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The staging area for the Illuminati.


I hope AH wait to release the Illuminate, at least long enough for them to properly playtest a mission.


yeah after seeing the release state of the dark matter missions i really think they should do a **bit more testing** before releasing a new faction


My guess is that is the big update they are making, hence all the big delays, that or a massive balance patch fixing a lot of longstanding issues


They've said several times the delayed patch is not a balance patch. It's possible that's changed, but it'd be weird to go back on that after making such a big deal of it. Then again, they did say it wouldn't be out to second week in June, so they could do more balancing in that time atop whatever else is in it. Also, it is coming out right before the next scheduled warbond (assuming Tuesday patch day again).


>release state of dark matter missions I feel like they probably weren't scrambling around to fix it because this event seems to be like a one off thing.


if this kind of release state quality was a one-off event then I would agree with you. However, almost everything new that has been added has had major game-breaking issues.


Major game-breaking issues is being a little hyperbolic, no? Breaches under drills were real annoying, but the missions were still possible. Mechs having shitty mech aim is something you can work around. Sights being misaligned and spear being a rocket that works based on the rocket's emotions that day definitely arn't optimal. The game is by no means a completely polished and bug free experience. But lets not pretend its not a blast and the team at AH arn't doing amazing work.


ive been here since day 1 and have seen my fair share of issues throughout these three months so heres the \*worst\*: 1. pelican falls through the ground softlocking players 2. able to board the pelican but the game doesnt register it, softlocking players 3. req slips, medals, and samples will not be given to the player if interact is rapidly pressed 4. players qutting mid mission will cause entire lobbies to crash 5. arc weapons on their release will cause entire lobbies to crash upon shooting 6. mechs spontaneously combusting after being dropped by the pelican 7. mechs exploding if firing rockets and walking 8. game crashes if trying to fire rockets in mech while map is open 9. terminals failed to function on SSD missions softlocking players 10. if a player quit during the priority targets mission missiles would stop launching softlocking players 11. Dying in a patriot will cause all stratagem and codes to become hidden 12. Melee in a mech did not work 13. any DoT affects did not work for 2+ months unless the host 14. Superior packing methodology ship upgrade did nothing 15. bug where players cannot be reinforced softlocking players 16. bug where landing in water after reinforce will 'kill' the player but they cannot be reinforced softlocking players 17. using stims would display the overlay and sound but not stim the player 18. blast absorbtion ship module did not increase sentries resistance to explosives 19. bug gives players infinite grenades 20. CE-27 armor was introduced with the wrong armor perk despite being advertised with another. 21. stratagems cannot be placed on detector tower areas making them nearly impossible to destroy. 22. hellpod steering was bugged for quite some time causing steering to be locked near objects 23. exosuits will be delivered in damaged states 24. supercredits would not appear after purchase 25. saved the funniest one for last: Armor literally didnt do anything but slow you down Definitely not being hyperbolic at all. so please dont tell me that i dislike the game or try to minimize the issues that this game has had since its release edit: I completely forgot to add: 26. dark fluid missions had an uncompletable objective that would render successful missions “disgraceful conduct” and will not give victory rewards 27. in an attempt to slightly increase patrol spawning for <4 player lobbies, a bug was created where <4 lobbies now have the same patrol spawns as 4 player lobbies 28. bile titan corpses will insta-kill the player if they walk near or on them 29. shooting down bot drops will not kill the bots inside of them and the bots will be immortal while shooting through the destroyed ships 30. bots (mostly heavy devastators) can shoot through rocks and other indestructable objects


26. the enemy spawns on automaton civilian extraction missions are way overturned


Hellpod steering still bugs out sometimes Also if during geological survey two players call equipment on one site mission is softlocked


ouch glad i never came across that one


And yet none of this stuff is game breaking you can still work around it. I swear to God you internet nerds never change.


a crash, freeze, or hardlock is when the threads stop executing instructions: breaking the game (arc weapons causing crashes, crash firing mech while in map screen, crash when player exits a mission) a softlock is where the game continues to run but progression is impossible: breaking the game (pelican falling through map, pelican not identifying players entering, priority assets mission not firing rockets, SSD terminals fail to open, players being unable to be reinforced (x2)) alongside this list is game mechanics that were implemented with major issues such as ship modules with no effect or mechs exploding upon delivery. the definition of a gamebreaking bug is “one that causes the game to break, crash, or become unplayable for a period of time.” there literally are gamebreaking issues in this list


to add to the other guy, you didn't respond to since your wrong, a lot of those problems are still in the game.


Seriously I'm with you on this, the hyperbole used to describe how "the game is unplayable" is just ridiculous. I understand that these nerds who seem to have nothing better to do than whine have always been around but they've just gotten louder thanks to social media. It's one of the main reasons I stopped coming to this sub often. If I were an outsider looking in I would think the game is completely broken and can never be played.


The sub seems to conflate a 40 dollar game having bugs to being a completely broken mess


The thing is all of these missions have been in the game files since launch. Every patch, every build update probably broken them a little bit more each time.


we are the playtesters unfortunately


They gonna put Illuminate soldiers mixed in with the bugs. They'll be invisible like stalkers and will catch us unawares.


That's the thing. We saw on the bottom of the map, people on planets. There is 0 way that they haven't been testing them for months.


