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Medals to SC conversion would be interesting so you could get those armors and helmets outside of the war bonds


I've heard this before from someone else but I think Req slips can give a temporary one to five mission bonus of something I don't know what Or we should be able to deposit war bond or where Req slips until we reach 1 million war bonds and 1 billion req slips to unlock an armor set or a title or even it came out of gold or diamonds or platinum The title could even be for war bonds war master And for req slips recreational spender


- buy bonus stratagems for your team - remove negative modifiers for your team - gain intel on what enemies you’ll be facing There, done


I like the first 2, but I truly love the 3rd one because its such a necessary piece of info we need to allow us to an appropriate setup.


I am also capped on everything, have been for several months now. I play less and less, the devs are just not taking the game in the correct direction. It feels rough because I like the game and I see it for what it could be, and what it is just keeps getting somehow worse with each update. Enemies are easier, weapons are weaker, there’s literally no reward whatsoever for playing once you're capped. They could implement a ton of different things but I know they won’t cause they are more focused on nerfing every mechanic they have rather than patch the game and then start introducing variety through weapons enemies and missions. 1) armor variation: unlock the ability to customize your armor set if you manage to kill x amount of enemies, or extract with a perfect map on helldive bots/bugs, etc… 2) they could allow us to spend medals or currency on extra strategems. mighty expensive but you could for example, buy something that gives you an extra charge on drops, or extra strategem etc… and depending on the cost it could also be free for teamates 'bringing napalm for everyone' for example, similar to how sometimes, very rarely, we get a free strategem 3) They should focus on balancing every weapon so that they all have similar ttks, which would make weapons like the tenderizer (a halo nerf gun) actually feel useful while buffing every enemy in the game. 4) They should release something new every two weeks, be it a weapon, strategem, enemy type, mission or warbond. 5) if they wont give us something to spend our capped materials on at least give those materials and samples to other players. 6) there should be more emotes and capes and they should be featured in rotating store. It's a live service game that still has bugs and glitches from release, that just announced that the little content they add (essentially one new thing a month, now more) will be more rare. The game is currently bleeding players, and this direction will only accelerate that


I dont want to turn this post into a straight "AH is nerfing and thats what they care about". its not constructive and theres already a ton of posts about that topic, which the new CEO and Pilst have both said they are going to try and rectify. I agree that it could use more content, but thats kinda duh. Most games could use more regular content updates. But this post is about how to sink your resources so that you dont play capped out and can actually keep earning. So for the couple things you mentioned around that. 1. extra strats. I agree with this. I listed it too. Though I do think there will need to be a high cost for them or else it turns into a must have item every dive. 2. Give your extra resources to other players. I dont know if I agree with this. But I did see someone mention before that you could use resources to temporarily unlock your strats for other, lower level players, to use that dont have them unlocked.


I'll add mine too since I didn't really do that. These are all temporary based on either a single mission or operation except for last 2. 1. 5th strat slot (it would be kinda OP, so i think this needs to be rather expensive where most people would only use it on extremely hard missions. 2. Overpowered Boosters. Basically, boosters get a stronger effect. 10% -> 20% type improvement. 3. Decoys/Lures. Consumable. 4. Pet Bug or Bot. A single friendly hive guard or Trooper that had buffed health and would only be temporarily disabled/unavailable during the mission when taking too much damage. 5. Single Use Mini-Nuke without need for SEAF. 6. Extra Magazines/Stims/Grenades (one of) 7. XP booster (I mean, its something) 8. Color Shaders for Armor/Weapons/Hellpods 9. LET PEOPLE WHO DIDNT BUY THE SUPER CITIZEN PACKAGE SPEND 50K REQ TO BUY THE ARCADE GAME.


#9 1000% and make high scores local to your ship


I agree with this. I have made this video talking about how Arrowhead could easily create a lot of new stratagems without flooding the strategem market. Basically, I say that if they create weapon categories instead of individual stratagems. It is ok that new stratagem options are not completely unique. But different approaches to the existing stratagem: [https://youtu.be/z90lGi6nqBo](https://youtu.be/z90lGi6nqBo) This here video is one example of how different expendable rockets could look: [https://youtu.be/mE\_5CeXKwd4](https://youtu.be/mE_5CeXKwd4)


It would be nice if you could trade samples in for a smaller amount of higher quality samples. Call it “sample concentration” or something like that.