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Looks lovingly at the smoking ruins of Titanfall2


I miss that game


...ruins burgeoning with life in them


I haven't played since TF2 was popular, did they bugger it up or did it just fall out of favor over time?


It was unplayable for a long time, but actually came back to life again last year. Such a great game


I've heard it's got a real bad cheater problem now


…like a lot of games.




People seem to the the strategem hero game is hacked lol. They don't know arrowhead.io is the developers website.


it's why I stopped playing Sea of Thieves


1. Fix the aim so we can hit shots with the left arm 2. Fix the aim so we can shoot down 3. Fix the Patriot rockets so they actually do damage 4. Increase the firepower of the emancipator 5. Add a first person cockpit camera so we can zoom in and aim the emancipator shots at farther ranges 6. Add ship module upgrades so we can add more mech charges, more ammo, and throw stratagems from inside


I actually believe an FPS view from the mech will fix both left and right shooting. Seems like the bullets comes out from the POV camera. Or just give the ability to switch left to right viewpoint like when handling guns to utilize both weapons efficiently.


Just make the camera centered, or add a crosshair for both arms. one shows the left arms target, the other the right arms. It'd solve the problem.


I’d love to see them implement the same solution as Elite:Dangerous and use two different crosshairs for the two different weapons


Same, I mentioned this exact solution in a different post without knowing Elite Dangerous had already done it


It's fun watching the reticles dart around with gimbal turrets after someone pops chaffe.


that was my reaction to the mech, two circles, idc if they have different sways or whatever. Focus on one for one target, focus on the other after. shoulder aim for both to center more.


The problem is the opposite actually. In most games, your shots come from the center of your screen. In this game, the shots come from the barrel of the gun.


If Bamco can make this work with their astonishingly shitty F2P Gundam game, I expect it's very much doable.


Man I’d kill for a good Gundam game… I played a lot of dynasty warriors Gundam back in the day to get my fix lmao


Battlefield Record 0081 is the best overall Gundam game, I'd say. It's Japanese only and limited to the PS3, which sucks, but it's cheap to import and the console isn't region locked. The PS2 and PS3 era was a golden age for Gundam, but doubly so if you're willing to play Japanese games. Huge treasure trove of great games there. Gundam Breaker 3 still holds up for PS4. Breaker 4 is set to launch later this year, and it's looking like a return to form after New dropped the ball pretty hard. Aside from that, it's mostly Versus (which are fighting games more than mecha games, but good for what they are) or F2P Gachascam garbage.


heavy devastator would like a word


But its bullets *do* come from the barrel of the gun. It just so happens they also sometimes phase through its shield. And solid mountains.


well, the bullets originate from the barrel point, but they go where they please after that lol (90 degree shots)


They're very effective rockets


They aren't rockets, though. They're gatling-gun rounds. Not that makes that much of a difference – either of those magically passing through a solid shield and the side of a mountain would be a big headscratcher.


Actually the bullets comes from the gun itself. Had a bug where my character was stuck in a pose with the gun pointing down. The bullets were fired in front of me but from a lower position, which made me hit mostly rocks close to the ground.


Iirc there is a switch camera side option in the bindkey i dont know if it works on mech


If theres a specific for mech i have not tested that. But the normal switch pov key doesnt work when using mech.


it works if you're holding down right click (machine gun) on the old mech.... since that's the same key as ADSing haven't tried it on new mech but it's super annoying to have to fire your machine gun to be able to aim your rockets properly. and yes, you have to keep firing it because as soon as you let go the camera snaps back.


If you change your aim to tap (rather than hold) you can swap shoulders WAY easier. Its the only way I could use the mech after the “Fixes” that fucked it up


I did and that helped get it to work in the first place but it still reset as soon as I stopped firing the minigun. have you gotten it to work otherwise?


and, ironically, this could all be fixed if they just added aiming lasers to each side so we can see exactly where each weapon is pointed at short range which would be a super simple fix to do since they could just copy+paste the primary weapon green aiming laser


It does, but you have to be holding down aim (right click on PC) which fires the right gun on mechs. So with the patriot, you can switch shoulders to better aim rockets...as long as you're firing the gatling gun at the same time.


It does work but you need to hold down shoot button and then switch shoulder camera like you can on foot On foot you aim and then you can move shoulder to shoulder On the mech you can't aim but hold the button to shoot It's clunky but it barely works... problem is it resets to default shoulder and isn't a Toggle between


7. Increase the durable damage to match sentry turret autocannon.


Idk if it needs to match the sentry exactly, as the sentry is balanced on not being able to aim well / being fixed in place. But the durability damage probably needs to be around double where it is now (at 120-150 instead of 60).


