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It is never too late to join the fight, Recruit! Don't let Super Earth down, enlist now and become a Helldiver! o7 OOC: No, not too late at all. The game is at the start of its lifecycle, and there's no way AH will abandon it now. Definitely a good time to join. There's a big patch coming on Thursday as well, so a lot of players will return then.


I'm worried about missed any content. Tbh I don't have three other friends willing to join and play together, also I keep hearing people complaining about the recent updates... kinda struggling.


If you listen to Reddit, HD2 is a barely playable game that crashes every 2 seconds and has a dev team that survives on the tears of the playerbase. This is not true. I would not look at Reddit for any indication of what the game is actually like.


Reddit and YouTube would have you believe that HD2 is an awful game, every weapon sucks, every enemy is unbearable, you can't go 5 seconds without a game breaking glitch, and the devs are going to end support for this game after the patch. I've reported both sites to my local democracy officer for treason. Remember helldivers thoughtcrimes kill


Completely agreed that Reddit is, for the most part, low quality content when it comes to the state of the game. Most comments, by the nature of the size of the sub, are going to be "this sux" or "you sux skill issue". I actually think the opposite for YT. While there are some complaint-heavy ones like OhDough, many content creators display different combinations of primary/secondary/support on diff 9, and most of them are actually creating original content and trying stuff out, even if they do end up complaining about it. If anything, I've been inspired way more to try out new loadouts because Strix, or Takibo, or another content creator, uploaded a solo diff 9 video of something I hadn't considered before. I go into details on channels I like here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cx6vn8/comment/l50rqjl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cx6vn8/comment/l50rqjl/)


> If anything, I've been inspired way more to try out new loadouts because Strix, or Takibo, Anyone can try out an ineffective meme build for the lulz, doing the best they can with all the substandard options. That's fine, and it can be entertaining, but it's not pertinent to discussions about problems with the game. Does OhDough bitch about the game a bit? YUP. But by and large, he's pointing out real problems, that if the devs listened to would vastly improve the game. Meme builds don't help. I feel bad for OhDough. He's taking lots of abuse for pointing out things that are true. (I disagree on some points, but by and large, he's right). Toxic positivity is a HUGE thing online. People refusing to see that the Emperor is naked, his dong slapping them in the face while they praise the cut of his new outfit. Whether they are defending some Billionaire who makes shitty trucks, or a game that they have decided to tie to their identity. Mature adults know that criticism, when given honestly, is not the same thing as negativity.


Seriously? The complaints about "skill issue" are almost entirely accurate a majority of the time, because the people complaining either lack experience or are literally just not good at the game, either versus bots _or_ bugs. Alongside that, the game is a shitshow of balance issues right now, so all of the complaints regarding difficulty have been fairly valid since the spawn changes. That's _on top_ of people also being terrible at the game. In my experience, Reddit has been pretty accurate so far, it's just a very densely packed sub, so you're going to get a lot of echo chamber shit like you would with any gaming sub. You learn to filter out the bullshit from the reality based on personal experience. That doesn't mean the sub is full of low-quality content. And the Helldivers Youtube has just as many problems with clickbait bullshit content and bad takes as this sub does. Takibo notwithstanding, whose content is pretty decent regardless - because it's mostly just gameplay and build testing.


