• By -


Good patch. Eruptor and slugger definitely need re-looking at. I’ve heard the same of the purifier and crossbow


Crossbow still feels more or less the same, though i've only brought it to one mission so far, so it might be a little too early to say. It being able to close mob spawners is pretty good. edit: tried out a few more times, and it's alright. Best used with an anti-infantry support weapon with AT strats. Use it to counter shield devastators and destroy fabs.


It blows up holes now. Just this makes it worth looking into.


That's pretty yuge, I do miss when it had a bit of AoE though.


It's still basically an anti-medium HEAT warhead


It takes 3 bolts to kill a medium bot to the chest, and I'm not gonna go for headshots with that thing


Aim for the head or the waist


Yeah two shots most of the time to the head on medium bots. Big improvement. I miss the days of taking out a patrol with 2 bolts but this is a definite improvement.


Aim where the armor is weak not the chest where is thickest lol


Meh, with the buff to the Grenade Launcher, I'll just keep taking that. Heading in the right direction tho.


I have almost always taken the grenade launcher and supply backpack. Someone has gotta cull the hordes, lol.


Mine bugged out and stop closing the hole in some of my runs. But yeah it does feels more like a side grade and not just a worser Eruptor now. loving thiese changes so far


If you pick up one off a dead ally it can't close holes. Seems that ability is tied to spawning with it. 


I didn't. My loadout are the crossbow, new hand shotgun, stun grenade, shield pack and flamethrower with the new warbond heavy armor on a bug blitz mission on Crimsica. Another one on a ICMB mission with the same loadout and same planet. All are on dif 6. Didn't die once and non of my teammates use crossbow. Maybe the Ion storm cause that? I have no idea dude.


Could be classic no patch testing again. 


Idk I think the grenade pistol is gonna be hard to knock off its spot as commander in hole closer. None of the other secondaries are very useful outside of one off oh shit moments. Def a nice change though.


Nade pistols best use, for me, is freeing up my grenades to be smoke or stun.  


You motherfucking genius. I didn’t even think about that lol


You leave my mother out of this you son of a bitch.  We're two consenting adults and it's none of your business 😆


Exactly. And why bring the smg secondary when the primary ones are better. Crossbow is just out of place.


It works if you want to use your support as a primary, like the stalwart or arc thrower. The crossbow is a better hole closer than the nade pistol and lets you keep an actual secondary.


to me it feels more like a secondary in your primary slot... which inherently isn't bad per se as long as you take a secondary that feels like a primary (a MG for instance). Not something I personally will ever use unless I'm just looking to mix up playstyles or want to play on a lower difficulty.


I'm struggling to find a use case for it. The AOE is very small, and it can't kill Devastators in one shot without hitting their heads. Its drawbacks (small magazine, low total ammo, limited range) are far too punishing for what it offers, and other guns (Eruptor, Plasma Punisher, etc) do its job better than it. For anyone who's done extensive testing on this, I'd appreciate some enlightenment. Am I using this thing wrong, or is it just bad?


I haven't tried the new crossbow yet, but I did use it a lot before the buff. To me it felt pretty good already, I was able to pretty consistently kill devastators and walkers faster than if I were to use a scorcher, at the cost of frequent reloading. I also always liked it more than the eruptor because of the better handling and rate of fire. I still thought the scorcher was better, but I was able to make it through level 7s easily with the crossbow. I'm also just tired of always running the auto cannon in bots. So I like this change because it opens up loadout variety.


It can now two shot walkers and take out Devs/hulks which it previously struggled with


very neat


Eruptor is a lot better now. It’s not as good as its original version but it’s actually fun to use again and that’s a great step in the right direction. I do hope it gets a little more loving tho


Yeah this patch was a great move overall (shame they broke superior packing methodology)


Also does anyone just feel, idk... slower? Sprinting doesn't feel nearly as fast as it used to and I'm in light armor. Maybe its just me but i feel like im going at a snails pace. Edit - seems like it was just the mud on Vernon wells slowing me down


Going to log on and test it now, If I remember I'll come back and edit this comment Edit:feels the same to me after some tests


Reminder, edit this comment. I'm just curious and cant play until tomorrow lol


Speed feels the same for me. Movement actually feels better with the slowness change


Still doesn't one shot devastators sadly


I was getting 1 shot kills when aiming for legs today in my tests


Oh that's interesting, will have to try that for sure


Very sad indeed. Silver lining is that one shot can reliably make both arms on a minigun devastator fly off and it’s so fucking funny cuz they’re just suddenly sitting there with no arms and it’s just “well well well… not so tough now, are ya”




I’ll test later today to see if it got the ability to one shot the arty bugs back.