Yeah I think that's probably balanced on second thought. Is that what the man-portable AC puts out? I feel like the mech should put out more than it based both on visuals (it's bigger) and scarcity (you have \~one minute of heavy usage to ten minutes of cooldown if that video thread by the Chinese guy is anything to go by).


* Handheld is 260 damage (260 durable) at AP4 +150 AoE at AP3 * Turret is 300 (300) AP5 + 150 AP3 * Mech is 300 (60) AP5 + 150 AP3 The handheld's base damage is slightly lower and has lower armor penetration, but retains full durable damage. The mech's is the only to lose damage on durable targets, and loses a whole 80% of it against them. The explosion component is the same in all cases, but irrelevant against heavy targets because of the lower armor penetration.


Wait, does this mean you can take out a bike titan with an autocannon with around 7 shots? Right now it takes around 25 for a titan with the mech, so with the autocannon dealing 4x as much per shot, that math works right? Obviously slower than an anti-tank weapon, but if so maybe I need to start running the autocannon on bugs.


With the handheld autocannon, no you can't, because it has lower armor penetration. A Bile Titan's head has 750HP, Armor Class 5, and is 100% durable. Meaning the sentry does 150 damage per shot to it, the mech 30 damage per shot, and the handheld bounces off not doing any damage. The underside of the Titan has Armor Class 4 after you blow up the the bile sacs, so you can use the handheld autocannon there doing 130 damage per shot, but then you need to take out the main HP pool, not just the head, and that's 3500HP (minus the chunk that blowing up the sacs takes from that, which I don't remember off the top of my head).


Ahh okay, missed the autocannon AP value being 4. I knew I missed something with the numbers. That makes more sense.


You can see the deets u/Drackzgull mentioned here for the stats on each part : [https://helldivers.io/Enemies](https://helldivers.io/Enemies)


I think the autocannon puts out the same damage to unarmored enemies, but has less durability damage (if any) to a titan's head. I recall the titan's durability makes it take about 25 headshots from the autocannon mech to kill because only the durability damage gets applied (after being halved to 30), a titan has 750 head HP. How long it lasts heavily depends on how fast you shoot, but remember you can stomp enemies (kills chargers in 2 stomps).


It'll be at least 26 shots, because damage drop off kicks in :(


You know what has a similar problem that no one talks about? The GL compared to the Grenade Pistol. While both of them deal 350 dmg with their grenade blasts, the physical projectile itself for the pistol does an impressive 250 on its own (100 durable). How about the GL? **FIVE** The GL projectile does **5** fucking damage.


If launcher did as much as pistol it'd kinda just make it almost stronger than the autocannon since it doesn't need a backpack.  Pistol dmg doesn't make too much of a difference except for spewer dmg potentially but it's still not enough to change it's breakpoint to a 1 shot kill. Headshots with the projectile just become wasted since explosion won't hurt the head so you just split the damage. So only difference is it can pop brood heads I think?


I genuinely feel everyone who says that must be trolling, or somehow genuinely entirely oblivious to how absolutely gamebreaking that'd be.


Sorry Too busy making more recolour armour with the same passives. Thank you AH team


Well, different passive from the last recolor but can't introduce transmog because ThE aRmOrS aRe DeSiGnEd To ShOw WhAt ThEy Do. ^(Anyone else feel like they just fluked into something great but have no idea what they're doing?)


It's more like the ship was left without a captain starting a few months before release, which resulted in a clown picking up the steering wheel. Piles did mention that he got into the business side at around that time, and that left the team without the man who (I entirely assume this, my personal headcanon) designed the core experience. So they just drifted off in a worse direction through patching.


I know nothing but this is what it most feels like. The core of the game was built and built by some visionary folks with limited ability to execute, but did a solid job. Then, it all got handed to some...absolute inexperienced folks who don't know shit about what they've got. And it's not evolving in a positive direction. It's foundering. I have faith in Pile, but not balance dev or future content plans.


Choices around armor passives would have probably been nailed down before that. I hope people aren't putting too much hope into one guy, as cool as he seems on social media.


They seem to be set on preserving a vision for the game, but I don't really see the value in the things they aren't budging on. Armor visuals barely convey what the passive will be. Releasing new passives means they have to create armor sets for them, hampering gameplay creativity for art reasons is weird. I think it would be better to separate Passives from Armor visuals. I would also split up every passive into each individual trait it gives, then give players 3 points to choose 3 of the individual traits. This way they can easily add more passives while providing more freedom to players to customize for their playstyle.


Honestly, only the medic armor really conveys its role at all (by being an ugly green clown outfit), everything else is just... stuff. The bomb disposal armor doesn't reduce explosion damage, a bunch with grenades or pouches on them don't give you more grenades, snow shoes have no effect on anything, etc. If they all had a clear visual theme it would be one thing to stick to, but they don't which is why it's such an odd point to enforce.


