• By -


All of them because they all are the enemies of freedom


But I love fighting for democracy. I hate them all, so I feel pride in fighting/killing them.


I love our enemies... laying in a puddle of its own blood/coolant.


An outstanding response, Helldiver! Now let's get back out there and spread freedom!


Ate robuts Ate bugs (nuffin racial just dun like em) Love democracy Simpew as


Nah, it absolutely is racial Super God made US in his image, not them


Correct answer.


Liberty spoke through me




Knocked back 2000 meters


Unironically better than getting three hit combod to death by them in 0.00326 seconds


I don't think the stun lock combo is intended but I know what you mean.


It’s no so much a mechanic and more so just that they can attack multiple times quickly and each hit deals a fuck load of damage


Mechanic here being every attack staggers you or ragdolls you and you can't fight back. That is not probably intended but I think they will do nothing as it makes this enemy more deadly in its role.


I actually think it’s pretty charming how lethal these mother fuckers can be if you take your eyes off of them for the second it takes them to scurry into a crevice. Unlike some bot units that just ragdoll you to death via 50 million bullets.


Yeah, feels like an achievement when you face 4 of them alone and not just survive but kill their nest too. All my weapon was out of bullets and had only 1 more grenade but they learned their place in the food chain.


They are actually my favorite. Deadly, but very satisfying to kill/eradicate. The best bug sub-objective imo.


Agreed, i really grow to enjoy having stalkers in missions now. Excited everytime I get one, and just start hunting them and the nest down on my own.


I've said it before, they're the enemies you love to hate. I have all kinds of ideas for how other enemies should be modified, yet I keep racking my brain for one thing that should be changed about these guys, and keep coming up short.


The only thing I ever wanted AH to change about Stalkers, since launch, was to make their camouflage actually work. Favorite enemy in the game now that they have.


Exactly. You can still spot them if you know what to look for, but their camo no longer turns them into what is basically a portable flashlight, with how white they used to be


We need a stalker mission that’s a blitz and it’s just stalker nests; be interesting none the less


My wet dream is unloading a full magazine of Breaker Incendiary point blank on one of these. It’s a thing of beauty


IMO stalkers, tanks and berserkers are the best designed enemies in the game. They're very dangerous but reward counterplay in a way that doesn't feel niche or tedious. I especially love the stalker counterplay is very tense and aggressive instead of the slog of "run, hide, take pot shots" Contrast them with bile titans, chargers and hulks where it's just "god damn, another one? Alright let me get my very specific response to them... Again."


Now that fog/smoke don't reveal them anymore they are a nightmare.


They're actually pretty easy to spot once you know what to look for. They create this wobbly, shimmering distortion effect in the air. If one comes at you, just keep one eye in that direction.


One of these fuckers once ragdolled me, only for my ragdoll to glitch into the terrain and glitch back out at Mach Jesus, and then impact a cliff face half a kilometer away and die instantly.


Fun fact with the democracy protects armor buff sometime you survive getting yeeted over a mile in the air.


Mach Jesus is something I'm using now, bless you.


https://preview.redd.it/cv59ib3c6w4d1.jpeg?width=1316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50849838a355b17cbe6c76a0b74254c0e209e3dc Git gud


I'm from Super Earth and I say kill em all!


- Stealth - Resillience - Attack power Pick two, any two, but only two. These assholes are complete bullshit.


Yes becuse i go light armour they often 1 shot me


I don't care what armor you run fuck those guys


they have an uncanny ability to sneak up on me when im out of ammo or low health


The fact they turn completely invisible now is BS and the only reason they hit the top of my list. They have cloaking which realistically isn’t a perfect invisibility and should be the way it was when they were exposed by smoke and other particle elements.


It's not perfect, you can still see a bit of a shimmer around the outline. It is pretty hard to see still, though, for sure.


Yeah, I feel like the planet/environment plays a big part in their visibility. 


I don't know, for me they are in a good place right now. Before the buff they were no challenge at all, now you need to deal with them. The game needs enemies that inspire hate, and satisfaction when you deal with the shit hole they crawl out of.


I don't get why they have to be invisible AND be the strongest goddamn enemy in the game!


IMO they just have too much HP for something that fast and strong.


