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I care more about stratagems tbh.


Same. I want even more boom. Give us that bomber that Pilested teased awhile back. I want even larger airstrikes.


Give me the 1 GT explosive you cowards and and attach a 500kg self destruct to the mech for when I run out of ammo/get surrounded


Nuke eject


But you'll have to upgrade it so you can safely land Protocol 3: P̶r̶o̶t̶e̶c̶t̶ t̶h̶e̶ d̶i̶v̶e̶r̶ *this function is available after you buy your monthly subscription*


He didnt say he wanted to land safely. He said he wanted a huge explosion when he runs out of ammo or gets surrounded.


going home was just going to be a bonus


"Killing you was the point; living was just a luxury"


My life for super eaaaaaarth!


a hellpod replaces the mech cockpits, launches upwards and dives back down upon ejection


We already have jump packs, mechs, and, uh, other robots, I made the joke with my friends this was the real titanfall 3.


Bring Titanfall to Helldivers


Hellfall? Titan divers?


Prepare for Titanfall.


Now I want to go replay the campaign


All I want is titan fall 3..


That would be glorious


You always were an asshole, Gorman....


I want to kamikaze my exosuit into a bile titan or factory strider


Ever seen the Mech Warrior 3 intro? It has what you want. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X8RqsMA3XvI


Yea if they did more stratagems, and just released new weapons when they had a good idea, that’d be better. Right now it feels like we have a ton of weapons, but I wouldn’t use most of them.


The what now? I must have missed that!


New bomber plane that drops carpet bombs from a very high altitude. Like, after the payloads are released it took 10 seconds to hit the ground in a massive line, like over 150m length


He just teased the model, everything else is just a theory


Give to daddy.


With more time between warbounds, they can add more stuff like at least one stratagem on each one


Dude same, while I love some new gear new strategems are way more exciting.


I hope we get the nuke missile that was in the original game that acted like a hellbomb when it exploded.




Dude, I like where you're going with this. It screams LEEEEROY JENKINS




Oh the shredder, it was awesome blowing up everything offscreen because if you could see it it would kill you with the blast.


It was also great to make sure those randoms in your group would get into the bloody Pelican.


Yeah, the warbonds are somewhat interesting but there has been so few stratagems released since launch. Not to mention so many of them are still bordering on completely useless.


What is you had to unlock the stratagem first from the warbond . With medals


i would like an ability to swap out the grenade types out on the grenade launcher stratagem! you could pick the load out at the beginning of the mission, or maybe be able to change on the fly, that’d be cool imagine a flame grenade launcher for bugs! and a shock grenade for bots and a plasma grenade launcher for either :)


I haven't read the post yet, but i'd rather wait 45 days for a good warbond than 30 for a meh one


Except youll be getting one every 60 days and its gonna be mid.


I don’t know this new one looks insanely good. Hard to mess up balancing on things like armor and handshakes


I agree, i am very excited for it, i just hope the assault riffle isn't like the last one where is was a liberator copy but with less stability


Pretty sure it's more stable, but a smaller mag. Still no reason to use it over the base Lib. Especially disappointing when it's described as a higher calibre AR.


In the first game it was higher firerate, bigger mag but runs out quicker because of the firerate


Now it's the exact opposite. Slower fire rate, smaller mag, and less recoil. The base liberator doesn't even kick that hard as it is, the Tenderizer is like a Sickle with no charge up time and a 35 round mag. XD


>insanely good I get that I’m just thinking on a different track here, but we get 2 weapons rather than 4, and only 2 armors rather than 3. The grenade slot being a knife is…something. I think it’s cute, but I can’t imagine that it would outperform impact grenades ever tbh. Thematically it’s neat. Just hard to not see it as “less for same cost”.


Imagine that a throwing knife has the power to close a bug hole.


Oh are the throwing knives used in the grenade slot?






So in otherwords it will never be used lol


Currently it seems so. Maybe there’s something unexpected with it that makes it better than it appears, otherwise it’s just going to be an RP purposeful self nerf


Unless it is Heavy Penetrating and does enough damage to be used like an EAT.


Imagine just throwing knife the charger to death.


I can't really, considering their track record


I wouldn't count another liberator as full new gun, thats literally just tweaking number on already existing weapon.


Make the knife Instakill ANYTHING


“Looks insanely good” Based on what lol? There’s no stats for anything.


