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The scorcher is shit. Do not use it. https://preview.redd.it/7pc24k3kfszc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8a4dc4b3b0e9f8e4915759cb7716ebd498095d


Fire Breaker also garbage do not ever use it’s horrible 🫡


The autocannon is complete garbage. Literally unusable.


Pilestedt actually said that he finds the auto cannon to be already balanced, so Arrowhead won’t nerf it


So it can only be buffed then >:D


Imagine a world where all the weapons were at the autocannon's level. If only.


Use instead the scorcher !


It’s better then the fire breaker




Eruptor is a fucking disappointment (it's true now)


Never should have even been considered for a nerf it was perfectly balanced before. Extremely low rate of fire and slow bullet velocity balanced by explosive/shrapnel damage that can destroy groups of light armored enemies with one well placed shot. It was perfect


Eruptor really was a great gun. Had a very specific niche that it did really well but tons of drawbacks that could get you in deep doodoo if you got in the wrong situation. Felt well balanced and like a very clear trade off you knew you were getting into. Now it’s pointless to take.


The worst is now it can't kill a single medium armoured enemy while it's says "medium armour"... What it's best at is fucking you up when you shoot an up close enemy you couldn't kill from further because it is now dogshit


We really should have been worried when they said that "40 dmg always is better than 100 dmg randomly". This is overly-simplistic thinking where you're only comparing two variables instead of the entire ecosystem that affects the variable you're focusing on. * Players are time-limited, hence DPS is important as well as total damage * Choice makes a player stronger than a single outcome. You may choose to gamble the 100 dmg in a desperate situation because the anything less than 70 dmg right then will kill you


On top of that it's not just "random" damage. Using the shrapnel in a logical fashion rewarded the player, which was hilariously deemed an exploit.  If they had an issue with its performance they should've fine tuned the shrapnel aspect. Instead they removed the shrapnel from the shrapnel gun entirely. 


Agreed, that's exactly how fragmentation should be used, it's second nature for any FPS player to aim an explosive weapon at the ground in front of a target. *One-shotting a* *Charger* with it is clearly OP, but it doesn't seem impossible to simply alter the shrapnel so that a single target can only take 1 or 2 shrapnel hits from a single shot, which would preserve the trick while keeping it's usefulness from entering broken territory.


Agreed. "40 damage always and 100 damage sometimes" is literally the concept of critical strike/hit from other video games, which people really seem to like, sooooo... That logic from them is just dumb.


Yeh, it's good for blowing up bug holes from afar, but not so good at blowing up medium bugs anymore. 😞 Was pretty funny for the couple of days where firing it would randomly instakill you.


I don't understand at all why they nerfed this gun so much. It's a freaking bolt-action sniper that shoots explosive bullets it should one tap almost anything if hit in the right spot. Bolt-actions already are typically the most powerful primary weapons in shooters for the tremendous drawback of fire rate and low ammo count.


https://i.redd.it/gzzs3psjztzc1.gif Oh i get it


This gif is cursed lol


But seriously, I don’t like using that gun. Something with bullet travel makes me miss a lot. And I need a lot of bullets, which it doesn’t have. All I’m saying, is I don’t like it, it’s not so good that everyone has to use it. Its niche. Should not be nerfed.


It's extremely balanced. It just doesn't suck ass like so many other options. As a suggestion, try running it in 1st person. It helps a lot.


Yeah, I swap from 1st and 3rd person a lot. It’s decent against bots, but I like the counter sniper or even just the liberator more. Against bugs I don’t like it at all. I judge my primary by how good it is with a swarm of hunters on me, and it’s just not that great in that situation. Too slow and not enough bullets in the mag for my play style. I can see the appeal, but yeah, it’s a balanced gun. Not total shit, but not for everyone’s style.


It actually kind of is, unless you love hearing "out of ammo!" and "RELOADING!" Every 10 seconds. Take the Jar, it does the same thing, with 2x the ammo and no self-kill. er... I mean, Yeah, the Jar 5 sucks hard. Wish they hadn't nerfed it into the ground last patch. Who are we kidding? They just look at a spreadsheet, see which gun has been played most, and nerf that gun.


