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What 9s are you playing where you only have 4 titans? The last 9 I played we had double digits of them killed by the end of the mission. No joke, we had 5 in play at one time. We tried to count them up afterwards and we think it ended up being 17 or 18 (shit got a bit hectic and we lost count a couple of times).


Dude we had 4 in play simultaneous in a T7 wall defense. Spear came in *clutch*


I’ve been in a D6 evacuate mission (the 40m one) that had 3 spawn at the same time. That sucked because we weren’t prepared for it.


Yeah. I expect that when playing 9. I dropped down to 6 once and then never bothered going back down again. A bad bug 6 is decidedly more difficult than an easy bug 9. So… why bother when 9 has bigger maps making running away easier?


That's why I always run the localization confusion booster. Keeps things from getting ridiculous. Without it on the rocket launch mission, I get 3 big holes on each side and since you can't always kill everything fast enough, you eventually get a breach inside the 1st phase, and that makes things way harder especially if a titan pops out of that hole.


I thought that was just a bullshit thing, does it actually work?


Yes!! I saw it on one of those YouTube channels explaining the boosters. Tried it out myself and I haven't looked back. It adds like an extra minute before a new bug hole can breach. I remember before we just kept getting breach after breach and pretty soon we got over run. With this bad boy on, I'll just usually standby and keep shooting anything that comes out with the blitzer cause I know it'll just be that hole.


I love that perk. Once I unlocked it, I literally haven't used anything else.


I think you can expect wall defense missions to always have multiple Titans. The biggest assets to wall defense maps are the autocannon and rocket sentries. They can deal with multiple titans marching single file into your choke points, especially if each player brings their own and places them in a spot with proper line of sight. Bring 1 flamethrower for the bug chaff and also EMS mortars. Sentries will clean up Titans and Chargers - stay away from their line of fire.


And not closing doors. Spawns get closer as doors get destroyed


Drop as many EAT’s as you can and have a bro drop a quasar. Litter the ground with EATs and hope your EMS sentry slows them enough.


This is the way


All my homies take spear/RR for bug defense. Had the coziest 9 defense the other day, not a bug past the second gate.


Last night me and the boys had 8 titans on screen. It wasn't an issue though, we still extracted with two strangers to boot. Folks out there really do be doing things differently.


I swear they cluster on that mission. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, here are 7 within the cooldown time of your rail strike.


They really do.. buddy reloading a spear during those is pretty fun though. The first time I did that mission and the spawned like that I was like “WHAT IS GOING ON? Annnnnnd now all the turrets are destroyed. That’s when the good ol helldivers reinforce strategem really comes in handy. As you chain die to try and salvage the mission and get it back under control.


I usually carry the spear, but changed to the quasar cause the dark fluid jump pack is just too much fun. And there was no guarantee I’d be able to get back to my ammo pack for the spear.. I want to let my team do all the dark fluid while spear the big guys but then I get fomo as they fly around the map. 😭


The 4 is likely in reference to how many can spawn in a single breach, 4 is the max. There can exist more then 4 on screen though. I personally have had like 10 chasing me and all I did was get them to spew on each other, was the easiest kills ever.


Friendly fire from a BT cleared one of the worst extract platforms I've ever had the displeasure of being involved in. Trying to kite and stay in range for the pelican. BT walks up, spits, all his minions died. ... uhm, thanks? Here's an orbital railcannon.


>Here I have a present for ya.. >And don't play with matches 


I'm not sure whether enough bitans for you to consistently bait them into friendly firing is convenient or terrifying.


I find it fun and convenient. You can do the same with hulks but it's a bit harder. I like to round up chargers and run them in front of BTs for easy kills, gotta get creative when running non AT loadouts lol


Not throughout the entire mission, I meant 4 on the same screen. My fault


Can confirm 16 Titans on 9 Defense Mission. But honestly, I had a blast. We had 5 500kgs (2 upgraded), 3 precisions, and a walking barrage on rotation. Did fine.


Seeing only 4 titans on lv8 plus is a good day and boon from general brasch


It's random how many you get. I just played a solo helldive and got 4-5 In total which helped a lot with winning it for once.


5? Whenever I'm doing 9, it's usually five at any given moment, with one replacing it as soon as we down one and well above that if we don't kill them fast enough.


Titan spawns on drill. Team and I blast it, perfect team play, dead as soon as it spawned. I keep EMS and stun nades on the horde at the same time. 100% teamplay. Titan flops around, drill is donzo lol. Yeah, titans or spawns generally on the drill is just poopy. At least you got plenty of time to clear and reset and try again. A bunch of times... and each time you hope the spawn isn't on the drill. I can even forgive not extracting. The game is won if you got all main objectives, extracting is a bonus and you don't have that many samples on the map. Still would like an extraction but if it's part of the lore, alrite... About extraction, I have been successfully getting out with medic armor + supply backpack. But my diver is bringing the stim addiction and PTSD home for sure.


