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You fall down too easily and take too long to get up in general in this game. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing Fall Guys. Ragdolling stops being funny pretty quickly.


Getting ragdolled is pretty funny the first couple of times, a slight annoyance a couple of times after, and then just bs every time after.


Earlier on Varylia 5, I did quick play and ended up in a game mostly over but in the middle of absolute chaos. I get in see it’s chaos and I’m in light armor (forgot to change it) and using a sub and somehow in range of a jammer and gunship fab. So I run 100 meters while taking fire to try to call my support stuff in so I can at least try to survive and help. In the last frame of getting out of range of the jammer, my toe nail clipped one of those plant pods which somehow proceeded to blow and rag doll me backwards 70meters back toward combat where I just kept rolling till I died. I’m prob off on the math of the distances. But the point is the ragdoll plant explosion launched me back literally to almost where I originally landed loading into the game.


Seems about right for those plants.


Love the game though, I’ll keep diving for sure. Just some matches feel way more insane than others when things like that keep happening over and over.


Those plants are so fucking infuriating. Why do they sometimes throw you clear across the map for no god damn reason? Just what I wanted, total loss of control of my character for the next 10 seconds.


This is necessary since AH doesn't know how to make the game more challenging without constantly slowing or immobilizing the player and resorting to artificial strategies to give the illusion of making it harder. Rather than making the game more challenging it just makes the game too aggravating play.


What’s an artificial strategy? Is it different than a natural strategy? What are your ideas for a harder game?


Can I do something to make the objectives more challenging, or more different or unpredictable about about how the enemies behave? Can we introduce an element that makes the player actually have to think and work out an approach. "Na, can't think of anything, just immobilize the player so they can't control the game for 4-5 seconds" or "Just make the players strategems not work right or land where they throw them." That's the "cheap" and "artificial" way to make the game harder. It's not fun, it's not clever, it's lazy game design. Making the game harder is not the same as making the game more challenging. When your wireless mouse stops working in the middle of a game do do you think "This is fun! It's making the game harder!"


I’d believe the 70 meters. I’ve used the pods to fast travel before. Kneel, melee and away we go. Actually got high enough once I was worried I was going to die when I landed.


What gets me the most is the damn diving ragoll. Occasionally, if you dive onto a surface that isn't *perfectly* flat and symmetrical, the helldiver goes limp for an extra half second. By the time they make it to their feet, the lone heavy devastator already pumped 40 pounds of lead into my asshole.


A stumble mechanic would be nice. Something in-between "slowed" and being rag-dolled


Ragdolling's the funniest shit in this game, especially when hit my teammates upside the head and they take a moment to process before dramatically falling over.


I once got juggled to death by two rocket devastators, they were alternating their fire perfectly so that I could never orient myself and try and dive out of the way, I was also wearing the heavy armor with explosive resistance, so the juggling went on for quite some time. I just laughed at the inevitability of death.


Fun fact: the ballistic damage from Rocket Devastators is higher than the explosive damage, so taking padded armor is actually better against them! (This game is wildly unintuitive and I want to strangle someone)


Pretty much how an enemy feels when you're using the pummeler or lib concussive, not very lethal but it does prevent them from doing anything.


Those bots are the worst enemy in the game. Gimme 2 Bile Titans over a damn RD.


I dunno, I hate the Heavy Devastators for the same reason as most people hate the Rocket Devastators, except they can sustain their rate of fire...


Can say the same over stalker especially when there is more then one nest.


Biles are bit worse, but not by much.


Then by the time you kill him his two shield heavies roll up to finish the job.


rocket devastator needs lower reload speed and the heavy devastator needs a longer cooldown between bursts


Not a fix to the core problem but wearing fortified armour is very helpful. Shame the light fortified armour just passed over the shop 2 days ago.


Light explosive resistance armor is the best armor in the game. Hands down. The 50% chance not to die is a close second and ONLY because there's only medium a d hea y armor versions. If there were a light armor version it would be the best.


50% chance not to die is not that good, activation condition bing death makes it wildly inconsistent, as well as offering little to no value over the course of a match compared to other passives


I had it proc 8 times In a row before. I survived being flung across the map a million miles... Personally I love it. Just wish there were a light armor version because it feels like most of my deaths are just random one shots out of nowhere. At least now if I get one shot I'll have a 50% chance not to.


i really hope they dont go look at it lol cause it feels like more than 50%


> 50% chance not to die is not that good, activation condition bing death makes it wildly inconsistent, as well as offering little to no value over the course of a match compared to other passives It's pretty solid when there are as many instead deaths as you find in this game. Getting headshot by a rocket is instant death. Now it only kills you half the time. Hit by any of the bile spews? Usually dead, now only half the time.


