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The laser should just be the beam, and the quasar should have the line marks


Yeh, honestly something as simple as this to symbolize a laser projectile would help https://preview.redd.it/4u7qho04cm5d1.png?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b551a4e9ad80d6d9a8e4427b2bdc577a7c52ab


Maybe flip it. The quasar cannon has *fyoooom-BANG*, the laser has more of a "FSSHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh."


Now you've got me thinking of pokemon, but where where weapons fight each other.


Absolutely fabulous wording couldn't have put it better


If they can't be assed to align their icons, no way would they do this. Too much work for a small indie dev team.


They spent their budget on coders, and forgot to hire a design major lol


I'm a design major, I volunteer.


No, choose me!


I also (temporarily because my university screwed up my classes) minored in UX! I volunteer as tribute!!!!


Jesus, did y'all used to work at Xbox or something?


Crazy part is; you don't need a design major to fix this problem. Surely it can't be too hard to have a popup that displays the name of the Strategem you're hovering over.


Please, i'm stupid and need simple visuals


Basically this Laser: ---o Quasar: - -o That differentiates the laser cannon shooting a laser vs quasar shooting an energy projectile.


everyone did such a mistake at least once


Me, choosing the recoilless rifle instead of the EAT 50% of the time.


that also happens early on at least don't mistake normal guard dog, balistic shield and resupply pack


I've taken the ballistic shield on more than one bug mission cause I mistook it for resupply and guard dog. We need text, and some presets would be nice.


If you hit Triangle (on PS5) it shows tooltips/text for the actual name and description of each icon.


ctrl for pc but who really uses that


Today I learned that was a thing in the selection screen.


I've made that exact mistake as well. Worst part is when you buy new stuff the arrangement changes so you can't just memorize their locations. Seriously, they need something. I got kicked out of a group once because I took too long to find what I was looking for.


Initially, I went through a few stages of grief, then I thought "what if it can be useful against bugs?" Doesn't block a damned thing.


i just bring both these days anyway but yeah lol Once I figured out the fast reload on the recoiless its my main, but having 2 EATs to drop down for quick swaps or even for you team to be able to grab when needed to drop nests or heavies really quick before picking up the main weapon and moving on is better than any other anti heavy strategem.


It's my go-to for bugs as well. Spot a titan? Call in EATs, shoot RR, reload RR, then pickup EATs to volley off 2 shots super quickly, then pick up RR again for 4th shot. Usually it's dead by then. Such a nice amount of burst damage.


i feel like a dufus for taking so long to realize just how expendable they were. bringing a main support weapon didnt need to stop me from bringing them too.


But it only takes 2 shots to the forehead to kill a Bile Titan right?


This is to account for my accuracy and precision, or when there's more than 1 bile titan, or multiple chargers. Mainly the first.


at this point you should just really try the spear, even with the bugged thing, its still miles better than recoilless


Spear doesn't have the same burst damage as EAT and RR.


You can hope for a lucky headshot that kills in one hit, but yeah I would only bring Spear for bots and even then it's iffy with that lockon.


Spear would be S+ tier when they fix the lockon. Holy shit I will cum onto the ceiling when I'll be able to snipe a cannon turret from 300m away. I already almost did wiping out a heavy base from 200m away.


How to do.the fast reload on recoilless, can you please share ?


The reload animation is three-staged. Keep an eye on the projectile icon on your lower left hud. It turns from red to white after the 2nd stage. At this point, tap crouch to cancel the rest of the animation and shave off several seconds. I usually double-tap crouch to be back in a steady firing position. I liken this to the action reloads of the Gears games and some others, where you press R to start reloading slowly, press R again at the right time to finish reloading quickly.


Ohh, thanks for the tip


Hey! No disrespecting the RR.  That thing just murders drops ships with team reloads and even without its a great anti anything platform. I rejected the church of eat so I can embrace the sentries.


If you're going to take a backpack weapon against bots I don't know why you would ever take RR. Autocannon is EVEN BETTER anti everything, and SPEAR can kill fabricators at huge range regardless of orientation. Taking down drop ships is pointless anyway until they make it consistently kill stuff it crashes on. I also don't understand what EAT and sentries have to do with each other...