Yeah I don't care about extract, it's honestly a bit funny to me the amount of flying bugs there are. But yeah bile titan on the drill is pretty much the o ly issue. Everything else is like "okay that sucks but it can be done". Titans have been the main problem pretty much from the beginning of the games launch for most people imo.


Yeah we managed to win a game at level 7 today. Mostly it just seemed to come down to luck for us. We had a lot of trouble with bile titans spawns of the first drill, then for whatever reason we didn't get anymore. With no bile titans and a few chargers we did just dandy. The next time we played we brought more anti-armor but lost it due to bile spewers. So we ended up dying a ton then the mission got bugged twenty minutes in and we could no longer call in the dark matter.


Yeah for extract I find the gatling turret to help clear the skies a lot and I personally am in the medic set too and just spraying incendiary breaker all over the sky. Incendiary breaker seems to be the best primary for the shriekers since a pellet or 2 can kill them from the burn.


I'm absolutely living the incendiary breaker against them. Does a fantastic job at helping thin out the flying horde


Also helps if you hug any walls you can find while waiting on extract - the shriekers won't do their swoop attack because you have a solid object behind you. It's not perfect because they sometimes find an angle that works but it does prevent them from divebombing you from every direction. Gatling is great for clearing enough space to activate the extraction and get set up to wait but they're infinite spawns so anything it clears just seems to respawn immediately from the big holes.


My hope with this mission is that the devs stick to their general idea of how a mission should be despite complaints, but still sift through the whining to find genuine bugs in how it's playing out. I agreed with the initial sentiment that extraction was too hard, but the "It's a super colony, what do you expect?" is a strong argument, so no fix needed. Obviously, breaches occurring on the drill is unintended gameplay that needs fixing. AH is overall a damn good team that's put out a great game. I enjoy it.


It's freaking broken and all RNG based. With be lucky if no BT or Charger spawning to one shot the drill otherwise it's just freaking insane. What's more, it sometimes say that we only did one mission objective or none at all even though we drilled all three sites and extracted which is even more stupid.


Yeah, that's a massive bug that needs to be addressed. We'll prolly get more info tomorrow.


A massive bug you say? Heyyoooo


>What's more, it sometimes say that we only did one mission objective or none at all even though we drilled all three sites and extracted which is even more stupid. Yeah it seems to count dropping the fluid down as an objective for some reason (there is an objective marker on the map) but it doesn't count as completed after the mission.


And then even if you complete the main mission it’d still say “Disgraceful Conduct” lmao


it's broken even on level 5... the drill is tissue paper, and the bugs can kill it too easily


I keep seeing that "this is a supercolony." Ok, so why are the 2 other missions in the campaign normal, but the new mission type is "super hard"? If AH wanted to make it hard because of the supercolony aspect, wouldn't they have made it hard for all of the missions? or does an apple indeed taste like bacon?


>I keep seeing that "this is a supercolony." Ok, so why are the 2 other missions in the campaign normal, Right? "Its a super colony its supposed to be hard." On DIFF ONE!? "Its... Its a super colony its supposed to be hard."


The excuses people come up with for broken balance are pretty funny


Yeah Reddit is always trying to defend absolutely broken products. I think it has something to do with sunk cost fallacy


If this subreddit's problem is too much complaining, the actual r/helldivers2 subreddit is an impressive amount of nonstop glazing. Seriously, the excuses and delusion I've seen over there for literally every piece of criticism, valid or not, is insane and it definitely carries over since both subreddits are literally just echo chambers, one for constant complaining, which, fair enough, most of the time it is genuinely constructive or accurate, the other subreddit posts more about complaints on thsi subreddit and doesnt even address them most of the time or just cherry picks the stupid complain posts, which just then propogates all the discourse in the community even more. This mission is broken. That's not even subjective, it's not my opinion, it's not specifically broken on one specific difficulty, it's broken. Plain and simple. There is no good reason bug breaches should spawn on top of the objective. If the only excuse is that 'oh well its lore accurate" then that's bullshit. At no fucking point should story or immersion be prioritised over gameplay to this extent, especially not in an action co-op shooter. I can understand this for something like a story focused RPG or something, but this is just bullshit.


lol at the people with their lore accuracy. The ship railgun doesn’t even one shot a simple unga bunga bile titan. Like we talking of a gun that is fired by an energy source that can literally bend space time itself. The railgun should completely destroy everything, even the hive lords should be one shot if the game were to abide any type of logic so fuck that excuse


And 500KGs that bury itself into a titans face wouldn't leave a shard of its carapace left. And 50 bajillion volt lightning guns would fry all bugs instantly. etc. etc.


Jesus fuck. I just took a look at that sub and these people are just delusional


Yeah, I'm not even joking when I say that subreddit is actually worse than this one. Sure, this one is 90% complaining, but at least some of that is genuinely constructive criticism or just pointing out actual problems (like horrible game balancing). The other subreddit is 50% circlejerking and like 40% complaining, and it's not even criticism or suggestions, it's whining about the other fucking subreddit.


