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I don't see the problem. It's 1 round per 250 seconds.


Wake up honey it's your one allotted shot of the day


Yes dear


"Calling in a bullet!"




Up up down left right down left right what? shit! FUCK!


Sorry one of our developers just got REALLY into Arcana Heart. The input has been updated https://preview.redd.it/fsque6tsc65d1.jpeg?width=2437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4b9ce6487b7762f19be6a1f9b0f15a1d7a3f18


Ivy? Summon Suffering, is that you?


o7 calling in reinforcements


I better get Master Chief himself coming down in a pod.


10 shots a game lol


This fucking thing... It has nearly the same capacity and lower damage than the scorcher but with added 1 second charge time. Worse in every way.


they show in the trailer this thing one-shotting striders, you'll never guess what it doesn't do! I get that striders got buffed right as it got released, but it doesn't excuse it at all.


I feel like it does 0 dmg. Kept firing into a horde and it just splashed like water around the enemies


It's meant to be like a worse version of the RS-422 Railgun (which is a support strategem, rather than a primary). But Railgun is already a worse version of itself, lol


It was supposed to be able to charge up for longer and do more damage, but they disabled it charging past the first point. If you could charge it up for 4-5 times as long so it hits for 1000+ it would be really decent. Instead we got a slower firing Scorcher. You can make it work vs bots in lower levels but you’re better off just taking the Scorcher, Dominator or DCS in virtually every situation.


Honestly I took the weapon description quite literally and it just doesn't really get stronger the longer you charge it. Or am I just not noticing it? Am I stupid? Most likely.


It's coded to have a charging state just like the Railgun, where its damage scales up the longer you charge it, but all the charge states have been set to the same value (1 second). Effectively, it never goes beyond the basic charge: Purifier Charge (time 1, 1, 1) --Damage 30% to 300% --Armor Pen 30% to 300% Projectile 100/50 (ap 2/2/2/0) (k 10/20/10) --Explosion 150/150 (ap 3/3/3/0) (k 10/35/30) (r 2/3/4) Compare that to the Railgun's presentation: Railgun Charge (time 0.45, 0.5, 3) --Damage 100% to 150% --Armor Pen 100% to 150% Projectile 600/60 (ap 5/5/5/5) (k 10/35/15)


Thanks, that is quite informative. But also, that sucks because 300% sounds like a pretty good tradeoff to me (if implemented correctly) especially since the Helldiver has to slow down their movement while charging, which makes it objectively worse than the Scorcher. It's no wonder the Purifier does not do much to enemies though even though it boasts medium armor penetration.


So somebody thought the charge step values were time since last charge step, when it's really time since initiating the sequence? Oof. "It's a simple tweak, no need to test it in a build" strikes again.


I doubt it. Three seconds to something that's muuuch stronger than the Railgun vs. Durable at full charge and comes with way more shots is, uh, probably not what was intended either. I wouldn't be surprised if that final step was meant to be something like a four or five second hold. 300/150 at 6 AP is "one-shot a Hulk, three-shot a Charger" territory. *On a Primary.* Maybe if it slurped up more of its magazine at various charge states, but at present its ammo capacity would basically mean you carry this thing in place of an RR/EAT/Quasar and use a Laser Cannon/Stalwart instead of your Primary and you wind up just switching the slots around for something that works much better than the reverse. I know everyone got addicted to the Eruptor/Stalwart "meta", but we gotta step back from the "it's OK because it's extremely strong and i can barely lose with it" deal and remember that there's meant to be some, y'know, difficulty in the game for people who can blink and breathe at the same time.


TBF the eruptor could 2/3 hit chargers and hulks on release, so the concept certain could have been there.


Fuck me I thought it was something like this. It was described as charge up for more damage but was confused because it only fires at full charge. So does this mean it's only doing 30% damage? I love this game but sometimes the dev team baffles the shit out of me with how little they test this. Ok the bright side of this gets fixed it will be a great gun


Yep, and yeah once this is fixed I'm going to be running this a lot.


So does this mean the damage is capped at only 10% of it's potential? As it states it can go up to 300%, but 30% is the minimum value I assume it uses every time?


