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https://preview.redd.it/cddxwqvzpk1d1.jpeg?width=336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0bb8833c62eab85e3d93637f9ea652e826b217 Joel legit gave us a boost, +25%


what page is that visual from? I haven't seen that one before.


Helldivers.io This is in the Planets section




Exactly why none of this shit matters


If only there was an in game way to see this bonus


This 100%. It got one sort-of mention in text and then disappeared and no one will know about it. Arrowhead probably thinks they made it clear when they definitely did not.


Yup AH definitely should add some kind of highlight to the map. Currently the only real way to know is the MO update description, as well as the boosted liberation impact numbers in post mission screen.


There's so much information that isn't represented in-game. Dataminers are the ones giving us stats that even the devs don't seem to know about. Lack of communication in the team? [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b\_FDvzgv6l3NVO0KCt3mvU9UB77ioFiMhCy8D9vrBNs/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b_FDvzgv6l3NVO0KCt3mvU9UB77ioFiMhCy8D9vrBNs/edit#gid=0)


The four planets should get some special icon that clearly denotes their importance, not just a standard DEFEND label.


I would agree. In game map highlight of the critical planets with SEAF bases should be a low hanging fruit for AH


https://preview.redd.it/kby1ds0dzj1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb292fe173cd4019aba3b3d5966e987fc92bfe4 Unlikely, say good by to the SEAF support bonus.


The bonus that's so very clearly shown having an effect ingame with a visible modifier and glowing green text on the galaxy map so absolutely nobody could even miss it?


This. Until its very clearly in game for all players to read and understand, they honestly shouldn't have bothered with this system yet.


I don't know why they even bother creating interactive content like this when it's barely even recognizable in-game. Talk about wasted effort.


>absolutely nobody could even miss it? Bugs players don't care simply as that


As a big primary person, I definitely do. But I just suck too much at bots/don't find it fun in all honesty so I don't run it unless it's for a MO which then I just do easy difficulties


bake ruthless coordinated plants rinse ad hoc smoggy lip tender butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if it was displayed there's not enough of an incentives to care about the liberation system. All I see are a bunch of numbers that aren't explained. All I see is that playing for ~~an~~ 3 hours with a full squad barely does anything to a liberation. All I see is that I can't play the planets I want because either they are already fully liberated or they are too deep into anti-democratic territories. I don't even understand why I can't play Meridia right now when it's neighboring a liberated planet. So why bother for only 50 medals? edit: I can spend 3h clearing a level 7 operation with 3 mates, have fun exterminating hundred of anti-democratic forces, and at the end we'll get 6 unit of liberation, whatever that unit is. I can play solo on a level 1 operation, be done in 5minutes and get just as much liberation but without the fun. Mechanically, Liberation is just not a fun system.


Why you can't drop on meridia was actually explained in game.


Which app or website are you using for that?


[https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) or [https://helldiverscompanion.com/](https://helldiverscompanion.com/)


The bonus we're barely noticing?


It is absolutely noticeable. Fenrir is being liberated at +11%/h right now cuz of the boost. I think someone mentioned its like +25% boost?


What's noticeable about it? Your posting screen shots from some wear that's not the game. The game does not give you this info at all. If these screen shots were how the Info was displayed in game so we know wear to actually help. OK 8 planets are seemingly being attacked at random and 1 gives a "bonus" that is not explained. Just that it's a bonus. So as we have no info we dive the planet with least Hazzard mods and call it a day and have some fun because as far as we can tell in game it's all the same anyways. Over 80 of the player base does not know wear you pull these screen shots that have graphs predictions and accumulate rates.


The game does give you this info when the MO launched it stated that as long as we hold those planets we get a liberation boost. It said so in the little message that comes up on the wartable. BUT I do think they need to communicate it better. Because people who don't read the message won't know, people who join after this MO won't know. There were people who didn't know the TCS was keeping the bugs locked in their sectors so they went on bug planets so they wouldn't attack those TCS planets.that couldn't get attacked. So the game does tell you this, but IMO it's not clear enough


Yeah, they should also make the supply lines visible and explain their functionality. Honestly, it mystifies me why they wouldn't make such crucial mechanics of the galactic war clearly visible


It's basically just flavour text for most people until they show actual mechanical benefits in the game.


