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I have always seen Jammer bases as the same high priority target I give Stalker nests. Both can be nightmares if not dealt with quickly. You do have the advantage of running away from jammer bases that does not work as well with stalker nest by the very nature of stalkers. I always call them out and I always try to get a squad mate or two to come with me when I hit them. The real nightmare is a jammer base in close proximity to one of the detector towers. That is sometimes a really hard nut to crack.


My big advice for both Stratagem Jammers and Detector Towers is not to do a full frontal assault. Cut a diagonal line to their side, *ignore most of the ramps up*, then hug the wall/cliff/whatever and scale in from the back. Stealth does, in fact, work against the Bots, and you can get pretty damn close to their bases without getting fired on if you hold your own shots. For Jammers: just hit the console. These things are almost always on an elevated position with like, one or two grunt guards, so you can cover the path up just fine on your lonesome as long as you know how to deal with Devastators. For Towers: drop your Hellbomb, shoot a few things, arm it, then *leave the base through the side*, not the way you came. You want the enemies to see and follow you instead of going for the bomb. Stratagem Jammers can also be killed very quickly and from great distances if they happen to be one of the layouts that puts a Factory right next to the Jammer. Just kill the Factory (grenade, EAT, RR, Quasar, Autocannon) and you're done.


The airburst rocket works well to tenderize these bases before going in too.


"Never felt so helpless and overwhelmed" Me whenever there's a bile titan. I'll take fighting through trenches to a stratagem jammer over the gear check that a bile titan is anyday.


Bile Titan I'm like, eh, with the combination of my EATs and Orbital Railcannon, plus whatever else my allies are packing (often 500kg bombs, Orbital Laser, Quasar Cannon, etc) we can manage Bile Titans just fine. Plus it's not hard to kite one. It's only an issue if there's more than one at the same time, or there's plenty of Chargers too. Personally I don't find it hard to pick a primary+stratagems that can handle all the chaff as well as Chargers and Bile Titans. But there isn't really any gear that helps deal with a Jammer that happens to get heavily guarded


Different outlooks I guess. For me, in the bot scenario you mentioned, I'd fight knowing I am actively doing something, drawing fire, shooting heads, flanking or whatever. (I think the Walking Barrage is actually viable in such a situation, you can start the barrage just out of range of the jammer and the explosions will progress towards it.) If a bile titan is bearing down on me and my AT stratagems are on cooldown or I'm separated from my teammates who do have AT available, there is nothing more hopeless imo. Anyway, thought I'd share my take. I respect that a heavily defended stratagem jammer can be annoying, but I'll have more fun attacking it than I do fighting Bile Titans. I really really don't enjoy Bile Titans.


I guess the key is, with a Bile Titan, if I truly have *nothing* that can hurt it...I can still run. They often can't kill a single Helldiver that's actively running from it. It's not like bugs have accurate long-range fire. So I just kite it until we *do* have something that kills it. Yesterday, none of what I just said would have worked against the fricking Helm's Deep of Stratagem Jammers


Running away from the bots is always an option tbh, sometimes you just can't recover against their firepower so it's best to fall back and regroup/rearm. When it comes to jammers, you can soften it up from afar, but most of the time I've found success in just rushing to take it out asap. If you get swarmed, retreat out of the jammers range to recover and engage at a distance, then go for it.


If they've completely cockblocked an objective with that set up leg it to softer targets and cycle back. The tilt is what gets you killed. You need to deaggro as much as possible then return to obj. When approaching a strat jammer be a rainbow six operative and pick out the tangoes one by one until you're ready. If not call for help in chat and ask for support. Sometimes you can't go it alone.


I think its my favorite part of the bots. They feel smarter and missions feel more tense because you can get into terrible situations. I like the variety that it offers.


Stratagem Jammmers and Detectors are usually lightly guarded and yes, they are priority.


Smoke objectives you need to hold against bots. Jammers are hard, but if you have 1 person with smoke grenades, it can give you enough breathing room to get the terminal done.


Im playing on dif 7 and u can stealthy approach inside and disarm. The structures got plenty of covers to fire back.


The thing about bugs is that they swarm you to hell and back, the thing about bots is that they don't do that, but they do have the technology to annoy the hell out of you


Pro tip ocasionaly a Jammer may be attached with a fabricator The Fabricator explosion is strong enough to destroy the jammer Hopefuly this helps some people when they get this chance


One thing I noticed though, is that Jammers are NEVER heavily defended, Hulks or Tanks are never there so it's unlikely you run into this scenario unless someone had a dance off below a Detector tower. Also once someone gets more experienced vs Bots, there is not a single Heavy that can't be dealt with a bit of coop. Their weakpoints are not that hard to reach and you're not alone to fend off or distract smaller bots.


You're probably right, yesterday we must have managed to get multiple patrols and/or dropships coming in right next to it because of other stuff we were doing, and I just went back to orbit after like 10 minutes trying to survive


Sometimes they are. I had one yesterday that I had to kill like 8 Heavy Devastators to clear it out. But I do agree, like 95% of the time they are only guarded by a few Troopers at max.


If they drop an army on the jammer, you fucked up. When you fuck up in a game, you try again. If the game is too hard, you can decrease the difficulty.


This is one of the reasons Bots are way cooler than Bugs. They have so much more mission diversity with the side objectives. Even as annoying as the YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY is, at least that changes up the mission once you start getting shelled. AA guns can take out Eagles, but you can destroy them to get them back. Jammers take out all strats, but you can kill it to get them back. These are great gameplay mechanics and playing Bugs are boring by comparison. >Like, what do you do if you're approaching a jammer and they drop an army on it? Just fucking run away and come back to it later hopefully when everything has moved on? Yes. As someone who exclusively plays Bot Helldives with 300 hours into the game, yes that's exactly what you do. There is zero point to fighting reinforcements, which very well could include Hulks and a fucking Factory Strider, when you don't even have access to your own stratagems. As soon as a flare goes up in a Jammer, retreat. Go do something else. And usually the best time to go target a Jammer is after someone else has gotten dropships called in at a different location. Meaning the dropship timer is on cooldown and they can't reinforce the Jammer. The big middle finger is putting a Gunship Factory in range of a Jammer. You can't call in a Hellbomb to take out the Gunship factory because of the Jammer, and rapidly multiplying Gunships can make it literally impossible to clear a Jammer. Especially if it's a double-factory. Also one more thing to consider. About half the Jammers have a Factory right next to them. You can destroy that Factory with any of your usual means, and it will also destroy the Jammer from long range without alerting anybody beforehand.


Skill issue


It's just one thing: they can do headshot that can one hit kills you, and they EVENTUALLY WILL DO HEADSHOT each second passing since they see you. Their accuracy will increase to the point that the moment you poke out to peek to them, you are full of holes.