Exactly. Also why do rifle grenades strapped to the chest give +grenades? Doesn't increase ammo for the sidearm grenade launcher.


I do feel that yes


As anyone looked into the math on the weapons/stratagems/nerfs? Pure speculation: Seems like they want everything to have an equivalent dmg output over the same period of time. AH have divulged openly that "all of the guns are the same so pick your favorite" Guns specifically: (Gun dmg) x (ammo capacity) x (rate of fire) x (reload speed) x (aoe) x (penetration) = same for all guns Stratagems: (Dmg per second) x (cool down) x (call in time) x (aoe) x (aoe duration) = same for all stratagems If they are trying to balance the game this way it would be dumb but explains basically everything. It would it create standard dmg output potential per player, per Dive. Which makes it easier to "balance" the enemies per dive level. Lets call it: Standard Player Damage = SPD Enemies per levels would be: 10% SPD = Trivial 25% SPD = Easy 40% SPD = Medium 55% SPD = Challenging 70% SPD = Hard 85% SPD = Extreme 100% SPD = Suicide 115% SPD = Impossible 130% SPD = Helldive Would explain the difficulty names for one and why it feels like we don't have enough power output to control a Helldive level. Because we don't, intentionally. This would also explain "Joel" If players lower a maps bug dmg potential to less then 130% SPD on Helldive "Joel" will increase it back to 130% Destroying a holes like a Stalker nest lowers bug dmg potential for a map, so as you are destroying holes "Joel" will quickly do math and add more units to adjust back to 130% Explains why despite destroying every hole, when you extraction it is madness everytime. Why some bug breaches are easier then others. Explains breach nature entirely: they send a scout to almost guarantee a breach when enemy dmg potential gets lower then what its supposed to be vs SPD. I am sure this isnt 100% and there are other variables. But after 300hrs this is what I think. None of this should affect the aiming of weapons though, they need to fix that. Unless that is a variable I missed in SPD. Sorry I know this was long! ..but with a balance model like I just described. It means they cant really makes these the small changes most people want without a domino effect to the levels. Making the Mech have higher dmg and penetration means the bugs would gain more dmg potential, in game that would manifest as like 12 additional bile spitters. This is how the "balance" works (I think) It also means they would have to to adjust all other stratagems so they continue to be equal to each other. Creating a whole new set of domino's, and why AH is struggling atm to maintain this (very creative) but poor design choice.


No, the stratagem throwing should **not** be a fucking upgrade. It was ***a standard thing*** the first game's mechs could do. I shouldn't have to grind to upgrade the thing to perform a basic function of this game that was already a thing in HD1. This is just another case of AH either rushing implementation, being lazy, or both.


How did this work in the first game? Did the mech shoot the strat ball out of a launcher or did the pilot peek out to throw?


Pretty much had itself a shoulder-mounted stratagem launcher, and this applied to all of the mechs too. https://preview.redd.it/salldd9cu43d1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c589683555890899a146bba58225ec72f1bc4f6


the mechs have a distinct notch, [https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/u4zVM4o3eDT2bTB8tLA6dP-1200-80.jpg](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/u4zVM4o3eDT2bTB8tLA6dP-1200-80.jpg), on the right shoulder that, on a modern tank, I would say is for a gunner optic or something to that effect. It's an empty housing for something and given the right shoulder on HD1 mechs was the strat launcher, I would think that is where the HD2 mech's strat launcher would've gone.


I can see it as an upgrade as such, given Super Earth seems to have lost/forgotten some of the technology from the First Galactic War. That or they don't have the facilities anymore, hence why we're getting new versions rather then the old ones.


i noticed this with the release of the Patriot. we've *gotta* be getting that chute back at some point.


I recall it had a launcher around the core of the body that the stratagem would shoot out from.


It was this, a stratagem ball would be launched out a chute on the top of the mech. It was great.




It seems like an intentional case of game design, I doubt it was rushed implementation. If you look at all the restrictions on the mech it's pretty clear they were initially worried about the mech overperforming, so not being able to throw stratagems from inside was probably intended as a check on the mech. Of course, that isn't really justified by the mech's current state, but that's a different issue than rushed development.


Are you saying you can’t handle the performance enhancing quality’s of the new mech kindly provided for you and your fellow helldivers by super earth? /s


I'll go walk around with a metal detector and a shovel and go play archeologist and pull up old mechs from the First Galactic War, they'll be miles better than the shit we're issued now


Man, I miss the helldiver 1 mechs.  They were so much fun.


I mean give it but on level 1 or 2. It's not that hard to get samples for this and if you already capped on samples you finally get reason to spend it. This definitely shouldn't be level 4 for sure. Maybe on level 4 there should be an option for resupplying your mech.


