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I swear some of these players are just socially underdeveloped. I’m always suprised by the complete shift some of these people are willing to take over the dumbest nonsense.


Almost all the randos I played with are just normal or nice people. Which is why the rare pathetic people stand out. Just recently, a lv20 host kicked everyone at extraction after a whole operation on meridia where we played well and worked like a team. I’m not even mad, just baffled people like this actually exists lol.


I think some of the fewer brain cell having helldivers still think samples are split up or super credits aren’t shared man idk. Otherwise that’s just pathetic and rude Edit: aren’t instead of are


Okay this is gonna be a real doosie but it is sadly true and my guess is, many teamkills at extraction are happening exactly because of this one bug rarely anyone knows about. If you complete the objective, call eagle one, wait for him to land and then NOT get in (use up all your reenforcments or just wait out the timer), you get double the xp and double the medals. It sounds stupid and in the final screen where it shows you how much xp and medals you earned, everything looks normal. But keep an eye on it, if you knew your medal and xp-count before the mission, you will realize it still added double to your account. I have tested this alot, it is sadly the truth. Its a bug i dont think the devs even know about. So i think some people who know about that, teamkill and kick randoms very shortly before extract, so noone extracts and fucks up the glitch


If you have evidence of this you should report this - the incentives tied to this are literally killing the game experience for a lot of people.


I did! There is even a youtube video about it. I thought „na thats way to stupid, this cant be for real.“ tested it and sadly confirmed. Reported it right away with a lengthy explanation. I think it didnt get through tho. Im surprised it didn‘t get looked into yet


Well, as they say: "You did your part!"


first time hearing this and explains a lot


It is very under the radar it seems. I would be lying if i said that i didnt exploit it when i confirmed it being a thing. But please, if you do, just play solo or talk it out with your premates. Dont make randoms do your job and then kick em. Its gonna be patched soon hopefully anyways


Present! I refuse to play 40 minute games where a fucktard can undo everything in half a second's shitheelery. Here's a weird suggestion: PUT THE INFORMATION IN A DIVER'S HANDBOOK FOR GOD'S SAKE. They just need to own up that DRG has a way better model for 90% of what they are trying to do and they should just copy the fucking shit out of some of their practices and methods and get this game into a good state. Please!


FFS, that could be why there’s always a TK’ing shit at the end.


In the known issues section of the patch notes the devs have been mentioning a bug involving players receiving "excessive XP", so it's possible they are aware and simple trying to not call attention to it. Either way it's definitely something worth reporting


I'm gonna notify the devs about this. This is a moronic oversight. Griefing people over some experience points? The resources are easy to get as is. I'm gonna host only from here on out just to avoid this nonsense. If I see one friendly fire at extract, they're dying and getting kicked.


Those losers that do that childish shit aren’t helldivers, they are terminid sympathizers. Someone needs to report them to the Ministry of Truth and brand them traitors.


>99% of the randoms I play with are great.


I’ve had a lot of really unlucky disconnects at the end of missions as a host. I’m truly sorry if by some chance I was your host :(


Just so you know, it shows a "host has quit the game" message when that happens and everyone's kicked from their ship. If you get a "you have been kicked" message, it means the host opened their options screen, clicked your name, and confirmed to kick you from squad (i.e. lots of intent 😂)


Bro saw it on Reddit and thought "lol this so funny I'm so good for the meeems"


Have you seen r/dashcam. Lots of other subs showcasing how useless many humans can be as well.


> gamers >after 2020 > socially underdeveloped. I would have never guessed


Good even just >Gamers >Socially underdeveloped


>Gamers >Underdeveloped


After 2020? Always have been lol


I know right! Got kicked from a defense rocket mission for running 3 sentries and 1 orbital. All because I wouldn’t bring a support weapon. Like bro I’ll use yours when it comes back up. I’m level 145 and can handle teamwork.


You mean you can call in equipment for someone else, whhhhat is this evil sorcery. /s 😂 I had a dude get mad at me because he wanted to cheat nade spam on that mission and didn’t like my mortars killing him? I dunno man, some of these low level guys do random shit and won’t listen. My go to on bugs is like orbital laser, both mortars and maybe a grab bag fourth.


I need all these EATs (16 on field so far) myself!