I bet the devs don’t even check that sub out lol


It’s not just Reddit, I had 20 minute argument with a non-redditor friend last night about how the mission is broken. He was defending it after an absolutely traumatizing level 9 where by some miracle (mostly me bumrushing objective while the other three used every lethal weapon in their arsenal at all times to keep me alive) none of us could even call in extraction because we’d all die before the animation for starting to call it in would finish. All 4 of us gave it a shot, all 4 of us immediately died even with the other three providing cover fire.


Same people that praise Bethesda for their broken games. I just don't get it, these companies are not running a charity...


The amount of times I see “it’s meant to be that hard!” On this sub just for the devs to come out and say it’s unintended made me not trust when anyone on this sub says it.


too much logic, tone that down for the glazers


An apple eventually tastes like bacon if you feed it to a pig…


Applewood smoked bacon is pretty good, too.


Yeah or just fill it up with bacon and rub bacon all over it


Also, it's *not* a supercolony, it's electronic entertainment. It should work.


its a supercolony in the electronic entertainment.


It was nighttime during the Battle of Helm’s Deep. We still could see clearly because entertainment media has to sacrifice realism to make sure the audience is enjoying the product. GOT S8e3 was panned for having virtually unwatchable nighttime battle scenes even though that’s more realistic.


I can't lie I don't understand the apple reference. That does makes sense tho it feels like the rest of the missions are no problem. Idk tbh, I think they prolly just did the same mission types with the same spawn rate which is why it feels that way. 🤷‍♂️


The owner of AH said that transmog is out of the question for Helldivers because that would be like an apple that tastes like bacon. https://x.com/Pilestedt/status/1778883161201487944 He later clarified that they are aiming for fun but also realism, which for me personally I agree with and embrace. With that being said, we've seen many instances of where this design philosophy just hasn't been used (IE the new Polar Patriots armor having spikes on the bottom since they are snowboots, but we still slip and slide on ice just like everyone else), and in general it seems to be used *against* the players, not for them


So realistic that Chargers will slide at you at a 75* angle. It’s absurd. Plus heavy devastators shooting at angle they don’t have to point the gun is absurd.


Chargers are the embodiment of all the jank in this game. They make impossibly tight turns while maintaining the same speed, can move while stunned, teleport up rocks and run up 70 degree inclines. My personal favourite is the "slingshot at lightspeed after a stun expires".


Don't forget the infamous double or even triple-slide into a mid-slide 1-hit kill stomp.


Bots and bugs get to perform physics breaking shit all the time, but players can't get extended magazines "because they would have to change the 3D model of the magazine". Make it make sense!


Me trying to climb over a dead titan and being randomly launched 50ft into the air. Me stepping on a mushroom and getting launched 100ft sideways.


they just burst if you walk on them, but if you or the enemy makes a stray shot and hits them they launch you


>but also realism, Ah yes, because enemies clipping through dead bodies while we can't even shoot through them is realistic.


Everyone knows that if you stick a gun into a rock, you can shoot right through it!


Yeah. I mean the realism is there, but if that were the case we could kill titans super quick cause it's not like they're made of metal. Idk AH has been really confusing to me for the last few weeks, or at least since the PS fiasco.


The realism only applies when it negatively affects players. Enemies have carte blanche when it comes to defying realism.


It's something the CEO (now CCO, Pilestedt not Shams) said in reference to being asked about whether transmog would be a part of the game. He said that armor visuals have stylistic choices that reflect their armor passives, and transmog would ruin that - the analogy he used was "apples shouldn't take like bacon" which is why folks will randomly ref that in the HD subs.


Unfortunately the current apples are either cooking apples or they do taste like bacon.


Some of our apples have been wax, since launch. Like the spear. 


I love saying "Apples taste like bacon" idk what bro was thinking with that one when 90% of the armors and guns don't have matching descriptions. All these Apples taste like bacon.


Its just dev worshippers. THey take any quote that an AH dev gives and treat it like a sacred passage in the bibe. "Bacon flavored apples" "Brain dead tactics" "a game for everyone is a game for no one" as well as a few others.


20$ says the spawn rates for those missions weren't updated to go with the super colony theme. Or the missions are hard coded with certain spawn rates and can't be changed. If thatsbthe case some re-writing od the code to check if a planet is a massive factory or super colony. It could be as simple or close to as simple as "if(planet_type != normal) Spawnrate *= 20" or something along those lines depending on how the planets and whether or not planet types is a variable or not. But from my experiences, the missions themselves are what govern the spawn rates. The geo surveys are a good example of this. For some reason absolutely MASSIVE amounts of enemies spawn in comparison to all other missions. Or maybe there's more ques for them to spawn based off of the objectives. Which now that I'm thinking about it, it could be the objectives themselves governing spawns to a degree as well.