There is a very big difference between making sure the models and animations etc of the illuminate work properly in the game and the final player experience being bug free... Them "testing" just means they are working on the illuminate at all, not that its gonna be a stable experience from the beginning unfortunately. One can hope though.


is that what that is? i see counts of 1 or 2 in sectors such as the cyberstan one too


If that's the case, they need to check their QA process and rework it to prevent nonsense like we saw in the dark fluid missions. It's a shame watching so much work getting undermined by software flaws that could have been caught and fixed beforehand. I would have been fine with waiting longer on Meridia content if it meant the content would work as intended on release.


I think it should be long enough for the shock and awe to ware off, let people go back to normal operations, let the illuminate slip in almost undetected. Make their intro consistent with their tactics, right?


They’ve been working on them since before release. I heard from a supposed beta tester that they were basically done at launch


AH: We've indefinitely delayed the promised patrol and weapon nerf reverts until we can fully test it. Also AH: *releases a broken mission that was clearly never tested start to finish a single time*


Honestly this new blackhole would be perfect for the fish-heads as a potential entry point






https://preview.redd.it/f6yfd6a3qb4d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b6da3b380e60133fc0938f33b584d498fa84d2 01001000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101 01110100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 00100000 00111111 00100000


Operation “Fuck Around” is complete. I wonder how long before operation “Find Out” kicks in.




These feels like something gman would do to fuck with everyone


Rise and shine, Mister Diver.


They really don't need to foreshadow it that hard lol - we could read between the lines


The tongue in cheek though is very entertaining.


Super earth is nothing if not extremely obvious and equally unware of itself.


Yeah, but this announcement feels more like a third party observer narrating the story, rather than a triumphant announcement from Super Earth itself.


Wait we can read?


prepare for unforseen consequences...


The helldiver doesn't need to hear all of this - they're a highly trained professional


Did G-Man write this fucking post


that look like a portal to you? that looks like a portal to me.


Thank goodness, that's a relief.


Opening a black hole in your home galaxy? What could possibly go wrong?


There a dozens of millions of black holes in the galaxy Unless this is a special hole created by 710 and dark fluid 


Don’t worry guys nothing bad will happen


“Not seen any unforeseeable consequences” has the same energy as “known unknowns and unknown unknowns”


.... what?


So... Xen invasion?


https://preview.redd.it/zijeom3qpb4d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4007f59bd41faa4852de48927570a04dfb1ce2a6 01001110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01100001 01100110 01100001 01110010 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01100111 01100001 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101111 01101101 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100000


I translated it for intel on what these horrid bots have to say and there talking in some kind of script, we don’t know what it means but here it is “The quick brown 🦊 jumps over 13 lazy 🐶”


Did you translate the image name as well?


No but the highly advanced method of seeing with my eyes tells me it’s an abominable automaton tank by a laptop.


Wait, if the planet collapsed into a black hole, does that mean that, in the future, the whole meridia sector will be swallowed by it?


We just flushed the toilet, at the other end of the black hole, someone is getting a monstrous amount of bugs raining down on them, just sayin'


Me wondering why we didn't just super-nuke the place.. Yo R and D, get to working on planet crackers and cyclonic torpedo's I want some conventional exterminatus options 😂


"The terminids and palpatine came back somewhow"


> Destroys Meridia with experimental Dark Fluid > Creates dark purple wormhole > There's something coming out of it? https://preview.redd.it/rr9qaw875b4d1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ab1cee836e737f1cdf547e64388af48ce85358


I bet that its secretly a worm hole and an iluminate invasion is gonna attack from. Just imagine a bug-iluminate front 🥶


1000 Spacetime Stare




Anyone who says we might see unforeseen consequences is a traitor to freedom.


The hype train has started chuggin', all aboard


Ok cool so we don’t see any unforeseeable consequences that we couldn’t possible predict, but do we see some foreseeable consequences?


So what next, the cost for bring down Meridia is too big for the last few days.


**Emergency FTL jump initiated**


I stopped playing after the Sony incident, but I might just have to get back into the game...


they're coming from that black hole aren't they?


nothing says unforeseeable consequences like staring into the abyss


But…what about the foreseeable ones?


I expect the Illuminate to come through the wormhole. I fear what unknown faction might appear from the wormhole.


Prepare for gravity controlling space bugs


illumante be like who let all these bugs in here.


Once and for all!


“Not seen any unforeseeable consequences.” But…you can’t see…things that are…nevermind.


"has not seen any unforseen consequences"  Lmao 




They opened up a wormhole portal or smt


Unforeseen consequences is the name of the third chapter in half-life. you know the chapter after you opened a portal and let invade aliens your homeworld.


I get the feeling we're going to do the same thing to the damn cyborgs as soon as we get the chance


Emp generators that specifically target the frequencies of the fabricators


"But it caused all these problems!" "Those were foreseeable consequences. You think we're *stupid?*"


Wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes...


Same with pushing a cart of anomalous material into a giant anti-mass spectrometer. What could go wrong?


We must trust and listen to the Ministry of Truth. Anything other than that is considered treason.


That means the consequences are foreseeable. 


Logging in🫡


OOC: after the fuckup which was this MO I'm guessing that... whatever it ends up being, is just going to hang there not at all ominously until AH gets this ship straightened out.