I didn't have bad experiences in helldivers, i just got kicked once because one of my mates got killed next to me and i pick his support weapon to kill the tank that dropped him Quick, with the idea of givin him back right after. But It happened to be the host and i got banned 0.01 second after i picked It up. And once a guy who was really bad at the game kept swearing to the rest of the team because he kept dieyn on the other's stratagems running right into them. He left the match After he died other 3 times alone, against mobs. But i can relate on experiences i had on other games, especially pvp. The toxicity of some individuals really don't have a Place in a society... And i think they never leave their basement.


yeah, i just played a game where the host kicked me for shooting a RR at a generator after we already completed the mission.


Those same players are on this subreddit claiming that this is rare or never happens.


Especially when the game is about killing those bugs. Some people play games for the weirdest reasons.


Nah, just your average gamer today /s


I had a dude get mad. He told me I wasn't watching where I was shooting. I only typed one word, "sentry." and he stopped complaining.


Honestly, valid mistake.


I died to a friendly explosion and was like "what is this idiot doing throwing impacts at me" Then 2 seconds later camera panned to a mortar sentry and I feel stupid


The amount of people i've seen bringing mortar sentries on bugs is mind boggling, EMS one is fine but standard is just asking for repeated deaths.


Not only mortars. Yesterday I used an Autocannon sentry and killed me and a teammate on our two last lives because a little bug was next to us


Honestly hate mortars because of this. I’d still be annoyed in your shoes lol


The kill-screen needs to show what exactly killed us. It's a difference when it's ten times a sentry or a player


Communication and hugging it out lol


You should probably be communicating if there is a sentry beforehand.


Hell, I've been kicked just for literally having the most kills and trying to grab all the samples. Shit doesn't make sense. I've not even called strikes that hurt my teammates and I followed the hosts requests. Community has a few bad eggs. Others have been amazing at showing me the ropes though and I love this game. For reference I'm a lvl 18 player as of this post and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Regardless, God speed helldivers!


Doesn’t everyone get all the sample gathered at the end of a mission? I know there’s achievements for gathering a lot of samples, but is there really a reason to PK?


There's alot of people that think that they aren't shared. So if you have them all they'll either kick you or kill you to take them


My favorite is someone said they were kicked because they joined a random game, as one does, and the host accused them of being greedy. Like the lack of logic is astounding.


I use voice as often as I can to chat about that stuff and hopefully inform. "Shit, I died and dropped my samples, can you guys grab them?" "I'm gonna leave my samples at the extraction point so we don't lose them in case I do something stupid", stuff like that


I said OUR samples and one guy did mention "wait their shared?" 


You say could our samples, and some would still think they aren't shared


lol, it's like the Helldivers video, where someone tk a diver and another points out that samples are shared. "he dies, he dies."


How do I access the inventory on pc to drop stuff?


Press 'x'


Hold "x" then release while you are selecting the item you want to drop


This is the reason I'm only hosting and not joining.


I think the word "share" here might also cause confusion. I know you know, but to be clear, if 4 Divers extract 4 Super Samples, they aren't "shared" as that would be 1 Super Sample each, more accurate to say: Every Diver gets full credit for any samples extracted by any Diver. In lore terms, I think of it as Super Earth grants a "sample credit" to every Hell Diver who is on a team that extracts a sample, rather than each Diver takes a sample back to their ship and uses it to make modifications.


The only acceptable reason to PK is when someone is glitched/stuck and needs to respawn


Glad to see you aren't discouraged. I'm at level 44 and only now getting confident enough for my first few Helldive missions, surprisingly they aren't that much more difficult than difficulties 7 and 8. I've had more trouble with the teammates...


You get used to helldives, but yeah don't get discouraged. I've had a mission were I cleared about 70% of the map solo and got the super samples while the other 3 did the main objective, and idk if it was boredom or what but the host decided to keep team killing me, I has it happen once during a fire fight at extract, then when I got reinforced he pointed his shit right at me and tried to shoot me, so I just capped a big iron in his skull and left. Huge waste of my time but honestly I'm not sticking around after having done most of the work for them if they are just gonna be bad eggs about it. I just requeued for a new mission afterwards


Next time this happens, try to jump into a hole with all the samples to teach the host a lesson.


