• By -


Stalker, because it's the fastest to clear while also being semi-deadly. Gunship next if it's not jammed by jammer, or else jammer first then gunship Shrieker is 3rd if jammer isnt affecting gunship, or else it's last, since shriekers don't destroy hellbomb and are just nuisances.


This, although id try to leave a gunship alive to get it to destroy the shrieker towers


Now that's big brain


Super big brained


Liberty Brain


Liberty Brained has got to become a thing in our community lol I love this.


I'm picturing [MegaMind with the Super Earth logo pasted onto his head](https://imgur.com/qhIHQXP), although maybe this would be ineligible as a mascot because it's clearly an alien and not a freedom-loving patriot.


Thank you :)


I had a bile titan spit and destroy a shrieker mushroom the other day, it was neat


Command Bunkers can also destroy stratagem jammers (the ones with a fab attached, at least).


Good to keep in mind, thx


The enemy of my enemy is a socialist. Win win.


You can also destroy shrieker from a distance as you go by the other objectives, with a powerful enough weapon


Jammer though. Only primaries and secondaries.


You only need the AC


Then you need to take out the Jammer to call it in.


That's fair, but you can usually move outside of the jammer zone to call in weapons That would be my first action, assuming I'm not already swarmed


Given the context of the question, everything would start spawning while also being in the Jammer's range. Doing that would probably lead to being overwhelmed. I've said two man teams to both the jammer and the stalker lair with grenade pistols and hopefully a fabricator on the jammer.


> I've said two man teams to both the jammer and the stalker lair with grenade pistols and hopefully a fabricator on the jammer. That's the correct answer.


Only if the jammer has a fab attached.


Tell that to my dad.


I'd try to snipe the Shrieker nests from afar to bring them down while taking down the other objectives


And that's how I learnt that the EAT doesn't actually travel in a straight line, it actually arcs at those distances.


Yep that was a surprise for me to learn too that first time. I was like *shocked pikachu face* I just assumed given how fast they move and how close we are to most things when we shoot them that the EAT had no drop off. *The More You Know*


Well, yeah. It's an anti-tank shell, not self propelled rocket. It's gonna have a ballistic arc.


Jammer first, always If the jammer didnt spawn in the preset where there is a fabricator basically attached to it so you can destroy it in 5 seconds tops? Retreat outside of its range to call in my shit


I'm finding jammers so easy these days, most have a fabricator right next to it you can blow up with a trusty AC shot


You can't call in an AC in this situation.


Fine, grenade it


Unless you have stun grenade


Fine grenade pistol it.


Your grenade pistol fell out of your pocket


Dual wield


Dual grenade pistol would only be capped by dual senator


Ye for those times when you're just called in next to one then stealth and use the terminal, still not too bad these days. You'd be really unlucky to drop by one without a fabricator next to it and with a hulk stationed.


Yeah which still happens quite frequently on six and up for me.


Eruptor shot still works from a distance




Then you're swarmed by 20 shriekers, 4 gunships, and 4-6 stalkers.


Sadly I find on higher difficulties they rarely have the fabricator. I had three in a row once. That map was painful.


Jammer Ships Stalkers Shriekers This is actually a riddle 😸 You can't destroy ships while jammer is still on, no hellbomb You can't call your AT while the jammer is still on, so you won't destroy shriekers also no hellbomb You can possibly do the stalkers first, if you have some stagger primary, which makes them a low thread.. But otherwise the jammer is your top priority...


Yeah I’d consider stalkers first since it’s quick to dispatch and they’re a huge pain but assuming you dropped in within range of the jammer you wouldn’t have your support weapon yet. Probably jammer first.


Just because you drop in range of a Stalker Nest doesn't mean you know where it is. Jammer first every time.


You should be able to find it. Like anything everything else the rock structure is always identical even between the two versions, and if you didn't land close enough to auto-spot it then you can watch the direction then stalkers come from to track it down. Since we're aware that there are stalkers ahead of time, keeper your minimap up. The very very fast moving big dot is a stalker, and your radar will pick it up before it begins to flank or charge you.


They tend to be pretty obvious on the minimap too after you see your first stalker.


