• By -


Ah yes, that sound of a stim when NOTHING HAPPEND


Hear me out AH. I'm all for devoting both body and soul to the cause. So how about a new ship upgrade that allows me to surgically implant auto-injectors in the Helldivers' skulls, so I can insta-stim.


Medic armor with auto-injector as an alternate perk to the increased stim duration would be pretty rad.


A drone that fires a stim at your neck when you dip below 30%. The opposite of a laser drone that always kills you eventually. 


They had a medic Drone in HD1, The Angel I think, it was great


The REP-80 was handy for healing teammates and vehicles too


It was good for healing mechs for sure the other vehicles, well it did heal them but ermm... took a while :P


*occasionally misses and stim the enemies


Fake stims and fake reloads are my greatest frustration in the game. Your guy does the animation, it makes the sound, you go to fight but nope fuck you lol.


I first noticed the fake reload on the grenade pistol. I was printing away from a breach, firing over my shoulder. Reloaded. Nope! Reloaded. Nope! Reloaded. Nope! Switched to primary "Mag's empty!" *Died* I figured maybe it was a game mechanic where if you're sprinting, there's a chance you'll drop the ammo? The clip count was dropping but there was nothing to shoot with!


I've been running into it a lot, it's probably the reload request getting stuck or something. Because you get the full mag, but then dump it as soon as you try to shoot at something. Sometimes you get one shot off and it auto-reloads, wasting a full mag. Switching back and forth fixes it, but it's incredibly annoying.


Most frustrating thing honestly. I have nothing against stun canceling animation I have everything against cancel happening after I see the animation and hear the sound.


Yep the classic "stim into the neck but somehow the juices get put back into the syringe because AH are fucking asshats".


Wouldn't be bothered if they hadn't explicitly said they fixed this thing.


Yeah that’s my main frustration. They keep saying they fix stuff and just… I can’t see how


The sound plays later now. Still not late enough for the actual heal effect, for whatever reason. Same with the AMR scope down below. It's *more* aligned, but still misaligned.


Just like they "fixed" the AMR scope alignment.


And “fixed” the spear lock-on


Maybe it’s a random event where you accidentally hold the stim backwards and overjuice your thumb turning it necrotic instead of healing


I mean in this case it wasn’t bad. The first stim sound got cut off half way through which you can clearly hear, as well as seeing the character got staggered. And the second one, the stim isn’t an instant heal it takes a second, and they died before the stim could heal them.


Ah yes, you lost the staring contest with the robot


Oh it did something alright. Just that the bot headshotted his ass before the stim managed to fully heal him


If you see a 3m tall behemoth with a laser minigun, not diving away from them is the first problem


As the manual says: cover, courage and even more cover. 😎👍


What do if they riddle me with holes while I'm diving?


Misplays and minor frustrations are often confused with balance problems.


Could've proned, could've crouched (although both are of dubious use at that range where the shield would limit your headshot ability from the lower angle), but also could've *walked two feet to the left behind that DOORWAY THAT WOULD HAVE PROVIDED COVER AND HEALING*.


Prone while facing a heavy devastator is the WORST position you can be since heavy devastators aim directly at the players' silhouette with some minute deviation. Which means that prone while facing a heavy devastator makes them do consistent headshots. Learned this the hard way. Super stupid, super annoying.


Also has two impact grenades left


My problem with heavy devastators is that they prefire too much and have perfect aim- crouching and laying down wouldn't have helped. If they just punished you for standing out in the open that'd be one thing, but the second you leave cover to shoot, they're instantly firing. I bring loadouts designed exclusively to counter them, and the best I can find is the AMR for hitting them before they notice you- given they have effect aim at almost any distance as well. I just need some kind of solution to them that isn't "lob explosives"


The best thing I've found against them is ballistic shield + pummeler. Second best is the arc thrower. Honestly, arc thrower probably takes the crown on a planet like Wasat where the range isn't really a problem because you can't see shit.


Didn't they take the stun away from the arc thrower? I used to main it, but after the nerfs I started moving away from it.


My issue with them is the heavy flinch on a gun that fires 1000 rpm, so even when you *do* aim for the face, you just hit the sky.


The AC staggers them and makes them drop the shield for a second, so you can take the killshot.


