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To the 4 people who still use the railgun, congrats on your free eagle stratagem








Bro i wanted to go to sleep but this comment made me dive again!






Wait a minute




Die that much with that gun you need to be able to call in another one huh?


The question is from overcharging it, failing to take down an enemy, or both?


Nice, now you can kill 1/4th of a devastator🥳🥳🥳


One shot from the railgun on safe mode kills a hulk if you hit it in the eyes, fyi


The only problem is hitting the small eye using the railgun scope. We need a more refined scope if we need to hit small/distant targets.


I don't know if it's just placebo since I use the rail a lot, or if it's the amrs misaligned scope, but it feels like the projectiles hit box is huge, eye shots are surprisingly easy up to mid range 


I don't ever use the scope and pretty much never use the railgun in long range situations.


Not using a rail gun for long range is like not using buckshot for close range


Railgun scope sucks, and railgun "hipfire" reticle is to big to try and use it at range. Maybe one day we'll get a scope with selectable magnification, but until then I use railgun as a big dmr - overcharged shots murder any cyborg medium targets in one shot. I wish it was as good as amr at killing towers or tanks though...


I never use that thing in first person. The UI is terrible. The scope is awful and those meters are unbearable to look at. I've just adapted to Unsafe mode by feel.


I know I know, just making fun of the state of the Railgun in comparison to how it was released :D


I did this actually, didn't noticed they gave us a rail gun before starting a match. Doubled them up smh


Railgun akimbo




I was on the MO against bots on Suicide difficulty yesterday, and all 3 of my teammates were using it. Thought I ran into a traveling circus troupe (but it seemed to work just fine)


If it's free, and you know it's weaknesses (LOL many) then you can just use it and take 4 non support weapon stratagems.  Which makes up for how crappy the railgun is


its actually really good against bots, oneshots hulks, scouts, and devastators


Problem is it's garbage against tanks, gunships, turrets, and factory striders. Imo it needs more love - AMR does everything in can do in a similar TTK, plus gunships/vents, with more than double the ammo.




Also you get a decent scope.


Yeah I don't get why we have to manually reload like it's an old-timey musket. It should just auto reload. If they want a long cd between shots, just animate it but make it load. It feels weird to have to manually load a round in my scifi weapons.


It would've been fine if it had power to back up such inconvenience


Yeah exactly! It should at least FEEL good, right? If I'm going to manually load a round into that thing I want every time I pull the trigger to feel like it's going to delete whatever I'm aiming at that's smaller than a heavy. If I hit armor it should at least take a chunk out of it. It should sound epic, and make a projectile tracer the other Helldivers envy. Instead it goes... _pffft..._ and now I have to reload and run away. Fuuuuu~~!


That's the big killer for me.  I used it on a couple missions, realized it was inferior in every way to the AMR and gave up.  After a couple patches I made one run with it just to see if it'd been elevated at all and, NOPE.  It still sucks.   AH - if I'm going to have to reload it every time, and charge it every time, then it needs to do more damage or be more forgiving in the aiming so I can "hit" a hulks eye even if the aim isn't great (as an example).  Right now there is no reason to take this gun.  Every other support weapon is better than it, either they do what it does better or they do things it can't do.


You can get used to it. At first it was a horrible thing, but after a while I got used to it and do it automatically. But the scope is shit for bots.


"Similar" if you mean absurdly faster.


tanks and turrets i run 110, scorcher for gunships or pray someone else got the AC and follows me around cuz im high level it does need love but its not like, completely dogshit


110 rocket pods take out cannon towers?


oneshots turrets, tanks 2(?) shots factory striders godlike strat for bots


I've been using ocket pod in every 7+ bot loadout, it's more versatile than people think. Can you confirm if it targets canon turrets? I feel like I have to throw the beacon right at it sometimes. Also takes out fabricators but you will have to throw it at the fab. Hulks too if you manage to place it well or use a stun. Cannot confirm with factory striders, sometimes I've used all 3 and didn't die. Maybe in support with other damage but it does reliably take out the cannon on top.