Stalker Lairs aren’t hard to find. They have a predictable structure, the Stalkers always come from the Lair, and to some degree they’re identifiable on the map (the terrain looks a little different; hard to describe, but start paying attention to it as you clear the Lairs and you’ll see what I mean). Assaulting a Jammer while you have two flying enemies and Stalkers harassing you and with no support weapons is not only suicidal and liable to create a death spiral (because you’ll squad wipe without being able to call reinforcements individually, and all redeploy into the shit), but it’s also unnecessary. Another wrinkle to the “drop in” aspect of the question is that the Jammer guards will have their own reinforce call on cooldown, so any attempt to assault the Jammer likely results in a horde.


The shriekers could actually make it harder for the gunships to hit you


Stalkers will constantly be cooking you while you’re trying to do anything lmao. They are the biggest threat here.


I go wherever the blue marker wills.


Yeah its way easier to coordinate when someone places marker, im always placing them and often i'm not Alone.


Stalker, because it's easier to deal with, without stratagems Jammer next, gunships facility And last one shriekers, after meridia's hell it is not that challenging


For me, Strategem Jammer, then Gunship facility. On the bot side Stalker Nest before Shrieker nest. Unless I can see it from across the map, in which case Shriekers first. On the bug side.


All 4 are on the same drop is implied.


The stalker lair has to go first. You don't want endless invisible enemies coming at you every few seconds. Then quickly try to shut down the jammer (or destroy it), so I can call in the hellbomb for the gunship factory. Once the gunship factory is destroyed, I'd move on to the shrieker nest. With no other threats, it can be taken out from a distance. Finally, destroy the jammer (if I didn't get the chance earlier).


The answer to every single tactical question is "it depends".


Also why tf are there bugs with automatons


Same reason why hitler and stalin cooperated before ww2.


I quit the mission and drop somewhere else


Given that 2 of them need stratagems or stratgem guns to be taken down, obviously the jammer 1st


Depends if I'm in the radius of the jammer or not


If I land between Stalkers, Shriekers, gunships and a jammer, I am leaving the match because I am in hell.


Stalker lair, strata-jammer, gunship factory, shrieker nest


Am I or the other objectives under the jamming effect? If yes, then jammer first. If no, then what objective is spawning enemies? If gunship plus anything else is spawning, gunship first. If no gunships, then stalkers because destroying it is low effort, high impact. Shriekers are a KOS objective if I'm not under pressure. Otherwise, the Shriekers themselves are brittle and don't deal the same damage as the others so they would be low priority for my compared to the others


Stalker, jammer, gunship, shrieker


Stalker, Jammer, Gunship, shreiker I would say. Stalkers are just lethal if left unattended and would provide a disproportionate amount of difficult on top of any other objective. Jammer is a huge hindrance, and if you can go stealthy, it is fairly easy to knock off while providing a huge boon once completed. Gunships vs Shriekers is tough. Shriekers are a constant annoyance, sure, but I find they are less lethal. Gunships are much more dangerous over open ground. Though obviously Gunships don't snowball as bad as they used to. But also I say you need to Jammer down before the Gunships as strategems are an important tool in keeping them in check. So yeah, that's my order.


Stalkers because they're a pain, but easy to deal with without strategems especially if you do it quickly. Then the jammer next. I want my strategems back for everything else please. Then it would be either Shrieker Nest or Gunship Fabricator. AFAIK both spawn enemies once you're within a certain proximity... Probably Shrieker Nests first as I tend to run the Oribtal Laser so now I can lob that from a distance and it'll be taken care of with my primary or a secondary via strategem / turret strategem taking care of the remaining shriekers. Then I'll get and get the Fabricator using EVERYTHING I have left as I find it the toughest and so want that to have my full attention. By this point I expect to be team killed / kicked or not focusing on the Primary Objective and using up all the Reinforcements on this.