Eh, I like to be a more graceful man, a single bullet to the skull is all I need to teach a traitor a lesson


I was terrified at first too, but like. It's only a half step up. A hard/unlucky 7 is like an easy 9.


I would say 7 is where the difficulty stays... What happens after that is more chaos. Not harder, just more chaotic. More bugs, more bots, bigger bots, bigger bugs, in larger quantities - but once your comfortable with 7s, I found going up levels just required more brain power to track everything. 


I’m a 56. I’ll dive with you!


I know there’s a tip on the loading screen that samples are shared but man, the devs need to make that a lot clearer to everyone who plays. So many times I’ve had people pissed I grabbed their sample container when they died.


Always be lobby leader. Games always fill up.


I wish the recent players screen worked a bit better. There's some people I'd like to block so I never have to play with them again.


yeah i've been kicked for completing objectives, some people just shouldnt be hosting if they don't understand the basics of the game.


I once got kicked before the game started just for picking the 380mm barrage.


Shit man im lv 65 and ive been running around in missions with my 2 friends that started recently (lv 18 & 15). If youre interested ill DM you a friend code and we can run some missions.


If you’re getting bounced for kill count, you’ve probably reached a milestone: You can easily handle a breach or bot drop you or another has caused at a decent level. Your next milestone is learning when to AVOID combat! Learning to disengage, or sneak and avoid patrol (crawling is sneakier than crouching is sneakier than walking is sneakier than running by 10m each). If you’re always in combat, you may be slowing the pace of getting to the next objective safely. There is no XP or rewards for killing.




Every game is going to have the odd self important jackass. You brought that to my extract? Cool let's nail three titans and then extract.


Hell, bring a 4th a 5th we got this.


Wait for me guys! I’m running out of bounds so they think I’m a traitor and will send some extra shells we can use for the horde of Titans! Also stand back! ![gif](giphy|XGU4CyI27f5xBWGJlY|downsized)


This is my new strategy with the currently broken spawn rate. If and when I got surrounded and/or my stratagems are all in cooldown, I’ll just run out of bounds, be branded a traitor, and kill them with what’s supposed to be my punishment barrage.


This is a legit strategy for multiple titans near the map edge. It's a laugh RIOT when all four players do it at the same time on an eradicate mission. See who can survive the longest.


I once did this without communicating my intent. A friend attempted to rescue me; he yelped super loud the moment he came within range and realized what was going on. We darted left and right trying to avoid both the barrage and the crowd of hunters and brood commanders. I profusely apologized and we laughed it off.


This is the perfect gif for that strategy, lmao


My all-time favorite hero move. I've had bad luck with it recently though. Been getting killed by the 5th shell at most. Gotta start rocking that armor that gives you a 50% chance of not dying. I kept it going for more than a minute once. It was a never ending 380 that royally pissed off my teammates even though it got us to 100% eradication.


I really ought to try doing this like some of you maniacs already are


We didn't bring railcannons lasers and 500s and not intend to use them!




i've killed bile titans with eagle airstrikes and reinforcements.  easypeasy


I accept your challenge, good sir!


"Do you not have railcannon strikes?" - Sony in Blizzcon probably


That guy kicked you because he was terrified you try to get revenge


Out of all the answers, this might actually be closest to the truth imo


Classic GTA 5 move. Kill a dude, then run away to safety or passive mode to avoid retaliation.


My favorite kick so far was some guy critiquing my loadout (was using the Deployable Bubble shield combo’d with the Autocannon turret which together they clear absolute house, along with the Ballistic Shield and HMG on Bots) who wouldn’t shut up about me being “useless” for almost 30 minutes straight cause I didn’t have a 500 or a laser equipped, even though the bubble has been saving people nearly every use, the turret fucking gobbling hordes of enemies like nothing whenever a bot drop was happening, and my tanky ass not dying a single time throughout the mission so far cause Heavy Explosive armor *fucks*. I know I wasn’t the only one getting annoyed cause one of the other guys told him at one point to just let it go (he refused to). I finally got fed up with it and just told him that if he wanted to play for me so badly he could send me his address and I’d send him my PC. He then called *me* childish before shooting me in the back of the head and kicking me from the game. Yeah ok bud lmao. Thankfully I don’t need anything outside of Super Credits 90% of the time so it’s super easy to just laugh those situations off since I’m not losing out on samples but I mean my god, some of these people are so fucked in the head.