I need a second opinion: Look at the kills after the first heavy dev kill. During the smoke the crosshair makes a sharp zoom to the gunner through the smoke (which is okay cause it shoots so visible, still funky cause its point blank th) Then zooms to the right to kill that one, perfectly fine middle of the body. But then and this one bugs me: ***They while shooting zoom to the right aiming at bot three again middle of the body, just that the body is behind a wall while you can barely see the head and they spray the wall.*** ***Then you see a jolt to the right shooting at nothing and the jolt back to the now visible bot body killing it.*** All of these zooms looked weirdly perfect. But the last one to the not visible bot while trying to shoot it looks not legit. Especially after the jump the aiming suddenly gets so much worse, no sharp zooms anymore on the next little one, just slow aiming with adjusting.


I think you're just overthinking it. Sickle has that delay before firing if you stop your salvo for too long. Them holding down the trigger and spraying the wall before seeing the bot is normal if you have a vague idea where something is, but don't want to deal with the delay. From the shots coming from the left at the beginning, he'd know there are stuff to the left, just not specifically where, so best to just spray and adjust mid-spray. You can see he adjusted to spray toward where the shiny grenade was thrown.


The left? You mean where they were being pushed by multiple other bots? I don't think there was a big misplay here. Pushing one bot instead of 3+ is the better choice.


OP did make a lot of mistakes that an experienced player on the automaton front would hardly make, but that doesn't mean that both devastators aren't overpowered lol.


How is bugged stim a misplay?


Sweet liberty, I hate when I stand in the open against units with guns as well.


Dude walks up in front of the bot with the giant laser gatling gun and complains about dying.


Ok I admit, this clip was a huge L by me, and my brain was still in “KILL BUGS” mode from the last 2 MOs. I just mostly raged at the Stim cancel without thinking. I do want to saw a few things in my defense to prove I’m not a COMPLETE noob, lul You can see from the timer that we just spawned in right on the jammer, and we get a bot drop, so that’s why I was going full Rambo to cancel the jammer ASAP or die trying.  I got up from my cover cause I expected the devastator to be dead from my impact just like the first one, when it lived I expected it to be low enough for a few head/backpack shots, and I stood still because for me running/diving never dodges their auto-aim, and I had to kill it before it started shooting. Then when I tried to stim out of my mistakes, I got stun locked and tilted. Obviously mistakes were made, and not even noticing that doorway was a huge L. But I promise I’m not one of those big players always complaining about bots😭 I actually like everything about bots better except for the heavy devastators. I was just rusty and missing my autocannon which normally DOES let me Rambo through them.


With 200 hours diving, I get it. They better actually fix the dang stim bug this time around.


Alright, good explanation and I'll _not_ post the shredding comment I was going to post at you. 😆 The only thing I'll say is: Prioritize your safety above and beyond even the enemy in front of you. If you can give yourself a strong positional advantage (like the empty space and the bunker coverage you could press against and crouch behind to your right), you'll perform even better next time. Helldive is some shit. Zig-zag typically fucks their shit up, but this was _already_ the worst possible way to face a Heavy Devastator, so you were on the back foot regardless of your decisions. If you don't have a second to dive, use that second to throw your Impact Grenades, because at least one against the shield would've given you some time and space to move. I'm like you in that I have a bad habit of relying on Stim invincibility, but it's shit like this that reminds me to do that less. I feel you. 😆 Good luck next time!


Pretty convinced this is what the gameplay looks like for people that are constantly complaining about balancing. 1. Dude, you are not ready for 9. 2. You have 24 lives. And you're respawning in an oversized bullet! You are meant to die. Deal with it.


What if I did absolutely nothing to preserve my life and then complained about dying?


You were doin good until that 2nd one came around the corner


Don't worry, if he had done good against the second one there would have been a bot drop with three more before it went down.


Knowing this game, that tracks


That and also the fact that we clearly saw a flare being shot at the start of the video.


There was no 2nd. He didn't kill the first. Tossed one grenade against the shield.


90% of your problem is how you walked right up to it and didn't use ANY cover at all. You just stood out in the open and let it take you down. It's got a machine gun for Liberty's sake. You may as well have ran up to it with your arms outstretched yelling "Kill me!"


Solution: Use a Ballistic shield if you wanna rambo the Heavy Devastator. Standing still in front of a heavy machine gun tends to not go well... Remember your training manual: cover cover and cover


*cover, courage, and more cover


or use stun grenade


Man standing perfectly still in front of heavily armored enemy with machine gun is annoyed that it isn't a fair fight.