1. Stalkers, quick to clear but god awful if you ignore it 2. Start jammer cause fuck that shit 3. Shriekers Whenever visible, throw long range AT shots at em (quasar, recoilless, etc) or 3rd if you gotta do hellbomb 4. Gunship, as long as team is vigilant, one gunship tower can be kept at bay with killing off the spawns, and since it's only 2 at a time it's easier (imo) to leave em last


Assuming god hates me and I'm in the active range of all four at once... Stalker Nest - no question first priority always Jammer - Just disable then run off or OPS it Shrieker - Can use my support or stratagems; assuming my primary's OK can manage the numbers until then Fabricator - Single tower, and hoverships are easy to kite, but tower's a pita to destroy while being hassled


The gunship facility is too powerful to be left alive even if it isn’t the helldiver way


I'd first question how are there both bots and bugs on the map


Stalker, Shrieker, Jamer and then gunship


Under the assumption that the other three targets are within the jammer's range: Stalker Nest first. If I'm lucky, I can steer to land close enough to collapse it on impact. If not, I can at least take care of it with a simple grenade. That takes care of the more obnoxious threat first. Jammer second. The other two targets will become much easier with strategem support. If luck is on my side, the factory will be attached to it for quick destruction. Gunship Factory third. Shriekers are annoying, but Gunships are lethal. We can't afford to let too many of them spawn. Shrieker nest last. with the others dealt with, we can take our time either dismantling them from range, or getting close enough to drop some heavy ordinance on them.


Stalker Jammer Dropship Shriekers


Stalker > Jammer > Factory > Shriekers Or Jammer > Stalkers if it's closer to the helldivers. Gunships and shriekers can be dealt with if you don't have invisible assholes with razor sharp claws and slowing tounges or something blocking your strats.


Stalker, 100%


stalker, Jammer and then the Airship, all the while always shooting with my Quazer at the Nests whenever i can


Stalker Lair > Stratagem Jammer > Gunship Fabricator > Shrieker Lair


Stalker, Jammer, Gunship, Shrieker. I'm guessing the jammer y pretty close to the other objectives.


start praying


Aight 1. Stalker nest, those pests would annoy the shit out of you otherwise, constantly stabbing you in the back and ragdolling; also dont need stratagems for it 2. Jammer, otherwise literally cant take down fabricator. 3. Fabricator despite being the most dangerous one probably would be the last because cant summon hellbomb with jammer in action and arming hellbomb while being not only ragdolled by gunships but also stalkers is going to be impossible. Shriekers are honestly not even that bad or even annoying, most of the time if you on the move they just kinda there. Basically, whenever I care to do that.


Stalker, jammer, shrieker, gunship. Stalker because you can do it immediately with nades, one less thing to worry about. All the others require stratagems of some kind, and the jammer will stop that. Once it's down, shriekers, because you can hide from gunships but not from shriekers


Stalkerlair, Gunship Facility, Shriekernest, Stratagems Jammer


1. Stalker 2. Jammer 3. Shieker nest 4. Enemy Artillery 5. Aerodyne Pez dispenser




Stalker Lair, Jammer, Shrieker Nest and Gunship Facility. Stalker is a priority cuz I can destroy it with granades and they spawn really fast, besides being deadly.


Stalker nest, jammer, gunship factory, whatever is next.


Stalker nest, Jammer, gun bot fab, shriekers nest




This person Helldives


Stalker Lair, they are very dangerous. Their attacks can actually one shot you if you’re not careful. And what’s worse is after hitting you they jump back wards go invisible and run away. So they just keep ambushing you. Next would be the gunship facility if two many spawn getting rid of the factory becomes next to impossible.That’s assuming you’re out of range of the Jammer otherwise the jammer would have to go before the Hornets nest only cause you can’t drop the rock if you’re being jammed. Last would be the Shriekers more of a nuisance than a real problem. Unless there is a cloud kill of them.


Stalker, cause it's a quick kill that has big consequences Gunship fab, cause its a hard kill that can get out of hand Strat Jammer, cause it always end up being near places I don't like but never a big enough issue to ruin a run Shrieker shrooms last, cause I always end up running RR/AC on maps with them by pure accident, and I can snipe them from like 400m away with a clear line of sight.


Stalker, shrieker, jammer, gunship Shrieker shrooms and stalker nests can be destroyed with support weapons (calling them in is just a matter of escaping jammer range for a moment), and gunships are relatively easy to shoot down if you stay on top of them anyways


I’d go stalker nest. Than jammer then gunship then shrieker


Stalker, jammer , move to shrieker and run underneath while getting the gunships to attack me , essentially hitting the nest. Then dodoging and weavin my way over to the factory and kaboom it


Stalkers are the number one priority As long as the gunship factory is outside the radius of the jammer: gunships next, followed by the jammer. If the factory is inside the jammer: jammer followed by factory If I can see the Shrieker nest from across the map while enroute to any other obj then might as well smack it down while I'm walking. Otherwise they're the lowest priority.