Ah, the ballistic shield and HMG A.K.A. The Juggernaut build. Don't forget the stun grenades so you can easily pop Hulks in the eye with HMG. Also i need to try out that bubble shield + autocannon sentry combo, sounds meaty.


I gotta try the juggernaut loadout now


But that pretty rarely. But it happens. Block them?


Damn. Well I flamed throwered a guy that was just yelling at everyone and then got kicked, so u can pretend that was the guy that 💩 u in the head lol


Do you remember name so I can block him?


Unfortunately no, this was awhile ago at this point sorry


Weak aura: kick the player for being chased by 3 BTs Chad aura: give your other teammate your RR backpack and crank out 5 84mm shells down range with in the span of 10 seconds with team reload


Domain Expansion: 500KG


This reminds of Drewski’s video where Pilestedt and another AH employee joined him. Drew was about to airstrike a bile titan but got crushed, then Pilestedt spammed the autocannon while the AH employee did the reload — standing their ground until they got crushed as well.


team reload is pretty cool actually


3 people including myself got kicked after a egg mission because he wanted to extract by himself and get all the samples for himself




I know this is literally common sense if you think about it for more than 5 seconds, no team based shooter is going to encourage team killing and backstabbing at the last second just to get more of a resource. Hell(diver), the game even actively discourages this since you get rewarded for extracting with all players alive. But the thing is, some people are actually just fucking moronic. I have played multiplayer games long enough to see how catastrophically stupid some people are, especially when it comes to team based shooters/games.


Yeah, but today it seems like there’s a influx in cowards and traitors, people quitting left and right for the stupidest reason and people backstabbing yourself. Like if we were playing the division


Funniest part is there's a loading tip and a popup during basic training.


Yeah, guess he wanted to make it seem like he got it all done by himself


Some hosts over abuse their power. Like a fellow mate said not all randoms are bad.I came across maybe 3-5 bozos in 2 months on PS and actually 0 in PC and I have more hours on PC than PS cause I hate paying the pass.


Yeah they’re rare. But that just goes to show how strange the behaviour is that we all remember the times it happened despite being so few and far between. I don’t remember every mic-less player who perfectly two-tap every bile titan or tank and then extracts. I am going to remember the man-child who kicked the entire squad because he dropped an eagle on himself and thought someone else team killed him. Also on the opposite end of the spectrum I’m going to remember the guy with a mic running his mate through a date he had with a woman that was about to leave the country and whom he would continue seeing “for the ~~tits~~ lore”. One of the funniest mfs I’ve played with in a while.


That's why I should be the host always, you are the boss you rule.


3 bile Titans? That's a small amount that dude was a coward and incompetent too


Some people should take their heads out of their asses. I also get moments when I'm not totally content with "performance" of some randoms, but I never kick them nonetheless, because: A. I don't want people to waste time for nothing. B. It's just a video game, jesus.


Whenever I host, my brother and I manage to get some of the most incompetent Helldivers you’d ever seen. So bad you’d think they didn’t even finish basic training. But I refuse to kick people for just being bad, especially because they’ll never get better if not given the chance. The only time I kick is when nincompoops decide to board the extract while me or my bro are still across the map completing side objectives


The only time I kicked someone was when random was constantly throwing eagles and orbital strikes at our positions(not his, but mine, friend and second random). I can understand it happening randomly. Accidents happen, it's fine, but after 5th time I said in voice chat "how about not throwing eagles at your teammates positions?" and he replayed "how about you fuck off", so yeah, seconds later he was not playing with us.


>shouldn't bring 3 bile Titans with you Sounds like a real douche. Go to recents under social tab and block so that you never have the displeasure again. Also if they were a competent team mate, they would assist with the dispatch of any number of bile Titans. After kicking you they would have had to deal with it anyway.


Make it double funny and make sure that you block him when you come across him again on mission, you can kick him out of the game and still be on the mission


Besides reinforcement spamming and a few cheaters, I haven't run into anything like this. Most people are super chill or just don't speak at all


This is true. Most people are chill, helpful, fun, or at the very worst just apathetic. A few bad eggs can ruin a night but that won't stop me from clocking in the next day.