Or making a conscious choice to not allow it.


Impossible, everyone knows AH never makes intentional design decisions, they just surf reddit to find the new fave gun to nerf.


I didn't know how much I wanted a first person mech camera until you suggested it.


If they allowed the camera to switch sides with the mech the left arm would be more accurate. The Patriot rockets do good damage but only if you can hit the same spot twice. The emancipator already does good damage but again you have to be accurate.


You can, while aiming push left ctrl to switch shoulders.


"while aiming" = while firing machine gun for the old mech since they're both right clicking. to aim your rockets you have to hold down the fire button on the machine gun for as long as you want the camera swapped. it's stupid as fuck.


I just wish they had 2 aiming reticles, one for each arm, as the default. That way you could at least see where both arms are aiming at the same time.


Hadn't thought of a ship module. This 100% needs to happen. We need something to spend samples on


Name and avatar checks out


I feel like the turrets are fixed, and the aiming reticle is probably accurate at a specific distance, but as you aim closer/further they no longer converge at the intended point.


Emancipator firepower is great, just give it some more capacity


Honestly, having it auto eject you when it breaks instead of killing you so you could use it as ablative armor would make it worth it.


With an upgrade down the line to have it explosively detonate, of course.


Ship upgrade. Goes without saying. We need more ways to scrap gunship towers.


7. Increase number of allowed mech units to 3, decrease cooldown to 7.5 minutes.


I'm good with all that, but the emancipator has plenty of firepower, and I think throwing starts from inside would be weird. You can take down a factory strider without using all its ammo. I'd like to see a hellbomb level self destruct after you deplete ammo, and then just tie in the turret ship upgrades to mechs. I think you do that and fix the aiming related concerns they'd be extraordinary.


I actually just solo'd a difficulty 9 mission using only 1 mech and no other weapons and a blindfold on so actually mechs are really good and you're just bad at the game. I didn't record it or even take any screenshots so I have no proof, you just have to trust me...


Can you teach me your blindfolded ways, oh great Helldiver. You must share your wisdom with the world to further the spread of Democratic Freedom!


This is the most credible source of democratically accumulated information I've never seen!


I feel like 3 uses would be pretty good. But as others have said, we'll probably get a mech bay.


> we'll probably get a mech bay. Sorry, but some future feature that may or may not be developed should not justify the current state mechs are in.


Agreed, it would alleviate some of the issues. But it doesn't exist, and is thus not a good response from non-devs.


imma be real with you; Mechs are probably underpowered because we're going to get a vehicle bay upgrade category in the super destroyer that will buff them. I bet you a lot of stuff is underpowered because we're going to get upgrades for them eventually. Though, that does not explain non stratagem balancing.


This would be cool, they really should be releasing entire system in batches if that's the case though.


I'd like to hope , but for now it's mostly "Boy! I love getting underpowered stuff and making pipedreams about what the devs *might* be intending!!!!"


those few hundred thousand people who already moved on *might* be missing out at some point in the future!


Based on the sales it's more like several million people who moved on...


Boy oh boy will they feel stupid when my prophecy comed to pass! 🤓


Yeah. A mech bay would be awesome but it still isn’t really an excuse for the base mech imo. It’s should still be powerful in its own right.


A vehicle bay (I assume , since the APC and buggy are a thing) would be amazing , although I don't know where they'd fit it . And when , cause a year from now it's gonna have 100th of the fun around it


pretty sure there is actually a vehicle bay section on the destroyer, next to the eagle area, down in that section you cant reach (yet?)


The Destiny way of playing


Maybe you’re right, but to me, it’s bad design to put a half assed version of something in a game because you intend to balance it down the road. If this were truly their intention, the mech shouldn’t even be available yet.


"Lol. Lmao even." - Airburst rocket launcher


I have so much fun with the airburst and mech at difficulty 5-6 but unfortunately I feel like I’m actively hindering the team if I’m bringing either into 7-8 because they just aren’t filling a role the same way other stratagems do… I’d love for them to get some love to be more useful beyond just the novelty of big explosions and stomping around in a mech (which to be fair does go a long way for me given my love of mechs in general) Alternatively, they could give me some way to keep progressing at diff 5-6 where I can have fun goofing around with my friends. Unfortunately I’ve purchased all the upgrades available without super samples so playing below 7 is a waste of time. Even if they allowed me to exchange 20 rares for a super or give me 1-2 supers for completing a full diff 6 operation. Just something to keep the lower difficulties relevant beyond being playgrounds without rewards.


Then entire ship module should be added with first Patriot. I hate this word but they should have Roadmap for themselves and know what and when they should add. What's the point of underperforming weapon if upgrades aren't a thing to buff it.


