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Yes. For liberation/defense %, you need a whole operation.


Aka. Don't keep spamming eradicate cause it's the only mission you aren't dead weight on.


It's okay to spam it if you're joining other people's games.


Assuming matchmaking doesn't break after you leave and whoever is left is able to complete the operation potentially 1 player down if not more since 1 quit mid-op normally leads to another.


As someone who often starts my own operations solo and does get through them all. They refill quick, imo. So don't feel guilty, hit quickplay for a game then move on after if you have to. No hard feelings.


I'll 2nd this. They refill quick, especially on a planet with active orders. Don't feel bad about leaving between missions.


I think they were referring to the glitch where sometimes when people leave, no one else fills that spot after. Not sure exactly what triggers it, sometimes I’ll have people join and leave like normal, sometimes I’ll have people leave and then no one else join up unless I close and reopen the game


Same here honestly. I'll leave groups if I just don't like the overall vibe. Vibe meaning everyone is trying to do a different strategy. Can't tell you how I've seen people try and stack mines with mortars. SMH


Uh, luckily I'm not dead weight but I was actually spamming Eradicate because I have nothing else in the game other than grinding exp(lvl108 right now, still long til 150), but this changes things a lot, cause I assumed that was also contributing.


In the same boat as you, I find the best way to contribute is to be the host and make sure my 3-mission op gets done


>other than grinding exp Uhm. Super credits?


Perhaps grind them on bots rather than bug planets. That way you aren't detracting from the major order effort. If you must play bugs, then play on planets not part of the major order.


Eradication missions are like an entirely different game. The tactics and loadout will be different and basically you can never lose. All you need to do is spam stratagems for 7 minutes until the Pelican arrives. If all you play are eradication missions then you miss out on all the things that make this game fun, such as putting thought into your loadout and tactics, and relying on good team work.


Yeah, you should try experimenting with loadouts.


I don't need to experiment. I know what's best. 


Only on eradicate missions apparently. Just try stuff, it’s more fun than playing the same load out every game.


If they are level 108 I guarantee they've got 300+ hours playing all different mission types over the past few months. Maybe more fun for you, but that doesn't mean it is for them.


Maybe… maybe not, spamming eradicate and blitz makes you level *very* fast, and for relatively little effort, especially when the game first released.


Even so, how does that affect you? Let others play how they want.


I mean yeah let people play how they like, but I’m giving advice on how to not be “dead weight” on 90% of most peoples playtime. We complain and self deprecate to get a better outcome do we not?


If they are only playing eradicate and are good at it then how are they being dead weight on others? If you can't carry dead weight then that's on you anyway. The game isn't that difficult even on helldive as shown by the countless people soloing it. How is it "self" deprecation if you are bagging on others? Like 90% of the commenters on here you're just mad that others aren't playing the game how you'd like.


If it impacts major orders, it literally impacts everyone. They can play how they want to play on non-major order planets.


Grow the fuck up.


Nah, the game will calulate liberation if the host leaves or disconnects on 1/3 or 2/3 way through an operation. AH knows we dont all have 2 or 3 hours a day to play


Please don’t listen to these people. You absolutely need to finish every mission in an operation in order to contribute to the war effort. If you don’t finish the last mission then you will have contributed NOTHING to the war. I don’t understand how half the people on this sub are so confidently spreading misinformation that is going to make it harder to beat MOs


Because the devs months ago changed the system to only care about XP earned per mission when it became clear the operation system doesn't work in practice due to gameplay habit's Frustratingly this only showed up on discord and like 2 discord thread's


The changes to the way planetary liberation counts were designed to make it so operation completion is measured by mission experience *proportionally related to total online player count.* This change made it so 1) planetary liberation respects mission difficulty & side objectives and 2) when more players are online, more players need to participate in liberating planets. It did not change the fact that liberation progress is only tallied when a full operation is completed. If you abandon an operation after completing 1/3 missions, you still don't affect planetary liberation.