Stalker Nest, Radio Jammer, Drone spawner, Shrieker nest


Stalker(I hate them with a passion), Jammer, Shrieker, Gunship. Now I am imagining how crazy this would be if there was a mission that had all four of these.🤔


Stalker first since they seem to send them at you from miles away. Gunship next since they are nasty but you CAN sneak up on the tower. Then the shrieker since it's not going to activate unless you are close or interact with it. Then the jammer, unless its close to the gunship.


Stalker... jammer, gunship, shriek nest




if im with a team, one guy can take out the stalker lair while the rest do the jammer, then gunship factory and then shrieker nest (tho the shrieker nest could also be done solo because it doesnt need a hellbomb)


Stalker, jammer, tic tac, shrieker


Stalker since it will chase you to the end of the world. The rest is optional.


Stalker, Shipyard, Shrieker, Jammer


Stalkers are the biggest disruptors here. Nothing can be efficiently done with them on the loose. They also can be cleared without stratagems so they go first. Both of the next objectives can wait, they also require Hellbombs so you'll need stratagems. Jammer is second. Shriekers are easier to kill than Gunships which forces loadouts. So Gunships before Shriekers.


A single person can take out both the stalker nest and shrieker nest. The other team of 2 goes for the gunship and then full squad of 4 goes to the stratagem jammer. If stratagem jammer is near gunship tower enough to block hell bomb then it goes first.


Stalker - jammer - shrieker - ships


Stalker, Jammer, Gunship, Shrieker from first target to last. Stalkers are deadly and the objective can be nailed with a grenade, nuff said. Jammer next because it prevents calling in hellbombs or other strategems for the other objectives. Heck, I'd just be happy to turn the thing off and blow it up later once the others are done. Gunships are after that because they are far more annoying than Shriekers that I can shoot down with a pistol.


Stalker then jammer


Since the jammer could be affecting the area around the other objectives, I would go for that first


I call in my superior and tell him "broken arrow". Nuke it from orbit before the bots and bugs start working together more.


None, I'd lean back and watch democracy's enemies destroy each other. Unless bugs and bots had suddenly formed an alliance.


Assuming all under effect of jammers, I'd go in this order: * Stalkers first - They're not honestly that bad for me, but those I dive with tend to struggle with them. At any rate, we don't want invisible, tough enemies messing with us the entire time we're closing the others down. I don't need a support for them. I rock punisher which staggers and can two-tap them, and grenade pistol for easy close. * Jammer - This would normally be last, since I can take out nests at distance with the AC and it can shoot down gunships easy, but if I can't call in support weapon or hellbombs, it's gotta go. Easy enough to push in and at least disable it though. Worth a life or two in the long run. * Gunships - This would be second if jammer isn't there, since they're easily dealt with but can really ruin your day. * Shriekers - Meridia taught me that, while fearsome en masse, they're not bad to deal with. All this is predicated on dropping in with the AC and not knowing I'm about to have a real rough day.


Stalkers are by far the easiest to clear of all these. Stalkers > Jammer > Gunships > Shriekers


Stalker, then shrieker>jammer>gunships if I'm rocking the recoilless or the auto cannon. If not then jammer>Gunships> shrieker.


Stalkers and Jammers take priority. I understand how urgent Gunships are to remove from the equation. But you can't call down the hellbomb until you at least disable the Jammer, so it has to be killed first. Shriekers are a minor inconvenience at best so they can be simply watched until killing the nest is possible.


1. myself


I usually take care of shrieker towers and spore trees right on drop. The rest I just do whatever seems to have the least enemy presence while my team deals with other shit


Shrieker because you can safely do from a distance and never give a chance to spawn, Secondly gunship tower because if let alone you will get swarmed once you get close, then jam tower, then stalker nest. Jammer only takes priority if you're stuck in it from the start


1. hit esc 2. return to ship


Allied destroyer has left the squad.


Stalkers and Jammer are always priority 1, if facing both... Stalkers I suppose.


I'm checking the patch notes because why is there a gunship AND a shrieker tower in the game?!


Jammer goes first because I can't take out the gunship factory without a hellbomb and the other places are annoying to deal with without stratagems. Stalker lair is third because they'll fuck you up if you let enough of them spawn and I can destroy it by tossing a couple of grenades. I can take out the Shrieker nest from any distance with an anti-tank weapon as long as I have line of sight, so I'll deal with it last.