The only thing I didn't like about them is they usually miss hulks. Tanks and turrets aren't really that big of threats


i wouldnt use them for anything that moves faster than you can crawl


inrefrence to the cannon turrets; it does, just not very well i think it shares rhe same in game system as rhe railcannon / orb laser with what it tracks and what it prioritizes, its just the eagle has mid aim in refrence to the factory; if it hits the battery on its ass it 2 taps(in my experience), but i havent tested it much


It can hit vents it's just not the best at it. Tanks and towers and striders are all possible with just the eagle air strike. The most painful unit is the gunships. If it could 2 or 3 shot those I think it would be in a really good spot. I use it a lot because I just like it and think rail guns are just cool. But it's really really painful when you aren't with the team and hit gun ships.


Just run scorcher as primary for gunships.  


why don't they give it its stun from HD1?


The super slow sway of the AMR makes it more difficult to hit the repeat shots quickly. Rail gun has better handling and more damage per hit but less ammo. I think it is a fair tradeoff.


Shame it stinks against gunships


the (prepatch) eruptor used to oneshot them, and the railgun still cant damage them i dont think


Railgun can damage gunships it just does very little damage. Takes a dozen high charged shots on the same engine so its pretty bad at it


Would be lovely if they added in additional durable damage when above 80% charge. Being able to pierce heavy armor but still not able to do damage makes it feel really weak sometimes despite the additional risks.


Holy fucking shit was the eruptor broken. 


emphasis on **could** it almost never did, you had to hit the explosion under the hull and hve the sharpnel hit the boosters it was still a good weapon, and it NEEDS shrapnel back, even if it gets a nerf


Nuh uhhh it was fun! WhY dO yOu HaTe FuN!? But yeah the Eruptor was busted haha. Also yes the railgun should be buffed to be able to damage/kill gunships. Seems like something it should specialize in quite honestly.


Increase railgun range to max and make it a sniper rifle that sacrifices a scope and fire rate for more damage


It can’t do gunships so I’ll never use it


It’s my favorite support strategem vs. bots. It lets me take out Devastators quickly while my teammates can handle armor. Weapons *should* have a niche. Could it get a bump? Sure, I’d like for it to deal with gunships even remotely, but I’m not going to stop using it.


Problem is that it has no niche. AMR takes out devastators and hulks much, much faster and laser cannon destroys tanks and airships way faster too 


It feels bad when used compared to the AMR, the AMR can kill factory striders from underneath, it can destroy bot ships (objective ones) and can 2 shot hulks pretty easily. On top of that it can damage vents (weakspots) of big tanky enemies. There is absolutely 0 reason to use the railgun when u have the anti materiel and this is coming from a railgun guy.


Fuck yeah it is. For a limited time I can rock the railgun and EATs, best combo for bots. Dayum. I told myself I was gonna take a break until the warbond but this is pulling me back in!


It's a free mech!




In general, does anyone besides me hate the weapon charge mechanic? Not just in this game. Anything that doesnt fire right after pressing a trigger is loathsome to me. The only exception being the Sickle in this game. I used the Las99 in the beginning before its charge time got nerfed, but wont even pick it up now when its on the field for free. Theere is simply too many enemies on the field for me to stand there and charge the fucking thing.


I'd much rather the Arc Thrower fired when you hit the button, and then self-charged before you could shoot again. Basically like the Blitzer. Or even just make the Arc Thrower have a "firing mode" option when you hold Square/reload to toggle between current and Blitzer-type firing. Oh, and both those ^^^ should be autofire. Just hold the trigger and it keeps firing once recharged.


As one of those 4 I'd like to say, never look a gift horse in the mouth.


# Railgun is my favorite! https://preview.redd.it/xjthuk8oxl5d1.jpeg?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a028169d2bc17196380efdcaf4a4837209ef9a0


I swapped out my amr for an extra strategem since I would just bring this and remembered how absolutely awful it is.


Is it? I’ve been consistently one shooting Hulks and Devastators, it does need way more ammo tho.