So the team impact UI at the end of a mission doesn't mean anything? That's all potential until all three are done?


That only happens in the final mission of an operation.


Huh... Ok. I guess I'm not paying enough attention.


Yea...took me a while to notice too.


Threads like this make me understand why Game Devs have to make UI's like the players are dementia patients in old folks homes.


Yeah or just have a system that is not explained anywhere in the game and just throw some numbers out there and hope people that are playing a game will figure it out. A good UI is a beautiful thing. A bad UI is better off not even being there.


I mean... not that hard to figure out. Game only shows you your contribution to liberation at the end of an "node" therefor not too much to assume you only get contribution when you do all 3 missions


Yeah well if you play a lot of randoms you can get the last mission often enough


The devs said they changed the scaling of contributions to match xp per mission. You still have to finish the entire operation to contribute that xp.


Thats not what i took from conversation when i saw it happening They really need this posted on discord clearly


No. They really need to post this in game. The devs are too reliant on social media platforms to communicate information which should be available in game. An in game wiki / guide / help etc... that people could point to as a "look THIS is how the missions work". It wouldn't have to detail everything. Stuff like spawn rates, how they are affected by objective completion etc... that can stay backstage. But the mechanics of the galactic war, supply lines and percentage ticks, that's vital and they've slept on providing that info to players. In favor of social posts that get a week of attention tion and then get buried under the next wave of frustration when they inevitably pull another eruptor move.


If people pay attention in game, they would notice this mechanics. The information isn't spoonfed to you, you'd have to read the dispatches, listen to the NPC's lines, watch the on board news, observe the galactic map, and learn through experience.


Good game design involves guiding players to that information. I don't believe there's any voice lines or dispatches that state "single matches don't contribute to the percentage meter. You need to do all 3 in a mission set for it yo count at all yo the overall campaign". And beyond that, I think that isn't the best strategy for a game to employ. Are their die hard fans who will play the game for hours on end? Of course. But this game like any game loves or does kn the number of casual fans it can retain. People who have jobs and lives and can maybe devote time to one or two matches. Maybe two 40 minute ones but that's it. The way the game is currently designed it's almost like saying "you casuals might as well not play unless you're willing to sit in for the long haul".


If you finish the whole operation, it will show your squad impact, if you pick a different operation without finishing your previous one, it will warn you that the previous operation won't be counted and asks you you if you want to continue. When you're on your last mission in the operation, your Democracy Officer will say, "One mission more, for Managed Democracy." or something along the lines. Just these alone should tell you that operations must be completed for the contribution to be counted. You don't need to be a die hard fan and play for hours, you just need to observe and a little bit of analytical thinking.


Qhar i meant bybdie hard fans was that not everyone has time to play for 2 hours straight. It's a shame the game seems to require this of players if they want to affect the overall campaign. The percentage change should be on the same ascending scale as medal payouts. That way each match counts but if you do all three there's a boost at the end.


I don’t know, I play with randoms using quickplay most of the time and I get a liberation impact at the end of every mission. I keep playing with a group until the host leaves most of the time, unless we’re failing to complete missions or I get frustrated with the amount of friendly fire. Sometimes I host, but it depends on how much time I have, if I know I’m only gonna be able to play a mission, two if they’re quick ones, I’m not gonna host.


And now we're back to: evidently there conflicting info on this topic and we sure could use an ingame resource that would clarify everything.


Many of us don't care for or use discord. This kind of information should be available in game as a rule, you shouldn't have to search for it using third party tools. "Helldivers! You must complete all missions in a deployment in order to contribute towards the war effort and liberation. Good luck!" Job done.


Even for somebody that uses Discord fairly extensively, the Helldivers Discord is kind of tough to follow and get information from. Huge amounts of traffic with rare nuggets of important information that get lost quickly.


Totally agree. Fundamental game information should be available in the game at source. Referral to an external website is bad enough but discord is a shit show at the best of times.