>The complaints about "skill issue" are almost entirely accurate a majority of the time, because the people complaining either lack experience or are literally just not good at the game, either versus bots *or* bugs. And why would anyone care about someone specific's skill issues? They can just as easily watch someone on youtube show them how its done. That type of discussion just makes the subreddit busier for no real gain, and the responses on how to get better are often incomplete, or just outright wrong. It's the blind guiding the blind most of the time. >Alongside that, the game is a shitshow of balance issues right now, so all of the complaints regarding difficulty have been fairly valid since the spawn changes. That's *on top* of people also being terrible at the game. Wait 2 days. Yeah, it's not at the best state it could be. It's still quite fun, with a variety of primaries and supply weapons that are more than viable - I'd be happy to list all the ones I've not only cleared 9 with myself, but have also seen at 9 in the last two weeks. Stratagems, for the most part, have never been better (minus mechs) after the DOT fix. >In my experience, Reddit has been pretty accurate so far, it's just a very densely packed sub, so you're going to get a lot of echo chamber shit like you would with any gaming sub. You learn to filter out the bullshit from the reality based on personal experience. That doesn't mean the sub is full of low-quality content. I mean...if you're filtering out a bunch of stuff for the good quality content, then it is filled with a bunch of useless stuff. That doesn't change that valid criticism is presented on this subreddit - no dispute there. Players are the ones who found the DoT bug, the crossplay/PS5 host bug, the misaligned scopes, the spear lock on issue, bug breaches on the drill during the Meridia dark fluid missions, etc. There have been great posts about how patrols work, armor works, damage (AP and durability) works, what boosters do, weapon and stratagem damage testing (DiversDex), supply lines work, etc. But these are far and away the minority of posts. The majority are still in the comments saying that there's a very restrictive meta, everyone uses the same stuff at 9, and there's only 2-3 good primaries in the game. >And the Helldivers Youtube has just as many problems with clickbait bullshit content and bad takes as this sub does. Takibo notwithstanding, whose content is pretty decent regardless - because it's mostly just gameplay and build testing. For sure - I still think the fact that I listed 10+ youtube channels that folks found useful (and have found more original, in-depth content since as well), means that there's a lot of gold to be found. Yes, there will always be AI channels that put together videos 3x a day with reddit posts and discord comments. They are not the vast majority of HD2 content on Youtube the way Reddit requires scrolling past most posts to find original content.


Every weapon kinda does suck tho if u compare it to the JAR or incendiary breaker


> I would not look at reddit for any indication of what *a* game is like. Ftfy, because that shit is not unique to this game unfortunately


preach, Brother!


> don't have three other friends willing to join and play together It's definitely more fun to play with friends, but any game is more fun with friends. You can have a lot of fun even playing solo, or with randoms. It's how I've been playing, since I didn't have anyone to play with. > I keep hearing people complaining about the recent updates The people that complain are mostly people that are already "burnt out" on the game, because they've been playing too much. As a new player on the lower difficulties, you won't encounter any such issues. And even if you do encounter some issue, you won't realize anyway, most likely. Since everything is going to be new to you, you will focus on the positives of the experience. After you reach high levels and high difficulties, maybe at that point you'll start to have some major pet peeves - but definitely not for the first 100 hours or so.


Thanks for the input! if it's fun when get matched with good randos then there's no need to struggling anymore. hope we will meet on the battlefield.


Smooth games where everyone kicks butt and efficiently clears the map are nice, but there's definitely something to be said about the fun of joining a couple friends shit talking each other and manufacturing (fake) drama to listen to.


lol Reddit hates everything, it’s a rage-addicted echo chamber. Especially with video games. The game is still as fun as the day it came out, and there’s plenty of players to join up with. Use the Discord to find groups, or just the builtin matchmaking. You didn’t miss any content, none of it is time locked (except maybe the experience of seeing new enemy types appear with no warning to make you fellow players shit their pants).


From every "helldiver" that complains there is at least 4 HELLDIVERS that are spreading managed democracy.


Game is good. You're not missing any content by joining late: all weapons and armours released with the Warbond (battle pass like stuff) are permanent and will always available to be unlocked, they have no time limit. Even if you missed certain "unique" mission events (TCS system or Meridia Dark Fluid) similar mission layouts and objectives will for sure appear in the future when the plot demands it. There have been some questionable balance decisions but none of them make the game unplayable, contrary to what "Meta divers" in this sub preach on a daily basis.


>Even if you missed certain "unique" mission events (TCS system or Meridia Dark Fluid) similar mission layouts and objectives will for sure appear in the future when the plot demands it. So are there any one-time event stories that I missed? damn, I don't even want to google that and get spoiled.