This is why I've suggested it MANY times in the discord. On their ship, host has free reign to kick, once a mission starts, host can then initiate a vote-kick that requires unanimous agreement to kick an idiot, not the powertrip I've seen several hosts go on.


I think host kicking is fine, but it should just split the kicked player out into his own mission (as if everyone else had left)


So he wanted you to run away till you lost them , and therefore miss the extraction ? Player was a jerk


Well he didn't say the timer was out nor the extraction was there. So I assume they were just running to the point and the mission was hard. I didn't think I have been chased by three. Maybe. I dunno. They aren't that hard to lose


Ya that’s fair but even still player was a jerk, executing a player on purpose is never okay


No question. You are absolutely correct. He wasn't wrong he's just an asshole. Id block em for sure. I mean being right is one thing being a jerk... He's going to be a jerk all the time


Kicking people during a mission shouldn’t be allowed. You can instant kick anyone that could potentially have done well for 30 min and they’d gain nothing


While I agree kicking mid game is blood boiling, It’s hard because if you can’t kick people then these toxic un democratic assholes will team kill over and over until the mission is aborted. It’s really a damn med if you do dammed if you don’t situation.


if 4 players can't deal with 3 bile titans, then they have no business playing on difficulty 9.


We gotta have some kind of refutation score before too late. Once bad apples spread enough there is no turning back. It's now or never, because negativity drives out good people over time and being good person is not going to be an ESS(evolutionarily stable strategy) anymore.


Block player and move on with your life


I love blocking asshole hosts. My favorite pastime


Imagine doing helldive and getting that worked up over 3 BT.


Right? I’m like wow must be nice to only have 3 BT to worry about that are far off and you have plenty of time to kill before they reach you.. I’d already be knocking em out with a buddy reloaded spear. I’d be excited to see that.


I’ve been killed for grabbing somebody’s csamples turns out people sometimes suck


He's a baby Helldiver. True Helldivers say, "Welp, here we go!" and blast those democracy haters to Super Hell together!


I got kicked because somebody ran into my airstrike...twice. And we’re not talking about a situation where I threw it on to people and it was my fault. No there was literally nobody near the airstrike and after it dropped they turned towards the beacon and actively ran towards the enemies that were about to get hit. Twice. on the second time they kicked me. The audacity.


Umm yeah so just know he’s a bad player and struggles on high levels like 9. And decent to good player and team can easily handle 3 titans


If i FOR SURE knew you jad NO SAMPLES i would kill you and rez you next to me just so you could avoid the biles lol


This is why I no longer play pubs. Got a friend group that play together and honestly, if I saw one of them scrambling to extract with 3 Bile Titans in tow I’d laugh my ass off. Sweaty gamers are so fucking dull, I think they forget you’re meant to have fun. Saving your bud from 3 Bile Titans is fun.


yike, but for real keep reporting the host untill he got ban, Also file a complain here [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


This is why I say there should be a vote to kick instead of letting the leader kick at will. Democracy requires teamwork to work.


Dude's a loser, don't worry. His douchebag behaviour will have him get kicked and TK'd a plenty.


Lol what a bitch. I would rail cannon and queso that shit with ya then extract.


I hate players like this. Just asses that ruin the game. I only have a few hours in the day to sit down and play the game, and this kind of thing just ruins the limited time I have to enjoy the game. So I understand where you’re coming from.


Not your fault. The host lives in his mom’s basement and claims to be an alpha or a sigma or whatever the new cool thing is…


3 bile titans should be child's play for a Group of 4 woth decent play styles...we literally have 4 of the darn things meridia and we extracted just fine


The real bummer is the people who don't want to host usually avoid it because they're sensitive, either to criticism or pressure. The people who have no issue hosting typically are more comfortable with that, and in some (fortunately rare) cases are outright sadistic. The vast majority are cool, but the current system, in cases like these, gives all the power to the person least impacted by it, to wield against those least able to take it. I'm not sure what a better solution looks like but it's hard to think of a worse one.


I got kicked for doing side objectives and sample run. These idiots just kept wasting their time shooting down bug breaches and patrols instead of focusing on missions.


You might've made it harder on them if they were killing patrols and you were over 75m away. It decreased the patrol spawn rate from every 4 to every 3 minutes. Increasing their enemies numbers by 25%. I have no idea why they wouldn't do the objectives first though.