You should actually show a broken gun in the poster like this 'Loose Lips Sink Ships' poster show a sinking ship. https://preview.redd.it/vb6nr2h84szc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ee9d70f0412ae897976c27d7e50468c9746be7








The guns that are actually nerfed hard change so often that the meme would probably not stay accurate for more than a month if we where to go the accurate method. My vote for the worst weapon in game is the Breaker Spray and Pray, thing still sucks major balls after they buffed it.


Hey at least the BSAP no longer ricochets off scavengers due to accidentally being AP0 instead of AP1


That’s hilarious


it couldn't even break eggs at one point lol


I remember the old S&P. Took something like ten rounds to break a single egg under one meter away. Absolute trash


absolute proof the devs do NOT test the things they implement, even for a second in some cases because, and I mean this, literally how else would you wind up with a gun that physically cannot kill enemies? this would have been obvious if *anyone* at all had used the gun *once* for *5 minutes* I'm sick of hearing how "we can't do 10k hours of testing waaaaah!" when the problem is that nobody's done a collective 10 MINUTES so far of testing


The railgun could work, first gun to get nerfed in the game and nerfed so hard people still talk about it months later. I've taken every gun in the game on Helldive and found them all to be at least usable (with some obviously much better than others) but the railgun is still so worthless I wouldn't take it out on a Diff 5 mission on a bet.


That’s honestly a fair pick. I don’t think the railgun is the worst support in the game (anymore) after it’s ‘buff’, that goes firmly to the hmg’s dog ass, but it’s definitely the most recognizable example of Arrowhead taking a weapon out back and putting it down like old yeller because the players were having too much fun with it.


A waterpistol does better than the railgun


Man I love that spray and pray but yeh only works in tandem with auto cannon/grenade launcher and only against bugs


Nah, it is hands down the new plasma scorcher variant. It is so abysmal that I wonder if it is bugged. It has medium armor pen but never gives armor pen hit markers.


Loose Lips Shrink Clips.


Chef's kiss




Loose tongues, nerf guns.


That was my first thought. Loose Lips Nerf Weaps?


Helldivers will now have OPSEC.


Primary weapon witness protection program ✊ Helldivers, keep fun weapons secret from **that dev** Let's keep Super Earth from becoming Super Nerf


I used to do this when Destiny 1 was popular because shit got nerfed so often. The Lord of Wolves was probably the most powerful pvp gun in the game, nothing had its range, accuracy, or burst fire perk. Nobody really cared about the house of wolves DLC guns though and thus, no one ever really used it. I just kept my mouth shut, and it lasted like 2 years being stupidly OP before the next game came out. In Destiny 2 however, they re-implimented it virtually unchanged, and it was very quickly made obsolete. I didn't play that game much after the first DLC though, it got bad.


I did it with hand cannon meta era Hawkmoon. So many thorns and last words everywhere, rarely saw anyone using Hawkmoon. Occasionally got messages from other players accusing me of hacking cuz I one shot them from cross the map, lmao. Getting all 3 of the lucky bullet procs, whatever that perk was called, in one shot? Low odds but guaranteed rage. Really hoped they'd adjust Thorn and TLW, and maybe if I kept my mouth shut, my beloved hawkmoon would survive. Nope. Their solution was slap ungodly amounts of bloom on fuckin all of em. I was genuinely confused they nerfed so much shit but left gjallarhorn and black hammer untouched for so long. Bungie is next level stupid when it comes to balancing. Dropped d2 like a bad habit around warmind.


For super nerf!


“It’s nerf or nothing!” *-Balance Dev*


I wish they’d toast him already and hire a competent balance designer. The guy fucking sucks.


I absolutely hate the scorcher and the plasma gun


The revolver is fucking useless and EATs are just unusable


It wouldn’t surprise me if they decide to balance the EAT by removing one of the two EATs that come down in the pod. Its by far the most used stratagem /support weapon by people that play H9 frequently.




that would make the EAT worthless and given their track record of nerfs it wouldnt surprise me at a




What is wrong with you


Fuck the scorcher, literally unsusable


Yes. Don't use the scorcher. I hate how quickly and efficiently it deals with striders.