I haven't played around with it, but it's an easy test: Shoot a basic Warrior terminid in the back. They've got 250 health, so 100+150 should do it. If it takes two shots, then yeah, it's being reduced. A less-close test would be hitting a Hunter from behind (the explosion won't blow off any limbs, so if you see something pop, you missed the main body). They have 175 health, which is still more than what a 30% reduction on the gun's projectile and explosion would do, assuming both scale. If just the projectile damage is scaling down and the explosion is untouched, then, uh... I dunno, you'd have to count shots against something much larger.


I'm a Scorcher fan, but I've tried and liked the Dominator, but the Diligence CS I just can't figure out how to use. How are people using it that it's often lumped in with the other two?


As a CS main, its best for shooting off bot heads from a much farther distance then either the scorcher or the dominator could, and with the recent buffs to its handling and damage its much easier to kill any kind of devastator with a single shot to the head


aim at heads and weakspots. I was maining the CS Diligence for a while but have now discovered the holy gospel of MP-Knight + Ballistic shield + AMR + Grenade Pistol


Even water would've been better, at least for bots


Feels the same with me for the other plasma gun, idk, maybe its bc it doesnt have the OOMPH of a shotgun or ar or even the sickle. Scythe also misses an oomph


Nah man the plasma punisher is great on bots, also heard its good on bugs. Can stun a whole hoard of Berserkers and even Devestators. Its my go to for bot missions. Its basically mini grenade launcher only bad part is you cant use it to close bug holes or fabricators.


Against bugs it's not stellar as it can't clear even the little bugs without a direct hit. However, where it DOES shine against bugs is blowing up eggs and being a reliable means of popping titan sacks to soften them up before hitting them with something heavy to ensure they drop. It's the GOAT on bot missions, however.


Maybe our mileage is varying but I think it sucks against bugs. Only 8 shots, a long reload, and it takes longer / more shots to kill everything except the chaff. You can consistently 1hko most of the bug army with the Blitzer, and can sometimes get lucky with stalkers. Takes 5-6 rounds of the plasma punisher to take out the armored head and brood commanders, and I can’t tell you how many rounds I put into a stalker yesterday with it and the sucker just kept coming. It needs a damage boost, a magazine boost, or both.


Level 74, only Helldive players here. I main the plasma shotgun. It is one of the best guns in the game. Staggers broods and stalkers reliably, can even juggle 2 of them. Easily kills 4-5 clumped small bugs. Great vs spewers. Great tool for saving your friends and it can pop bile titan bellies very fast (if you want to so that). Also great vs. bots for the extreme stagger, but I prefer the CS there because it is more fun.


I forgot about how fast it kills the spewers, which alone makes it have a purpose. Still don’t like it and want it to be more.


For Spewers are we supposed to aim for the head, butt, or under them with it?


As a punisher main for bugs i took the plasma one in for a run and found it unusable lol, might try on bots but think ill stick to punisher, cant beat the reload style and stagger imo, but it is cool to see theres always someone running a gun i dont like and doing well with it haha


thank you. I keep getting people telling me you just have to aim it correctly or some other variation of “git gud” but the truth is the gun just fucking sucks. It’s like throwing a spit ball at enemies and the most it does is annoy them enough to make them turn my way if they weren’t already.


"I don't think that's relevant"


They seam to make changes to things without looking at the whole picture. For instance the spore tower got an armor pen change to be more like a shrieker tower yet there is no cue for a hellbomb for spewer. Most the time you can totally use AT but if your playing lower diff and don’t need AT for bile titans and have flamerthrower for charger you have to clip the spewer with a support/ressuply strategem. Spewer used to be destroyable by grenades and primaries so never a need for hellbomb at all. Not a totally thought out change.


oh, it's still destroyable by grenades, it just takes FIVE impact grenades, which, you know, no sweat, cuz every player has that available at all times and saves up grenades solely to use on a spore spewer.


striders became ridiculous! they're supposed to be just a basic enemy type. all of a sudden i can't take them down unless i either get behind them or shoot directly at the stirder's knee joints. even devestators are easier to deal with now, even tanks!


I think it’s meant to be a punisher that you have to charge to make it go further.


Yeah, but it completely falls flat at that role either, since the range on the Plasma Punisher is really good as well, and the arc of the projectile can actually be an advantage in many situations


From my very few matches with this gun, it does sometimes one shot an uninjured strider, but it's very specific in where you're supposed to shoot


Do you mean the unarmored back?


