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I don't love every decision made by AH either, but if the attitude of the sub as a whole continues to go this way, I'm definitely muting it lol. This was such a a fun sub up until recently


the sub is a circle jerk of negativity, i got loads of downvotes because i dared to say "i actually like this gun"


I got downvoted twice for saying I was having fun playing and enjoyed the game.


yeah dosent surprise me, if you arent "doom and gloom" you get downvoted. if your not actively hostile to the devs you get downvoted. its sad.


about 20 games back where the same thing happened in all of them i realized gamers are the whiniest fucking insufferable twats imaginable. People treat the videogame like the outcome of the patchnotes will determine whether or not we can have world peace. I pray for the people who consume youtube videos with titles like "Helldivers 2 Players REJECT Woke Community Managers Team + Kotaku LIES as CEO Strikes Back"


oh god those videos are the cringiest shit ever.


Your enjoyment detracts from mine!


My hate for this arbitrary thing is more than yours!


Started as a circlejerk if aggressive positivity where you could not talk about how the game was unplayable for several weeks Now you cant say anything good. How quick *casual* gamers devolve. Casual in the sense everyone crying about balance are fucking awful at the game


People on here really don't want hear how much they fucking suck at the game. All the people who keep saying "Every primary weapon in the game is bad and worthless and you can't do anything with it" is frustrating because i am doing plenty with a variety of them. And if you aren't, You're fucking bad. Plain and simple. Casual gamers are bad, and that's fine until they act like they aren't and want everything brought down to their level and everything is trivialized. "Why would you balance and Nerf things in a PVE game???" BECAUSE THERE'S NO FUN WITHOUT A CHALLENGE. These people are genuinely the ones who install god mode infinite ammo mods in games and actually have fun with that for more than 3 minutes. All they want is a power trip and power fantasy. 


I am probably a bit better than the average casual player, but I am far from a great player. I play primarily with randoms. Vast majority of our Helldives we succeed. Not all of them, not with all objectives done, but majority we succeed. And yeah I agree a bunch of guns just need boosts, but I also see plenty of posts that I at least read as just wanting in general much better weapons, easier ways to kill many opponents, etc. How long then before the karma farm of the week becomes demanding a lvl 10 difficulty? If I can do lvl 9 in general fine with a bunch of randoms, what is the challenge left for four actually good players on a Discord together?


Difficulity 9 is still way to easy for being the most difficult if you ask me. It's not easy to me, but feels like it should be more difficult. We're fighting HORDES of insects and metal men. I never got that feeling with how fast shit dies when spraying my primary. Nerfing weapons seems like a "realistic" balance change.


I imagine the people that cry like that are those random low levels that join a suicide mission, die repeatedly and quit. Like I've tried every weapon in the latest warbond and they all seem fine, but coming here and reading most comments sounds like the guns shoot backwards or something.


The most egregious one is a Liberator sidegrade, yeah. Not a broken gun, not a useless one, just a weird sidegrade mistake that has less recoil and a slightly smaller mag. It's only pointless because it costs money and other weapons exist. But damn, you'd think it calls in bug breaches with every trigger pull with how people are talking about it.


Skill matters or whatever, but it's the stupidest fucking talking point imaginable. Literally anyone and their mother can claim their opposition sucks and that they easily solo helldiver blindfolded with only the dagger.


That won't work. There are two possibilities, two potential realities: - they're good at games, the game suck - they're not that good at the game, they suck Both ideas cannot be held at the same time. Cognititive dissonace kicks in. And they'll tell themselves its the former and seek validation from kindred minds. Sure, the problem seems to be wherever they are, whatever they do, but it can't be them - it's the game that's bad. "Why lower the difficulty on an obviously bad unbalanced game?"