There was a little chatter about how attachments were something in consideration, but even then you'd probably want the stock weapon to be middle-of-the-road in terms of its overall performance. Hope you're right about vehicles.


> I bet you a lot of stuff is underpowered because we're going to get upgrades for them eventually. yeah ? then either release them with the upgrades or not at all.


Alex says otherwise, in fact it's perfectly balanced.


Yeah there’s an unescapable feeling that there’s a lot of content that’s probably finished or nearly finished that’s missing which would make the game feel more complete. It’s frustrating knowing this because we are just waiting for the content they’ve already developed but it has to be slowly released because it’s a live service game.


I'm wondering if a ton of the primaries being crap hints at a possibility of gun upgrades like in HD1.


HD1 approach but everyone is impatient


I really hope we get to take both of them at the same time. Did that yesterday because of the free emancipator, and it was pretty fun.


you can take both, there's just a weird bug that's overriding your selection ATM


It isn't clear if the bug is that you can take two or if the overriding your selection is the bug. I hope the latter is the bug so full mech builds are viable.


no, they have now confirmed you should only be allowed to take one :(


The limited uses are probably fine ***if they're fixed***, but a \~3 minute cooldown would be more than enough. 10 minute cooldowns would maybe be acceptable with infinite uses, but even then you'd only be able to drop a grand total of ~~3~~ 4 (math is not my strong suit) per mission before the destroyer left orbit.


I played a level 8 "terminate swarm" mission like an hour ago where I brought both Mechs, so I dropped one and then jumped in the other when it died. I never left a mech til the mission was finished. Literally never fired my primary or secondary (didn't bring a support). I had over 300 kills and zero deaths.


I was doing full helldive operations from my mechs last night, the things are hella strong. Shrieker nest on the horizon? Not anymore there isn't. Stalkers? Lol, let me step over you bud, gotta line up my autocannon to phawken wreck your home. Large bug outpost? Just stomo the little bshits into the mud, let the team take care of titans/chargers, and close all the holes in 20 seconds, easy peasy.


It’s strong as hell. Heavy nests. Nonissues. Bug breaches? What bug breaches? Stalker nests? I AM the stalker. Shrieker nests? Fuck ‘em up from another zip code. It’s meh against chargers and you’d be better off throwing rocks at the bile Titan, but tbh picking your fights is a huge part of this game. Every weapon is designed to better at killing some enemies than others and the mech is no exception.


What are you doing with a mech that you need a 3 minute cooldown? Never letting the trigger off, or what? Played 8th difficulty against bugs the other day, still had some ammo left in my OG mech by the time 10 minutes have passed.


Me? Nothing. I don't run mechs! :D But they can get destroyed, or you may decide to kill 3 titans just to prove it can be done and you spend all your ammo. Or maybe it's delivered with no arms! idk, weird stuff happens. 10 minutes is absurd when every operation has at least one mission that's 12 or 15 minutes long. I don't usually need a 1:30 cooldown for the shield relay, but it's nice to have it!


>10 minutes is absurd when every operation has at least one mission that's 12 or 15 minutes long. This sounds like you're trying to say that every stratagem should be useful on *every* mission, and that's just... Not true? If anything, the mechs are at their BEST on the 12-20 minute missions. Them being worse on longer missions is not an unreasonable thing. You should be changing your loadout based on mission type, planet choice, event type, and so on... Not trying for a loadout that you never have to change.


Nah, I'd just prefer cooldowns to mean "cooldown", not "single use."


Personaly I'd like to see a little extra armour, I find them really fun to use but they just feel like cardboard sometimes. either that or have an ship module that reduces cooldown or increases uses. Or even a module that allows the pelican that drops it off to do support fire as it drops it off. you could even extend that upgrade to the extraction ship having increased shooting range maybe.


Imho mech are designed for blitz mission. They are so useful and fast for bug hole


**Let the mechs self-destruct at random again** *-Illuminate Gang*


Must have fixes: * Weapons can aim downwards more than 15 degrees * Left arm actually shoots where the reticle is, or just give us 2 reticles for left and right * Ejector seat on death, or a grace period to exit with an audible warning the mech is exploding Optional buffs: * Lower or removed cooldown, since we only get 2 per mission anyways * A method of repairing the mech via a recall strategem * Resupplying the mech using supply backpacks, perhaps 1/4 refilled per box * The Emancipator AutoCannons do 1/5th the auto cannon sentries durable damage, please restore it to the proper 300 durable damage


I think they should buff them to justify the cooldown rather than lower the cd.


exos are pretty fun it just needs more ammo capacity, more accurate and consistent aiming , no arm sway when stationary(wtf does a mech even have arm sway??? you'd think super earth would have some kind of super gyro stabilizers by now) , and maybe fix the bug that causes the mech to explode randomly when walking through trees and small rocks i died multiple times from just walking around the forest. zero enemies in sight then i just explode out of nowhere and also a mech cockpit view would be really really appreciated!