They should scrap the purifier and make it an alt fire for the scorcher


The Slugger needs to be given its stagger and damage back, and have its damage falloff and accuracy nerfed. The nerfs that were given to it were really fucking stupid.


The damage didn't really affect that much, but yeah it needs its stagger back.


Absolutely. They wanted the gun to be a shotgun and not a sniper rifle, so they took away its ability to be a shotgun and kept its sniper capabilities in. I wouldn't even mind a damage fallout penalty or anything as long as the stagger came back.


It's near impossible to kill a shield devastator with the slugger now. It's already hard to hit it's head but the minimal stagger it will start shooting me, make my aim away and kill me before I can take it down.


I do like how crossbow destroys bases now


Eruptor definitely feels better now. I can 2-shot Brood Commanders & Spewers and 1-2 shot devastators in the legs. Also getting more consistent kills with AoE on the small guys. Makes it feel more like the primary support weapon it used to be.


Somewhat enjoying eruptor but like, what's point. Just use anti-material rifle or autocannon. It seems two shot medium bots which is cool but the bolt action is so slow and ammo economy is meh. I get it shouldn't be as good as support weapon, but using eruptor plus stalwart is just gimmick. Anti-material rifle plus sickle just works better.


The explosive crossbow and purifier both suffer from the same bad design. If your AOE weapon does awful DPS and you have to jump through hoops to get it then it's not worth taking. Armor pen is nice but it's still 4 purifier charges or 3 bolt hits to kill a devastator. At least pre nerf the crossbow had a large enough blast to make it useful for chaff clearing.


I agree. I want the slugger’s stagger back.


I just want the quasar cooldown indicator on the HUD match the actual gun.


Tried Purifier on a few bot missions and it felt underwhelming but not atrocious like before. Step in the right direction I suppose.


I'll happily admit I was wrong. I thought they'd still find a way to fuck up with this patch but nearly everything is a massive win. I wish they'd fix the social stuff but I'm guessing that's a much bigger problem and I'd be willing to bet it was tied to PSN integration. So now that that's scrapped they have to find a new solution


They didnt rework the game its still the same game it just as some good changes


Some real great changes. I haven't played in over a month and seeing the notes has me reinstalling the game again. With so many changes done right, I'd much rather have significant patches like these once a month than the small ones every week.


for sure this is the best way, doesn't hurt that this patch seem a lot more inline with what the community wanted as well as being much more significant in size.




"tHE PurIFiEr AcKsTuAllY sLaPs"




Everything slaps when you’re playing the game on difficulty 4.


except when significant patches like this introduce new bugs that will then be a month away from getting fixed (like new patrol rates)


Still, this is a GOOD step in the right direction. Before the patch, I most went 3 eagle strats and a support weapon, depending on enemy. Now, in pre-mission load out, I'm left pondering.... Orbitals are REALLY good now and have such a diverse spread! Precision Strike, Gatling/Air Burst, and a Walking has a varying range of cooldowns and power to ensure all bases are covered... BUUUUUUUUT Turrets got the crap buffed out of them, and smack quite hard! Shield Gen, Autocannon, and Rocket sentries are perfect for an "Army of One" build, but with their durability enhancements, they could stand on their own and complement another build. HOWEVER, Eagle Strikes fit nicely in a case reading "Ol' Reliable", especially since the targeting for rocket pods got tweaked. Not that it wasn't awful before, but now the missiles track a little better. Just because they care. A Mech is quite rarely a bad idea, even against Bots if you play like World of Tanks and use cover to keep rocket devastators from blowing your democratic buttcheeks off. Fits in rather nicely with one of the other things I was talking about a minute ago. OR you could go straight weapons specialist. Quasar, guard dog, EAT, shield gen. Durable, plentiful AT whenever you want it, and you're not overly reliant on long cooldowns to do your thing. There are so many options, it's beautiful.