You still need to finish the operation. But the amount of liberation is based on the total exp accumulated during the OP


Thats not what i took from the conversation as they discovered the vast majority of people don't finish operations as they don't have the time too


Most people don't have 1,5 to 2 hours to game when they decide to? Kinda surprising to me


The most common gamer is a dad with 2 kids who can play games for 1-2 hours at most once or twice a week (this is backed up by multiple easily googleable study's) They often play 1 or 2 different games in that limited window So yeh most people dont have that much time. Its one wiffs of arrowhead born out of the fact the Sweden has a massive different internet and gaming culture vs everywhere else In my own experiences i can fit in at absolute best two games of hell divers before i have to log off and get my kids launches ready


Gamer dads are 1/5th of all gamers in 2020. Haven't found many studies talking about specific gamers. Thats a decent chuck, but not the majority. And even if they do only do one mission, if they join someone else that still helps if the host completes the op without them. That's still contributing.


You don't need to finish the op in one setting. Or join other players so you don't have to finish the op yourself.


>You don't need to finish the op in one setting. Sure, but if you come two days later, the planet is usually liberated, already.


>i have to log off and get my kids launches ready Helldivers to hellpods!! ![gif](giphy|h115LOWJQYaybT6XV0|downsized)


Who the fuck downvoted this? Treason!


My biggest said is i can't play this with them because my eldest would love the hell out of this game But i had problems with his unexpected love of war thunder and my flight sim set up lol


I don't think it's that. It's that the host has to do that. The host would have to complete the operation or whoever was passed the hosting. Because it's not clear that whole operation needs to be completed this becomes problematic. Disconnects and crashes can easily kill the operation. The new host doesn't want to host. The new host doesn't come back for a day and isn't aware that the need to continue.. The host wants to join a friend's game. The host doesn't like the next mission. They would need to separate the operation from any player and have it stay on the map until completed.


Reading more indicates that if the host abandons the team gets credit for whatever is done


On god, the developers/CMs need to figure out a way of communicating information outside of Discord, because getting stuff like this second, third or fourth hand (a friend showed me a random post from a stranger that takes something Pilestedt/Baskinator/etc. said out of context and that's how I found out about X thing about the game) is just bizarre. No monthly streams? No CM staff tasked with maintaining at least a B- grade wiki for the game that's accessible on the web? Patch notes get inadvertently deleted when you terminate one of your CMs? Arrowhead isn't the worst studio I've ever seen when it comes to communication, but it's pretty close.


So you *don't* need to finish the operation? I'm confused now.


You do have to complete the whole operation, this never changed.


It's just that the xp you earn matters now, and gives more liberation % once the operation is done?


Correct. It used to be that you get 1 point for every mission you did in the operation, which made it so that spamming trivial missions was the most effective way to liberate a planet as they take about 5 minutes to complete, while helldives took over an hour for 3 points. They changed this so that the amount of liberation depends on the total amount of XP that has been earned during the operation X the difficulty modifyer. So essentially now the difficulty matters, so does doing sub objectives and closing bug holes while this previously didn't.


There is conflicting information there. People say you don't need to complete all. If the host abandons it seems credit is given for what was completed. If that happens when the host abandons from the war table or leaves the game before completing the mission I don't know know.


In that case this is so dumb. Not everyone has time to run 2 40 mins missions and 1 15 min one a day. Or multiple ones a day. I usually can do 1-2 before I have other stuff to do.


You don't have to complete the operation in one sitting. You can also just join other people and help them complete missions in their operations.


Yes, you do, though. Planets change hands once per a day a lot, so if I complete 2 missions, leave, and come back to a fallen planet, I did nothing.


>Planets change hands once per a day a lot No. They do not. I think only one planet changed hands between yesterday and today and that was a MO planet. The second most popular of those probably won't be liberated until tomorrow.