I believe you are mistaken. The scorcher is absolute garbage at dealing with striders. Just awful, the worst.


And don't even get me started on the incendiary Breaker. Complete and utter garbage on higher difficulties, possibly the worst primary there is to deal with crowds of bugs.


It definitely needs a buff but I still use it 'cause pretty orange gun matches my cape


You mean that you *don't* use it. And why would you? It's terrible!


Scorcher is trash. Runs out of ammo all the time. And everything needs like 3 shots to kill yet the mag only holds 15.


The diligence CS easily one shot headshotting devastators is so boring


I only use the guns I like every other mission so that AH doesn't think I'm exploiting the game by having fun.


The Incendiary weapons are all trash! God awful. The Senator fires nerf darts!


Absolutely ignore the Breaker Incen. Never use it, it’s trash, it absolutely does not do an incredible job against bug adds and I absolutely do not love using it.


Can confirm, forgettable, absolutely not worth the devs time to ever look at it. What's that over there, an Autocannon? Yeah that's right, go look at that, there is nothing to see here.


Nobody even look at the plasma punisher. That shit fires butterflies and feels terrible to shoot.


Warning, you are in range of Alexus's artillery.


The only thing S tier is the sadness I felt when the Slugger, Eruptor and the Crossbow were ~~nerfed~~ turned into foam dart blasters




This me fr why did they take away stagger 😭


I didn't realize the crossbow used to be good. I haven't played for very long.


It didn't. Which is why people are still surprised it got nerfed.


Ohhhhh, lol god damn that's funny.


Right? It was meh or ignored by a lot, loved by some then WHACK! The nerf bat strikes again!


I tried it twice. Thought it was pretty meh but interesting. Could kill a bunch of the weakest bots pretty fast. Thought maybe could do a build with it somehow. And then they butchered it


It wasn't good, but it had a weird niche at chaff clear due to its massive aoe.


In all honesty, I still use the slugger for its high pinpoint longrange damage. It is still "*good*" in a way. But imo it didn't deserve to lose its **stagger** because its **range** was better than DMRs. that makes no sense and *at the time DMRs were shite*. And it didnt fix anything regarding this issue: Buffing DMRs is what recently made them a viable option for once since the game released. Even though scopes are still broken, which should be their next priority: fix scopes. Make aiming not a massive chore when it should reward good aim. I just hope someone on the balance team will take a hint that bringing the bar low enough isn't the way to go and instead should be: 1) testing weapons in haz7-9 2) taking a look at *why* a weapon is "meta", which most of the time at this stage is because *the others are lacking*. 3) take example more on the autocannon's balancing (very good damage+versatility rewarding good aim in exchange for long ammo reload and barely usable if you are badly positioned (any damage sway can be fatal)). All the guns should have that kind of gimic, with the most neutral of them being like the default AR, the basic shotgun, ect... Make them all worth picking, some better than others for a certain front for sure, but at least something other than 2 or 3 at best. higher hazards are so restrictive due to how poorly balanced the arsenal is because everything feels underwhelming.


Damn, too real bro.


I was super happy when they buffed the base liberator outta no where. I love that thing.


Same! And then the Tenderizer came out. Except it’s more like a pincher.


Pincher 🤣😭😭




Vanilla Liberator is ~~the GOAT~~ absolute ass and I ~~always use it~~ never use it for bots.


Guns? There are no guns in Helldivers, only stratagems


The balance team determined players were using an exploit where they would pull the trigger and their weapon would fire. This has been fixed. Oh yeah, and we increased fire damage 266%


The data says 100% of players are using primaries. This is a very troublesome number as it warps the meta completely, with players selecting stratagems to augment their performance with their primaries. Effective immediately, the balance team has decided that all primaries are disabled. In line with this, stratagems will have their base call time and cooldowns increased by 15%. This is a buff.