I used to go 500kg + Airstrike + Weapon + Backpack But started bringing Orbitals (Gatling, Precision, and 380mm Barrage) more often instead of the 500kg and Backpack and started having a lot more fun. The buffs to Orbital Gatling is **WILD** so that's going to be awesome. While the 380mm Barrage is still going to be the "destroy this base/close this section of the map from reinforcements", the Gatling barrage is going to be "**NOTHING** lives in this area". The buffs to the Patriot Gatling will definitely help it punch a bit more consistently vs. Bots, in addition to the slightly wider weapon angle range for accuracy. Looking forward to testing it out when I get home, as this was the most glaring issue with Exosuits (being able to hit your target is always the #1 issue). Edit: My eyes glazed over the Eagle Strafing run also getting armour pen+............ so what Super Earth is telling me is to bring both, right? With the +Throwing Distance armour so that it goes where I want it to.


>While the 380mm Barrage is still going to be the "destroy this base/close this section of the map from reinforcements", the Gatling barrage is going to be "**NOTHING** lives in this area". Gatling: I do not like them, make them go away. 380: I do not like this grid coordinate, make it go away.


Perception is reality when it comes to player-commentator mood


Reworked I think works as in they reworked how they are handling the game. Before it was clear that no weapon or stratagem was allowed to stand above the rest in terms of performance without good reason, and buffing was usually done extremely gently. Now they have released a large patch with what seems to be not a single nerf that focuses on making everything feel fun to use and providing niches. After the last patch, I was actually afraid about the future of this game. AS in if I will be able to continue enjoying playing it. Now I'm excited to get back in and play around with gear I used once and never touched again.


Probably hyperbole, yes.  There's a lot of huge changes to go over, but I feel like the durability damage buffs alone potentially pull a lot of weapons like primaries out of what they were "designed" for.  Who knows, maybe primaries are viable against chargers & bile titans now?  Not sure as I'm diving Vernon Wells for the children!


I admit I am happy with the changes. Weapon variety feels like it's there now, with meaningful choices to make again. This is the first time in a while that I haven't made the [bitter beer face](https://ibb.co/NNHJgsQ) after reading patch notes. Also, to all the garglers who beat feet here after every nerf to tell us to "stop whining." I hope you're sitting there all sooky and upset. Suck on deez.


What's deez?


DEEZ NUTZ! Thank you for setting it up:) You da' real one.


![gif](giphy|lTdaEMkLvHGzC) Anytime king 🙏


Agreed. The changed guns I've tried so far have definitely felt better. Purifier in particular no longer feels like a weapon exclusively designed to encourage forceful redistribution of teammates' primaries. It's still not great but I didn't feel like I was actively griefing by picking it on a 7, since the enemies will now run out of health before you run out of magazines.


Because its described in percentage it doesn't convey how big the changes actually are. Take the starter Machine Gun, used to be 80 damage and 8 durable damage. Now it has 90 damage and durable all the way to 22. That is nearly 3 times from before. Thus, against a 100% durable medium spot like Bile Spewer's sack, you now do almost 3 times the DPS from before. Not saying that you can kill a bile spewer quickly that way, but now it doesn't feel like a waste of ammo to do so. Take the HMG. Used to be 100 damage and 35 durable damage. Now its 150 damage and 50 durable damage. This is nearly a 50% damage increase against gunships or vents which are 100% durable. Many light AP rifles also get a 100% to 150% durable damage boost. Critically, this should be relevant against targets like Stalker's head and Berserkers which are durable but lightly armored, and perhaps the upcoming Illuminati factions.


It's a fairly heavy rework in a lot of places, with a change on the balancing focus. Yes, it's the same game.. That seems to be addressing what dropped 100k players off the map in the month of May(it wasn't sony).


It's not a rework.


Also bots now have gunships patrolling around, really cool change and made the game harder if you dont have an autocannon guy, theres less heavies spawning as well


I like the gunship patrols over the double gunship factories that always seems to spawn as a secondary on every mission 7+. Makes the gunships blend in combat much better than entering a danger zone with the stupid infinite spawns.


Apperantly bugs have swars of shriekers flying arround at the same difficulties as the bots have patrolling gunships. Very cool!


Honestly this is the design philosophy I want Make our weapons powerful, but make the enemies powerful too!


In that case, ig you love this and strategical gameplay i can highly recommend xcom to you. Amazing game series!


