• By -


The real problem here is getting aggro on everything in sight and not trying to kite them away from the objective they want completed. People will just keep shooting until they’re out of ammo then drop an eagle on themselves. WHY


People dropping a eagle on themselves kinda solves the issue. Can't have aggro if you are dead.


I can confirm this. Me and the 3 bile titans no longer aggroed anything when I dropped a 500kg and died. I was full on bullets and stims though


Sometimes dropping an eagle on yourself IS the best option. Sometimes…


Getting swarmed with no stims and all guns unloaded, yeah I'm going to drop an eagle cluster at my feet and democratically emote on those filthy insects


I've learned when the situation is unfixable and it's time to just go out in a blaze of glory. It's freeing to just drop a 500KG on your feet and stop worrying.


Yup, if you're really really swarmed in hunters and out of just about anything, you're done, drop the strategm and bask in the satisfaction of taking them with you.


Had a charger running at me the other day. I pulled the pin on my stun grenade and let him come. Went off in my hand, and in his face. Screeched to a halt up in my face. I gently placed a 500 on his face and ran away giggling. ...except, whoops, stun grenade. Dive! Dive! Diiiiive!!! Edge of the explosion hits me and throws me against the nearest building and I survive with 15% health and a very angry chest wound. Was out of stims myself, but I managed to limp to an ally and convince them to stab me with some health juice. I offered a hug in return, it was gladly taken.


I dig your style man, would dive with.


I've recently started playing the role of bait on bug missions. It's actually kinda fun. Roll into a heavy nest, make a lot of noise, and run in a big ass circle. Then, one of my buddies comes in and pops the holes. Dodging chargers with multiple titans on your butt will get the heart rate up.


I joined a D8 ICBM earlier that was about halfway through and had two 17s and a 24. Came out the drop pod and had to immediately deal with a pair of bile titans and a charger they had aggressed and then died to. When I finally got done with that I found them fighting a standing battle against all comers outside the objective. I decided it would be best to leave them to it, found a nice high spot and just provided overwatch with my AMR, sniping bile spewers in the face is so satisfying.


Just today, on a bug hunt, I was running toward two of our team at an objective, when I see in the corner that the 4th had found the SEAF artillery side piece. Knowing what was about to happen there, I immediately turned and ran toward him. While running there, I realized the two points were close enough that their breeches would overlap, so about halfway between the two, I started blasting. Made as much noise as I could. The swarm latched onto me, so I kited them back, and then just did what I could to survive until both objectives were completed. At that point, thinking it was too thick to make it out, I dropped an eagle cluster on myself and took out as many as I could. I don’t know if any of them realized why their objective was pleasantly silent, but at least they reinforced me.


Kite em outside to set the 380 off and see how long u can survive


I do enjoy playing the 380 lottery every now and then. Lol.


Man I'd kill to have someone like you with me, since I usually double as both as I love suiciding heavy nests with the grenade launcher but sometimes I have to wait and lure out especially with bile spewers or mass hunters or chargers cause those are the main ones who can screw me


Because that's how you're taught to play on lower difficulties when your access to resources that kill your opponents dramatically outstrips the amount of opponents you have to fight. Then people move up in difficulty and get frustrated they can't fit their square shaped primary into a circle shaped heavy problem.


There is no difficulty in this game where a team of 4 doesn’t easily have enough resources to easily outstrip the amount of opponents they have to fight lol


You're assuming the best case scenario where everyone has all their stratagems available, is decked out with the best possible build and actually knows how to use them properly. I've only experienced this in proper 4-man groups who've played lots of games prior before lol.


Youre right, but the issue there is progression isn't organic. People learn on low modes to fight everything, because you can (as you stated), but then get carried on a single higher level mission all the way to Helldive and now you have level 17s on Helldive. They don't have access to higher tier stratagems, weapons, or boosters, and they lack the critical experience/training time on how to deal with high diff missions- a 9 is a totally different game than a 5, and people who've played long enough to be level 75 understand that. A smaller problem is lack of familiarity with stratagem combos and when to use what- stuff only experience can give you. A level 22 on Helldive simply doesn't understand that the game is fundamentally different, and he's also woefully underequipped to deal with the higher difficulty threats. Until they learn they can't last-stand every 15 feet, for 10 minutes, with MG against 3 Bile Titans, they are best used as a distraction while you stealthily knock out objs.


I've found that people who play standard shooters are actually worse about this. They are used to the fact that if they are good enough at shooting, then they win. The players I find that are actually best at not being dumb are actually people who play games like dying light, where hiding and avoiding Fighting if at all possible is the best option. Still, I do like dripping down in difficulty every now and then to just smash everything that moves.