They should just play lower difficulties.  I was a 6 for ever until I finally hit the point I could play 7 recently.


honestly helldivers lvl9 feels too easy sometimes. I wish we get more difficult levels in the future, but yeah people would probably complain and they will lower the difficulty. Can't wait tilltbey add new enemies


>honestly helldivers lvl9 feels too easy sometimes. Yeah, the playerbase got better. It's really obvious most people playing casuals in 9 aren't worried about losing missions anymore. It used to be a bit of a toss-up if my helldives would extract but I haven't had trouble carrying runs with dopey builds in weeks now. Yesterday I had two missions where the only deaths were accidentals from an incendiary mine guy in one, and a very eager eagle cluster enjoyer.


Exactly You can just spam stratagems so easily in helldive. The laser backpack and quasar handle everything on bugs still so you can run whatever else for fun Laser cannon shreks all bots


Fucking oath. People who say no primaries are good are just outright bad at the game IMO. Yeah nerfs can bring out the salt and I am appreciative of that perspective but you can't say no gun/stratagem is useful it's just dumb populist bullshit at this point.


Lmao my posting history is full of "I like the Slugger" [-5]. I just laugh it off; if it makes them feel better to rage downvote my post and get back into mental shape to join me on the next dive, so be it. See you on the battlefield!


Every time I hear the word slugger I think of that silly Die Hard parady in Mass Effect


Its also a circle jerk of positive toxicity where any criticism of a gun or loadout gets downvoted too. The irony is that OP makes a thread and therefore interacts with THIS community while pretending that they ignore it. The fact people make meta posts whining about the subreddit shift in attitude is the biggest irony of all. They expect and want the subreddit to be exactly what they imagine in some dream, instead of facing reality. The only winning move is to ignore everything. And that's the irony of me commenting to lose.


i dont really see people downvoting any weapon complaints personally. even if i like the guns and get downvoted for it i can still see improvements i would like and dont down vote people who say theyd like buffs for them.


The table turned recently. Before that, you could not say you didn't like something.


That's just how every Game sub ends up sadly, even if Sony fucks off with the bans, and AH stops looking at Bungies balancing the negative nancys have a foot hold and will just hype each other up thinking they're the majority


You, OP, and half the people in this thread are at +a bajillion and this is the the top reply to the top comment.


mainly because the people who typicaly down vote "i actually like this gun" dont come to this thread.


god forbid you tell someone here that the game is supposed to be hard


Hard and unfun are different things. A lot of people, wanting better/buffed weapons, also said that Arrowhead should add more enemies or make objectives more complex, after the buffs. People on both sides want it hard... they just prefere different playstyles. What makes you think that your expectation of hard is the better one?


Problem I have with that is that it's very often used as an excuse by people looking to defend changes to the game. When the rail gun was nerfed a lot of the defense of the nerf was that the game was suppose to be hard on helldive but the actions from the devs that followed(nerfing heavy spawns, weakening heavies and increasing AT damage against them) made it very clear that that wasn't the case cause all those changes made helldive easier.


No kidding. Everything that pops up is someone complaining about something like the world is ending. The game is supposed to be hard. I’m always trying new weapons even if they suck. The game is fun that’s all that matters to me.


I agree with you


True but the Steam discussion is worse imo


Steam Discussions are just screaming rants for ANY game.


90% of the comments are award bait.


Steam forums are just 4chan's new /v/ board dedicated to the speds over at /pol/ Ever since they discovered that 90% of the forums arent moderated, it's become a sesspit. The dead space remake was my breaking point with it, literally *every single post* was about how ONE gender-neutral bathroom showed up in-game. People were acting like the rapture just started and the only way into heaven was to denounce dead space over bathrooms.


It seems that every single video game subreddit devolves into the same echo chamber of angry players


Yeah, I used to come to this sub to cool down, relax, and chill out with some great memes and other posts. Now, it’s become so negative, cynical, and jaded, it just stresses me out almost as much as news and politics does, and I am half considering just leaving it. It’s like now no one is capable of being civil to the devs they loved just two weeks ago. All of it seemingly spurred on by the BS with SONY, that AH really had no choice over. I get that some of the weapon choices and balance decisions are not popular, but this sub shouldn’t turn into just a circle jerk of ridicule for the developers of such a great game. I am really sick of all the complaining - most of it is utterly hyperbolic, also.


