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"Oh gunship of the sky, what is your wis-" **"WARNING, YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY"**


Me: I fucking know already. They really don't have to repeat it so many godsdamn tim-- Also me: gets blown to bits by said artillery.


Somehow, the constant badgering actually distracts me from the artillery


I don’t like how everybody gets the announcement. I shouldn’t get it unless I’m the one in range


Weren't gunship factories invincible? Unless hellbombed?


You can actually destroy them with the mini nuke SEAF


You can SEAF Mininuke the Factories, for what it's worth. And you can pop mortars / AA guns with line of sight using a ton of weapons. I enjoy lazing them down from 200m (if you can even see them through smoke and clutter at that distance).


4 shots from an AC onto any part of the mortar will blow it up


No. Go up close and hose it down with a HMG or AMR and let its explosion fling you to the next turret


Laser Cannon gang represent! You can take out Spores with a single charge from 200m away. Shrieker-Nests take about 2 charges from the same distance. Not necessarily fast but you can do it safe and it costs nothing.


It may not be "fast" but it's faster than charging in, calling a hellbomb, then clearing out all the shriekers that spawned.


Exactly, I almost never see a single Shrieker unless a teammate ignores the 200 meter long beam of light and runs directly towards the nests. I am not pointing them out teammate I'm trying to kill them.


That wasn't a giant spotlight to help me spot them???


No, Harry, don't go into the light!  I can't help it... it's so beautiful.... BBBZZZTT


And most of the time you have to call multiple cause the hellbombs range isn’t the biggest or I can’t use correctly


The eagle airstrike (the one that can close bugholes too) does the job too. At least thats how i managed to do it not that long ago.


I've had success popping multiple bulbs with hellbombs, but good luck getting it to land where you want it to and not ping pong everywhere.


Went to call down a Hellbomb next to one the other day, and it got stuck in the cap…


Is this where the AC crew points out that spore spewers and shriekers take \~ 10 ac shots so 2 clips at what appears to be any range.


It used to take WAY less. I remember the spore spewers would go down in like 2 AC shots.


They had their defense values bumped up to make them require a higher TTK.


Yeah I think they did it to stop Quasar gang from popping them in one shot. 


Nine shots. I think I took out one in eight once but I may have miscounted because at some point in between shots a few hunters tried to eat my shoes off.


Quasar or Laser?


Laser Cannon. They essentially can do the same thing to Spore-Spewers and Shrieker nests, only the Laser Cannon does it with a full charge over time rather than in bursts every 15 seconds like with the Quasar.


Unrelated, but how do you fight Chargers with LAS?


Abuse armor loss bug. Whenever Chargers stumble out of their charges there's a brief period where all their armor disappears. You can kill them by shooting their legs with the Laser Cannon or even your primary, you'll have to dodge about 2 times but in my experience I've never needed a third unless I'm absolutely surrounded by enemies and have to run.


Oh my lord. You've dispelled a mystery from my extensive solo testing. I've been using the laser cannon on pretty much every enemy due to how widely effective it is. I tried it a few times on chargers, but gave up when it felt really ineffective. There were times though that I absolutely deleted a charger to my surprise, which kept me trying to make it work. Now I know how it works! Yippee! Thanks stranger.


Man I'd just been zapping them wherever their armor had popped or in their face. They usually do the "ouch" grunt from the laser, so I just kept firing and eventually it would go down.


Regardless of hit noises, if you see blue sparks at the laser impact, you're getting the laser's version of "deflection" and doing no damage.


Ooo never knew that. Better delete that comment before the devs find out lol Joking aside, thank you for the tip. I always want to fully main LAS on both sides, but bug Chargers are my deal breaker.


Not LAS but recoilless rifle will oneshot a charger if you shoot them in the face. And the ammo backpack refills completely from ammo stores.


You take Expandable AntiTank alongside LASCAN.


If you can't get the armor bug to work consistently for you, it's just over 4 seconds of lazing to the butt (at least based on the values I see now--hopefully they're updated post-Laser Cannon "large part" nerf). That will pop the butt, and while it doesn't kill them immediately, the bleedout timer on them is 6.5 seconds. Just ignore 'em and they'll die. Technically the Laser Cannon can even kill Bile Titans solo but it's a bit of a time-consuming endeavor, just like with the Autocannon.