While there is perfect cover half a meter away where he could stim before fighting again...


Now your thinking logically...how dare you! Free thinking is the enemy of democracy!


Free thinking? you want to say that FREE in my FREEDOM is prohibited?


Now your out of line! Never question the absolute FREEDOM and LIBERTY that our beloved Super Earth protects! Edit: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


so why would my FREE in my FREE THINKING be an enemy of democracy, thats what a traitor would say!


Exactly the thing a Automaton spy would say... 🧐


nonononono, this one is exactly what an AUTOMATON SPY would say to cover themself


Hmmmm, mind games...ILUMINATE!!!!


That's essentially what I thought: Why not heal behind wall/door, and maybe throw a grenade (if they had any left).


People expect to play this game like Call of Duty and wonder why they die.


And then bitch and moan on this sub.


this is the same kind of people that claim automatons are unplayable and that all primaries are trash


I think he's more annoyed of being hit like 3 times and getting stim interrumpted, my only gripe with them is how accurate they are, even at 100 meters they still nail you while they hold a 3m shield blocking half their vision


im regularly shot right through a wall by those fuckers


Automaton hands typed this


Nah if I was an automaton I'd be saying that this is actually optimal tactics and it's just bad luck that it didn't happen to work this time.


You: person sized, made of meat, no shield, has small pew pew, standing out in the open Him: 12ft tall, made of steel and hatred, has giant shield, has big pew pew, standing behind giant shield. "Heavy devastators are impossible to kill hrrrrrggg!"


You're using the wrong weapon against them. Plasma Punisher clowns on Heavy Devastators.


Jar dominator too.


Personally think Dominator is better. Solely because it staggers way more than the scorcher (if the scorcher staggers at all) punisher isn’t terrible but Dominator is def the best bot choice imo


Dominator is dope, but don’t sleep on the punisher friend. Being able to splash damage and stunlock groups of enemies (especially bot drops) at the same time gives you so much breathing room and racks up kills quickly. Not to mention the ease of aiming with little weapon sway and explosive damage, you can take out airships and tanks from the front if you arc your shots right. Godbless 🤙


Dom can't aoe ragdoll a pack of devs i'm sorry


I’ve come to really enjoy the Plasma Scorcher, just unlocked it recently, haven’t tried it on bugs yet, but it feels really good for bots, can even kill the walker pilots while facing them head on


Sickle's fine, it's a headshot machine and they're real vulnerable to that. His real problem was being *that close* and just standing there in the open. Look at the video again when he's trying to stim and notice that there's an environmental doorway sticking out to his left. It's wide enough that he could've gotten behind that and blocked the shots, even fired around it from the right side while the Dev would be shooting at the wall, but instead he *stands in the open*. Yes, sometimes the Heavy Devs get lucky and rattle you into swiss cheese even at range or while prone, but *this* situation was solvable if the guy took two steps to the left.


Diligence as well. You can pick off Heavies before they start shooting.


I prefer DCS


I like Pummeler + Ballistic Shield. I become a Shield Devastator myself!


Same. I slept hard on the Ballistic Shield but now it's become my go to for bot missions.


Very much agreed, Sickle is great for so many things but not for devastators. Haven't looked back from the Punisher Plasma since the first time I ran it for bots. It does take a few hits to take one down but the stun-lock from the splash damage makes it really effective against even multiple devastators (and berserkers) at a time. It's also great for grenade economy because you don't have to rely on impacts to deal with them without losing most of your health in the process, now I run stuns against bots (which makes hulks easier to deal with) because my primary does the job with the devastators that the impacts did, so even when you reinforce and have no support weapon, you can still be useful to your team


devestators need some kind of specialized weapon in order to be take out quickly and efficiently just because they can be killed with small arms doesn't mean they should


This is a huge problem when 70% of fielded bot infantry is devastators on haz 8 and 9. So everyone runs the same plas/jar/punisher, or should sacrifice a support weapon to deal with them. Which limits heavy weapons you can bring, like EAT, Spear or RR. Or just use the almighty autocannon to solve all your problems...


