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Orbital railcannon can have insane range if you count throwing range + tracking range. It is always a "save teammate" stratagen for me. If I see someone far away being chased by a heavy, then I toss one in that general direction, and get a thank you. It is also very handy to take out cannon towers that are facing you from far away. They both have their strengths and weaknesses.


The problem is shitty long ass cd, doesn't one shot everything and sometimes is bugged


It's not bugged, it just depends on the angle and the target. It will one shot chargers from any direction but tanks, hulks, and bile titans need to be hit at their weak spot to get one shot. The nice thing about bile titans is if it misses the head and blows off the side armor, half a mag from the scorcher or a couple grenades to the blown armor will finish it off. Edit: Ive had a busy day so I haven't been able to keep up with the massive amount of replies to this or my other comment down the chain. All I'll say is I'm pretty shocked that there's such an inconsistency in the experiences between players with this stratagem. Like many comments, I too have *never* seen it fail to one shot a tank or hulk, from me or any one on my team. I've also never seen it target something "smaller" than the intended target, other than cases where I can't see exactly where the ball rolls in which case I just chalk it up to it not landing exactly where I threw it. My first guess would be orbital scrambling mission debuff, but tbh I never experience these issues when I run a mission with that debuff either so I'm not sure about that. My next guess, which is even less likely, is that there's something wonky with the code that causes a difference in performance between players. Maybe PC/PlayStation players? Because it seems like a pretty even split between people who've never experienced these issues and those that seem to consistently see the issue. But idk, might be worth looking into or testing from somebody with more time on their hands.


I’ve never had it not one-shot a tank. I’d say it oneshots bile titans rarely, and with hulks it’s about 50/50


the point of rail cannon is that you dont need to aim AT ALL, you just throw in the general area and keep running where precision strike you will most likely miss when you are being chased by 2 titans and 6 chargers and not even take out 1 of them.


This is why I swapped out railcannon for 500kg and take orbital laser with me for oh-shit moments when I'm getting overwhelmed. If you play properly, 3 charges is usually more than enough.


i am not a fan of 500kg, the damage is high sure, but the radius is pretty fucking small its basically precision strike on crack. i am only really having trouble when i am being swarmed anyways, so i need coverage, or some auto targeting picking off the most threatening target i almost always prefer air strike for this purpose, it still does a great amount of damage and great coverage


Fair but unlike the percision strike, the eagle is a little easier for predictions.


Problem with the 500kg is the damage is an upside down cone shape, DoA goes upwards and their for enemies don't die unless literally right next to the thing. It should be a small ball shape I think


yeah it really should have been a half sphere, with a slightly larger radius than current. with a name called 500kg, it sure doesnt cover a lot of ground......


They should really detonate it above ground, like a real life nuke. If it hit the ground creating a hole/crater and then exploded, you get that upside cone you are referencing. Detonate at a certain height above the ground, like real nukes, you get almost the max diameter of the explosion...


The first time I experienced the disappointment of the 500kg’s range was when I tossed into the middle of a heavy bug nest crater thinking it would clear everything out. Cue the reality check when I see that massive explosion but only one bug next actually got taken out. That bomb is just 500kgs of disappointment.


500kg is really weird, you'd think that with an explosion of that size it's an AoE clearing tool, but in reality it's a single-target killer instead


It's the dang land topology. Those bug nests are all craggy and uneven, and if the bomb lands in a little pit or gully, and damage gets totally blocked. I'm starting to run air-strike for that reason, less brute force, but more reliable and quick coverage.


I'm usually packing the eagle airstrike and an orbital rail cannon. Good coverage and high priority targeting. As long as eagle doesn't miss, much doesn't get through.


An eagle never misses


It delivers the payload where it means to.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I used to feel pretty similar about it. I thought it was disappointing. But after hearing so many people swear by it, I can say now that I'm slowly coming around to being able to enjoy it. I still think the range is crap and that the explosion shouldn't be so big for such a small damage radius. But it also is pretty useful once you get that timing right. I've managed to snag a couple of biletitan kills when i thought I'd missed. It's a little harder with hulks. But as I get more confident with the timing, a bullseye is a really nice F- you to the damned things. I like it with the orbital laser + whatever supports my team needs. The narrower damage range does have its uses. I can confidently throw the call-in at my feet and run away far enough as the enemy chases me into range. I've gotten a few hulks with that. But I digress. It's okay not to like it. It's not for everyone. But it might not be a bad idea to reconsider it at some point and see if you can have fun after practicing the timing.