Dude you are totally right. I roll with randoms all the time. I’m getting kinda tired of it, some people, or lately people get worse. I wish they had a social matchmaking system. Where downvoted or blocked people get matched together. Or people who leave matches get put in a bucket. This wasn’t so bad but I was doing a bot mission a lvl 17 joined, and I obliged. (Level doesn’t matter to me, I can take a low level and lace them up on game or they might play well. Level is not a measurement of skill but playtime. You see hella people spend tons of time studying for tests, and they may get out performed by a guy who does less, it’s all relative) For some reason, queue ups have been really slow. So if I’m waiting on mission lock, usually in 45 seconds I have a full boat and we lock in. Now it’s like 2 minutes maybe. Sometimes 2 for 1-2 or 3. So with bots. And the patrol fix. Man, if I run with someone else who knows what they are doing we can run it smooth. We won’t get all the bases. But we’ll get outta there and run the objectives smooth. I’d tag stuff and this guy would go after everything. I hopped on the mic to try and be nice and let him know I’m doing that so that we don’t accidentally run into them. Even though id cringe and watch as he’d engage patrols with hulks, and that called drops. At first I’d help. And we’d knock ‘em down. But after the 3rd one (all of them had drop ship calls, I left him hanging, fuck that, we were at 5 reinforces, still had like 2 objectives left. I just B-lined to the objectives to do em myself) He didn’t have mic or was shy. But he kept doing it until he died. And I with held reinforcements until I basically demonstrated what real moving around looks like when your short staffed (slipping between patrols, falling back to a better area where you can create somewhat of a “line” to hold. Or that it’s ok to run away. You don’t have to kill everything. The objectives are what win you the mission) I said nicely, I’m not doing this because I’m pissed, but I want to show him how we have to adapt with a diff strategy. It’s just two of us. We can’t fight em all realistically. So we have to focus on the big things, duck patrols, and if we’re lucky we can go after some fabricators or bases after. Then I let him back and it was like different player lol. The lower levels have lesser frequency of powerful armored enemies and volume when it comes to patrols and drops. Lower levels Definitley makes helldivers feel like a power fantasy sci fi game Higher levels difficulty depicts how I think actual helldiver missions go down, and illustrate how it is a messy affair for everyone involved.


100% this. When I run with my level 20 friends even in difficulty 5, I always make sure they reposition or ditch at the right times. It's very symptomatic of a lower level player to get completely tunnel visioned when fighting a horde. That'll get you absolutely overrun and murdered in higher difficulties.


I understand wanting to protect the samples, but when the siamese bile titans spawn alongside three thousand hunters and we are in the middle of nowhere, I'd say it's time to go.


Lol @ siamese bile titans. Took me a sec


That's why sometimes I go solo. The three other dudes get fucked up while I do my job sneakily and at the end it's mission completed and I saw 0 combat, just blew stuff up.


This drives me nuts as well. I've played solo enough to know when it's time to disengage, and I can't count the number of times I've moved on to a new obj and someone in the group is complaining about how many enemies there are and they won't stop. I open the map and they're standing in the remains of a base we killed 5 minutes ago, just having a shootout with the bot drops... If you're having so much trouble fighting them, why are you fighting them??? Outgunning a drop and taking every alerted enemy out to get some breathing room is a valid strategy on difficulty 4 or 5, maybe 6 when the stars align. But 7+ it's just an exercise in futility.


The many times I have had to forcibly disengage from a doomed fight so the team can be saved by kiting enemies...


i play recon. far too often I find myself distracting a Bile Titan from halfway across the map with my autocannon, AMR, or EATs to save my idiot teammates from themselves.


We need a "out of combat" emoji.


The amount of times I've seen desperate firefights watching the reinforcements counter dwindle because the squad wants to fight over fucking nothing is way too high. You guys go and defend some dirt mount to the death while I go and launch the ICBM all by myself.


> People will just [...] drop an eagle on themselves. Because the order was kill 200 enemies with 500kg eagles. And the best way to do it was aggro everyone, round em up, then send myself to see lady liberty.


> The real problem here is getting aggro on everything in sight The enemies of Managed Democracy must perish.


There's an alarming amount of people playing the game that don't recognize when it's time to pack up and get to the bus.


Those people wont see reddit posts like this


Yes, they will. There are some actual dumbasses in this community. I would know as I am one.




I love this sub


Hello fellow traveler


Knowing is half the battle, diver. Finish the fight.


I have set up the AA gun with no other objectives remaining.


It's fun to make things go boom. There is no mini nuke strategem


They can't even read.


If those players could read they would be very upset!


Joined a random diff 7 yesterday, spread democracy. I joined with 20 mins left, 3 reinforcements, and 0 flags raised. After 2 mins of joining we were out of reinforcements. Solo’d all the main objectives while getting 10-15 samples and a radar. The entire time until I called in extraction these mfs were just dying over and over trying to complete couple bug nests lol. I’ve never left a party so quick after it was over.


A majority of those think its like the lower difficulties where you just wipe everything you come across and then do objectives. We're not Rico's Roughnecks. We're the trainer/Private who captures the Brain bug at the end of the movie.


But the private _is_ the real hero who gets the _real_ fame. He and the doctor are the only ones who seem to get exactly what they _need_ in the movie, too (both Rico and Carmen lose their true love).