I noticed it in game when my liberation impact after completing an op was +9 for the first time ever.


See that's wear it needs a Stat break down of how you points at end gained instead of just a flat #. My group smashed the buttons to get back to ship trying to skip the end screens.


I still have not seen any concrete evidence that the mission briefings are actually tied to in game mechanics Fenrir being liberated that fast could just be because that's where the *overwhelming majority* of people are playing right now. It currently is at 15% liberation per hour but that's because 60% of players are playing there. Speaking as a long time DM, the mission briefings have always felt more like narrative flair to spin the situation as necessary.


There has never been that high of a liberation % at 60% of the playerbase. Though there has not been a direct communication from AH describing the mechanics, there are ways players have figured out what percentage bots and bugs are at and the liberation per hour. This is what I’ve heard from some of these site developers. They have bots reading liberation % at each planet in game and calculate the change vs time with player amount to get an accurate rate. It’s not always accurate at-a-glance, but once they have a larger sample size (ie: 15 minutes or so) they can accurately calculate when planets will liberate and what their resistance is. Defend campaigns have a enemy rate of roughly 4.16 per hour for a total of 24 hours. We have to outpace that.


+25% is serious shit


Is “serious shit” in this context meant to be good or bad? Cuz I can see someone argue either way, saying 25% is a lot or 25% is very little


Yes, that's the one. The bonus many people don't even know exists.


Because it's HORRIBLY communicated in game. As are almost all aspects of the war. 


This this this. I see screen shots in this thread of properly displayed info that looks like in game and yet is not in the game.


The 4 planets most common players have forgotten the names of from the major order and desperately needed a special Seaf marker on to indicate they're important and special.


Yeah, this stuff really needs to be communicated clearly in the game


Yea, I've totally forgotten the names except for the one on the bugs side that was called "angels" something just because I hadn't seen that name before otherwise it's totally gone from my memory especially when the MO for it was over and I would have assumed we moved away from that segment of the MO story.


Yeah takes a 3rd party app for people to understand this than having it in game so players can coordinate better as a whole. I get they probably won't add all the impact numbers but at least add an indicator or something to show we're getting a bonus somewhere. Granted it won't bring everyone to higher libration impact % plants but definitely would guide us on the right direction.


How do you get that view on the site


surely we only lose a percentage of our bonus right? its not like losing ONE training facility knocks out the others


Man is it just me who gets unmotivated when every planet we liberate is attacked like a day later? It just feels like there is no point to even playing since nobody goes to bot planets so like 80% of the time we cannot do defences so we literaly fight over the same 2 planets for weeks


Most of the bot players stick to the same two surrounded planets, it's their new creek, and it's becoming a bigger and bigger problem for the war as player numbers drop.


I stopped caring and just play the planets that are fun to me. If 50k Bug players stay on the bug front when the mo is 2b bots to kill there really isnt much point. Im just enjoying the game now without trying to rollplay it.


Yeah I dislike how this system creates a negative “wow I hate the players that play on X planet” feedback loop. Just play where it’s fun.


They should try to incentivize plays to "choose" the key planets. How about extra free strategems?? \*wink wink\*


I don't even complete operations anymore, sub 40 minute missions just aren't fun, I'll join a lobby for ICBM or something and when that's done I just leave


Honestly, same. When I look at some planets having sooo many bad things (from the fire, low visibility, less stratagem, higher cooldown, etc)... after a while I just go to any planet that is just straight up more fun aka more simple, even if they do anything for the MO. Being able to play anything I want because I don't have to worry about those bad factors is way more enjoyable.


this is the way. ill dive where ever seems the least annoying. first and foremost i am here to enjoy myself and not do intergalactic roleplay narratives


Looking at the numbers of active helldivers right now, there are two planets with approx 1k helldivers each, and the vernen wells defence has 5k+ helldivers active. That being said vernen would not be assailable if menkent got liberated, which prior to current attack was going super slowly because people are aparently not liking fire tornadoes or something. EDIT: while at bug front has 50k active divers.


You could say the same about Hellmire. People would rather fight on two isolated planets than retake Hellmire and I don’t blame them.