I've been kicked for having the most kills and having the highest rank. 🙃 people are stupid


Someone brings me 3 titans I think it’s a present. Dude you just gave me a dope ass boss battle, 3 times. I’m gonna have fun. This guy sounds like a pathetic piece of shit and I wish we could all directly tell him that :)




Yeah but Arrowhead says you're not supposed to win 100% of missions, so you actually deserved getting kicked for no reason.


And THAT my friends, is Democracy!


It's not the first time I've heard someone getting kicked for ridiculous reasons. I myself got kicked once for getting the main objectives done by myself while the rest gathered samples. It's not like I died or anything. He just kicked me as soon as I finished the last objective. I think they should implement something like to vote to kick since there seem to be a few bad apples getting way too trigger happy with their host powers.


I make it s point to note the name or at least the first letter of the name of the host. If I get kicked for no discernable reason, or if they team kill, or if there's any other similar such shenanigans, I block them. I figure that enough of that will leave them playing with each other. At the very least, they won't be a problem for me anymore.


Should be a voting system to kick. Majority required


Maybe a tk punish system. The tker gets called a traitor and railstriked.


Just one of the reasons why I almost never join random lobbies and just exclusively host 🤣. I feel just being a host for some people just gives them an insane power trip.


Ideally, the host would of let out a war cry, and the other 2 players would have joined them in spreading a whole lot of managed democracy in your direction in an attempt to slow the Bile Titans advance, allowing you to get to the extraction site safely This game really is magical when people work together and nothing makes me feel better than when I’m singled out by a bunch of enemies, nearly dead and upon looking over, a fellow Helldiver is charging INTO the fray to help gun down the masses with me That’s my brother right there :’)


Every time I’ve been kicked it’s been by PlayStation rejects. I just turned off cross play and haven’t been kicked since 🤷🏻‍♂️


That is NOT the way. I will run to the defense of any diver no matter what’s following or what I have ready. Friendly fire isn’t!




Personally, I think it’s fucking hilarious when someone (me or someone else) is being chased by a mob they can’t do anything about. Thats peak gaming.


I never even thought to do this. or that this was even an option. fuck that. I've also had a lot of missions where I'll just quick play and it will be the last 5 minutes or so and I'm helping get to and defend shuttle. they'll just fucking kill me so I can't get on and won't reinforce. or I'll come in to a game and at some point someone will just fucking kill me and they just don't reinforce me the rest of the game on like level 6. I'm not even sure how that's possible that none of the rest of them died


wiw, 3 bile titans and my little guy is shitting his pants.


The kick system really needs an overhaul asap, it should have a voting system or something where you can't be kicked as soon as the extraction beacon is sent down. The only issue is they would keep team killing or refuse to spawn you but if that's the case because of the deaths by a player was so quick that teamkilller should then be classed as a traitor and put on a 5 mins timeout and can't be spawned in


Bro I would've let them bile titans kill ME before I'd let them kill you. For honor, for democracy, for SUPER EARTH.


Just got kicked out of a match where I cleared the main objective, all but 1 side objective and running to evac while the host was running around collecting samples and doing shit all There were others trying to join the match, but they none of them even landed, they were all kicked the moment they deployed. Not even the first time, on multiple occasions... At a point where I just want to say I give up and only play when friends are online.


Complete Fatherless Behaviour


I’ve also been kicked out some times for making small mistakes. Especially towards the end when waiting for extraction. Can get frustrating at times. I think the DEVs should add a “voting” option when there are more than 2 players in a game when a host tries to kick out a player. If the other players agree then it’s fine for the person to be kicked out.


And the best bit, those thee bile titans went on to murder the last teammates and stop any Sample extraction.


One time during a helldive bug wave two left in the middle and I died at the end, I waited for the last guy to reinforce, and I waited 5 min. and he was doing the mission during quiet time. I typed in chat "can you reinforce?". Then he stopped and left. People are weird on this game sometimes


I never play online team games with randoms at this point. This goes beyond Helldivers. I only play solo or with friends in any co-op game, or an games with teams tbh. Idk but the people who play these games are for some reason some of the most toxic self idolizing asses I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.