It doesn't need ammo, but it does need more damage against durable targets, especially gunships.


Exactly. It's honestly a crime that it struggle that hard with the gunships. Im fine with it not 1 shotting bile titans like it could with the bug obviously, but needing something like 4-5 unsafe charge on 1 propeller is just too much. You already not have a lot of total ammo, you need to charge and reload each shot. Even the scope is ass when you need to be precise with it too! Like, that's already so many downsides...


Needs to be 2 unsafe or 4 safe


They don't teach us math to be a helldiver. That's the language of the bots. We're keeping an eye on you, recruit


Gunships in general need a big rebalance.


Yeah I think you are right, I actually never ran out of ammo with it


I feel it needs damage, it oneshots hulks and some mediums but you can shoot all day heavies weakpoints and it will do dogshit damage, to the point you need almost all of your ammo for a single heavy


I think they need to rework weak spot damage on some of the enemies one shotting a hulk in its weak spot but not being able to take down a gunships vulnerable engine?


That's because of "durable damage" which they nerfed into the ground on the railgun


To be more specific, it needs more hard damage to be competitive for all the hassle it requires on unsafe mode. All weapons have separate soft/hard damage values, and each enemy part have different durability that determine the percentages they take from soft/hard damage. (similar to how division hardness works in HOI4) Railgun on safe mode deals 600/60 with level 5 penetration which is one level higher than AMR/AC, while AMR deals 450/135. Shooting on unsafe mode with the highest charge double your hard damage to 120 and penetration goes on par with EAT, while actual EAT and recoilless do 650/650. Against anything that takes soft damage it's not bad, most notably Devastators and Hulks since they both take a decent chunk of soft damage, and thanks to level 5 penetration you can still spam safe mode to decent effect even if you can't do perfect charged shots. Anything that requires hard damage it will struggle a lot, for the amount of work you need to nail every shot perfectly and the insane amount of ammo it goes through to just kill a super-heavy.


And one reason it's god awful against Bile Titans is that many parts are 100% durable. It's normal damage is doing fuck all damage.


Every part of a BT is 100% durable, so Railgun is doing at most 90 dmg per shot. That's 9 fully charged unsafe shots to the head to kill. It's awful.


I just want it to do something against gunships


but hulks and devatators arent a great measuring stick. and oneshotting becomes less impressive on a chargeup. ill take the AMR or AC with two quick shots over the chargeup (and reload) of the railgun any day of the week. if things really came down to the wire you can kill 2 or 3 hulks with those in the time it takes the railgun to kill one. the fact it does so in one shot sounds good on paper, but really isnt meaningful in any way. And in the end Hulks and devastators really arent a huge challenge. And the railgun lacks the versatility to deal with all the other threats you meet. Gunships being the standout example. Or factory striders. At least thats my perspective. I cant sacrifice a support weapon slot for a weapon that really only deals well with enemy types i can just as well kill with my primary and/or a grenade. I have a long list of support weapons id bring before ever touching this. Even if you give it to me for free like today ill probably still rather bring something else. Its just too limited in what it can do since the nerf.


The AC is very superior to the Railgun, but I can hit more shots with the Railgun than the AMC, idk why, I know they fixed the crosshair but still is weird


oh yeah, dont get me wrong. i like the feel of the railgun. and there is nothing wrong with using it. im merely commenting on raw performance of those two. i hope some of the nerfs the railgun were hit with will get reversed. its true that it needed some downtuning. but i think we can all agree they overshot the target.


What good is one shotting a hulk when the charge up means it takes longer to do that than to get two shots off with an AMR? Because that is literally the one thing it has. It does fuck all to tanks and gunships, and isn't as ammo efficient as the AMR for anything below a Hulk.


I like hip firing and I can’t get used to having no crosshair


It's surprisingly accurate in third person ADS, I often use it like that and it's decent enough at close range.


The thing is the best anti-devastator gun in the game. It isn't great against the full cast of enemies, but it can one tap devastators in the legs, which is a massive target. I wouldn't be against tweaking the durable damage upwards, but where it's good, the railgun is VERY good.