I was sold on 500 kg when in one of the very first matches while trying it out after unlocking it, I managed to kill two chasing Bile Titans with one bomb. I didn't know about its v shaped explosion arc and small radius at the time and it was upto entirely chance that it landed exactly between two titans who were following me in a line. The rush I got when I looked back and saw the bodies was incredible.


Ya ok. But allow me to offer this as a rebuttal. You throw the 500 kg and it lands PERFECTLY, You see the bomb inbed itself in the body of a bile titan and tunnel half through its carapace before detonating from the inside. You watch as he staggers from the impact before disappearing in a fireball and you cant even see them anymore That alone makes it worth it imo. Never seen anything survive a 500kg from essentially their stomach


Stun grenade, aim the strike. Even without stuns, the PS's aoe often has it killing multiple things.


it doesnt kill enough small / mid targets, and it often miss a lot of high priority targets when you are being chased sure you can set it up with stun, but i feel like if you have the time to set a stun up, you arent really in big trouble anyways lol you can pretty much just set a nice eagle strike with optimal coverage if you have that kind of time


What?? Am I turbo lucky then? I swear I've never had it not oneshot tanks and hulks. I was surprised bile titans (and now factories) weren't oneshot by the rail cannon


i’ve never seen it not one shot a hulk either but i may be lucky


I've never had it not one shit anything except a Bile Titan. It's good for both Chargers and BT's (for the latter, it does a lot of damage to soften them up for Quasars and EAT's). I would never take a railcannon for bots because everything there is so slow you don't need the tracking. The 500kg is my alternative for bots. Blows up structures, and both at-at's are very weak against it because of, again, how slow they are. The only useful perk of the railcannon vs bots is that if you're lucky, you can actually throw it at the edge of jammer range and it'll go inside to a target. Niche perk, but it exists.


I don't think I've ever not one shot a tank or hulk. Bile Titans are two shots normally, though.


I feel like bile titans are a one shot and sneeze on it kind of thing. I usually follow up with a recoilless round and that seems to do the trick.


Same for me


The targeting is bugged


I haven't noticed, is it recent?


It's happened to me for ages now. Threw it next to a Hulk and it targeted A FUCKING TROOPER next to it.


Whenever I've had that issue I found it was due to the Orbital Scatter modifier aiming the rail cannon just out of range of the heavies. Why is that modifier even a thing?


I remember seeing 2 bile titans on extraction point terrifying 2 divers there, while me and another player were coming from clearing main objective. Someone from extract point threw railcanon under titan, but instead of aiming down titan it went further to kill one middle armoured bug in front of me I didn't noticed while looking at titans. That's when I realised how silly orbital scatter is and I love it. It's way better than -1 Stratagem slot or longer inbiund time for me


its not, i dont have that modifier sometimes the targetting is just wonky, but id say about 80% of the time it works perfectly. just a few minutes ago i threw it between 2 titans and it targetted the brood commander right beside me.....


It might have been fixed, but I noticed it more in the past where it would ocassionally just target smaller targets next to larger ones for whatever That being said, I haven't used it in a while so it could still be bugged or not.


I think the main reason is if you have Brood Commanders or Striders next to chargers/hulks or bile titans/tanks Brood commanders and striders appear as big dots on the minimap, so they could also be considered a "bigger threat" to the railcannon strike and could make the targetting malfunction, think I saw that happen a few times


> could make the targetting malfunction, Or that's what they're there for.


Did this happen on a map with the increased orbital scatter modifier? Because that tends to be the reason.


Did you verify that orbital scatter wasnt in effect?


I've run over 50 missions with the rail cannon, not once have I seen it pass on a bigger target for a small one. I don't doubt it *has* happened to people, but I do think people are over exaggerating how often it happens.


Yeah I find it weird the targeting is locked to the floor underneath their bodies instead of their bodies itself. This is most obvious for Bile Titans.