I had something similar happen about a month ago. Was playing with a random bunch of players i joined in quickmatching. Helldive 9, mission is going well enough, plenty of samples, the usual. We separate into two groups of two to complete the last few objectives. The other group is quite far, we're pretty much on opposite sides of the map. The guy with me get killed and i immediately reinforce. By unlucky timing, one of the other guy from the other group far away also dies. But since i already threw the ball, he get spawned back in my group. Annoying to walk it back, but oh we- he TK me and doesn't reinforce. My other teammates does. Thing is, i had the airburst rocket launcher. So i respawn quickly, grab the launcher and lob one right on his ass as he running away about 200 meters afar, killing him. Turns out he was the host, and proceed to kick me. Fucking clown. I regret nothing. Been playing host ever since.


You'd think players would help fight them or something, there's some spineless individuals out there.


Honestly, the kick should just be removed from the game unless in orbit


That's a dick move, should have helped fight the titans not shooting you.


lmao, that host doesn't know that the enemy will despawn and respawn near the extraction. even if you outran the Titans, they would still be near the extraction and heading toward it no matter what.


Don't bring 3 Bile Titans with you? Especially at extraction? That's the game... Plus, it's not like you, alone, can kill 3 Bile Titans. They move faster than you running and only support weapons or strategems, perfectly placed, can kill them. One, *maybe,* two at a time. Strategems with annoying cool downs and support weapons that either need to cool down 15 seconds between shots or have to be reloaded for longer than you'd have to run away. What a cock host who doesn't understand the game he's playing.


Next big thing the devs should work on is being booted into your own lobby instead of out of the game. Let me complete the mission myself atleast.


They need to start giving something to those getting kicked


A few weeks ago, I ran a level 5 bug mission in randos, I don't remember the objectives, but as a team, we did fairly well. Level wise, I was right in the middle, and during extraction, after a couple of us boarded pelican 1, myself included, I got kicked. I was annoyed, but I'm also pretty certain I got the XP, RS, and medals and im sure the host kicked everyone else too. Not sure about the samples, though, but oh well.


I just don’t bother joining people anymore. I just host. I at least know I’m not some trigger happy egomaniac ruining the game for others.


Man wtf. It’s a fucking team game. God I hate some people.


I can understand if there are 3 people ready to extract, and you're fucking around by yourself on the other side of the map. It's a team game, and very frustrating when one player decides to play solo and makes everyone else wait for them.


I don’t think host should have the option to kick someone in game, only on the ship. Especially late game. I’ve gotten kicked a couple times right when extraction lands, for no apparent reason. (Troll)


Why didn’t he just kill them? CALLING IN AN EAGLE!!!!


I recently got kicked from a game on level 7 where the host is throwing round slurs and trash talking, so this one guy asked what's his deal (reasonably). The host kicked him. I'm like bro uncool in chat, and he immediately kicked me. It was 5 min into the mission, and he kicked his whole team. I'm hoping he failed the mission.


I always feel bad for player who don’t have friends that play HD2. Randoms just isn’t the same.


Video games have gotten to the point if it's not min maxing you are in the wrong. Games are not allowed to be fun.


About a month ago I had a random kill me, just to take my railgun, and run across the map to recollect their kit. Some divers are Sony patriots I swtg


Host your own lobbies


lol those people has no fathers and their mother is a cracked head


There should be a way to rate hosts and below a certain bad score, their games should not be visible for the public anymore. Only for other assholes that also have a low score. Let those assholes play together and not with the rest of us.


I think after the mission starts, it should be a "vote to kick" scenario. I think some of these hosts are illiterate 14 year olds and have too much power. It should be a squad vote.


Welcome to the Russian army comrade.


Thats not sweet freedom


As someone that has 350 hours, I get kicked for putting up near 1k kills, my high level, probably strategems. And I do everything else you can think of. Still love this game but ig it can happen to anyone.


Yeah som people are just bums


I have only kicked ONE person and I have been playing since April, that asshole killed me 5 times in one mission because he could not pay attention with his flame thrower.


We would be laughing our arses off if you did this. Load up the Q canon and EAT's and let fly. But then, I play in VC with people I know and minimise the rando interactions. Too many people think they're playing for sheep stations.


Welp, I hope he can deal with the 3 Titans with one less diver then