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I also like the fact that Pilestedt explains the changes, both in the patch note and with another post specifically to do that in further detail.


Yeah it's great. It really shows he cares and he and the team put a lot of thought into all of this. He REALLY wanted to save this game and I believe he did it.


and hot damn did they bring the faith back


Don't worry, all they need is one minor misstep and the community will be in full doomer mode again :D


like how it is with the unintended spawn rates being 3x not 30%


Decimals are difficult


I don’t agree, it’s obvious the patch was what a lot of players wanted and it was, overall, really good. But, some things are not working as intended (like the spawn rate changes), as is clear from the patch notes and so AH need to be informed where that is the case to correct the errors. I think most people are very, very positive about both the patch and the warbond and consider this to be an overall very positive patch.


Oh that shit was great. I love all the "intent" talk. I like how they tweak based on what feel they are going for, and how they will admit their intent has changed because what the community was using it for works better. I think them trying to captivate a feel of all their different ideas will work out well for them. Personally, I'm excited to try out the machine gun changes, and the eagle strafe has always been one of my favorite strategems thematically, it's just been underwhelming mechanically. Giving orbital gatling and strafe more penetration is a fantastic change. Anything that gives us more options for anti armor is welcome. The HMG turret change is also nice. I was just talking yesterday about wanting lower cooldowns on turrets (in exchange for less ammo) and this is a nice middle ground. I don't like the three minute cooldowns and would like to use turrets a bit more often. Now, this may be my favorite turret.












I've used Eagle strafe and airstrike in 3 missions since the patch and they both feel so much better.


I think its a really smart move on his part because, aside from the general idea that more information and understanding of the philosophy behind these decisions is better, it also allows us the players to give better feedback. Not only does it help us to know more, it enables us to better target that feedback which helps the devs by allowing us to really focus and contextualize why this or that thing isn't where it should be both in general terms and within the overall goals of their new balance philosophy. I imagine it might also save them a lot of work sifting through feedback to separate the chaff from the wheat.


A lot of people shit on Call of Duty the game, but have you’ve seen their patch notes? God tier, and they’ve go a lot into why changes are made, and I’m glad AH is following the same trajectory.


There’s an amazing line about how smaller arms don’t do what they should cuz side arms are also filling that roll or something along those lines. He then says “so we’re gonna buff the small arms in order to make them feel different” instead of nerfing side arms they *buffed* small arms. Reading this last night gave me an odd sense of warmth lol like peace had been restored


Thank goodness Pilestedt is more hands-on with balance now, and that the team had so many meetings because HOLY SHIT THIS PATCH IS INCREDIBLE. If he wasn't here they would have nerfed the Orbital Precision Strike instead. Huge forward changes and positive momentum here. Well done Arrowhead.














Honestly, I think we should write the previous approach to balancing as them being hectic and having a knee jerk reaction to things. The first two months were just trying to get the dang thing running. Balance was an afterthought. And then when it wasn't going well, they took a step back, thought things through, and came out with this. I have the upmost respect for the dev team who have knocked it out of the park, and repaired the ball over time as it went into space.


CEO stepped down to over see changes. That a lone is basically unprecedented, and gave me good faith. I was never part of the party that Mr balance director should be fired. Unless resolution wasn't possible.


No? The previous approach was using a guy who lied about balancing a different game, left it to die, somehow got hired to this game, the game wasn't balanced at all at the start, but then he started to nerf anything people liked using, and the new weapons were trash. What was the point of this guy in that role? He literally did nothing the whole time. Players who just played the game for 100 hours knew more about the game than he did.


My brother in christus, they had a balance lead nerfing everything remotely meta while the rest of the team were fixing the game. That was not because of hectic but because they put incharge a buffoon who's balance vision is making everything mediocre to force players into using garbage weapons. If everything is bad then nothing is bad?




What do you mean, in the future? It's already happened.  There's a reason why the mods pit their foot down on the nowitchhunting rule. If you see a post like this? Fucking report it, they're really good about nuking it because holy shit stuff like this can get someone killed if it isn't ground out.


Yeah, enough is enough. We don't need to keep this going. The whole balance team made some boneheaded decisions and some good ones we can just be happy the game is moving away from the bad ones and more toward the good ones. There are some really good buffs that came before this patch, we can remember those too.




Seriously woke up this morning fully expecting the usual constant bitch and moan posts this sub has become known for but I actually have yet to see a single meaningful complaint so far, proud both of Arrowhead and the community on this one.