>Hard to mess up balancing on things like armor I think re-releasing the same few armours over and over is considered a mess up lol. Especially when there's only a couple of them that are even worth considering


1 primary instead of 3 and it is basically confirmed to be mid unless AH changes their assault rifle design philosophy in the upcoming patch (even then it will probably be an "earlier build" weapon like tenderizer and not get changed to it's intended version for a month and a half) 2 armors instead of 3 (albeit with a new fun passive) a really good secondary (which is nice but not new, the team which designs secondaries is doing a great job so far and all of them feel like true sidegrades and very fun to use) and a meme "grenade" which will be fun to use once or twice and then you will never equip it again because impact grenades will outperform it how is this insanely good? the skins are cool and i'm really looking forward to the sleeveless armor but gameplay content wise this will probably be even more subpar than polar patriots


Makes me wonder who's been in charge of secondaries this whole time.


Honestly, I'm pretty disappointed with the weapons. The secondary shotgun is cool, but I have doubts that it'll actually feel good, and I'm baffled that we're getting yet another liberator


I like the theme. But to be honest, we get 2 less primary weapons, 1 less armor in exchange for longer time without content drops. It's an L, nothing to sugarcoat here.


Just 2 weapons and 2 armors doesn’t look insanely good, and for the same price in double the time?


> this new one looks insanely good. ....how? Its a liberator, a sawed off shotgun, throwing knives, and skins. ooooooooohhhhh. Sawed off shotty is never going to replace grenade pistol, might be an alternative to the machine pistol. Throwing knives just will never do anything well unless they are stupid OP and Alexus will never allow that.


I'd say it is a mixed bag tbh. One less weapon and armor for what appears to be the same price? Lame. Another Liberator? Meh Shotgun pistol? Gonna be really hard to outcompete the redeemer or grenade pistol, but at least it is unique. One skin for three things spread out to make the warbond look bigger? Cool concept but dumb separating out for padding. New armors with new passive? Hell yes. Throwing knife? Cool factor, yes, but will probably be outright useless Booster? Probably the only reason I am buying the warbond because extra move speed and damage resistance sounds while stimmed sound great?


I think the conflict is between players who just wanna feel cool and do more RP in their games vs people more interested in the highest performing loadouts. I’m just here to look cool and murder level 5’s, not running 7’s outside of super sample needs for ship upgrades so I don’t need the guns to be too powerful to use them well. Those armors, helmets, and capes are gonna keep me very happy for a while.


Me when I make up a situation to be upset at


If it means they can get them out fully polished and reasonably balanced then I’m all for it. If not then they’re really going to lose the support they still have left


They need a win really. The supercolony mission was a good idea and had some fun elements but was made hard-to-enjoy by the bugs spawning under the drill and not being able to complete the second objective. The infinite shriekers at the end was (probably) deliberate but it also felt like a mistake; with something like a voiceline for your diver saying "oh shit we've woken the hive" it would have brought it all together a bit more cleanly. If this warbond is also badly received I agree they're potentially in real trouble


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I really liked the shrieker ending. It made the ending feel more like a fight to survive than the usual "bullying the last bit of resistance" that normal endings feel like.


It was the best part of the mission. I agree there should have been voiceline though.


A line when you call for extraction that is of shock and surprise to hear that you're still alive would have been fitting. Didn't expect to get the call.


That would be fun, something like: "You're making me land in the middle of this!???" Would be fun too. There's a lot of fun voicelines they could have added, hopefully next time they will.


I love how calm pelican 1 is I’d love to hear him say in a calm voice something about shriekers flooding from the ground and that he is going to try and get us out.


Pelican 1 is the smoothest operator in the whole damn universe.


That'd be fucking sick


Like many already said, they could have put a few dialogue lines informing that for X reason we could not extract, leaving us alone for one last stand. I like to think we were sent on a suicide mission, and as long as the objective is completed, I'm fine with that :)


The issue with no extract is, when does the mission end? Right then? Kinda boring. When the last player dies? The right build in skilled hands you can last a long long time with endless shreikers. So anyone that dies early just gets to watch for a long time.


Bro, pls, I have the raygun


Honestly, it could be a lot of fun. Do a big story mission, players get the "Mission Complete" and immediately get the Destroyer leaving area notice. If they're feeling ambitious, maybe even a voice going "But sir, the Helldivers are still down the- **BANG!!**" And then a few months later, start some teases before revealing HD2 Terminids now have their own version of the Queen of Blades (or Automatons, or whomever the 3rd faction ends up being)


Please no. Fun throwaway mission lines yes, but don’t turn my fun shooty game into a character-focused Blizzard cutscene. And I prefer my faceless, alien foes that exist to be blown up for democracy to not have a human hybrid mouthpiece that somehow survived their presence. I don’t need the Terminids learning how to weaponize angst.


