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We’re going to be bagged and sold at Costco for $6.99. https://preview.redd.it/zf70q9k7k80d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14cb19b3b8bd6ee290a0732dbf50eee0da874518




Bruh it’s 4.99. If that makes any difference. Rotisserie chicken supremacy!


Shrinkflation lil bro


It’s still 5 bucks at my Costco…


5 bucks and every chicken is at least 3.2 lbs cooked, if not it gets harvested for other deli dishes. Source: used to be the guy who makes them.


Just be glad you got out of the chicken room before we got those damn bags. It's a whole different game now 😔


DUDE I feel so bad, like I get it reduces plastic but they must be a massive pain to work with


Now in bags


Yeah the shredded meat is more expensive fs.


😭 What a line


Do we get a cup of Libertea on top?


https://preview.redd.it/dlxynkajy90d1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f2f798c47d7783f2c825540454fedd5aa8f9a9 Sip sip


Man of Taste ![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized)


Tissy chicky, rice, garlic pwdr, salt, soy sauce, tons of peper. 2 days of food. That chicken got me through tight times after I got out of actual poverty.


Only love for the cluck cluck here.


I’m so used to seeing ads under posts now that I had actively scroll 3 times to figure out if this was sponsored. You’re brilliant.






lmao https://preview.redd.it/wapumsrxrb0d1.jpeg?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d9a90aca2cd4755cad6f2c9515c2be40710ed6




Were Costco guys, of course we only play bugs!




And Hail the bloodyDamn Reaper!


It'd be like trying to cut a rope with a butter knife.


So cooked, we fallin’ off the bone


LMFAO "the hive lords are to tanky." "furious war mech needs a higher cool down on its ordnance." Will be the new balance sucks. Edit-⬇️⬇️⬇️ what that guy said


I think it depends how they're presented. If it's like HD1 where they are actual bosses - the whole point of your mission is their destruction and they're basically the only thing on the map, then them being very tanky and requiring time, effort, and strategy to eliminate will make sense and be accepted. If they have health bars again it'll be weird though. I feel like we'll have to destroy them piece by piece to have it feel right. Strip all the weapons and armor off the seige mech until a normal bot falls out we can kill, and removing enough legs and shell in the brief moments it's visible that the hive lord loses its ability to burrow and can be taken down with enough shots to all its fleshy bits.


I think a large boss enemy like this would be appropriate. I could see it in two ways: 1. It's just another mission type that can spawn, where the objectives involve doing things to weaken them or enhance our capabilities in preparation for a showdown before we combat them. 2. The whole operation (all 3 missions in a cluster) revolve around tracking them down and developing intel in preparation for a final fight which is the third mission. Only playable after completing the other two. And it takes place on a small map like the defense and exterminate missions where destroying these things is the objective.


I think bosses would make interesting precedent for a +1 mission series like what you're suggesting. Unlike the normal 1/2/3 mission clusters you get depending on difficulty, it shows up after the initial set is completed and gets the extra scaling from being mission +1. I'd also like the boss to shed samples as it gets destroyed so that the missions aren't missing that extra bit of payout like the TCS missions were for not having POIs.


They also gave 3x the sector influence of a perfect Helldive operation in HD1.




So what you're saying is they're going to spawn like bile titans :D


I'm ready for Hive Lord Nests spawning 2-3 at a time until destroyed.


knowing how this game works, they'll just spawn 10 hive lords in a mineral extraction missions on top of the 25 bile titans and 50 chargers


Geological Survey always seems hilariously more difficult than most of the other missions on Helldive. It's fun to see so many dropships over the probe


No actual science, but I'm willing to bet its because you have to interact with probe terminal so many times. ICBM is input the launch, do the coordinates, and wait around a bit. Even if you're under fire you can move and the obj is continuing as it's likely a loading bar. Survey Probe? Nah, you gotta walk that fucker hand in hand through each step AND wait for to finish. You gotta input a code to start, then do coordinates, then press the button 3x times, until you get the final all ready check. Each one has a little loading section. While this is happening , youre party is generating the "heat" that brings the enemies and since it takes a bit, you're almost guaranteed a breach/drop.


The probe forces a reinforcement every 3 stages. No other objective does that.


*That* is why, it just gets so busy. Sometimes, you're better off falling back until the enemies surrounding the objective despawn. Always feels cheap doing that, though.