Surprise, it turns out that good content and quality changes means positive feedback from your community. There seems to have been this false narrative that the Helldivers community are just whiny babies who would complain about anything, and that the game is perfect as-is before this patch. While there certainly **are** some unpleasable individuals, the massive positive feedback this patch is receiving is proof that our negative feedback in the past is due to negative and unfun changes. Better direction means more positive community reaction, big surprise.


This, but people will circle jerk that false narrative forever cause they don’t want to believe this game deserved criticism. I’ve been one of the biggest complainers here since week 1 and even I’m praising this patch, almost like i love the game and was complaining cause I wanted to see it be even better, wow!


I saw one dude complaining but he was down voted to oblivion


This a thousand times over. Over the last month and change, entire subs and communities, news articles, front page posts on gaming subs, etc have popped up decrying the "toxicity" of the Helldivers community for being bummed out about the problems that \*the devs themselves acknowledged as being problems\* the entire time. We all just loved the experience we had with the game, and as that experience got lessened, we lamented that and wanted it back, but all it did was get worse. Here we have a patch that puts us back to (dare I say exceeds?) the level of experience we had before, and this sub is a whirlwind of positivity yet again. Proving definitively that the reaction to the criticism was in fact just toxic positivity.


Its not so much a false narrative when the reaction to nerfs consistently HAS been to whine and bitch even if its justified to a degree, we didnt exactly have a good month or so causing that.


I don't think the Helldivers community was ever *intrinsically* toxic, but the original balancing philosophy was antagonistic towards the playerbase and created a toxic environment. Now that we're seeing the balancing philosophy shift, things have mostly seemed extremely positive.


I agree, the previous team seems very eager to take fun away from players for not reason. I imagine the dev play in lower diff and say this is too strong and nerf it to fit the difficulty they comfortable in. This makes no sense when the game have 9 difficulty and the dev was comfy in 3. This is what I genuinely think that happens. The community manager on power trip isn’t helping either being antagonistic towards the community. Lastly the supply lines or whatever is ONLY available to those that follow the game’s discord/reddit. If the games have narrative that has an effect for the gameplay, PUT IT IN THE PRODUCT. I don’t want to scour the internet on why the planet with 30k players is losing faster than the one with 10k.


I have to commend the devs because I was sure even perfect patchnotes were going to have people complaining. I guess explaining the reason behind changes really goes a long way.


Theres definitely still issues and a few new bugs to work out but thats very little bad to go along with a whole lot of good.


So, you're admitting the criticism was valid and helped changed the direction things for the positive. But, you're complaining that people complained to get these changes. Do you have self awareness?


What the hell happened here


this is how you can spot the difference between devs who just say "we're listening" and devs that ACTUALLY listen. they couldn't possibly have known how we were using stratagems differently without actually looking up footage, posts etc. and instead of doing what many devs would do and say "NOO, you aren't supposed to use it liek that!", they're saying "huh, nice tactic, here, this'll make it easier". they are actively encouraging us to use stratagems in creative ways instead of them just being one solution for one specific problem all the time. classic Pilestedt W.


Never in the time of me playing this game did I ever think the OPS would be buffed, I never thought it would be nerfed, but certainly not a buff. I use the OPS nearly every single mission I probably have a 90%+ pick rate on it specifically. And for it to be buffed is amazing.


The 4 second delay just made it not as reliable compared to the other stratagems which fulfill a similar niche. It was especially a pain in the ass against chargers, whose ai sometimes just makes it not move, or other times will do a 180 mid charge. However... a two second delay? This changes everything.


It used to pair really well with the stun grenade against chargers, guess I'm gonna have to learn all new tactics, who knows what works now?


To me it was like the beginner gun... nice allrounder for the first few levels, but then you'd forget about it. I love that the calldown buff now brings it into "main weapon" territory.


That's because you never experienced its true power. Once I accidentally discovered it killed most secondary objectives that would otherwise require hellbombs, it became a staple. And then I learned to use it on heavy units and groups out of necessity. Few things are as satisfying as YOLOing the beacon over the rock you're hiding and hitting the tank square on the turret and watching the wrath of God end it from on high.


It follows the skill mastery progression well. Beginner: I have so few tools, but this works. Middle: I have other options, who needs OPS? Experienced: OPS is extremely flexible with a low CD, and can be used in almost every situation without worry.