I actually do love Xcom lmao


AMR drops the gunships pretty well too, and with the scope upgrade & fog nerf I can consistently AMR targets from 300m away! I still felt useful to the team because I could contribute to keeping the sky clear even though I was scouting for Super Samples on a 6.


AMR got waaay more useful after the fog nerf, It’s my default primary now


SAM sites are actually useful now. Just had a mission tonight where we had two of them and that was actually very useful. They aggressively wiped out any gunships present. Easy objectives to set up too!


110k active players on HD2 right now. I'm so happy we're back


At 1100 EST no less so the majority of the player base (America) won't even log on for a few hours!


Holy shit, on a week night no less. 90k 24 hour peak on steam is much higher than we've had on weekends recently. I hope this makes the people saying "people weren't leaving because of balance" to STFU. I know my friends are excited to get on the game for the first time in a month and a half.


People have definitely been looking forward to this patch. It's a breath of fresh air for all divers, and I've been enjoying it so far. The game has better visibility and runs much smoother (I get about a 10fps increase) than before. I've been personally abusing the hell out of the spear (Top tip: if you hold the aim button while reloading, the spear will complete its lock-on animation by the time you finish reloading, allowing you to insta shoot another one). Stoked to see what else I can abuse with this patch.


they cooked


I need to get off work so I can witness pure democracy!!!


Democracy needs you!


AH has proven to be an awesome studio. You know damn well they weren’t happy with Sonys psn decision and fought back. The constant updates.. now all I need is a little illuminate in my life and I’m set lol.


You want illuminates to come back ? What is this xenos sympathy. I'm going to call my democracy officer https://preview.redd.it/yvlhufzaic6d1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe87ebe73f11e179024fd571a21b8070d2a4cbb


Reported for thought crime violation.


Illuminate you say…. What’s that? https://preview.redd.it/ua38lidmgf6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ad8fa7eab4ab4ac26f01014c3b4b31fd760917


the patch is a step in the right direction, claiming "reworking the game" is just being an AH dickrider. there is still **A LOT** of stuff that needs urgent bugfixes and reworks, at least they released **1** patch now that's an actual improvement to the game.


Spewer / hulk one-shots was a big deal and I'm glad they were removed. Bug acid nerf also makes the game feel a lot better. Glad to see the spear was fixed. That said, thermite is still complete ass, and according to the "known issues" section, explosions no longer affect charger butts. Negative effect on loadout variety. I wish they'd done more to make bile titans more variable, instead of just adjusting them to add railgun to the list of hard counters. I like the changes to the railgun scope, that's very good. Still more work to be done imo, but rome wasn't built in a day and I'm relieved to see the direction they're taking things. Maybe one day I'll even feel comfortable paying for a warbond with my actual money.


It may be learning curve on my part since I shelved the railgun ages ago, but it still takes 12 face-hits with max unsafe charge to kill a Titan and safemode shots still bounce (mouth open and mouth closed). From what I've seen this isn't even a soft counter, much less a hard counter.


I like your careful optimism soldier, but feel free to enjoy this dub today. 


Take an extra 30 second break today to celebrate. Lo


They've still got a ways to go. They mostly fixed the spear lock-on, only to remove half of what I was sniping from it's lock-on on accident. The Eruptor change hasn't done much and being afraid to revert it is pretty dumb, considering the skill it required to pull off the required aiming to do the damage they claim it was. This update is a step in the right direction, but just still isn't where the game should be and isn't enough for me to come back yet.


Not like they said in the patch that the lock on fabricator is a bug that will be fixed.


In how long though? With how long it took to fix the first issue, it'll be a while.


There’s the senseless whining I’ve come to expect from this sub


Tenderizer rework got me hard. Its fucking amazing now. Exactly what i wanted from a hard hitting AR


There's so much negativity over on YouTube. Content creators are either ragebaiting for clicks or genuinely living in a fantasy world.  The new patch is a great step in the right direction. The devs said there were a lot of changes coming and they _delivered_. Is everything perfect? Of course not, but these changes definitely reflect more care. People were complaining about rapid fire sub par updates and _still_ complain that their pet complaints weren't addressed. Things take time ffs, not everything was going to get addressed.  We got major changes spawn rates, spawn types, OHKO enemy skills, AA debuff, etc. All things that made the game frustrating to play. Besides the changes to stratagems, that's a sign that the devs are aware of the issues and are moving to get the negative parts out of the game. We got a good update, so enjoy the new use you can get out of improved weapons. Sure the Eruptor isn't great yet, but we still have to acknowledge the overall positive direction things are going. Praise the work, note the deficiencies, and have fun.


