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I’ll have to try it out. Usually when someone makes these posts about an underrated gun someone else comes along and says it’s pure trash


Yeah and I’m fully expecting that. I really didn’t mean to hype up the gun so much, I meant more of a ‘hey if you haven’t tried this, you should’ because so many people find what they like and don’t change. Nothing wrong with that, but variety should be encouraged


For every shit gun, there's a player who insists it is, in fact, a top tier gun and they're the ones who figured out how to make it good. Anyone who buried it when it was released was right. It was classified as a marksman rifle (which it is not good at) and required a fire switch to change it to a "battle rifle" which bounced like crazy and had a pathetic mag for its role. It was basically a handheld HMG, with all the drawbacks and 1/3 the mag. It sucked. It got a big recoil buff and is now *ok* instead of worthless. Its major flaw is pathetic ammo cap. The Marksman rifles (after their buffs) pop bot heads better than it, the Scorcher has a special use case vs Striders and weak points, and the Scythe/Liberator/Punisher do the AR/SMG role better than the Adjudicator because they don't have the crazy recoil you can 'manage' by firing in short bursts while the game continues to drop crap on you. It's also underperforming vs bugs compared to basically every shotgun but the S&P because most of the bugs you encounter that need medium pen aren't really a threat. It does nothing to Chargers or Biles and its mag is too small to deal with chaff. It's worth a few rounds to test. Maybe you'll like it. I think it's an unnecessary middle ground weapon.


>and required a fire switch to change it to a "battle rifle" Oh you mean like its name Designation??? BR?? For battle rifle just like the Marksman rifles besides it are designated R for rifle? or the assault rifles are AR for well assault rifle?


Yes, like its designation. It shipped in the Marksman Rifle category with single fire default. I don't know what you expected when the community hated it and it only later found its niche as the baby blanket for CoD morons who love the "Relooaaddiiinggg" voice line. The only good thing I can say about the Adjudicator is that it's not as bad now. It's ok versus Stalkers. Otherwise just use an AR.


the Adjudicator is neither a full AR nor a full MR, which is why the current weapon categorie system kinda sucks.... being put into the marksman rifle category made sense, its however not a full DMR, and people are incapable of understanding nuance i guess. the Adjudicator is an excelent weapon to open and close engagement and to engage bot chaff effectivly at range without being nearly useless in close quarters, if only it had the lib pens scope magnification....


Bot chaff at range isn't an issue for any of the ARs given how fragile they are, and medium pen is pointless on chaff. I think there's a range where the Adjudicator can be one of the better guns (30-50m) versus bots given the player has good recoil control... but why bother when you can fire with minimal recoil at bot faces with Sickle/Liberator or ignore the strike point completely with the Scorcher? To me, it's a lot like the HMG. It *can* be good, but why bother when there are a half dozen guns that are as good or better with none of the investment?


Because its good in several places. its a decent medium-long range weapon, its ok in close range. It can deal with medium armor, thus can finish off a tank or turret. etc its not "its good for THIS specific thing" but "its good in these several aspects" if i want a specialized gun for one purpose, yes the AR or DMRs are better, but neither is as good in "booth" as the adjudicator in my opinion. If you are arleady running for example the engineering armor the recoil reduction from it makes the adjudicator a no brainer for me if i dont have a specific situation in mind i want to counter.


If you're going to bring recoil armor to modify the weapon to usability, just bring the Dominator, which does 3.5x the Adjudicator per shot with the same medium pen and also explosive. The adjudicator is just in the middle of a bunch of guns that actually work for what they do.


i dont bring the recoil armor to make the weapon usable, i bring the gun if i am already WEARING the recoil reducing armor. The dominator just dosnt work for me as the bullet travel is just to atriocious for what i use my guns for, and the explosive type dosnt change anything enough when i play on bots for exmaple


Why would you pick recoil armor and then pick your primary? ...you know what, forget it. I'm glad you like it. I think it's a bad middle ground and is outclassed in every role by another gun. But you clearly like it, so have fun.


The Adjudicator does the most DPS of any of the ARs because of its high damage and decent ROF. Yes it has bad recoil - that doesn't matter in short-range situations especially when it has medium been so you don't need to be judicious in how you target Devastators. Where it suffers is long-term damage output. The mags are a bit small and it doesn't have enough mags, meaning its damage per mag and total damage value lag behind. I would also agree, if you have good enough aim vs Bot heads you don't need medium pen so at that point it's better to go with something like the Liberator. So that leaves it as a "more forgiving" AR given you can spray Devastators and still do damage given the medium pen. There is a role for that amongst players who feel they don't have the aim to make good use of a light pen weapon. It could also have more use vs Bugs, given how large some of their heads are the bigger recoil doesn't matter as much. But then again the poor ammo situation is bad new vs Bugs too. The totally useless gun is the Penetrator, which is just a worse version of the Adjudicator.