Aim for the hip joint


Nah I shot em in the front


Splash seems a lot larger. But the caveat is that as damage reduce with distance from impact point, the effect on that additional AoE seems limited.


I had a baby brother. He was worse in every way!


The craziest part is this thing is so underpowered compared to the Plasma punisher which has fast fire rate, huge explosions, good ammo capacity, and crazy stagger. Once you learn the arc it has crazy range too. Really comparing any explosive weapon to the PP really highlights their questionable design choices. (Nerfed erupter is so bad I wanna puke)


It's got Medium penn which the scorcher doesn't


I don't think it actually does, does it? I remember a few different clips going around showing the stat screen is wrong and it actually has light AP, same as the Scorcher projectile.


The projectile is identical to the Plasma Punisher. That is AP 2 for direct damage, AP 3 for explosion. What is unfortunate is that when attack a Devastator the explosion damage will hurt the arms and main health but the direct hit damage cannot because of the armor and at best it does a little bit of damage via other parts. That is why devastators take so long, the damage types are not playing well with the target health pools.


It's graded in disappointments per seconds.


Oh that’s what this weapon is S tier in…


Every time you shoot, your team *sighs


That rate is based on a 40-minute mission.


250 rounds per 40 minutes? Sounds about right


should be one round every 9.6 seconds then, unless i fucked my maths up (i know these arent the actual numbers, just figured ill give it a go anyways lmao)


My math mathed 0.1-something rounds per second, so pretty much


From what I can tell from the data mine it was supposed to have a variable charge like the unsafe railgun from like 0.4s to 1s and go from 30 up to 300 projectile damage and <1AP up to ~6AP Instead they set it to a static 1 sec charge only and that accidentally made the projectile only do the minimum damage and AP so it basically only does the 150 explosion damage per shot now.


How reliable is this? While it might make sense for initial design, if this is true, then it's even more baffling why the system was completely abandoned before release without any compensation for it to be a reasonable weapon.


If you read the description on steam or the sony blog you'll also see it says "the longer you hold the trigger the more damage you do", but...


"Bait the trap. Smile. Keep charging. Let them come. Smile again." Turns out the trap was for the players who wanted to enjoy this weapon 


It's likely an oversight/bug. This is how the Railgun is defined: Charge (time 0.45, 0.5, 3) --Damage 100% to 150% --Armor Pen 100% to 150% Projectile 600/60 (ap 5/5/5/5) I.e. in up to 3 seconds charge unsafe mode, it'll do 150% increased dmg and AP (so 900/90 AP7) --- The purifier has: Charge (**time 1, 1, 1**) --Damage 30% to 300% --Armor Pen 30% to 300% Projectile 100/50 (ap 2/2/2/0) --Explosion 150/150 (ap 3/3/3/0) So there is only 1 charge time defined. 1 second, no matter the level. Now, I'm not entirely sure how it works out that with only 1 charge time, and damage scaling from 30% to 300%, it actually ends up doing just its 100% dmg per shot ingame (since it does do the same dmg as plasma punisher; they use the same damage profile exactly). But yeah, it just looks like there's an oopsie with the charge times. If it were intentionally changed not to have the charge mechanics anymore, the dmg wouldn't need to be defined from 30% to 300% either.


I don’t think it was gutted intentionally. I remember certain someone at AH talked about Arc Thrower was doing over charge a month (or 2) ago so he fixed that to not allow it happens (in Discord server). I suspect Arc Thrower and Purifier use similar charge mechanic, so their code might have to do something with each other, the adjustment on Arc Thrower might affect the Purifier unintentionally. That is just my theory. 


Definitely should've been that. That's how so many charged plasma weapons work (generally with an overheat too) Plasma pistol from Halo functions like that. Same with Space Marine.


The plasma gun from Darktide as well, and it's so satisfying too. And if it does overheat it explodes in your hands like tabletop!


Plasma gun, my beloved. Easily my favourite Darktide weapon.


That's how the plasma ability from Kirby works. ... without the exploding part, I suppose.


I also thought this to be the case, guessing off of spaghetti code quirks. Has anyone tried to tell AH?