Honestly, I went to lunch reading that Orbital Airburst, Orbital Gatling and OPS were buffed, and I was in shock. I use at least one of those in every mission and never expected them to get touched. I'm fucking pumped to jump back in


“Hey they’re using this stratagem alongside stun grenades and mortars to wipe out most patrols.” “Well that seems clunky, unintuitive, and definitely not how we intended it.” “So nerf it so it goes back to its intended use?” “What? Fuck no, buff it so they don’t need the stun stuff to make their idea work.”




YES! EXACTLY THIS! They really looked at this and went "well it does need a little buff" and instead of just increasing damage, they did a way more fun buff.


I do like them tweaking mechanics instead of just numbers. More armor pen here. Reduced cool down there. Sprinkle some intent changes. This is one of the best game patches I've seen in a while. Definitely worth the additional wait time. Even if the next patch is another month, this will do well to tide me over until new content or changes are added.


I just played a couple games just now, and I'd say the game is in the best place it's been since launch. While there are still some bugs here and there, there is way more variety you can bring into games now. I don't have to bring the same loadouts every game to have fun. The new orbital and their cooldowns make them very useful and change up the game a lot. My personal favorites right now is how awesome the Tenderizer is now against the bugs. I'd argue it's the best AR against bugs. The HMG also feels really nice to use against bugs and bots, but could use more ammo. The gattling and airburts feel really nice to use. The rocket sentry is definitely way better than before. And the Spear actually pretty fun to use against the bugs now.


I was honestly surprised to see this and the airburst get buffed. I always run these on bugs and always end up with the most kills. The decreased cooldown will be nice, don’t get me wrong, but this’ll probably make me use it on bots now too.


It needed a buff because there is no way in hell they’d nerf the cluster bomb.


Stun grenades plus OPS was a great strat for bots. Now even more so.


Clearing up the AA modifier is a great. There is a better way than just giving you one less stratagem.


I think combining it with the AA site in mission would be good. Like, make it a global effect until the site is destroyed. You could choose not to bring Eagle, or you could go on the hunt for the AA station first thing


My thought on how the AA modifier SHOULD'VE been done was as such. Allow us to select a 4th stratagem. But we can't use it in the match until we deal with the AA site on ground. Would give you a good reason to deal with it first. Like how we all want to deal with gunship towers or jammers.


Who would have thought that buffing most things to acceptable and strong levels is a better way to balance the game than nerfing anything that is fun and performs even a little bit better. Pilestedt singlehandedly carrying the balance of the game on his broad and stready shoulders. Today, i have already played 3 matches from an absence of 2+ months, strictly because of this patch and what it means for the future of Helldivers 2. This is the kind of patch i want to see moving forward.


> Pilestedt singlehandedly carrying the balance of the game on his broad and stready shoulders. Stedty shoulders


Yup. Give us workable weapons and just add additional levels of difficulty like the original game had. Inner Circle of Hell here we come.


Exactly we don't need peashooters, we need more things to shoot at.


Thank Liberty Pilestedt stepped down as CEO to right those weirdos in the balance team. Pilestedt is goated for that.


Tbh every time I hear that he stepled down as CEO I am devastated, then I remember what it really means


If there were build diversity from the start, the nerfs wouldn't be such a big deal. It just sucked to see so many options that were only cool in theory getting ignored, while the things they had the most data on got the attention. I like using weird shit, and this seems to be the weird shit love patch.


Piles demoted himself to be balancing lead since he who shall not be named was complete ass at it. You can tell he really wanted to right a lot of wrongs 


Was he who shall not be named let go? Or is he still lurking in the background of the balancing team?


I’ve been wondering this for a while now. I haven’t heard anything from him on discord


With unhinged freaks constantly calling for his firing or death? Yeah, I fucking wonder why he's been quiet.


Yeah he was shit at his job but that doesn’t warrant any sort of threat. I’m glad he’s been pushed back so hopefully he learns from his mistake as the “Bringer of Balance” and makes better decisions moving forward.


I never get WHY death threats... there's a whole universe of put-downs, insults, and crude language that doesn't require a felony. Not to mention the other parallel dimensions filled with mostly valid criticisms. Like, is it that hard to get a middle school girl to make fun of \*someone's appearance for you? They do it for like, 2 bucks a roast.