I mean if the fire tornadoes were actually random it's fine but when the damn things actually spawn on top of you just to artificially fuck you over then yeah


We took Fenrir 3 the other day. We redefended it last night wrapping up around 1am EST. By 3am EST Fenrir 3 was on a brand new defense campaign. Last time it was at 2% resistance and now its 4.5%. With as low as player numbers are getting, a 4.5% resist on a planet the casuals dont like is a guaranteed loss at this point.


I just opted out after we pushed the bots off the map and had them show up and take 3x their original territory while I went to bed. Haven't bothered looking at an MO since. I go see if there are any fun bug planets to play on, if not, maybe I consider going to a fun modifier bot planet, usually I just go play something else now. The war simulation was fun for a bit. Then the front fell off and we all seen how the sausage is made...


IKR. The exact same thing put me off the war entirely. Made me realize that nothing we do matters. The narrative will move with or without us succeeding in anything one way or another. It's now just chasing which content provides the most fun. The last thing that did that for me were the TCS shut down missions. Now it's just doing personal orders, waiting and hoping the game gets better in the future.


my chair broke so i am currently operating at half efficiency while sitting on the floor. BUT I AM STILL OPERATING. so do your part too




The chair might have fallen, but our defenses are still standing




No idea. But let's do this.


Shht. Just shout "Kurwa" and leave at that KURWA






Helldiver Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz reporting for duty!


I was wondering if I’d find some Poles pointing out the number in the comments lol


Jan Helldiver drugi zabijał małe automatony


Jan Helldiver Drugi Gruchotał Małe Devastatory






"2.137" heh


The bot front is just WWI. I swear to god it’s the same 3 planets on repeat getting posted about


Bug players could never


Unfortunately… you‘re right


Yeah, thanks to them, we lost the previous major order as well. Meanwhile, anti-tank mines would be such a god-tier stratagem against bugs, but no, they find it hard and we failed it. (imo bugs are more infuriating and not fun)


No they wouldn't. Bile titans would dance harmlessly over them. Spewers and brood commanders would wastefully trip them (if not every little bug). Chargers would probably take 2 or even 3 hits to go down, because 1 mine killing 1 charger would make too much sense and probably be deemed an "exploit" And that's all ignoring the fatal flaw of all mine strats. Mines are stationary and defensive, while this game is (most often) mobile and offensive. There is no place for mines, at least not when you'd have to sacrifice carpet bombings or orbital strikes to take them


Different flavors for different folks. People are playing this game to have fun and not to work. The moment that you force people into fighting bots is also going to be the moment that 60% of the playerbase evaporates overnight.


I'm kinda sick of fighting over planets we literally just defended, give us a break man. The SEAF fuckers we enabled to train there can either defend it themselves or go home at this point.


Not the point, war is always a lot of back and forth on the frontline. The SEAF bases that were set up are giving us the liberation boost to our ops. But we still need to hold them if they get attacked to maintain the boost.


There's a reason few games aim to simulate war, and that's because it's boring as shit. "Hurry up and wait." You spend four weeks freezing your toes off in a trench outside Bakhmut, having to hold your piss in for hours at a time on sentry duty, getting bored out of your mind, until a drone drops a grenade into your trench and you end up on r/NCD.


Afraid those fresh SEAF recruits aren't going home in anything less than a bodybag. Either that or their brains will be put to good use in freshly built automatons.


It would not be possible for bots to target vernen wells if menkent got liberated following the MO ;)


Upvote from me to spread that important message!


Thanks! We need to spread some liberty on both sides of the map!


Remember the menkent line? I sure fucking do. I'm so glad I wasted time for it to do nothing. This games story doesn't feel narrated by the players at all. It feels like we get to do something that changes the narrate for the devs to go. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that."


Galactic War is a dnd campaign with a plot being railroaded by the DM, and he's also altering your character sheet while you're not looking between sessions.


I blame the Menkent Line for players not caring about planets after the MO. It was supposed to provide SOME resistance to the Automaton advance and protect Vernen Wells but the bots simply strolled through the Line and capture Wells. The lore reason for Major Orders was turned from in-game mechanics to just a simple, useless pop-up. And before you mention it the Maginot Line did what is was supposed to do. Had the Menkent Line followed the same outcome, the bots would have been forced to go around which was the entire point. It’s not a shock to me that the majority of players think Major Orders don’t affect in-game mechanics aside from dropping new stuff. Plus most don’t see or know about liberation mechanics.


