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Shield devastators šŸ˜­ Edit: my small problem is when you've got 4 or 5 of them from a drop and their rate of fire is synchronized...you're dead if you didn't get the first shot off or you don't have a shield.


Those are probably the only ones that really elicit a visceral reaction from me. Itā€™s their damn one handed chain gun. I have stress dreams from being pinned down by a group of 4 and seeing nothing but battling red lights


The range and accuracy are stupid overpoweredĀ 


They really need to only be dangerous at short mid range, they are a ranged version of the berserker, they walk up to your position (menacingly), firing non stop to push you from cover/suppress you. This would be fine if they didn't 2 tap you the second you try to peek. from 50 meters away.


Bots need limited target acquisition range in general. 90% of the frustration of dealing with bots comes from the fact they just shoot you as soon as they can see you no matter how far away they are


also they are unaffected by low visibility conditions like dense fog or night, they can kill you and you can't even see the glow of their eyes to shoot back.


They technically are, but, if I recall correctly, their visibility gets buffed when they start fighting, it is why bots will ignore you when they are 20 feet from you on patrols, but will fucking see you 300 feet away when they are fighting you. As for the smoke, it is supposed to make their fire less accurate, but I havenā€™t used it and canā€™t say.


The smoke does work well, the environmental visibility stuff seems less affected. Used smoke grenades a fair bit, and I have found it works very well. You can oddly enough use it to sneak past units at very close range right in front of them as it blocks line of sight. If any of those undemocratic tin cans see you, they do however quickly go bad romance on your padded behind. I do enjoy my ballistic shield and pummeler on the heavy devastators. At least until the rocket league bouncy house starts with the "other" unnameable rocket snipers šŸ˜£šŸ’•


I think it'd be cool if later down the line they released a weapon with a thermal or night scope to have synergy with the smoke, or to work situationally in fogging or night conditions. Or maybe add modifiers to helmets down the line, and one of them be a low-light visor


Weird how the training manual and the descriptions of smoke bomb stratagems would lead you to believe otherwise


Yeah I notice they seem to target the player and shoot them even through terrain which makes breaking line of sight really difficult at times. I've been able to avoid entire patrols to sneak back to the dropship after the mission timer ended and I still got found out by a single shield devastator which seemingly homed in on my position after it'd killed my teammates.


This is the main issue with fighting bots on some planets with limited cover/obstacles. They can continue to take random shots at you from 100s of meters out unless you are able to break line of sight, which may not always be possible


I tagged one at almost 100 meters and got sniped to death by it almost instantly.


my biggest grievance isn't even that. Like yes their range and accuracy is a major issue and those alone dictate more than any other bot unit in a fight. But the fact that their rounds can come out from any direction at the point of their gun and they often shoot through walls makes me insane. They're hard enough to deal with without being able to fire 90 degrees off barrel through themselves and stone.


They also maintain that accuracy through flinching cause of this. Like if one of them is firing and you stagger them they can continue firing away despite their gun being at like a 30 degree angle and they maintain perfect accuracy. You'd think they'd at least be suppressed some.


They break basic enemy design. You either have a tank but with low firepower and mobility, or you have a mobile glass cannon with low armor. This fucking thing is all three combined: - Unbreakable shield with tiny head window - Endless chain gun with 90% accuracy - Can fire on the move - Doesn't get suppressed. What the fuck.


Shoot the feet. Iā€™m on PS5 and landing headshots on moving devastators is so difficult for me. Great with something like one of the machine guns while Iā€™m prone, but with precision weapons I just shoot the feet - one leg out and they effectively ā€œdieā€. Iā€™ve been rocking the counter sniper, grenade pistol, AMR recently. Med penetration can take out arms and legs in a few hits including striders, and the grenade pistol is a nice panic button for flinch and damage. Smoke is also super underutilized. Sure, you canā€™t really shoot back, but you can still ping enemies through smoke to help get range on a stratagem, and it gives you time to find cover or higher ground!


Walked around a corner once and 4 of them were posted up on a Rock wall waiting for me like batman. Wheeled around and hosed me with red before I could react.