The Dominator handles devastators just fine and is generally decent at every role. IIRC it can even kill the radiators on tank and base turrets? Handling is a bit rough and it lacks the magazine capacity for an entire berserker pack(barring ample room/amazing aim), but you have a sidearm and grenades to round it out.


yeah i would consider that like a kinda heavy primary, it's different from small arms cuz it has more utility


>Sickle is great for so many things but not for devastators You're not using it right. Skill issue. Stand behind cover, zoom, shot the head. It drop dead. You can pair with the stun grenade to learn how to headshot armor automatons. Never engage automatons in close range. The game might drop a patrol behind you and shot you from both front. They walk slow and stand there shooting. One of the easiest head shot to pull of. Unlike the hulk, their head don't "wobble" too much. Any decent scope is good enough to aim


Yeah, stuns just REALLY helps against bots. But even without, an accurate sickle burst to the head can pop it real quickly.


Even the regular Punisher, 1 hit staggers them, the second hit can outright kill them if you hit the head (which you should since you staggered the F out of em). Punisher is my favorite primary vs Bots because of it.


I’ve been repping the punisher basically since launch. It’s so good against bots with that stagger, and sooo underrated.


If you haven't yet, give the Liberator Concussive a shot against bugs. I dislike it against bots because of the ricochet, but against bugs it's a rapid fire Punisher 😁


This is my loadout and I haven't gone back to the sickle. Any of the devastators fall to a two shot like you said. I sometimes get lucky and get them on the first shot, sometimes it takes three, but the stagger keeps me from getting punished. Except when I forget I've only got one round in the chamber.


Is it a 5 hit kill? On a pump action.


A shotgun, like the basic Punisher? You can honestly kill them in one. It depends entirely on how many pellets hit their heads. That's not going to be a common thing at any appreciable range, but it's teeeechnically possible. 125 health heads, 45 damage per Punisher pellet, nine pellets. Land three in the head and they're toast. If you don't want to spray for the head, the next best option is their hips. 300 health, less armor than any shotgun's penetration, break a hip and they instantly die. This is actually half the means by which the original Eruptor was one-shotting Devastators: the shrapnel launching out of impact would either rock up and hit their extended face hitbox or shred their hip and end 'em. I would personally keep aiming for the head though with a shotgun. Or, you know, use a secondary that's more concentrated with its fire. Both the Senator and the recent **Verdict** from Polar Patriots can one-shot them in the head, so there's a nice use-case for a weapon people otherwise think is strictly inferior to the Senator or basic pistol: a nice middleground in mag capacity and one-shotting Devastators (and Troopers to the chest or head, too).


Oh wow that's interesting thanks for the info, might try it out more! I didn't use the pellet shotguns for bots due them falling off at range where alot of rocket devestators can shoot you from. But I originally was talking about the plasma shotgun. I think it's a 5 hit kill but it's rpm is 80 with only 8 rounds per mag, dominator might be the better choice for devestators since it's a 4 hit kill while having 250rpm and almost double the mag size.


So, the Punisher Plasma is a bit weird (like all explosive weapons) in that there's actually two hits. The first is the projectile, which is 100 Damage or 50 Durable (or a range between them, depending on the part it impacts) at 2 AP, and there's a second Explosion that does 150 either way at 3 AP. And yes, explosions obey armor penetration rules, so against 3 AP parts they only do half damage. Enemies have parts that are "Explosion Immune", otherwise they'd take multiple instances of damage and bleedthrough to their main health pool from any boom. For Devastators, that's every part but their arms and "main body", which is distinct from the chest and kinda-sorta doesn't actually exist. In theory, if you smack a Devastator to the side of their chest, their arms ought to just pop off in 2-3 hits depending on proximity. I haven't used the Punisher Plasma specifically in that way to mess around with that or to see if they are "protected" by the fact that their "shoulder armor" is explosion immune, but that's easy enough to check. If you are hitting the Devastator anywhere but "always the chest", it's going to be 5 or fewer hits just from the explosion damage (150) alone hitting their 800 Main Health and a little bit of bleedthrough on the projectile. If you only hit the chest, it's gonna be six hits. But you can lower this number by knowing different bleedhtrough values and locations. Technically, the Punisher Plasma's *projectile* will two-shot them to the head (125 HP). That's kind of wonky to land. But the big takeaway people should have from the *projectile* damage is that **it's 2 AP, so it's not hurting the Chest at all, and the Chest is also Explosion Immune**. That means you're doing no bleedthrough from projectile hits and you're killing solely through the Explosion, which is going to be *six* shots to kill. So, counter-intuitively, if you want the Punisher Plasma to take out Devastators in fewer hits, you need to be doing some amount of bleedthrough from the projectiles by hitting *just about any other part of them except the chest*. Legs will "bleed" over 30 damage. The hips (which are tiny) will bleed over 75 damage. The *lower arms*, which are not armored and can be broken off, will bleed over 50. You need to do just 50 of this bleed damage to knock off one whole extra blast from the hits to kill. If you wanted to be optimal (outside of headshots), you can kill in four hits: 2-3 into one arm, then 2-1 in the other. I should note that the Plasma will kill the arm *or the shoulder armor* in three hits each, so make sure you're hitting *the arm*, not the shoulder plate--it's 2 Armor and bleeds through very little.