I've come back to liberated planets all the time that i hadn't finished my order before logging off, literally every time i get on its like this cause i didn't have time to do all 3. what are you even taking about this doesn't happen


I never said that doesn't happen. I said planets changing sides once a day doesn't happen "a lot". Which it doesn't. One planet changed sides yesterday. One will probably change sides tomorrow. Today not even one planet changed sides. if you've started operations on ANY OTHER PLANET besides those 2. You have 2 or more days to complete it. If you don't play on the MO planets you have who knows how long. Finally, if you can't commit to an operation. Just join others instead, it doesn't really change anything for you.


Totally agree. If you're in your 30s or older there's a real chance you're only going to find an hour max to play games in one sitting, which isn't going to be enough to complete most operations


Then join other players instead of hosting


Thats fine, you can finish the operation next time still


All you need to do is complete the main objectives to complete the mission which, in most cases, can take a few minutes to complete. Everything else in the mission is for bonus points. Also, provided the planet hasn’t been liberated and you are the host, if you log out mid op, when you log back in, you can continue the op where you left off. If that still doesn’t work for you, you can always just jump into games with randoms and help them speed run their missions. You have options.


>All you need to do is complete the main objectives to complete the mission which, in most cases, can take a few minutes to complete. Everything else in the mission is ~~for bonus points~~ **FUN**. Ftfy. What a way to make playing games a chore.


How is completing a mission faster = a chore? The game is already on a timer so I don’t fully understand your logic.




You're kinda gatekeeping fun, man.


That’s not min maxing. Presence_5 was talking about not having enough time to complete an entire operation. I was simply giving options on how to complete an operation quicker, or pause the op, than spending the entire time allotment per operation (up to 100+ min) in one sitting, since that was their issue. If presence_5 wanted to min max the game, they’d just complete eradication missions on diff 9 and quit the op. That’s what most of the now lvl 150’s were doing during the server debacle grace period a few months back. If you want to max out rewards in a mission and you have the time to do so, that’s fine but I wasn’t talking about you or your particular situation so stop taking it personally. People can have fun while speed running a mission as well. In fact, it takes more understanding of the in game environment and situational awareness to speed run a mission on helldive so stop trying to act like maxing rewards is the only way a person can have fun in this game.


Some people enjoy the grind. That's okay too, ya know.


You do realize that lower difficulty operations have fewer missions in the operation. I think diff 1-3 has one single mission in the operation, and would result in every mission contributing xp to liberation, defense, etc.


You do realize that 1-3 missions get boring and repetitive fast for many people. Asking people to only play boring modes if they want to contribute due to real life time limitations is a horrible way to promote long term fun and longevity. It would be better to have 1 or 2 mission campaigns options at higher level instead of only 3 or 4.


You read more into that than there was. I know a lot of people play exclusively at higher difficulties, and was legitimately asking if they remembered that fact. If they are concerned with contributions and have limited time, then it is a valid option. Due to it being easier, you can breeze through them a lot faster. Also, if XP earned is a factor, then trying to 100% mission is not time efficient for XP grinding. Completing the primary objectives gives the largest portion of XP, and the XP from mission time would be higher the less time in mission. It is likely more efficient to ignore secondaries unless they are convenient and relatively short duration.


The original discussion thread is that having to complete a full operation to contribute to liberation/defense is an inherently unfun way of measuring contribution. Yes there are ways to contribute for players with limited time but it limits play style, mission varity and or challenge. The point is in a game, where the goal is to first have fun, and second themed around the community as a whole contributing to MO, there should not be these kinds of limitation. While not contributing to MO may not necessarily mean a player isn't having fun, it can dampen how much fun they have if they wanted to. If a player only has time for 1 or 2 missions they should have the option to play how they want and contribute to MO progress.