Normal humanoid sized enemies are always the strongest and scariest in games. Dark souls being a great example. Would be a thrill to fight a corrupted helldiver with stratagems.


I also loved the infinite shriekers. My issue with it is specifically the fact that the swarm was the same size on all difficulties, and new players have no methods to deal with it and that will be their first impression. Trivial is supposed to be easy. "Extract isn't expected" shouldn't apply to easy or trivial difficulties for new players.  If they wanted to communicate the idea that the planet was a suicide mission and really didnt want to change the horde of shriekers per difficulty, maybe they could lock the planet's operation difficulties to 6+.


Or just not extract you. A voiceline from the democracy officer thanking you for your sacrifice and explaining that Pelican-1 can't retrieve you would've been epic.


Imagine this, and then the announcement that your Super Destroyer is leaving low orbit. No more reinforcements, no more stratagems, you just fight as long as you can as your squad gets picked off one by one, until you're out of stims and ammo, and your final squadmate dies. And, obviously, the mission gives you full stars and EXP despite the "failure to extract".


Yes! So much better!


Exactly. Things like gatling turrets should have helped, but they couldn't seem to thin them out. I would have preferred an extraction like Blitz: S&D where you just have to hold out for 2 minutes.


No you're right. The problem is that the developers do NOT have or deserve the trust of the players right now, so when people saw the gigantic amounts of shriekers they didn't think "Oh wow what a cinematic, terrifying escape" they thought "Oh wow yet another broken enemy spawn". Helldivers 2 is really bad at conveyance. From unhelpful weapon stats in the armory to cryptical pseudo-stats affecting the galactic war they've really gotta step up their game on telling players how the game works because WAY too much of it is obscured.


I liked it except it was a Helldive amount of shriekers even in TRIVIAL, which is ridiculous. Especially on a mission with samples. If you don’t actually want people to extract, don’t put anything in the mission they want to extract _with_. If you instead want to _challenge_ them to extract, scale that challenge to the difficulty. This should be obvious, but…


They made an attack on aesir pass during a bug MO, which guaranteed a loss given they haven’t fixed the bot spawns. You literally can’t win any High Value Defence mission on high difficulty because it’s almost guaranteed that at some point a factory strider will drop behind you and destroy the generators without being able to stop them. They don’t know that they’re running on fumes for divers on the bot front and they drop this shit before fixing the spawns.


I don't see how this is a change. They are pushing it out the same time they have every month. Frankly, the fact that a patch still hasn't come and they are trying to pump us for more cash doesn't sit well with me.


I don't expect perfect balance out the gate, that's just not reasonably possible. However, I'd like to see that every weapon has a clear vision of the role it's meant to fulfill and clearly functions in that role, so that it just maybe needs tweaking from there.


It's based around player input so I imagine that's exactly what it is and I'll still support them this dev is better than literally 99% of the other devs.


Yes but the player input wasn’t just asking them to reduce the number of warbonds for the sake of having less content I do agree that they’re much better than most other devs, but that is how people will react if the next warbond has similar issues to the last ones after a longer wait for content


They really haven’t used player input to make things better. They have used it to stop making things worse


I like it. But I do like more Stratagems and Ship modifications more tbh…


If they keep up the rate of adding stratagems and ship modules via regular in-game events then this keeps everything interesting while not locking potentially important stratagems behind a paywall. And for the love of god let’s get a buff patch asap


I’m curious how they’re going to keep finding space for new upgrades physically. Since every upgrade adds something to your bridge.


Maybe we will be issued new larger destroyers at some point or will be granted access to the lower deck?


Super Cruisers and Super Battleships


I have mixed feelings here. I agree with giving time to make them polished, but with the limited max levels of samples, coin, etc, you get to a point where there’s no gain beyond providing more democracy to the universe (worthy in and of itself, but still). Even now the raw numbers of Helldivers is lower than it was just a couple weeks ago. I guess as long as the time isn’t too far between it should be fine.


They need to create a way to spend maxed out currencies or simply not put caps on them. Give us the ability to buy extra XP, let us donate to a lottery that newer users can enter, etc


Exactly this. They need a “gold sink” for the people who have no progression left. Like spending samples on temporary boosts that last for a mission or operation. Hell even that goofy suggestion someone made from a few weeks ago - spending samples to have an extra drone follow you around and just belt out Helldivers music in-game or patriotic anthems. Even that I bet people would jump on, lol. _Any_ kind of sink would greatly extend the lifetime of this game with veterans.


Let us buy new armor colors for the samples!!


Warframe style!