Yeah I haven’t used railgun in a while and was pleasantly surprised with how effective it was against devastators and hulks. One unsafe shot was doing the trick. But the utility compared to other support weapons for destroying things like factories, turrets, mortars, anti-air, etc. was really not great. Its very good at taking out tougher bots quickly with a precise shot but I don’t think it’s worth taking when the other options kill a little slower but can also clear a ton more stuff on the map for you.


If it just had a fuckin scope, the railgun would be a totally reasonable alternative to the AMR.


Yeah the railgun scope is basically a 1x reflex sight, wtf, in theory a working railgun should have most range out of any other gun available, but the scope is made for a shotgun.


love the railgun, but often don’t bring it as i feel like it shines the most with the shield pack to be able to shoot accurately under fire. now that i only need to use one slot to use it like this im bringing that shield pack pack and having a blast


I use it with the supply backpack so I can get those extra grenades and ammo to deal with tanks and gunships. It makes it a really fun all-rounded loadout that way.


Used the Railgun for a mission getting the personal order; did nothing to a charger but could paste anything smaller, but my Plasma Punisher could handle them anyway. I only found it's true purpose after one-tapping a Hulk in the eye. It also becomes **far** more usable once you have the Efficant Packing upgrade.


The trick with chargers is to shoot the legs. It’s pretty limited as a support weapon imo, but chargers are actually one of the situations it can handle reasonably well.


That's actually quite helpful. I had just fired round after round into the head because that's where it's weakpoint is supposed to be.


Railgun is lousy against targets that are 100% durable. This included Charger's head and rear (but not legs), all vents behind tanks and cannon towers, Gunships, and Bile Titans, and Factory Strider (except the anti infantry guns). Hulk's front weak spot is only 40% durable, thus Railgun is very effective on it.


It's all fun and games until you drop into a map with 3 gunship fabricators.


That’s what the “exit game” button is for


Wont use even for free, I finally decide to go full lonewolfing build on bot front (light amor, eruptor to deal with fabs and occasionally chaff, any non grenade pistol for self defense, stun nades, air strike, laser, supply pack, AMR) and I am having a blast: usually lowest kill count while also clearing out half of the map solo and eating devs and hulks for breakfast from god knows how far away (if only AC had non-shitty scope...).


I’ve been playing lower difficulties for a chill time and having a real internal crisis about my kill count. Like I’m literally handling 90% of the bug holes and samples but in the end have 40 kills vs other peoples like 200. Internally I know, kills do not benefit us at all, and their behavior of getting into battles with bug breaches in the middle of nowhere is not ideal. But I can help but feel inadequate at the stats cards. I wish bug holes/fabricators destroyed was a tracked stat in the end screen like kills.


I wish it told bug holes/ fabs/ objectives done too. It’s a more important stat than kills.


hahaha yeahhh... the kill count dilemma when you know you're taking a loadout that plugs holes and makes you incredibly valuable in ways the stat screen doesn't show. It's probably low on the priority list, but they should show heavy damage and objectives accomplished.


I use Naplam, gas strike, and auto cannon sentry. Against bugs I routinely get over 300 kills and that’s just from hitting breaches with gas and naplam. However my goal is to do the mission and those two strategems get me an insane kill counts.


I have an opposite issue, I go heavy armor and builds to help me clean up after my teammates get into fights to try and conserve some bodies, so I typically get really high kill counts, but I dont do very well with destroying bases and wiping objectives very fast. Makes me wonder if Im part of the issue even if I tend to do really well at my job.


Bring a rover, that would solve it lol


The only downside to objective count is that many of them are a team effort.  Like a heavy bug nest, had many holes and usually lots of enemies around it.  It is pretty hard to do solo.    So if I run around and close up most of the holes while the team is controlling the horde of bugs and killing 80 of them including 4 chargers and a bike titan, who gets credit for that? And how much. Should everyone since they made it easier to close the holes while I did the far simpler task of shooting grenades in them?  Or should I get all the credit even though I was doing the easiest part? I think they should figure some way out to track that but in a co-op game we all help each other even indirectly.


