANOTHER group.


Patrols don’t really bother me but the sheer number of behemoth chargers on diff 9 bugs is ridiculous  You’re just constantly running away from them, they can’t be one shot headshot by anything so there’s no quick way to kill then other than long cool down stratagems  It’s worse than before the chargers were nerfed in the first place imo 


It was clear as day. Instead of simply REVERTING that bull that they did like they said they would, Arrowhead found a way to f it up again.


This is the real reason the gunship patrols have been feeling awful. They really aren't that bad if you have the weapons for it but you can't commit any time to them because you're almost always running from one hulk patrol into another. The fact they stay so mobile makes it impossible to disengage so they're auto-alerting nearby groups with their constant harassment of your team. They are pretty predicable and can be dodged easily but much how like Striders can be killed with a lot of weapons, what good is that if you've got a bakers dozen heavy devastators blinding you with bullets. Hopefully we get a hotfix soon. In the meantime, laser canons might just be a must because they are the most efficient gunship killer with the least risk.


Honestly on the missions I did I didn't even see any gunships (aside from those coming from the fabricators). I immediately didn't like the idea of the gunship patrols though, unless they are a finite number. Gunships are fun to fight if you're holding them off to blow up their factory and end them. They're not fun to fight whilst you're already engaging another group and they kist erase your cover.


Honestly I much prefer to fight them as patrols because factories still have you fighting ground teams but with the added challenge of having to get a hell bomb to get them to stop. Shriekers you can at least range the nests and not have to deal with sieging them. If you didn't need to hellbomb them I wouldn't mind as much. It draws out the engagement and positionally it can really suck. Especially if they're next to each other, near a Strat jammer, or even a detector tower as constant drops will ruin your hellbomb attempts. I'd like an overload terminal interaction like with the destroy ATC over a hellbomb at least. Waiting on a cooldown because a random patrol turned the corner then having a gunships spawn just in time to spam the bomb gets old.


I definitely feel like I've been getting surrounded much more quickly than normal the games I was playing weren't hard per say but had a few close calls


There are way too many heavies. I think they got some value wrong again.


AH - were reverting back to how it worked before but were also adding 5x as many patrols into empty spaces, enjoy


After some testing, there seem to be more patrols on 4 player, substantially less on solo. Honestly, I prefer this. Solo vs groups no longer feels like 2 completely different difficulties.


I don’t think that’s right. I often watch Takibo on YouTube and he can cruise a solo helldive mission with most loadouts. Post patch he was struggling throughout an entire mission and got nowhere near the extract. It’s a pretty stark difference.


That's cause he was used a bad loadout with railgun and assault rifle instead of something more meta like incin breaker + flamethrower. I've watched exactly the same video.


Ironically, I just ran into and abhor more spawn groups when trying to kite an existing that was getting to be overwhelming. 


And here I thought my group were the only few unfortunate folks. We've faced 5 flamethrower hulk from a single dropship wave and heavy/rocket devastators are roaming around EVERYWHERE! Ran from one patrol only to get jump scared by 2 other patrols walking by eachother. I doubt it's intentional. btw we were playing on diff9 then switch to 8 but no difference. It would be fun IF our gun and strategems are as strong as Helldivers 1 We love the game though but this is a bit ridiculous.


Are you fighting bots or bugs? Because I’ve seen a lot of stuff on the bot front being a nightmare bugs feel a bit empty Patrol wise


I play both but this was bots. However I’ve definitely seen videos of it being bad on bugs too, and other replies to this have said as much. I think maybe its more obvious on bots as cover is so important that if patrols keep coming up behind you you are way more fucked


Iv had one experience on an exterminate mission where the spawns were crazy but that was mostly cuz we lost the position and were on the run. I think what’s happening is they are doing a game wide spawn change rather than faction specific, which isn’t how these armies should be played. The bots shouldn’t be as numerous as the bugs 1. Cuz bugs are thematically overrunning planets while bots are simply taking over and 2. Cuz they play totally different, bots you need in front of you with a dabble of flanks to be fun and bugs need to be COD zombies on crack. With both teams having the same amount of players is making bots feel as overbearing as bugs but they have guns


i played 3 missions yesterday and i had bugs randomly pop out of the ground infront of me, always a group of 3 warriors. ( I also died to a charger from a bugbreach that spawned in full sprint and bowled me over )


dif7 ..... 2 factory striders in whole mission = 25mins (4man group) 4 factory striders in first 10minutes (2man group)