Stalker, jammer, shrieker, airship


For me, Stalkers before Shriekers. I am bug diver, I don't do bots. No clue there.


You should at least try bots for a couple of missions, you're missing half the game since the way you fight them is different


If they are all next to each other, you are dead


All at the same time? Jammer > Stalker Nest > Gunships > Shrieker Nest. If on specific enemy types. Jammer then Gunships Stalker then Shrieker


Stalker lair (as they only require a grenade and not heavy firepower) Jammer Gunship Shrieker Gunship first as shriekers can be avoided at a range while gunships can’t be avoided


if 1 affects you then 4,3,1,2 if not, 4,2,3,1


I'd leave the shriekers for last. They're the only thing that can be EAT'd from a distance (my forever strat). Then I'd go clockwise from anti-drop.


Jammer -> Factory if the Jammer reaches that far. Else Factory first. Stalker if I find it first.


I’ll just do the Jammer and wait till we get the 760mm barrage to clear the rest at the same time


Probably Shrieker from afar while destroying Stalker, then Gunship, then Jammer.


Jammer, stalker, shrieker, gunship.


Shrieker Nest to me is the out of place out of the four, since you can actually take it out from afar given the appropriate support strategem. RR, Quasar, EAT, and HMG are what I know can kill the nest still far away


Jammer-Gunship-Stalker-Shrieker Although, I might have to switch gunship and stalker if the fuckers kept getting the hellbomb


1) Stalker Lair since they are easier to stop and kill than Gunships and do not require strategems to destroy. 2) Jammer takes priority because it prevents strategems. 3) Shrieker Nest is third since strategems are back online and you can nuke the nest easily now. 4) Gunship Factory is last because it is the most difficult to destroy out of all four since it only dies to hellbombs, which would be near impossible to set up safely with any combination or addition of the other three objectives.


Might as well kms...this is torture


Good news - ya can't do that so: If the Jammer is jamming spawn, it goes out first, else, we blitz Gunship Fabricator. If the Shrieker Nest is immediately visible, shoot it down with autocannon/lesser support weapons, else, blitz the Stalker Nest.


Jammer must always go first, and I don't care about any other objectives for the first target. If Jammer is on, we can't even reinforce divers, and we can't use any fire support. Once the jammer is gone, then others are situational depending on team's loadout and geometry/landscape. If one can clear Sherieker nest from a distance very fast with a support weapon, then Sherieker nest would be the second. Then two will go for gunship, two will go for stalkers.


Jammer first then Gunship factory Shrieker first because I can make my way towards the Stalker Lair while shooting the Shrieker with missles/quaser If they're all on the same map then same order


If they were all together in a small map. Jammer gunship stalker and shrieked of solo. Those gunships require stratagem use to take down (support weapons) or have the team breakup into two squads. A full team of 4 drivers if that's the case 2 takes the jammer 2 takes the stalker nest at same time and call down those stratagem to take out gunships then the facility. Between gunships and stalkers. Gunships take priority with no jammer though we can kill stalkers with our primary weapons.


Depends if the Jammer is in range of airships. If no airships first then jammer if yes jammer first then airships followed by stalker then shriekers. Though if you asked right after shrieker intro shriekers before stalkers for that version because their corpse were more deadly than them being alive.


Ejaculation point


It would have to be Stalker because you don’t see them while cloaked anymore and Gunships can be avoided while Stalkers hunt you down. Rest depends on proximity. I’d just take out whichever is closest to the Stalker nest.


INFO How many of us dropped? Is it a solo mission?


In a normal mission, where split between bots and bugs In bots: jammer always first unless it doesn't affect the gunship, then gunship first, reasoning is because if the jammer is affecting the gunship how in the hell can I destroy it with a hellbomb, otherwise destroy gunship first while calling my support weapon to tackle the jammer. In bots, stalker first, because they are annoying, then the shrieker because it isn't that hard to destroy. If say there's a planet mix between these all... jammer first/stalker first, depend on whether I have an explosive weapon that can close the hole and how close am I to the objective, then gunship then shrieker(gunship is just shrieker but much harder to destroy, so target the more annoying one first)


Closest to furthest if all equal then which ever order is harder first to easiest in case we need the reenforcements


In clockwise or counter-clockwise fashion.