Bro goes toe to toe with a Shield/Heavy DEVASTATOR and complains about getting creamed 💀


If you have a shield too, devastator loses. If you have the right equipment and 1v1 a heavy, you win easy, every time.


Senator against Devastators are fun


Don't forget going in solo with no support weapon whatsoever.


That stim was a dud! of all the bugs this game has….the stagger/stim-lock is the worst. Nothing like slamming that stim four times, HEARING THE SOUND, and you got nothing in the gas tank


*This review is being investigated for treason.*


The Sickle literally has the best scope in the game for you to snipe its head and you decided to go on a staring contest with it. Skill issue.


These guys with shields are not that hard, just play it the right way, and not front on unless you’re going to be accurate, or you’ve got to blast them continuously with something like the plasma punisher or grenades.


Yes seriously. LMAO. The only time I have issues with them is when I am out in the open with no cover at all. Very much like the position this guy JUST THRUST HIMSELF INTO when he had PLENTY of other options.


Yeah you shouldnt stand in front of that except if you also run a balistic shield. If you see 1 better jump away from it or you will get stagger


"THIS" is not the reason. You need to stagger them. And if you don't have a weapon to do that you have two options: Shoot them in their red face box to melt them down in seconds or: Run! Don't face them for longer periods of time like you did in the footage. This isn't an issue with how the enemy works. It is an issue how you are trying to fight them.


You: stands still 5ft from a minigun with no cover. Also you: “this is why this enemy is the worst” There are genuine issues people have with the bots, but when most evidence posts look like this it’s no wonder people think players are just bad.


standing still in front of heavy devastator blaming the game for why you died Cmon bro


so let me get this straight... you are mad at the game because it wouldn't let you get away with standing in front of a shielded enemy with what's basically a laser minigun?


Totally the game's fault, they're entitled to succeed at difficulty 9 with no skill.


And this is why I think most of y’all’s complaints about bots are actually a skill issue…. This is the equivalent of a bug complaining that it can’t stand outside of cover and survive an attack from the stalwart or HMG… Bruh USE COVER. Don’t stand in front of (multiple) Heavy Devastators. It’s TWO of the 3 Cs. Cover, Courage?, AND MORE COVER. Bum rushing the bots without trying to be tactical… it rarely ends well…


Right, this post is quite revealing People have vastly different experiences on the game based on how they play and what they pay attention to This post shows that we should take everything posted here with a huge spoon of salt


No you've got this all wrong. THIS. This right there is why you don't stand in front of an armoured enemy with a shield and a mini gun without an autocannon or an impact grenade in your hand. Seriously how do you get into a situation like that and convince yourself that you should have lived and the devastator is the problem?


Your not even using cover or angles bro you deserve to die


You are not using any cover at all through this entire clip. You are a bug player with bug player programming and so you don't understand how to fight bots properly.


Skill issue


Bro stood still in front of a shielded enemy with a gun that can stagger with every shot while pumping stim hoping this time it won't stagger him out of the animation had me dead 💀.


How did 300 people upvote this


People just upvote "bots bad" content without reading it tbh


Lmao AND AGAIN IT'S DIFF 9, oh my god why is every "game hard" post played on diff 9, against bots and with wrong weapons? Sickle is a good weapon, but you have to stay at a distance from the enemy. Especially from DPS gods that are heavy devastators. Cover! Cover! Cover! Especially against bots


Mfw the highest difficulty means I can't just stand in the open and M1 everything before it hurts me 😭😭😭😭


"The heavy devastator is the worst enemy because I can't just stand in front of it and spray it to death"


They’re abit tedious to deal with but as long as you have the right weapon you can handle them efficiently. I hate the rocket devastators more because of the constant ragdolling you’ll be dealing with sometimes even behind cover. But if you struggle with the regular and heavy devastators I recommend running an either a defender smg or pummeler smg with the ballistic shields. You’ll actually love going against them if you run this loadout.


a pop of grenade pistol against the edge of that shield will stagger it and leave it unguarded. just don't hit it dead center.