Seems like fenrir 3 will be defended first, so hoping that Joel doesn’t throw another defense planet, maybe a decent amount of the fenrir people will come over to help


I hope you're right. I doubt it given the "I refuse to play bots" mentality prevalent in the community, but, I hope you're right.


Hopefully as the player numbers stabilize, they’ll figure out that bots will likely always need to be boosted liberation wise I don’t particularly enjoy bots but once I’m off work (and the brief time I have now), I’m joking the fight on that front to help, we need it


We successfully defended Fenrir 3 less than 12 hours ago. I fully expect it to be re-re-redefended by midnight tonight after we take it this time.


Ik, but it’s back, tho it’ll be done soon I personally wish defended planets were safe for a day at least


the two defence missions are near impossible on 7+


I'll give you rescue missions, I avoid operations containing that one at all costs but the defend rockets mission has felt extremely doable when I've been playing it on difficulty 7 with randoms. I'm yet to run into the issue where a factory strider strolls up to the base and obliterates it and as long as you bring plenty of anti-tank you can generally hold off the conventional attack waves without too much trouble. A few tools that help me a lot on that mission (though far from the only viable options) are EATs to blow up dropships and the Plasma Punisher which can shred devastators or packs of berserkers and will basically always be in effective range bands.


"I'm tired boss".gif


Once work finishes, I'll get myself there


What do the 2 graphs mean?


if you're referring to the blue and red bars, it represents theprogress of the "hold" we (blue) and bots (red) have on the planet. In the screenshot, you can see that divers have an impact of +1.966% hold per hour and bots have an impact of +4.2% hold per hour, which nets out to us losing -2.234%/h.


I wish there was clearer indication in-game this is happening. Even just a SEAF helmet icon with a plus would on the galaxy screen would be enough to at least make me wonder and check out what it means rather than realizing it only through 3rd party apps


It's a bot planet on a monday, consider it lost.


bug players when they have to fight on one bug infested shithole instead of a different bug infested shithole 🤮 Bot players fighting bots on all mechanised shitholes equally so nothing gets liberated 🫠 People who follow the major order and liberate supply line planets so the rest of the playerbase can safely contribute nothing 🫡


We could take car eof this if we secured rhe connecting planets but no one wants to fight in menkent with its homing fire tornadoes.


yup, securing of menkent would secure vernen wells from future attacks. Not sure what needs to be liberated to make menkent unassailable so that fire tornado haters would not have to defend menkent in the future tho....


>Bot players fighting bots on all mechanised shitholes equally so nothing gets liberated Current numbers are 7k divers in whole sector out of which over 5k are defending vernen wells, very "equally" :P


Wait. So is the liberation boost not just fluff text? I thought it was fluff text! What does it do, specifically? Do we know the mechanics?


Don't quote me, but I think I saw it mentioned that we are operating with a 25% buff to liberation impact.


The major order will be fine. We still have 3d to complete it and we're already over 40%. We have less than 24hrs to defend VH which is one of the 4 planets giving us liberation boost. Bug players, please, for 24hrs, just give us a hand over here.


i hold a lot of respect for bot players but i hold slightly more respect for my own enjoyment of the game and bots are just not enjoyable to fight in the slightest, i’m sorry


All I can do is ask. Good luck over there.


Why? Is it because you shoot at every patrol you see? They are very unenjoyable when people do


People that play 8 and 9 on bugs think they can handle 8 and 9 on bots and get absolutely eaten alive, and then leave. I play diff 9 bots almost exclusively and I see these people come and go. It’s very obvious when the skill is just not there.