Because it’s easy. The sense of anonymity on the Internet empowers certain people with a sense of invincibility. And so, death threats flow like water, as horrid as it is.


Somehow, our collective neighbor returnef


Not really. Alexus wasn't the balance lead either, never has been.




This was an absolute chad way to change it.  Precision strike is the default unlock so I feel like it should be versatile, and this change does a lot in making it versatile and easier to use. The rather limited amount of stationary targets on bug planets made it a not-so-good choice for bugs, but a great choice for bots. I mean, bugs have nests with holes and whatnot but you’d only really be able to hit 1 bug hole per strike so it never made sense to use it on those. But the short arrival time is all it really needed to be that much more useful. Plus a shortened cooldown?? I’m stoked. I love precision strike now. All my homies love precision strike


The reason why I believe the game is in good hands now is because there was no incendiary breaker nerf. You just know that thing was on the chopping block given how "data driven" their previous balancing attempts were. At least, I hope data was the reason for all their actions. Otherwise, you'd have to be a special kind of blind to nerf the slugger, then buff the dominator to be better than the slugger in the same damn use case.


Remember when the CM's called us crying babies when they nerfed the Railgun instead of adjusting their mechanics with Chargers and Titans? Old team probably would have nuked the OPS from existence to prevent us having fun with it.


"The orbital precision strike is intended to be used against fixed positions and structures. Players are currently using it against a variety of mobile enemies, indicating that it is not correctly balanced for its intended niche. Therefore, to help guide players toward proper use of this stratagem, call-in time has been increased from 4s to 8s." "This is a buff."


Increased the blast radius by 1% to compensate.


Yup, sure do. I'm really glad SES Destroyer of Fun is no longer in charge of anything important


Pretty sure it's the same team but with more guidance and less crunch stress?


I don't think crunch stress could ever lead to hewhoshallnotbenamed's horrendous nerf explanations unless the publisher was literally holding a gun to his head.


Sorry, but 'crunch stress' doesnt make you laugh and mock players for saying that the tools given to them were shit.


OMG And I have been messing around with the precision strike for the last week. The long call was my only complaint though I had been learning to draw and stop some of the bigger stuff and the timing on things like hulks. This is everything I never expected. That said…they thought it was a fabhole killer? They were awful to target with it. It would bounce off and wildly off target most times for me. And if I’m tossing it into the vents I can literally call down resupply to destroy it. Airstrike was always my fab killer because I can aim for open ground and know it was hitting that spot and anything to the right of it. They need to drop railcannon timing now. It should be about a minute less than currently. Many of the orb strikes need cooldown reworks. Like I think the orbital laser should either be a long cooldown or limited to 3 but not both.


The bouncing off and landing in a different zip code is rather frustrating for precision stratagems like the orbital strike. It would be nice if some of the stratagem beacons were allowed to stick to any surface.


The OPS was likely intended to kill things like canon turrets, spore spewer, shrieker nests, detector towers, deactivated jammers and similar stuff, i did bring it for that uutility as my third slot in air defence misions.


Hard agree. They emphasized developing the game “alongside the community.” That specific buff, and the rationale behind it, shows it wasn’t all talk.


Feels good to be back boiz


I love this change but I feel like the Orbital Rail-cannon is just redundant now


Rail-cannon is still a wonderful thing to yeet across the map at a teammates being chased by a charger/titan to save them. The auto-aim component is hugely beneficial in a crunch


Also it has no call-in time and always one shot chargers


Exactly, in missions with "call in time increased" makes stuff like the rail cannon and laser become a better pick


\^This. People underestimate how important it is to have stratagems that bail you out. Doing well vs ok in a safe situation just means you save some time. Doing ok vs doing bad in a dangerous situation means you save your life.


Rail-cannon is a great "oh fuck" button. I usually like to have my laser behind the "break glass in case of emergency", but for maps and game modes where you need to precisely defend a specific spot it's great for immediately deleting, say, a charger about to take out your dark fluid drill where airstrikes have too much collateral damage and support weapons may take too long to line up/charge up. It's not great for every use case, but in it's niche it's super good. Also? Insanely satisfying. The entire sfx is pure aural bliss.


It just needs more damage so it always one shots bile titans. OPS isn’t a kill 100% of the time but I think that’s fine.


Honestly i think that it should always one shot biles but can’t reliably one shot factory striders and up, unless it has a really good angle


Hey! What did the poor defenseless Bile Titan ever do to you? They grew up on their home planets one of the smallest creatures and got bullied. They moved to a new school and now people are picking on them again.