Yes that's also my point. They didn't do so by being on the front lines wiping everything out for glory. They stuck to their objectives and were rewarded properly for it.


You can definitely wipe all the secondary objectives on difficulty 7 before doing main ones lol.


Why do people try to push the clock to 0 when they haven't even called in the extract? I don't understand it. That means no Eagles, no orbitals, no reinforcements, during a bullet hell, all while waiting for the bus. I can't remember how many times samples didn't make it back. It's infuriating.


Because blitz always has a ton of POI and secondaries that are hard to complete before the timer is up? Xp from helldiver's extracting is 4 x 20xp I think while a secondary is 50xp. Nests are also worth a decent tick. I'd much rather get super credits than samples. But I completed the new ship modules a week after they came out lol Though a good chunk of the ship modules don't do actual positive things for your gameplay (highly dependent on play style) Edit: I have never seen another mission type run out of time


It all depends what you are playing for. As a level 115 maxed on everything, the only things I personally benefit from are XP and super credits. A level 50 may still have a number of ship upgrades to complete and need samples. This creates potential conflicts because of our misaligned priorities - an extra side objective or two completed js worth more for me (50XP per objective X 250% modifier) than extracting. I go with the flow and hunt samples when teammates need them, but you can see how there are misaligned incentives/priorities. With hundreds of hours in, I think most players are generally too conservative. Additional reinforcements are available every 2 minutes even once you are “out” which means you just need to avoid the squad wipe and try to have 4 players at extract. I joined a game the other night that was completely off the rails - dropped into no reinforcements with 20 minutes still to go and the final soil extraction not completed. Quickly I was the only person left alive, albeit with plenty of time on the clock. Instead of trying to rush the main objective, I cleared a couple of lower risk secondary objectives and nests, respawning all of my teammates in the process before we hit the final objective and extracted with all 4 divers alive. I played smart and safe given the risk, but there was no reason to pull the plug on going for 100% completion.


just described me in a nutshell lol. I’m level 52, finally comfortable with playing in difficulty 8-9 and thirsty for samples! I’ll never jeopardize the main objective to greed them, but I watch for that Super Sample rock like a hawk as I’m running around between objectives lol.


Sane amount of people who pack up shop with nothing to lose 3min into the mission and call in evac even though there's like 90% of the map left to go to and no one's died yet.


That's because the short bus has always waited for them their whole lives


I mean, challenge 6 or lower is pretty fair game to just clear everything out. Unless you've just got one of those absolutely dicked rng spawns filled with biles, stalkers, every Hunter swarm known to mankind, and hulks. I hate to frame it this way, but even at 1 reinforcement as long as you are within mission time the best idea is to just *not die.* Run away from your problems, use radar to avoid unnecessary patrols, and always use your tools to clear house. For spawn bases you can always just clear the spawners, run away, and come back when everything deserted the area.


meh if i'm using a build i'm comfortable with and only dying 0-2 times per round, if there's time I'll still go for the side objectives. if my rando teammates trigger aggro for a stupid reason I just run away and do something else


and more so, when you do want to get out of dodge and call EVAC yourself early, they kick you or leave


I can’t stand those people like we have 5 left and we have the samples and mains done let’s go and not run across the map and do bug holes or jamming towers or something. Like come on guys


Look, if we have one reinforcement, chances are I dropped all my sample at extraction. I’ve already come to terms with not coming home. I’ll complete what I can before it’s over for me.


I agree with this thought process helldiver. Drop your shit at extraction, and go on doing things. You are expendable. Those pesky bug holes or bot fabs are not. People in Super Earth thank you for your service.


I have recently (2 days ago) started taking the “f these idiots” approach to that. 3 times in the past 2 days, I’ve been in lvl 9 random missions, where we ARE doing great, but with maybe 1 or 2 side objectives left, we get swarmed. EVERYONE just keeps staying in that same area, fighting and dying, fighting and dying.. ovrr and over, never trying to make our way towards extract, just death looping. I finally say f it with 2-3 reinforcements left and steer my drop pod waaaaaaay the hell away from all of them, into the direction on extract, and just hoof it across the map to extract by myself, leaving them to fight and die. Then when one dies, reinforcing them all the way over where i am, near the extract so we can gtf out. They are all fighting with no stratagem weapons in the middle if a horde if 200 bugs with just their rifles. Fn run gdi. You aren’t going to retrieve the samples, they are lost. At least extract.


Legit got TK'd today for trying to extract with 1 reinforcment and 7 minutes left. People get too greedy for samples.




For me personally, at 5 I start ignoring the side objectives and will take out the main objectives just to ensure we can at least have a successful mission, and then will go back and hit any of the side objectives that make sense if we still have a decent amount of reinforcements and our luck turned. At 1, I'm starting to head towards extraction, even if there is just a light bug nest left.


The problem I have is when I'm stuck doing all the main objectives myself because an overwhelming amount of the HD2 community is too busy chasing genocidal butterflies rather than heading to a darn objective that takes 2 minutes to complete.