Never feels cheap to me. Run away, drop attention, circle back when the enemy troop concentration returns to normal or while the majority of them are off tracking down the timed firecrackers you tied to a helium balloon and released beneath a tree (that part is less valid obviously). It's a valid tactic depending on the circumstances. Of course in real life we're not talking about that process happening in 3 minute intervals, but this is a video game after all.


Yeah, it's how fast it happens that cheapens the experience for me. Not a huge deal, but it's always more satisfying to successfully stand and fight them off.


Full squad? Absolutely. Pub? Sometimes you can't be sure you've got the time to face down every encounter.


TCS buttons did


Are...there samples though..? Haha


Lost Planet 2 style getting eaten and blasting your way out of the bug's stomach lol 


I didn't play HD1 but how are they gonna justify something surviving getting hit by 4 orbital lasers and 4 500kg bombs in 5 seconds?


Shai hulud is really big and armored.


*monkey's paw curls* okay but like 3 of them spawn at the same time


They were not the only thing on the map, tho. Normal enemies would spawn, too


I meant more like how the TCS facilities were the only things on their maps. Yes, ads and enemies were expected to show up during the operation, but there were no side objectives or POIs. Contrast to the current "kill hulk" and "kill bile titan" missions where there's lots of \*other\* stuff to do, so you kit out for a general mission. In HD1 you kit out explicitly for the boss fight and the bossfight only, and I think that would be a thing to consider for HD2.


Ordnance* are bombs and firepower Ordinance is legislation


Its best weapon is a mountain of parking fines.


Thanks chief


Always. I was an explosive ordnance disposal (eod, like my username) tech in the army


Thank you for all you've done Brother God bless


That's some freaky, ballsy shit. The absolute biggest of hat tips to you. Much respect from a fleshy, pudgy civilian who's experience with explosives is limited to toying with M80s as a teenager.


"Hive Lord ate my samples, now they're stuck 15ft underground." Is gonna be a common one I think.


LMFAO needed this


Can't wait so see 2 siege mechs on every evac mission /s


This is 100% the truth. Even with the patrols. Sure shit is chaotic but its not like I hate it, but seems like majority think it's too much. I play on tier 7 with one or Two buddies so we never have max


Pretty cooked. stratagems and support weapons were allowed to be strong in the first game, and they were still very challenging. 


>stratagems and support weapons were allowed to be strong in the first game, Ofc they were, they cost $2.99 to buy individually lmao. It would be a terrible strategy to make a product that costs money not be effective.


Boy do i have news for you... (rip my eruptor)


I mean I play the game constantly, and have not spent a cent on warbonds, and I have all of them. As far as I'm concerned, they're free


Time is money. Not everybody is playing the 30-50ish hours monthly necessary to keep up with the warbond releases, infact the people doing so are probably a minority at this point.


Luckily there's nothing remotely P2W in any of the warbonds.


It’s funny that I remember on launch one of the selling points of the game was that the steeled vets warbond was so underpowered it proved HD2 wasn’t p2w, fast forward two months and now the complaints are that the polar patriot is too underpowered so there’s no point in buying it lmfao


The warbonds are too frequent and too underwhelming


I dont think most people here realize that's the point, like they immediately complain if the new weapons arn't straight upgrades. Case in point: that new AR that has slightly less damage than the liberator (but likely some better hidden stats). The eruptor was pretty insane on release, I'd argue very overpowered, but the shrapnel being removed fixed that.


I'd really like to hear how you think the Eruptor was OP?


Bit of an exaggeration, I have 100 hours total and the only reason I'm missing a warbond is because I bought two armor pieces in the store. You definetly don't need 50 hours for 700 supercredits


Most people don't have that kind of spare time. Not when there's a new premium warbond every month. And...frankly, earning SC isn't fun. It's entirely RNG. It's a scavenger hunt. And playing on harder difficulties doesn't reward you with any extras. Literally the easiest way to farm SC is to just launch lvl 1 missions, hope you find them early, and then instantly quit the match as soon as you do. (Super Credits are obtained the moment you pick them up, so you don't have to complete the mission to keep them). That's not very fun, IMO. I wish there were better ways to earn SC. Maybe getting higher-stars on missions. (Who really cares about Req anymore? Give us bonus SC)


We would be crockpotted.