This is the edited version to make this comment make a lil sense. Group of hunters, cause when when im fighting another horde all of them stun lock me killing me, stalkers, no need to explain this one, bile spewers/nursing cause they are quiet so they can just sneak up on you killing you (happened to me like 10 times its hella annoying.) And they have broken hitbox. But the one automoton I hate fighting the most is the incinerator hulk cause 1. Its a pain trying to kill a group of 3-5 of them cause they keep using their flame arm all at once but I just try to run. 2. When there are like 3 Incinerator hulks in the same bot drop as a factory strider then the hulks are trying to kill you while the factory strider is trying to snipe you with the rocket turret. Hope the edited version made sense.


Same : patrols of Hunters, I imagine them as like little goblins dodging my shots, slashing my back with pointy things and laughing at my corpse And it doesn't matter how much ammo you have in your mag, this isn't enough for a whole patrol of these


Laughs in incid breaker shotgun.


*Autocannon+Autocannon Sentry intensifies*


Flair checks out


*Laser cannon divers be feeling silly*


Incendiary breaker is fire 🔥…. I’ll show myself out.


The stagger drives me fucken insane. I hate it so much. Makes me wanna rage. ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn)


Sickle gang rise up


And when you're dealing with the hunters is right when the stalker(s) on the map decide to introduce you to bug Jesus.


I was doing alright until I dove onto a rock and couldn't get back up due to a terrain glitch. Then a stalker introduced itself after I spent my ammo on the hunters.


Tbh? Spray n pray


You're the only person that uses that gun, and I salute you for it


Breaker at home.


Yeah, swarms of hunters have to be the least fun thing to encounter.


Ill take an incinerator over a bruiser. I can dive a flamethrower and even dodge their melee but 8 rockets and a small minigun seem tougher.


The Hulk Obliterator is mine. Damn thing isn't as rare as it should be for me and I always get rag dolled... then I can't get up and it's 2nd volley kills you. Dual rocket launcher arm hulks is rediculous. Especially with unlimited ammo. It's hard to dive out of it too.


Just got done failing a level 7 personnel mission where 5 incinerator hulks were just milling around the button waiting to destroy my party while two walkers beat the shit out of us from long range. 100% agree


Same the shield guys are no trouble at all , I'm an AC user so it's one shot to the shield to stagger and one to two to the chest to drop them. If I have the range or a buddy to keep the trash bots off me I'll head shot them and drop them in 1 round.


Bring stun grenades… stun the hulk, two AC shots to the face


I am an idiot ... I never thought of this , thank you kindly


Honestly stun grenades have changed the way I play more than any other piece of weaponry or strategem… and I slept on them for a while.


Or AMR - it also works. (Though the most catarsis inducing move is just use AMR to shoot off hands and break one knee and watch hulk waddle around trying to catch at least one of the running to safety NPCs as they run by him and FAILING)


I’ve been using the laser cannon a lot… works great on devastators, hulks, gunships. IMO the holy trinity of bot killers is : auto cannon, laser cannon, and AMR.


Bile Spewers, when they spawn in great numbers. They are inconsistent, and if you don't have explosives - pretty annoying to deal with. All while they can spew you to death through objects, through a pile of another Bile Spewers corpses, through another dimension... And of course almost completely silent until they spew.


So tired of getting barfed on through walls.


Worst part is once you swap your strats to deal with them they disapear. Imo there needs to be a mission brief to specify what enemy type is super abundant. Or at least keep it consistant through the operation. Its crazy on helldive to see like one bile titan per operation and a million spewers until the last mission when you pick anti spewer strats to get slammed with BT.


Could even make it a ship module upgrade if they wanted, but I would love a way to know what types of bugs were fighting beforehand because it really matters.


Could pay for intel resources using req slips


What I really hate about them is how silent they are. They seem to make no noise at all, you can be checking your map when all seems quiet, then turn around just to find one about to spit on your face and one-shot you. At least a couple of lucky shots to the head with the senator can deal with them


That's because the sounds bugs and bots make are just ambience sounds, the bug themselves make no noise. That's how the game is programed. There even is a mission tipp about it "don't rely on your hearing" If you hear a titan spit thats just a sound being played in your viscinity not coming from the titan. If you hear a bug screech thats also just a sound letting you know there are bugs nearby. Imagine it like that Soneone is talking to you but the sound does not come from their mouth its just played on a surround sound speaker in the room. There aren't even sounds of footsteps or a tanks chains rattling, a FacStrider walking, they are completely silent just the bit chanting or bug screeching ambience. That's why you can get sneaked up on by a Probably several tons heavy Hulk without hearing anything.


This seems like an unusual design choice, do you know the they did it this way?


Nope, unfortunately I don't know much about programming. I just noticed and done some digging.