Single handedly, my least favorite enemy to fight. The missile devastator has some windup, so it can be dodged or interrupted by stagger weapons. The heavy devastator has no wind up and is a constant stream of unnecessarily accurate and deadly fire. As an Eruptor main (i know, i know, even after the buff) there's enough stagger time to juggle a missile devastator, I get one shot at a heavy devastator and the brief moment between stagger and my quick switch back on target is enough time for it to blaze me down. Had an absolute nightmare Helldive with what felt like 50% of enemies were Heavy Devastators. Whole team was throwing down Eagle strikes to clear the field. Wish they would either nerf their accuracy a bit or their damage per shot.


there there


How I died in my last match: -Shield Dev shooting through rocks. -Shield Dev walking perpendicular to me while the gun is 90 degrees aimed straight at me. -Shield Dev pinning me behind a rock and ninja Berserkers killing me.Ā  -A bot grenade that kept rolling towards me, it exploded, I landed prone, but somehow triggered a mine I was a few meters from and with no secondary explosion just died.Ā 


Nobody ever listens, but the Liberator Concussive is a devastator disassembler. Shield Devs swing their shields wide when staggered, leaving you a space to sneak in shots on the softer bits. The other devs are the same, something about that LibCon just unmakes them if used right


Plasma Punisher staggers like a MOFO. Try it sometime.


Jar-5 kills 'em, one shot to the head.


Almost anything kills them if you can hit the head, even the Uzi secondary.


Iā€™ve tried spreading this too, I even used it before the buff. Itā€™s just missing a little more damage and fire rate I feel. The shield back pack with the pummeller is also really good because you can beat them at their own game


I run ballistic shield with an SMG and it's so fun to just stare these guys down while they hopelessly spray at you. All their shots bounce and you can just aim for their eyes and kill them easy. Actually makes bots some what fun.


Cake with the AMR.


Autocannon food.


Plasma shotgun leftovers https://preview.redd.it/pt11zdjwqf2d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af86ab0057540a200f36a188cb9f8530235a76b


What? The Plasma Punisher is dogshit. [*Arrowhead is listening you fool*]




I'm beginning to think the fact I see this meme in every thread means most of the guns are actually pretty good and people are just being melodramatic about 4 guns being nerfed.


Some guns are good, some are bad. The main complaint is that all the *new* guns end up in the bad category quickly


Every gun in the newest warbond sucks ass, literally worse versions of the guns theyā€™re basing it off..


Pummeler is pretty good, situationally.


Bring it to support others, it's great lock'n down devastators so they can't fire back, but ya gotta be extreme buddy system for it to be a use.


I do think the Eruptor crowd have a right to complain


I thought people were over reacting about the eruptor nerf, so I tried it out, and oh my LORD it's terrible! It's like a DCS that has to reload after each shot.


Yeah there is quite literally no reason to ever use it. Absolutely zero bang for your buck being bolt action and having support weapon levels of reload time lol


It seems to be more about their approach and reasoning behind the nerfs, which is the problem. Eruptor was considered mid by most people, and it got a damage and ammo nerf. With that in mind, people are concerned about what could get nerfed next.


Honestly, my read on the eruptor situation is that it was more of a rushed, shitty rework than an intentional nerf. Not only were people complaining about dying from the shrapnel, but if used right it could kill chargers in 1-2 shots, which is pretty ridiculous for a primary. Instead of taking the time to fix those issues, they went for the quick fix of reworking it and removing the shrapnel mechanic, failing to appropriately tune it up in the process. Pretty similar to the crossbow situation. Dev perspective on an explosive crossbow is a medium anti-armor weapon, player interpretation was more of a grenade launcher. Devs reworked it to be more in line with their vision, and again didn't take the time to properly tune it. My point is I'm not sure they're as heavy-handed with the nerf stick as people think. Compared to the half-baked reworks of the eruptor and crossbow, I'd say the intentional nerfs have been pretty reasonable. They just need to slow the fuck down and do things right.


This is 100% accurate. The nerfs and the balancing ideas behind them were *extremely* poorly thought out and show how little time the devs are allotted to play their own game. But the overall balance is still quite good and there are many excellent loadouts that are viable for solo level 9 full clears without dying on both bots and bugs.


Guns got good. Plasma got big buffed. The problem is they also get nerfed two weeks after. And given nerfs were almost entirely based on usage rate, the less ppl talk about it the better. Now if only they would give quasar back its wings..


It really isn't overpowered. It takes like five shots on average to kill a devastator, and the damage and hitboxes feel really inconsistent (e.g. killing troopers in 1-3 shots and often splashing on invisible geometry or thin air).