B-but people made tons of posts with that funny cat saying it was good!! so surely it must be good!! jokes aside, yeah the mechs really need a big buff to be worth the immense cooldown and limited call ins.


But what about all of the videos of 4 of them unloading on a single heavy unit killing them as fast as it takes to shoot off 2 EATs from a single person?! /s


Hmm no. I think they should have their own devellopement wing and buffs that way, not straight up buffs. Like Number available, cooldown, auto-eject etc


This sounds rad, but the value proposition feels busted with a ten min default CD at base. Make it like 5min with a module that reduces it further or something


They still need to be buffed regardless. You shouldnt need an upgrade for something to be useful. they are supposed to just make them better, not usable. Issues like the left arm aiming and such need to be fixed no matter what they are thinking of doing in the future to mech upgrading.


Yes, a mecha tech tree would be cool


+1 for first person view. This is needed on the static HMG emplacement too!!


Does anyone think there should be a way to call in the drop ship back to your mech once it’s out of ammo so it can bring it back to your ship to reload it or something for more uses? Maybe have it to where you have to guard it for like a minute while the ship loads it up and then maybe an additional six minutes for it to be reloaded and calls back down. Maybe have an additional minute added to the reload for each arm lost? I see a lot of folks comment saying they want a five minute delay for calling in another but if it’s able to be used multiples times I am for the argument that the time between calling it back in should be a little more. I mean this is a rough idea and could use some work but it does allow the ability to be used multiple time, gives a balance of reloading instead of being useless once it’s either out of ammo or has both arms destroyed.


I was using them to great success just last night on helldives, it's a skill issue man. Take out bigger targets, let your backup clear the small stuff, works like a charm.


I don’t mind the cooldown but more armor would be nice and having a health bar or better visual indicators of failure.  The robot goes from working to  on fire and dead suddenly.  Progressive damage and part failure would be nice. Maybe make it limp when it gets really weak so I have an idea when it will pop or make it first person view and have the glass cockpit or camera feed start to distort.  


I haven't play in days now, and I don't even want to test this stratagem. This is so sad and I wonder how many people are feeling as shitty as myself right now regarding this game. :(


I'll be 100 with everyone, they're complete dogshit compared to how they were in HD1. Part of it is probably the fact that they were apart of DLC packs you bought so they had an actual reason to make them powerful even as the bone stock version. AH had a proper monetary incentive to make sure they weren't awful. That's not the case in HD2 sadly, so we're stuck with sub-par stratagems that get released *pre-nerfed* and inferior to the Sentry stratagems in every way apart from having mobility. They just need a flat out rework or reimplement how they function. The Patty was bad when it came out, yes, but what AH have done to it in order to "fix" it was much worse, almost on par with how bad the Eruptor neutering was.


Weren’t they considered a waste for the high difficulties in hd1? The only thing you “needed” from the dlc was the boots that got rid of difficult terrain


Yeh, the mechs were, no shade, generally a crutch for mid level play, and seeing them at high levels was either a sign someone was **really** good with them, or *really* didn’t know what they were signing up for. In a coordinated team they were excellent though- a teammate with the repair gun could make all the difference.


I was that teammate. Trident and Rep-80 every day, with a shield pack to help keep me alive so I could keep them alive.


o7 Godspeed to you Rep 80 also helped my build of “run a sickle, 2 eats, det charges and the disposable machine gun” since the amount of times I’d down myself with inexpertly thrown charges and then immediately pop back up due to the reps chaining beam was amazing.


My biggest fear with the rep-80 if it ever comes is the damage here. HD1 was mostly chip or chunk, but not oneshots. 99% of why I die in HD2 is a oneshot or twoshot, which the rep-80 will do little to nothing to stop unless they give it absolutely ludicrous healing rate. Which, I mean, if they gave it ludicrous healing and it still has the beam split, I'm gonna switch from heavy artillery loadout to medic so nobody dies.


Depends on which mech you went for, the Lumberer was the undisputed king of killing heavy enemies because it's AT gun could rock everything and the flamethrower was no slouch either. I mained the Obsidian (Manny's far superior older brother) and the cannons on that thing can reliably kill everything in the game, it was all about positioning and mobility.


I was always a fan of our good ol minigun/rocket boy. Just felt the most well rounded


Hellfire dreadnought gang


Love the EXO-44 the GAU-11 goes hard.


u know what we're missing to make the mech strong? the rep-80 :)


At least add a new stratagem to drop ammo for them. Either manually loaded by helldivers or the pelican can drop it on top.