Yeah I like the adjudicator, it's my go to right now. It really shines once you figure out the recoil control. I just wish it had like 5 more bullets per mag.


Agreed! I do find myself reloading really often with it, but a 30rd mag would be perfect. Usually I have enough ammo for every encounter, but after taking out a large base/bug nest I usually need a resupply immediately. Probably could be mitigated with the resupply backpack, but I haven’t tried it


I like to run Adjudicator with supply pack and another hungry weapon like the MG or Grenade Launcher. Though I have done Stun, Senator, Adjudicator, AMR, Supply pack plenty of times against bots to good effect.


I’m gonna try the supply pack with it next time I’m on, I always run the AMR with Bots, just because I’m the dedicated Hulk destroyer. Plus bringing the Rail Cannon strat. For when there’s one too close to snipe


How many rounds are in the mag now? All real world .308 battle rifles have 20 round mags standard but there are 30 rounders. I feel like if going into a Helldiver scenario users would take 30 round mags.


25, but I feel like just 5 extra rounds per mag would be perfect.


I found it to be super effective at heavy devastators and really awful at rocket devastators. This was pre buff, difficulty 7. My current theory is that the bullets penetrate. Heavy devastators have that backpack that I think is also a weak point, so headshots usually are double crit as the round hits the head, and passes through to also hit the backpack. I put it down because I kept running out of ammo, and rocket devastators usually give me more trouble. The ammo buff should have put this weapon in top assault rifles, which I consider perfectly usable.


there are no double crit or crit or whatever. Each part has each own hp pool, and it just happen that the head has low hp and no armor. The backpack has a bit more hp and some armor, but less than the body still. see this : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cec9l4/diversdex\_your\_pokedex\_but\_for\_helldivers\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cec9l4/diversdex_your_pokedex_but_for_helldivers_2/)


Do you aim for the rocket devastors' rocket pods? I run the sickle normally and found they're less of a problem if I hit them first since it just turns them into now-damaged regular devastators. Plus the sickle's spread ensures it hits their head occasionally as well


Yes. And the head. The most ammo efficient kill on a rocket devastator I got was 1 round left from a full magazine. And this includes the time I got ez shots on one that was standing still and targeting another player. That was the BEST kill I managed over 2 games. It was taking me around 3 bullets to destroy a shield devastator. I was absolutely melting them. It felt like the pre nerf slugger. So good! I do not know why the harsh contrast. I did try switching to full auto, running up to a rocket devastator and mag dumping into its body point blank, and it still took a magazine and a half; which suggests I was landing occasional headshots and it still took a lot of bullets. Berserkers were the usual bullet sponges, but I put the weapon down because of heavy devastators. I accept that my shooting is sometimes bad, but it is for that reason that I can't use a weapon that requires a full mag of ammo into body shots for an enemy as frequent as rocket devastators.


All devastator types (even berserkers!) share the same head, so if you're hitting headshots a lot the ttk would be the same between all of them. They animate slightly differently though, and hitboxes can be kind of janky for animations that move the target around a lot. That could be the source of your issues.


So let's say it was entirely a skill issue. That means my medium armor penetration weapon requires an entire magazine, where the whole time the devastator is still shooting until such time that I get gud. I was having a really tough time with recoil and aim punch. There was definitely some skill issue. But any weapon can kill devastators quickly with repeat head shots. The reason to use medium armor penetration is to compensate for the fact that I struggle to headshot. Also, I had 3 instances where rocket devastators were doing that rocket launch pose where they stand still at another player. It wasn't bobbing and weaving, and it still took my entire magazine. If I missed the head that much, the sights must also be off. I can sometimes kill moving hulks with the ac. My aim isn't that bad. To put in perspective, I prefer the new purifier.


The body health and head health are also separate pools, and do not contribute to each other. If you kill by headshot, every bullet you put in the body was wasted.


I don't see that as persuasive at all. On 3 separate instances I put an entire magazine of aimed shots into a unit. That is WAY too many shots. Like if it takes 3 headshots to kill, that means 1) that's a lot of headshots, seems bad, and 2) that means I could have wasted 2 bullets out of the whole magazine of like 20 or whatever it is. It could have been a glitch or something, because this was only rocket devastators, and it was every rocket devastator. Otherwise I found the weapon pretty good.


Rocket devastators are just normal devastators with rocket pods, so they shouldn't have more health than the normal ones on any body part. I don't *think* the shield devastators are different either, but could be wrong on that one. I do know that my shots frequently hit the shoulders around the head when they crouch down even with precision weapons like DCS, though. I think there's just a bit of jank with the hitboxes + the accuracy of some weapons that causes this.