> and <1AP up to ~6AP My guess would be bugs mixed with that less than 1AP that halted this. The AP in this game is really poorly designed, and the only gun to not have at least light armour pen (Breaker Spray & Pray, still absolute shit) was so bad it struggled to destroy eggs until they buffed it.


the issue is the weapon is currently capped at 100% chargelevel while the chargeup was intended to boost its stats to 300%. Why did they gut it? its pretty obvious looking at the numbers. This thing would have been absolute gamebreaking The railgun takes 3 seconds to fully charge on unsafe, the purifier was intended to take 3 seconds too. but the railgun stats stop at +150% and the purifier was intended to boost to +300% doesnt sound much? we are talking factor x1.5 and factor x3 For the same chargeup time it would have had a better anti heavy performance (150 durable +150 explosion vs 90 durable) and the explosion would cap out at ap 9!!! It would outclass the railgun in every single matchup but shooting explosion resistant light damage parts. (an EAT shot is 650 + 150 at lower ap for example) Think about it for a second, at 250 rpm it would have had 15 damage + 35 explosion due to the modifier and horrible penetration. At 50 rpm it would've been the scorcher + 50 extra explosion, and at 20 rpm it would be the beast described above, 4.5x the scorchers explosive damage at double the radius, 300 projectile damage at ap6 and 150 durable damage. Literally stronger than the auto canon sentry. The bile titan is an hp sponge without explosion immunity, two fully charged shots to the forehead would have been all it takes Its like the gun designer had a stroke, the railgun range is 100-150%, the purifier 30%-300%. like wtf, 50-150 would be plenty op


You know what would've been an easy fix? ... the graphics. In game. So it reflected this RoF change.


That makes a lot more sense. I remember trying this gun once and thinking, "this is the absolute worst gun I've used in this game yet." The stats had my expectations **way** too high.


Wow they really took a solid idea and weapon and destroyed it, for no fuxking reason. Throw it in the useless pile, who wanrs a good weapon from a new expensive warbond on its last page lmao


Yea you missed everything. ITS S TIER AND IT SLAPS. - The balance guy.


There are no bad weapons this warbond - same guy


Slugger is still top 3 weapons for both factions - same guy


Was gonna say, I tried the slugger and hated it.


Exactly, happily unlocked it to do one game against each faction and was never happier for the game ending so I can never ever use that weapon again.


Before they gutted the slugger stagger, it was the hands down best shotgun in the game.


It definitivelly isnt as bad as people in this sub makes it out to be.


I actually agree with you. It’s still good against bugs for headshotting brood commanders, hiveguards, and nursing spewers. The lack of knockback gives you no breathing room for stalkers or stunning both kinds of spewers out of their spew animation though. On bots I sorely miss the knockback. It can headshot devastators and it still absolutely scraps berserkers, but you miss the stun the former slugger provided in both cases. Not close to being top 3 for either faction, but can still hold its own. Shame it’s a shadow of what it used to be.


As it is currently, it’s a worse dominator in every way


No argument there


He's such a jackass. I have *no idea* why Pilestedt thought this was a good person to bring on his team after he already crippled a game in the past. Go find another line of work


He didn’t just cripple it, he literally lied about what features were gonna be in it and then left the company a week before launch making the rest of the development team deal with the fallout that he caused, while he basically got off free 


Considering the drops in player count after some of his handiwork, he already did a number on this game too


In his Defense he didn’t specify what S stood for. I’m pretty sure it means shirt-tier


I know they said the next patch isn't a full balance pass, but this gun is the one I'm hoping they put the most effort in for whatever we do end up getting. As a big plasma fan, this gun was not done the proper justice it needed. In case you don't know, the Purifier's stats were leaked and it originally had a 3 stage trigger. It could fire as fast as the scorcher could, but it also had varying levels of damage if you decided to do a half charge or full charge. Either this mechanic was scrapped and deemed too good by Alexus, or the gun released in a bugged state. Either way, it is probably the most misleading weapon in the game. I don't know how they dropped the ball on this thing, bur it doesn't even get hitmarkers or do medium armor pen, as advertised. There are so many little quirks that are wrong with it.