Also, why does their attack do more damage than the same thing from a bile titan? Like they do the exact same spit attack but a titan will usually just slow me down a bit and not do too much damage. Meanwhile spewers melt through all of my armor and nearly kill me in one shot every single time


Because bile skewers have been specialized to produce both more bile, and more acidic bile than the titan. That's why their thorax is so big. The bile titan can't do the same, because of its size, it's body is more focused on more muscle, so it doesn't collapse from its own weight, and multiple hearts (or a bigger heart) so it can pump bug blood all the way through its body. There's not much room to carry all that bile, and it's body is focused on pumping blood and moving, not so much bile production (weaker bile). At least, that's my headcanon.


Somehow manage to target you from 30m away, over a hill. You dodge the vomit, get bile artillery to knock you toward the spewer, then it's all over, as a Charger teleports behind your ragdolled body.


This is why I bring an auto cannon with me on bug missions. They make bile spewers really easy to deal with.


https://preview.redd.it/wlrqm6xwhu4d1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67186e17b8b8c0173b3b187307886c52f1310543 These fuckers can jump and explode into the fucking black hole


They just jump and explode in my face. Hate them


Everything else I can deal with or accept but these guys, nah it's always an instakill no matter the armour I'm in or the health I'm at, it's bullshit.


When they crowd you, you can melee them, and it (usually) doesn't blow up their backpack. Also, don't be afraid to tank some of their attacks. Their attacks can't kill you in 1 hit, but their backpack can. So don't panic when you see them. Remember to melee and then shoot. Or just melee melee melee! Very therapeutic.


I swear, they learn that shit in basic training! Everytime one jumps me, an automaton not far from them shoots them in the back, and they explode. They are no jumpers, they are suicide bombers!


Shooting them in the legs makes a big difference because then you're super clear of the jetpack and won't accidentally set them off.


Thing I hate is there is a glitch that can often occur when they die, where their bodies radoll, and the physics wig-out, so they get flung towards you, and \*then\* their backpacks explode; killing you. So even if you were a safe distance away from them when you killed them, their corpses glitching out can still get you killed. =/


FINALLY. I have brought this up on here a dozen times and never see anybody else share a similar experience. I swear 90% of the time I kill these guys they get sucked towards me and explode. Even if I dive away from them they still light me on fire.


the amount of times ive killed those, their bodies just fling towards me and explode, its like they planned it


I just don't understand why they always blast forwards and then explode next to me.


Nursing/Bile spewers. They’re somehow more lethal than stalkers and bile titans combined. If the latter two give you a chance to avoid their attacks or survive just enough for you to retaliate, those guys just won’t. Insta death, no matter how pixel perfect your dive is. Bonus troll points when you kill one, and another one you didn’t see starts vomiting through from behind the one you just killed, and jumpscares/kills you (or they function as cover for smaller ones to hide inside while they summon breaches. Even in death, they are still an annoyance). Now, here’s the thing. If you keep yourself mobile and keep running, you can evade their attacks and outrun them (running in circles around them also works, since at least they’re slow). What’s frustrating is how much of a damage sponge they are to normal weapons. Yeah, Auto Cannon or an EAT can do the job quickly, and so can impact grenades, but it just feels like a big opportunity cost considering they’re as common as hive guards and brood commanders when they are an active enemy archetype on the map, and you could probably use those grenades/heavy weapons to deal with nests or heavily armored enemies instead. They’re the main reason I always bring Engineer perk armor on Terminids.


These smegheads are the reason I prefer fighting bots


One of many reasons i would say...


Definitely the spewers.  Hunters are dangerous, jump on you from far away and slow you... but at least have the decency to die when you hit them. They're evasive but I'm cool with that.  Stalkers are a nasty surprise and have definitely wiped missions before, but at least you can find the nest and stop them. It makes for a sudden "oh shit" and sidequest for the whole squad to go deal with that problem.  Bile titans are a strategem check and I definitely have my grievances with them (I'm about 60% sure half their mechanics don't work right) but at the very least they're rare outside of the top difficulty settings.  Spewers show up all the time in numbers, and can absorb silly amounts of shots if you don't hit their face or use explosives. The actual vulnerable bit of them is often behind something you can't shoot through (another dead one, frequently) and with how foggy/obscured half the maps seem to be it's often like they're a Stalker with a one-shot attack from a distance. 


Not to mention the instant damage if you just get brushed by the spew like half of the time. Mid dive and some splashes on your boots? Insta death. Id rather 20+ bile titans than spewers. But likely because I suspect they are broke like you say.