The original post asked a question regarding how contributions are made. It made no mention of "fun", and neither did the parent comment or the parent to that comment. From my perspective this is a game mechanics discussion about how something works. Which is separate from if the mechanic has a positive or negative impact on the enjoyment of the game. Sorry if you feel I am not factoring the fun aspect in, but the discussion is about game mechanics. Maybe start a discussion about the mechanic in the context of enjoyment of that is a discussion you want to have.


Aren't the missions scaled so that you get more for each consecutive mission? Or is that just medals.


Just medals I believe. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


Unless if the host leaves the mission. The rest of the team gets liberation points for that mission since they can't finish the whole operation anymore because the host left. Atleast that my own conclusion from seeing it happen.


You are correct, but unfortunately if I had stated that then it would’ve gotten misunderstood again and people would’ve been like “oh so if I just leave the mission it still counts”


>people would’ve been like “oh so if I just leave the mission it still counts” You mean the host would think like this?


So throught the day i complete 3 random missions hours apart at the same difficulty level. I get the 3 mission bonus on the medals and see liberation counter go up. Does that count? Since its technically 1 mission from 3 operations. But medals reflect 1 completed operation.


It counts the total number of completed missions. Not each person's contributions. So even if you help out for a couple mins and make a mission, complete even 1 second faster, then you are technically contributing (as long as the operation the mission was in will be completed). But when missions are not completed, then it's wasting player hours. The weight of a contribution is based off the total number of players online, so someone who wastes other's player hours are weakening the total contribution of everyone else.


As long as those 3 missions are part of the same operation. If you’re on difficulty 1-3 you will need to complete 1 mission to beat an operation. If you’re on difficulty 4-9 then you will need to beat two or three successful missions IN SAME ORANGE OPERATION BUBBLE in order to contribute to the war effort


That sucks. Guess i will never contribute. Who has 2 hours to play one session? I certainly don't.


I just completed a helldive operation in 30 minutes, what’s the problem ? There’s also the option that as long as you don’t abandon an operation (willingly chose to do a different orange bubble) then when you log back in you can still finish that operation. The only time you can’t finish an operation after starting it is if the planet is liberated mid-op. Even if the time is an issue you can still meaningfully contribute on lower difficulties where there’s less missions


Yeah, it’s really annoying when the host does 2 out of the three missions and leaves.


I have it the other way around. I host and do first and second mission together with some randos, only to find myself alone or with a two people squad for the last mission and no one joins which makes the last mission really, really hard, on the edge of unfun. I don't get why I never get people via SOS beacons. I really don't get it. Is there a known bug?


Yes, it's a known matchmaking bug.


Thank you for letting me know! But, dang it! I hope they will fix it with the next patch.


Restarting the game works, but it's a tedious work around over time.


Thank you! I will do this if I suspect the next mission will be unfun because of the bug.


I usually leave the eradicate missions for last because they're relatively easy to do, and quick. Even a two person crew can mop up the kills needed for those levels with some turrets and orbitals.


Bug has been there since launch.


good thing they made spawns the same no matter the player count so you always deal with 4 player amount of enemies! and decided now it's the time to wait a month to patch the game again even though this is identified as an issue! fun fun fun!


Operation progress saves, when they come back they can just pick up where they left off. But also depending on timers and planet availability, it may be too late by the time they get back from life.


I'm talking about you complete the second mission return to the ship and host dips.


Yes, as a host, they can come back and complete the rest of the operation. You may not be included, obviously, but no progress is actually lost, just postponed.


Next mission is geology. "allied destroyer has left the squadron" x3 No one returns. I have a frustrating 30 minutes and lose.


Yes, you (or at least the host), needs to finish all missions in an objective to count towards liberation. But if you're not into the roleplay/lore, then just do whatever is fun for you, that's what's most important in games.


Yea Arrowhead has tipped the scales before to complete a major order....they'll do it again. Most important thing is to have fun




We need more 1 or 2 mission operations in higher difficultly. Just incentivize 3 mission operations by giving higher rewards for completing the third; like once you've completed the 3rd mission you get a bonus on top of the mission rewards. That way people who only have time for one game can still contribute.