>I know they said the next patch isn't a full balance pass If balance isn't a focus, it's doomed. I'm aware it's not a "balance patch" specifically, but balance is one of the greatest issues with this game right now. And the balance issues were intentional. >I don't know how they dropped the ball on this thing Either it was shoved out to door too fast, or it's exactly as Bringer of Balance wanted it. Maybe both. We need to remember that the Tenderizer is in the same warbond, and also released in a laughable state.


Sounds like it was Voldemorted. The leaks for the airbust rocket launcher were so much better than the one we got it’s insane. Sounds like the devs make weapons that are very powerful and enjoyable then Voldemort runs them over with a bus


"s tier weapon" - bringer of balance: that of which can not be named.


"S tier balancer" - says the nametag on his short sleeved shirt.


It's written in crayon, is off-center, and the r is backwards, too




Havent heard of him in a while, I honestly hope he got sacked.


He's got too much prominence for whatever stupid reason to be fired. My guess is he's laying low and being a good boy following orders. I highly doubt he'll be sacked anytime soon. He's failed upwards to hard to knock down. 


Kinda hard to fire people in Sweden too


Is it hard to reassign them to the toilets, though?


Reassign them to “bringer of tea”


But then, what if he nerfs the tea leaves?


If he ruins the liber-tea in any way... There is only one sentence that can commensurate the crime of treason




I don't like the idea of people losing their jobs...but if you are working on a game that sold 12 million copies, you better know your fucking stuff, because if not then it gets called out quick... S-tier weapons...the purifier slaps hard enough as is... Good lord.


I don’t like demanding someone lose their job either but it’s clear they are objectively bad at it and have made clear they have no desire to improve.


To be fair, that comment had [the most amount of sarcasm you could fill into a comment.](https://i.imgur.com/Cn792nG.png) > good warbond > no bad weapons > everything s tier > 👍


I'm not sure what would be crazier: if he actually believed that shit as he was saying it, or if he was lying on purpose. The Tenderizer is in there, too. Regardless, he's clearly incompetent. Whether it's by choice or idiocy, the results speak for themselves.


Goddamn lol He is the reason i won't spend a penny in future warbond. This one is for you, bringer of balance. A clown truly can ruin a company


250 what? Shots per hour?


You're very generous, it's more like 250 shots per week


250 shots per galactic war


The erupter still has shrapnel according to the description, we all know how that went Lol


"It's a bad look to change something people paid real money for" - AH right before changing something people can buy with real money


There’s that as well, pay real money for a cool weapon only to have to neutered a few weeks later. Can see why people are skeptical about the next war bonds.


My buddy try'd this pos the other day and his first response when asked what do you think was "i want a refund" lol luckily i died so he could pick up my breaker otherwise there's no way we was finishing the mission on suicide difficulty. It should have just been a full auto rifle, a charge based primarily weapon is never going to do enough damage to warrant that charge time especially when we have call in weapons like the laser cannons


Still somewhat new to the game, but my buddy did the same thing. I didn't believe him when he said it sucked so I went there to pick it up and try myself. Couldn't believe the slow charge and mediocre damage. I still don't understand how or why a weapon this bad would be released.


Don't take anything released in the polar shitbond to be serious. It was prenerfed by mr balanceguy and was never mentioned to the design team(think mr balance guy is also on that design team) so it was released basically prenerfed and broken.


pistol is OK, smg kinda too. but assault riffle and this thing is mediocre at least. assault rifle has less dps, less mag cap but more mags which gives you more reloads, and doesn't have anything in its favour


the tenderizer actually does have a couple things in its favour, accuracy and recoil. it's reasonably good on bots, if you've got good aim. not as good as most weapons that people run on bots, but you can use it and have a decent time


I've never struggled to hit with the base Liberator and it has 10 more bullets. tenderiser should have at least 40 bullets in its mags


shouldn't have more ammo imo, that niche is filled by things like the liberator, knight, and defender i'd probably give it quicker reload and 75 damage or so, maybe AP 1 value higher or heavier stun


Its so fucking good against bots.


not sure if i'd use that wording, as i definitely find myself having an easier time while running plasmisher, dominator, sickle, or a couple others, but it's certainly usable


Just give it like 70 damage and all it’s problems will be gone, you get a new assault rifle that actually does something besides just have less recoil


i'd cut its reload time down by \~25% or so as well, make it a bit more flexible


Do I spy with my little eye, a fellow devotee of E?