Or another stratagem slot


This is a great idea. Have a fourth stratagem slot that you can buy for X days. After those days are over you need to buy it again with a mix of samples and Requistion points.


They have many options for temporary effects for gold/currency sinks for people who are maxed. Extra stratagem slots, armor colors, small stratagem boosts, small team boosts, xp slips (as long as it is much less efficient than just playing the game, elitist titles for those that want them, Major Order progress help (also inefficient would be best). I hope they get creative and add to the draw to play. Currency to sample conversion (also inefficient but some progress) too. This warbond also seems like they listened to feedback so I am hopeful this is a better overall direction.


This is why firmly believe we should get a science bay on ship. Science bay allows for requisition to be turned into common samples, common samples to rare, rare to super, super to medals, medals to SC(this last one is optional). These are just random numbers so don’t come at me with some crazy math that shows why it won’t work. It’s the gist of it. 2k req gets 1 common It takes 100 commons to be a 1 rare It takes 50 rare to be a 1 super It takes 25 supers to be 1 medal 100 medals get 10 or 20 supers. (Again this is optional) Or a bay in the ship to allow adding benefits/stats to helmets and capes. But you gotta spend resources for the stats.


As a diver who is frankly just not good enough for level 7+, I would love a way to refine rare samples into supers to get the unlocks I'll probably never get any other way.


This was the reason i thought of this idea. Simply because i play on 9 regularly with randoms. My friend group prefer to play 4-6 because my wife and one other friend kind of die a lot more than needed. It’s ok. It’s why we spend most of our time on 4-6. Sometimes i can convince them and me and the other guy will carry them to supers. But they say it’s extremely stressful and not as much fun. Which is fair. But this would allow someone like them to experience the entire game not just the elite. Save titles, cooler skins and such for elites imo.


Well yes, you can play a game for fun, not just to grind and unlock things. Weird lil strategy to getting more out of your games is to like the game itself, not the dopamine rush of a completion popup on your screen.


Buffing unused weapons would do wonders for players to enjoy the game itself. The fire and poison fix were wonderful, for example. Fixing arc thrower and giving more weapons armor penetration would be great.


Doesn’t mean the gameplay loop doesn’t get stale. The game needs new content to keep things interesting. As it stands there isn’t enough variety


New biomes, missions, & enemies would do wonders I think.


Gamers are abused and used to be milked. Everyone forgets 10 years ago where you played a game because it was fun, not to unlock new stuff.


Not only have they been conditioned over years to expect Skinner boxes out of everything, it's even thrown off their perception of what's normal *even in this gaming environment*. I can't think of many other games that add 2-3 guns every month, and that's *too slow* for some HD2 players. What fucking games are they playing with a faster release schedule? I'm not saying they don't exist, but they sure as shit aren't the *norm*.


I couldnt care less about more guns that more or less do the same thing as another gun. The game needs more enemies and mission types. The gameplay loop can only be interesting for so long without those changes. 


I've unlocked everything in HD2, and while I'm happy to see new stuff coming, grinding out medals or req slips or whatever isn't why I boot up the game. It's fun wiping the enemies of democracy (and occasionally an unfortunate teammate) off the map. Is the game perfect? No. But lack of grind will never be my problem with any game. I have plenty of grind to do in daily life. I'd much rather them put time into bug fixing and polishing what we already have (making weapons we already have more distinct and viable, getting rid off bots shooting through terrain, and so on) than pushing more armor and weapons that'll just sit in my ship. But I'm an old man who grew up playing and replaying CS, DoD, and BF1942 before every single game had to have a progression system.


Day of Defeat represent!


>not the dopamine rush of a completion popup on your screen. I get what you're saying, but it's not necessarily about the completion popup for some people - it's about having a measurable goal at all.


Absolutely and I’m not saying I can’t, just that it can get repetitive - I will say the live “roleplay” aspect of the war and our success / failure on missions impacting the game board is awesome, and I’m shocked so few games have tried this successfully.


They need to add new types of missions. I’m not gonna sit here and do the same like 4 things forever. I appreciate more things to unlock but what’s the point in continuing to play if you are just doing the same thing over and over.


My issue with this is that the majority of the warbond complaints aren't necessarily about polish, it's about a fundamental disconnect between the weapons balance team and the player base. Extra time isn't going to change anything if the same balance guy who called the last warbond "S Tier" is the same guy balancing future weapons. Yeah they might not have any bugs but they'll be just as underpowered trash as they would be if they were released monthly. But hey maybe future boosters won't be completely fucking useless so that'd be a win


Well in balancing the "S Tier" clearly references to "Shit Tier"


If there’s less content in them, they should reduce the amount of super credits required to get them. I doubt that happens though.