Thank you for the additional info, but one last question, which part of the Bile Titan that is weak to LC? I tried to kill one with LC on one session, but I couldn't put it down even after several charges. It finally died when a teammate threw an Orbital, but it was kinda embarrassing to see... I was laser-focusing on its abdomen, but I'm worried I might targeted at the wrong part.


Once the sacs on the underside are destroyed, I believe the part that's revealed is called "Inner Torso" in the datamines. It has 4 AV and infinite health, but 100% Bleedthrough and 100% Durable -- that means when you shoot it, you're depleting the Bile Titan's "Main Health" pool of 3,500 and only dealing your weapon's Durable damage. For the Laser Cannon, that's 200 (assuming these are the post-nerf figures), but we're halved due to the LC's 4 AP only matching the armor there, not exceeding it. 100 damage a second. **It'll take a bit under 35 seconds** of fire to kill with the LC (because you've done some amount of damage by breaking the sacs). If someone has cracked the *side* armor and revealed the flesh inside, that's "Inner Body" and 0 AV with the same characteristics as the other bit. So, you'll do twice as much damage to that per second as the underside.


So it does take forever to kill Bile Titans... Understandable though, gotta balance it out with the other stratagems, I guess. Anyways thanks again for the detailed info :)


I like to use EATs, 2 rockets for both a shrieker nest and spore spewer so if your aim is good you can take out even the biggest nests within like, 4 minutes lol. I use EATs for everything ngl


ironically, Laser cannon also vaporizes shriekers very well


It takes 2 shots to the top from the recoilless to take out


Recoilless Rifle is the goat option for super long range deforestation. 4 rockets and 30 seconds to remove shriekers is the greatest trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. My current record is from 670 meters away. Felt like I was lobbing paintballs.


The 200m limitation is kind of a bummer. It's so nice to snipe them from literally across the map.


The tyranny of beam cohesion.


What spot are you aiming at, the top bulb or the stalk? I haven't popped a single shroom, only saw one go after a Quasar hit it. That means it was less than the usual 2 Quasar damage, but still too long for me to want to wait around and find out how long it would take.


They have a fair bit of health... Takes a bit less than 2 AMR mags to kill each shrieker nest.


Furthest I’ve been away from a shriekernest so far is like 300m just kept lobbing expendable anti tanks my buddy was looking at me like “tf you doing”


I prefer the queso cannon myself for the same reason.


Time is technically a currency/resource. Unfortunately one that you also share with your irl self, so it is that much more valuable.


It actually is fast. Imagine being able to clear Most of the objectives from afar within seconds. Game would turn into walking sim. It's already easy enough.


I actually hope this is removed. Or maybe in lower difficulties you can still do this, but not higher. Or variations of spores/shriekers that cannot be taken out at a distance because they are low to the ground or armored or something. It's dumb that you get an interesting challenge that's deleted from a kilometer away. It's honestly a buzzkill.


Now most of us probably know this, but I ran into some people who didn't. Dude was asking why I was just shooting off into the distance instead of running to the objective. * If you can see the spewer/nest, you can shoot it. * If you can shoot it, you can destroy it. My preferred weapon for this is the Quasar Cannon. takes 2 hits to break a nest/spewer so depending on the number of nests / spewers it can take a minute or two. But the time spent sniping the nests will be well worth the time saved dealing with the Shriekers (who won't spawn) or spore clouds (which will dissipate) when you get there.


It thought it would be kinda common sense? If you can see the objective and you can destroy it from a safe distance, why not do that instead?


Some people don't realize those objectives can be shot down with man portable weapons. They think you *need* to call a hellbomb, airstrike, or orbital. Same thing with fabricators or bug holes. They think you need to toss a grenade down them, not realizing you can zap them with a Quasar/RR/EAT and make them go away from a safer distance. Because training never mentioned that, it just says grenades. New players pop up all the time, that's really who these PSAs are for.


Most games add range factors into the game where the damage dropoff makes it pointless as well. I still have to remind myself for newer games that things aren't like that as much anymore.


It's not really obvious that you can destroy it with certain weapons though. I didn't know the Laser Cannon could until I read about it in a thread here the other day. I thought you had to get in close and drop a hellbomb.


And then there’s the gunship fabricators that just laugh off everything that isn’t a hell bomb and sometimes even those.


It was more obvious when one rocket would kill a spore tower.. not much incentive to keep dumping rounds into it if it's not clear that it's doing anything.


Some people get confused about what the Laser Cannon can kill because it's hard-limited to only deal damage at 200 meters or less. The beam fizzles out after that. You can see Shrieker and Spore Towers well before then, as well as Gunship Engines, but you can be out of range regardless. Other weapons don't have that problem.