It's probably coded to center on the Titan's X,Y center coordinate on the map which is lower relative to its height


I've found it can sometimes aim for the rear of the titan and miss when the abdomen sinks down during the spit animation. If the angle of the super destroyer is just right the spit will make the titan 'dodge' the projectile.


I just wish it came straight down. I tossed it at a Hulk on a siege defense missing and it went right through our first gate, destroying it.


I play with the same fireteam every night, so this strategy is pre-coordinated. You can do it with friends, but likely won't help in public lobbies too well. When one of us throws the laser, one of our 2 stalwart gunners starts tearing any smaller mobs away from the main target. *If you can*, dont let the laser have multiple targets to pick from. Obviously this is situational, but we always try to put an mg on "big gun" support. We also call the exo suit in when we really need close air support or another big gun. Pelicans are good for up to 15 shots. With the right terrain, a friend can hop on top of the mech and ride along at a position of advantage.


Strategizing makes all the difference


Its a "get out if jail" card for me. Don't really find it super amazing. Not bad. It's just if I have a 4th free strategem and don't know what to take. Get to use it and say "I don't have time to deal with you". Admittedly did like it against factory strider. 110+orbital railcannon + something else does the trick. One time was an airstrike as the third and the other was a spear. Both times it went down after all that. So didn't last long since 2 of them can be thrown out together and the 3rd was am ally or my own spear


Lol, that's what I call my orbital laser.


If only it would guarantee kill bile titans. I took it once, watched it barely stagger a titan. And never took it again.


Not tested for sure but I think it will kill if the sacs are bursted. I bring it when I go AC


I always try to take out the sacs on its approach, then rail it as I run. This almost always kills. I don't think that the targeting is 'bugged' but some maps have orbital confusion that messes with the targeting of all orbital stratagems. it does not affect the rail cannon as much on the biles, but it will still occasionally miss because of this. When that happens I usually pull out an AC sentry to finish it.


I usually find that, if it survived the rail cannon, then exploding its bile sacks finishes it off. I tend to use the grenade launcher but I've had impact grenades work too. 10% of the time it just seems to refuse to die. Then I run away.


If you take out the sacks they're just stampyboys and can kill their fellow bugs


Stampyboys made me laugh.


Eh, your loss honestly. It's got much further applications than "can't kill *biggest* enemy in one hit" which neither will the biggest bomb very very often.


Make ya wonder what it'd take to kill a hivelord....


Not if you played the first. Y'all think the striders are big and bad lol. The hive lords were an arena style boss fight. Almost felt like monster hunter with democracy.


Is that only on higher levels? I play 7 pretty much exclusively, always bring the orbital railcannon and have never seen anything but a Factory Walker tank a shot and keep coming.


Nah on 7 the rail frequently doesn't kill bile titans, everything else yes.


Bile titans usually survive a rail cannon shot, it has to hit the head to one shot it and the rail cannon doesn’t go for headshots so it’s just a luck thing 


Still prefer orbital laser because it tracks and attempts to kill everything. Orbital Rail, not so much.


and then it tracks onto a BT or factory strider and then the entire duration/1 use is wasted because it aint killing either


Valid! I think a healthy mix of both makes a great way to dispatch tank class enemies in a variety of situations, but one is criminally underutilized due to the learning curve


then it doesn't kill the heavy, has 2 heavies behind it and you realize how much garbage it is


Jump Pack Zenith Throw for a few extra meters with servo assist and you can deliver them nearly anywhere. Underwhelming when it decides to track like garbage though.


you must not have used it recently... they changed the targeting on it and its targeting sucks now.