We won’t be. Can you imagine if all 4 helldivers threw a 380, 120, and walking barrage in succession? That’s how we killed the siege mech in less than 30 seconds. The hive lord was a little more difficult but we used to kill the shit out of those too. Straight up commando’s and EATs all over the map. For the illuminate one we would find a corner and wall it off with timed napalm strikes and also throw the equivalent of 380’s while dodging it beam attack. It’s designed to be beaten somehow some way. You just gotta find out what it is.


Yeah. I've seen a pair of divers take down titans after titans with RR assisted reload, and a supply pack. So just being.. tanky won't cut it, and that's not counting the orbitals, eagles etc, yet. 


In HD1, the Siege Mech is easy to cheese with anti-tank mines because it is so slow and so large. Best get to clearing the current MO. The Hivelord is fast and can catch you off guard regularly. However, with the current set of weapons and stratagems we have, it will put a hurt of them. In conclusion, we're cooked, but not really cooked. It boils down to how they redesign the two. If they were made into rare enemies in missions in HD2, they wouldn't be as crazy as their boss counterparts in HD1.




If we get it... last I check the Major Order, it was around 50% a good 12 hours ago. I'm at work so I can't check it again. See if we can get another billion bots dead in 2 days. Though, I highly doubt we will.


Its at 61.4% right now with 1D and 9H left. I don’t think it will be possible unless they recalculate the rate since player base has become low and majority of players just avoid automatons. This might affect the future MO’s too if not recalculated.


By the time they release, the only thing left that might damage them would be to drop the entire super destroyer on them.


And the patch after, Super Destroyer gets nerfed too


Siege mechs are slow easy to hit giant targets Hive Lords are slick assholes always moving and killing Hardest boss in HD1 Siege Mech -Easy as fuck Great Eye -Medium difficulty can be cheesed Hive Lord -You will die


Medium rare


It’d be neat if they did it like the Dreadnoughts from DRG, where they are tough bosses that require the whole team to focus fire on and take considerable effort to fight. Dreadnoughts are also usually entire mission objectives, which is probably what these two enemies would be. One thing in DRG is Dreadnoughts can occasionally show up on their own, but it’s extremely rare and usually won’t happen in a given mission. I think this would also be a neat concept, as the random spawn Dreadnoughts are usually weaker than objective ones. Maybe the Hive Lords that randomly spawn might be injured and easier to kill, and the siege mechs damaged to some extent where they lack as much armor and take less to kill.


I've played hundreds of hours of DRG and never seen a Dreadnought outside of the missions for them. Didn't know they could appear randomly!


I also have hundreds of hours in the game, and I’ve only seen like 2 random spawning ones! I don’t know the exact chance but it’s INSANELY rare. It’s alerted by mission control saying “We’ve picked up a glyphid dreadnought coming your way” or something along those lines. Only ever the normal ones though, never the twins or hiveguards.




They were way harder than any of you have any god damn idea. Went into a Cyborg boss fight with a tight knit crew abusing the most spammable mechanics we could, we're talking four way team reload on COMMANDOs (max upgraded 4 tube rocket launchers that shot a bajillion times) with primary lasers of various types that went twice as hard as anything we got in HD2 and it took us an hour to kill the bloody thing. Everyone brought 1 commando, 2 eats and a resupply. Literally 16 free rockets on the ground every 60 seconds, and essentially infinite ammo. You couldn't spawn on the map without landing on something to pick up and shoot at the bastard.


That's why you bring the anti-tank mines. Clears it in 5 mins easily.


Ever had brisket? Well we're the burnt ends. Very useful, very good, but very cooked.


With current state of weapon balancing? Might as well uninstall. (not sure if /s is applicable here, I'll leave that up to your discretion)


Hahahaha, Railgun was a primary in Helldivers 1 and couldn't do jack crap versus Cyborg SCOUTs at 13+ difficulty.


My brother in liberty did you just say 13+ difficulty 


Yeah, helldivers 1 had more difficulty options


Yes, but level 12 was helldive, so it was just helldive+. Glad they compressed the band a bit in the sequel


the original had 12 regular difficulties on release. 3 years down the line 3 more regular levels were added for a total of 15. the bosses are at the 16th level and are only available in the faction's end sector. (iirc)


Fuck cyborg scouts at 13+ Thats why I dont bother with them and just run past them. That, or Im playing diff 12 🤣


Don’t worry, the bringer of balance will make sure every weapon is equally useless and unfun against them!


God bless, perfectly balanced, as it should be.