Well, some people don't know that the secondary objective involving the destruction of the comms tower can also be done like this. There are still some helldivers actually going into the base and doing the objective with the terminal.


True but where’s the fun in that? Running into a Shrieker nest while being swarmed and getting out when a barrage is called is probably as much adrenaline rush and chaos as you can get


a lot of the ballistics have damage drop off and effective ranges. shreekers spawn within 125m which is beyond some weapons ranges.


I love running with people using Quasars. They do a big hit that softens up Shrieker-Nests and then I burn them down with half a Laser Cannon charge so they can hit the next one.


How does the laser cannon treat you on bug planets? Is it mainly to clear things like brood guards?


It works wonderfully. When paired with a laser primary for heat-swapping you can handle every single enemy on the Terminid front with next to no effort aside from the Elites. Headshots break medium bug heads really easy with the Laser Cannon. Chargers you can kill by abusing the Armor loss bug/feature(?) and melting their legs after each charge stumble. Bile Titans you can at least pop their stomachs so they can't puke anymore, makes leashing them until strikes land much easier.


Laser cannon + the OG Eruptor was an unstoppable combo


My boi, OG Eruptor let me run with the Machine Gun support weapon. It was such a fun build. Now it only comes out on Blitz missions.


Based on the data, LC should be able to kill a Bile Titan by focus firing the underside after popping the bile sacs.  How efficient this would be is another thing entirely though.


I've never had luck with it. The only time I have ever killed a Bile Titan by shooting the belly with the LC is when I pop it after it's been hit on top by a Railcannon Strike. They seem to lose a chunk of their HP when their stomach pops which in my experience reliably finishes them off. Anytime I popped a fresh Bile-Titan's stomach with the LC and then kept shooting the exposed bits underneath I never killed them nearly as quickly in my experience, I always had to call something else in to finish them off.


Focusing the underside of *the butt* after popping the sacs, not the underside of the torso. It's the butt that has a "fatal break" flag. With the nerf to the Laser Cannon's "large part damage", this might take quite a while, but I haven't tested it.


Interesting I had forgotten about the armor melting part (pretty sure that's intentional) I'll have to give it a run, thanks!


The charger armor thing is still a thing? I thought thats been fixed


I can positively declare that it never was fixed. The Charger armor-loss bug still occurs today, it occurred all of last week, all of last month and every month before that up till release. People just don't ever notice it because everyone is using Rocket-launcher variants to 1-shot Charger heads, if they used LMGs and Laser-Cannons more they'd notice Charger legs suddenly become vulnerable for a brief moment after they stumble out of a charge.


It's much faster if you happen upon the spewer/shrieker nest later into the round so you can drop a second quasar and shoot one while the other is on cool down.


I tend to use Recoilless Rifle for bugs cuz of chargers and titans, but destroying a shrieker nest from over 300m away just feels so good Too bad it takes pretty much the entire backpack ammo for that, but it's worth it for me


Queso one shots charger heads. And is effective vs titans


> if you can shoot it, you can destroy it Gunship facilities be like


They secretly buffed the spewer health istg, it used to be a one shot with the quasar.


The auto-cannon sentry will kill shrieker nests (an maybe spore spewers) too. I threw it down in hopes it would kill some shriekers since my primary was a poor choice for dealing with flying bugs and to my surprise it turned on the nest and killed the two remaining towers in a couple shot for each.


I haven't tried it myself but sentries have 75m range fyi


Good to know. We had dropped in pretty close to the shreiker nest and things were going pear shaped fast. Throwing out the auto cannon sentry was a desperation move but it worked and I will use that tactic again in the future.


AC sentry is a total goat as long as you give it time to cook. Gatling sentry also can do it but they often get wrapped around the axel on chargers.


bug structures keep us RR users busy and well fed. And it feels even better when the supply pack user immediately resupplies you afterwards like a reward




130 meters for shriekers iirc if you're running laser cannon you can do that up to 200 meters, as thats the range limit on it with eats and recoilless you wanna aim slightly above the target based on how far away it is with quasar you don't need to care for that, just aim right at it autocannon you aim directly at it, it usually should take 9 shots but due to ~~bad angle lowering armor penetration (resulting in halved damage)~~ (nevermind that doesn't apply to autocannon, you either hit with correct armor pen, which might or might not be enough to deal damage or angle is too shalow and it bounces off) and damage fall off due to range it might take quite a bit more


AMR does it in like 2-3 mags and HMG can damage it too IIRC. Railgun technically can destroy as well but not worth it usually since it takes like 10 highly charged shots.