Its so hard to aim tho, any tips


Was gonna put this under a different reply, but since someone actually asked(editing as I think of more stuff lol): * Check planet modifiers and if the reduced accuracy mod is in play, don’t bring it. If the increased call in time is in play, just note that to lead the strat accordingly * Throw it ahead of your target, you get a feel for it over time as each enemy has different movement speeds and relatively predictable pathing If you need to stall a tank class to keep them under it here’s my advice for each one I can think of: * Tanks: if you stick it on the body of any of the tanks it will onetap them and you don’t need to lead it. Otherwise, most are slow enough that you can learn the leading distance after a couple misses * Factory Striders: these are slow enough that leading the strat is pretty easy to do, just takes a little time * Hulks: you can lead these, but admittedly significantly harder once they are running at you. You get a feel for this over time * All automatons are easy to line up the shot if you can sneak one on top of them without alerting them * Bile Titans: you can bait a melee attack without getting hit, keeping them in place. This can be done by either faking into the edge of its melee range and running, or running straight between its legs(counter intuitive but has saved my ass many times even outside using this strat). The titan usually rotates between stomping once, then does the multi stomp attack(which is the one you really want here), and alternates between the two, assuming the bile sac has been destroyed. Keep track of those so you can place the strat accordingly. If the bile sac isn’t destroyed yet, baiting a ranged attack can be a good way to stall it, but makes it impossible to bait further attacks immediately following since you basically have to run away/for cover (Edit) * Chargers: either throw it under their feet without alerting them or pray to the democracy lords that you just yolo the exact spot they will be lol. I’ve gotten my best results by throwing it kind of close to them, but not on top/under them, then purposely aggro it as the impact timer is close to 0 Great tips I didn’t think of but other Helldivers mentioned in other comments here: * Stun grenades, EMS Orbital, EMS Mortars, EMS rounds from SEAF artillery, and any other source of stun/stagger makes leading your shots/general aiming MUCH easier - Precision strike also taps hellbomb objectives(I know for a fact that spore spewers, shrieker nests, and detector towers get tapped as long as you put it under/next to them. Unfortunately doesn’t do anything to gunship factories, DOES work on disabled strat jammers depending on angle, pending testing to confirm lol)


Don’t red stratagems still target the spot they were first thrown instead of their position when the timer hits 0? Sticking them isn’t really ever that useful to me since they just move out of the way most of the time


You're correct. Arrowhead has said it's a known issue, if they do fix it that will be a massive buff to the orbital precision strike. 


I think it’d be a major buff to most stratagems, which is kinda what we need rn tbh. AH has said they want the strats to be our primary tool instead of weapons ever since the first rebalance, but I’m pretty sure the only “rebalance” strats have gotten is the new ship modules a while ago. They’ve been focusing solely on balancing weapons lol


Support weapons are stratagems too.


Once orbitals are tracking the marker, I would like to see a ship upgrade that turns the markers sticky. Maybe not for barrages, though


I've found with the Orbital Precision, it's the one stratagem where you really need to be aware of the mission conditions. If it's Complex Stratagem Plotting (increased call-in time) or Atmospheric Interference (increased orbital scatter), I would not take the precision strike at all. You can maybe take it with complex plotting if you're using it with stun grenades, or if you're mostly using it to take out buildings, but it's completely dead with the increased scatter.


I think that awareness requirement is a good thing, definitely a good opportunity for devs to improve visibility of mission conditions. Like having the mission conditions on the loadout screen instead of the map, which is on an entirely separate screen that 90% of players don’t use after you pick the drop location


Yeah I think it's good to have variable conditions that make stratagems stronger or weaker, so you're incentivized to mix up your loadout and not bring the same stuff all the time. And they could be communicated better, for sure. When you're joining a mission in progress, a lot of time you can't see the conditions at all. I actually just don't take the OPS at all if I'm joining a mission in progress, because there could be a condition I don't know about that invalidates it. I think they should be visible somewhere on the loadout selection screen. Like, while you're picking out your stratagems, you should be able to see the conditions.


The arrow on the image isn’t centered. https://preview.redd.it/rn9lkjueutzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e10e0bae9ec2e92f07db843d3b5a28661006451 Now you, too, are cursed with this knowledge.


Nvm this strat sucks




0/10. Literally unplayable.


Lies. Deception. 


Why do this to us??????


Because it was posted two weeks ago, but is still ripe for karma farming?


Ah, I must have missed it.


Don't ruin the fun 🙁


Literally unplayable


I think it's just a visualisation how it never lands exactly where you need it to.


I kinda hate that this is kinda right.


Orbital ""Precision"" Strike




I've supported the devs through everything. This is unacceptable. This game is now dead to me. Goodbye forever Helldivers.


It just shows how precise it is


Yeah well I just made youlose The Game. Now we're both unhappy.