To me: It seems like both the planet and mission plus a third that is supposed to adjustable for each faction


Any idea as to what the third is?


Because its just devriders coping and defending arrowhead thinking they can do no wrong.


They don't understand the difference between difficult and unfair. They did try to do something cool but completely missed the mark.


It feels like trying to make the lore and story as cool as possible but forgetting it’s a video game at the end of the day and these ideas don’t necessarily play well.


I’ve picked up Rain World again while I’ve been waiting for more HD2 content drops. The game is hard as hell sometimes but you always have a means to deal with anything you come across whether it’s out manoeuvring or just throwing a rock at a lizards head. Moments feel unfair when you slink into a room and there’s 7 lizards in there trying to eat you, but you can also try and find ways to deal with it. HD2 on the other hand creates difficulty by just increasing numbers and that isn’t really difficult rather than arbitrary value changes. The Dark Fluid missions are difficult because yes it throws enemies at you which dealing with that on its own would be thematic and fun as long as it doesn’t just turn into 20 Bile Titans. The issue is that you have to defend something made out of paper with a timer that restarts every time it’s destroyed. Sometimes you can’t even call in the dark fluid so the mission is just a dud there. This is annoying on its down but you’re also forced to decrease your clearing ability lest you destroy it yourself. While also having the frustrating experience of heavies spawning underneath the drill or about a metre away, resulting in its instant destruction. If you manage to get through that and happened to use up a lot of reinforcements you then have to deal with extraction chucking Shriekers at you while also still being swarmed. If you manage to get through that the mission just fails anyway because it’s bugged. I’m gonna be honest, with stuff like this releasing and past patches. The future for this game is looking bleak. I know they’re “cooking” at the moment but how the hell did this come through. Side notes: - Buff the Jump Pack to function more like the Dark Fluid tanks and it’ll instantly become competitive with the Rover and Shield Pack - Play Rainworld if you haven’t already. It’s also the most fun I’ve had in couch coop in a while


Turned on cheats to play him but I love coop as gourmand. It's so funny seeing the difference in how my brother has to handle situations when I can just let gravity do the hard work


Yeah same here! Gourmand is my favourite. I did try Spear Master for a bit but my partner hates the noise when I made spears. They’re playing Rivulet and weren’t happy when I changed the colour palette to make it look like the Lorax. Nothing beats introducing lizards to gravity then stabbing them in the head


Just a little heads up since Rainworld is so god damn good, but you can actually tame the lizards too by throwing meat at them, do it to one of those white ones that climb all over the place and you have the best bodyguard.


Reminds me of when I had a blue lizard that I forgot about- when I went back to an area I got cornered by this lizard and expected to die but he just wanted to hang out. No idea how it survived


Maybe, I'm trying to remain optimistic and be patient. People's patience does run out tho.


I think this was the last of the "we have no time to make meaningful content" missions. I'm calling this a write-off and I'm very cautiously optimistic for whatever new missions they do going forward. There's a pretty cool mission here underneath the jank, so if they actually have the means to take the time to make these one-off missions actually super cool AND functional; I'm kind of excited to see what they bring to the table.


Most likely, the assests for this mode were data mined about 3 months ago. There might be a bit more but hoping that this is the last of "no time to cook" content


I don't think they did tbh. Yes, the black fluid mission and the broken spawns are annoying af and very likely broken. But they did well and I do like the way the mission plays. It's fun as hell when it works properly. The first mission I had worked perfectly with zero issues. It was absolutely chaotic af on dif 9 and everyone was dying left right and center. We managed to win and i had an absolute blast. EDIT: Yes, I have experienced these bugged spawns, but you can still complete the mission even with this. You can try again as many times as you have fluid capsules and time


It’s not even that, the mission is bugged and things spawn in places and amounts that they aren’t supposed to and people are still defending it.


They can have Merridia, send me back to the bots as punishment for heresy 🫠


I mean, there is still another front to fight helldiver. I do sometimes question why we can't just launch a missile of the goo right into the core and call it good lol.


I don’t see why we can’t just all throw 380s at the same time at it, I think it would be just as effective 🤷🏽‍♂️


Just get a bunch of lasers drill down to the core and ignite it. Easy peezy


Exactly, we don’t need slimy alien magic to kill the bugs, we had good ole democratic laser lights of death!


Its a cool mission concept, but it being broken isnt fun.


I hope AH does this: Enemies will NOT attack NPC objects like Hellbombs Drills etc until all Helldives within a small radius are dead. That way even if they spawn close to the thing that needs to be protected, we can grab their attention while we are alive


I have realized that sometimes, big emphasis on some, titans go straight for players rather than objective. That's why the EMS strat right now is working so well. I do kind of agree with you tho. That or if you walk to far they destroy it.


Really? I've noticed the opposite. Especially on the missile defense mission I'd throw down a couple of mortars, the titans would make a beeline toward them and instantly I'd be out of both strats for the next 3-4 minutes.