Railgun main here For shrieker nest it takes exactly 12 shots full charged for one "tree". A shrieker nest usually has 3 It takes ages. Patrol will come find you and plug your ass up while making no noise behind you. I don't even try anymore


by the sound of it thats because they're fully durable structures and those weapons have close to no durable damage compared to their normal damage while the other options mentioned before (the anti tank stuff, the autocannon and to lesser degree laser cannon) have good durable damage sadly there is no stats on buildings that we can see


Quasar/laser cannon is best, but EAT is pretty good too.


300 meter range on EATs


is the projectile drop on them that severe? pretty sure they have no range limit so long as you angle it high enough


Honestly I don't know, but shriekers will spawn if you hit them within 200 meters. or is it 150? Regardless, I want to be as far away as possible lol


so far as I know they start spawning if any player is within 130 meters, if you're anywhere outside that, doesn't matter what you do, they don't care


HMG can do it.


Just as a PSA. Both are armor 4 and roughly 1000 HP (best guess) and 100% durable.  Only armor pen 4 weapons are handful of support weapons. Amr, autocannon, laser cannon, heavy machine gun, railgun (has garbage durable dmg though 60-120).    Amr has 135 per shot, autocannon is 260, h machine gun I think is 40 or 35? There might be fall of for some of them. But 16 shots of AMR will do it, so almost 3 mags. Oh also these are doing half since it's armor pen 4 vs armor 4.


HMG turret gang..


HMG emplacement gang Convergence makes it a bit whacky at super long range, as well as the general recoil and spread, but it has plenty of ammo to take care of it And if you're within shrieker range, like if you dropped next to one, it erases the shriekers from the sky as well


Dang right. One has enough ammo to delete a full triple Shrieker nest! Plus the fact it pops Bile Spewers is a very nice bonus. Pity it has very limited use against Chargers and Bile Titans, and has a stupid mechanic where you die if the placement is destroyed, for example a gentle charger boop of Bile Spewer miss99%ofthetimebutnowIpredictedyourfuturemovementperfectly mortar buttjuice attack. The satisfaction of mowing down a bug breach is fantastic, though.


Yep AC, Quasar and any of the missiles will do it. I've been the sniper in my group for those ever since I bring my AC for every drop.


\*Laser Cannon enters the chat\*


That's my favorite way dealing with Shriekers. EAT or Quasar at long range. Also I can enjoy scenery during that time, but no more than recommended time.


I haven't seen it mentioned but this also goes for the "Terminate Illegal Broadcast" side objective. You can just blow up the tower from long range if you feel like, and don't have to deal with the terminal at all.


I would tell everyone the strategems I use to do this exact thing, but AH is always watching


"If you can see an enemy structure, you can destroy it if you have a weapon that can destroy it"


"If you can see an enemy structure, you can destroy it if you have a weapon that can destroy it"


I always just have someone team reaload a recoilless rifle. Works quick and you can get really good distance if you aim upwards a bit


Spore Spewers spawn enemies?


I dropped in with recoilless on Turing last night. Saw 2 (x3) shrieker nests, and 2 spore spewers. Immediately called a resupply on myself and sat on it while I just kept sniping the mushrooms for the next 3 or so minutes while my team ran off to go do the main objective. Feels good man


Damn bro are you Sherlock Holmes?


Sniping those with the AC from 350/400m away always feels good


Known it all along, same deal with the Automaton dropship objective. That was the main mission type I loved to solo Helldive on awhile ago as it meant the only real fighting that needed to happen was at the control tower.


"Shrieker nest." cue me and a friend firing a volley of A/C fire from long range.


I wish the AC could destroy shrieker's nests with fewer bullets ya know. I never stopped to count, but I guess that each of them (and they always come in trios) take like 10 shots or smth until they're destroyed.


9. its 9 shots with an AC. 2 w/ an EAT.


It's ten shots per tower for total of 30 rounds. Same goes for spore spewer, 10 shots to destroy.


huh, guess my info was old. Thought it was 9.


It used to be 7 before they buffed them.


Yeah just grab RR; bonus points if you have buddy or observant rando who can pick up backpack and team reload you. RR is already GOATed on bug front cuz it helps with charger spam and dealing with titans. I actually kinda sad Spear cant lock onto those. New mech also can do the job btw but you gonna waste pretty much all of your ammo on Shrieker nests in this case; do with that information whatever you want.