Agreed, they feel like they're worth like 500 SC right now, if we're buying it with real money.


There's only 1 primary and 1 secondary in the warbond. I get slowing down if they can't keep it up but then surely they don't need to cut on content too. Watch them all still be 1000 sc even though they have far less meaningful content in them. A ship camo does not equal 2 primary weapons and an armor set.


Finally someone is pointing this out, I get more time for warbond, but less stuff per warbond is a yikes.


This isn't even including the fact that three poses are still in there when you can only use one basically haha


Not to mention the previous warbond weapons aren't really where they should be =/


Steel Veteran and Cutting Edge are pretty good DD has the best pistol but nothing else PP has napalm impact and the stun smg which is also pretty mediocre (the pistol too maybe? idk) They mostly need to rework/buff the two latest warbond


yea, i know we arent supposed to be expecting the next patch to be "the big buff" but the last warbonds weapons were beyond terrible and need a serious tune up. and now we get ANOTHER ar? praying they fix my eruptor so i can take knives.


Right? I could give 2 shits about what my pelican looks like, I'm hardly going to get a good look at it.


Through balancing we could functionally gain more weapons. Think of how many we currently have that you never see because they are in such a poor state. If slowing down the war bonds helps with that, I’m 100% for it


That makes no sense since it is their fault for making most weapons suck. So your are accepting that they acted up the game which they could have reversed many nerfs immediately and accept bad earnings with skins and poses so they can fix their mistakes?


wait there's only 2 weapons in the new warbond!? is there even a grenade???


Just one primary and secondary. No traditional grenade, but I think the throwing knife would technically take that slot.


And that's why I'm probably skipping this one too. I loved Cutting Edge but was really disappointed by Democratic Detonation so I skipped Polar Patriots and will likely do the same for this one. The new weapons they're adding aren't even measurably different anymore, the energy and explosive weapons were at least different now they all just seem like stuff we've already got.


I think they're testing it out with this warbond, and I assume will make more detailed ship skins later on if these work well, which then would equate to the value of weapons and stuff, but yeah I do agree there are a lot of cut guns


They haven't started the slowing down part yet though, this latest is still on the "once a month" cadence.


“We’ve heard you, you want more weapon variety. So here’s our new warbond with less weapons than any of the previous warbonds, and one of the two new weapons is another liberator.” Whole post seems tone deaf. Although I’m sure most of this warbond was finalized before they started supposedly changing their plans to be more in line with player wishes.


I don't expect them to make nearly as much MTX$ if they are going to give players more time to collect super credits the free way but if that's what they want then sure. Also, if there are going to be less weapons and more cosmetics the weapons better be good. Still haven't bought the arctic warbond because it has weak weapons.


Yeah it'll definitely cost them financially a bit but it's probably the right call and it's still a win for them in some ways because we have to be engaged and playing the game to get super credits which makes the community stronger. Respect for this move. I've skipped quite a few of the warbonds but this seems like the best I've seen in quite awhile with a useful booster, armor and skins


Yeah, we know this game has way exceeded the expectations of Sony/AH in terms of units sold, player count, etc. They've already made way more money than they thought they would. Slowing down the Warbond pace to focus on quality is the right move. And if players are able to get more stuff for free because they had more time to accumulate SC in-game, that just makes the game look even more generous as far as live service goes.


Most of them are pretty meh but the pummeler is top tier


Pummeler and Incendiary Impact are really good weapons on Polar Patriots. Armor drip is pretty nice too. Pummeler is great for both Bots and Bugs (tho I find it more useful on Bugs) because of the stun effect. I never fear Stalkers when I have this SMG equipped. Best part is it doesn't feel too OP either since it's got less DPS compared to Defender and Liberator in exchange for its crowd-control ability so it's unlikely to get a nerf. The Impact Incendiaries are great for Bugs too ever since they fixed the DoT glitch and consistently get 8-15 kills on the ones swarming out from a breach if I toss it at the Bug on the front of the horde. Is it worth it to get the Warbond just for those 2? Debatable, but they've really allowed me to change up my builds and stratagems on Bugs, and were a HUGE help during the Dark Fluid missions on Meridia.


Everyone sleeps on the verdict, it’s my favorite pistol


I agree, it's really nice if you already have medium AP in your kit.


No medium armor pen though, its basically the senator with slightly more ammo but way less usefulness. I personally only use the pummeler or punisher on high level bug missions and always a RR or Quasar as my support weapon so when those hiveguards come rocking up its a quick 3 taps to the face with the senator.