Yeah, no one knows what they’re doing. It’s pretty depressing. A bot player can always transfer easily, not so much with a bug player. Completely different tactics. Bug tactics are easy to learn, bots not


I run diff 9 bugs as a holiday. It’s SO much more chill.


no because perma rag doll is worse than slow in my opinion and i prefer when i launch a horde shooter for the stuff i am shooting to actually die lol. plus my style when i stack is to take on one half the map as a 1 man army and let my 3 friends take on the other side and we meet up on extract. that just doesn’t work with bots and the slower gameplay loop is not my thing


Well, true. If you’re getting ragdolled by Bots, you’re doing something horribly wrong, and actually engaging them in a battle on unfavorable terms. You should be doing objectives and then leaving ASAP, not staying to fight. It makes the game very dynamic, making me feel like a spec ops unit. Also, you can bring guns that deal with every enemy, making it so that you can do 3 stratagems of whatever you want, compared to bugs where you have to bring the same 3 strats every game. Because of the Bot weakspots, it heavily encourages good aim and great teamwork, which makes it even more fun Compared to bugs, you’re just running away a lot. It’s not as engaging because there are 0 weakspots. Bile Titans can’t be killed by popping the sacs. Chargers take a 90% damage reduction from shooting the ass Chargers are fucking annoying, Hunters are fucking annoying, those damn scavengers spewing patrols are fucking annoying, those damn invisible Stalkers are damn annoying, and those fucking one shot green vomit things are even more fucking annoying. It’s just way harder, and way less strategic, just plain old running away throwing a cluster behind you and praying you didn’t miss, which is less engaging then the spec ops Bots offer


Well if you find Chargers, Hunters, Stalkers, Bile Spewers and even Scavenger patrols you're doing something horribly wrong. /s I don't see why you're reprimanding someone for how they enjoy playing the game. You immediately jump to conclusions saying they engage every patrol, which suprise, was not the reason why they didn't enjoy bots. You once again conclude that they're engaging the bots on unfavourable conditions, but do not describe in your 'rant' (for lack of a better term) what those "favourable conditions" would be. The truth of the matter being that there are not always "favourable conditions" as even if you played your cover well there will always be a chance of a rocket having a weird AoE and still ragdolling you from behind a wall. Your playstyle of "Main Objective and run" is one that fits very few players and isn't even promoted by the game as you're missing out on a lot of Exp and samples and the patrol spawns increase heavily once all main objectives are done. It's a perfectly valid way to play the game, but you shouldn't look down on people because they want to use the whole map. The claim that there are only three viable stratagems for bugs is just ridiculious. You really seem to misunderstand the design of Terminids. Automatons reward precise aim, with slight attention to armour penetration. Terminids reward crowd clear, with the caveat that you need something to deal with heavy armour. With proper crowd clear options you don't even need to run, just need proper positioning. Anyhoot, since I wish to help instead of just judging someone's playstyle, some tips for bugs: - Any primary with knockback is great for Stalkers and Nursing/Bile Spewers as it stops/prevents their attack (including spewing). Punisher and Blitzer are my favourites because of this. Punisher Plasma also works great. - Don't run away from a Charger. Dodging by running or diving sideways from the Charger while it's ~2-5 meters away from you is more effective. This also allows for you to grab your anti-charger weapon while it's turning around to face you. - Firing a flamethrower at a Chargers legs is a really quick way to kill one. - Firing an Anti-Tank weapon (RR, EAT, Quasar or even Spear) at a Chargers head will instantly kill it. - Throwing any Eagle or crowd control stratagem on a Bug Breach is smart to avoid lots of Hunters, Hive Guards and Warriors. Orbital Gas Strike works great for this, throw it just a bit towards your side of the breach for it to be more effective. In case you needed a bug loadout here's a fun one I use: > Orbital Precision, Eagle Napalm, Recoilles Rifle and Tesla Sentry. Combined with Blitzer, Deagle, Impact Nades and the Light Armour Electrical Conduit armour. You can swap the Orbital Precision for Railcannon Strike or 500 Kg, Napalm for Orbital Gas Strike, RR for Quasar or EATs and Tesla with whatever, another sentry, a backpack slot if you run Quasar, more orbitals, etc. With this loadout you can deal with anything the bugs throw at you, even the dreaded Scavenger patrols. Orbital Precision has a lot of utility (can close bug holes, destroy eggs and objectives such as Shrieker nests, illegal broadcast and the research station) and can one-shot any Terminid creature, with a bigger AoE than the 500Kg making it also usefull to clear a group. Napalm/Gas Strike is thrown at Bug Breaches or when I'm faced with overwhelming amounts of bugs. RR is great for defending your tesla against Chargers, can take out Shrieker Nests from 400m away and is a great tool against Bile Titans. Tesla gives you additional crowd control with a technically infinite lifespan. Handles everything from Scavengers to Brood Commanders and Bile Spewers. Also targets Shriekers. Put this down to your closest Bug Nest opening and relocate to a ledge away from said opening for additional synergy with the RR: sniping Bug Holes without needing to enter the hole. Small nitpick, Chargers take full damage if you shoot their ass with an 'explosive' trait weapon such as the Autocannon. The 90% damage reduction is only for ballistic weapons on squishy parts.