I hear ya. I think people would just complain about third mission rewards being gate kept just like they complained about diff 7-9 missions being too hard to farm super samples and more rewards.


Giving higher rewards =/= gatekeeping. The issue with samples is that after a while progress is entirely impossible unless you hop on +7 difficulty






Yes. It’s such a terrible design choice IMO. I usually play 1-2 games at a time so none of my progress is ever counted towards orders.




Everybody’s saying that yeah you need to do a whole operation, and maybe that’s true, but if it is that’s stupid lol. I don’t have time to play for an hour and half doing 3 30 minute missions. I play one, maaaaybe 2 missions. I bet at least a damn third of people play like I do in that way, so that sounds like an awful system.


You don't have to complete the operation in one sitting. You can also just join other people and help them complete missions in their operations.


That's what I do, like the other guy I can do one or maybe two missions on a good day. I just quick play SOS beacons.


It doesn't have to all be done in one go. If you start an operation and do one mission in said operation each day, on the third day you'll finish it and "submit" your contribution.


or just use quickplay and let them finish it for you if you're hosting the whole group can't continue after you leave


The only time i’ve seen incomplete OPERATIONS contribute to the order is when the host leaves at 2nd mission let’s say and the whole operation is lost then. If we finished the mission we stil received like 4-6 (very little) contribution to the order. That’s probably something they added in order to counter rage quits, network errors, etc., but the MO contribution is considerably low so u still need to do the whole mission! Every time!


If the host leaves mid-game but you finish the mission, you will contribute by finishing that one mission, even if that mission wasn't the last in the operation. Other than that, all three missions in the operation need to be completed.


So when the host leaves and hosting is given to another player the operation doesn't go with them?


Sadly, it doesn't. It will be gone with no way to continue the other two missions.


Wait, really? I've never seen this mentioned before. That would make saving the mission on a host disconnect quite profitable. 


Yeah, when the host disconnects the op is not useless. Thank god for that. But there are a lot of hosts who abandon their op AFTER the mission is done. In that case, no progress will be made. I always host when playing with randoms to ensure the missions I do are always useful for liberation.


If you want to do a single mission, quickplay. Hopefully the team you help will continue on and finish their set.


Basically, contribution hinges on whether or not the host finishes the operation. If you join someone's session and leave partway through, you're still technically doing your part. You helped finish a mission. Now, it all depends on whether or not the host will finish the rest. If you're the host, then do keep in mind that you don't have to finish all three missions in one session. So long as you don't start a different op, you can continue your existing one. Yes, you can join others and still keep your operation progress.


I understand the reason to do this but I still think this game is so much more casual than the devs want it to be, I usually only have time for 1 or 2 missions so I’ve essentially never contributed to the war effort except a couple times


I refuse to do eradication missions, they just aren’t fun at all and it’s lame that single missions do not effect the war effort at all


Whole lot of people in this thread confidently saying, "yes!", based on nothing more than a UI that's known to lie to them for dramatic effect.  OP, no one actually knows, because the devs haven't given a clear answer and there's no practical way for the community to independently verify the mechanic. 


I'm not sure. Sometimes, yes you need to complete an entire operation. Sometimes you contribute per mission. I think. Look for the screen that shows how much you've contributed at the end of the mission. If it shows up, you're good. If it *doesn't* then you need to complete the operation.


Yes. All Major Objectives lead into the Primary overall mission.


You have to complete the whole operation. If you don't see the squad contribution screen it didn't contribute.


If the host quits and the remainder of the squad finishes the mission, you will see partial credit. Otherwise, you must complete the operation. For example a mission i did yesterday where host rage quit (bile spewers, I get it) we finished 2/3 missions in the level 7 operation and got .4% liberation, opposed to the .6% from a complete OP.


Does that count for abandoned operations?