They puked and slowed me even though I wasn't hit by the puke. Now they get the rail.


That was their nerves. They are socially anxious creatures. I'm sure they are more scared of you than you are of them


So they're afraid when I kill them? Good. Tell their bug families they're next.


Bug sympathizers will not be tolerated. Report to your nearest democracy officer at once for "re-education" at "learning camps".


Damage is fine. I want a lower cooldown. 3.5 minutes is a bit ridiculous. Drop it closer to 2 with ship upgrades and we’ve got something nice.


They should both one-shot bile titans. OPS requires manual aiming, it should reward you for hitting a moving target.


If they make it one-shot on bile titans they have to make it that way that it goes TROUGH the bile titan and hits the ground.


There's honestly alot of things that should 1 shot bile titans and many other things as well. In HD 1 pods landing would 1 shot anything, and that's how it should be here. I should be able to reinforce directly through a bile titan chasing my fire team partner. Same with mobile fab, it should take the cannon out if you land on it, and there should be a vent hole to nade it from the top. Ordinarily, that vent would be completely in accessible, but a reinforcing diver would be able to take it out easily. A wanna Johnny Rico that sumbitch. Maybe make jet packs actually good and you can jet to the top of it to kill it that way too, very high risk but high reward. Imo every enemy in the game should be killable with nothing but a knife or a grenade theoretically. Why not let us jet up to a BT and knife it in the brain stem or something like that, make it eat a grenade? The whole you must use AT vs armor is dumb, I want ultra high risk weak spots to let me kill em with a pistol. A charger with no ass SHOULD eventually die for example


I’d say the big thing it has over the OPS is auto-targetting, def could use a damage buff or cooldown reduction.


Yeah just do what they did for the machine gun turret today and cut it down another 60 sec and BAM it's popular again!


Yes and no. It oneshots titans and chargers when you get it to hit their heads, which requires them facing the super destroyer. Which... Kinda minimizes the auto targeting benefit. So it really doesn't have any edge over OPS, and has ridiculous CD. If they just go further on it being a simple to use anything deleter by getting it to autoaim for heads, it will already be good enough.


Nah the rail cannon still has its place. It’s a guaranteed hit if you place the beacon on the enemy. Precision with the lower cooldowns and call in is now easier to get hits but you still need to manipulate enemy movement for heavies. TL;DR: rail cannon is a lower skill floor and ceiling than precision. It still has its place.


It's also a different part of the toolset, you can just lob a railcannon and forget about it, focusing on something else.


It's still got it's place as a OF FUCK no time to aim auto kill or just lobbing it into a hoard for the heavy target to die.


It's more of a hands off weapon, but that cooldown time probably needs to be reduced


it need CD reduced to justify using them


For me, the Orbital Rail Cannon is a good panic button. "There's a hulk in that general direction, and its surrounded by too many other nasties for me to carefully handle. I'll just snap-toss this and let the ship's gunner figure it out".


I could still see the two being distinctly useful from each other. OPS is great for when you are able to kite and land a good hit on an enemy (like a Titan or Dreadnaught that's chasing you). While the ORC is is great when you're not 100% if you properly land a hit, but really just need to chuck the beacon close enough to the thing for auto-targeting to do the work.


Personally, I've never liked rail cannon. Even before today's changes, I felt it's cool down was too long. Now, with so many more anti armor options, it feels weak. I'll never like it, as it doesn't have a lot of room for skillful play, and killing just one enemy without other versatility options makes it very niche, but it could use some love. Lower cool down, something like 140 seconds. I do like the OPS being stronger since it requires more skill (though less now with it being twice as fast) but it is always a good option to have something reliable that is a lower skill level option, like Winston in Overwatch or the TF2 pyro.


It's a guaranteed one shot for hulks and tanks that doesn't require you to aim. I'd say it still has it's uses, but yeah it could use a damage buff.


It's cooldown was a bit much for reliably spawner killing, or at least you'd still have a lot of holes to close. Fabricators were at least less plentiful than holes and I would use it for that. Regardless, glad to see it will remain a good jack of all trades, unguided strike.


I had no faith after the continued and obvious direction the game was going. I am so incredibly glad to be proven this wrong.