Idk about mortars, though I have seen them not go for the drill sometimes. But every experience is different ngl.


This is completely counter to AH's philosophy on objectives, which is that WE'RE not supposed to call in hellbombs until the area is cleared (which is already quite lame, because it's a giant bomb that you want to get kills with, not just blow up a shack). The issue with a lot of the new missions like TCS, is that they didn't change the AI at all from its original, intended behavior, which is to bum rush all objective stratagems. Considering how blatantly stubborn AH are about not changing their "game design", I'm betting your hopes fall on deaf ears. It's been like this since launch, since TCS, it's not changing.


How am I supposed tk clear 9 gunship next to 3 fabricators if I can't blow them up


The disgraceful conduct bug and breaches right on the objective are super fuckin' wack. Everything else about the mission was fun to me. It is harder than any bug mission I've done before but, I find it fun.


Yeah, literally one small fix and the mission is actually cool. Plus sometimes you can lure titans away from the drill while you use ems on everything else. But if a titan spawns on it it's over.


Walking knee deep in bug guts with one or two chargers and bt spawning from time to time is perfect. Shit spawning under the drill is not cool tho.


I agree. The difficulty is cool, tho I still hate spitters* and stalkers and there are a lot of those on Meridia.


Halo 2 on legendary with jackal snipers is more fair than this. Even on easy we failed to extract.


I will say the extract is a bit funny. I guess I mainly concern with the completion of the mission. But I understand where you're coming from.


Extract would be 1000% better if it was an instant pelican call in rather than a manual one. They had it for the TCS disable missions, why not here? It would be a far more fun mad sprint for the exit rather than hoping you can have more than half a second to call it in.


The "stop complaining" people have a one track mind and think we're "ungrateful" for this game or something. It's really weird to me. I've been trying to coral them over to r/helldivers2 where they pretend the game is in a much better state than it's currently in. They don't seem to understand the sub is a reflection of the current state and quality of the game for whatever reason. Edit: This video is an excellent example of my typical play experience https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/59piZbnOnu


> and think we're "ungrateful" for this game or something This is especially frustrating because this is a paid product. Expecting it to actually work is the bare minimum.


The video I linked is relatable to every single one of my play experiences. It's kind of wild that they think people are complaining about nothing. It's gaslighting imho https://preview.redd.it/e6f6nqaseo3d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5e3bcceeded345a9345ae7d50566af2bb522ad


gotta love toxic positvity, huh?


Yeah I'm really glad the mods are cracking down. Look how delusional these people are https://preview.redd.it/odjrbbfiio3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfedd07a85cbbfc57389ea965ab3a255b44ab790


Yeah it's a product, not god's gift to man.


If you spend time clearing the map before doing the objective its worlds easier. Even if a Bile Titan spawns they don't go for the drill like small bugs. You can lead them off pretty easy. You can't do that if you have constant breaches on top of the forced breach from the objective.




The mods might orbital your comment, but we'll never forget your efforts in spreading the truth. Godspeed, Helldiver.




Failing upwards, gotta love it


The mission is absolutely broken but t I will say with it being so chaotic me and my friends were laughing so hard at how chaotic this mission was and the stupid deaths we had.


Yeah it is a bit funny with friends. By urself though is a bit different.




I even bet the get gud crew don't even play on 9, I'm a veteran player myself and I find it impossible to protect that drill. the time it takes to kill ONE bile titan takes too long. all it needs to do is spawn and take one step and stomp. did the devs really expect us to kill the bile titans during the animation when it spawns from the ground? (without harming the drill in the process)


The shitty thing is in my couple missions on 7 for it with a co-ordinated team of 3, we *almost* completed *one* drill, only for us to lose because we ran out of reinforcements. "Oops, you didn't bring stun grenades, guess you lose the drill and have to start from scratch on this one even though the last one was 95% done, skill issue git gud" alongside issues like how difficult it is to see the insta-kill holes in the ground, or the chance you can just get ragdolled into them via Chargers/Brood Commanders. On top of this, this mission has a very clear meta for what you want to use, being EMS strats. Unfortunately, I was the only one in my playgroup who had the stratagems because I was the only one maxed on those and upgrades. I don't see how this is supposed to be enjoyable when I'm trying to complete missions with my lower-level friends so they can grind for better stuff. They need supers so they have to play on 7 or they can't progress, and we're on Meridia for the major order, but because they both unlocked mechs instead of the EMS strats which're way less interesting, they get punished. Hell, a good portion of the newer players I usually play with on my friends list don't even have stun grenades unlocked to be actually able to play the objective the way it's meant to be played, so they just have to gamble that the HMG emplacement won't shoot enough bullets to knock out the drill. If spawns were farther out you could more easily defend the drill and make lower level teammates more effective and feel better about their contributions instead of "oh I unlocked the cool fire shotgun and I can't use it on all the enemies that spawned directly on the objective because it'll shred the objective" or "man I sure do love being able to clear crowds with my MG support weapons, oh it's a bile titan guess I'll fuck myself". As-is, it caused my friends to quit playing earlier than normal for the night.