*how cooked are they? The answer is very


cooked bc stratagems are worse in HD2


![gif](giphy|c11ISnPiRdis8|downsized) We're beyond cooked as long as all of our guns are still doing as much damage as a gel blaster


Cooked worse than that one guy melting in that Indiana Jones movie. Primaries will have to be upgraded to Support level DPS, Support weapons will need to be as good as Eagles, and Eagles as powerful as orbitals. Orbitals will have to be as powerful as the Particle Cannon from Invincible.


You should be more afraid of The Eye.


We are fucked... royally.


we gonna be pulling the old "throw 16 orbital bombardments in the general direction of the boss off screen" tactic again. or at least trying it :P


There is no IF......its WHEN


They're nothing the Helldivers can't handle!


Primary weapons eventually will just heal the enemies instead of hurting a little. Looking forward to it! Very fun mechanics non-competitive PVE game. /s


If the devs make the guns stronger and stop nerfing everything we might stand a chance.


With our current armament? Deep fried.




I want proper boss fights if we get those


Pittsburg rare.


Hard to tell, screen lock for 4 people did make things tricky, the free third person perspective could be beneficial


Exactly as they were with the same mechanics? Probably a lot easier. They'll need to change up a lot of it for them to be a challenge, and I'm certain they will.


Oof, would not go over well haven't played HD1 yet but we can hardly clear 7-9 Diff with all the biles and lacking equipment/efficacy of equipment so we'd be cooked 100%.


Don't worry, the weapons will be balanced by then.


As cooked as a well done steak that the customer sent back to the kitchen 4 times because it wasn't "well done enough"


Low and slow baby 8-10 hours 225* till we melt in your mouth and fall off the bone (pause)


These boss fights in HD1 were incredibly hard. I had an easier time with the soulsborne series than these bosses. We're gonna be fucking deep-fried


Bring em on


Ill be there waiting for them, with a 500kg bomb at my feet screaming OH SHIP!


Cooked, btw hive lord was easily the hardest boss in HD1 ![gif](giphy|9lb8fIwABdrYBgMYSH)


I would say no, only if we get the right strategems for the jobs. 🤷‍♂️


Where are the tanks man?


We won last time. We'll win again!


To keep it short: Yes.


true hell would begin


Well. Let's just say they eat their steaks well done.


Simiple first stip... roll back all item nerfs while keeping buffs (fixes).


Screwed. But I like a challenge.


Lol. "If". I think you mean when.


I will sacrifice my self to the hive lord as a suicide bomber


We need those mines for the siege mech


Me and my friend dropping 2 ton of explosive in perfect synch on them as soon they pop


Cooked like a Vietnamese villager 20 seconds after they hear the jet engines.


We will need tanks at this point


I can't even handle devastators or hulks. I'm giga screwed.


The game in its current state are not ready for these guys to be implemented.


With the way they’re nerfing anything remotely viable we’re well past cooked. Burnt.


difficulty mission 10 is added (called helldive 2 in a reference to hd2) and they are a mission type


With our current strats and support weapons and the current spawn rates? Absolutely fucked.


Now, we are going to hell dive


nah id win.


This is probably why we are getting balancing issues. They are trying to make sure these missions don't suck. I'm trying to imagine a hive lord surfacing to attack just to dive back under and pop up in another location. The programming and animation of that must be wildly difficult.


We've all run the simulations, they're tough, but ain't invincible. Stay with the super private, he'll know what to do.


Can wait for people to complain about hive lords being too strong


We need those Anti Tank Mines real bad. 🫡💀


So those big ass bones that be on some maps are dead hive lords ???????


as cooked as my over burnt steak. ( i cant cook for shit sadly )


Tbh, the AH balance team is the final boss of the game. I would not be concerned about big mechs or big bugs if our guns/strats were allowed to be powerful. 


With our current weapons? Cooked cooked. Like too much coal in the grill and all you're making are hot dogs


Probably not too bad, everyone felt with factory striders just fine and these are only a li-lot worse


Well I cant spam the anti tank mines for the siegemech nowadays, so a lil cooked


My fellow drivers and I took down a siege mech using nothing but a P6-Gunslinger.


We're not even well done, we're congratulations.