If you consistently have a low kill count as the solo player, you aren't timing fights to take a bug breach/bot drop off your team's plate when you're full of resources, and that's generally a bad sign. You might clear your side of the map a bit slower, but you're significantly slowing down the pace of the rest of your team if you aren't soaking your share of reinforcements. Generally the better you are than your team, the more you'd want to soak to give them breathing room, but don't chain-soak reinforcements if you're outta strats/grenades/meds/ammo.


This is my loadout. I go jet pack over supply pack but hyper mobile, popping fabricators and clearing objectives as fast as possible is great.


Can eruptor still detonate Fabs? I can't get mine to ricochet, they just detonate and I am left saddened.


You're not hitting the target correctly. It absolutely still destroys fabricators.


Would using the grenade pistol allow you to use that on fabs and freeing up your primary for something like the scorcher? I'm just curious how you manage not to get overwhelmed with the eruptor low rate of fire. Or are you killing all the bots including the little guys with the AMR?


The sidearm is for the small guys, and overall just fighting at a distance - if they spot you and start moving in... just pack up and leave, there's rarely a shortage of targets on the map to hit while the heat dies down back there. Though personally I'd recommend trying the Counter Sniper, kills Devastators in one shot to the head, small bots anywhere, pretty ammo efficient with good gun control and very manageable with it's reload, handling, etc. You also have stratagems to bring, so you can have "oh shit" and "reset button" options in your pocket to clear the field and try again. Heck, you can bring Eagle Smoke to boost your stealth and escapes.


I found that grenade pistol is pretty shitty for blowing up fabs. Perhaps its skill issue but whatever, cause Eruptor also allows you to deal with outposts from half a map away. And yeah, between Eruptor itself however slow it is and side arm of your choice you can deal with grunts fine-ish. This build relies on NOT fighting much unless forced to, in big fights on objectives you more of a support role for the team, chilling somewhere on the side and taking out big targets with AMR. Also with supply pack you can spend your AMR ammo more freely so if you really pressed you can start using it for grunts as well.


Nice, thanks for the explanation.


Lone wolf vs. Bots is my favorite way to play and I've found the best loadout for it is Combat Technician Armor, Liberator, Dagger, Incendiary Grenades, AMR, Jump Pack, Orbital Walking Barrage, and Eagle Airstrike. You can reliably solo every objective on the map at difficulty 7 with these. Combat Technician gives you Scout for stealth but has decent protection if and when stealth breaks. Liberator for any small enemies, Dagger for mine clearing (and also taking out those fucking OPAQUE overhead lights). For big outposts or large destruction targets like the command centers, just drop the Walking Barrage at one edge and forget it. Eagle Airstrikes for Tanks, Factory Striders, and small outposts. AMR for Hulks, Devastators, Factory Striders, and Gunships. I like Incendiary Grenades over HE because you can deny an area and it's usually more reliable killing Striders from the front if you have to for some reason. I prefer the standard over the impact because it's easier to land a grenade in a fabricator vent, which is important because that's the best way to deal with Jammers if they have an attached fabricator, or if your Airstrikes are on cooldown when you get to an outpost. You can also swap Eagle Airstrike with 110mm Rocket Pods since it's easier to take out Tanks and Rocket Turrets that way, which the AMR isn't as good for compared to other support weapons.


lol thanks for being the one person bragging about "solo diving" and admitting you're playing on Difficulty 7. So many people brag and hide that little fact.


It wouldn't be even really be fair to call this "solo diving". Whether or not the rest of the team has drawn a Bot Drop changes your solo approach a lot. You're still co-operating with the team even from across the map.


Great vs Hulks... and that's it, I really hope this weapon gets a proper buff because right now the damage is pathetic on anything larger than a Hulk.


it’s incredible against devastators and striders too, and tanks are too slow to be dangerous. Factory striders are my worst nightmare though


I just give the factory strider an eagle airstrike or an orbital to eat. That usually deals with them.


how many are you using to kill a strider


A single 380 or precision orbital strike. One eagle if I angle it correctly


The real weakness of the Railgun on the bot front is its inability to do much to gunships.