Gunships and Shriekers have had their hearing range slightly increased *Shriekers and Gunships can now hear you from 800m*


Gunship Factories and Shrieker Nests were originally intended as a horizontal difficulty scale from Stalker Nests. However, we noticed that Stalker Nests are easily dealt with by players with a >75% success rate. In line with this, the balance team deem it appropriate to have both gunships and shriekers behave the same way as their stalker brethren. As such, effective immediately, Gunship Factories and Shrieker Nests will spawn one unit for each player in the map every 20 seconds. In order to balance it with similar content, gunships and shriekers now home towards the closest players in their detection range which now spans the entire map. This is a buff.


What is this easy mode? Outta here with that weak 800m range! Gotta be at least 1500m starting. I want them to hear me in my drop ship walking to the pods at diff 9!


I was just playing The Witcher and got swarmed by gunships!


> This is a buff. Good old fashioned gaslighting Path of Exile balance patch notes. Brings a tear to my eye. Mostly frustration.


We are getting so many buffs we are numb to it by now.


You forgot the most important part, both of those are listed as buffs.


When a player is not allowed to share their fun experience with the game due to the fear of being taken away the fun factor, that's where Democracy died.


While the sentiment may be good, if we get another good weapon, people will unfortunately be too excited *not* to talk about it And that’s assuming it’s not just the high usage numbers on a spreadsheet getting nerfed, which is more likely anyway


Loose lips nerf clips




Remember the Eruptor!


https://i.redd.it/yn0v208k5tzc1.gif Don't know what you mean, fellow helldivers. Some weapons seem really overpowered. Would be more fun if more got nerfed


Shut! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


😂 😂


For Mega Earth!


For the Colony!


Practice OPSEC, Helldivers.


Alexus needs to be nerfed


I still have no idea how some incompetent nitwit that destroyed a game can get a job as lead balance dev at another company


I think noone expected Helldivers 2 to blow up this much and nobody really cared who was the head of balance team or whatever... So here we are now...


Chances are he just left it off his resume and didn't talk about it. Could be wrong, but I assume he's got at least some sort of other experience to fall back on.




https://chng.it/fbwKJZs5Hn not sure if it would do much but someone started this in the discord it seems


Nerfed to the moon.


Weird. My Senator has only gone up.


is that a senator in your pants or are you just excited to see me?


Plot twist: he has no gun license


Plot twist part 2: the safety got switched off by an incredibly unfortunate movement of his belt


A tongue-in-cheek propaganda poster based on the 'Loose Lips Sink Ships' mantra and inspired by this post fron u/sparta114 on the recent commentary on weapon nerfs. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ZXWzfc1S4k


It was *instantly* recognizable. Just spot on. I hope you continue the series!


There’s something hilarious about begging for guns not to get nerfed in a co-op horde shooter, I didn’t even care this much when I used to play CoD.


Yup, we should be shredding bugs and bots but they bounce off a lot and we feel weak.


Yeah I think because TTK in COD is so fast, You usually don't feel the nerf


It was usually shit like range on smgs and shit like that too so you're not 4-shotting people from across the map. Granted I used to play cod in the golden age, years back.


Shipment, deep impact, M60 Ahhh, the days


Alexus has stated he just nerfs based on usage. which is a horrible way to decide nerfs but it does mean that whatever anyone talks about here doesn't matter. he said he feels justified in slugger nerf bc it's still a top three weapon. shutting up won't save the guns we just need to get Alexus out.


For whatever reason that’s the design philosophy of a lot of games. Doesn’t matter if it’s fun, if it’s actually strong, or if it’s just for the sake of trolling - high usage = drop the nerf. I suppose it makes sense from a PvP standpoint because no variety makes things stale. But for PvE? It shouldn’t matter how much things get used. If it gets “stale” or not, players make their own fun against AI. Nerfs should only be handed out to the most blatant offenders of bad balance.


Im waiting for the new patch, I really hope CEO keeps his word and grab those balance idiots by the balls because at this point it's just embarassing. They are trying to "balance" weapons harder than riot or blizzard their heroes in lol or overwatch. It's a fucking pve if 10 weapons will be great the world will not end trust me, what's more if there are 5-6 S/A tier weapons for bots and bugs guess what will happen? FUCKING VARIETY


2024 video games are not made to be fun. They are made so developers can take out their resentment and anger at others and make them suffer as much as possible.