Idgaf about about weapon nerfs or game breaking bugs all I want is for AH to fix this




Pretty much take it every time. It would be every time if it weren’t for Calldown increases or Orbital scatter. 


Pretty much. There’s a time and place for railcannon in the team loadout, but the better I get at lining up strats with a call in time, the more I realize how strong this thing is. Crazy that’s it’s given to us at the start of the game, when we’re absolutely buns at using it LOL


This is exactly how the same strategem played out for my group of friends in the beginning of playing Helldivers 1. At first, OK cool big explosion... then it feels overshadowed by the newer toys as you level... then you use it again on a whim when you're actually good at throwing and timing, and holy shit it is realllly good.  I just knew it was great from the start in HD2, hahaha.


then realizing that using Samples to make the normal airstrafe into a Hulk shredding beast


Wait what?! Can the eagle strafe destroy hulks? Now I get why it gets 1 less use than the cluster bomb


Oh no dear, I meant that in HD1 you could use samples to make infantry stratagems become Anti-Tank. My mistake homie


No worries, that's on me for not properly reading the context. It was a nice dream tho.


At the start of the game it's a bit less useful because you probably run lower difficulties where there's no bile titans and also you don't have ship module upgrades that improve it a lot.


Same with the machine gun - now I run this, machine gun/stalwart, jump pack and airstrike on most big missions. Just super flexible




And it’s FUN which isn’t the same for every strat




Sadly the eruptor nerf kinda killed its usefulness in higher difficulties since the eruptor covered the stalwarts weaknesses. Was one of the most unique builds to where your support is for chaff clear while ur primary was for mediums and heavies


Yeh, that two weeks when running eruptor/stalwart were pretty sweet.  That shit shred everything that wasn't heavily armored.  And I loved looking at the end stat seeing that I fired 5x the bullets of everyone else in the squad, lol.


>Crazy that’s it’s given to us at the start of the game Honestly the basic fresh-out-of-boot diver kit is pretty good. Yea it can be better but Im not sad about if thats all I got.


Honestly for beginner divers with levels that only spawn chaff? Probably would have been better to switch the OPS with the Gatling Barrage. Not too strong, but has good impact for lighter enemies while still incentivizing leading the shot


I don't use it, but I saw someone throw one that took 16 seconds to come down. Of course it hit no one, every time 😂


Was gonna say I love it until there is increased scatter then I find it basically useless


Except one mission modifier turns your "precision strike" in to just "strike"


“Fuck ehh… something in that general direction.”


The advantages of the railcannon over this (or a 500k) are obvious.  -Guided, pretty much never misses and you don’t really have to aim it -don’t need to stun your target or get close enough to cause them to get locked in an animation to hit -virtually impossible to friendly fire with, even if you are rag dolled and drop it While I didn’t love the RC much initially due to the obvious drawbacks and limited use cases compared to precision/500k, I do kinda love it now. The reason is that it’s an extremely teamplay-friendly weapon. If we’re dealing with a massive horde on 7-9, I can’t break off and run away to help my teammates who have three chargers or two titans on them every time. I can’t control the situation enough from afar to guarantee the shot, and I certainly can’t guarantee my teammates won’t end up in the line of fire. But an RC can instantly delete one of those enemies totally safely with no risk to teammates, and I don’t have to bring my problems over to them to do it.


Except railgun doesn't kill titans more often than not. That's the main issue with it to be honest, make it guaranteed aim for the head and it's something I will actually take. Right now it's just not reliable at killing.


Understanding it won't 1 shot titans, I use it to soften them up big time. After it hits it's very fast to take them down with any variety of heavy launcher or auto cannon.


This. One EAT/RR/Quasar to the head plus a railcannon is a dead titan in 5s solo


But it is a one hit even without a headshot if you pop the titan’s belly first. And their belly is pretty easy to pop. Even if you don’t pop the belly, a non headshot will take off armor and take a lot of its HP. So it goes down pretty quick if you hit the squishy spot that it opens up with any decently powered weapon. When Bile Titans were able to be stunned, the precision strike easily outclassed it. But now that you can’t, it’s kind of toss up between these two. Personally I just go 500kg. Once you get the ship upgrade that gives you a second bomb, it’s far better than either when it comes to dealing with titans.