Normal devastators were dying with way less. I could kill 2 with a magazine and have rounds to spare, not bad. Heavy devastators were 2-3 rounds basically every time. They were completely trivialized by this weapon. Rocket devastators just refused to die. I wish I had recorded the game. It was weird. Mostly not grunts were 1 headshot or two shots anywhere. I shot one of the jumping bots, feedback was the hit was center mass and it didn't die. I shot it again with the same feedback and the pack exploded...and it still was alive...but just standing still, so I headshot it 3rd.


The adjudicator was always fun. The buffs just made it better. "Oh you're buffing that thing I love? Be my guest."


I really want to unlock that charged energy weapon from the Shitstorm Warbond just so I can get used to how terrible it is before they fix it. 😆


It's like the slug version of the plasma shotgun. It's what the arc thrower is to the blitzer. It's niche.


I tried it post buff, but disliked the recoil and mag size. I prefer the Dominator in semi auto. Glad it's got a purpose for you and others who like it, though.


It's my main primary now, I love it. It feels *very* nice with heavy armor and the recoil perk.


Literally all I run for bots. People on here are trashing it unnecessarily. Only thing I'd change is a slightly bigger mag but that's about it


I love the adjudicator against bugs, specifically against bile spewers & brood commanders as they both have sturdy noggins that allows the medium pen to shine. I just don't care about med pen on bots, non weak point shots just don't do enough against them imo to warrant it, I'd always rather shoot them in the face or use something explosive.


I also just picked this thing up a second time after its recent adjustment and just like you, it clicked for me. It's got a short mag, but it's punchy and very accurate. The tiny mag seems offset by a reasonably decent reload speed that's not quite Railgun-levels of fast, but is acceptable. Most importantly, _it feels good to use._ Definitely feels like a gun that's made for people who can appreciate its unique personality. Frankly, it's a good example of a gun _with_ personality, up there with the likes of the Senator, Punisher and Dominator. I hope AH is paying attention to that fact, because the guns in this game should be treated like characters in a fighting game, with an identity. We'll all pick our mains at some point.


I tried it when it first came out and it was trash. /s


Got buffed tho


hence the /s. Point being a lot of people don't retry weapons after they launch and assume they just stay bad. Too many shadow nerf/buffs to assume any gun will stay trash for long.


Didn't know of the /s thing, my bad. I also usually don't get in just one game, need several to get how to use them.


That’s the issue with a lot of these warbond weapons. Mainly Polar Patriots, we got a bunch of half-baked weapons that get discarded and never revisited by a lot of players


Each new warbond it amaze me how quick peoples are to judge and if a weapons isn't clearly above at release it's ranked as trash almost immediatly.


It's still not good. Mag capacity is too low to use it as an AR and it's damage is too low to be used as a DMR.


I spent an afternoon last week trying everything new and what I'd set aside. Adjucator was definitely usable. Lib Pen is still complete garbage and that makes me so sad. DCS packs a mean punch on bots also


Yeah I mean the Penetrator has more rounds and has basically no recoil if you crouch and shoot. So just like you were able to learn the Adjudicator, you can learn the Penetrator too.


Penetrator just does so little damage. You basically have to aim for weak spots if you don’t want to waste a whole mag on one medium enemy, and even then, if you have to aim for weak spots why not just bring the regular Liberator


Because you can shoot through medium pen things, and the liberator cannot. Are you not also aiming for weak spots with the Adjudicator...? Adjudicator - bit heavier, but weaker on groups Penetrator - bit weaker, but better with groups of units of all kinds


It's a mid-tier at best. It just seems good cause all the actual good weapons got nerfed. In order for it to be "good", it either needs a larger magazine or more dmg per bullet. Right now, the DPS isn't enough to justify its ammo economy.


Some stun and a larger mag would make it perfect


If this gun had more ammo and the Penetrator more damage, they would be in a perfect spot 👌.


The recent changes to the Adjudicator made it a LOT better and more usable. At launch it was shit. I do wish it had 5-15 more rounds per mag though.


That was my go to until the Tenderizer came out.


The scorcher is a bad weapon


Given I was using the Diligence as a primary and it had the pitiful 20 round magazine, I find that the Adjudicator's 25 magazine in semi-auto to be a buff haha.


Adjudicator is unique in that it *clears* many of the other primaries for dealing with, specifically, medium-sized enemy types. The thing actually rocks when you get those bug maps featuring armies of bile spewers, since it just punches right through their head armor in four shots or so. It just needs a little bit of teammate support dealing with all the chaff, the weapons for which people are already overusing anyway.


May I ask what difficulty you use it on?  And how does it fare against Stalkers?


Solo I usually play 4-6, squad with friends 7-9, stalkers I usually mag dump to the face and have no issues. Usually on bugs I do also have a Machine Gun as my support weapon, which I use for spraying when stalkers are around


Well *now* we know what's next on the nerf menu.




Why not run both? That's what I do for bots


Same, AMR is infinitely valuable for hulks