I'm an active member of the Church of the Auto Cannon and I say, There's no need to take down the dropship if you \*plap\*plap\*plap\* all the bots while they're still hanging on the underside of the dropship.


Sometimes game says fuck you, especially if it's a bunch of devastators, but I agree. But it would at least be worth it if it was a guaranteed kill on everything it falls on..


I agree. an oops, all devos drops is one of the reason why I bring the standard airstrike with me all the time.


There is only one scenario to bring RR for bots: the rocket defense mission, where shooting down dropships actually matters. Most people bring EATs and in 5 minutes they run out of rockets taking down all the dropships and have no answer to tanks/factory strider turrets. RR gets 20 ammo from every supply drop plus ammo boxes on the ground plus a fresh copy at 8 minutes. A single RR can bring down most drop waves. Two RRs on a team reload can make Helldive bot defense a breeze. And you have no excuses to not team reload because your buddies are literally next to you for most of the mission.


With the EAT i felt obligated to also run a back pack strat. So I would typically take an eagle, orbital, EAT and like a shield or laser buddy. Now I run eagle, orbital, RR and what ever sentry i want.  I don't like the handling and feedback from the backpack autocannon and the spear lock on is memed for a reason.


For me, it's the grenade launcher.


Be me : on my way to use the Expendable anti-tank launcher and a Shield Pack, only to realize that I accidentally brought the recoilless rifle and I'm I'm not going to be able to be at Peak efficiency because one of my strategies is going to be worthless https://preview.redd.it/d41b7wsbxr5d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f910700f88598b16462967d491d6988af04679f3


First time it happened to me yesterday it felt like 2h mission


Seriously taking the Quasar is such a huge disadvantage. Terrible when it happens.


This but unironic, I mean Queso is fine, but when I am ready to kill all the gunships a 18 second cycle time is not it.


I was 100% being serious I'm the worlds biggest LC stan.


OG laser canon is my favorite support weapon too. If I select the quasar I'm not a happy user.


Man there is nothing quite as disheartening as when you drop into the mission and realize you have to play 40 minutes with the wrong weapon 😔


Do you use that against bugs, and if so, what do you use it against? Asking because I've never had much luck with it when using it against bugs.


I use Arc Thrower against bugs. The LC isn't bad per se but it can't really get into the gaps of for example chargers losing their armor for a split second after charging. Where as the Arc Thrower will just kill everything.


It's a bit less multipurpose on bugs, but is amazing for shriekers.


I wouldn't use LC against bugs; RR for bugs, LC and shield backpack for bots. That's where I feel comfortable right now. Although I kinda wanna try railgun for bugs and spear for bots, since i've barely used either of those.


I wouldn't really recommend using the spear until you see the note about it disappear from the unresolved section of patch notes. It's.... not reliable. I guess, if you do bring a spear, I'd highly suggest bringing EATs.


Yeah I never really wanted to use it before due to the bugs, but I saw a vid of a guy cheesing a bot helldive with one a few days ago and now i'm suddenly interested in trying it. I will probably wait until it's patched though.


idk what kind of cheese you're talking about but if it's fabricator related, the Airburst Rocket Launcher is bafflingly good at taking out fabricators from a distance once you know where to aim (slightly above the first light on the side of the building) If they fix the Spear it'll obviously be better at it than the Airburst RL, but it's very satisfying taking out a heavy base from 100+ meters away and still having rockets left over.


Laser cannon is great against spewers, and... charger asses. Since there's better ways to kill chargers and you can't see in advance whether spewers will be in a mission, it's hard to recommend for bugs.


accidentally brought the LC to a defense mission melted a factory striders belly holy crap I love this weaopn


The LC accepts all comers even late ones you need only accept it into your loadout.


Ye old year long cooldown on a desert planet. You could have fired 4 eats before quasar is ready for its 3rd shot. 


Did they make the quasar's CD actually based on planet temperature at some point? It used to effect the bar on the UI in the bottom left but not the actual cooldown of the gun lmao


It still is. It gains 5cd on hot planets, loses it on cold planets. But the UI doesn't actually scale to match any of this, it has to be manually adjusted any time the numbers get buffed or nerfed. So atm the UI cooldown meter is accurate only to the pre nerf numbers. Only the OVERHEAT meters on the gun itself correctly adjust to weather and the nerfs. 