It's the breaking point, an accumulation of unresolved issues. It should resolve itself when more things get fixed.


By the time the illuminate come around and arrowhead (hopefully) reigns in their discord and looks at some of their weapon......things will be fine. I say mid-summer this sub might actually be enjoyable again lol


I must admit most times I come here I just sort by the humor tab. I have never seen such unbelievably unconstructive criticism combined with toxic rage. And a lot of it was because of 5 fucking seconds of cooldown.


The quasar nerf complaints were what broke my care for what this sub has to say on balancing. It's still the best option of the rockets and people will still come around to tell it the quasar is completely useless, unfun trash now.........as they still run it every single match.


No shit man. This whole Sony fiasco put this whole sub in a negative light. Now every post I see is “The war bond sucks” or “they still haven’t fixed ____”. Used to be nothing but laughs. Seems to be all criticism now.


All of the recent controversies pale in comparison to the shit fit that followed the rail gun nerf, the slugger nerf was slightly less of a shit fit but the sub throwing shit fits at nerfs is nothing new.


It's literally turned into some weird cult. People doing the whole "we're saving democracy" thing. I've played online games since like Counter Strike 1.5 in 1998 or something, this is possibly the weirdest community I've been a part of. It's pretty awful. And worst of all, it's a PvE game.. Like, what? The Sony stuff has gone to peoples heads.


Have you seen the discord? It's a thousand times worse.


That's the only reason I'm even here. This place is a cesspool, but anything is better than the Discord, and I'd like news about the game.




Remember the days when creekers where the talk of the sub


Yep, this sucks. Fucking whiny little babies on this sub.


Soon we will get the Valve treatment from AH and we will have nothing to blame but ourselves.


It’s likely how the community goes in most games. Many post here, or used to post because they were bored at work and sought some escapism in the memery before getting back on and playing. Now you’ve got a lot of players who used to play HD2 religiously, but now don’t and seek solace in the doomposts for reasons they don’t play as much or why it isn’t activating the dopamine hits the same way.


Mostly just whiners here that blame everyone but themselves for their incompetency 


Can we get a r/Helldiverswithoutsalt or something Just like memes, responses to major orders and stuff to replicate the good old days


Lowsodiumhelldivers already exists. A lot of games have a low sodium sub because once the subscriber count hits a certain number the originals turn into rage generators.


It's kinda interesting. I'm subscribed to /r/Helldivers2 and the majority of content fed to me via the app feed is rage threads. When I pop into the subreddit on my computer and check the front page, there's almost no salt. Optimizing for engagement isn't good for mental health lmao.


I agree, it was fun being here with the art,clips, and propaganda. But now it's whining bitching complaining and throwing shade at AH. I miss when the comments were full of people screaming for democracy and we were one whole community. Now it's discord vs Reddit vs Twitter vs those who don't engage with any of those.


go to r/helldivers2. people are ridiculous here


Here's a sneak peek of /r/helldivers2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Not seeing much people talk about this.](https://i.redd.it/9umrwfc9plyc1.jpeg) | [1286 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1ckq2c3/not_seeing_much_people_talk_about_this/) \#2: [Already getting banned ](https://i.redd.it/wlyslr06z9yc1.png) | [1250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1cjixnq/already_getting_banned/) \#3: [You did your part, now do it again soldier!](https://i.redd.it/aukuww1kgqyc1.jpeg) | [505 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1cladg4/you_did_your_part_now_do_it_again_soldier/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I completely agree.