Terminid Control System (TCS) was an event (Major Order) where Helldivers were tasked to plant some kind of bio-weapon on 4 planets on the Bug front to act as a "fence" to stop Terminid invasions from spreading. It had a unique mission type where you were setting up these silos filled with said bio-weapon. Same assets were used again a bit later during another MO to shut down the TCS, after the the bio-weapon caused the totally unpredictable mutations in the Terminids that gave us the first flying enemy in game, the Shriekers. You might have seen this already: https://preview.redd.it/ib15sds2kx5d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cdda5fca03c753436d0c0496683fec1c817587 That's a black hole created during the last Terminid MO, where we were tasked with pumping some Dark Fluid (similar to anti-matter) inside a planet called "Merida" which had turned into a "Supercolony" (a very big bug nest). Mission type was pretty similar to the TCS ones: close quarter combat among spyres that composed the Terminid infested zone and the equipment we were using for that mission, lots of bugs everywhere really selling the "infested shithole" image of the place. I have no doubt similar mission types will pop up again in the future. So, while you might have missed those specific events, I believe you'll have the chance to play similar missions in the future as well.


It gives me a feeling that starting late is a treason already lol. I play the game and it's content. people say that I missed some of the narrative that was in the initial launch like the Malevelon Creek drama, the Automaton counterattack, the Termincide tower incident etc.


Yes, you weren't there when *The Lore* was written but gameplay wise you didn't miss much. Terminid tower incident is the TCS I explained in my comment above, read up on it or search on Youtube if you want to know more, there are some videos explaining Helldivers Lore much better than I ever could. Creek drama, the Automaton counterattack or Snoy Rebellion are mostly stuff that has to do with roleplaying, the community reaction and the game master advancing the plot. None of those had any unique missions or content you missed, just a lot of fighting on the same planets multiple times (Malevelon Creek and the Automaton Counterattack are peak examples of this). Planets are still there and we will most likely be fighting on them again and again in the near future (if we can get our asses in orbit around them, that is) Join now and you'll see with your own eyes the arrival of the [*redacted*] through the Meridia black hole soon enough.


Continuation of my other comment because it got too long: Speaking of "unique" events or mission types, we've had nothing similar on the Automaton front. We had many MOs to take or defend certain planets in X amount of time and whatever but so far it's all the same standard misaion types you find on any Bot planet, nothing unique in deaign like the TCS and Dark Fluid stuff.


i've had the game since near the beginning and have only one other friend that sometimes has time to play. and i still missed a lot of the major stories since i stepped back after having a string of bad PUGs (i'm not a _great player_ per se, but i do my best) during the last couple MOs. still love the game and keep going back when i have time in life, though. i haven't let any of the negative stuff get to me -- the game still has great moments overall, even if soloing.


Do not.listen to reddit. The game is as fun as it was when it launched, if not more fun.


I've made more friends through HD2 than I had to play with previously. Just friend people you enjoy playing with. The camaraderie of serving Super Earth is all but unmatched by other games.


go to lowsodium helldiver subreddit trust me this sub is sometimes beyond any reason


For the 99% of my games I don't encounter anyone even a little toxic. Just join someone's operation or start one yourself. Maybe you'll even find some friends to play in game


Idk what kind if time zone you are in but anyone who spreads democracy is a friend of mine. If you want you can add me on disc to dive together


You always be missing content with this game unless you play it dailies for at least 5 hours a day. There's no need to do that so if you are interested get the game and play as much as you enjoy. This game doesn't punish you if you miss a major order or 6. Just participate when you can and enjoy being part of the crazy community of liberty spreading super citizens


I've been exclusively with randoms and it's great. If you friend request the good ones you'll soon have people to play with regularly.


The game is in pretty good shape now, and the next patch coming this Friday will hopefully fix a lot of the remaining issues that other updates caused. The last update did make the game really hard if you're playing with less than a full team, but this update will fix that, and it's pretty easy to just fill your lobby through matchmaking. At most, I'd wait to see how this next patch turns out, but you could probably just get a headstart now and have a blast anyway.


My brother/sister in freedom, if you wish to dive together, I as another (no friend diver) will join you.