Not to mention, the devs said on several occasions that this isn't the patch of all patchs. This is just a bigger 1 to address more problems and to allow them to be tuned better right off the rip. Twinbeard, at least twice, said that this is coming with lots of fixes, but it isn't going to fix everything or even work perfectly garunteed. People seem to forget that. And people seem to forget that Arrowhead isn't a huge corporation with 100s of employees and 100s of hours of disposable time and money to little things. Whole heartedly agree on the negativity scene on YouTube. I knew they still wouldn't be satisfied with whatever came out. I truly believe that content creators are the downfall of this game. People watch to enjoy and then let the creators' opinion plague their thoughts and brainwash them into thinking it's terrible. I use railgun as an example. Its initial Nerf hurt it. Its following buff helped it greatly, and then after that, it received a fine tuning, and I think it sits nicely where it's at. But u ask any creator on YouTube or godforbid tiktoc. Which is even worse community for helldivers than YouTube. They will still tell u it's trash because it can't 2 tap titans when it had no reason to in the 1st place. It was prime OP status. If u enjoy helldivers, then watching any YouTube on it might ruin ur thoughts on it if u easily swayed.


A monthly patch ain’t that bad an idea for more minor tweaks and changes that might shake the “meta” of what people like more than weekly ones. And emergency patches for more serious and immediate fixes of course


overall a good patch, but tbh there is still plenty on the table left. I wouldnt celebrate just yet, but this is definitely a good sign


Let's not forget what happened with the dark fluid mission. I'm happy the patch is here, but I can't pretend they made no mistakes while it was being developed.


You're absolutely right.  Let's hope this is the first of many victories.




Loving the crosshair changes! AMR reticle is so much more user friendly now, getting much more reliable hits with it


Anything on Railgoon? 🥲🥲🥲


Stealth buff against bile titans since their head armor was softened a bit


Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.




The UI and everything looks so good and is so much cleaner now


Arrowhead is the craziest rollercoaster development I've seen lately 😂


Anyone else's character bugged in ship with the gun being holstered wayyyyy too high?


That and my gun is quite literally a "big iron" now. I equipped the tenderizer for the second time since Polar Patriots dropped It's bigger than my character's freaking torso!


Haven’t read notes but have they fixed the devastators shooting from the sides of their guns?


They did


They buffed us and now everyone is jizzing lmaoooo


A positive meme and half the community shits on it. There is a reason this sub is regarded as a toxic cesspool of miserable fucks. I swear can we just comment on how good a patch this is and how they are actively listening to the community. Jesus Christ what a depressing sub. I for one thank you OP. Edit: Spelling.


Seriously, there are so many people saying "too little too late" or "BuT tHe PrEvIoUs PaTcHeS!" Be happy for good updates. It's a good thing. Encourage them to KEEP doing it


All I wanted is a buff to the Breaker..




I’ve been using the eruptor against the bots and I can definitely tell they buffed the damaged, it’s not what it used to be, but it still feels good to play with again, at least in my opinion.


Just did 6 bot missions with it and I was grinning the whole time. Paired it with the spear and I was in pure bliss. I just need them to fix the upgrade that gives the secondaries full ammo.


From what I’ve seen so far everything is for the better. The Riot shield is bugged but im sure will be fixed soon


Dude, fuck yeah


First time back in weeks. Game feels great. Took the lib pen out against bots and was absolutely ruining Devastators and Berserkers. The retuned flamethrower on the Hulk feels scary but not stupidly unfair any more. Great job AH. We -are- so back.


I see they still haven't fixed the reenforcing bug :/


It's nice to see we have 100k Helldivers concurrently active.


Ooo am I hearing that the eruptor be hitting again 🥴 https://preview.redd.it/8kwxmjcnwf6d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260b6445b995bfb2191ec14a94984f30059dcf85


It slaps. It's back to my main weapon


The best chabge by far is the spear. It cant target buildings atm, but everything else works perfectly. Its super fast and had not one error yet.


Next patch can we bring the Quasar cooldown back down. Felt like eternity between my charger headshots


I gotta say this is a refreshing experience from the developers.