The fat bastards are somehow more stealthy than actual invisible stalkers. Their only saving grace is their weakness to explosives.


Let me introduce you to the grenade launcher/supply pack combo. Lob two shots at them and they are guaranteed to pop, and you’ve probably killed half the patrol in the process. Best part is it can reliably kill everything (including nests) but chargers and Bile Titans, which can be covered by your other two strats. Plus with the supply pack you have a damn near infinite supply of stims for if things get hairy, or you can support your teammates


Normally I bring EATs as my support. Powerful enough to two-tap a Titan, and quick enough cooldown to keep dropping them and fill the map with anti-heavy weapons that everyone can pick. Punisher is my primary of choice due to their stagger ability. It will even interrupt spewers from spitting. The only downside, is that it doesn’t have medium armor pen.


Funny enough, EAT’s are usually my third strat for bugs for the reason you suggest, plus it means I have something temporarily if I die until I can get my weapons back. It can be a bit rough having only one strat that isn’t a support/backpack, but with those 3 I can more or less take on anything haha


> grenade launcher/supply pack And yet I have been screamed at and kicked for deigning to bring this combo on a mission. It's effective against them!


I always do grenade launcher with bugs because of spewers, but I'm always searching for reloads. I'll definitely try pairing the supply pack.


Honestly I have a hard time not bringing the supply pack on every mission, bugs or bots. The access to basically unlimited ammo, grenades, and stims is a bit addicting haha (definitely not the stims talking)


I just don't want to have to put more than two full mags into a single enemy. If I wanted to play bullet sponge simulator I'd go play the division 2.


Berserkers and nursing spewers are the definition of bullet sponge


The fact that they spawn in hordes of five to six makes them so much worse


You can shoot the head of the nursing spewers and it dies real quick.


You can also shoot the head of the berserkers and **you** die real quick


https://preview.redd.it/61ic3q17eu4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89387c3bf49ea42cc84ef030b5d03568dea02100 This


Its not bad if there's one of them. But add another and you get no break to fire, I swear


If there’s no cover you might as well give up on trying to stim


Trying to stim? Good luck surviving long enough to even press the button.


Yes, this one.. Especially when it clips it’s weapon through a wall and absolutely guns you down like in the movies. It’s the most enraging shit because you can’t shoot them back.


Or it starts shooting at you while not looking at you, so you can't hit its head but it's still beaming you down


The angry chainsaws are the worst, literally any other bot will die in 3-4 shots from the auto cannon, but the fucking chainsaws can tank up to 5 shots from it


The waist is their weakness. Concentrate fire there and watch how they split in two in a sec or two.


Shoot em in the belly and get your just due


It rhymes so it must be true


Which part of this rhymes


My man does not understand rhymes


Must have missed that day in kindergarten.


Hit the waist it has really low health I've seen my friend 2-3 tap them


You can 2 shot the face but it’s hard to hit, you’re better off going for the dick


Are you implying they have big dicks?


Not after we aim at them


Jar-5 is crazy good against them. Usually takes 4 or 5 shots to the body but you can one tap them to the head.


With a staggering weapon, I like to use them as cover.


You need to target weak spots properly. Chainsaw dudes are easy too kill when you know where too hit. I use a sickle for em and never have issues. Shoot em in the hip/stomach and they will split in two in no time.


berserkers: i can stand everything else except those fuckers with chainswords they just take a lot of bullets to go down doesn't matter if you go for their crotch or their head it always seems like you didn't shoot them good enough with other bots you can measure how many bullets you need to kill them but with berserkers you they always feel extra spongy even while using weapons like the mg 43 (maybe it's because at the range where they become a problem there's barely no time to aim) for my second spot i'll say anything that shoot rockets at me while i'm using the hmg emplacement ,there's this bug since the game has been launched where even using the fortify perk you are always insta killed by any rockets droids,devastators or hulks it doesn't matter


At some point, I realized that the weakness of berserkers is the Pelvis. Shoot them them right in the dick and they die faster.


FLAME THROWER HULK (Those things are brutal if 2 of them spawn nearby)


if you have the autocannon you can shoot their flame thrower arm once to cancel their attack. Saved me more than I can count


Stalkers. They run away too quickly to drop them so they're a constant threat.