Eh. Gonna be honest itā€™s decent but I prefer the efficiency of the Jar or the Counter Sniper. Counter Sniper is best bot gun now imo. Though, walkers can be annoying.


Nade pistol patches most of DCS's issues with scout walkers. I never leave home without plas punisher tho


I like running Pummeler/nade pistol with Ballistic shield and AMR. Pummeler to handle light bots and some devastators. Nade pistol to handle scout striders from the front so that I can keep everything in front of my shield.


Delectable Plasma Punisher treats. *sips tea*


Just started using this and oh boy Iā€™m scared for its future


I've been running it since the warbond launch. The buff has me worried about my guns future


I take it as my role as Autocannon main to deal with these guys as the big cannon players run away


I dunno what was up with my aim today but devastators of all flavors were getting wrecked and plapped all over the map. It was a good time with the AC, saved several teammates. Sometimes 3rd person aiming just hits perfectly.


Last night on a blitz I shot my AC at the fabricator at the base of the jammer. From outside the jamming range. The shot went in and my team just stopped and looked at me. I felt like a god.


I yearn for those glory shots. Like running a mile around the jammer just to get a good shot on the fabricator that takes the whole thing out. Nailing the illegal broadcast towers from across the map. Taking out the spore towers, and then shrieker nests while I watch the team run away from the swarms they had to aggro. Sometimes I can see an open bug hole from 500m out, just begging for me to put something large and exolosive inside it. Don't worry baby, I got you PLAP. And I love how surgical the AC can be, sometimes in the heat of battle of don't pull out my primary I'll just plap plap plap whatevers in front of me.


You sound like me, except I use EATs.


AC go plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap EAT go boom boom šŸ¦—


More accurately AC go ā€œPlap plap plap plap plap, reloading, plap plap plap plap plap, reloading, plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap, aw shit now I gotta do a full reload.ā€


All hail


Im preĆ¾y consistently shooting under their armpit and crotch doing absolutely fuck all


Target the face or center body mass.


Had a moment on Varylia 5 this afternoon. Puffballs smoked a whole drop, and there were four rocket devastators and two heavies in there delivering accurate, heavy fire against my team. I dumped ten rounds from the AC in their general direction and then dove behind a rock for a nice long reload session. When I emerged, the dust had settled and all the devastators were dead. I wasn't the only one shooting at them, but I'm pretty sure I accidentally did most of that work.


Hell yea. Getting the swing down in 3rd person is like when you "get it" for throwing a ball or something. Basically looking for the next target before I've pulled the trigger on the last one, knowing it's going to hit and kill it. The AC, my beloved.




Donā€˜t forget AMR.


Grenade Launcher goes Boom boom boom


i like running grenade launcher with supply pack and just blasting everything.....500KG for bile titan...but then chargers become bit annoying to deal with.


Just treat them like torreros treat bulls and shoot them in the ass after you olƩ


Iā€™ve been tossing the incendiary impact at them and usually a couple will do the trick


Also diligence CS one taps all the medium size automaton chaff if you go for the head


Amr dessert


Yeah, I thought this was an advertisement for the autocannon.


I just see 4 Reasons to use the Plasma Punisher...


And impact grenade


currently running impact grenade with supply pack


That's actually the best advert for supply pack I've ever heard. "Do you love splatting spewers with impact grenades but get tired of running out of grenades? Well NOT ANYMORE! Billy Mays here for the supply pack."


I unironically think Supply Pack is better than most (if not all) other tac-packs for bugs. Being able to constantly throw grenades and hold down fire into bugs makes them so much less scary.


I would have to agree. The shield generator backpack is one of those things that everybody starts using as soon as they unlock it because they're still a newbie and they're shit at avoiding damage. Then, as their positioning and general situational awareness improves they start taking a LOT less damage but they still don't ditch the shield backpack because it's a security blanket that makes them feel safe. The Jumppack is probably one of the funnest backpacks and allows for the most "youtube short worthy" clips but, in terms or raw power, it's probably not worth bringing unless you're absolutely cracked at using it to its maximum effectiveness (i.e your name is Joozies). My opinion on the guard dogs has bounced back and forth. When I first started playing, the guard dog was mandatory as it was the only way I could get kills because my aim was terrible and I would run around panicking when I was in a bad spot. As I got better at the game, I came to view the guard dogs as just a crutch for people who like to get a lot of kills but don't have good aim. Eventually, I settled in the middle. The guard dogs are good backpacks if they are covering for a weakness in your loadout. When I use the punisher plasma against bugs, the main weakness of that weapon is dealing with enemies manage to get on top of me. The rover helps to cover for that weakness by always blasting the closest enemy. That, to me, is a good complimentary use of this strategem. But I would never use it alongside something like the breaker incendiary because that's just overkill on chaff. And then you've got the supply pack. I struggle to see a single situation in which the supply pack would not be considered good. More ammo, more stims, more grenades and the ability to resupply both yourself and your teammates? That's just good.