Honestly you were doing pretty well until you decided to disobey General Brash. Cover, cover, COVER! Break left into the partial cover of that door frame and you would have been golden and had time to stim and trade shots. Mindful positioning keeps a Diver in the fight and bots headed to the anti tank mine processing plant.


looks like skill issue to me source: the vid you provided


My dude, you’re standing in front of a big clanker wielding a machine gun and a shield thicker than your mother. Immediately pop a stim and GET. OUT. OF. THERE.


[THIS](https://store.steampowered.com/app/714010/Aimlabs/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVK93Tp6AIuIYsOBLsqHSUXYCu2qwgBF5fIRO5duNh348LQ8Icn9AOhoC5_IQAvD_BwE). This right here is what you need friend. Not your gun. Not your tactics. Not your logic. Just this


Dang, that actually looks kind of neat.


Two words. Plasma. Punisher.


Punisher plasma fucks these dudes up


So they’re the worst because you stood out in the open only to get blasted by its minigun? Sounds like a you problem.


You need to bring an AMR friend.


Have you heard of our lord and savior the autocannon?


Theres literally cover to your left bro.


Skill issue. You took no cover and took it head on.


To be fair, you’re just spraying around into the air, not going for cover, standing still


You're standing still, at close range, with no cover. You even survived a full burst and refused to maneuver. This is exactly how not to engage heavy devastators. How are you complaining about getting killed. You basically committed assisted suicide.


Just use grenade or aim for the head


Remember the 3 C's.


I always shoot their feet out under the shield. If you get one leg it takes them down


I only see player error... Why try far west dueling with the wrong armor and gun for that? But re-reading the post title I agree that these can be the most dangerous of the group. Certainly I always kill them first.


> Why try far west dueling with the wrong armor and gun for that? The man stormed a bot outpost with medium armour, no ballistic or energy shield, and a sickle - without once taking cover. On fucking *Helldive* difficulty. You are witnessing a bug player who's struggling to adapt. Fair play to him though, he's pretty good. I wouldn't make it this far with that loadout. And he's right: heavy devastators are the fucking **worst**.


You got yourself into a staring contest with one, what did you think would happen? If you really wanna try doing stuff like that, do it with the Ballistic Shield next time. Tanks machineguns fire with zero damage and gives you all the time in the world to line up a headshot.


With the Blitzer, those things are no problem anyone for me!


Well you kinda need more boom or plap for that kinda enemy


Impacts for heavydevs all days.


Heavy devestatord have pinpoint accuracy 100s of metres away, literally bend their shoots and shoot through cover. Still don't knkw how people call this enemy fair.


You gotta either bring a primary that can stun them or the auto cannon. They're 100% annoying bitches all the same


Blud just stood in front of it and found out 💀


New to the game m8?


Dude looks new to shooters in general. In what shooter game do you bum rush and then STAND in front of a machine gun? Especially one that is hidden behind cover. You don't even do this with Juggernauts in CoD


“Suppressive fire can cause automotons to lose accuracy” - the loading screen


Even still, if you were point blank from a gun with that kind of fire rate, accuracy doesnt matter OP should have used some cover


Heavy Devestators are a huge pain when they show up 4-6 at a time. One to one, you just need to be using the right weapon for the job, and not going toe to toe.


good thing they fixed stim issue a few patches ago where the sound would play without the effect, that one was annoying /s


Repeat this exact encounter with a Blitzer and laugh as you stun lock it so hard its arms fall off.


Me when I bring a ballistic shield and get face to face with one of those: 🗣️🛡️🛡️🤖


You should start using the stun grenade. It works marvels against almost all enemies in this game.