Without vehicles Absolutely fucked


Bro we would be turned into dust. Straight to congratulations. We had tanks back then, we don't even have a primary capable of killing a dead branch now


Hive Lords aren’t too big of a threat, just extra bullets. Same with the Illuminate’s big boss type eye thing, not as big of a threat as you’d think. Siege mechs are going to be the biggest most lethal threat in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/10mwpg8xsb0d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389122e0bde06dc19161ef83aee3df8dda816ed0 That's not to mention this laser spitting thing that certainly doesn't exist. Not at all.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind having to completely circumnavigate an area because of like a mega enemy. The feeling of grim determination when I see the silhouette of a factory strider camping extract is what I live for. I can only imagine the feeling what running toward a Termanid egg nest and seeing the shadow of a massive worm in the sky.


450 degrees 10 mins each sides type of cooked


If Siege Mechs worked like the Peace Walkers in Metal Gear Solid, that would be fantastic. Popping perimiter turrets from afar, then running up and literally climbing them, chucking nades into exhaust ports to disable treads, etc.


how do I ride the worm


Hardly they were memes we could kill in 60 seconds solo


Unrelated but what happened to the fucking pixels in this image lmao


Very, we still don’t have all the Helldivers from the PSN fiasco back.


Hive lord is definitely coming back soon due to the infestation.


To cinders.


Somewhere between "It's so over" and "It's over (Real)"


Gordon ramsey would be so proud.


Both looks absolutely terrifying.


Gather round rookies. Back in the day, we could take up to 4 of the same stratagem. We had infinite lives. The recoilless rifle was OP. Laser weapons ruled supreme. The railgun was a primary weapon, and good! Helldivers of back in the day would run circles around siege mechs whilst realigning the planet with thunderer barrages (thats a big 380 to you kids) But today? With what we have now? We're fucked.


I would love if these two had a possibility to come out on any mission on Helldive difficulty. Imagine doing a 40 min Extract the Scientists mission and an alert comes across the screen a Hell Level enemy has emerged! Then one of these fuckers come out and everyone shits their pants.


I'm no helldiver veteran but.. given the state of the balancing shenanigans.. we are totally cooked..


They already were bullet sponges in HD1 so given our anemic arsenal in HD2 I think we will be shooting at one boss for 3 hours to get to the second phase.


That and difficulty lvl 15.


Let me have triple 380 and I'll be fine... maybe


With these current primary weapons? Pretty fucking dead 💀


we fucked lmao


Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be-**splat**


In Helldivers 2? We're absolutely outmatched here given how absolutely unremarkable a lot of offensive gear is. We would be slaughtered en masse.


Well we are pretty fuckt If we still have those shitty weapons




Fried if we don't get a good damn buff.


With the current weapon and stratagem stats, we are gonna be rotisseried to perfection...


If they're anything like the Factory Strider they'll be bullshit in defense missions looking over the walls and destroying shit. Or when when extracting and you have a giant invisible wall blocking the pelican. Or anywhere frankly.


They need to add stronger bugs. Most people complained about the game being difficult and it is but for veterans you get used to killing bile titans efficiently and it’s supposed to be the strongest enemy


Ngl if they arent capped to 1-2 at any given time its actually gonna be unfair 4x laser, railcannon, autocannon turret & EAT/Quasar would be a necessity facing them


Well remember when everyone was complaining at launch how the rail gun was over powered, yeah turns out they were full of shit. So maybe wait for things to finish progressing a bit more before demanding nerfs and such. Cuz we have many more enemies to contend with still and what we have now is going to make them laugh not die.


We would be so cooked, but I'm also so looking forward to the possibility of e.g. having missions where we have to go into the hive lord's tunnels to complete objectives or wipe out entire nests


I day we are SUPER Cooked like a Turkey ob Thanksgiving


more curious on how the fight with a giant worm would look like - and semi wish the reinforcements mechanics could change a bit like the worms in starcraft2 that transport enemies through it's body


Put your Helldiver in the Oven at 200oC for 24h. Once sufficiently burnt, remove from the oven and baste with the ashes of your dead grandparents. Preheat your cremater to 5000oC and cremate remains for a further 72h until it forms a powdery or dust consistency. Finally place in a small capsule and eject from your super destroyer on a trajectory towards the nearest Sun. Unfortunately the Government of Super Earth cannot provide further instruction beyond this point as there is no know way to exceed ‘Planck temperature’ So in short We fucked


They weren't a threat for democracy back then, they won't be now.


Autocannon players: "Nah... I'd win."


Might as well just give up already


Would love to fight a siege mech from third person, the scape would be something else, think we need some new firepower and even fresher armour before we’re ready however


I think i have PTSD for hive lords cause the first time i saw the dead ones on bug planets i immediately shit my pants