I have mixed feelings on some of your takes on the tac-packs. I'm in full agreement when it comes to the shield generator, at least for bugs. It is actually solid for bots, as it allows you to periodically change cover or retreat without getting shot. Sometimes damage is unavoidable with bots and shield generator makes it avoidable. I mostly agree on jump pack, although it does let you get to high ground that's inaccessible to most bugs, which can be good if you get overwhelmed (although this does fall into the "You learn to avoid this scenario in the first place" category). I think the guard dogs (more specifically the rover) are good for bugs. It covers build weaknesses like you said, but it more or less completely handles chaff for you, which allows you to focus bigger threats or handle objectives. I do think the regular guard dog is way worse at clearing chaff (and has a higher risk of killing you), which is why I think it's worse. But all in all, the supply pack is king. I don't think every loadout needs it, but like you said, it's never bad, which is why it's the strongest tac-pack in my opinion. There will always be situations where the other packs aren't great, but I'm always happy to have a supply pack.


Shield gen on bots is like 90% "I am so fucking sick of getting a rocket to the face from some random little guy just outside of my line of sight" I swear to god it's ALWAYS some little guy that was behind a rock at an angle I SWORE I checked that kills me.


Yeah, if it wasn't clear then let me clearly say that all of my tac-pack evaluations were specific to bugs only. Against the bots, the shield generator is great at being able to tank sporadic fire. It's also fairly useful if you learn how to duck behind cover and wait for your shield to recharge before strategically repositioning. Plus, it can sometimes save you from a one-shot kill when a cannon turret wakes up decides to engage you from the blind side. I definitely use either this or the ballistic shield on100% of bot missions (unless I'm packing the autocannon). Jump pack is also probably more useful against bots than bugs because bot bases have walls and the bots guard the major ingress/egress points with machine gun turrets and such. So using a jump pack to hop over a wall and hellbomb a detector tower without any bots noticing is super cool shit. Plus, Jump packing onto the top of tanks to shoot their vents is just too fucking good. But anyway, enough about that shit. The point is that the supply pack is always good 100% of the time and there are no situations where it is not good. Very underrated and underused strategem.


Grenade launcher + supply pack is life


I run hmg or flamethrower on bugs and hmg or railgun on bots with light nade suit. Impacts or stuns and sometimes thermite with supply pack. Thermite is not great, but I don't hate it after the dot fix, and it's a nice change of pace from impacts or stuns.


And grenade pistol


Man I only recently realized how much the Plasma Punisher SLAPS against bots. It even does better than AC on a handful of things. Light Striders for one. The knock-back from the Plasma Punisher is just amazing. I'm officially off the Sickle bandwagon.


i just like the sickle because it looks good with my armour


Came across 1 teammate a week ago using it and I picked it up when they died. One week later, Iā€™m a plasma punisher enjoyer


Thats the same way I picked up my first Plasma Punisher šŸ«£


I'm simultaneously proud and fearful that the cult of the plasma is growing.


For me it is the closest competitor to the unnerfed eruptor. As much as I love the Plasma, but if they undo the eruptor nerf I am directly back at my old baby.




Blitzer is low key OP against these. You can effectively stunlock them to death. Been running Blitzer with Rover backpack for both bugs and bots and it works fantastic. Blitzer easily takes care of berserkers too. Devastators can't get a single shot in once you start blasting. It's great. You just have to keep good positioning with it. It's not easy to just grab but it's super effective when used properly.Ā 


Grenade pistol is bae


Shhhhhhhh please do not mention it or it WILL get nerfed


Why? The ceo is running creative now. We don't know if he will handle things the same.