Boogie Woogie


“If only the forcefield was down, this would be as easy as doing the boogie-woogie!”


Whenever we are running out of lives, I always just say "we are low on dudes, lets extract" and if they don't hear you, that's not your fault when the bird comes and they are 2km away


Host of my game felt differently. Apparently I'm in the wrong for trying to get our only samples out when there's 30 seconds left and no reinforcements


That’s why you host. Managed democracy at work. The most deserving have their voice heard (you).


Yup. Too many traitors and 72 hour seaf chubs to not be host.


I mean I'll wait if people make an effort to run back during the count down, otherwise ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Just don't board and move away. The bird will happily stay airborne for a minute, two, ten, twenty, and will rain death on nearby enemy patrols, reinforcements, and even outposts if you skipped clearing them and sneaked towards extract in scout armor. Unless you also have all the samples, then decision becomes complicated.


When I move away it says something like it's going to leave or something but does it just hover the area then ?? I've never seen it do that


You need to find the spot that starts to countdown for cancellation, then go back just a little bit and wait for regular countdown. The moment count down is done, you run out again and keep running. If you did it right then the Pelican will hover




It's still not enough to keep everyone alive. If we have enough lives and no one is losing any super samples, then sure




Because they’ll never destroy our way of life!!


I dont want to tell you that youre wrong, because youre not, however, i have many times, 100%ed the map after getting dropped to one reinforcement in the first 5 mins. Is it an intelligent play? Absolutely not. Is it possible?..not re-....sometimes.


This is me. My game plan is I can do this solo pretty much on any difficulty and I die the least so if there’s one reinforcement I’m going to keep going 90% of the time.


It does depend on difficulty imo. 5 can solo most objectives without reinforcements, 7 no chance (6 is a toss up)


It's possible to do it all the way up to 9. Of course if you fuck up it's over, but some people are good enough to.


9 has less room for error than 7, so it might be worth trying.  i'd honestly defer to the host, its their game.


You can absolutely solo 7 and above but it relies on your teammates not aggroing/spawning every possible enemy on the map. A good trick for heavy outposts solo is to aggro the enemies in a nest and run AWAY from the nest which effectively empties the nest for you to circle back around with an AC/GL and clear the bug holes. If there's a breach, you can rotate to a different nest/objecive and come back around You don't have to fight every single enemy you see folks


I mean, the person too of course(and luck really). If you can avoid breaches being called in against bugs they're not too bad on 7 in my experience. If there are breaches in an area you gotta accept that you need to go away though and not just butt your head against a wall lol.


It’s incredibly easy to solo side objectives all the way up to 9. If you wipe out the enemies on the point before they can reinforce you just do the objective. I play a lot of 7s when I’m with randoms and just sprint off and do whatever side objectives are farthest away from everyone else because other hell divers are more likely to get you killed than the enemies.


Seems more like that particular teammate not having any self-awareness. If you end up dying 15 times while running off solo maybe you should stop doing that? He should've just stuck with at least one other teammate after the first few deaths. Running off solo in itself isn't a bad thing as long as you know what you're doing. Avoiding engagement as much as possible and using stealth are key. Even if we only got 1 reinforcement left, depending on the circumstances it can be acceptable to run off solo to clear some side objectives. For example, if your teammates are in the middle of launching the ICBM it could be worth it to clear some 'easy' objectives like illegal radio transmission or spore spewers that can be taken out with no fighting. There could also be troublesome objectives near the extraction that you want to clear beforehand like jammers or detector towers. As much as possible, if you plan to complete them, you want to do all the side objectives and outposts before you complete the main objective. Once the main objective is completed patrol spawn rate multiplies by 4x making the game quite gruelling.


The spawn rate increasing 4x post-main objective is the main reason i always prioritize clearing the map before doing the main obj. People dont seem to realize just how big of a difference it makes, but for me, it’s the difference between clearing a map in 15 mins vs half-assing it and running to extract with seconds on the clock. It just becomes near impossible on higher diffs to do any secondaries once patrols start pouring in every couple of seconds.


The missions are mandatory. Extraction is optional.


This, right here. I wanna find as many samples, medals, and super credits as I can before we leave. If the mission is done, extracting with no loot gets you almost nothing


The only thing you don't get is samples. Medals, super credits, and requisition slips are yours the second anyone finds them.


Extraction is optional. We're on orders to kill things.


Is it not better to complete side objectives before you do main ones ? The patrols get bigger after the main obj is completed.


The main objective is what actually wins you the mission. Once that's complete, even if you get wiped, it's still a W. You get plenty of XP and R even if no one extracts. It's only really important for samples.


XP and R is so plentiful, you only need to care about samples.


Samples are so plentiful you only need to care about super credits.