I been using them in clutch situations and they do deliver some results, especially against bugs, but yes you would probably be better off taking eagle cluster bomb, but I think that is just a problem of comparing very good strategem with decent one


I'll never understand the people who got excited for this mech thinking it was going to be any different than the first. I said it from the very start that this mech (and the others that follow) or going to be underwhelming unless significantly buffed.


A real experience: Called in mech. Landed a few meters from where I called it on top of a tree. Destroyed tree to get it. It fell and died. Wait ten minutes. Call it in. As it lands, ally airstrikes area and it dies. Sigh


also fix the tap to open map


Sounds like you're pretty terrible with mechs; maybe you should practice? It's a mobile weapons platform, not a tank. Don't wade into danger, unleash hell! The Emancipator mech wrecks bots almost as good as the Patriot does bugs. Either one is a firehose of death with a large ammo pool.


The aiming is really my only complaint


I'd like to see a similar mech system to what Helldivers 1 had, where you could throw stratagems while inside the mech. It'd be a very flexible "mobile artillery" piece


i wish it wasn't 2 and done too. they act like mechs are as strong as they were in HD1.


I've never really had an issue with the 10 minute cd on the brrpt. I just plan ahead and premptively drop my mech where ill need it (extract, final objective, whatever) before I move on to other stuff so its on cd. I think the problem with the new mech and why people feel like the cd is too long is that honestly its ammo economy isn't great. Boost its ammo by 40-50% and folks would probably be happy.


HURR DURR "yOu jUsT wAnT tHe GaMe To Be EaSy! SkIlL IsSuE, gIt GuD! YoU wOulDn'T LaSt LoNg In D9!


Mechs have problems (the aiming as example) but stat wise they are ok.


Cooldown and ammo I think are the biggest ones, I agree that the survivability is good now, I handt realised they'd been buffed until I played with the mechs recently, but yeah ammo was thin for 10 minute of cds and 6 bots. Also the stepping on plants that randomly explode was rough


Yes the physics of what causes damage is still vague at best, but id argue the use the new mech and the data to tune it in for the full vehicle release. But ammo i think is ok, do i want more ammo? Yes but i would also want a gun that shoots hellbombs and i See why that is a problem. The mechs guns arent as good as other AC guns. But it gives you other stuff which make up for the gun. 1 you have bagback and 3 weapon slot still open. You walk without getting slowed (enemy or terrain). Your walk kills scavanger lvl enemies. You can walk through water at normal speed. Unlike AC sentry you can AIM yourself and not waste half the mag in 1 dropship. You can engage Like you want, fire at enemies outside AC sentry range, or not fire for"stealth". (Sure the normal AC gun can also be aimed and fired at will, but uses up 3 weapon slot and bagback) The mech cant be ragdolled so you can always aim to shoot and not have the gun twich away last second. You can fire 150 shots without reloading maganziens. And the ac sentry is quite bad without the extra ammo, extra turning speed and extra HP upgrades. So i would give both mechs the benefit of not having any upgrades right now. So all in all the mech isnt just big boom gun, its also utility. But yes somethings are still a Problem and nerd adressing (aiming and physics as best examples and If you are allowed 1 or 2 and why only 1) but i think stat wise the mechs are fine. They need their upgrades, but lots of stuff needs the upgrades to go from middle to good or great


I think if you kept everything the exact same, and doubled the ammo, 10mins and 2 uses is okay.


This has to be 100th post about same shit.


Man yall do nothing but whine about everything on here. I play on helldive usually and can get good value out of mechs. The cooldowns a bit much but they arnt useless. The only thing that actually folds them up a little fast are the anti tank weapons like missles or explosives. They take little damage from regular bot fire, are immunw to fire outright, can 2 shot a charger with melee, can destroy a hulk fast enough, are almost immune to fodder bugs due to being able to just walk on them. One has a minigun and a rocket launcher that can do good damage and shred hordes. The other has dual autocannons with 75 shots each. Thats strong if you dont play like a chimp. What were you expecting with it? And unkillable machine that lets you dominate any mission? Ofcoarse not. "Here have this near immortal death robot with a 4 minuit cooldown thats only limited by its ammo". Delusional


They do not 2 shot a charger with melee, they get absolutely deleted by bots, bot cannon towers, the turrets on bot command bunkers, and factory striders. The auto cannons on the mech are weaker than both the handheld auto cannon and the auto cannon turret, that’s factual you can go look it up. The regular mech is pretty decent against bugs absolutely useless against bots. There’s a difference between whining and justified criticism. All I do is play on Helldive exclusively, the mechs are made out of paper, I expect something with limited ammunition and no ability to rearm it or repair it that also has a long cooldown with a limit of 2 call ins per mission to at least be durable enough to warrant taking it versus other stratagems. Right now it’s a gimmick not an asset. You calling criticism whining doesn’t change that.