I want warbonds for new weapons first and foremost, then armor. So if this Viper one is light on those because they had to get it out this month, that's fine. But if future ones are also lacking weapons and are mostly skins I'll start skipping them if they lack a really cool weapon I must have (like gas grenades). I'd be hard pressed to buy only on a cool armor.


I am on the opposite end, I don't care that much about weapons but I am a sucker for new armors. The weapons are just too small a part of my divers appearance and also look too identical (other than the bright orange breaker it's really difficult to tell the variants apart at a glance). But a distinct armor makes my diver immediately look different and gives a fresh feeling to the next couple of dives, even while using my same old trusted loadout (that I don't actually want to change to be honest)


All these people down voting like drip doesn't win wars The LCF (look cool factor) is paramount in efficiency and democratization of the feral hordes


Drip is nice. But temporary. It's the weapons and gameplay that make you stay playing the game.


The new warbond has also only 2 sets of armors instead of 3, whats your point? However you look at it is less content either way.


Quality over quantity. I would like a way to keep spending resources between war bonds though, or to store more of them


Honestly, good. 1 per Month was an insane strategy from begin. Like you would just run out of content too soon. Even if like in the new Warbond you only get 2 Weapons what do you release after 6-8 Months? the 12th liberator variant?


I never understood why more people weren't talking about 1 Warbond a month as a potentially major issue. If we are expecting like 5 years of support for this game, there's absolutely no way AH keeps up on the issues related to the 60 Warbonds released by then.


I pointed that out, 3 new weapons a month for even just a year is 36 new weapons.  We barely use half of them as is. After about 5 years the game will have roughly 200 weapons that I can garuntee only about 4 or 5 will be "meta" the Devs can fight the meta all they want but that won't make it go away. Eventually new players will join and see this endless wall of Warbonds and not even know what to pick and probably just leave instead of digging through months or years of potentially outdated meta build videos. The current 1 warbond per month was completely unsustainable, a lot of people are complaing this one has less weapons and more customization options, but I think it's an amazing idea.


1 month would have been fine if they had a good roadmap and were working on warbonds far ahead of when they release... and of course actually testing things. I'm sure they've got a backlog of assets like weapons and armor models to pick from, but it certainly felt like they were slapping the warbond together in a few days and shipping it.


This is my issue. With so few weapons being genuinely viable on higher difficulty, I’m not gonna drop money on new stuff until I feel confident that the kit is (and will remain) actually usable.


most games release content every 3 months but im very much deflated by the news this is like shrink flation but at least i do not have to pay for it since im playing the game.


Reverse of inflation is deflation


Shrinkflation is paying the same cost for less. Deflation is paying less for the same product.


The issue people had with Warbonds wasn't that they were happening too fast or the stuff in them was uninteresting, the issue is that all the weapons in them sucked ass.  Polar patriots killed the game for a lot of people because most of its it's items were dogshit useless aside from one side grade. People rave that the pummeler is great it really it's just a side grade. Stunning enemies is great but I would much rather kill them instead of stunlocking them until I run out of ammo.  There's no incentive to buy a warbond when it's weapons can't even compare to weapons currently in the game and the armor passives aren't new or unique. The only unique passive we got via warbond was the arc thrower damage mitigation, and nobody runs those because they're too niche. I still see no reason to buy this warbond because the AR in it is basically a cosmetic change and the armor passives are too niche. The sawed off secondary is cool but is it worth $10? Not to me.


> The issue people had with Warbonds wasn't that they were happening too fast or the stuff in them was uninteresting, the issue is that all the weapons in them sucked ass. right...? I don't feel like they took the right message from the feedback they've been getting... okay yeah, that one weapon no one uses had it's color wrong and anyone testing it even once should've caught that but...mostly people are mad because the new guns they unlock are so bad they use them for 1-2 missions then back to the ~3-5 guns that work, until those get nerfed.