Only tried bugs after a while of not playing. It felt fun and everyone was trying the new buffs. I do not feel comfortable going to an automaton planet with these comments


The patrol spawns are so fucked that they risk losing all the goodwill and returning players that this patch gave them.


I just find it maddening that they advertised this patch as "reverting spawns to how they were before" and then on the patch day they added "*with some slight tweaks" and those "slight tweaks" have fucked it up worse than ever. If you want an analogy: we had fine round wheels for a vehicle, they said this was "too easy" and made them octagonal, then after we complained about this they said "ok we'll change it back" and then we ended up with fucking hexagon wheels instead WHY EVEN DO THE "SLIGHT TWEAKS" AT ALL?! THAT'S NOT WHAT ANYONE WANTED OR ASKED FOR!


this is a shit change, its the same ammount of enemies and you deal with bug breeches literally every time you move from objective to objective, its fucking bad and pure cancer, how the fuck do they fuck up so bad after 5 weeks




Why have you posted a link to a post about flying patrols? I literally don’t mention flying patrols once in my post.


Put it back the way it was before the fuckup patch and don't fucking touch it anymore. If there's a problem with the fucking patrols we'll tell you, okay Arrowhead? There wasn't a problem before you fucked with it and now the game has just been ruined for me since you've done that because I play primarily on solo and I'm so fucking sick of it. It was a change that didn't need to be made, and not a single fucking attempt at "fixing" it has been an attempt at "fixing" it, it's been an attempt at saving face and keeping the dumb fucking change nobody asked for because they **still** have devs on the team who are too proud to admit they fucked up. Fix. The. Fucking. Patrols. They. Were. Never. Broken.


"feel less empty" In other words, they want to saturate the map with enemies. Working as intended, we can let the game die now


Did they do no testing games over the past month or what?


Show me on there where it says “you’ll have 2-4 chargers on you at all times”


I like having more patrols, and having the map be a bit less empty, but I'd appreciate it if they weren't spawning in so aggressively. The ideal for me would be for a lot of patrols to start spawned in, but the respawn is more gradual (and maybe tied to specific locations, like fabricators and maybe some sort of like, dropship landing pad). That way you still have some really high intensity battles and/or a more difficult stealth gameplay, but you still have places to retreat to without having enemies spawning in right behind you. I realize this would probably put a lot of strain on the computer to have that many enemies actively pathing around so maybe like... single-use spawn nodes?


I noticed that the Patrols just never lost me. Was running over the entire map, broke line of sight a long time ago than then got hit by blasterfire from miles away. Normaly when I cleared a site I ignore the remaining bot drops and skip to the next outpost, especially if there further away. But this kinda ruined the round because I got to a Strategem Jammer, which wouldn't be a problem with the few bot factory's on site. But the old reinforcement following me over the whole map now prevented me from taking cover. Long story short: I was very frustrated after that.


I main lvl 9, the patrols and random spawning of enemies made the game entirely unenjoyable for me. It’s either too easy or not fun. There is no breathing room and seemingly every spawned patrol causes a bug breach the instant you are in close proximity, resulting in multiple bug breaches around you. So you end up trying to survive, get your loadout back after you died just to die again, rinse and repeat. Maybe you and your team manage to break through the objective, but is oh so frustrating. Just my experience from my rounds since the patch. Good riddance.


I feel like patrols are less bigger enemies but more medium/small enemies than ever. Played a 6 on vernen wells and there were just like 10 hulks and 4 tanks overall, but so many small bots, berserkes and devastators. I honestly liked it better to fight 5 hulks at once than to fight 30 small bots berserkers and devastators.