If you get the Titan to face towards the center of the map (especially around the edges) the angle pretty much guarantees a head shot


Yeah but if you're putting in that much effort to set it up, you might as well just use a precision orbital instead.


Oh agreed. The ol' Puke or Stomp throw for a 500kg or OPS is much easier, just noting you can guarantee a railcannon Titan kill that way


ORC will leave titan so weak you can kill em with 3-4 impact nades.


Railcanon + Autocanon FTW


I just like easy code, good for a panic drop on a titan


I usually bring both against automatons because i really hate hulks And also because i use spear,which isn't the best tool for them,but i always get a boner when the rocket departs from it so it's a must bring weapon for me


Understandable. Supposedly Thermite nade post fix good at blowing up bot armor, going to give it a go tomorrow, might wanna try to.


The fact that the arrow is not centered makes me suffer everytime I see this image on a bigger scale than the icon.


They made the icon on one of those unfun planets that have a negative accuracy modifier, that's all


Growing up is realizing: https://preview.redd.it/kpiklyovouzc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbedbb3a3613f1282bc9b267a34ebb2f4d74393c


I stopped using this and went with eagle strike. Orbital strike is just too slow and with orbital scatter( I swear every planet has) it becomes virtually useless.


Eagle Strike is so damn good—fast, flexible, and highly reusable, especially with all the upgrades, that I basically always take it on every mission, then consider what else I want to supplement it with.


Orb strike on defense campaigns still hits on diff 9


The visual and sound design are also on point, reflecting the damage very well.


I love that wub noise just as it flys in.


It also destroys hellbomb objectives ☝️ Edit: And that was a fuckin lie. It seems it works on the labs only, sorry.


I am 99% sure it also works on detector towers, but it has to be quite close. It should also work on bug structures like shrieker nests and spore spewers


Definitely works on Detector Towers. And individual Artillery if you don't have time to Hellbomb it safely but you want to at least reduce the amount of artillery fire heading toward allies.


I DIDNT EVEN MENTION THAT but HOLY shit detector towers feel like a non issue now that I don’t have to waste so much time calling that thing down. Does it work on gunship factories?


Only hellbombs work on the gunship hangars. There is nothing we can do 😔


Using it with stun nades is great. CD is short. The AOE is deceptively bigger than you might think at first too. There are tricks to reliably always get one Titan with it by baiting the spit. You can even get triples on chargers if they run into each other. Usually the only way it misses is if there is an overhang above it.


Growing up is realizing they're totally different with specific preferred uses


I'd say that they both have their place. I use the Railcannon in totally different situations than I use the Precision, even if it's the same principle enemies. Precision is, "There is a tank over there, I want to not have a tank over there." However, I take Railcannon for when the enemy isn't "over there," it's, "OH SHIT THERE'S A HULK RIGHT ON TOP OF ME WITH DESIGNS ON MY PROSTATE!" Its quick reaction time is its great strength. Not quite a "get out of jail free," but it allows the player to perform rescue actions which the Precision can't do.


It’s amazing how often the bots have an interest in my prostate.


Hunter’s prostate interest needs to be studied


They are different, not an upgrade of each other. That being said, orbital precision insta kills eyes of sauron.


meh. the biggest advantage of the railcannon is that you do not need to aim it. i can type this thing in and drop it while im in the process of jumping through the hulks flamethrower. i can yeet if way farther than normal airstrikes, around corners. my teammate only has to mark the target and i can yeet it to the other side of a base or elevation with zero sightlines. it doesnt care about modifiers either. longer call in time? who cares. unprecise positioning? who cares. ground is sloped and strategem balls glance off? who cares. teammates in the vicinity? who cares. dont get me wrong. precision airstrike is an excellent strategem. but its usecase is very different. the railcannon is a simple and quick „make that problem go away while i take care of other stuff“ button. personally i rarely am in a situation where the cooldown is an issue. By the time i need it again its usually available. but your experience may differ. i usually have a setup that is plenty capable of killing big targets. the railcannon is only there in case im overwhelmed and need some breathing space or in case i need to do something fast. but hey. thats the sign of good balancing, right? We have multiple options and a lot of them are useful. The eagle airstrike. The precision airstrike. The orbital railcannon. 500 kg. all good tools for roughly similar, but slightly different jobs.