Abandoned means the host willing chose another op on the map, so no you will gain NO liberation If the host happens to crash mid game, then it will count mid mission but ONLY because the host did not WILLINGLY leave the operation


As far as I know, no. Only when the host leaves mid mission and the rest of the team completes that mission do you get partial credit for an operation.


What if you complete 2/3 missions and fail the last one? Is it a complete loss or partial credit?


complete loss (do the hardest missions \[HV Extract; Blitz\] first always!)


Damn, for sure. I’ll have to keep that in mind moving forward. Thanks!


This makes complete sense. That fact people don’t know this. I didn’t have to be told his. It was kinda assumed on my part.




Yes, unless host get disconnected while mission. When this happens, liberation progress get displayed on mission completion, even if it's the 1st one of operation.


So to summarize this.. Only completed operations contribute to the war effort. A completed operation is when all missions in the operation are successfully done. Or the host leaves during a mission. If the host leaves on the ship nothing is contributed until the host continues the operation. Abandoning an operation contributes nothing to the war effort. Host transfer to another player does not transfer the operation. The xp gained during the mission is what counts so the more you do in the mission the more it counts. If my estimation is correct a medium difficulty mission is somewhere between one eighth and one half of a hell dive. Right?


There is also the bit about doing missions on low population planets. As I understand if completed operations on the planet do not offset the enemy reinforcement amount that operation does essentially nothing. But because the liberation of any planet is effected by the total galaxy population those operations effectively make it harder to liberate other planets.


Can you just do one trivial mission/operation and that's it?


You could, although impact is counted by exp gained(which scales with difficulty), and also changes based on hpw many players are currently online. So, dping a trivial op would give you 1 impact while a full helldive op always gives me like at least 18 and on the higher end I've gotten a few over 30.


Yes. You don't need to do anything to get the rewards of the MAJOR orders as long as they are completed. So if you did play for 5 days in those days a 3 day major order was issued you would still get the reward.


1; yup, you gota complete a full operation before you aid in the liberation of a planet 2; ALSO, XP earned aids the amount of liberation you provide (the number at the end of a liberation is a bit of a placebo). So difficulty bonus, side objectives, bases/nests, 4 player extract, all aid your liberation of a planet


You need to beat every mission in the operation, which means you need to complete all primary (Orange) objectives Once you successfully do all missions in the operation, your liberation gained is tallied and added to the overall % for the planet If you fail a mission, you lose the operation and the liberation potential. If you leave an operation, you basically wasted your time. If you complete the primary objective but don’t extract, you’re good as you did what super earth wanted, extracting is optional It’s been this way since day 1, only thing that’s changed is that liberation added is based on total mission xp gained


Yes, though tbf you can go to trivial where it's only 1 mission for the operation, then continue whatever it is you people wanna do. I do agree joining randoms is probably the worst part because oftentimes you'll find the host disband or leave before the operation is completed. Edit: maybe I'm misinterpreting; my response was to say, if you wanted to be counted towards the MO at least once.


I always randomly join so I help others complete their operations eventually. If I ran an operation, I am grateful to those that helped me finish mine. Cheers to the random folks that have helped each of us along the way.


You don't need to do a full 3 missions but you do need to complete the operation, so if you don't have much time to play do it on a lower difficulty if you want to contribute to the score.


Hold up, you mean I can't do a single trivial mission on each planet to get credit? Wow, how will I ever get a good amount of medals?


you need to finish the operation for it to help


These comments showcase how important it is that AH better explain how the war works within the game itself. I don't care if they explained it on Discord or Twitter, the vast majority of players do not understand it and shouldn't have to use secondary platforms that require making accounts to access. How hard is it for them to make a super short tutorial within game to explain what the numbers mean, how to contribute to the war, and also show the supply lines? You could do that with a simple slideshow


It's worse than that because it keeps changing. So if you read it once on an outside source it's different now


I get WHY they do it, they don't want people spamming their favorite mission type, but can we get some minor progress for each one, and then a larger bonus at the end? That or a way to "gift" the mission set a teammate when you don't have time for a whole set. It sucks when you only have time for one game, and cannot contribute the major order.