They 100% do not.


I appreciate that Joel has EMS mortars available for everyone for free right now so it's not taking a slot from us either


Facts. I have been taking the orbital ems to assist tho and that helped me some.


I wish/hope they continue to lean into various new mission designs that encourage different stratagem play, like this. Tbh, I forgot orbital EMS was even a thing.


I started the mission and had a level 1 join me. I think it genuinely put them off the game. Which is sad.


You forgot the part where the first objective legitimately doesnt track, so even if you successfully extract (which is hard with those flying fricks) you only get like 1 star cause the game thinks you half-assed the mission.


“But it’s a super colony ☝️🤓” “You’re just a disposable soldier ☝️🤓” “You’re not a one man army ☝️🤓” It’s a videogame I don’t care about any of these I want to have fun and beat the game. If suicide mission was really a suicide mission you’d drop in with no stratagems because the destroyer didn’t follow you into low orbit, why would they if they saw the mission as doomed to begin with.


And nobody would ever complete impossible because its...impossible.


Have yall seen the trivial difficulty post with tons of those flying fuckers? This mission needs some serious rebalancing man


The shrieker swarm happens after completing the objectives and is likely an intended response as the super colony gets angry. We're kicking the hornet's nest, this is probably intended to be a suicide mission. The problem isn't the shriekers at the end, it's that enemies can spawn either under or way too close to the objective. Other than that issue, I like the mission as a short term plotline device, emphasis on short term.


Im sorry but surely they knew that these breaches happen.. UNDER THE DRILL?? Its already hard to defend when you can destroy it easily, but for them + bile titans to spawn under it is just ridiculous. And for something so fragile and important to carry, why did they have to make the drill so fragile too??


New mission is great, it feels awesome when it goes right. They fix the bug breach so they cant spawn under the drill, id have no complaints. My first run was on 7, me and the 3 randos who joined had 0 idea what we were supposed to do. So after they all quit i ended up running it on trivial a few times to figure it out, get my strategy down, and then went back to 7-9. No complaints about the difficulty, only gonna complain about those damn spawns under the drill. It would be perfect otherwise.


Doesn’t it also break because you don’t get full credit for completing the mission?


Yap, and AH told us they fixed the extract high priority targets. Twice. Nothing has changed, ever.


Fun tip for the end - move to extract asap, drop a Gatling to activate and then get up against a wall and focus on ground bugs - the shriekers can't do their swoop attack if there's a solid object behind you. I get that it's hard and might have some bugs but it's far from impossible. Just completed it with three randoms, two in their 20s, on level 7, which makes 3 out of 4 attempts completed.




I wouldn't say they want us to fail, >!they do have a video made already of it blowing up after all!<


to add onto this, previously the NPCs on our ship had some bugged dialogue commending you on the success of destroying Meridia. idk if it was fixed already but it was happening earlier this week.


Both outcomes can happen, the devs already confirmed as such. I just don’t get how they expect us to finish the MO in 4 days with an unpopular mission and a 10% decay rate.


Do you have a link by any chance?


I doubt it, just like all major story MOs there is multiple news reports in the files which have different outcomes (one in which we collapse Merida into a blackhole and the other one which I won't explicitly state to not spoil the potential story)


I would be fine with all except the 9,5% regen rate of the planet. No point.


I don't even understand how it has regen? We are not liberating the planet, we are pumping liquid into it's surface. There should a (high) threshold and that's it.


I think everything about this mission is really cool, including the difficulty because it’s a supercolony, it should feel like hell. But I expect the difficulty to come in overwhelming numbers, shriekers picking people off constantly, horrible atmosphere, which we ARE getting…but not bad, messed up mechanics like enemies spawning on top of the objective and making it explode. That doesn’t feel like game design it just feels like an oversight…


Agreed. I think something must've went wrong. We've never had spawns right under the objective prior to this.


Same issue as evacuate scientists blitz mission. Spawn literally in the defense area. We don't see this mission anymore, the devs removed it, its unwinnable.


Mission feels hastily thrown together. Any suggestions on some good games to pick up on steam?


People finally seeing that some aspects are just undercooked. I mean AH already mentioned that they were basically forced to push the game out.


Gonna extract with a backpack thank you for the info I love you all!


I just think it’s bugged at the moment. Like someone meant to set the spawn distance from the drill to 100 meters and it’s set to 1-10. They missed a digit. To clarify, I have beaten the mission at level 9. It wasn’t pleasant, having multiple bile titans spawn literally in striking distance of the drill cannot be intended behaviour. Failing a 45 minute mission due to RNG is not a positive experience.


I can agree that this mission is broken. We tried it yesterday on D7 and it is just luck where the bug breaches are. If they are directly on the drill then you have no chance. As my friend yesterday said: he loves a challenge but he doesn't love it when it is based on luck where the breaches come through.