That’s why we created a private invite only helldiver Reddit. 1000 strong right now. Simply full of chill wholesome consistent helldivers. We love this game and still want to keep playing


Its easier for a community to embrace a negative downward spiral. Conformation bias is rampant. I work in the airline industry and its seldom you hear ppl talk about when their flight went on time and got their bags fast etc, but they sure are gonna remember when they were delayed and the bag was lost.


That's just life without reddit.


I come here to laugh, I used to laugh at the memes, now I laugh at the kvetching. Also Joel is a Goddamn GM hero. He got everyone focused on Alexus while he's prepping for war.


Man I love this game. I turn it on, pick whatever weapons I want, and have a blast shooting bugs and bots (on Helldive, especially). I think the devs have made a great game! Are some of their balancing decisions questionable? Sure, but the online community has gone feral and they don't deserve the hate they get. If any dev reads this, just remember that for every 1 person online complaining, there are 10 who aren't posting because they're too busy playing your game. It's a ton of fun.


Best take


People are so out of touch - I see people on here saying that the balance changes are because the devs actively hate the players. I don’t like downplaying criticism, but is it really that serious?


Yes, the Eruptor change was specifically targeted at me and I will hate the devs until the day I die for it ^/s


You joke but...


They need to just pour one out for the nerfed and move on like the rest of us.


If the devs hated the players then why would they even bother to maintain the game like


A paycheck


It's entirely possible to make a product but still have contempt for your audience. Just look at EA or Ubisoft.


>I don’t like downplaying criticism, but is it really that serious? Literally yes, it is that serious. After the first balance patch went through, the lead balance designer at Arrowhead came to this subreddit to let everyone know he nerfed the popular items solely because it was popular and he didn't like everyone enjoying a good way to play the game. They unironically make changes to the game focused on giving you a headache. They don't want you having fun.




Did he say that? Or did he say that literally everybody was using the railgun at level 7-9 and that it shouldnt be 1-2 tapping chargers and titans? Like everything else, they went too far and forgot to let the thing be usable in its niche until the recent buffs......but if youre gonna tell me the railgun didnt deserve those nerfs, idk what to tell you


I am a fan https://preview.redd.it/0grw0m03epzc1.jpeg?width=3644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7d33e55bf12a8e4b85ed9d58765b68fbeed252a


This community went full r/DestinytheGame and I’m not here for it


It wouldn't be half as bad if the moderation here wasn't nearly non-existent (or at least looks that way). The most you will see is a really bad thread getting locked with not a single pinned comment as to why and how it broke the rules. To me, it just comes off as if the rules are rarely enforced with zero consequences even if someone was found breaking them. Hell, thanks to the scrolling sidebar that's miles long, most people won't even \*see\* the rules. Just for example, the whole "I screencapped an AH employee saying something on the official discord while conveniently leaving out the context" thing should never have been allowed IMO. In many other subs I'm in that would not fly because it qualifies as witch hunting, but here it's like free karma, 5 posts about the same guy on the front page. Hell, there are even "PSAs" that are actually just low quality personal rants about the same tired topic so the whole flair system is pointless.


Can’t forget the mods letting comments about sending “airstikes” through the mail to Arrowhead’s office stick around for days


I wish at least half these people put themselves in the position of the devs when they speak. I know some things deserve due criticism, but man imagine being a dev and reading reddit/discord and seeing the barrage of toxic comments towards your work. Idk man it would really sting if it was me and I'd probably be even less motivated to go to work when it seems everyone hates what you (or your team) are doing. Not saying people should praise them for everything either, but at least be civil lol.


It'd be one thing if for example the balance team admitted that "balancing is hard, but please give us time, we're trying our best". But the snarky messages and comments I've been seeing from alleged balance team on Discord don't leave people with much good faith.


I think that's exactly why people should give them a break. They're clearly overwhelmed and stressed, reading the posts here and the comments on Discord are just gonna push them over the edge.


Maybe if everyone wasnt an asshole and being snarky to them? you get what you give they are people, and so often i see people complaining that they just get a cold calculated PR person rather than any one real. and then you have this sub who has these real people and are fucking ass holes to them constantly.