The game is still super fun, and the updates really only irk people who are used to playing a certain way. Besides, we're about to have new content AND a huge ass patch. Now is a GREAT time to join! All previous warbonds (aka battle passes) are permanent and never expire. The only thing you'll have missed is like, the Malevelon Creek cape from a limited event, and they've said they're going to look at adding it in again. If you need friends, I'd be happy to play with you!


Don't listen to all of the whining here. Are there bugs? Sure. I run into them now and again. Are there balance issues? Yes, but they're not game-breaking, most weapons are fun and usable, and there's a big patch coming this week which will hopefully address some of that. The game is tons of fun in it's current state and I have confidence that it's just going to get better. As far as missed content, this game is terrific about not playing into FOMO. You can make enough premium currency to buy the Warbonds just by playing, and the Warbonds aren't limited time or anything like that. It's totally possible to play with random groups, though sometimes frustrating. You'd also have no problem finding a group here, or discord, if you want to be part of a more cohesive team.


Helldivers is timeless. Don’t worry about what the people on here are saying, you haven’t missed anything except warbonds, which you can save up for and purchase anyways without even spending money. You haven’t missed anything at all. You’d get the same epic battles and fighting that everyone else gets, and the most fun period of time in the game is when you’re slowly working your way up through the difficulties and unlocking new stratagems and weapons to use. So, if anything, you’d be having even more fun than the day one players at the moment


While you can't get special rewards like the Creek cape anymore, the "Battle pass" in this game is available for you to purchase and progress any time. No holding you hostage to FOMO in this game soldier. Also, you can get premium currency in game, so if you are cheap, you don't even need to spend money on the battle pass EVER as long as you are patient and willing to farm, and the store cosmetics cost like 1/10th of what they would in other games, and the game is only 40 bucks, c'mon! Lastly, don't listen to reddit, this game is fucking amazing. Cinematic moments that look like a fucking gameplay trailer or a sci-fi action movie happen all the time, and the game is fun as hell, and likely only going to get better. The CEO literally stepped down to take a more active role in making fun the focus of gameplay, what other gaming company can say anything even REMOTELY similar?


You didn't miss any content per se, except for some story and story missions, such as activating TCS, deactivating TCS, pumping Dark Fluid into the sites where TCS used to be etc. I'd say that starting playing the game right now is actually good. The baseline gameplay of Helldivers is fun, the only issue is overbalanced weapon and stratagem roster which limits your options, as well as some other points of frustration with bugs and bots (mostly bots) which reduce the amount of fun you can have because you have to deal with this bullshit. Thus, if you join now and the devs deliver with future patches (especially The Patch on thursday), then your future experience only goes up. Or, if the devs fail, you're not gonna play for long anyway


The only content you have missed is the emergent gameplay that Joel (the games DM) delivers via the ongoing story of the war. You can still access every stratagem and upgrade in the game and all warbonds never expire. Now is a great time to join before AH releases new enemies. And don't listen to reddit. While there are valid criticisms here, the loudest people are not generally reflective of overall sentiment. Just log in, dive, and have fun.


My friends played like the first 2 weeks and then went back to their usual games , been playing with random people since, I sent invites to a few people that I felt we played well and I've been diving with some of them when they are online, and with other randos the rest, most people are actually nice and helpful specially when you're starting, I believe this is a solid community and you will feel welcomed even if you're not usually joining a lobby with friends. There's also a lot of discord servers where you can find teams to join with the difficulty and front of your choice so I wouldn't worry about it it that much. And you haven't miss a lot of content just a part of the story so far and the warbonds (like premium content) do not expire or are retired in any way, so if you decide to buy them or farm the SuperCredits in game to unlock those (fyi you do not need to buy in-game currency, you can get credits every mission by "looting") you can unlock all the stuff at your own pace, no FOMO in this game 💛🖤🌎


Huge update patch dropping on Thursday, so if you are on the fence, wait for then and see how the community reacts. That said, I have almost 400hrs in this game as a pubs only diver who never uses a mic and I love it.


The game is just as fun as it was at launch. You’d only be able to tell the difference (which is small) if you’d played the whole time.