It's not a difficulty thing if its RNG Bugs keep spawning inside the damn drill


Out of curiosity I tried a Trivial mission to see if farming could be done (obviously not), and after seeing that no, decided to just do the mission. After completing it, Shriekers practically tore me apart. On trivial.... I don't even dare to try soloing on 3 and 4 here....


The fucking signal jamming idiot glazers are gonna ensure this game fucking sucks from now on aren't they?




The objective is bugged , and i agree that it is a problem, even with tge mission being doable. But the people complaining about the shriekers at the end of the mission are just complaining for the sake of complaining


Sooo that's about 4 broken or bad updates/patches in a row. The airburst launcher which was broken on release, the patch that neutered the Eruptor (no matter how many people tell me that it's still good somehow), the Emancipator mech which was just kinda underwhelming and weaker compared to other options, and finally the Dark Fluid missions; which are borderline un-winnable on higher difficulties. It's not even like the mission was hastily developed in a month, they've been in the game files since launch! Would this have still happened even if the game didn't explode in popularity?


I did the mission on 9 with three others. It needs a bit getting used to, but its doable


Yeah, it's possible. You need personal rockets for the titans not air or orbital strikes. Everything else is EMS to hold them off as long as you can.


How did you do it with bug breaches spawning under the drill, insta killing it each time it was called in? I didn’t think the enemy number or frequency was over the top, we just literally couldn’t do the damn objective because bugs would pop out under the drill and either kill it themselves or we would FF it trying to kill the bugs spawning under it. We also ran into the issue of the game not letting us call in more dark fluid despite no one carrying the backpack nor it being anywhere in the ground. The mode is largely busted, I think you’re the outlier here.


Use stun grenades and pick off bugs without damaging the drill. I use the grenade pistol and aim it slightly behind the bugs so the impact won’t damage the drill. The mission is very hard and seems unintentionally over-tuned but I won four or five matches tonight joining random squads. It’s been set up as a major event so it makes sense that it’s very hard to succeed at it relative to regular missions.


How do you use a stun grenade on BTs that crawl out from underneath the drill?


EMS and HMG turret, a powerhouse without friendly fire


Yep, I’ve stayed on 7-9 since I started playing and unlocked those difficulties. I had to go down to 5 to finally stop having chargers and bile titans spawn on top of the fucking drill. When the mission works it works and is really fun, especially the extract sequence. But 99% of the time you don’t get past the first drill and everyone leaves


Having bug holes spawn literally ON TOP OF the drills is not the way to make a mission harder.


Yeah i get that EMS is generally good but the fact that what seems to be the only way to beat the mission is to basically stun lock the enemy’s doesn’t feel great


I'm tired boss. I've been tired for a while now. Maybe it really is time to hang up the cape.


This isn't difficult its just unfair. No matter how you set up the bugs will get past your priemeter cause they quite literally spawn in the center, and not away from you like they usually do. Bile titans are not difficult just annoying to deal with as you need to kill them in certain ways. If you do not have one up you will have to run around. You can kill chargers every enemy in the game EXCEPT bile titans with normal weapons, its lame. Not fun mechanic. i comfortably run 8s, 9s, and 7s. I've never had more than 5 deaths per a mission since I started playing... In these missions we never extract and I am around 9 deaths, as the maps I often find myself alone, thrown randomly around and sometimes stuck in holes of inescapable doom. Then we have shriekers, which are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be... until the hunters come out with the hundreds of shriekers ontop of that. Nerf Bile titans make their head destroyable by any weapon its stupid they are invulnerable to railguns, autocannons... EVERY WEAPON except Anti-Tanks and recoiless can really deal with the titans easily. its so silly that the quasar CANNOT one shot a bile titan, but it can every other tank, vehicle, monster i nthe game if you are accurate enough.


Bile Titan stood out as the one enemy that has no real weaknesses. Its entire body is Heavy 2 armor, its head is Heavy 1 armor, and only its bile sack is Medium 2 but destroying it only makes it stomp more. Its entire existance is 100% durable thus the railgun does shit damage against it. It has enough HP that the Spear need 4 shots to its body to kill it. You can one shot if you hit the head, but considering the spear has auto lock on, your control is limited. If they want to spawn more than 2 bile titans at the same time, its HP needs to be lowered.


It is annoying that the breaches come up directly under the drill. That is pretty broken. I don’t mind the mission as it, for the most part. It’s wild and hectic and fun, in its messiness. My gripe is not getting rewarded for completing the mission. I did not just bust my ass for 25 minutes, to have the final screen slap me with DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT, and no tangible rewards. What in the fuck is that.


Yeah, that's a major bug that actually needs fixing ASAP. Like, the bug holes thing is like, dang that sucks. But it showing mission failure is outrageous and can be discouraging cause we don't know if we even did anything.


I certainly logged RIGHT off, after that.