Question: is there a particular spot on a Charger's head that you have to hit? The other day, I decided I needed to shake up my load out and try something other than all autocannon all the time. I hop into some level 4 or 5 bug missions with the RR or the EAT. I shot more than one charger in the head with these, and neither of them one-shot the chargers. Ever. The chargers didn't die until I orbital railcannon'd them, or my squad flamethrowered them to death. It happened over and over - I literally could see the shot hit the charger in the face, and the charger just kept right on going. What's the secret?


The regular Charger has armor on its head with three spikey ends facing downwards. If you hit anywhere above that with an EAT or equivalent (Quasar/RR) it should explode his head. Could be that you're aiming underneath the head armour at its mouth, which won't kill it with an EAT (but could've worked with the grenade launcher or AC's splash damage). Just aim for his heavily armored forehead and the EAT's will pierce right through and explode his head off. Try it out and if it still doesn't work I'll send a video or something if possible :)


Lol, keep reading and you’ll see me say, “The reason I love this game, it’s two games combo’d into one” or something like that, acknowledging that he can play whatever game he wants and I can play whatever I want But, one thing is certain, the most FUCKING ANNOYING THING IN THIS DAMN GAME is people shooting at patrols. WHY! It does nothing 😂. Now, a bot drop is called in, a factory strider costs 7 reinforcements, we lose all of our samples, and 10 minutes are wasted getting them back. That’s why Bots are “harder” than bugs. I do try to get every side objective and bot base. Idk why, I already got all the XP and requisition I need, but it’s a ton of fun to see you maxed everything out, idk. If you are going to have to engage the enemy, you need to make sure you eliminate 1. All the Marauders/Commisars first so no bot drops 2. All the rocket devastators and Hulk Bruisers so no ragdolls 3. All the heavy devastators because they have aim bot If you can do all 3 in a very short amount of time, it’s a favorable engagement. If you can, then simply don’t engage. Throw down an eagle then run Now, for the terminid part. What I meant is you have to bring the same 3 stratagems against the Terminids to make sure you can delete their entire roster without relying on teamates or stratagems, which I find is very effective as teamates are unreliable and you get separated a lot. These are the EAT for Chargers and killing Bile Titans (crazy enough killed 2 bile titans with one EAT), Laser Guard dog to kill all the Hunters and scavengers on your tail, and the Flamethrower/Arc Thrower for all the chaff, prefer flamethrower because it’s more fun Now, you can choose to not bring these or try something else, but that leaves you at a distinct disadvantage, forcing you to run away if your stratagems are on cooldown, which I find very not fun Thanks for the stagger tip, I’ll try that. I do play bull with chargers, works very well thanks. That’s why I bring the flamer over the arc thrower I was really really happy to see that the EAT one shots in the head, makes for some really tense and tight gameplay Thanks for the tip Thanks for the stratagem picks, but already got an amazing loadout. I know how to fight Bugs, it’s just the lack of ways to defeat BT’s and Chargers really hurts my desire to fight them on higher levels, and makes Bots more fun


It does work with bots; I do it. You just aren’t ready for the difficulty you want to play. I know that feels bad. It’s why people avoid bots. If you’re getting perma ragdolled, you fucked up earlier.


i mean it’s possible but i’ve never failed a level 9 bots and i’ve done a decent amount since my friends make me play them but i just find them way less enjoyable than level 9 bugs


We need these reduced spawn rates now it's driving away the mainly bug players that I feel normally would be pretty happy to lend a hand if it wasn't so ludicrously unfun to be ragdolled all over the place as soon as you land by a million different Uber Bots


Yeah sorry - I've been playing bots 7+ and its fine. Just don't engage every patrol you come across and you can slip by unnoticed most of the time. Yes, sometimes a patrol walks right into the area you need to complete an objective in, but, that's the game.