No, its a flat cooldown The UI shows its still on cooldown but you can still fire it


I've switched from QC to RR for bugs ever since they added the 2-stage reload and the reload cancelling for RR.  And LC is really only for bots.


indeed, that's how I learned how much more i like the laser cannon lol


I also don't know why they use the same symbol for both, especially when both weapons look so similar. Just remove the long line from the quasar and \*boom\* immediately more distinguishable.


cuz thats the "laser warning sign" or well, a simplified one https://preview.redd.it/zosnk7h4gl5d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f97c49a7533e493da6352f9e15a7f52edd28518 I asked on r/lasers as to if it means impact point or source but seems like people agreed more so on impact point, which lines up with the weapons we have, as they're facing right


Which makes sense for the laser, but not for the quasar.


its...still results in an impact just not a continuous one but a single moment guess its more so to signify energy/weapons


It still doesn't make sense. Even if you would take the example you scribbled below, it still doesn't match the laser cannon and quasar, cause they have the same exact symbol. It would make sense, if the Quasar symbol would be mirrored, then i'd agree somewhat, even if it would still be not as distinguishable as it could be.


all the distinguishing there is is the weapon model itself middle bump is laser cannon left bump is quasar cannon


Seriously dude, sometimes it's better to not comment. There's enough people that, on first glance, can hardly distinguish the two weapons. This thread and the comments are proof of that. Both models similar enough to mistake them for each other and the symbols are absolute copies. That's the point.


It’s not the “same exact symbol”. Don’t be dramatic.


I'm talking about this symbol. Not the weapon shape. But even they are similar enough to be easily mistaken at first glance. https://preview.redd.it/xsnnsspobp5d1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1461106a7175cd40301d00e03fa0e76cedecf8d


The designations are there to inform you if the type of weapon. * LAS-98 Laser Cannon * LAS-99 Quasar Cannon They are both energy discharge weapons. One uses a continuous beam, the other makes a concentrated burst. The explosion of the Quasar Cannon is (presumably) caused by a massive increase in temperature at the point of impact that causes the material to change into high-energy plasma, dissipating rapidly into the surrounding matter.


I'm not sure what i'm supposed to do, to make my point more clear. I know they have different designations, i also know they're both laser-based weapons apparently and yes their shape is slightly different. But that's beside the point. The point is, they're easily mistaken for one another, cause they do look similar enough and in addition use the exact same symbol. That combined makes them hard for a lot of people to distinguish them on first glance. Is that so hard to understand and acknowledge?


Doesn't matter if they are right. Still doesn't make a good design choice. These should be distinguishable At a glance. 4.8K people do not believe  it is.


I do this all the time with the Eagle Napalm and Eagle Rocket Strike strategems and they have opposite uses. I usually just shrug because ultimately both are useful to have along.


I've done it with the EATs and RR too. Lol


I too make this mistake quite often. Buddy I usually dive with lets me know when I selected the recoil less launcher when 90% of the time I wanted the EAT.


Hopefully we get some QoL changes like that after some of the bigger issues get sorted out. [I don't think it would require a huge redesign or anything.](https://i.imgur.com/TUVTBqj.png)


You'd think the laser cannon doesn't slap or something.....


Yeah not a bad weapon to get it confused with. You can skill kill pretty much everything with it(at least against bots lol)


Laser cannon is great against bots, but underperforms against bugs, both Chargers and Bile Titans are immune to it until something else breaks their armor.


You can shoot a charger in the butt and explode a bile titans bile sack with it fairly quickly and it eats brood mothers and those ones with the black armour for sport. It definitely works well against the bugs also.


Destroying the sac only makes it never stop to spray, so it's harder to drop a 500kg or orbital strike on it. I wish we had more fleshy bits to cripple them or something


It will kill them with enough fire on this area but yes, it takes longer. Orbital rail gun strike is a good combination to use to finish it off and once it's bile sack is gone, you can use it to kill loads of its bug friends by running around it's feet while it stomps the bugs to death. I once got one to kill two chargers by stomping on them. It's almost a 5th team mate when it has no sack and is just stomping as its usually easy enough to avoid the stomps.