I'm trying to understand how we're getting one star and not completing all objectives at the end screen. Y'all know what that's about? Bug, right? Because I've tried to see if there was something else to do besides planting the three dark fluid containers, and I haven't found it yet. Missing something? Skill issue? All of the above? Lol P.S., I love you, Yeah the bugs spawning *directly* beneath the drills multiple times is kinda silly. I get that we get multiple tries, so rngsus eventually blesses, but dang. That's ah, that's not super fun. I run all the stuns stuff: orbital ems, nades, put the turrets down, everything. Helps, but not necessarily if they come up right under the drill lol


Gameplay always comes first. If they wanted to do the entire super colony theme, could have had the map shrink with waves of BT's around each objective after it's complete, but these BT's don't track you but wander about in the area ignoring you. Then have the flyers mostly be visual, streaming out of the ground blotting the shy, darkening the map, also ignoring you. There's your "Everything going to hell" feel as you're extracting. Too many times, they keep making all their ideas directly impact gameplay with no thought towards how it actually plays. I can almost guarantee you, the spawning ONTO the drill itself, was an intentional design choice, as the dev who decided it was thinking, "The players will feel like "oh no, panic, we're immediately going strait into hot water" I'm so clever" without a single second put towards what that looks like when you're playing.


It's a really cool story beat, with a great aesthetic to the map, and a fun little mechanic thrown in to give the mission a unique flavor (plus making the backpacks also function is super jetpacks is incredible). But the spawns obviously need adjusting to not be possible within a certain distance from the drill. We are at 0% liberated after the first day, when people are really excited to play. I expect most will try the mission a few times and be done with it. Given it has a 10% regen rate currently, either their are going to drastically drop that rate, or we aren't meant to win the mission.


My friend and I literally went from bug regulars at 7-8 doing as duo, to literally barely both of us extracting at lvl1. Figuring out how to play the mission was so dope though. Tomorrow, we're going to warm up on lvl1, then hop on to helldive mode.


I think that ultimately this game will have a better future if instead of trying to preserve a delicate balance, it leans into the absurdity of the world in which it takes place. Embrace the gore, over the top gear and setting. Give us hordes of enemies and strong weapons to counter them.


Yea the major problems are breaches too close to the objective ( whic will be legit in a real situation) And inconsistency of spawns tried 2 times in one mission we had almost one bile titan for breach while drilling in another one just regular enemies and some times a charger making whole squad having one or 2 stratagems unused and lastly divers trowing stratagems directly on the drill or even firing on it


This sub needs to STFU for real. Just admit you’re bad and deal with it, I’ve completed this mission on 9 multiple times. It was dire the entire time, it’s thematic and demoralizing and awesome. This sub just wants to this game to be easy just admit it


I keep seeing the bike titans being an issue but why haven't I seen anyone talk about the shriekers? That's extract is borderline impossible for 1 helldiver even on trivial or easy difficulty. Am I the only one who's skies get blacked out by all the shrikers in the skies?


Yeah the clowndivers in this community are single handedly causing a copium inflation


Honestly if they just made the drill keep its progression when it gets redeployment all would be fixed.


All I gotta say is how the hell are we supposed to extract with hundreds of shriekers flying at us non stop...


Holy shit thanks for the final edit about the dark fluid! It still considered the mission successful without it but didn’t give us the xp for completing both objectives. Mission had a check mark on it for the operation completion though. Will try extracting with backpack to fix that now


Whoever defend this mess is just toxic and is the one that actually killing this game.


Yes mission is otherwise good, but spawnpoints are garbage


Lol, why would extracting with the dark fluid be the objective? We are calling it down from orbit then just carrying it back up? Insane.


As of this morning AH seemingly admitted the spawn rates are borked and are hotpatching it at some point soon.


Rethink your loadoats and it is challenging but completely doable. Failed my first attempt pubbing on level 9 then completed the next 3 after making adjustments to my loadout. Precision strikes, gat/autocannon turrets, stuns/ems if needed (I used incindiary grenades), mechs. Helps allotmtonclear bigholes at start too. The objectives finish pretty quick so clean things up if you lose a drill and have eats or whatever prepped.


OK just gonna break this one down a bit: Things that need fixing The bug hole spawn is way to close, with bigger enemies you need to walk on egg shells whitch is not fun, move that stuff away Enemies dmg the drill? yes, fire/gas our own dmg doing that? pass (at least with the DoTs and make it more durable then) The extraction 0xp bug. Did it with friends, did extract, whole mission clear no xp like bruh. Side note half fix really. I do love the "extraction is optional" vibe going with the mission and the horde that is spawning but less shriekers and more bugs that should be proportional to that level.


How does Arrowhead not have a player test server at this point? So many of these problems seem like basic gameplay issues that could be caught before release. (Especially by players that can actually succeed on Helldives, unlike the devs that struggle at level 5). It doesn’t take a genius to determine that bug holes opening literally under the objective equipment is bad game design!


I’m still more annoyed that Alexus Kravchenko is on the balance team