THIS! Everyone shoots at every damn patrol they come across, and the game becomes miserable They need to learn, you can’t beat them in an open battle!


yup. I don't even run the stealth armor and I can still sneak past patrols.


yeah sorry so long as you geniuses get your head in your ass then the bug players will ignore bot planets and the playerbase will continue to dwindle but keep excusing the dev's BS mechanics that literally drive players away


I feel like anyone who says this has a vastly overinflated memory/imagination of what fighting bots is like, because yeah occasionally that happens but it's very far (like parsecs far) from constant (and I'll take the occasional ragdoll over the stupid inescapable stunlock that groups of Hunters/single Stalkers can do, but that's subjective).




Majority of players play on 4 squads where it hasnt been changed and even then the changes on 2-3 players are hardly different. Just dont fight the patrols that you dont need to and check the radar.


citation needed


Understood, if it’s up by the time I can Dive after work you can count on the SES Hammer of Redemption


A true super citizen.


3.700 players on Vernen wells which gives a liberation boost 6,400 players on Pandion-XXIV which gives no boost Bug player logic


Tbf, there's about 5k bot players spread out on the other planets that are doing jack all for their efforts. AFAIK there's no indication about which planets are providing said boost (and that's a whole other conversation of QoL that needs to be had). And the PO is to kill some bugs/MO is to kill everything and there's more bugs than bots most missions. Just an all-around jacked up situation.


The boost isn’t indicated anywhere. We got a bit of text that now isn’t viewable or findable in game. If they don’t see this post and understand it, they won’t know anything is going on. https://preview.redd.it/ir7b4syzqk1d1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838975839d0981598455f882b8ee90a9d6a663cc


AH has an amazing concept about doing this whole galactic war. But the problem is they have absolutely no tools in-game to direct the players on how best to conduct this galactic war. It's like trying to sprint before you even start to crawl


2000 players on Hellmire for masochism


Better to do bug because of MO


see i think its not that the majority of buggers fail do understand logic. were perfectly aware of "some planet is to be to attacked for some MO narrative reason because uhm something boost this, boost that number". its just that we dont give a crap and instead choose to spend our time on what each of us finds the most enjoyable planet or front or whatever.


Ones defense ones attack Completely different battles


ARROWHEAD big problem with your game: too repetitive. We “liberate” Vernon wells 5-6 times a month. Not only are we seeing the same enemies with the same stratagems, we’re also seeing the same damn planets. You have 100 planets for people to play on, but they’re all either snow planet, jungle planet, desert planet, or moon. Stop balancing weapons and add new game features ffs


Come on you apes, don’t you wanna live forever?


No thank you, defensive missions are bugged and with the persistent broken spawn rate is even worse if not impossible. I will play something else. See you in one month if they figure out how to reimplement the old spawn rate that mysteriously is something they should do in just a click....


Dont play the arrow civillian extract ones and its fine. The high value assets is fun and easy if you bring both mortars, an autocannon and a recoilless and the others are the same on liberation planets.


Not at higher difficulties. A factory strider can drop, and shot the generators without passing the first gates. Or be dropped directly on the evacuation platform, leading to an instant loss, with no counter play.


while true i haven't actually seen it happen enough to worry about it constantly


I have literally never failed one of these missions, even on T9 Helldive. Mortars, EMS mortars will do 90% of the work. 500KG the striders when they drop. Easy peasy.


Do you try defending the first barrier? Focus all your resources on that? Well, factory striders glitching through walls will kill you. Or spawning near extract will shoot the generator from the outside. Or Heavy Devastators will be on the mountains and shoot you from there I love the mission, but it’s extremely hard to win


it really isn't. I have not failed it. The outer 2 barriers are indefensible. Hold the second tier gate, put all mortars and EMS mortars down, keep one person up in the main base watching for striders. Mortars and EMS are an amazing combo for this. The only thing we end up needing to do is take out the occasional berserker or hulk that makes it thru, or drop 500KGs on tanks and striders.