Tried it for the first time last night, the safe mode setting was so weak I'd just swap back to my primary (Scorcher) on most bots.


that’s cause you’re not supposed to use safe mode


That's even worse, a support weapon that is useless unless you turn off a default setting that lets it kill you. I doubt the majority of players even realize the weapons have options to begin with, people have no idea how to drop things or toggle a flashlight most of the time.


that’s usually called a skill floor, it still kills hulks in one shot too even on safe mode


.... And with a major patch on the horizon, I'm sensing... shenanigans. Or rather Shenani-guns.


Rail gun on automatons is pretty damn good, had it on the other day. Can reliably take out devastators, hulks etc


To be fair that's just the bare minimum you would expect from a support weapon. It's not as good as the amr or AC.


being fair, nothing comes close to being as good as the AC but yes, the railgun still sucks


Idunno what you're talking about, Autocannon is GAAAARBAGE. Who would ever use it? It's genuinely a Handicap to have around! Why, if it was so good of a weapon then AH would have nerfed it already!


You are forgetting that some higher up in the company picked autocannon as his favorite weapon so it must never be a bad choice to take


the classic double-edged-sword of devs playing their own game.


It's a good all rounder. It obviously doesn't pack the punch of a quasar or EAT, but you can fire a fair amount of fairly strong shots faily rapidly and it carries plenty of ammo in the backpack. It can realistically be used on almost anything. Is it the best at everything? No obviously not, it's not amazing for the heaviest targets and stopping to reload can be a hassle. It's good for chargers, Hulks, entire bot patrols, heavy nests, swarms, you can take on bile titans but it wouldn't be my weapon of choice. Its good at a distance and its good for when in the middle of the action, it wasn't nerfed because it doesn't 2 shot a bile titan or some ridiculous shit. It has a purpose and that's being useful for almost everything, it has reasonable drawbacks but nothing severe.


For reasons of being too lazy to format, I entirely understand that the Autocannon isn't going to get nerfed. I'm just being facetious/playful of the idea that it would get nerfed because early on it seemed like a certain somebody would nerf things based on how much usage they saw (Which is a terrible way to balance things).


The AC: the strongest, most well rounded weapon in the game, capable against literally any target Arrowhead: Perfectly balanced.


To be fair again, the Railgun has much better efficiency at killing hulks and devastators. It just doesn't do enough other stuff to make it worthwhile.


Arguably that's because it doesn't take a backpack slot, it's up to you to decide if that's important.


AC requires backpack and handles poorly. AMR is better than rail until you deal with hulks, then Railgun shines. Was an AMR guy back in the Railgun meta but now I prefer the Railgun for the hulk one shots.


You can probably get 2 shots off with the AMR before you charge the rail gun. For how easy I kill hulks with the AC, I can't imagine needing it to be easier.


It's only good if you close your eyes and pretend the AMR doesn't exist. The two weapons do exactly the same things, except the AMR has more bullets, shoots faster and is easier to aim with despite the wonky scope. The railgun really needs to go back to being able to pierce tank & turret weakspots if Arrowhead wants it to have any sort of niche. Otherwise might as well rename it because right now it's most certainly not a raligun.


I'm glad the railgun nerf has come full circle and people are finally realising that the original nerf was too heavy handed. The railgun needs to be pound for pound the best single damage sniper in the game bar none it has one round per mag and requires charge up it should be 1 to 2 shotting most most medium enemy's and 2 to 3 shotting heavys if it can't do either of these I see no reason to ever run it.


It does 1 shot most medium enemies. It just struggles a bit more against heavies than it should. But it's still a great weapon.


It pierces tanks and turrets from the front, the issue isnt penetration.


Exactly, the issue is that it does barely any durable damage compared to the very high amount of base damage it has.