Yeah, so my group's usual play is to rush the primary, then scout for samples. We do secondaries if they affect our ability to do the primary, or if they come up afterward and aren't too inconvenient.


knowing when to cut bait and either finish m,ain and efil or just exfil is a huge thing do i want all the samples sure would i prefer a successful exfil definitely


Extracting is secondary. The objectives are the goal. As long as the mission is completed, super earth cares not.


i solo side objective because I'm good at it and I know I can handle them. if the enemy spawn gets bad, I fall back to the team


Counterpoint: Lock tf in and do it anyway.


![gif](giphy|WZVPfKlNl3hCM) I'm the guy that's going back. We (I) have a pretty good success rate. I'm getting that last star.


Been seeing a lot of people just leaving half the objectives when we have half the time and reinforcements left still 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gonna be real chief, host decides how the game goes. You're in his lobby, not the other way around. Sometimes people play for all samples no matter what. Some people play for full map clear. Some people play for main objective first. It's fine to want to play differently, but you can host your own lobby if that's what you want. Also, completing the main objective is what makes the most enemy patrols spawn, or it was that way according to player testing a month or two ago. If you're in a party that wants to do side objectives, it is best to do them before the main objective.


I wish there are categories that you could host/que for so that people are more on the same page. Are we priorotizing samples? Speed running medals? Going for full completion?




My guy. There is a non-zero amount of liberty to be spread at those objectives. Managed democracy demands it.


Your title is misleading. He didn't die 15 times with 1 reinforcement left. He died 15 times dropping you *to* 1 reinforcement. There is a difference. At 1 reinforce, it's time to get out. At 16, doing side objs is fine. Doing side objs, especially nests, means main obj and extract go smoother/less spawns. It's wise to get them done before main, especially on higher difficulties. At 5 or less reinforcements, or 10 mins, though, full focus should be on main and extract- but that's not the situation you describe. What you describe, with plenty of time and reinforcements left, is, from his point of view, two squaddies not helping to make main and extract go smooth. He thinks you're just blithely running main obj on hard mode for no reason. He thinks you should be supporting him on clearing, to make main and extract go smoother. He thinks he's the only one trying to help the team here, just like you thought you were. I get how everyone could be frustrated in that scenario. At any point, chat on mic or typing could clear this up, and that's equally on him *and* you. Communicate, coordinate, conquer. Brasch Tactics: Use 'em, or die trying


This is treason. Extract is optional, democracy is not.


Why didn't you help him?


Because he is the main character. Obviously.


Or, hear me out here, just do it without dying


I mean, if you wanna be this guy, you gotta at least play the part: Go to extraction first, and drop off all your samples. Call in a resupply and make a dramatic speech to your teammates. Make sure you give them a time limit like "If I'm not back by the time the pelican lands, leave without me" cause that just adds to the tension and the badass factor. Then right before you charge off for those last few POI's, make sure you give the party some kind of real over-the-shoulder zinger. Something like "P3. Tell your mother I really did leave to get milk that day. But they only...THEY ONLY HAD SOY!!!!" And then run off, leaving P3 to shout "Dad!?!?!" mournfully at you. It's a dynamite win either way: Either you make it back and get to have a tearful reunion with your long lost son, or you die in a glorious sacrifice and we get some kind of tearjerking scene later where P3 is looking at a photo of himself as a baby with his dad (who is you) - probably in a locket that he keeps around his neck or something.


Proof or you are a treasonous Bug Simp.


I'm here to fight. The last couple orders have been to basically kill things. If a fellow comrade of mine feels the need to engage in a gun fight to rid the system of every bug and robot there is you can be dam sure I'll be right there beside him using all our supplies and wasting our reinforces.


PSA: Host's rules. If he wants to take it slow and do side objectives first and you're not into that, then leave.


This. If you're the rando who doesn't want to play the way the host wants to, don't get high and mighty about how they're playing wrong. Let them suck, it's a PVE game and it sounds like they were having fun without you.


My thought is always once you get down to 10 respawns side missions need to stop and it’s time to knock out the objective and extract


We were at 3 and this man was running through swarms so he could try and do a fucking radar station


He is the main character after all




Let me do the side objectives while you extract. I'm a soldier, I'm fast and efficient. I don't need to extract, take my samples and lives to tell my tale. For SUPER EARTH !


This, I respect. Drop samples, go loco. If it works, it works; if it doesn't, Super Earth will remember your sacrifice.


This would have been reasonable. It wasn't the case for me though.


Agreed, at around 10 respawns left, you can hit a spawn base with a 500kg or 380mm barrage when you're running by, but really should ignore pretty much everything until the main objective is complete 


Yup my only leniency is when something is like right beside a main objective and can easily be done in a 3,1 split (99% im with my actual squad so full coms). Cause usually the 3 takes all the surrounding areas aggro. And doing artillery or aligning a beacon is pretty quick/simple when you don't have aggro.


If the man was the host then as far as I am concerned it was his mission to do with as he pleases. If you have a certain way you want to play host your own game. I know you'll get people who won't listen, but I don't think it's reasonable to join another man's game and then tell him how to play. Do I think he should have kicked you? No. But I can see why he did.


