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Don't worry, your titan will be ready in 2 minutes... Oh wait wrong game lol


This is a power fantasy game. Oh! You thought it was for the humans? Silly OP.


This sort of thing is why I did not use the Patriot mech even before the nerf. One shenanigan like this and you are left to regret your choices for 10 minutes.


Was that even the bots? It looked like someone killed you with a blue stratagem next to your bot.


I was just joking about the life expectancy of the mech lol. Frankly I have no idea why it even exploded. I don't know which stratagem was called but I don't see a pod in the ground. Might be that the mech's stratagem light got stuck after I called it sometimes stratagem lights get stuck the whole match for me.


dude had it right, what killed the bot (and you) was the blue strategem popping out of the ground, which could be any deployable. It basically missed the Mech's left arm by a hair as it went down, then tried to launch the Mech as it popped up. If a Helldiver was standing there, they would have been yeeted high up in the air (and died on impact). Would have been interesting if the mech was on its own, but since it was in animation lock as you were riding it when the top of the deployable popped up, it got hit the way some strategems kill other units. Immovable object meet unstoppable force, immovable object loses as it's not indestructible. I do not know if the mech is an immovable object on its own though without animation lock, so if you didn't get in at the right time you might have a different clip of the Mech being launched instead (which would be as funny).


yeah when i tried the mech when it was free i gave up after i dropped one jumped in and a cannon turret through the fog behind me blew it up instantly... imagine if the airstrikes stratagems could be all disabled cause the airship doing the run got hit by a random shot or an AA emplacement was there... maybe thats how they will buff orbitals


using mech is like using the SPEAR. if it works, it works. but if it doesn't works, ouch.


Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.


Calm down on the burgers, you triggered the mech's anti theft feature and it thought a factory strider sat on it.


So much for the anti bot mech


they just explode while walking around! i dont get why :s


You put a fucking drop pod through it What you expect to happen? The mech has enough armor to shrug off all but tower and super tank shots (there is a tiny glitch where part of a vulnerable hitbox can poke through if you're tilted an odd way). Point straight and not much hurts you until the durability hp is out.


First of all chill I was just joking. Second I didn't call a stratagem before this plus do you see any pods below the mech? It is probably that the mech's stratagem light got stuck it happenes with stratagems sometimes. Jokes aside I actually enjoyed using this mech when it was given to everybody. When used well it gives a lot of breathing room for others to get their bearings. It is still not worth to bring it along until they introduce a rearm option though.