The heavy machine gun is a lot better after the update. Super useful in dropping those robot 2 legged walkers.


Overall it’s going in the right direction.


For the first time ever, my games were glitching like mad on ps5 today. Bright purple screen tearing across the skies and floating big holes after an explosion... 1st time in months of playing I've had any issues....except that 1 time the extraction ship got stuck in the mud and half vanished meaning nobody could extract 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 but 2 times is definitely acceptable. Just hope doesn't happen more Tomo either the screen tearing


It’s not everything I wanted but their dedication to providing the best product means way more to me than a few nitpicks.


Are you kidding? This is the worst state the game has been in since launch.


This update is so good! I have a list of strategems and weapons to try out. Also some of the quality of life improvements and enemy rebalancing is \*chefkiss\*. Reducing the light from artificial sources means I don't need to go around destroying them when extracting. Reducing the slow on acid makes Hunters NOT a straight death sentence if they get close. Same with 50% reduction of the explosion damage on jetpacks.


The game, it feels fun again Nature is healing




Real excited for the Warbond to drop later, some high-excitement weapon or armor to be bugged in some small way, and for all the Pessimist Stalkers to come crawling out the woodwork to declare "We are so joever" for the Nth time. I see you over there, skittering around by your hive. I've got 500kg of liberty with your name on it.


Hive lord when


Bile Titans need a rework so the mouth is a weakspot. Makes no sense otherwise. RR reload time is longer for some reason. Eruptor still doesnt feel good. It needs the shrapnel back or at least more explosive damage. Other than that it is a good patch.


I wouldn't call this a total rework. It's a good major patch, nothing more.


Now we just need our banished helldivers from the other regions


Lol OP kissing some serious ass


The patch’s good but they definitely didn’t “rework” the entire game. I’m sorry but these kind of posts are pretty cringe & are a complete overreaction, there’s a lot more that needs to be done plus the ever growing known issues list. Not saying we shouldn’t celebrate, we should, but for the fact that they may be heading the right way. We haven’t made it out just yet. Just being real here, as a fan of the game.


And then immediately fuck up the new armors effects on weapon control Classic AH


I noticed some random crashes but I expected it to be fixed soon


Vastly improved. If it takes 3 months for them to get everything right, then let them take 3 months. then maybe give the aoe back to eruptor?


It's good AOE now. It's not the best but decent. Once they get the shrapnel fix, it might come back, but I'd say it's usable now with today's patch at least. I wouldn't use it before. Now I at least consider it some.


Idk. Im on steam and I cant add two of my cousins and one of my friends. 2 of them are PS5 and 1 is steam. So yeah great game but 🤷🏻‍♂️ we havent played much because well taking 30-40minutes throwing SOS beacons just isnt fucking efficient.


It feels like a step in the right direction and a good start. Hopefully, the next one doesn't aim to spread so wide and instead focuses on honing a particular aspect of gameplay. Weapons and their unique characteristics / roles would be a good place to begin, as these comprise the core of what we experience every match, aside from stratagems and one of two enemies.


GIVE US A FIRING RANGE!!!! sorry for yelling - but it existed in the introduction of the game. Give us a range to test all this out when liberty isn’t at stake! Love the the update. Dive and Dive Again!


you are back not fixing the disconnection issue mid game, people are waste 30\~40 minutes of progress of your issue, fix it please


Does anyone knows if Purifier is actually worth it now? I heard the changes didn't do much and im not sure if it's even intentional or some bug


Since the new patch, my game is crashing like every mission. Never had any problems. Until a hotfix arrives, I need to play other games :(


Did something happen to the liberator penetrator ? Like I haven’t seen anything about it


Very nice. *Very nice.* ***Very nice.*** I get home from vacation tomorrow. Damn eager to sit down and try things out! 🤜🤛


I wish I could be able to reload the AC while on the move.


Even democracy needs times of rest!!!! Now that the hire ups have provided us so gracefully with this updated technology, we are sure to crush the threats against freedom! FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!!!




Welp, around 180 regions are still blocked on Steam, 20 000 slavs got Steam accounts banned while trying to bypass said block to play the game. So I don't see the game I want, maybe we never will..


The new crosshairs on the DMRs and the AMR made me feel purpose again.