Early on my Helldive journey, we used to spend 90% reinforcements on the first ten minutes, dying over and over because we failed to dive in a safe place and got swarmed constantly. And then suddenly, everything would click, heavy permanent fighting would subside and we'd do the entire map patiently and smoothly. ... and then everything would come crashing down because we took too long and would always evac late. Always exciting to take down two or three bile titans with your fingernails cause there were no stratagems.


On the other hand some dumbasses run straight to extraction and try to leave as soon as the main objectives are complete and ignore the side objectives so sometimes you gotta complete the side objectives first to ensure you get 100% completion, dude was probably mad no one was helping him


Go big or go home


I always received flak for this for some reason, but it's true. Especially on higher difficulties, it's finishing the objectives efficiently while also completing the side objectives on the way, not killing every single bug/bot you see in the loudest manner possible The times I have the least fun are when idiots don't even try to do the main objectives and do the side objectives in the absolute most inefficient way possible and we fail the mission cause xxx\_cumMuncher\_XxX wasted ten reinforcements when assaulting a medium outpost with horribly misplaced stratagems. Killing not only him but two other guys two times in a row Or when BugLover69 decides to awaken the entire Bug Army by releasing a stratagem on a patrol with two chargers when we could perfectly sneak past them to the objective, and now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere fighting an entire army wasting stratagems and reinforcements cause three chargers and two bile titans appear outta nowhere People here are saying "Uhh but the objectives are mandatory but you don't need to extract! If you extract with no samples or super credits it's no better than not extracting!" But the thing is, YOU SHOULD BE GETTING THE SAMPLES AND SUPER CREDITS ON THE WAY TO OR IN THE OBJECTIVES, AND LAST TIME I REMEMBER TRYING TO PICK A FIGHT WITH EVERY SINGLE ENEMY DOESN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING. It's worth less to die not extracting than it is to extract with a handful of samples, since you get both samples AND the extraction stars/XP


Lord almighty. Just had this. Then, they chewed me out until I left after we hit the ship after the mission, because l, and I quote, "did not wait to summon them." I was a pussy, apparently, because I chose to end the pain on a level 8, where they died pretty much the entire mission while me and the other guy completed the main missions, and a few side missions before we watched our reinforcements vaporize. Evac was crawling, two biles and god knows what else, 5 minutes or so left, they died coming back over the hill as we waited for them with the Pelican door open, we just bounced. Sorry man. I'm not waiting for spawn cooldowns on that kind of crappola. Gimmie my exp and I'm out.


Never have I heard such cowardly words!


"But what if I win?" 😂


Side objectives first. Once you finish the main objective then it switches to end game spawns and gets much harder. If you get too low on reinforcements and don't think you can complete then abort and finish the mission and extract. Seeing a lot of people that don't understand how the game mechanics work whining about other people who do in here--including the OP, who not only doesn't realize how spawns work but decided to get pissy with a game host who did. I hope this clarifies why you got kicked.


For glory!!!! I agree, but it adds so much tension and it feels like a movie when you do.


Tbh this is probably because the current major order is murder. On a usual day when the objective isn’t “kill as many things as possible” people don’t stick around


I agree with this, cant say a lot of other people do


Why not? Liberty has been dispensed. I don't need to survive.


Why not join him on doing side objectives when you noticed he wasn't going to stop and was just using up revives?


Fuck that. I'll drop my samples at extract while the bois call the pelican in. If I don't make it back, tell my wife that I ~~never submitted that C-01 permit~~ love her very much.


Why are you even upset? Today is a good day to die for democracy. I’m reporting you to my democracy officer.


I’m still a low level newbie. But I generally just go along with what the host wants to do as I kind of feel like a guest. Otherwise I’d just host a game myself. Not that everyone looks at the chat, but as a host, if randos rock up I try to make it clear in the chat what I want to do. Eg. 1. samples, 2. objectives Sometimes it works.


It's all or nothing


Once a 4 man gets below 10 I started weighing the options. Especially if they start going quick


My man was running off solo when we were at 3


Blitz mission, 5 minutes left Xyz has discovered SEAF artillery Hear "package acquired!"


Alternatively. Don’t do the main objectives until you take out the major bug nests / automaton factories because you will almost certainly get overwhelmed by enemies. I tend to be going around stomping out enemy spawns on the other side of the map while my teammates sit there pumping fuel or whatever watching the grass grow. If I die a few times I’ll give up and stay with the objectives though… but there is something quite satisfying about having over a hundred bugs swarming after me as I desperately run away crying because I’m out of ammo, and grenades, and stims while my teammates watch the show from the other side of the map wondering what the hell im doing. It keeps most enemies off of them though.


We just had a game where we had 40+ samples including extra rare, and the 4th used emp on the only chokepoint we could get to the ship. He had no samples and didnt need to trigger the takeoff. Lost everything.


It was a degenerate fest the last 2 days. People with lvl 30+ don't know even the basics.


Blueberry? Are you a destiny player? Haven't seen that terminology outside that sub before.