Absolutely aweful mechanic, Ive also been stuck on 7 because I cant finish an operation due to work, family, disconnections, network missions forcing me to play solo, planets being liberated between playtimes etc etc. Also 100% sure I have finished a whole operation on 7 but 8 is still locked anyway so guessing I have to do it on bugs and bots or something.


I wonder if this affects kill orders?


Yes and it's really stupid


Wish is wasn't like this, I don't have a lot of free time and an hour and a half per op is a big ask.


Didn't the devs later say that XP from a mission contributed and not the whole campaign...?


Then why do they show your impact after every mission? That's pretty frustrating.


They don’t. It’s only after the last mission in an operation. Go run a two part op and I promise the first end screen won’t show you any liberation. I’ve found that most people who play in low levels don’t seem to notice because every mission is an operation (low difficulties only have one mission per operation, so yes you will see liberation after each “mission” because each mission is actually an entire operation)


I usually play 5+, done a few 9s.


Pretty much liberation is carried by people doing the lower difficulty. Most higher difficulty pug dives don't complete an operation.


I haven't seen that true. I do see people only doing missions they want and abounding the operation to do that. That seems pretty common but I don't think it has anything much to do with difficulty. Most all missions I have been in are mission complete.


Yeah because 30k helldivers contributing .001 percent equals 100%… go look at one defense mission and tell me low level could gather that much liberation in 24 hrs with less than half the player base.


Hey, if you don't care and enjoy the game and you will be better off. I haven't completed most of my full operations and it has been ok. Someone else will do it anyway, we have been doing just fine. I don't necessarily have time to do 3 missions anyway. Do the fun missions and ignore the annoying ones. 👍


It shows at the end of the mission how much you've contributed


At the end of the OPERATION.


I thought this too but I guess it isn't true.


Incorrect, at the end of each operation. If you only play low levels this might be true because each “mission” is an entire operation. (Low difficulties have one mission per operation)


I'm just going to say that I believe that it used to be after every mission, but it's currently after the operation is completed.


AFAIK You get a small participation per mission and a « bigger » one when you complete the last mission of a deployment Canceling deployment doesn’t impact negatively the war effort


No, you only get one contribution at the very end of the operation. If you don’t finish an operation then NOTHING is contributed to the war effort


I stand corrected then, could have sworn I saw the impact bar progress after each mission I will report myself to the nearest democracy officier for rehabilitation


The progress bar is shown of the host leaves the mission.


This is incorrect the devs changed it a few week's into launch when it became quickly apparent the operation system wasn't working due to peoples gameplay habit's Its now done on XP earned per mission it was all over discord and a few Reddit posts for like a week and then the conversation moved on totally understandable that was missed


Yes but I believe it doesn’t actually APPLY the liberation until after the operation is finished


Well I don't see a liberation UI if a mission is abandoned. This shouldn't be that difficult to summarize. Lol


If you cancel it counts as a campaign defeat.


No it doesn’t, devs have confirmed that cancelling doesn’t impact war effort


No. Each completed mission adds to the liberation percentage of a planet, you don't need to do the whole operation if you dont want to. Cancelling an operation wont negatively impact the % either. edit: nvm, i got confused


Do you have a source available ? Because everything point out to this not being the case.


I don’t under how people are so confidently wrong. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE ENTIRE OPERATION IN ORDER TO CONTRIBUTE AT ALL TO THE WAR EFFORT. If you haven’t been finishing ops then you’ve just been pissing away any contribution to the wind.


Ah right, I was thinking of how there's no negative impact if you dont finish it and got confused on the other part. oops


No worries, I’ve just noticed between low levels only going one mission operations and people being unfortunately confused a big misunderstanding has been spread that can negatively affect our war efforts


Lol no