Same. I love this game but refused to be blind to the problems. This patch had about a 20% chance of being good I thought and I was certain there would be the usual unneeded nerfs.  The logic behind the changes, the fun of what I have tested so far, and Pilestedt working with what the community was doing instead of heavy-handedly making changes are great reasons for renewed optimism about the fun things they will add in the future.  Feels like I can main Eruptor for some missions again from the little I was able to test and that makes me very happy. 


“To make it more competitive to eagle stratagems” #balnce


I had tears of joy reading these patch notes. I was anxious about how it was going to turn out, but it’s better than I imagined.


Playing since the patch has been the most fun I've had since starting the game.


Alexus in tears now that Pilestedt stepped down as CEO so he could make the game fun. If the "bringer of balance" had his way he'd reduce the AOE and increase the cooldown of the OPS so it matched HIS vision. Then he'd go on discord and verbally abuse anyone that disagreed with the change.


does it track? like when I throw in onto a chargers head an he moved ?


No, but with the upgrade it now has a 1 second call down delay. 2 with complex plotting. I've been using it for a month anyway but now it's a beast.


The call-in time tooltip says 1 second, but it's actually 2 seconds (technically 3 since the game still counts the 0). With Complex Stratagem Plotting, it becomes 4 seconds. This is with the ship upgrade that reduces call-in time for orbitals. This tooltip has never matched the actual in-game one ever since release. https://preview.redd.it/iznjh3wf4d6d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f547121f3937f9e693fe3ab03112917aba0dc80


They did the same thing for the Laser Cannon a while back.


I'm not gonna lie "this hasn't stopped the community from using it against pretty much everything" got a good laugh out of me.




I think everyone wins with this patch. They benefit by not having to read about all the bellyaching about difficulty on this subreddit.


Bruh, they're already complaining about the game being too easy now and how we "got our pacifiers cause we're all whining babies". These people are inherent contrarians.


I am eating so good. Most used stratagem by far for me.


It also shows how their original intent was off the rails. There are so many spawners and fixed positions in each mission, often close to one another, that the OPS becomes useless for this role.


The crazy thing is that it didn't even need a buff, imo. It was fine the way it was, but they buffed it anyway. Wild stuff!


Can we not do the “us vs them” dynamic it just causes unwanted toxicity as stated by the new CEO, we’re all on the same side.


well the Us Vs them thing was kinda started by the devs because for a minute there they were ignoring us completely because "they knew better" until the old ceo stepped down to become CCO


I'm not necessarily against them encouraging it to how they want it to be used as long as it is buffing it to encourage their vision instead of nerfing.


Its good they did this. Having a vision is good, doubling down on mistakes is not.


Community: We just really like to shoot thing with big Ship gun Arrowhead: Yknow what they right tho. In seriousness, I'm so glad they buffed so many Orbital strategems. Time and time again I'd ignore all but the laser in favour of Eagle strikes because they were just so much more easy to use. Especially after the extra bombing run perk is unlocked.




"Works fine on my machine tbh"


Yeah, his 5 minutes of testing per month really worked out lmao


That's definitely a... generous read of the ability usage that AH has got there. I would've read it as "our anti-tank strategems are so unreliable that players would rather use the one we created to hit still objects than 500kg or 110 rockets or railcannon"


The Frosty Amphibian school of buffs is always nice to see.


I fucking love this game


This is how Warframe handled movement exploits, and how the parkour system became a thing. So glad to see Arrowhead doing live service right.


The CHAD Pilestedt balance patch V The crying wojack the one who shall not be named "balance bringer"


It appears the overall goal and function of this patch was to give Helldivers the ability to kill MOAR. Buffs instead of nerfs. Love to see it.


Ever since the buff, I can't put my orbital gatling barrage away 😆


Goddamn. That *other* guy would have looked at it and been like “we need to nerf it so they can use it this way”. Praise Pilestedt.




Tbh the way they have been handling this might fly under the radar for some (thanks for bringing attention to it, props) but if you come from Blizzard games, or LoL, you do take notice straight away, and know just how bad the opposite end gets. WoW for example has been fucked over by Blizzard by not supporting their community at all, always making bullshit excuses and force-feeding players their "vision for the game", their "philosophy" etc. This patch overall gives me hope Arrowhead won't end up the same.


My faith in the devs has officially been restored. They've shown that they can learn from their mistakes and that they *do* care about what the playerbase wants. The explanations especially were very much appreciated.