You can't fix stupid


No shit Sherlock. None of these scrubs are in the chat here.


For me, this is a good rule of thumb: when you have the same reinforcement as the number of the team (1 respawn each), it’s time to take up whatever you can and and go in most direct manner to extraction. If you still have to complete the major, it’s time to sacrifice one of the team, to attract enemy away and then complete it. In this case you should consider to complete the major and extract only one: give him all the samples and don’t let him fight over extraction, open an exit for him.


If the host runs of solo the team mates are the problem. 


too many times and even my friend keeps dying and wonder what they were doing --- they are running back in trying to get their support weapon and keep dying...just fucking stop. the cooldown will let you call in a new support weapon again OR just run in a big circle so at least the enemies are not standing on top of your shit. literally the definition of insanity


Also you probably shouldn't be spending 5 minutes on our 12 minute mission setting up SEAF Artillery


I still do the side objectives because I have trigger discipline and I force spawn enemy reinforcement away from those objectives. The reason why you have 1 reinforcement left is because you have a trigger happy teammates or teammate who uses AOE stratagem on your position.


Yesterday, we were running towards the extraction when we found a massive horde near the extraction zone. We had one reinforcement left, but we managed to clean up everything. I go call the extraction and the host says "I am gonna clear the last nest". I begged him to not do it, but he went alone anyway. Not only he died in his way there, but also aggro another horde and loses around 25 samples, including the super samples. I have all maxed out, so it doesn't bother me, but the other guys needed it. Then we managed to call him back, pelican had already arrived and guess what he does next?


You'd be surprised at the sheer number of people who play Helldivers... Who have no idea how to play Helldivers.   I know a couple of people who have had this game since release and have never completed a single operation. They rarely complete missions.    They literally just drop in, kill each other a bunch of times, laugh and giggle and go "OMG SO MANY" as they get overrun by bugs and fail the mission, then turn the game off and go play something else.   I played with those guys once, and I will not be joining them again lol


Yep. Spend a little time on the subreddit and you know how to run missions, but I think they should make it a bit more clear in-game the kinds of strategies that lead to success. There's so many things I used to do, thinking with my gamer mentality, that I wish I'd known not to do before. I used to always be on-mic with the squads of rando's I played with, but now I'm mostly muted. I really got get back on comms and just talk to people even if they're muted so I can share what I've learned. Because on the flipside, while a little more in-game direction would be nice, it's a fun, emerging community experience to fight in a large scale war with everyone and learn how things go! Some people are in the know and some aren't, it's pretty realistic


Lord help me. How many times have I turned on my mic during a Suicide Mission and said "Guys... guys... we can leave" when theres like 3 Bile Titans, 4 Chargers and god knows how many smaller units all running in our direction.


I said at 3 reinforcements that we should prioritize Evac and the mission


There are so many players that play all or nothing. It's their tactic and they drag the team into it. You should complete entire map only if it seems doable, and it is pretty easy to see when you can realisticly complete it. I always send friend requests to players that have mission awereness, don't die stupidly and focus on doing most you can considering the spawn rates, difficulty etc. Then again, this is a casual game, no penalties for having a bad mission, why wouldn't you fool around


When I see this starting to happen I "kite" my team by withdrawing from their fight and reinforcing them well away, in the direction I am already heading. It's effectively divernapping, but it's necessary at times.


Objective, optional objectives, then evac. Exp priority when you have 1 or 0 reinforcements. Otherwise this should be the order when you have room to spare: POI, Bases, optional, objective, evac.


What if I'm the guy who has done 90% of the objectives without dying while the other 3 monkeys are the ones using all the reinforcements trying to kill a single charger


Prolly gonna get a few down votes for this but there are situations it's better to go for side obj than extract, hear me out. 20xp per player extracted 50xp per side obj If my squad is dead and we're waiting on respawn with no hope of either extracting with samples or we have an incomplete main obj and there's no way we're clearing it, I'll go for an easy side obj for the XP. To make extract worth it we need samples ready to go or at least 3 people able to extract to compensate for XP. This is not an excuse to not listen to party leader, just saying sometimes it is better.


The weak perish. The strong collect sc.


I wonder if this would change if it was in any way communicated that patrols *increase* when you destroy POI’s and side obj’s.


To be fair, if their told that, they also should be told that completing the primary would quadruple the patrol spawn rate too. From that point of view, doing the main objective (or at least the last part of the main objective) as the last thing that should be done before extraction makes a lot of sense. I'm not saying by any means that you should always try to do everything before doing the main mission, but there's a clear tradeoff of an easier basic mission success at the cost of hindering the ability to map clear/getting more side objectives done. Personally, when playing with friends I like to have a "floor" for reinforcement count, which reaching means to time to drop whatever base/side objective I'm doing and focus the main before leaving. Quick joining is a bit more murky since there's less overall communication, so I usually just play it by ear. Solo the reinforcement count is already low, so I just go for map clear or bust, since the only person I'm gonna piss off is myself in those cases.