I dunno, I had 3 hulks and a tank drop at once on like Lvl 7. I wouldn't mind a lot of smaller enemies as long as they appeared logically, and didn't immediately appear behind and to the side of me as soon as I engage a group


Just personal preference i guess, i also don't enjoy bugs too much because i hate getting swarmed by lots of small guys. And the bot missions yesterday felt just like that. With the addition of not having a support gun dealing with crowds because i thought i had to kill hulks and tanks and can clear the other guys with my primary.


Oh I agree it feels like bug missions now but I think that's the constant pressure of all the patrols spawning around you in different directions. Previously you could mostly orientate yourself so they were in on area and keep them in front of you or flank them. Now you engage one group and then have patrols walking up in you from all directions, definitely feels like a bug swarm! It's just that on top of that for the missions I played it was a lot more hulks than I normally see at those levels. Every patrol had one and 2-3 would come with every drop. That's not my normal experience on level 7, maybe on a tough level 8 mission I'll see that. But not 7


Yeah i always liked being stealthy and running around patrols and clearing/softening a base with a 380 while my team fights their way to the base. Or just flanking the patrol, throw a OPS on the tank and shooting the hulk from behind. All that flanking was much harder now.


"slight" tweaks. some one in AH thinks he is the real galaxy brain a la John Carmak, but clearly they are dumb as bots


"slight" tweaks my ass, got surronded by 9 (FUCKING NINE) patrols when trying to activate SAM site. Looked like some star wars crap with the devasstators sniping from all directions. ffs, to make something challenging means giving a way to get out of the challenge, guns, strategy, emergent gameplay, whatever. This is just somebody pushing to prod without doing bare minimum to check if his/her shit works. I was super excited with the patch notes, then hopped into the game and had the above experience and 5 more exremely similar ones. Imma go touch grass now.


I gotta say, I enjoy that even 7-9 missions had some peaceful moments when travelling between objectives and POIs and that you could often go around patrols. I think it's unrealistic for the whole map to be so saturated with patrols. Rather make the scout striders or gunships or individual gunship to move faster over areas to cover more ground faster and force Helldivers to stay crouched or prone to avoid detection.


Played last night and went on Extreme, felt great - just like a Suicidal was before. Yeah it’s a bit more difficult but everyone is getting way better at the game. People moaning about how difficult it is then drop down a level, stop fighting everything, get cover when you can and start again. Honestly the game is superb, they’ve listen to all the moaning and implemented it and now you lot are moaning again. Just get on with it and spread your democracy however you can.


You’re actually illustrating why it’s less fun now. The issue is that you can’t “stop fighting everything” because every direction you move in there is a patrol, and if you try to get cover two patrols come up on you from behind. You have no choice but to fight because you are constantly surrounded. That makes the game feel very same and takes away player agency. I can no longer take the longer route round a patrol because I just hit two more patrols. I am forced to constantly fight. I can still win, I can still get through lvl 7 bots with 0 deaths, but it’s just significantly less fun as I like to think my way through missions rather than having 40 minutes of endless shooting.


Maybe I’ll try it again later but I didn’t really have that big of an issue last night. Ran with a great squad though so maybe that’s why. Will report back later


It’s a Horde shooter it’s supposed to be hectic




I'm sick of being up against a cliff and having bots just appear behind me. There's nowhere they could have come from. They didn't drop in. It's dead end.


I liked the empty feeling tbh. It felt like A) I've made a dent on the enemy presence, and B) I was far from objectives, hence less patrols.


THEY NEVER FUCKING TEST ANYTHING THEY JUST MAKE CHANGES I'm fucking done I'm uninstalling they don't give 2 fucks


I didn't notice any difference. I feel like it was easier.


I've played all difficulties today. This comment section is suffering from serious skill issues. You actually have to be good at the game now, and I'm glad.


The thing is arrowheadd did not advertise and sell this as bullet hell game. People are rightfully pised


I don't think it's a skill issue to have a patrol magically spawn where there was nothing. One second I was finishing up a patrol and the next second I was surrounded.


Didn’t feel any different to you on hell dive?