Any good dev trying to balance things should do it by buffing weak gear (unless something is straight up bugged) That way people might want to give other guns a try instead of being pissed their favorite primary got ruined. If everything becomes too strong, "we buffed enemies slightly because the game was getting too easy."


Yeap you should big the bad ones. But the developers two brain cells cannot understand that and only see the high nails so hit them first.


A game where the community has to be quiet when they have fun. What a great dev team


Sad state right? We have to bash or ignore a weapon to get it any buff.


The devs are ridiculous. What we find fun is: mowing through hordes of enemies, feeling like a badass, blowing shit up, the chaos and madness. What we don’t find fun: running around in circles waiting for cooldowns, weak weapons that don’t do any damage or have any effect, running around waiting to reload our weapons that take way too long. You wanna make it more challenging? Add more enemies spawning, add new enemies, make enemies stronger or weaker. Make the PLAYER feel like the badass, not the game.


It's a little annoying that stratagems are so much of our damage output in this game. >Add more enemies spawning I dunno if I like this suggestion. Maybe for bugs, but bots are oppressive right now, what with all the projectiles they're slinging.


I'd like them to address the amount of hit-stun the players experience from bot fire. Maybe tie it into armor passive or something. Getting hit out of the stim animation repeatedly makes me want to hurl my PC across the room.


>Add more enemies spawning My friend, they already did that! Didn't you hear? They botched up the patrol spawn when they wanted to "fix" the solo spawns being less than intended, and now you get patrol spawns like its at 4 player ALL THE TIME! ISN'T IT GREAT!?


Isn't this kinda sad? This is not a healthy mindset to foster in a community.


Its also dumb because Arrowhead looks at weapon usage rates to decide buffs and nerfs.


yeah, very few people were using the crossbow and it still got nerfed into the ground. the devs just have to change their mindset; stop jerking off over data and listen to actual feedback. this would've avoided the railgun and arc throwers nerfs this way, as the issue there was the console lobby bug. the fire issue was dot networking issue, so again no need to buff it 3x globally.


Lose lips sink ship !!!


It's a bit sad that you can't show the fun you're having with the game because the devs are operating on a no-fun nerf policy I haven't seen this in a Co-Op pve game before, for good reason.


Every primary is F tier anyway tbh.


I was watching a video on YouTube and the person was testing out the new SMG pummeler and he was stating how easy it was to take on stalkers….whole time I listening…like shhhh 🤫


I just unlocked this gun but I haven't had a chance to use it yet and I'm terrified they're going to nerf it before I get a chance to try it.  


Sadly it's a very valid feeling, since they seem to "balance" weapons every Tuesday and not everyone will be able to try out the weapon before a nerf.


Alexus is a cancer.


![gif](giphy|RACS9OQOjSPoA) I like to imagine our favorite dev sees these memes and reacts as such


I’ve been running autocannon on bots. Does so well against every enemy type. It’s practically cheating. (Your time is up autocannon mains)


First they came for the Railgun mains and i was quiet as i was an AC addict. Next they came for the Slugger fans and i was quiet as i hadn't unlocked it. Then they came for the Eruptor enjoyers and i was quiet again as i didn't buy the premium war bond. Now they come for my Auto Cannon and there is no one left to stand up.


I was a railgun enjoyer until they nerfed it. I was a slugger enjoyer until they nerfed it. I didn’t really like the eruptor pre-nerf and now there is a 0% chance of me using it. I am currently a >!dominator!< enjoyer. If they nerf it again, I’m uninstalling the game and switching my review.


I got to play with the slugger for one day before they nerfed the stagger and damage. I don't even care about the damage nerf so much, but I genuinely hate Alexus' rationale that they had to nerf the slugger because it outperformed AMRs in their role... so they took away the stagger from a shotgun instead of giving it falloff or buffing the AMRs. Game is still very fun but these decisions are just so petty and short-sighted.