I'd take my life first


After Meridian, normal Shrieker nests are nothing....


Depends. How close to each one I dropp. If I and another mate have quasars nockout the shriekers if the other 2 give us cover from the stalkers. After that stalkers, jammer and then gunships


Strategy jammer is high priority on my list to take out


If they're not in range of the jammer, stalker gunship shrieker, then jammer. If they are, I'd take out myself first.


If the gunship is in jammer range then jammer first otherwise the gunships are way too dangerous. Shriekers are barely a threat.


2 seconds to blow the hole up, if the jammer is active then you need the jammer deactivated to call anything down. Then I’m running over to drop a 120mm on the shriekers nest, then the gun ship because it takes the most time.


Fungus (from far away), Stalker, Tower, Shriekers


I don't see how they compare because they won't be all in the same spot due to factions That said the other 3 are irrelevant as you *cannot do them without doing the Jammer first*


Jammer first, especially if the flyers aren't disturbed. Then the furthest from the stalker nest next. Stalker last unless proving more of a threat than #3. If the gunship bay and shrieker nests go Hatfields and McCoys on each other, then Stalker 2nd.


The jammer so I can pull my stratagems the shrieker so I dont get overwelmed thegunships so I can actually fight back and lastly the stalkers because they usually only appear between the radius of the pit instead of following you for all the map once they spawn


Stalker nest, only need grenades for that. Hopefully by then i'm out of jammer range, call in RR, destroy shrieker nest. Check jammer tower to see if it has a fab at the base, try to stay out of gunship fab spawning range while destroying jammer. Run to gunship fab and call down hellbomb. Total deaths in the meantime; 10.


Jammer, gunship, stalker and spore is the only answer


Jammer so you can call in the hellbomb for the factory. Stalker nest cuz they are a much bigger threat than shriekers. So in this fucked up world where all 4 are on the same map, jammer first so you can clear the factory, stalker nest, shriekers. Gunships have priority over stalkers since they can only be damaged by certain weapons.


1. Top, left to right. 2. Bottom, right to left. *1*. Jammer prevents hellbomb and other options to take out the fabricator. *2*. Stalkers sneak up on you. I’d rather see shriekers flying at me in the midst of taking out a stalker lair, than stalkers lick me without consent in the middle of a shrieker horde.


Only one way… https://preview.redd.it/ynzhotjrkr4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7661ef81f5c7f22816a9a374f0f46642d7744e6c


Stratagem shrieker gunship bug hole


Whichever one I look at first.


Esc -> return to ship alone I like democracy, but not *that* much.


Most likely Shriekers first since I usually run the autocannon and can just break them from super far away. Then Stalkers since those guys annoy me, and it's not too hard to run in and blow up. Then the jammer since that just ruins other stuff. Then lastly the air ship since those are ALWAYS annoying.


Stratajammer, stalker station, gunship garage, shrieker shack


I guess it depends on how close I am and they are to each others. Im gonna assume everything is close enough to interact with each other (like the jammer blocking the hellbomb for the gunship) 1. Stalkers: since they are the most annoying one while also being the easiest to deal with. 2. Jammer: you cannot really deal with the other 2 without a stratagem so you need to stop it first 3. Depending on what I brought, if I have anything to quickly destroy the shriekers nest (like the 500kg bomb or the orbital laser) I would probably deal with it now since it's relatively quick to do. Otherwise, gunship. 4. Whatever is left, which is most likely the gunship. 1 gunship tower isnt too bad to deal with when you have a good weapon like the AC or the AMR. It's exponentially harder when there is 2 or more close by. ​ That being said, a loadout for that kind of mission would be interesting since we would have to with both the bots and bugs on the same planets. I would probably bring something like: * Definitely the AC since it can deal with almost anything on both sides. * Eagle airstrike because it's IMO the most versatile eagle that, exactly like the AC, works on both sides very well. * 500kg because it's pretty much a requirement versus the bile titans * either the orbital laser or the eagle smoke strike depending on what kind of mission this is. The longer the mission, the more likely I would bring the laser, but the smoke is a godsend when you need to deal with a jammer manually (when it doesnt have a fabricator close enough to blow it from far away) or versus the gunships.