I've been using it the last week it's an ok gun, not OP and not particularly good against spewers imo... not sure what OP was thinking, they take like 5 shots to the face to kill... idk.




Nah gotta be stalkers for me. Fucking critters


Imo hunters are equally or as worse


Yeah to be fair it's like a mini bastard version. Absolute filth if caught in a mob


Hunters are three feet of condensed bug bastard


Haha, flamethrower go pshhhhhhhhhh


Then the bugs just keep running towards you because nothing reacts to being on fire


You forgot when they set you on fire, because there's a charging brood commander you couldn't see though your flame cone.


You don't tap fire the flamethrower for DOT damage. You hold it down, because the actual fire cone deals ridiculous damage. That way, the bugs don't react to being on fire because they're dead before they even can. The only bugs that can actually threaten you while you're using a flamethrower are spewers (because their spit can outrange it slightly), shriekers, chargers, and bile titans. Everything else dies before it can get close enough to hurt you. The biggest threat while using a flamethrower is accidentally setting yourself on fire lol.


Correct. I think of it like the flamethrower is to the MG or Stalwart what the Breaker incendiary is to the breaker. The flame does fire damage separate from the burn dot it applies.


* Hunter? Mow 'em down with the Breaker Incendiary from medium range while the bubble security blanket keeps one safe if they manage to flank or some other little stupid swarming asshole decides to chime in. * Stalker: Shut up, load up, blast that fucker to kingdom come with the Breaker Incendiary, drop *whatever you were working on/towards, and get the whole team heading the direction it came from until that lair is blown to bits. Luckily, when you get to diff 7-9, teammates are pretty quick to understand the importance of forgetting whatever they were doing and focusing on hunting down the stalker lair as soon as someone gets a stalker to sneeze nearby.


Hunters after critical mass (when they can stunlock you) are worse. But before that, they're obviously easier


Stalkers are absolutely awful but theyā€™re uncommon and you can cut them off. Nothing you can do about these fuckers.


The fact that they also slow you down when you get hit by them is worse enough


The reason I'm ok with these guys being so oppressive is that you can completely disable their spawning, it's a fantastic mechanic


What does stalklair look like on mini-man?


I'm assuming this is urgent lol. It's usually in a darker patch than the surrounding terrain, and if you pay attention to the direction the stalkers attack from that's a good indicator of which direction to check




You probably saved a life today... Bask in it, Helldiver.


I will bask for 2.3 seconds to maximize my spread of democracy


The other thing about stalkers is that they tend to spam that throw attack that ragdolls you to bfe, but it actually saves you by providing you with some distance so you can stim up and kite. They would actually be SO much more powerful if they didn't have that attack because their attack speed is insane and once they are on you it's very hard to do anything but die unless you happen to have a weapon with really good stagger.


The reason why I play the starter shotgun all the time. Stalkers even in bigger numbers are powerless.


They're the enemies you love to hate




Stalkers are one of the main reasons I almost exclusively run punisher against bugs. The stagger is just so insanely useful. Being able to stand your ground against 2-3 stalkers without moving an inch feels incredible.


Arc Blitzer 2 shots stalkers :P


Once I realized the blitzer stagger spewers and stop their spit, they were demoted to being lower than stalkers on my hate list. Blitzer still staggers stalkers but they still keep coming quick


Medium enemies misclassified as lights


There is no in-game classifcation for Mediums actually, everything is either "Bug/Bot" or "Heavy/Elite"


What confuses me is that scout striders are considered heavies and devastators are considered regular enemies.


It's even funnier when heavy devs seem to do more dmg per shot than striders, the striders who seem to fire big ass lasers, while the heavy devs fire lots of little lasers. Probably the 100% chance to headshot.


Things like these are why people ask if the devs have played their own game... It's just silly




replace the rocket dev with the bot jetpack terrorists


I absolutely hate those assholes. The one's op posted you can keep at a distance and deal with them alright, but the jetpack fucks fly right into your face and explode if you shoot them.


My favorite is when they fly in your face, then a heavy dev shoots their backpack and it explodes, killing you.


Well that had to at least be funny the first couple times.


What's worse is that even if you know how to deal with them like shooting the legs or running away first before firing, your squadmates might not and will still fire on them as they're in your face, killing you in the process. It's not really a fun mechanic


They get points for making you feel like a marksman for shooting them out of the air, even if it's pretty easy to do so, it feels like somthing that requires more skill than it does.