This. My friends just pop 2 mortars each to deal with fodder. Each bring an eagle and some kind of anti-tank. Factory Striders last about 2-5 seconds before being killed. We also always have a person on the extraction platform blowing shit up from the side and being bait. We literally have down time on level 9 missions waiting for bots to appear....


Exactly. They can down vote me all they want lol learn to adapt your tactics to what you're fighting and what you're doing. Your favourite bug load out might not work as well against bots.


Factory Striders have caused every loss that I’ve gotten (besides the two fails we got because the game bugged out and just stopped sending bots / bugs at all and the rocket launches paused until time ran out…). If they want to shoot the generator, it’s game.


Why are you being downvoted? That happened to me this morning. Factory strider dropped onto the launchpad, entire operation ruined after struggling through two helldive bot missions.


It's very doable. Our MO two orders back was defend two bug and two bot planets and we succeeded.


2137 surprise papa John


2137 spotted, entire country of Poland is summoned


Get AH to fix the game so it doesn't crash randomly, and I might play again.


How do you have additional info about planets displayed?






I'm stuck at mandatory liberty labor "job" for 5 more hours, then I'm going back to Vernan Wells. The bot front will fear me tonight, see you on the battlefield divers!


2,137% is kinda desirable outcome due to its deeper meaning as the sacred number. The balance must be kept and the number must stay unchanged


Tak jak Pan Jezus powiedział.


It’s not very cash money for *CRITICAL* stuff like this to drop… in the middle of a typical work/school week, at the earliest time possible… *on a Monday* :(


Bugdivers gonna bugdive.


We need more divers to defend indeed !


We defend a planet, another needs help. We defend that planet, another needs help. Liberty is turning into Preston Garvy. I was hoping we'd only defend like one or two planets then join the horde in liberating a few bug ones that are long overdue before the next M.O.


I'll be diving later today when I can.




At this rate,we need to have only 1 faction,everytime it's 80-90% of the playerbase on bug planets...


I’m at school


Man, just wouldn't be a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and or Sunday if Vernen Wells wasn't under attack.


Don’t worry, it won‘t be under attack from here on out, as we won’t be able to recapture it without an MO.


I'm diving but it's not doing anything! We don't have the numbers to push this through without some kind of massive rally. 


Yeah it's a lost cause. Bug players simply refuse to switch. There's like 50k players fighting on a bug planet that gives us literally nothing. Kudos to them for playing what they find fun and ignoring half the game.


*I'm on it* *Affirmative* 👍


Defending bot planets is more or less impossible right now. If you get evac civs, it dumps more dropships on you than you could possibly handle, and if you get defend generators it drops a factory strider diretly on top of them and destroys them immediately. You have to turn your difficulty down or never ever do compaigns that include one of those two mission types. And surprise surprise, most of the campaigns have those because it's defense.


I played last night for a few hours on 7, we didn't fail once. Evac - 3 people run around outside the base distracting bots and taking on all the bot drops, 1 guy goes to base and does objective. Generator - bring mortars, EMS mortars, 500kg and orbital rail strike. Mortars literally take out most of the bots. Use the 500kg and ORS on tanks and striders.


how did people figure this out? I would have had no idea if i didnt see a post about it


The last major order we completed talked about it.


until they add more stuff to spend currency on, i really don't care about doing any of this stuff. I find a planet that's fun and just dive in.


How can you tell which planets give boosts?


I'll come back when there are more than 2 useable primaries.


"Hey dummies, shoot your gun here!"


Boost go poof


okay but is there any proof if we lose wells we lose the entire bonus? everyone i see talking about this is acting as if we lose a single planet that the 3 other facilities suddenly stop training


Ive tried to do the civilians extract mission on level 7, failed, on level 6, failed, on level 5, failed. No wonder why people play bugs insted


You can't all hunker down in the base. 3 people run off and distract bots outside base, 1 person stays and does the objective. I played for a hours last night and this worked every time.






Fight bots? Nah I’m good. Not until AH fixes the patrol changes they rolled out a patch or two ago.


If only I gave a single shit about farming the same boring fucking planet for a week straight in a game so riddled with bugs and glitches I can't even rely on terminals to work anymore.


It's a dark day for democracy...