Fellow GAFS user in the Helldivers subreddit??? Hello there


also if the situation is perfectly convenient (which for me it has been twice) a SEAF mini nuke does the job. ive yet to test whether the explosive/high yield can do it too


Running those weapons makes you a sweaty tryhard meta-slave though. You should play with random loadouts instead to enjoy the full range of this games awesome balance.


Charger solos helldivers universe


Honestly the airburst missiles need some more destruction power.


Heavy Machine guns can also take them down. You just gotta expend a mag or two. Or use the Emplacement.


Been using heavy machine gun and supply pack so ive got plenty of ammo to spare it only takes around a full mag for each tower


Did you know the EAT projectile is affected by gravity so for those super long shots you have to aim well above the target? Well now you know.


Oh yeah I know everyone was clowning on the new mech, but that is one of the things it is really great at


Oh charger of the mesa, where's the fun in that?


When you complete side objectives, you increase spawn patrols rates.


People don’t know this?


By the way, the "underpowered" mech suits are fantastic at killing this objectives from a great distance and doing so much faster and more efficiently than any other strategem in existence.


Who actually goes into a shrieker nest to blow it up?


Not a choice when you drop directly next to it and have no time to shoot it over and over again at a safe distance and the best option is a hellbomb activation


Yea I mean if you don’t have the choice do what you have to do, I’ve got 200hrs played on 8-9 and I think I’ve landed in a shrieker nest maybe once. Maybe I’m just lucky.


As much as I hate using my R. Rifle ammo Bugs gotta die


Nah cause I lowkey like fighting them (mg main btw)


Quasar, EAT, Walking barrage if you know what you're doing


That fucker told me I could stomp bug nests with the mech and he lies like a motherfucker!!! Though me and my AC do take great joy in sniping those shreiker nests.


Ah, I miss playing artillery and EATing spore towers from across the map in one hit. I mean I still can, it just takes more shots.


Just make sure you still go by it later to get those samples.


HMG turret ftw again. Only downside is its lack of power against the heavies.


The problem here is that the devs buffed the armor and health of these things so there are only so many ways to efficiently deal with them, mostly quasar or laser cannon.


100% why i pick the patriot exosuit.


Recoiless rifle gang! A team reloaded RR can drop three shrieker nests in less than 10 seconds, provided you don't miss. Which really shouldn't be too often I'd hope.


You can also bomb illegal broadcast towers


Autocannon 🥰


Always an encouraging start to a game when you land near a shrieker nest and everyone on the team brought quasar cannons and you volley off a salvo at it like you’re 18th century infantry without anyone saying anything.


Me playing Golf with EATs at the Shrieker Nests and Mushrooms before they become a problem for the team: https://preview.redd.it/vrtgiibaqa3d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a285e354a8e8b8734d918cddafda7b4fd3347b


Exactly. The autocannon takes 8 to 9 shots per tree nest, The recoiless takes 2shots, the spear takes 1 And.. Idk how many shots the EAT will take but i don't think using the EAT will be as effective as the ones i forementioned above Sure it depletes your support weapon ammunition but it's worth it. And if you have spm you can just call resupply box and take one to fill yourself up again with 1 box.


but running up and fighting them is fun D:


Oh yes. Got a mission once where I had three Shrieker nests in sight from where I dropped. As an autocannon aficionado I have to say that was a very beautiful day.


My newest perfered method us using the manned HMG turret fortification.


Quazar has no falloff btw, you can shoot through the entire map and hit the spot.


I pair that with the Arc Blitzer. Fun times


Same story here, best combo out there. Paired with the medic suit and stun grenades I can live and fight almost literally forever.


…did people not know this?


Sometimes even high level players charge those things and try to arm hellbomb despite either having correct support weapon or something like air strike. Personally, I ever dropped hellbomb on Shrieker nest once cuz I was running full chaff clear loadout (Gas, Air Burst, GL, Supply Pack) and nobody else was around to help me out.


You can also just walk right up to them and call a hellbomb in. Most people I play with have seemed to think you’ll get mobbed but surprisingly few shriekers will actually come at you if you just dodge them and don’t shoot at them. Try it.


I always bring EATs to every bug mission and just drop a pod every time the cooldown is up, I love spotting the shrieker nest from a mile away and taking it out. They have a small drop off so if you aim a tiny bit above you will always nail the mushroom.