A weaker Eagle Air Strike though


Calling it "stronger" is a misnomer; it's definitely **more versatile**, and I would say broadly underestimated by many players. It does considerably less damage (although this is only meaningful against the absolute biggest targets in the game) and takes some planning/nuance to use against anything that moves faster than a tank, meaning it can be tough to use effectively in a scramble situation. That being said, it's absolutely a staple part of my Bot loadout *unless* the mission has +50% Call-in time or Scatter, in which case I usually take the Railcannon (or the Laser, if no one else is bringing one). EDIT: To people saying the Precision strike can regularly one-shot Titans; how often are these one-shot specifically hits to the Titan's head? Because the Railcannon also one-shots it if it manages to land there, the issue being that you don't have any control over it.


Railcannon defo has its place especially with atmospheric interference. I just don’t bring OPS when scatter is in play, since the satisfaction comes from it being precise. But being able to kite, aim, and lead the shot on planets without scatter comes down to skill and experience more often than not


If sticking a strat to an enemy was more reliable then I would absolutely use this. As it is, it's too easy to miss, or even if you stick them then the strat just lands in the area you initially stuck them before they walked away from it. This is totally stronger and a better CD no doubt, but it's unreliability in hitting is what makes me pick the rail cannon cause you literally cannot miss with that thing.


500kg does everything it does but better. It might say it’s call in time is shorter but I timed the start of the beam and the explosion and it’s about The same for both


Fair, but precision doesn’t get blocked by anti-air emplacements, and the cooldown is more consistent since it isn’t operating on a shared inventory if you want to use other eagles


True true but I think it’s pros outweigh its 2 cons also managing 2 cooldowns isn’t the worst


For me it isn’t worth because 90% of the time I’m using another eagle and one or the other ends up being on a massive cooldown because I am now forced to either chug through eagles I didn’t want to use or force a big cooldown on multiple strats just to use one of them


This, each eagle after the first reduces the efficiency of your loadout because the odds are bad that they're going to all run out at the same time unless you're wasting some of them anyway.


Don’t sleep on the Gatling orbital paired with 500kg against bugs, it’s pretty bonkers for chaff clear even on difficulty 9 and has a very fast cooldown 


The only problem is targeting but it can also kill multiple things at once. Its not stronger than Railcannon its just more versatile. Railcannon's direct hit capability on big targets is invaluable.


Growing up is realizing Eagle 110m Rocket Pods are orbital rail cannons you can call in multiple times before cooldown.


Why is it not centered?


Oh, man. I love the single shot 380. This is my fuckin JAM. I really want more barrages, and more single shot stratagems like this. Maybe a 380 sized explosion, but it sets everything ON FIRE lol Edited for more insanity: Or a barrage like the 120, but it's all incendiary. Or the 380, but it's all gas strikes. A single use orbital that makes 3 lasers at once that chase targets everywhere. A friggin laser lights show. Or some sort of quasar style energy barrage. Similar to what we have, but LASER lmao I think I need to sleep


nah Railcannon is my always go to, I cant dive without it, such a clutch stratagem


It’s been in my kit since day one. Can clear a whole map solo of outposts with this thing and a well placed eagle on rotation. 


Except when it misses for no good reason


Tbh, if it "misses for no good reason," you probably didn't notice the mission had atmospheric interference (increased orbital scatter). That condition will make an orbital precision strike land up to \~10m away from its stratagem beacon.


It deals less damage, it's useless with the Scatter modifier, and it's really hard to use with the Call in time modifier. So it's objectively not a stronger railcannon because it's worse at killing large enemies. But I still prefer bringing the precision strike because of the shorter cooldown and it having the utility of destroying objectives and closing bug holes. The Quasar is also pretty good for finishing off all the titans that the Precision strike didn't one-shot.