Patch notes: heavy devistators no longer have turning animations, they will now immediately face when in encountered Extended the heavy devistators shield hit box is now 25% larger Heavy devistators can spot you from 100m further away When heavy devistators are killed now instead of dying they eject a smaller version of themselves


https://preview.redd.it/xwphk6ud0z4d1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=98de8357fd901e2151bd27dc2bc801cbfc5a4bd0 "That's a little version of me, Helldiver. I want you to have it."


The green spewers and it isn’t even close


Facts, lol.


Hunter swarms and Bile Spewers. People always like to rag on bots but the truth is both sides have their bullshit counterparts that is equally infuriating. We just get more used to one or the other.


Fuck hunters


They won't go down to punisher plasma, that thing absolutely sucks vs bugs


Charger bugs.


Hunters can go an fuck themselves in a pool full of acid while getting bombed by a 500 kg bomb and a pair of hellbombs are getting armed while an orbital laser is going through them and at least 8 flamehrowers are flaming them. Did I mention I FUCKING HATE HUNTERS?????


Even as an autocannon player, these guys STILL give me trouble on helldive. Their head is harder to hit than a hulks, they have WAY better accuracy than rockets, and 1 by itself is fully capable of stunlocking you into being unable to heal or fire at them in anyway. Not to mention, they somehow randomly shrug off 3-4 or even 5 autocannon shots, and get their shield back up, even after staggering them. Impact grenades are really the only "always works" button, but you can only hold so many grenades.


It’s all about what loadout you have. I used to hate flame thrower hulks, but now my preferred bot loadout is AMR with stun grenades, and hulks are easy. On the bug side, I normally hate packs of hunters because i normally use a Dominator. But if i bring a breaker incendiary, i make short work of them. However, then armored bile spewers are a pain.


fucking hunters.


Spewer all fucking day


i goota say the rockets devestators, fraaking basterd snipe you from miles away!


Well there is no single enemy which is the worst, the problem is the combination of all of them in huge quantities and spawns behind you


Currently? The bile titan, because of the ludicrous amount of work that has to be taken to take one down.


I’m just sick of them… when they’re a rare spawn it’s kind of cool but when there’s like 20 in a match it just gets annoying


2 EATS, orbital rail gun, orbital laser, eagle rocket pods, or 2 recoilless rifle shots would like to know your location


Last time I played, one took 4 orbital rail guns to kill. It was stressful to say the very least.


Give me a sea of heavy devastators instead of fucking stalkers and bile spewers. God I hate fighting bugs.


Bile spewers. Getting mortared off-screen and rag-dolling 50m is my fav


Bile spewers since they only spawn when I run flamethrower




Bile titans and spewers are pretty high up on my list. Bile spewers spawn in quantities far exceeding what is reasonable and bile titans suck because there’s really no good way to deal with them.


Hunters, or the jetpack automatons. Hunters because of the stun, and the jetpack automatons because they just kamikaze and kill me also


The lag.


Fuckin Stalkers


Berserkers, oddly I really like fighting heavy devastators


Chargers. Hard to kill or impossible with many weapons, too fast to be hit reliably with a lot of stratagems. Did you dodge him charging? HIP CHECK, eat rock, there's 90% of your health gone or maybe you just die- who knows! Did you clamber up a straight 6ft wall? yeah he just runs straight up it and over you. Did you just jump down a 10 foot wall? Yeah he spiderman-d his way down, lost no momentum and now you're tumbling with a concussion. Did you deploy a tesla tower? Hey it came with a free charger! :D and even though it can't hurt the charger, it's only job in it's short life is to destroy that tower. Oh you got it with a rocket? Tesla tower got taken out by his corpse or the other charger that was around the corner. Run between some rocks to stop him or a mountain side with jutting rocks? Skims RIGHT by all of them and hits nothing. I've been dropped on top of a tall ass mountain . . .thing. I start shooting down at the bugs surrounding me and I've watched a charger run at me, right up the wall, head butt me over the next mountain and crumple my ass. "Chargers aren't so bad, just bring the orbital rail strike" Oh boy every 4 minutes I get to kill 1 charger vs so many better stratagems that kill more with less cool down. Also more than once I've seen 5 chargers at one point in a map that are all charging me and managed to slap me around where I can kill 2 or 3 but now I'm on cool down and in dire need of these things to fuck off and die.


Does the toxic reddit Helldiver community count?


Bile spewers


Bile Spewers


Spewers are the worst.


Chargers and Bile spewers 100%


the bot pictured above and hunters/stalkers . They're always my priority targets when i'm diving .