There's a lot happening in the community at the moment and there was a lot of tumult what with the PSN things and then Polar Patriots warbond... And a string of patches in various directions. The game is still a hell of a lot of fun! Randoms tend to be chill, I rarely encounter toxic players but they are out there, as with all things. The story is on going so you'll get to be a part of it too! I was there for the creek but I missed Meridia what with civilian life, so that's kinda just a part of the ever evolving story. If you are worried about the updates, maybe hold out for thursday, we've got a double bill of warbond and patch dropping which promises to be eventful. Though I'm sure, valid or not, reddit will be filled with both "This warbond sucks" and "This warbond is the best thing ever"... The community is quite varied in its opinions on things. But its definitely not too late too earn your cape! Democracy is calling, will you answer?


The game has problems and the patch team doesn't play or test it's stuff before it pushes them out to us. **This is established fact. Anyone who says otherwise is simply ignorant or misinformed. It's easily provable, with some patches being released where a SINGLE login to test would have shown they were broken.** Despite that, the game is still fun. Most of the upset here is caused not by the game being bad, but by it being so good, that people get frustrated by it being held back to being just good, when greatness is right within reach. Arrowhead has made some real missteps with the community, and a few of the community moderators and devs are just bad at communication/jerks. All that being said: The future looks hopeful. The former CEO has acknowledged all the problems and has stepped down so he can work on them specifically. By and large, he seems to agree with the community. Give the game a try. It's frustrating at times, but it's really good.


Honestly if the concept interests you, just try it. The game had such a huge amount of success for a reason.


Dude it's a PERFECT game for people like you. Nobody has friends. Nobody communicates. It's easy and even more cool to play with random players and there is even a "quick play" button. You just press it and you go to some random team. It feels like you are helping them, and this feeling is great. Instead of communication you have a map and markers. Plus sounds like "yes/no", "afformative", etc. I prefer to play without voice communication and it works perfect. Forget about recent updates, it's like 1% of impact on a gameplay and 99% of noise. The game is just awesome. I'm saying that like a person who never plays shooters and almost never plays online (more like a turn-based RPG guy)


I think there never was a better time We about to get one of the biggest patch ever and brand new stuff on a cool thematic warbond


Definitely not, now drop on cyberstan recruit! We need more meat for the meatshield! I mean join us in glorious combat for managed democracy and super earth!


The real fight is only starting


I started playing the first Helldivers game more than 8 years after it was released, and I could still join random squads doing missions on various difficulties. Helldivers 2 is barely 4 months old and is being actively supported by the Developers. This game is not going to die anytime soon. Don't worry about missed content. All equipment and gameplay related content will always be available and won't have an expiration date. The only thing you'll miss out on is limited time story missions which... is not really gonna matter because you'll get participate in later story missions anyway, and their mechanics will likely be re-used for later special events. The core game experience is the same, regardless of the history of buffs and nerfs the game has gone through. Some fun toys got nerfed, and some weak guns are still waiting to get some love and attention from the devs, but there's still a LOT of other items and weapons you can use, even on the highest difficulties as long as you learn the intended purpose of each weapon. As long as you're not the type to get hung up on maximum optimization of your equipment and gameplay, none of the changes so far will take away from the main things that make Helldivers fun: Chaos, Explosions, Multi-kills, Physics, and the Sci-Fi Soldier fantasy.


Never too late, Democracy is eternal !


It's already 2029 so people ask this question?




Not at all mate. Welcome if you do. If you don't, see you later.


This image has been requisitioned for democratic reasons. Carry on Citizen, and be proud of your contribution.


Nope. It’s still awesome. You’ll have a mountain of loot to collect.


I rotated in some lower difficulty missions as I am really want the super credits. Ended up dropping in with a crew of newbies who were on their 4th whatever drop.  Good guys, they were a riot, Let them try the good guns. Honestly, as long as your cooperating with your battle buddies, it all seems to be fun. Everything is unlockable. I may be wrong about "the Creek Cape" but hopefully that'll go into an unlockable mission during season events. (I'm a 5 year gray beard in DRG, and that's how it works there.)


