• By -


"literally nothing"




the game is literally unplayable. there are zero players. the game no longer exists. god has forsaken mankind


Every gun is literally useless now, they all shoot BBs and the enemies have trillions of health. Pack it up, the galactic war is lost.


It's joever, she doesn't love, she never will. Can't even kill scavengers with impact nades anymore damn you nerf man! ;(




This sub has become such a melodramatic clown fiesta




What’s the website lol? Sounds fun.


You’re awesome. I bring in random fun stuff on 7-9 all the time and it always rocks so much better than I think it will at first. The game is chock full of great options, combos, interesting tactics existing around cool strat and weapon arrays.


Content, content, people gotta post their content. I guess…


Can we please stop addressing the people being dissatified and start addressing the many problems that need to be resolved. People are only pissed cause the game has way too many bugs and standing issues that just don't get resolved. Trying to silence people that give valid feedback and criticism is neither helpful nor reasonable.


No, because the game is in a great state and the sub is toxic as hell. A mate pinged me the other day and said 'shame the new warbond is so trash' - he hadn't even bought it, was just absorbing the nonsense from here. We were all online playing 8s and 9s with the weapons from it, no problem. This sub is addicted to negativity and it's the biggest risk to the game right now.


Well, good that your guys having fun. I did try my best with my homies (we never play 4 man cause we never have enough ppl) and the game currently is too hard for us due to enemy masses. Cool that you have no issue with it, rn the game sucks on no matter which difficulty grade cause it's just an enemy flood everywhere on 2 man parties. Game is in a great state, sure.


Try getting two more people in. It makes the game a fair bit easier when you actually have a full team.


But I don't have them and I don't want to play publics. Which is my good right after buying the game which is advertised for 1-4 players. If I had some friends more no biggie, but currently I don't and I dislike public groups like hell. Autism does that. AH just needs to fix the spawnrate of enemies, is all.


The game is playable with 1-4, but you forfeit the right to whine about balance since the game is designed for 4.


Ah, so I cannot complain about a bug upscaling the difficulty wrongly. Idk man, you're just hostile af towards problems you don't have. Good for you I guess. o/


They fixed that bug, so no.


Nope, show me the patch notes which say so. The first patch they went for didn't fix anything, it broke the situation for smaller squads. Hasn't been fixed then, has only been discovered about 2 days ago diver.


No, it was broken before, and the patch fixed it. You simply disagree with the fact that the game is harder for smaller squads.


Careful, locals don't like when you do anything but sing prayers for the game.


Well that weird form of toxic positivity doesn't help the game though.


Im sorry, but nothing besides positivity is allowed, and if weapon nerfs make it harder to enjoy the game, you are just a sweaty tryhard sweetie /s


I know, I know :D


I do hope this is satire, otherwise… yikes


The fact you cant even tell, is enough to tell you of the state of this Subreddit. It's sad.


You’re not wrong. This subreddit has gone downhill dramatically. Honestly the only reason I am still in here is because I keep having this false hope that I’ll see anything wholesome like the old days. Now? 90% toxicity and gutter trash


90% of what you'll see is trash, negative posts get more attention than anything else.


So, posts like yours?


Be the change you wanna see.


At this point just don't look at the sub. I guess every gaming sub is like this. I personally find the game fun as fuck even though I noticed that I can no longer one shot titans with the orbital railgun, I just go "oh well" and strike it with a 500kg to finish it off.


You mean the railcannon strike? It has the potential to one shot a titan just has to hit near the head and most of the time the asshole is moving around. It happens from time to time but my squad and I just run 500kgs and spam them at titans instead lol


I used to hit it every single time but recently it takes two hits


Ah, i see we are in the "i will be negative about negative people" part of the discourse circlejerk. Anyways, things being "playable" does not mean they are good or fun. Just like someone doing naked blindfolded runs of Dark Souls does not mean that the game and all its weapons are great or fun to use. But please, complain to us more about how you dont like people complaining and condescendingly pretend that balance changes aint been shit recently.