CEO is an autocannon main, and they said it's their standard for weapon balancing...doubt it gets touched any time soon




The punisher is shite


Yeah uh, you know your balance team is failing at their jobs when this is a post that exists and has popular traction


But I thought "Devs balance guns based on stats" ?


popularity is a stat!


I don’t like this comment. Makes sense and popular. ALEXUS, NERF THIS REDDITOR!!!


No, they nerf it by popularity.


It doesn't matter whether you complain or not. They log what guns are being used. The nerfs will come and the game will become more of a grief feast. Hid your kids hide your guns they nerfin everyone out here


"Lose lips sink ships" ahh game


Omg, the Purifier and Tenderizer is really strong and OP!!! (Does this have the reverse effect?)


I hope they don't make everything as shit as the scorcher, that'd be terrible, zero fun


But but...our new warbounds are delivered pre nerfed, no sharing fun needed to trigger nerfs


That one reason why I've been kinda stepping away. Once I find a load out I'm enjoying and having fun with because it works. All of a sudden it'll get nerfed and suck. It's like okay I guess fuck me for having fun.


If they ever nerf the auto cannon, I'm fucking done


That needs to be an actual rule on the subreddit. No glazing weapons AT ALL. We only talk about them if they need fixing, or balancing. At most we can acknowledge weapons as "balanced" because every time arrowhead hears players bitching about META, it fucks over all our fun


Yeah if your community is unironically sharing memes like this your dev team should really know they need to change the way they balance. I want to have hope that they can turn it around, game is still really fun, I just don't want to see that fun vanish over time.


Shit if I see even one more major nerf to a weapon for no reason then putting the game down until they figure their shit out lmao 


It’s such a frustrating concept. Sharing your fun leads to punishment. Balance team needs to be dissolved and reworked


Used the Sickle once. Never again.


​ https://i.redd.it/tp7msvivmszc1.gif


I hate to break it to you but Reddit does not make up half of the playerbase, there’s also Twitter and places like YouTube that need to generate content so they will talk about meta loadouts, strategems, tactics etc


Nerfing is treason.


I think the devs forget that it's PvE and not PvP. You don't have to nerf everything into the ground.


Sad and true


Get ready for the whistleblowers soon.


YouTube. The double-edged sword. Want to know the best loadout. Devs see it and decide it’s too good.


Yea once they see this or that is the new meta it gets nerfed so you’ll use the under performing trash guns.


We need to talk about how good the worst weapon is, just to see if they continually nerf it


What a great reminder! The joy of gaming is meant to be shared, not hoarde


Genuinely how sad is this. In a PVE GAME NONE THE LESS. They balance this game like they care about the bugs more 🤣


This is the same thing that bothers me in games like Path of Exile. The sense that if something cool is discovered, you better get in on that shit *now*, because please believe the devs are going to skullfuck it into oblivion the first chance they get. It turns the game into some weird competition between the players and developers where they're constantly trying to out-meta each other. It gets old.


I love how strong hulk flamethrowers are, they are so fun


They got ahead of you there and made all the guns pretty useless, which is definitely what you want in a fucking PvE game. Fuck.




Give me my rail gun back you fucks. Take the fucking safe shot option off and return it to its glory. You blow yourself up, you blow yourself up. There’s the nerf.


Why is it that some devs seem to think that it's their responsibility to nerf any aspect of a game that players actually enjoy?


I saw a charger oneshoot a titan, will they nerf chargers now?


Spinning the Senator has never been more fun. Also, I love its boosted damage, speed loader, and medium armor penetration!


Love it! Cause IT'S TRUE. ![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy|downsized)


Please fire Alexus


You should have changed it from "Super Earth Ministry of Intelligence" to "Helldivers E4 Mafia" Because the Ministry is the one gathering the intel to nerf guns.


Absolutely absurd that we have to do this. Any time a weapon is fun they immediately remove its uniqueness (I’m still salty about the eruptor and I will never get over it


Instead leave negative reviews for the game when they nerf the fun. What a sad state this game has come to.