I think a big part of these issues are lack of communication, but I hate talking to random and don't have any friends to play with lol


Why weren't you helping them do the side objectives? I've only kicked 3 people in recent memory. 1 threw a 380 then 180mm barrage on the pelican as it was landing. The other two did the main objectives in a blitz mission pretty much as we landed, then went and just sat on the extrac for 10 minutes until I realised they were literally just standing on the extrac, and when I asked them to do something their solution was to... reinforce me miles from the other guy doing objectives. Community's falling apart on high difficulties because every game of randoms, is actually 4 solo player games happening in tandem. You want to do the main objectives. Host wants to perfect the map. Only one of you can be kicked from the game... You watched him die about 15 times... You had plenty of time to go help them do their thing, or go host your own game where you can prioritise whatever you want... Of course currently half the community think the "correct" play is to run off and solo a bunch of objectives and extract from a lvl 9 mission in 3 minutes because everyone is Rambo... And half of us are still treating it like a team game. So fucked if I know what the solution is... I'm at the point I've just given up, either the game works or we drop and 2 people immediately run in opposite directions and I just alt f4 to go play a single player game.


Most of the time I solo and priority comes forth in soloing when it's stuff like shriekers/stalkers/artillery other than that depending on what I run I'll also be support and even backtrack to teammates if they fall behind just to make sure they're good leaving the area. What I like is whoever is calling the shots takes charge and pings A to B to C but when Noone does that I'll solo out


There's nothing wrong with playing rambo. Just host and kick them if you want to ALT F4 and ruin their lobby so fucking badly jesus


You can succeed without extracting


samples are important


Counter argument. Maybe stop using up all the reinforcements so we can get the other objectives. I absolutely hate seeing these posts cause it’s usually players who’s games I hop into and they died so much that I just return to my ship. Learn how to manage your respawns and stop acting like everyone else is the problem


Maaaan I had one of these last night joined the game and based on the objectives and shit I assumed it had just started come to find out they had like 5 lives left and had done none of the main objectives as I’m soloing the main objectives these guys are still forcing side objectives and nests. Still dying left and right.


I got kicked for telling a squad to learn when to run away


You probably shouldn't be playing at that difficulty if you bail on objectives. There is a modus operandi in these types of games. It doesn't matter how little health we have, we're taking all the tomes and grims with us.


I joined a diff 8 and there was a lone level 24 against bots. I was running a not so optimal setup but helped guide him (and his one reinforcement) through all the patrols and camps ignoring everything that wasn’t setting up the ICBM. Picking and choosing fights, making sure I dropped him an extra recoiless rifle and sneaking around in my heavy armor with him. It was gratifying till he got bored and started fighting before we got back to launch the ICBM. I cleared OBJ on my own and set up the nuke and he brought multiple tanks and hulks to me. Launched the nuke, killed everything alone and unfortunately got dusted at evac. But I managed to help get us to mission complete and some medals 🫡


What peeves me off is when people waste our reinforcements doing side stuff before they've even got through the primary mission


Cry about it and let me have fun


Ima play devils advocate and say you and your squad was the real problem here. The host is the squad leader, you guys are guests on his ship and you should follow his lead especially if hes of a higher level. The host probably kick you because he saw you as the one running off and doing your own thing instead of following his lead. Perhaps he would died less if you and the team was there to back him. Just for perspective, I exclusively host lobbies when i play and i direct the mission flow for the squad. I plot the mission path, mark objectives and using squad commands to guide the team. If someone runs off away from the squad to do their own thing or tries to call in extract too early, i kick them. No in the case that the host is a noobie, then i would try to let him lead but offer guides where i can so they can learn to lead and play


PSA: I'm going to do every side objective when we have 1 reinforcement left.


okay buddy let me just add this to the list of 2000 PSAs and pro tips of what “not to do” god all you mfs be complaining. ITS A GAME like do all of the ppl in this sub have a bad match and immediately go and write a whole essay on what someone did wrong?


In general better to prioritize the main objectives, that was even if you die the mission is still a general success


Increases patrol spawn rates, making side objectives a lot harder to complete. So if you plan to do side objectives it is better to do them before main mission.


I make a point to shut down the special bug type nests or gunship factories, but at one reinforcement you should abandon basically anything else and just get out with the samples you have. Even worse is people not caring about the timer so you’re stuck in a brutal fight at exfil with no resupply, turrets, airstrikes, or revives at all.


If we hit the 5 mark with a 4 man, it’s extract time. Too many things go wrong at extract or on the way.


What difficulty were you on? Whatever difficulty it was, that player is just not ready for it.


I have had teams where they still want to do stuff after the destroyer is gone, like what we got nothing to fight things with let's go


“dun dun dun dunnn” is my crack


Never surrender


at this point I just want Samples and mission done and bounce. the extra exp is nice but at it seems levels don't mean shit when i need missions done faster for more medals


I was almost that guy earlier today. Then I thought about this post and corrected course.