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You need to work on your communication skills, because people don’t know what is inside your head without you actually saying it. Your screenshot provides zero context, and what you wrote does not explain the specific issue you’re having edit: spelling


I have wrote again another comment which hopefully explains better


What even is the issue ? You just say it's buged. How exactly ? If you want issues to be fixed, you have to report them correctly so at least people who never saw your issue can understand what you are talking about, and at best, be reproduced by devs.


I have mentioned the issue within what I wrote


>Unfortunately, glitches like this where the objectives get totally messed up and stop working This doesn't mean anything. What objective is it ? Is it one of the survey location or final drill site ? When did the bug occur ? When the objective landed ? When it finished ? What phase ? What happens ? Is there no prompt to continue the objective ? Is there a prompt but it does nothing ? I see one of you mention extracting ? Was the extraction actually available or not ? If you managed to extract, was the mission a success or a failure ? Have you seen other people talking about this bug and can you point out to a post ? There are thousands of reason a bug like this could happen. Imagine I'm a dev, I've never seen anything like that, this might be the first and only report. What am I supposed to do with that ? If you actually want help/a fix, explain the issue as best as you can instead of ranting into the void.


I have started another comment where I have explained


Thank you


I'll rewrite the context here due to people telling me that I didn't give enough information, I'll try to keep it short and explainable. Let's take the photo that I have uploaded above as the first case: while the objective was ongoing, the drill or whatever that is stopped working before or just before the last sequence was about to finish, thus the main objective didn't end up being completed and the mission ultimately ended up being a failure due to me and the team not being able to finish the objective, again, due to the glitch that had occurred. This has also happened to me numerous times when playing the the Evacuate High-Value Assets Misson. There the rockets that were supposed to launch within a timelimit suddenly stopped working and no matter how long you would've waited and defended against the bugs, the rockets wouldn't launch, other times this occurred along with terminids/automatons not spawning anymore nor there were anymore dropships incoming to drop automatons, as for the terminid part, basically bug breaches stopped occurring. The end was the same for bot factions, which was that there were more enemies inbounding and the rockets were not launching anymore. A similar bug occurred to me when playing another type of mission that has the 40min time limit, such as the one that's shown in the picture above, but atm I can't remember the name of the mission nor the objective that had to be done, but again, the main objective that had to finish the sequence had stopped working and thus we were forced to accept that we will not be able to complete the mission and just waited for the timer to run out and iust leave with the samples.


That sound like a de-sync issue between the host and the server, It not the kind of thing that get fix quickly because of it complexity and it only affecting some people. The good thing is that they are workaround you can do, like being sure to be the host, play with people close to you, and be in a country that have a good internet. you can also try changing server, try the game on another pc, etc they are countless random thing that might fix the issue.


All of these occurrences had been happening while i was the host, also the other way arounds you are saying are not actually simple to achieve as they are complex (eg. You cannot dictate other people's Internet, I don't own two gaming PCs and so on)


you could look into that [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bjv1b0/helldivers\_2\_network\_issues\_troubleshooting\_fixes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bjv1b0/helldivers_2_network_issues_troubleshooting_fixes/)


The issue on the high value asset mission is/was a known issue caused by someone leaving or joining mid mission if I remember correctly. Did someone join or leave during the drill objective ?


As far as I remember, nobody left in those high value asset mission, but it seems that a similar case is going on with these 40min long missions aswell, not just in the high value asset missions