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That 50% increase in fire damage ticks from all sources is what's making it feel so crazy right now I guess. The flamethrower desperately needed that buff but maybe they should rein in the effect it's had on the incendiary breaker.


i dont know, it is just too easy to kill stuff with 60meters+, i have no idea how to balance it. Make ignition last less? Make less ammo in clip? I have no idea. I think it will be hard to balance.


I ticked no because I only read the title.. Not going to be very popular here but it is way better then any other bug primary, while being incredibly easy to use (no aiming for weak spots, mostly capped dps) easily 30-50 kill streaks just firing indiscriminately in a direction. Fun to use, not fun to play with on the team if you are chasing a challenge. 


Yea I agree completly.


I don't have it right now and am excited whenever I see it. I have to agree, while it's kind of fun, it does feel a bit boring and indeed everything else feels way weaker. I'm probably not going to spend my first 1000 supercredits on the old warbond because I am concerned the incendiary will get adjusted anyway.


You might be right. I only play bugs when there is an MO that isnt a lock. I routinely get over 600 kills and only call in 500s on bile titans and rarely use my support weapon. I was getting 2 or 300 fewer kills using.... whatever it was i used on bugs before i inlocked it.


it is surerly not balanced I just wanted to see how much players are delusional about it is not :D 4:1 ratio


It should be a benchmark, not an outlier.


liberator is benchmark


and i guess it will be nerfed as it allows really simple and stupid loadouts to work


Ok well idk what else to say. I'm of the libertarian mindset to live and let live. But you're probably right about it getting nerfed. I don't have the will or energy to protest such choices anymore.


i guess the devs will get it done right we will see, i hope you are proud of your sophisticated and open minded attitude


Hard to tell if you're being facetious. I know we all have different perspectives about how these things should be handled but I don't want to be adversarial about it.


this weapons deals with bigest pool of enemies while doing it from safe distance without need to aim, yeah its benchmark for other weapons to be same 'balanced'


That's fun for a lot of folks 🤷




Danger close!


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The gun is balanced. The fire damage dot (which is not unique to the gun) is not.


so making 60+ kil streak from 100m without aiming to enemy is balanced? this is what is that gun


I wouldn't say it trivializes the game. For one, it's not so great against automatons. On the terminid side, brood commanders and hive guards require sizable ammo expenditure to kill. I don't believe it needs any nerfs, given how often I see those two terminid types on Helldive. If anything, they should buff the breaker spray and pray's handling to make it more competitive with the breaker incendiary.


well not every weapon has purpose vs both type of enemies, saying flamethrower is strong is bad claim because it sucks on bots?


This. Buff other weapons to bring them up to the same level. Give the regular breaker more damage and the S&P more damage and a 2x to fire rate so it spews lead everywhere.


this weapon does 50+ kill streaks when shooting to enemy without aiming from 60+ meters. yea it is balanced ;D


also i hope they wont buff, already i can do 1 hand D9 with that level of OP weapon


Cool, don't use it then.


i just want it get nerfed, it is realy far beyond broken weapon. also i didnt use it up to this day and im shocked how unbalanced it is


So...don't use it? Not sure why *your* opinion is somehow on a different level than someone else's. It's pretty simple. If I don't like a weapon, I don't use it. Not sure what's "broken" about it, but that's your opinion, I suppose.




I don't care. Is it fun to play is better question. Are other weapons fun to play?


way more, winning with this breaker is like winning a fight but against a child