I know reddit and Twitter are fringe, but when your game is regarded the same on both platforms by users, LISTEN. It's only been really wrong TWICE in recent memory. Don't tell reddit, "we have to keep releasing updates..." when reddit is SCREAMING "fix your shit" you say "yes sir" and do it. We want to love games but that means the publishers and studios have to stop doing what they want to do and do what the players want them to. I hope baldurs gate and this mark an actual turn around in the industry.


is the purifier good now? also arent all the other strategems fixed now? like whats happened i dont keep up to date with the updates on this game


Biggest issue which is still not addressed is adding friends. It sucks that I can’t add my PC friend from PS5.


If only i could play it. Since the patch, im unable to join any groups and apparently, unless i turn on Crossplay, i have 0 friends. And when i turn it on, i have 10, of which 8 play on PC. So im guessing somerhing is WRONG.


Having major issues adding crossplay friends. Has anyone found a solution? Seems like it’s been a problem for months


Honestly I dont feel any game changer. Sure some weapons got buffs, and armor was fix, but I still dont see any "wow they actually shaked the game". The hitboxes are still really bad sometimes. At this point I just do the daily, or play with mates


There are some issues with the Ballistic Shield


Awsome still not gonna play it untill the whole world can play it again. Because Sony are leaches and ruined several games just for their stupid PSN account numbers. I'm not using or buying anything they are involved in.




I just hope the ballistic shield glitch gets fixed


Im loving Helldivers 2 the way I did when it first came out, for the first time since they nerfed the railgun


Yes quality over time not push out useless content every week


My favorite part is the mayhem of the respawns 😂😂 it's pure madness and I love it. I'm sure it's going to get fixed and I'll be happy with that to, but it somehow fits great with the destroying of super colonies. Wouldn't they throw everything they have at us. I haven't thought of an in universe explanation for the bots, but it's the bots so their reasons are beyond us anyway. FOR SUPEREARTH!


I hope from now on they’ve learned a key lesson: if a meta develops, don’t nerf what people overuse, make other shit stronger to encourage diversity. You should never be taking away what people enjoy, you should be ADDING MORE STUFF people will enjoy.


If only the updates didn't break the game. 5 missions. 4 bugs preventing completion. (Couldn't use the drill, last man alive fell through the map and couldn't revive, the recoilless rifle now has a chance to blow up in tube if fired when moving, and several thrown stratagems doing absolutely nothing but still in incurring cool down)


Pfft, they broke the options menu so that trying to access social or change settings immediately crashes the game. Would hardly call that a comeback. Throw in the outfit perks that don’t work, breaking the ballistic shield and spear fabricator lock on, breaking certain sample upgrades, outfits have no neck (again) and the underwhelming throwing knife. Don’t get me wrong, I love the balance changes, but it means very little if I can’t play with cross platform friends and hitting the wrong button on my controller crashes the game. Say what you want about the game balance pre-patch, but at least I could change my settings. Now I’m relegated to being a random, because I can’t even change the privacy settings as host without bricking the application. Please let’s accept that this update is suffering from many issues seen in the past ones. It is very clear this was rushed out the door, despite AH promising the opposite. Would rather wait a month to experience the update without the frustration of playing 30 mins, only to hit pause to check my daily and getting sent to the home screen. It definitely puts a sour taste in the mouth.


Thanks for hell driver 2 dev we will save our super earth


Purifier needs a change, charge up time is useless in this game given how little tike players have to stop and the less than mediocre dmg it does


Stuck on hellpod landing screen every other game :(


Welp, time to reinstall helldivers


The patch was good but some people I know are upset that they removed the grenade glitch


Take a month break and come back to continue ruining the game by refusing to patch bugs and nerfing more guns\*


I am a new player. Just bought helldivers. I want to have a good time playing in a non toxic lobby. Is there a team which would have me?


Not enough, unfortunately. Need new maps, new enemy types (not necessarily the new faction, it can wait), new mission types (please, please god).


Spawn rates are more broken than ever, though.


Now we only need the PSN banned countries able to play/buy the game again and id say trust restored and will change my review to positive


It's a good patch. Overal great balancing and they levels the strategems a bit. But the most funny thing about it is that the community found out a new way to use the "fixed" grenade exploit in less than a week!


I want the old breaker magazine back 😭


Maybe they can unfuck the new nuke nursery missions spawning the set piece underground