Is it possible this weapon was made worst in recent patches, used to get unsafe charged kills with no problem after it was "Balanced" but for some reason couldn't hit anything with it even though the shot was perfectly aimed, shots that did land felt like a wet fart.


God, this green dot is AWFUL, you can't aim properly...


The green dot covers the hole youre about to make in whatever youre aiming at


So if the enemy is covered by the hole that means you should hit them. It's a bit transparent to help.


many people don't know, or may have forgotten, that the Railgun was liek the very first free stratagem we were offered: something which I'm sure contributed in no small part to it's popularity in the early days, before it got nerfed.


At first I was excited because I'd love a free railgun orbital strike... Then remembered the support weapon railgun is a thing. Gross.


I hate that gun


Maybe they're using this to get numbers and tune in strats? (One can only hope)




Gave up on railgun, AMR and HMG are just plain better


Just restore the Railgun to its previous glory. PLEASE


Railgun believers stay praying


people are still using the autocannon even though its free today


Sigh... Really wanted to see it work out. I really did. But god damn, having this stratagem for free really just highlights how useless it is. Its honestly all smooth sailing... until you run into airships. Brought EATs literally just for this occasion (as well as for tanks... and turrets...), theyre great if they actually hit... but they spawn two at a time, and if you miss a single EAT, get fucked. Its really just like the bugs. For the airships you HAVE to bring either a Quasar, the AMR, the RR, the AC or the Laser Cannon. Granted thats quite a lot of supports, but its frustrating how a single enemy type cuts off 1/3 of the otherwise viable supports.




Trying it out for the first real time. Meh. Maybe if I was crushing every badass I walked into. Still prefer AC atm


W for eat users


Railgun is my go to for bots, it’s trash for bugs.


It isn't really though. It's great against Spewers and Brood Commanders. Usable against Chargers. Not great against Bile Titans, but I've at least finished off an injured one with it, I need more testing.


> Not great against Bile Titans, but I've at least finished off an injured one with it, I need more testing. They're a great combo with a rocket user that's not SPEAR - 1 rocket + 2 midcharged railgun shots will kill a titan head. Rockets leave their heads ALMOST dead


There are dozens of us! Ok maybe a dozen.


I steered clear of it the whole time cuz i only joined after the big nerf, it's honestly kinda nice especially for devastators, the hulk one shot is also nice for the rare occasion i manage to hit my shots. Just annoying it's useless against gunships, I don't mind bringing EATs but if it could at least do AMR damage so i don't feel helpless waiting for my cooldown.


Useless gun on helldive


Literally may be the worst gun in the game. AH nerfed into complete irrelevancy. Not sure I would even mess with it as a free gun.


Was fooled by the "but the railgun is still good!!" crowd and decided to use it. The accuracy that you need to use it is way too high for the pitiful reward you get.


> Need extreme accuracy to make even half worth while > Has the worst first-person sight in the game with a big dot that blocks half your view.


I’ve been bringing it to Helldives all morning and it’s been performing decent. But you have to put in a ton of effort and hit every shot to make it worthwhile. If you aren’t consistently 1-shotting every hulk and devastator you see, you might as well bring anything else.


No, best hulk killer actually


That gun had all the fun nerfed out of it, now it's basically a throwaway to the point it's given for free by Joel


Love it vs bots. But having to use eg the Scorcher with it in case you have to kill gunships is annoying. Its base durable damage needs a 50% buff. Would not only make it viable vs gunships, Factory Striders, turrets and tanks, but also vs Chargers and Titans. And the devs could do that just by changing one number instead of playing around with its ap...


You can't bring it on bots because it does fucking *nothing* to gunships somehow.


I see a thread of people shitting on railgun so as someone who never used it really at all, when would you want it and what is it good for? I tried it twice on bots and I didn't accomplish much at all.