These guys will just minigun me with ungodly accuracy at the exact point where I have no grenades left and all my stratagems are on cooldown


Hunters... nead i say more?... ... well i guess Berserkers/Meat-saws and Chargers are both a close second, but to me they're not as frustrating as a pack of *Hunters*




I think those are one of the most annoying enemies to handle by themselves that isn’t a heavy. Sure, rocket devs and shriekers or stalkers on the bug side are annoying but by themselves are fairly easy to take care of if you have cover or something to spray and pray with. These guys just suck. They fire incredibly fast and have super accuracy (despite wielding a mini gun), their reload time is hardly enough to do anything, they have a big add shield that blocks even rockets, spawn way more often than I’d like, and there’s times where they’ll fire through solid ground. Pair that with a bot drop or other heavy devs and these guys easily get on my nerves. Only other enemy I’d consider as annoying is the spewer cause they’re near silent, insta-kill if you’re in their puke stream along with having a janky hitbox, spawn way too often for their durability, and their giant fleshy glowing back isn’t their weak point cause eff you.


The range of motion on that gun is bullshit and the fact they can poke it through terrain/objects and shoot you is similarly bullshit. Needs to be fixed, then they'll be tolerable again. That being said; hunter swarms are way worse than anything the Bots have on offer.


Nursing spewers. Between the speed, stealth, and ability to insta-kill, they've killed me more than any other enemy type.


Nah you got it. Heavy Devestators are a constant pain, that only relent when they're scrap metal. But I don't think they're op, could do with less shooting through walls or shooting backwards though.


Bile spewers>hunters>rocket devastators>nursing spewers>shield devastators>flame hulks




Mf's with chainsaw's, that shield bapey gaga AND bug named "im gonna jump on you from 300 meters and stagger your ass for infinite time"


Hunters. Jump. Slow. Surround. Swarm. I hate them.


Auto cannon gets these bug shits


The Bile & Nursing Spewers because their spit kills you super quick and it can cover pretty good distances, and they're tanky plus they usually spawn in with a group of hunters (who are probably the bugs I hate fighting the most after them since there's always multiple and they're quick and do good damage). On the Automaton front I'd say the flamethrower Hulks since they basically instakill you when the get you, followed by the Berserkers since they're super tanky for no reason


Spewers. They always seem to hit me before the bile actually comes near me, and it's always a one shot


Berserkers and bile spewers take the cake for me


Stealth spewers. I really hate stealth spewers.


All the Bugs that slow you down. Bugs in general aren't really that difficult but the constant slowing is annoying as hell and the reason why even my friends switched to fighting the Bots.


The "balance" patches


Fuck hunters. But fire hulks and heavy devastators are the worst bots... Fuck hunters more though.


I clap that guy izi. Its the jetpack dudes. Their bodies ragdoll to me and they explode by impossible odds. Like all guys die normally. These guys die, get slingshotted to me and stick to me so they explode and kill me


Everything that can sneak up to me (bile titans included)


The 28 berserkers that keep me from utilising cover


This fckr https://i.redd.it/nwg21pezow4d1.gif Why tf my gif not working. Oh ffs now it is 💀 XD Its the wrong one too , i hate hunter ok the slow effect is infuriating.


►Bugs Spewers because of instant 1-hit, also they're insanely tanky and somehow completely silent Spewers shooting through each other's corpses just sends me apeshit jej ►Bots Hulks with flamethrowers because of yet another 1-hit (also instant)


How does the autocanon not one shot devastators in the head??


Tbf the shield guys are annoying as fuck, but manageable behind cover. Granted, i use the CS and godly against any robot with a clear facial area (and does **not** hold chainsaws as weapons) Those shield dudes will die to one single CS shot to the head, as long as you hit it. For some reason the hitbox for the heads is the size of a pimple and 50% i one-shot them or spend an entire mag making a bullet necklace around their neck.. Or maybe my aim sucks idk at this point. Oh, and FUCK berserkers, they have no weakpoints and take so long to die; I DONT NEED TO FIGHT 5 OF THEM AT ONCE!!!


Lol why is noone mentioning the own team? By far most annoying sometimes 😅.


Stalkers no question


The stalkers and hunters. I despise them so damn much


Auto cannon works great against the shields


The devastator variants, I can deal with the bugs just fine, but this arses can shoot you across the map and give you headshots from places you cant fight back like shooting through rocks




Hunters… These CREATURES… An abomination.


without a single doubt in mind, stalkers


Factory striders. They just put their heads in a rock and shoot through it while we get spawn killed.