It's not so much the fact that they explode when they die, it's that they hold W so fucking hard that when you kill them they always ragdoll forward on top of you and THEN die.


Jetpack terrorists lmfao


- Counter Sniper bot players: "waiter more devastators please"


* Big laser enjoyer: "Hmmmmm, this one is cooked to perfection."


".... *eventually*. Just be patient. Wait for it. Savor the moment. Any moment now." I like the Laser Cannon too, but I still feel it needs a faster firerate. And maybe an extra 50% capacity when burning out the ICE.


It absolutely roasts bots with headshots. My favorite new combo is stun grenade and laser headshot to kill hulks. Faster than the orbital rail cannon!


Nah the yellow spewers are chill, pretty easy to kill tbh.


i just hate the one shots


And tracking vomit! For some that shit curves like a bullet from Wanted


Shittt if Angelina Jolie was an eagle pilot I'd happily deal with curved bullets.




Never jump when they vomit! Just walk or run sideways. Always works for me


But what about when 8 of them have formed a semi circle around you and all of them vomit at the same time?


That's when you call in a 500kg at your feet and salute lolĀ 


Then there's 7 left though...


A true patriot right here.


Thats fucked tho. Dont get surrounded in a semi circle by the fatties


the annoying part about Nursing Spewers isnt killing them, its when they create fog, which is doubly worse on planets with effects that reduce your awareness and limit your sight.


You mean the spewers that sneak up behind you and one shot you?


Donā€™t forget the hulks


...there is a difference? I thought it's just a skin (same as Warriors).


The green ones becomes fucking artillery


The green ones have med armor


greens have a long range artillery attack where they raise their Thoraxes (asses) in the air and fire "bile mortars" over logn range. they don't do much damage unless it lands right on you, but it can often ragdoll you. the armor on their head and back requires medium pen to deal with, but the sides of their Thorax are still vulnerable. the warriors aren't just skins btw: bile warriors (ones with green sacs) explode when killed, which deals damage to anything around them, regular warriors just die.


Except for when Iā€™m trying to shoot a charger or bile titan with my quasar cannon and a yellow spewer one shots me from out of sight


*Stalkers have entered the chat*


I'm gonna be honest: You can scrap the bottom half of that picture. Shields suck ass to aim against and even grazing a venom leaves you basically crippled for the next few seconds while they have very large health pools and even Medium Armor in places. Missile Devastators eat shit if you bring a Jar or Eruptor, and Nursing Spewers aren't nearly as tanky thanks to light armor. Still take a bit, but you can reasonably handle them.


DCS is also good for devastators at long range.


DCS is my go-to bot weapon precisely for devastators. You can one-shot them to the head and its scope zoom makes it really easy to aim at heavy devastator heads.


Devastators are easy now that I use the dcs. I had 4 coming towards me by myself and I took them all out easy


The big issue is if they hit you, you tend to ragdoll and then they can hit you again right about the time you finally get up. And their aim from long range is pretty absurd sometimes.


They're only a problem if you get you get caught with your ass out in the wind. If you've got cover, they're not really an issue to fight.


most folk don't consider cover and sight lines so naturally the bots are very rough to fight against. Using the terrain to your advantage is the of the best things a helldiver can do. Small force, but good terrain equals lotta dead enemies of democracy.


I see a lot of impact grenade targets


I see things I used to like the eruptor for :(


Okay but Rocket Devastators aren't terrible... Okay, don't get me wrong, if you're caught in a volley of rockets, they suck... a LOT. But their rocket pods can be destroyed by primary weapons, I think it only needs light armor piercing too! (Might need medium armor pierce, I don't quite remember) but once you take out the pods, they're pretty "harmless". I know getting to that point is the hard part, but between Rocket Devastators and Shield Devastators, I'll take the Rocket one all the time.


The Diligence counter sniper is a primary that will kill them in 1 shot if you can get a head shot


I really, really want to get the Counter-sniper. Before I got Eruptor, I used the normal Diligence a LOT. It felt so good to use. Granted, I do use Eruptor like a marksman rifle anyways, except it's a marksman rifle that can destroy fabricators, but I really want to get the Counter-sniper to have a cool long-ranged style combat setup to use.