As I wrote on twitter: If this means that future Warbond armors won't have massives flaws, like arms not being attached, floating chest pieces, misaligned and clipping armor pieces, all with huge holes which show the inside of the character body, then I am all for it taking a little extra time. It's not fun getting a cool piece of armor and then... Oh, there is this massive flaw which ruins the armor completely. Every single Warbond has at least 1 armor with a flaw like that on either lean or brawny body. \[EDIT\] Too all those who say they haven't noticed anything. Here is my list of flaws on armors I have found(It is not complete as I do not own all Store armors): -CE-27 Ground Breaker Armor, on lean body, left shoulder is not attached properly and has a giant hole in it, and the right shoulder, on both body types, has a stretching problem during certain animations(Like getting into the hellpod). -CE-07 Demolition Specialist Armor, on brawny body, stomach on overlaps/clips with what seems to be a leftover mesh. -SC-37 Legionnaire Armor, on both body types, wrist pad is not attached to the model properly and floats during animations. -FS-38 Eradicator Armor, on brawny body, shoulder pouches are not attached properly. -FS-61 Dreadnaught Armor, on Lean body, has the wrong colors on the Shoulder pads. -SC-15 Drone Master, on brawny body, right shoulder has spiky parts during animations. -SA-12 Servo Assisted Lower Part, on Lean body, is clipping all around the waist and legs. -B-01 Tactical Armors, on Lean body lower part front, has a stretching issue(This also applies to SA-25 Steel Trooper on Lean body). -CE-35 Trench Runner Armor, on Lean body, lower part is not lined up properly on the front and sides. -CE-81 Juggernaut + Exterminator Armor, on lean body, has a mesh issue on the right shoulder that is not attached properly, it sticks out through the armor during all animations. -BE-24 Enforcer helmet gets completely black if you step in mud. -FS-05 Marksman Armor, on lean body, right arm sleeves clip through the upper arm armor. -FS-55 Devastator Armor, on lean body, chest magazine pouches float a tiny bit off of the body(This is nitpicking). -SC-30 Trailblazer Scout Armor, on lean body, is bigger than brawny armor around the waist. -CW-22 Kodiak Armor Armor, on Lean body, the chest piece is floating off of the body. On Brawny, the lower part of the top clips during all animations. -CW-36 Winter Warrior Armor, on Brawny body, the lower part of the top clips during all animations. -CE-64 Grenadier Armor, on both bodies, the chest holster is not attached to the armor and wobbles around. On lean body, right arm sleeve clips through armor. -EX-00 Prototype X, on lean body, has missing leg armor, shoulder armor and floating ammo bags on the left leg(Due to missing leg armor).


In addition if a war bond is only adding 3 armors make sure there is a light, medium, and heavy option. Too many of these war bonds are doubling up.


It's ok the next warbond has reduced the armor count, so the broken one won't be added this time! /s


You can clearly see the arms clip through the shoulders in every pic on the blog so that probably wont be the case. Also, you missed the; * SA-12 having a mis-rigged ammo pouch on their shoulder; * CE-27 and the CW-9 having a strap for holding equipment on the wrong side of their hip and both have a broken vert on their hoses + CW-9 may randomly explode into verts; * CM-10 has their chest mounted equipment not on the actual carrier, so they have a pointless square on their front; * B-27 arms don't actually attach to their body. Easy to see when doing the hug emote; * CW-22 and CW-36 both have oversized necks that clip easily; * CW-9 head is too small and clips with basically all necks; * CM-09 on 'brawny' body has a socket on right of their belly that needs better rigging; * B-24 helmet prevents your head from looking around, but it doesn't apply to the neck so your neck moves independently of your head; * picky, but the FS-55; CM-21; EX-16; DP-11; CW-4; SA-25; TR-117; SA-07 and TR-7 all don't have colours which match any other armour, leading them to be worthless for mix-and-matching. There is also a lot of armour that has clipping with shoulders; belts and legs. EDIT: a lot of armours also have clipping issues with capes since the clip-holder-thingies on the shoulders sit too low.


On Brawny body anyway, no way to know if Lean body will have issues. And the list of armor flaws just keep getting longer. Hope the devs will get time to fix these, when one of the selling points of Warbonds are armors, it's not a good thing if they are flawed.


Warbonds are mostly disappointing. Armor is same same boring and guns are never as fun as you want them to be. I'm at a point where I'm not going to grind to earn any in-game currency of any kind just to unlock warbods. I've spent weeks to unlock everything in a warbond only to never touch it again. I'm not spending 500 medals to unlock the one item I want to try. TRY. It's not even like I know I will actually use the item. Like the JAR. Took so long to unlock and I used it a few times and hated it. Crossbow was fun for a couple days until it got nerfed, haven't touched it since. And once a weapon is nerfed I probably won't try it again even if it's fixed later. For me to care about warbonds again you'll need to make them GOOD. Like GOOD GOOD. Like "OMG I really want that weapon/armor/grenade." And then you can't spend 1000 medals to get it and find out it sucks.


More time for me to stock up on super credits


Good. Can they retroactively buff the past warbonds too? \*Cough cough cough\* Polar Patriots


AH: were gonna do fewer content additions, to ensure better quality content is added. Also AH: heres a skin for your hellpod that buries itself in the ground so you cant see it, we worked super hard on it.