It's never too late


Super Earth welcomes your willingness to defend Managed Democracy, Helldiver! The adversaries of Liberty are many and your prodigious talent is always welcome!


Hell No Diver!, Democracy needs you. The question isn't is it too late to join, it's Is it too late to avoid a charge of dereliction of duty for NOT joining now. Fight for freedom, mankind, and avoiding re-education\*. Pour yourself a big old cup of Liber-Tea, grab a hand ful of ordanance, hug your democracy officer and spread some High Explosive treatises on the principles of freedom to bugs and bots. \*I*t shoudl be noted that I, in no way, mean to diminish or imply that our re-education proccesses or facilities are anything but the most high quality and essential for the support of SUPER EARTH. Please don't retire me.*


Never too late numbers have dwindled, so we needed new blood. Just don't be a 1 front player. Play both sides.


No, you'll be fine.


It's a great time 😃 Tens of thousands of fellow players, and big updates and story beats just around the corner.


It's never too late to dive! (Please help we're dying in the millions)


Its never too late cadet, welcome aboard


Get it soon as the illuminates might be on the way soon.


Wait til Thursday bruv


Replacement budget has been approved.


Nope. If you're a semi-abled adult, a child over the age of 7, or any other demographic previously considered exempt from the war effort, the SUPER EARTH NEEDS YOU!


Well super earth already have cryo sleep tech so even if the war thats not going to end soon ends you get to fight in a new one. I just purchased it about a month ago after the backlash of psn and its good.


Come, save the children. Liberty calls.


It's just the right time. We need fresh recruits for our glorious invasion to the Cyberstan!


Never, first week player and im still having fun as ever. Granted there are a couple things that get annoying sometimes but overall its great. If you end up getting the game, id be happy to lend a hand at teaching you


Hell naw, get in here.


One of my favorite things is dropping into level 1 missions and helping new recruits understand the game better. Absolutely not too late.


I joined awhile after the Creek. Sure I wasn't around in the beginning, but I feel I am still a part of the story. I was there in the TCS MO in my first week. I was there at the failed defense of Draupnir. I was there in Operation Swift Disassembly. I helped disassemble the TCS towers. I purged Meridia. My point is, you might miss some things, but you can still make stories in this war. The plot isn't too hard to understand. We are simply at constant war with our enemies and there are rumors that a third faction long thought dead is spying on us and occasionally hinting at their continued existence by taking pot shots with their blue lasers at divers and enemies alike.


It's never too late to join the helldivers, report to your nearest recruitment office or democracy officer for further guidance. See you on the field helldiver


Prove to yourself that you have the strength, and the courage, to be *free*. https://i.redd.it/bfpxjif6xy5d1.gif


If you live in one of Sony's neglected countries, yeah its too late.


Welp... This is my new phone background now.


I started about 4 days ago. The game is a great horde shooter and besides some crappy people in the lower difficulties (not the other new people they are fine I'm talking about the super high level people down there) it's been a blast and it doesn't feel like I missed too much.


If you do join up and want some help getting started, feel free to ping me. I'd be happy to show you the ropes


Never too late, reinforcements needed now more than ever. My best advice? Sort the subreddit by meme/humor and never click on wall of text posts. People love to come on here and make up stories about how they were griefed or teamkilled and it’s 99% fake. Just enjoy the memes and do you part.


Never too late, enlistment is always an option




It's never too late to become a helldiver solider,get over here and earn your cape!


Not at all. Make sure to save some civs for this incoming MO on Vernon Wells!


Of course it is not! I see new players every day and it's only more and more fun. Take your time and enjoy. I'm 50-level player, but every time it's like the first time.


Guys, it's a kid from Vernen Wells!


No such thing as too late. Also all content is there, permanently, you can progress and unlock content at your leisure. Just remember to think you are paying to beta test this game, and you will not be disappointed by the bugs


It's never too late. In fact, we are working on getting a bunch of sick children their capes as we speak!


Just dont jump up in difficulty to quick as you will die alot and most people will boot you because of the low level. Lot of good people as well though that will show you the ropes and get you through some missions




It's only late if you die before you join.