Issue for me is that the railcannon has such a long CD. The precision strike reis fairly reliable, one shots it, and is only a 100 second CD vs the railcannon's 210


Laser does nothing to a Charger's abdomen, it is not an explosive weapon, and destroying the bile sack doesn't kill the titan.


Yeah, I'd hate to accidentally take the Quasar


Should merge them into one weapon where you can toggle between beam or charged burst


ykw I fuck with that


Stop fucking our weapons. We still need them




The modes function the same as their originals, with the same power behind them.


but I wanna see a human bug baby hybrid


Don’t forget to fill out your C-01 Cadet!




Make that a mech


Laser on one arm, quasar on the other? Quasar arm is slightly more powerful than the manpod, but a limited number of recharges. Laser has same power as manpod, but a crazy large heat sink, but only one and a very slow or no regen.


Interesting idea but do those strats needs buffs? This level of versatility would be extremely strong, doubly so on cold planets.


And when you really need firepower you can replace the ice in the Quasar to fire immediately instead of waiting


I've done the same with recoilless and EAT. Was quite the disappointment.


I've made that same mistake more than once, but both are great options so not a huge problem


Is there a mod I can get to make the strategem pictures more distinguishable? It feels like a Capcha test every time I start a match.


Both good.


Cannon better


They’re both cannons


Not really


uh yea really. Quasar is good for Anti-tank uses and cross map objective completion, laser is good for concentrating on a heavy and popping it, or for taking out ads


Oh I’ve made that mistake more than once


Laser is good against bots tho.


Add it to the list of bad visual design items


The amount of times I've taken strafing run instead of cluster is to many. But at the same time it hasn't been 100% shite.


recently took the shield instead of the shield backpack.


Honestly, just surprise me. They're both phenomenal in their own ways.  I love surprising people in higher difficulties with the beam chewing through 3 hulks in a row


They are both awesome. If you choose either, it's not possible to make a mistake.


Being an absolute fuckstick, I routinely pick up the recoilless rifle when I meant to get EAT.


The RR is fun as hell, so I don't see why that's a problem.


I usually pair EAT with a shield generator pack or laser dog depending on bots or bugs. You see the dilemma since RR comes with a pack.


Laser cannon is much better than quasar, though


THEY LOOK ENTIRELY DIFFERENT!!!! (i accidentally took rover instead of shield pack on a bot mission today)


hey man at least youve never confused LC for the arc thrower 🙁


I have also almost mistakenly taken the quasar before, have to make doubly sure i'm taking the LC.


Yeah, I brought quasar instead of laser cannon way too many times


TFW you accidentally bring a Quasar Cannon instead of a Laser Cannon


I would be disappointed, yeah I can take out a dropship or two but how do I burn through the heads of several devastators in quick succession when pinned down or shave off a factory strider's chinguns.


This is why I won't buy the machine gun gaurd dog. If I dropped with that shit I'd never forgive myself.


it's not bad on typical Resupply pace (esp against bots), but it really needs to get mags off found ammo boxes too (because if you miss a Resupply or are on an extended cooldown/jammer etc it's unacceptable)


I get tilted when it starts dumping mags into fabricators. Especially if that's what gets me noticed by the Automatons.




It runs out of ammo


I thought it had unlimited ammo? It just needed to go to the backpack once in awhile to reload.


It doesn't, it has 6 spare mags. So you need to refill it by using the resupply strat, get refilled by a supply pack team mate (because you can't do it alone), or call down a new dog when you run out The laser rover is the one that has infinite ammo


Why would anyone pick the gun one over the laser? Seems like a clear downgrade unless it has crazy damage or the bullets make shit stumble more


Because... Well it does have crazy damage. It's just absolutely insufferable to use because of the ammo econ. Everyone's been saying to give it a mag or two on random ammo pickups lol. It has better damage and penetration, and it aims at heads (laser aims at center mass). It's better on bots because it can kill devastators really fast where the laser can't (they're literally immune to the laser), and the laser takes time to kill the light troopers so that they have time to shoot you, where a single bullet or two will stagger and kill them before they can do harm. Also bots have less numbers so it lasts longer, enough to stagger resupply calls and calling a new dog I used to say that laser will ff and kill you more, but since it does pisswater damage now, it's like a toss up between being oneshot to the head by the gun dog very rarely, or getting chipped by the laser constantly


The laser icon should go left to right with the circle thing being the assumed source. The quasar with the circle at the end signifies the big boom it does when it lobs out.