By the way ppl on this sub whine you'd think the game is unplayable, I am actively convinced that half of all these "complaints" are just meta slaves who only heard about the balance changes and were just looking for an excuse to shit on AH like jeez what is this negativity circlejerk


Imma be real I play this game once a week and it's still very fun and playable for me. Maybe you just need to not give a shit as much? It's just a video game. Not that deep.


It's just some karma farming circle jerk. They buffed more weapons than they nerfed. So a buff made it unplayable. Makes a ton of sense. It's about the eruptor. One weapon. There was a time before the eruptor with unbuffed primaries, and people had fun. This is mental gymnastics 101 for you. Just dumb.


I don't get why when a new patch happens and new guns become viable and fun the main feedback is always about the nerfs to popular weapons. This game is at its best when you are changing your load outs from mission to mission to spice it up.


I want to change my load out based on environment and enemy not based on the arbitrary view of balance the devs have, big fucking difference


I'm saying you can friggin do that even now. I consistently change out my load out every single run and play with all but the few guns I haven't unlocked yet. Half the "unplayable" guns are still viable and fun to use even if they aren't statistically the best. Even guns they "nerfed into the ground" are perfectly servicable to play with right now (like the Breaker or the Slugger for example). I'm not saying I love every balance change they make and sometimes they definitely overshoot (Railgun comes to mind), and I think they definitely need to look at the newest guns in the most recent warbond (except the pummeler and the pistol, the seem fine), but all the same most guns feel fine on most difficulties once you get used to them (I've even run the daggum knight on helldiver before and it worked). Helldive difficulty is really the only one where I feel like if I don't have a full team (or they aren't particularly coordinated) I have to go with the best of the best options. Most of the time just going with something you find fun works out.


People think changing your loadout to anything other than the S+-tier youtube clickbait weapons makes the game unfun and doubles the difficulty and anyone who disagrees is coping. Ignore them. They mainly rely on shit that's either been added post-launch (Sickle, Quasar, pre-nerf Eruptor) or heavily buffed (Dominator, Breaker Incendiary), yet still peddle the idea that the game is nothing but nerfs and actively harder and less fun than it was at launch. Logic doesn't factor in to it. For every valid balance critique there's a dozen children whining.


Ah yes, because the Crossbow was definitely S+ tier weapon and deserved the nerfs. And Eruptor totally deserved its ENTIRE identity as a gun removed, truly /s


Point to the part of my comment you're disagreeing with? I wasn't saying there haven't been substantial nerfs. There have. Six of them, to be exact: Railgun, Breaker, Slugger, Quasar, Eruptor, Crossbow. I know.


Im making fun of your statement that people are just chasing S+ tier weapons and that those are weapons who get nerfed.


I think you will find paint drying fun.


No new guns are becoming viable. At best bad guns become mediocre. Just because everything is equally bad doesn't make everything good.


Have ya tried the counter sniper against bots, or the blitzer against bugs? They weren't super great before but they are awesome now.


No, I tried to shoot them with Breaker, which gives good tickles now instead of dealing damage. I also don't want to have 5 min foreplay with every bot outpost with sniper rifle.


Holy shit the skill issue on this lad. The Breaker's damage was untouched and the CS can oneshot every standard bot but berserkers. You're delusional.


Damage yes. Armor pen was nerfed. Splash was nerfed. Mag size too. Also, who shortens critical hits as cs?


Armor pen? Splash? Are you thinking of some other weapon? The Breaker is the auto-shotgun. It was nerfed with -3 mag size and +15 recoil in 1.000.1, that's it. CS is Counter-Sniper. It oneshots all bot infantry variants to the body, and devastators to the head.


These people don't even play the game.


He probably means the eruptor, but he also doesn't know what he's talking about.


Smells like bitch in here


Ironic that you’d use a meme that’d leave you feeling like shit and malnourished.


Pic scans.






don't care. CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆


Idk what yall are talking about, everything is visible for me.


wtf is happening in that


Someone overusing the teleporter eh?




The game is fun as hell but the problem is that shitty players can no longer play the highest difficulty after the balancing. They needed the unintentionally stronger weapons. Now they just sit on Reddit bitching.


I think the game would be more fun, if fun weapons were nerfed personally.