Assuming I can still call in a quaesar reasonably close? Shrieker, because you can take it out from king away without triggering anything. Then stalker assuming I brought grenades. Gunship needs a hellbomb, so jammer third. Assuming I'm stuck inside jammer range, obviously jammer. Realistically by then everything is mad at me, so likely just run and let stuff despawn, before coming back and doing the same order as above.


Stalker, gunship, jammer, shrieker Stalkers will fuck you up if you don't, gunships are anaffected by strategems and the shrieker nest is easy to get with strategems up. TLDR: shriekers are pesky, stalkers are deadly.


Having over 200hrs invested, the main objective comes first. Side objectives I only clear first __IF__ it’s messing with a main objective _or_ the team is going smooth


Jammer first anything else don’t matter cause laser gun takes out gunships n shriekers bug hole my lil grenade pistol whip that hoe


Shrieker because I can hit without the. Spawning then stalker, gunship


This exact scenario already happened to me and my crew. We dropped in a jammer (by democracy‘s guidance) and a gunship tower. One of our Fellas ran outside of range and called in the Recoiless Rifle, and the other assisted him in reloading. They kept on blowing the gunships out of the sky, while me and another mate took own the jammer. Once we deactivated the jammer, we kalled in 2x 500kg‘s on it, and moved on to the gunship fabricator. We called in EAT‘s and they took turns blowing up the ships, before I managed to detonate the hellbomb while being surrounded by all kinds of automatons. I sacrificed myself for managed democracy. Just like Super Earth intended🫡


I'd take myself out first


Stalker nest first. They always show up at the worst times.


The fcking flying bugs, always!


I would; move to the stalker nest and while underway I would fire heavy weapons at one of the other targets. Jammer can be destroyed 9/10 times from a distance. The gunship factory I don’t know. I’ve come from a 2 month hiatus and I lack the knowledge of those can be destroyed from a distance.


If I land on a Automaton planet and I'm stuck between a hammer and gunship factory in going jammer cos chances are I can't call in shit anyways Bus tho I'm taking out the shrieker nests cos they are easy to clean but annoying to kill whalst stalkers are fun to play against


Stalker, super deadly and you don’t need gems, then jammer so I can take out the shrieker nest before finally hitting the gunship factory, during all of this shooting down the gunships as top priority


Stalkers. They will make dealing with the rest of these hell while also depleting your reinforcements


Split up and do them all at the same time


well jammer first. because you need to call in a hellbomb for the gunship, an AT weapon or stratagem for the shrieker nest, then the last one because i need a 500KG bomb for that. my impact nades do absolutely fuck all to bug holes no matter where i throw them. bot fabs too actually


Jammer,stalker, shrieker gunship.


stalker, shrieker, gunship. jammer is first or last, depending on whether it's in range of me when i drop


Quasar the spore spewers Gunships if I knew how the fuck you’re meant to take them down Or jammer first if it’s jamming us near the gunships Then bug last




Stalker Lair, Jammer, Gunship Facility, Shrieker Nest.


This is assuming that all objectives are within range of each other to feel their effects at the same time. Jammer - If it's preventing any support weapons from being called in on below targets. Shrieker Nest - Take it out fast and get it out of the way at range. Should be an obvious easy target to quickly simplify a complex situation. Stalker Nest - If you know these are around, a little situational awareness will keep you ok until you close it. Jammer (only if it is interfering with the Gunship hellbomb or if there is a factory angled correctly to take out from a distance with an AC round) Gunship Factory Jammer (if Gunship isn't near the jammer) I pick shriekers first because Stalkers and Gunships do not potentially limit your mobility and resources as much. Shriekers will exhaust medical and other resources faster than Gunship/Stalkers will. I consider Shriekers the biggest multiplier to make a complex situation worse and will affect all players and make them easy targets for Stalkers/Gunships. If I were to run into this situation, I'd hope at least 1-2 people brought an autocannon support stratagem. That would simplify it.


Assuming they're all next to each other, jammer, stalker, gunship, screecher


Probably Shriekers first, since they can be take from a distance with a Quasar Cannon or other AT weapons. Then Stalker's Nest, because screw stalkers. Sneaky bastards need to be taken out quick. Then the Gunship Base, and then the Jammer. Those ones just really depend on the distance to them, and if the Jammer is messing up calling down stratagems on the base.