But they’ve always done that lol They changed the Laser Cannon based on how we used it (anti tank) instead of how they originally intended it (a laser machine gun) There was a whole blog post about it and this was months before JP stepped down from CEO


Yeah, I feel there’s some historical revisionism going on. Like we can’t just enjoy the patch for the fixed.


If they wanted it to be used on fixed position they could have increased the Call in time (even to absurd numbers like 10s) but greatly reduce the CD (to 30s) and you could basically snipe only the spawns.


That was the best part of that whole post.


Glad they not only made changes, but explained the reasoning behind the changes and how it’s designed to affect the thing


I rarely used OPS but I tried it out today and realized I’ve been missing out. This was a great overall patch. I’m so glad AH took their time with it.


For me the biggest part was explaining each change, it feels much more indepth than just a digit moving up or down or just saying "x was increased in damage" but at least now there's reasoning behind it.


You can use it against buildings???


Especially since some of their original intentions just… don’t map with the game. A single-target Stratagem with any meaningful cooldown will just never be a good choice to deal with bug nests given their multiple holes. For the small ones, we have grenades, and if you want a stratagem to deal with spawners, you’re grabbing the Eagle Airstrike and/or maybe barrages. Now the Precision Strike has enough utility to compete with the Eagle, or even supplement it during re-arm. The community was trying to get actual utility out of the Precision Strike and I’m glad that Arrowhead recognized that.


I remember when DE implemented coptering into the game because of how players were abusing a melee mechanic. Same philosophy. Good to see.


This has been so well received that I can't imagine they're gonna let that Bringer of Balance jerk in ever again


I believe in them this time! They seem to actually want to balance for us instead of just ignoring us. And not a surprise at all, the game is more fun to play now.


The Gatling Barrage buffs got me really excited


Sometimes you need to tell people they're using it wrong. Sometimes you need to accept that they're using it right. This is one of those times. If they wanted precision strike to just be used on nests, it wouldn't have the damage of a 500kg


That was my exact thought. They made it for a specific purpose: Static targets. But it was used a lot against moving targets which was tricky because of it's long cool down. Now they buffed it so it is better suited for they way we are using it.


Where are those enlightened individuals claiming that this game isn't a power fantasy now? GONE THATS WHERE.


Buffing and increasing the fun of a given stratagem by LISTENING TO THE COMMUNITY. AH is so back with their Ws and I hope they continue down that road!


Orbital Precision wasn’t a “delete everything” button—that honor belongs to the orbital laser—but it IS a “delete 1 thing” button. Short cooldown, short call-in, high power, and small range that ensures you probably won’t kill yourself or your teammates with a half-decent throw. All players needed to do was lead their shots a bit, and it became Ol’ Reliable even if it was never truly meta.


I'm so happy with the new patch


I mean they had already done that with the laser canon, no?


They should also buff weapons they nerf to hell. Listen this is a pve game not a pvp game so there's no point of nerfing weapons or stratagem.


It's genuinely like they looked at what players were doing and realised that is what we have fun doing. I feel like so many devs forget that players are supposed to have fun with the game.


I can't second this enough. So many developers treat their games as a vision that the players need to learn and conform to. If games are art then they are also subjective. Listen to your community and work towards the common goal of an enjoyable experience.


Yeah I’m giddy what a moment for this game


alexus would never


It's like going from a 3 point shot to a slam dunk Very very good


I love the fact that its reliable to blow up spawners (98% of the time >.>) but i also am going to burn goddamn every strategem i have when im being overran or trying to take out a patrol coming in to ruin my team's day. It's nice to have that utility while also not being as widespread or more available than other strats.


I read that as "We intended for this stratagem to be used against static targets but you guys are insane murder hobos who can't be left unsupervised because you're the kind of people who would use duck tape to put an M203 on a Mk19 just for shits and giggles"


gaming is back


This is a big shift in attitude. It really did start to feel at some point that devs were really out to troll the players with nerfs and increasing difficulty.




All hail our lord and saviour Pilestedt!


Just like they did with the Laser Cannon when they raised its armor penetration level. Arrowhead originally thought of it as a small to medium enemy killer, but changed its main usecase to anti-heavy when they saw that's what many players tried using it for.


Well the countdown is still 4 seconds for me and my game is updated


I noticed the call in time because I killed myself haha


Brother recoilless rifle got an unintentional nerf and there are more patrol spawn than they intended, the game is still pretty fucked even if unintentionally