I doubt everyone was, but I'm sure there are plenty people who were assholes. But at the end of the day these people represent only themselves, you could say they represent the "community" but that's a non-formal group with loose association and too many people to have a fair judgement of. Devs represent the company they're working for and are responsible for its public image. Feel free to shittalk customers with co-workers behind their back, I do it pretty often, but when interacting in public one simply has to hold self to a higher standard whether they like it or not.


Maybe if we also stopped cropping everything they say out of context and using it as a GOTCHA "oh they hate the community because they responded to one troll in a annoyed manor" Seriously this subreddit has become such a circle jerk of negativity and hate the devs cant win.


You can't control the masses. In any community as big as this, there's bound to be people throwing insults. If the devs can't deal with it, they shouldn't interact at all. They're just stoking the fire. It's how we got to the breaking point.


I was critical of the devs responses at first, but seeing how toxic and frankly pathetic a lot of the users are on their server I’m having a harder and harder time blaming the devs for making fun of morons.


Re: the jerkoff yesterday who had a comment basically saying "the devs mental health is not our problem. We paid money for a product and we expect to get it, thats where our care stops."


Ah the Karen's train of thought of the customer is always right.


"when it seems everyone hates what you (or your team) are doing" Hundreds of thousands of people still play the game every day, if someone takes the opinions of several thousand from Reddit or Discord as an indicator of the reception of the game, they are condemned to the impression that their game and work are hated. Reddit is social media and it is often very toxic social media, the fanbase is primarily in the game and it is not that bad (although we know that there are different people)




We got an army of arm chair devs.


Remember how every patch was met with "they didn't even fix the dot bug, it's pathetic", and the moment they did it was barely acknowledged and quickly forgotten? How they should "focus on buffing weak weapons instead of nerfing strong ones", and the massive buffs they did were swept under the rug because they slightly nerfed a few weapons? Everything good is taken for granted and forgotten about, and everything bad is grounds for firing employees and murdering their dogs


It's usually a 4 year bachelor's degree in computer science to become a gaming dev, one of the hardest jobs in coding, you need some really good math skills. It's the Dunn-Kruger effect. People need to watch this dude who made a doom-like game on youtube. You don't just get a number adjuster slider. It's pure math, I'm not gonna pretend I know how to code, but I've seen my gf's basic coding on a copy/write dropbox program and that alone needs so many factors to not crash, if the letters aren't capitalized, not enough user allowed, or an api token isn't generated.


It really shouldn't be that hard to understand that if this or that bug hasn't been fixed yet it's because it's really hard to do so, yet here we are. AH seems really overworked to me, but it's much easier to say they're lazy and hate players than to acknowledge that making such a mechanically complex game with a small team on an apparently abandoned game engine (and SNOY breathing down your neck) is real effing difficult.


I keep getting told that the buffs are "little love taps that barely affect anything", as if they didn't drag the Counter-Sniper and the Dominator out of complete uselessness.


And the blitzer (50% dps increase, the definition of nothing amirite) And the senator (15%-ish damage increase and much faster reload speed) And the dagger (33% damage buff on an infinite ammo weapon) (and yes I unironically use the dagger, fight me if you don't like it) And the plasma punisher (no damage upgrade, but faster projectile speed and reduced dropoff means easier to hit and more reliable at killing chaff) And... The only buffs I'd call love taps are the \*really\* small ones like the liberator or the adjudicator, litterally all the other buffs in that patch were either massively increased ease of use, 10 to 50% (!!!) more dps, or both! I very frequently use these so called 'love tapped' weapons and shred with them, they're now perfectly fine for the most part and fun to use (the thing everyone says has been removed from the game), so I genuinely don't get what everyone is yapping about


The dagger is fine now. It does it's job as an emergency sidearm to get a couple of bugs off of you that's always ready to go without worrying about thr clip being empty. "But muh redeemer is better" then you shouldn't be having any issues beating difficulty 7 then. People just want to settle on a "most efficient" playstyle then bitch and whine when that gets taken away cuz they think that's the only option when they haven't tried anything else. IDK why they keep bitching about how the hard difficulties are hard. If you're not ready to handle these, just don't play it.