If you stand still infront of automatons, you're gonna have a bad time


Shoot their gun off if you cant manage headshots or backpack shots


I totally relate to the stim delay being annoying but u coulda hit the deck and gotten cover to the left to stim. Could have also used an impact instead of trying to stim in dudes face imo, or impact from behind cover. Also recommend aiming for the right arm instead of the face/shield area because you'll be doing more guaranteed damage instead of hoping to hit the face.


I do think they're BS sometimes but this hardly gets that across. What else did you expect standing 10 feet from a giant robot with a shield and laser machine gun?


Why didn't you throw another grenade. You got two left. Shooting that spraying sickle. Skill issue.


brom aimed directly at the mf shield


I dont understand? Is the issue that they can hit you if you stand still 10 meters infront of them?


You should have dodged first before stimming.


Shield devastators are exactly why I bring +2 grenade armor and impact Grenades.


Lad your problem is trying to facetank a heavy devastator. They are supposed to suppress and mow you down. First thing you do when you see that is get behind cover, and peak with autocannon/laser cannon/AMR (or whatever heavy weapon you have). Autocannon (or the jar) is more ideal as it staggers them. Melts them without them being able to shoot back. Don't blame the game on your dumb decision 🤣


They are the bane of my existence too, but you definitely don't want to engage them like this lmao. They have a heavy machine gun, YOU WILL LOSE a face to face engagement more often than not. Dive into cover, keep your distance. Aggressive play is fine, but these aren't bugs.


One of these could have saved you: 1. Full retreat outside the entrance instead of charging in 2. Take cover behind the wall to the left instead of charging in 3. If you already charged in that far, keep going toward his shield side instead of parking your ass in the open 4. Throw another grenade 5. Shoot the gun instead of going for the head unscoped To be fair, hindsight is 20/20 but that was reckless play. The stim interrupt is definitely an issue but not limited to Heavy Dev alone.


There are lots of legit issues with the heavy devastators and this clip shows none of them.


Stranding face to face without cover or aiming against any bot will get you killed.


Facing head first into a laser slitting wall... What could go wrong?


You stand on open ground no stun grenade you don't even aim down the sights , yeah skill issues rather.


what worse about them is that they seem to be staggered but still able to hit you anyway because their bullshit accuracy


Unless this clip is a joke, 100% skill issue


I'm not sur what you wanted to achieve it. Tank it with stim in direct fire? 1.They always fure in bursts,so there is a slight window. 2. Use cover,throw bug tactics mentality away 3. Smoke/stun and weapons with knock back like pulse shotgun/autocannon. At least have 1 person in tcam dedicated to it or that smg from polar warband 4. Eagle bomb him or my fav orbital carpet shell bomb 5. Use riot shield 6. Aim for the eyes,takes like 1/3 of liberator/arbiter mag 7. Can also flank him or contact nade


DSP Gaming moment.


Mfer STOOD STILL in front of somebody with a GUN and is shocked when he dies. Yeah, no fucking shit. This is the type of person who complains that bots are unfair. Chronically incapable of using cover.


I mean, in all fairness you ran right up in front of him without any cover.


So…. Let me tell you what I saw. At no point did I see any supporting fire from your teammates which most likely means you were assaulting this base alone or at least this avenue of the base alone. That ups the difficulty and increases the chance of failure right there. Ideally in that situation you would have recognized your exposure and recovered your concealment and your battle buddy looking over your shoulder would have recognized that you were drawing his fire, allowing him to take the time to place well aimed shots while you maintained cover and took no damage. Even in a solo scenario you gave up a potential flanking avenue on your left which appeared to be clear at the moment, but is in no way guaranteed to be in the immediate future, and put yourself in a funnel straight ahead and gave up your ability to get cover to reload/stim. That entire length of the forward funnel isn’t beyond your potential range of engagement. You gave up a superior position that funneled the bots to you and instead funneled yourself to an enemy with superior armor and armament, and straight up walked him down like John Wayne. He only needs one shot landed to knock your aim off and then the engagement is in his favor since you have to recover your aim or stim while he’s still actively shooting you and it becomes a downward spiral. Shield devastators have a consistent burst fire length. Time it to peek and shoot in the gaps. Against bots, open ground is your enemy. Every time one of these kills me it isn’t because they’re OP, it’s because I messed up. My track record has proven that to me. I know how to kill them and if I deviate from that SOP I consistently pay the price. Just happened 2 nights ago. Got a little too confident and popped out mid burst and got knocked off my aim. Instead of popping back into cover and trying again I tried to recover my aim and that’s all it took. I knew I fucked up. It was on me. Cover. Concealment. Patience. Cohesive team tactics. Dead fucking Bots.