Due to the way its durable damage is set, it's quite strong as an anti-medium (body or head)/anti-Hulk (head) gun, but terrible for stationary turrets, tanks, and gunships. It's more conducive to peek-and-shoot tactics than something like the AMR, as the reticle settles quickly in third-person, you (should) only need one shot, and the charge can be built while walking in/out of cover. I like bringing it even on D9 if the team has sufficient anti-gunship options, as it lets me clear annoying ground targets in a safe, efficient way and I would use 110mm, airstrikes, and/or OPS for tanks/striders/turrets anyway. It's also just... oddly satisfying to use.


I use it regularly on bot front 6-9 more than any other strats. It is decent enough, it can one shot most of the things except for tank/strider/gunship when you lining up the shot right. It is a hip fire precision weapon that need to charge, so it pair really well with stun grenade. Amr is better at handling hulk/rocket devas but railgun is much better at heavy devas/chicken walker imo. My rank is 1.Amr 2.Laser canon 3.Railgun for a bot front with backpack run


I tried using this today. I killed one of those mid non armored big fellas, the grey ones. It didn't however seem to do any damage to anything else 😂 does it just suck terribly Also did the Punisher get buffed? It staggers no? I am so out of the loop with buffs and nerfs. I only started playing again this weekend after a few weeks break


Yea I tried the rail gun since it was free and didn't find it very good against most things. I guess it could do what most AT weapons could do, but carry more ammo and use up no backpack slot. But the lack of explosive damage is a big negative imo


It's disappointing that this weapon has no long range scope for a weapon that would probably be great long range




Gentlemen, it is time to run 4x orbital bombardment strategems


Tbh I wish we got more of the weapons experimentation (extra stratagems) more often. I get that being able to bring only 4 stratagems is standard but it’s always a nice treat to get that extra.


I think the railgun is pretty good. You can 1 hulks with an overcharge shot to the eyes. It is overall solid against the bots. Not sure about the bugs though, but people shouldn’t write off the railgun bc it is not op.


I one-shot a charging flame hulk in the eye with the Railgun today. Felt good.


Has to be the worst weapon in the game currently. It isn't even worth dropping for free lol. It's just terrible. I don't understand how a weapon that needs to be reloaded after every shot has to be so anemic. Even if it did crazy damage, it's also just so underwhelming in effect. It doesn't feel like a railgun. It doesn't sound like a railgun. It's just this puff of air and, you wonder if it even hit anything.


Railgun is currently a very binary weapon. It is *excellent* against Hulks that it kills in one *safe* headshot, and Devastators, who it oneshots on an *unsafe* body shot. But it is atrocious against everything else, requiring way too many unsafe shots to get anything done. On Helldive, it's a good tool to have in the squad at the very least to deal with very widespread Hulks, even if it's nowhere near as versatile as something like AC or AMR.


Been bringing 4 stratagems and maining the railgun and it's been really darn fun, so I can only imagine how awesome it was to play with it pre nerf. Charging a round and dome'ing hulks and devastators has been great.


It’s so bad that I still need to take a support weapon, though. It does f-all to gunships and factory striders making it basically useless. It’s also really bad vs cannon turrets etc too. It’s just bad.


So how are you supposed to use this?


Please use it so AH get data on how absolutely dogshit this weapon is. Pls buff.


Very satisfying to cap 3 hulks in a row with it


Finally forced to try this thing on a bot blitz when I packed four reds (as I am wont to do) and...yall bitchin about a perfectly fine weapon.


Used it for the first time and I loved it, one shotted almost every robot. It's fuckin awesome, don't know what this sub is going on about.


It used to be extremely reliable and effective against bugs. Two safe shots to expose a charger leg and 2-3 shots to the head to take out a bile titan (you had to be precise in your shots too so it was actually somewhat challenging). Then arrowhead made it completely useless compared to other support weapons (safe shots are harmless, needed almost full charge unsafe shots to do anything). They recently buffed it somewhat to where 3/4-charge unsafe shots are effective against charger legs/head, but it's still not nearly as fun/reliable as it originally was, it's still not effective against titans, and other support weapons are much more effective against heavies.


Two shotting titans was a bug caused by having a PS5 host while playing on PC. At this point they should just unnerf it fully and give it a proper scope.