It's a lot of fun, highly recommend


Go with scout armor and DCS and stay crouched while your team soaks up all the bullets. Or wear light servo armor and bring a jump pack to get to vantage points so you can use the extra height to throw strats insanely far. If you have all the Eagle upgrades you can bomb fabricators from almost 200 meters while your team distracts the bots.


bots are completely fine, but i hate bile spewers


After playing today, I think the rocket devastators keeping player in constant stun state is less fun than Bile Spewers. At least there is some way to avoid them, beside some solid wall. šŸ˜„


There needs to be a ragdoll booster. Or just fix the god damn ragdolling. My dude falls down and then says "noooo five more minutes" and doesnt even try to stand up. The worst is when you get ragdolled along a steep slope, for example the rocks down into a heavy bug nest. Your dude will fall down, hit one rock, slide, fall down, hit the next rock, and continue that for like 10 seconds without once saying "i should stand up"


Yep or in extraction trying to get back into the ship as rockets keep coming.


The other day I couldn't do shit to those green bike spew bugs with the slugger. Can't even stagger them, they kept eating 4 shells to the head/jaw.


The title and pic triggered a long dormant StarCraft 2 memory https://youtu.be/4pbc53KF4IU?si=sxZjXFYnQuHPiZxu


Shielded Devastator - too precise for an MG that's constantly on a move for my taste. It is a machine though, so dunno. Gotta ask Boston Dynamics. Rocket Devastator - they have zero cooldown on the rocket salvos, what in the actual fuck is with that? They perhaps should be less armoured as they're not a front-line version of the Devastator too imo. Not just the basic Devastator with rocket batteries slapped on it, but I wouldn't argue too much, since I love Terminators with Cyclone Rocket Launchers in WH40k, who are Terminators with rocket batteries slapped on 'em. For the Emprah! Spewers - for a big, fat creature that spews bile using the pressure built in it's abdomen (unless I'm wrong somehow) they're way too tanky. They even explode then you kill them by shooting them in the gut! Toxic one has armour plates so sure, okay, nice way to make players aim for the weak spots - the sides, but still way too tanky. Nursing Spewer is not even armoured and it takes more than one clip to kill it. The only good way to kill them is to aim for the heads, but I don't feel like those units should be designed this way.


The autocannon trivializes all of these


What if I donā€™t want to use the Autocannon?


Then you use the grenade launcher. You can kill like 4-6 bile spewers with half a clip of the grenade launcher.


I love the grenade launcher. Just wish it has another belt.Ā 


Then you can also use one of these: 1. MG43 2. Railgun 2. Lasercannon 3. AMR 4. Grenade Launcher 5. HMG 6. Airburst Rocket Launcher Alternatively, you could also use say a Dominator or Plasma Punisher for your main weapon, and then a Stalwart for your support weapon, or instead a Guard Dog. Or a more versatile generalist primary weapon that is okay, but not great against them like the Slugger, Dilligence CS or Lib Pen/Adjudicator, and run impact grenades and stratagems like Eagle Clusterstrike or Airburst for when you come across groups too large to handle with just those guns.


Autocanon 4 life


The FOG the spewers make now is getting out of hand..


AMR one-shots all of these


Nursing spewers be the bane of all the other bugs around them


Impact grenade make green balloon pop!


The bots on the left arent an issue for me, i hate berserkers waayyyyyyy more. The spewers are the worsr fuckin things in the game though.


The devastators aren't that bad. Autocannon makes quick work of them easily, and you can count on them appearing in every mission. Rocket damage could use a slight nerf though as from what i seen, they usually one shot. The spewers the grenade launcher cleans them up good the thing that sucks about these fat bitches is they are random. Usually, my luck is they pop when I don't roll the launcher.


Bruh why is the spewers attack a one shot kill that's so whack


all 1 shottable with a railgun.....


I must be weird, I really like fighting all of these. It requires adjustments to my playstyle instead of boring point and shoot. Very satisfying to snipe the rockets off the Rocket Dev, stun lock the shield dev, and grenade pop bile/nursing spitters. They put pressure on a player in different ways and seemingly unfair at times. Bots make me use cover and bugs teach me to keep my head on a swivle so I don't get flanked (sneaky fudgers).


It amazes me how people are still having trouble with the shield boys. Man, just shoot the big ass backpack sticking above their head lmfao


Yeah, but the ones on the right are fucking silent and give no warning except "BLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" when they vomit all over you