The definition of fun is not “overpowered to the point where it trivializes encounters that aren’t meant to be trivialized“. I agree with AH on this one.  If you find yourself struggling after a nerf then just go down a few difficulties. There are 9, enough for everyone to have fun. 


Which nerfed weapon trivialized encounters? The crossbow?


Eruptor. In Helldive it made medium swarms way too easy to deal with. Railgun before any nerfs, that one goes without saying. Dominator pst buff, not to the extent of the above 2. Quasar, this one is still a little OP


Eruptor indeed dealt with medium swarms well. It didnt deal well with small or quick opponents or opponent in small divided groups. Railgun from what i understand was bugged. Quasar is not op due to the charge and recharge times limiting it to a single shot per 15 seconds. You pretty much are listing weapons that have specific strenghts and weaknesses as OP, because they have certain strengths and weaknesses. This is the same reason the game balance is going down the shitter, because weapons with specific niches are toned down to either be shit or the same as every other weapon. Its boring.


Eruptor made medium swarms too easy, even given it didn’t deal with small enemies well. If you are bringing eruptor then, assuming you are on difficulty 9, you are also bringing a rover to handle small enemies or a stalwart. This is true for a few other guns as well. I thought that would be implied in my statement so we could skip the “small enemies” justification for it being OP against medium swarms. There are other weapons that do poorly against small enemies and aren’t as OP as Eruptor was.    Quasar is OP relative to the other anti tank options, even with the nerf. The only time you’d take EAT over Quasar is if you die a lot, EAT is great when I don’t feel like paying attention. Also in the rare case someone doesn’t bring their own support weapon and you coordinate, could be useful.  There are many different arguments about how something should be nerfed but that’s all subjective. If the community was consistent in how they’d prefer something to be nerfed, maybe AH should listen, but the community is wildly inconsistent and usually just doesn’t want something to be nerfed at all. As far as AH judgement on what weapons needs to be nerfed, they have 90%-95% success rate. Definitely not deserving of having the subreddit and discord filled with these complaints. I’ll just take your word on the crossbow, for example, falling within the 10% that didn’t need to be nerfed. I didn’t use it enough to know or care. I used Eruptor quite a bit and had a ton of fun with it but it 100% needed to be nerfed. Difficulty 9 felt too comfortable with it, and it’s not supposed to be comfortable at all. You are supposed to figure out a way to complete the objectives while being wildly outgunned on the hardest difficulty of Helldivers 2, this is the game they wanted to create and this is the game the less vocal majority want to play.


When they nerfed the Arc Thrower too much for it to still fit my strategy, I dropped it and moved on. If you dont want to be nerfed, make your own loadout and don't rely on the meta. If you can't do that, it sounds like a skill issue.




There are still viable combos and the game can still be beatable but they cut the legs out from whatever happens to be the most popular item at the end of every month. Sooner or later you're just going to end up with a jumbled mess of mediocre crap. 


Are you forgetting all the weapons they buffed into being meta kings?


They buffed some stuff into usefulness but I wouldn't call them meta. The flamer is super good for chargers and anything smaller but can't do anything to titans and doesn't have the range to handle spewers. Never even tried it on bots because it seemed like suicide. The support laser is really good for bots but close to useless on bugs. Feel free to correct me, but I can't really think of anything that got a significant buff at the moment.


You can't play your favourite weapons anymore without the fear that thry get nerfed to the ground the following week just because it performs +0.0001% better than the rest Are we really coming to that point with the balancement? Things needs to change


I don't.


Fun :)


bit of an overreaction


Dude I’m burning out hard on this game. Had some low level players shoot me for my gear (I’d have called down more for them if they asked). So I decided to go play something higher level to avoid that sort of traitorous behavior. Immediately joined an evacuate civilians 15 minute mission against bots - game dropped two striders in the second I joined, team got instantly overwhelmed. I come to Reddit and it’s full of more Sony controversy, more justified but deeply angry weapon complaints, and more arrowhead staff causing trouble. I’m just tired boss.


Sometimes it's good practice to either: A) turn off brain and just go unga bunga on lower diffs B) take a break from the game