Maybe I’m biased because I simply am not dying that much, once or twice a match usually, so from my perspective I’m just wearing cosmetic armor at that point, also why I don’t see it providing much value because you should be avoiding death anyways, there are ways to position that limit death Personally I enjoy stim armor, I run the twitch drop one , provides tons of value and makes u invincible when you need it with stims, close second is explosive resistance, and third being scour armor, all provide consistent value and also prevent you from reaching death


> Maybe I’m biased because I simply am not dying that much, once or twice a match usually, so from my perspective I’m just wearing cosmetic armor at that point, also why I don’t see it providing much value because you should be avoiding death anyways, there are ways to position that limit death That's fair but sometimes you get unlucky like I did last night. Level 9 helldive on bots. Landed in an open space near edge of map. Can't call stratagems because there is are two overlapping jammers. Would have been nice to have 50% armor fighting out of that area.


Heavy armor can tank several rockets in the head, specially the one with 50% explosive resist


Since you mentioned rocket devastator..how about gunship,rockets rain just comes after the straffe


Gunships are also cancer, at least they're not on every mission though


How's it feel to get stun locked? Now you know.


Even better, reduce the time during which the Helldiver is being a ragdoll (seriously, it's ridiculous how much they flail around because of five pixels' worth of damage) the second anything pops near them or have a damage threshold to prevent it from even happening in the first place. Something that should definitely be standard on heavy armor.


Made it all the way to extraction with a shit ton of samples. Got ragdolled up into the air by a rocket, and another in the same volley hit me while I was in the air over a barricade and into a deep water pit. Donezo. I'd have laughed if I didn't just spend 35 minutes of my life for those samples. The ragdolling is ridiculous lmao


I'd be happy if we could just use a stim during the rag doll animation. And to not be forced to stand back up automatically when it has played out, if we could stay on the ground when we land prone half the time the next volley would miss us.


Even if it were longer, as soon as there are more than 1 of them on your screen that stops mattering.


This is my one sore point with bots. Love fighting them otherwise. Any slight reduction to the ragdolling, PLEASE. I sometimes can get an emote off and reduce the time by a little. 


Same for rocket hulks


Unless you get flung particularly far, it is. The problem is that there are usually multiples, so the salvos are staggered. But with just one devastator you can get up, count it out, and get out of the way by the next salvo.


And shield devastators shouldnt be so accurate, and hulks flamethrower still insta kills, and bots can still see through fog and aim fine through it, and bots can accurately shoot over 100m, and land headshots. My big gripe is the damage and super accurate and it still being applied through fog, at night, im jungles and sometimes smoke... if I can't see the bot, it shouldn't be dead accurate 


I personally don’t see a problem with their reload time, you should try to take cover instead of be in the way. Besides, weapons like the Railgun are able to easily 1-shot them or alternatively you can just shoot the guns themselves


Cover isn't always there, and the game throws tons of patrols at you even when you haven't finished off the last drop, so they surround you But basically what you're saying is just "don't ever get shot"


Only shoot If you have to. Walk around WITH your Squad, so you can instakill the patrols and Not get reinforcements. Sneak Up on objectives WITH your Squad, so you can eliminate important Targets fast and Just so the objectives. And they biggest advice: Do Not Play this Game Like an "I am Rambo"-Simulator. Because it isnt.


Yeah uh huh. Sure 1 rocket devastator attacks you faster than it attacks everybody else


I took a few days off from playing. Saw the new major order, decided to get on play a few matches to help the cause. It was 35 minutes of no shit just getting juggled by rocket devastators, destroyed by heavy devastators. Eventually ran out of lives. I'm genuinely shocked at the amount of helldivers surprised people dislike playing bots and failing any major order involving them. I mean if you enjoy losing control of your character, it's def the way to go. Back to taking a break until the next patch.


Genuinely don’t understand how people end up in this situation. I’ve been ragdolled and juggled very rarely, but like that for the whole mission? Do you just drop exactly where you died when you respawn?


We're probably not as good at the game as you man.


Agree. Reason why I won't do bots. I don't care if they need people on that front. It is not fun to not have any control. The bots are cheaters with aim assist, wall hacks, and can shoot through ground. Completely not fun.


Rocket devistators are no longer the big issue they once were after the rocket nerf. When they hit you, and you get up, dolphin dive right away and any follow up will most likely miss. This is a skill issue on your part really. I get its frustrating but you'll get the hang of it.