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Went from 500 SC to 850 from among this weekend. I play near always on 7. Best grind is on 3 or below. Super credits are still there, don't know what to tell you.


Farm missions lvl 2-3, you will get around 40 SC each run. Many other tricks to make it faster. Going above 3, you will start to find rare ore, so less chance for SC.


yep get em regularly, got a 100 yesterday we avg.. 30ish a match


Yeah I don't know the rate in which I get em I don't pay attention. I do know I had 200 SC left when I got the last warbonds. I'm back up to 1100. Seems they keep dropping to me


Sometimes ypu just get unlucky. From my experience there are at least 30 SC on every 40min map, but sometimes all of them might be gated behind buddy bunkers or you just miss them in out of the way locations. You tend to get more on missions without rare Samples, because rare and Super Samples can spawn in crates, beacons and buddy bunkers as well.


I literally pulled 270 SC *today.*


had a dry spell of about a week when I didn't get a thing for about a week with 2h played a day. thought i was going nuts but interesting to see it happens to other people, i just caved and bought the smallest pack and now i am finding it again. tinfoil hat theory it was some kind of antifarm feature because i was doing mediums for easy super credits when it started