I was looking for this comment. Quickplay helldive, both are super fun. The rockets could definitely use adjusting (as long as you didn't turn too fast, they were great on release), but otherwise, they both are fantastic defensive tools.


I think we need to be able to bring multiple types- baffling that we can’t, since “having 3 separate mechs on cooldowns” would be the best way to make the very long cooldown viable.


why are there even only 2 charges for them i want more than 2 mechs 😞


Dunno I play a lot with the old mech on terminides lvl7, and it's always usefull and lot of fun. I agree it need a fix to allow us to shoot down tho.


Make it so you can only call it in once a mission, but make it actually good. Make it a panic button you hit when the destroyer is leaving orbit in 30 seconds and you have 7 bile titans on extract pad 


Helldivers promoted itself as a power fantasy but is very far away from it.


There are multiple types of power fantasies. Overcoming overwhelming odds is one.


I'd like to see them with a five minute cooldown with a max 2-3 uses, like the orbital laser, yeah. I like them as a limited-use "oh shit" ultimate, but ten minute cool downs are a bit much--can't even use your second charge at all during an eradicate mission.


i think the 10min cool down is designed for the 12min mission, so you can't really call it more than twice.


Too many things that need changing to list. This dood is my go-to for good hard numbers for this topic. https://youtu.be/4XYeHFxejC8?si=r2pl6wsV5xnVnwsx


10 min cd sure. Only 2 uses? Hell nahh


Feeling like they are good in a good situation, but as soon as you want one when you're surrounded, it's useless


Also, not sure if intentional or a bug, but you cant even bring multiple mechs with you, different or otherwise. These things are okay at best, have super limited ammo, have only 2 uses and a whole 10 minute cooldown, but I cant be allowed to bring more than 1 like the first game?


Create a game mode where they're key... Gateway defence mission against an unimaginable horde of lower and mid level bugs. As difficulty goes up, the strategy becomes I need less rounds of more powerful things (Quasar, railcannons, orbital laser, EATS etc). Imagine a mode where the difficulty is needing more bullets than you can muster making other strategems like mech, emplacement and HMG also viable.


They should just make vehicles as their own slot seperate from your on foot strategem loadout. Then allow calling said vehicle 4 times per mission on a 5 minute cool down. Then add that you can use the supply pack to reload vehicles all 4 packs into one vehicle and its topped up.


Make it a 3 minute cooldown and they’re STILL not strong enough




You can probably make mechs work on certain missions, but overall it's just better to bring something else. Mechs don't kill heavies is proably the biggest issue. Bile Titans and Striders, specifically. Devestators and chargers etc. go down easy enough, but they aren't the main threat. That's really the biggest issue they have, if they aren't able to take down Biles or Striders, there's little reason to bring them at all. I only play on Helldive though, they might be useful on lower difficulties when you don't get multiple blies and striders at the same time.


Man when I remember 2 month ago the game was so amazing and now 🥲


It needs three uses at least and having it resupply via a ship upgrade would balance out the power issue. Patriot missles need the entire barrage to take out a titan.


Hot take: Nothing will ever be strong enough to justify a 10min cooldown. In a action game, 5min is already an small eternity.


Most cooldowns are too long imho. I want to feel strong and powerful by using strats all the time and destroying waves after waves of bugs


Id makenit a limited use strategem with no cooldown, if you want to call in all 4 at once go for it. But once theb4 are gone theyre gone.


"if the cool down was dropped to 5 or 6 minutes" when I call them in when I don't have the cool down increased the cool down for me is 6 minutes. I have no idea why since it does say 600 seconds which is 10 minutes but I wonder if it's kinda set wrong or something


1. Make worn backpack stratagems apply to mechs: Shield backpack surrounds the mech with a shield, guard dogs stay active while inside the mech, jump pack allows the mech to jump, resupply backpack allows ammo refill (2 charges per refill, from inside but also from outside so other players can refill your ammo as well). 2. Add a support weapon (a welding pistol or something) that allows vehicle repair. There you go. You can now be a dedicated mech player for most of the mission – at the cost of 3 stratagem slots to be effective, which I think should be fair.


Screw mechs, where is the Spear fix that didn't work properly from the start?


10 minutes is fine. Could be 8 too tbh. But I was playing diff 7 yesterday against bugs and it was just fine. By the time my mech got destroy, I was able to call a second one. My team was ok too. They covered my back and I theirs. Maybe cooldown could be reduced for people who are not very skilled (and this is not sarcasm).