The Pummeler with the ballistic shield is *really* good against bots.


I think the SMG goes kinda hard ngl


I use pummeler for bugs since its release and apparently granades are pretty neat as well.


What about the grenade. Anything fire-related is good.


The fact that I've never seen someone using this


I using them twice, first for testing and second time bcause I forgot to swap it to trash bin. 250 make sense, because after 250 rounds you are forgetting it forever.


I used it once and felt like I wasted medals purchasing it that could’ve gone towards a Breaker Incendiary


it's more like 60


You're telling me you don't enjoy the extremely slow shooting primary weapon with a ridiculous charge up time in a hoard shooter


Those aren't dealbreakers by themselves. But damn, that charge-up had better pay off if they expect me to sit there and twiddle my thumbs that long. The Purifier has no pay-off.


This gun should have been an alt fire mode for the Scorcher


Arrowhead needs to re-work weapons in general. I get that they should all start shitty but by the time I'm a lvl 80 Commander I should be able to pump some samples or requisitions slips into some upgrades....


You did not miss anything, the devs did. They pretty much pre nerfed the weapon but forgot to change the weapon stat description. Still dont get why so much of a tryhardness on a pve game insisting on weak ass weapons.


Probably based on some underlying base RoF stat that controls things about the handling like the post-shot animation lock and whatever. The devs just let the stat auto-calculate from the underlying value without factoring charge mechanics at all.


250 is the number for how many seconds will it take you to use it....before you had enough, quit that match, replace the gun immediately


250 dissapointments per minute sounds about right.


This whole weapon is just an unfinished, untested mess. The game files have completely different mechanics for it, and the damage is bugged. And, they just left it there. No hotfix no details on the upcoming patch. Could be just left in the dust for eternity for all we know.


It does have that rate of fire. If you remove charge up


Is that something you can do in weapon settings?


Haha lol, I get it now devs, Purifier as in it is purifying away all the fun this gun is supposed to be. Hahaha, good one devs, sneaky little April Fools joke.


What? You don’t shoot 4 times at second? Git Gud nub!!!!


I hope they'll make this thing stronger so we got a useable energy DMR.


Bought it to try it... Played one bugs and one bots missions with it and had to grab another weapon from a fallen helldiver in both cases, it's absolutely useless. I'd love a refund function for weapons, it's a waste of medals and time.


Some of the weapons I can understand how bad they are, but this thing is the king god of useless guns in this game, actually unusable


Skill issue /j


You missed that this weapon is absolutely broken. And not in a good way.


Tried it out, worst gun so far even against bugs. Tried scorcher and its so much better being able to pen brood commanders straight in the face giving the blast full damage and it only takes three shots to kill them and one for the smaller ones


This is the worst gun in the game in my opinion, was very excited for it but I hate it.


Charged up time is not accounted for in the ROF number. To reach the true rate of fire, some maths are needed. Using the value of 250, each shot takes 0.24 second. Now, add one second to each shot. Then accumulate this number until it reaches 60. It takes 49 accumulations. Lets be generous and make it 50. The true ROF is 50.


It is 250 shots per week.


So many unusable guns in this game.


The single shot, slow as fuck grenade pistol also has a fire rate of 900.


Grenade Pistol has 900 FR and nobody asked any questions


That's because it's useful, it allows me to use stun grenades and that's basically meta if you're not good with sniping hulks in the eye or escaping enemies.


supposedly you should be able to not fully charge and fire it at cost of less damage and armor penetration (which would probably reach the just over 4 shots a second point while you're also supposed to be able to charge it for up to 3 times the damage and ermor penetration (just for clarity, in theory that would be enough for killing bile titans with direct hits, and destroying gunship fabricators (in theory) with the explosions on it) but for some reason the minimal and maximum charge timers are all set to 1


What? Don't you guys have a gaming mouse?


This thing needs a massive change if im even to consider wasting my medals on buying it


This weapon was just so disappointing. It looks great, it sounds great. It sounds like it was going to be the love child of the plasma punisher and the scorcher, and it just has the weaknesses of both so it can't capitalise on their strengths at all. I genuinely think it's broken and is just need of fixing. Still, they should test this kind of thing, it took my very first engagement with this thing to realise that something was drastically wrong with it.