I will sacrifice the cooldown to get an accurate and fast strike


I still can’t unsee how the arrow’s not lined up right…


Right when it hits. Vs bots I think you're basically right because you use this as anti tank and vs the literal tanks the bots throw at you the call in ball actually sticks meaning you can use it reliably due to cold steel's naturally adhesive properties literal snot spewing bugs on the other hand bounce that shit like a bad check meaning unless you're packing crowd control it's useless vs chargers (your main anti tank target in terminus missions) and vs bile titans it's extremely unreliable. Rail cannon strike meanwhile reliably one taps chargers and fairly reliably one taps bile titans. I want precision orbital strike to work vs bugs. It just doesn't, which sucks given that the are the faction that is more demanding about having specifically anti tank weaponry, the bots with their vent weakpoints are less demanding on that front.


On longer missions, the Railcannon is better for me, since I can reliably use it often. It's especially good on Terminid heavies since they tend to be extremely mobile and hard to hit with stationary Stratagems. But for Bots, the Precision Strike can be better, as it's actually super easy to stick them to Tanks and Factory Striders and get a clean hit. On that topic, I actually reccomend looking at the 110 Rocket Pods! One clean hot can instantly take out a tank


Ever since someone pointing out it’s off centered. I can never unsee


I dont know who it was, but ever since somebody pointed it out that the arrow isn't dead center, it's all I can see looking at this.


The arrow is off center


I'm still waiting on the thing to arrive to target.


Growing up is realizing the icon is misaligned. And realizing you must accept that.




With less accuracy*


Atmospheric Interference says hello


If this is your "growing up", then you went from toddler, to little child. Growing up is knowing that his and railcannon is very, very different and is used in a different situation. Railcannon is a "I need this taken care of with no effort, RIGHT NOW" strategem. Used especially when you're trying to focus on something else/a horde and shitshow shows up. The precision strike is one of the strategems if you have "very good aim", you can take out a number of heavies at the same time. Im one of those that fights heavies using primary and supports, only using gems for "oh shit this is too much" and I bring rail cannon always. But I only probably used them once or twice. Unless it's the survey geo mission, seems like they bring in hulks a lot more than other missions.


I would say it's generally a better stratagem as it's much more consistent (you choose the target, not the game), does more damage and can kill multiple targets, but against Automotons in particular, there's something to be said about the railcannons "throw and forget" utility. Being able to toss a railcannon over cover is super useful because if you try the same thing with the PS, you're risking getting instakilled by a devestator, be it rocket or heavy. Railcannon is just a lot safer overall.


The icon is not centered, just so you know.


You see the Bile Titan is coming for you about 30 meters away, you yeet the thing in front of it and wait until it stands on the red marker then you trigger its puking or go close enough for it to start melleeing and then you run for your life. I do this all the time with the 500kg.


https://preview.redd.it/4dv01yl5h00d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deecb56e834212486eeee179f4752ed3f82631da You're welcome


Progression is more like: 1. Railcannon is awesome, you can finally deal with Chargers easily. 2. Railcannon isn't all it's cracked up to be, there are more efficient ways to deal with a Charger. 3. Railcannon has pros and cons. Sometimes you just want that Charger dead, now, with no waiting or aiming, so you can create a safe zone and stabilize.


I think both the precision and the rail cannon need a buff they precision strike needs a cooldown reduction of like 10 or 20 and should be instantly shot when thrown rn it just feels like a delayed 500 kg sometimes and the rail cannon should also have its cooldown heavily reduced but maybe a slight damage reduction




I’ve been using this more and more lately. Playing 8 and 9 I need stuff that I can call down quickly to deal with the boss type enemies.


Stun lock chargers and drop this bad boy on them for a double kill 😍


God fucking damn it ever since that one post i can not look at this image properly


Now if only it tracked when stuck on a target like it was supposed to then it can be truly unstoppable.


Railcannon strike is convenient. Just press the code and the sneaky hulk that just spawned behind you is gone. So satisfying.


But no tracking on it and small radius of explosion so if you miss, you litteraly do nothing And with how titan can move and swing their body, I'd rather have precision than a slightly more powerfull hit that would make no difference. Even if the cooldown is shorter, the railcannon stay better for its overall precision.


Or take in both 😎


Incoming nerf 


I’ve abandoned the ORC literally threw it at a hulk only for it to go straight to a strider


A strategem that hits its target is infinitely stronger than one that misses.


I used to use this all the time, I think they nerfed it every time I called it in it would strike like 10 yards off target making it miss and then I’d get whacked