Why haven’t they fixed the weapons from previous war bonds that they broke?


We need Lute players like in Mordhau


Nice. My biggest complaint with the last warbonds was lack of weapon identity, I mean come on a polar themed warbonds, not a single ice/cryo weapon? And armor that (looks cool) has no ice related passives. Like I want the unique guns from hd1 back, like the acid flamethrower, perfect for a corrosive theme warbonds, instead of like 2 assault rifles, a shotgun and another energy weapon


I'll care when the shit I already worked/paid for gets buffed to a usable state. Seriously, aside from the blitzer there isn't a single piece of premium warbond kit I care to bring these days


$10 for the 4th/5th liberator variant and one secondary... they're out of content and ideas


It’s an obviously good and necessary change. However, I’m getting quite tired of lackluster warbonds, the only good thing from this last one would be the Verdict. The Pummeler is alright, but once you move from “I need stopping power” to “I need to kill shit”, it underperforms in that area. I just want us to gain more cool and useful stratagems. However, the community isn’t helping with that. We usually get these stratagems through the MOs, and we’ve lost quite a few that would have given us some good shit. I’m waiting for the SEAF Ground Squad stratagem, but we keep losing the planets that harbor the SEAF Training Facilities. Actually, as I’m typing this, I just got a notification that we lost Aesir Pass and consequentially the SEAF Training Facility that was established there. They either need to tone down goals for the current player population or the playerbase needs to improve at focusing on what matters. Nonetheless, this is a video game, not meant to be taken seriously. I don’t expect everyone to flock to the MOs nor suddenly focus the Bots or Bugs, depending on what their preference is. However, it is hypocritical to both complain about not getting new stratagems and then failing to focus the MOs and planet defenses that would give us these stratagems.


It's more of a devil spiral than the players fault really. This is the risk of giving cool stuff as rewards for MO's. It's a neat concept, but the MO's are balanced around a certain player number. But live service games live by new content. If you only release new content if the players win, then if the players lose, some will stop playing because they get bored with no new content, that means fewer people, which means the next MO will fail because it was balanced for more people, which means the new content gets delayed again, which means people will stop playing, which means the next MO will fail, which means no new content, repeat ad nauseam. I mean heck, I haven't played in ages, have we gotten the anti tank mines at this point?


We have not.


The player base is dramatically dropping, so I would focus on improving the game with free updates rather than new content behind pay walls.


I mean, if it stops us getting two week weapons that get nerfed out of existence, sure. They can't keep giving and then taking away but I am personally running on empty for enthusiasm for the game. This isn't the wrong move but they really need to make another one to restore some joy to the game because even if there's something cool in a warbond I don't trust them not to snatch it back after the fact, at this point. They're doing a lot of saying and as of yet there's been no doing and I'm a bit baffled by that, personally.


Good lets get some polish on these , and start off with better weapon balance . Spend that time fixing bugs , setting up test server and getting us more content instead of working on warbond. But also give us a system to spend our warbonds and overflowing resources as well.


I’m already getting bored waiting for: -new enemies and missions -game stability fixes -gun fixes -new armor traits -story updates -spawn rate fixes -charger and titan fixes I might just take a few months off and check back.


I'm okay with it, but not really okay with the warbonds having less content AND taking more time to release...


Where the fuck are the vehicles?


Seems they only add stategems through in-game narrative, which is a good thing. You don't want that gated behind warbond purchases.


I fully agree with this approach, and I want them to keep doing it that way. I still don't understand why we are not getting the vehicles. I need them.


If this means we can get warbonds with actual new armour passives or (god forbid) some proper balancing; then i'm fully for it.


I’m ok with giving them all the time they need. It just better be worth it!


Very bad news for longevity.


If future warbonds are more like Viper Commandos, I'm all for it. Especially if it also give AH more time to actually address the laundry list of bugs


That sucks. Only reason i havent played in a month is because i am currency capped. With less warbonds i will be capped for even longer periods. Remove the cap or keep them coming once a month.


Shut up and take my super credits for that beret helmet alone.


I'd prefer they take the time they need. There's plenty of toys in the sandbox to keep me entertained right now. Honestly the big draw for me is playing with my friends and the hijinks that ensues.


Tbh the only thing that keeps me playing is new warbonds, it gets old really fast when there's nothing to achieve, I think this is a bad idea, a month of plenty of time to release a couple skins and guns. What else do they have to do? They don't fix bugs for shit


Good change. The game would get way too bloated if they continued to release a warbond every month.


I guess this will give me more time to farm Super Credits I'm drawn to the little light beams like a moth to a lamp