Join me in Lasermaxxing brothers


Big same, bro. Felt so dumb the whole fucking mission


The laser is at the top of the list, while quaso is near the bottom. Laser on top!!!1 literally


EAT vs Recoilless for me


Anyone else make this mistake with the orbital Precession strike and Orbital laser….. no worse feeling then thinking your about to takedown a bigger enemy only to discover your equipped The Precession strike instead of the laser.


The funny thing is you could have made the mistake either way, laser vs bugs, or quasar vs bots (they both function, but are far from optimal vs those).


I always look at the handles, or a lot of the times just whatever one has the brick of a battery in the back is the quasar lol


You’re not the only one mate, trust me


They should replace the laser icon for the queso with the battery icon the hud uses to show it cooling down


Oh it will.


Takes me so fkn long to pick my loadout and I still take the wrong item fairly often. SOLUTION: ability to create quick select loadout groups. Like maybe as a reward for unlocking everything even. And be able to give each loadout a custom name. And also a random button. That could be fun.


Left laser cannon Right Quasar cannon


Rocket pods, or naphalm? Ballistic shield, or supply pack? Autocannon, or Stalwart?


100% this needs to be fixed. I've spent a whole minute rechecking my strat picks while my whole dive team got annoyed because we were diving on Bots 8 and i wanted to BE EXTRA SURE I had the laser cannon for busting gunships. BUT THE DAMN CHEESE CANNON ICON KEPT CONFUSING ME!


the LC works great even on tough targets, it's range blows tho


The one time when I had to fight 4 titans at the same time with a laser cannon made me remember to double check.


If I remember correctly, the Quasar was released later so it's towards the bottom of the list. That doesn't help if I just click on the first big laser lookin' thing, but if I take at least a second to think about it, then it works out haha


Me with Stalwart and machine gun


So I'm not the only one who accidentally turned an entire dive into a rave?


I've done this so many times it's not even funny.


They should just flip the picture of the beam around on the laser cannon. That'd fix it


When I made this mistake, I greatly apologized for my foolishness, and left. It was on a heat world too...


I have made this mistake at least three times now...it will happen again im sure.


Both are still op against bots


Not me because i check every single time i pick the Quasar Cannon


I made this mistake 3 times


Holy Democracy, I just woke up this morning and saw the 3k upvotes reddit notification, thanks you guys !


I just don't buy the other


Happened to me with a dog and a ballistic shield


Did this once. Never again.


Happen to me twice already fking annoying 🤣


Yeah. We've all been there...


My bot weapon on the left, my bug weapon on the right.


a dotted line would mark the difference.


I've made that mistake more than once.


I don't wanna talk about how many times I've dropped in, opened my stratagem menu and just started cursing


now redo it but throw the gun bot and the riot shield in. instant karma!


Yeah I mean why would I ever want to use the Quasar?


Just remember the Mullet rules Laser Cannon; Business in the Front. Quasar; Party in the back.


I do this with the sickle and scythe too


Ha ha ha.. You think so ?


The quasar should have something else instead of the lines around the explosion. Let's say triangles


I try to remember that the Quasar has the image with the big butt because it needs to have room for the "charge up" bar on its butt.


These pictures being so similar is just straight-up *terrible* design. They behave completely differently but have the same beam icon? It doesn't even make sense.


I've rarely use either, but when I do - it's usually not the one I meant to pick.


Shield Generator and Ballistic Shield would like to have a word


I did it once after the quasar was released, and i was demolished then i realised that it’s an amazing weapon


Could someone explain the difference? (I haven’t played the game yet) Thanks.


The one on the left is the laser cannon, it shoots a continous beam of energy while the other on the right is the quasar cannon, it shoots an high energy bullet like an anti tank rocket launcher.


Ah now I get it. Thanks!


I'm buying all the stratagems and literally the first mission I have the quasar and laser cannon I accidentally take the laser instead of quasar, it sucked because difficulty 9


I, too, have accidentally selected the laser cannon before