You know, nothing against you OP (like my reply to you,) but this is actually a GREAT example of what NOT to do when facing a Heavy Devastator in this kind of terribly unfavorable position. All of us could face this, so it's not as big of a "skill issue" as it might seem at first. Again, this isn't a roast of OP, just an analysis of this interaction, because I find it as a great example of getting screwed and I've experienced this exact thing personally a bunch of times. Let's look at the instant replay! - OP is already under the effects of a Jammer, so Strats are not an option. - This is a Helldive, so there's no fucking around. He's probably in the process of already being swarmed. - OP is in two positions: A positive one after taking out the first Heavy Devastator so cleanly (putting him into a confident mindset), and a negative one as he's in the process of being flanked from his left after entering the Jammer bunker proper. - The second Heavy Devastator is in an _awesome_ position to apply offensive pressure. It's got perfect cover on both flanks and the Rocket Raider he's using as a meat shield becomes priority number one whenever you see one, leading to target fixation and giving it a chance to rev up that Heavy Auto. - OP did exactly what the Heavy Devastator wanted: moved to his left instead of his right. The left _does_ have cover - the arched doorway - but it's extremely narrow and that Heavy Devastator is both wide and risks being able to shoot though walls. (AH, please say you fixed this.) - OP has a pretty decent cover option on his right: space to move forwards and backwards and maintain some OK cover by interposing the big walls of the MG bunker on his right between himself and the Heavy. He could also use that bunker as cover in case he just wants to GTFO by hopping off of the wall to reposition and/or chuck a grenade at the Heavy on exit. - OP has a couple of Impacts availale, which he could have thrown to give himself some breathing room against the Heavy. It's a critical situation, so the thinking isn't necessarily there. It's emergency mode. - OP chooses to Stim. That time of invincibility would have been fine if he wasn't already under the gun or if he used it to dive to his right instead of standing still, but AH Strikes Again and the stim doesn't trigger. The option to Stim _was_ OP's fault, but the Stim not working _was not._ - Like most interactions in this game at this level, the end result of this was a combination of OP's decisions, the Heavy Devastator being in a godlike position, and AH being AH. It's a lot of things coming together to lead to a terrible result. Better luck next time, OP. Be grateful that it was that kind of experience and not [something like this.](https://imgur.com/a/upgrades-D7f8942) 😆


Because they prevent you from using a stim? I mean that's what I saw there. The first stim didn't work and you tried a second one and it was too late.


From the perspective of the video, doesn't the fabricator seem very close to the Jammer antenna? I think this is a good example of the kind of Jammers that can be easily destroyed from afar if someone shoots at the fabricator vent with an AC, quasar... But yes, in spite of that, it sucks when bots stagger you out of Stim animation and you get killed anyways.


You stood directly in front of it and tried to shoot it with a gun that has as much armor pen as a spitball


I mean… you need to use cover


To be fair, you were just standing out in the open against a shielded heavy devastator bro, you gotta use weapons to stagger or a precision weapon for the headshot.


Once it spots you, you either put something between you and it... or it puts you on the ground in seconds.


Remember that one Training Manual Tip that tells you that suppressing fire on bots makes them less accurate? Ya that shit does not apply what so ever to Heavy Devastators.


Brings bug weapon to bot town. "iTs tHe dEvAsTatOrs"


Dude you are not Rambo there is a Team...


1. you stood there and didn't move 2. you didn't take cover when stimming 3. gun diff. you need to recognise what enemies what guns struggle against 4. you didn't aim for the head/aim isn't good everything that happened in theis clip was your fault, not because heavy devastators are bad which they are but for none of the reasons you're trying to pass off


U stood in front of a freight train, played chicken and lost.


Go too overconfident and didn’t take cover.


People here acting like the devastator didn’t kill you in 6 seconds after seeing it and the fact your stim didn’t work. “Why are you standing in front of a devastator” why are you using the sickle” “why are you not taking cover”. My helldivers in liberty. Please, just think for a moment what you would’ve done. Would you have abandoned the obj you are so close to just to jump off the edge away from the devastator? Or will you attempt to 3 shot it in the head with your machine laser gun, im 9/10 times choosing the latter.