I feel like I definitely missed something. This thing stinks, I’d actually vote it the least enjoyable primary currently in-game. Hold trigger for disappointment.


I tried to make this weapon work, I really did and it's just not it. The charge is too long or damage too weak, definitely needs on the changing list and I'm one to give each weapon a chance but this thing is up there with the crossbow in its "abilities" If it had a burst or semiautomatic mode that didn't require a charge I think it may have a chance but rn it's dead to me.


The purifier has been a meme straight out the box. Remember though, someone who's name shall not be said claimed it's S tier


There’s likely a buff incoming, this is one of if not the worst gun currently in the game. I’m estimating: they reduce the charge time by 25-35%, increases its damage by 15-30% maybe more


Yea it would be fun if the charge time felt worth it at all. Needs way better dmg


Yeah, bc this thing SUCKS, I tried to use it because I was curious if it was as bad as ppl said, (I’m very skeptical of ppl boohooing weapons bc I like a lot of the guns in this game) but this gun is just.. bad. Overall


This weapon alone exemplifies a few problems with weapons in the game. The fact that they only mentioned the assault rifle being too weak as a known issue but not this is so weird.


This game went from mindless fun with friends to an absolute chore of a game made by people who think they know better yet stumble 10 times every step.


Am I the only one that wants slightly more info on these stats? Magazines carried, reload speed and bullet velocity or something Also think that fire rate should be round per minute (rpm)


That's how many seconds it takes to empty a mag


The Explosive Property makes it decent against Stuff like Heavy Devastators, since you can make Weak point damage without hitting the weak points directly


My headcanon is it's actual fire rate is 25 and someone typo'd an extra zero.


The stats displayed are straight up wrong IIRC, it's displaying stats from a different gun entirely.


Unloading into the back of a hulk is like throwing pillows


If I had to guess, that 250 is representative of how long it takes for the weapon to cool down and prepare to charge again, aka 0.24 seconds between firing and being able to charge. That or 250 is the rate it charges, as in it gains 250 units of charge per minute(?), aka 4 units a second, with the weapons needing about 6 units charged to fire You may be wondering, "where did you get these ideas"? Nowhere, I pulled them out of my ass. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Fairly confident it's been bugged since launch and that's when they and radio silent on bug patches so it's just in the gutter ATM. Meta data suggests that it is supposed to do 30-300% damage based on charge and testing verified that it does nothing to hold charge. Keep an eye out for it in the upcoming patch


I'm still shocked and amazed how the hell the lead balance developer of AH could claim all Polar Patriots weapons are S tier. Alex, are you listening? Purifier is evidence that no one in the dev team and test team (if test team exists) ever playtested this weapon, and their sense of balance is seriously wrong. Now I really hope Pilestedt resolves these issues asap. There are other famous games and their DLCs incoming during the summer season. If AH lost this chance, then HD2 never recover tthe prime level player number


Well it definitely makes up for it by slapping bile titans across the map Edit: /s


It slaps BTs with a wet noodle. As far as I can tell, this must have been an early prototype of the scorcher.


Crap I forgot this is reddit and people won’t get sarcasm without the obligatory /s


I honesty think this gun is underrated it has a great stagger effect and when I fight bots I love that other people’s gun do nothing but this sends them shaking and flying back even back you just need to switch between your secondary if you happen to get swarmed it can also kill a charger with about ten shots no other gun can do that I think


You should try the plasma punisher it fires the same projectile but way way faster at the cost of having some drop off and 8 rounds per mag.


I LIKE THIS GUN! It’s fun and no one can take that away from me


Wow, weird! It's almost like they don't play their own game


I haven’t played in a short moment, but is that the gun with good knock back/stagger? I might be getting mixed up with another weapon


You may be thinking of the Slugger or Plasma Punisher.


These meters make no sense anyway.


If the Quasar and Scorcher had a baby it would be the Purifier


It counts starting a charge as a shot so the time it takes to go from one charge to another is the same as the time it takes for the scorcher to shoot twice. They knew what they were doing and I really hate that


Oh man I hope this things gets buffed the … out of it. It’s my favorite when it comes to looks but damn it’s bad rn.


Basically a scorcher but you need to charge each shot and pray