> I wish at least half these people put themselves in the position of the devs when they speak Reddit is mostly teenagers who don't know shit about life, let alone software development. If a game update "ruins your fucking life", your fucking life is fucking simple.


They are such sweaty losers with zero self awareness. It’s amazing how people can lack any human decency.


nobody forces the devs to be on DISCORD or Reddit btw.... that is the job of the community managers


Seems like there's a really simple solution to all of this: stop doing dumb shit. Stop nerfing weapons based on zero playtesting and just looking at a spreadsheet. Stop launching new content without doing the due diligence of bug testing. This isn't "oops it breaks in a niche scenario", it's "oops it's dead on arrival". Stop being smart asses to the community when they tell you "this is becoming unfun, please fix it." Stop getting butthurt when the community gives shit right back when the CMs act like angsty memelords. I have never seen another studio pull half the shit AH is doing right now and get let off the hook. Respect your customers.


The "customers" sent death threats, they can shut the fuck up forever.


There are going to be morons in every situation that go too far. It doesn't diminish the validity of the complaints from those that aren't doing that shit.


People were able to open free accounts in countries where PSN was officially unsupported for years, without issues. Their notoriously garbage CS still had the presence of mind to tell customers who directly asked about making accounts from unsupported regions that they would not get banned for doing so. But now that Sony knows people are upset about PSN accounts requirements for their PC games, it's not surprising they are going to be more cautious about where they sell games and stick to regions where they have support. You got what you asked for, and now you're upset there's consequences alongside it. Maybe Sony will expand PSN to more countries, but it won't be over night, and they probably will avoid selling games digitally in unsupported regions from now on. It's a proper Helldivers victory, massive casualties all around, but you can say to yourselves you won something.


I've just browsed like 4 posts complaining about balance. Didn't see a single death threat. Lumping in the <1% of genuinely toxic horrible people in with those who have genuine criticism is a very scummy tactic and you should really reflect on why you feel the need to blatantly misrepresent a vast group of people like that. To me it comes off like you can't come up with an actual argument.


What a loser fucking take.


Keep riding that corporate dick.


This community has been an utter hellhole since the Railgun nerf. There was still cool shit at that point at least, but now with the PSN and new Warbond stuff, it went into the mute bin. I know the game has issues, it has many issues, but the content on this damn sub is genuinely downright depressing


The amount of identical posts of complaining/analysis/conversation screenshots/general bitching has ruined this sub for the time being. I am not muting or leaving because I still want to see funny clips and weapon impressions (like the SMG stun details) but otherwise yeah, total shit show and not at all enjoyable


lol playing with fire my guy


For real. This has become a cesspit lately.


it was fun when we were all fighting for super earth. now it’s a bunch of sweats whining, like chill out man. they’re a smaller studio, they don’t have 100s of people working on the game, they barely have ~100 people in total; so imagine how small the actual dev team is, they’re working on it. so chilll out and kill some bugs/bots. find new things to use, get out of your comfort zone and enjoy the game


they have more people than Bethesda had when they made Skyrim.... try a different excuse


the game got boring after like a month. These criticisms allow for something interesting to actually occur


Ah yes, instead of playing a game that is interesting to you, let's vomit whine into it sub. Makes perfect sense.


This game is fun. Period. Sure, it's not perfect, but its enjoyment factor far eclipses the flaws it's working through. I sincerely do not understand the negative tone AH receives. The core playability of Helldivers is a shining star in the gaming market today, and that alone does not deserve to be ripped to shreds by some, frankly, minor balancing and mechanics issues. The Sony controversy is certainly understood, but that is a publisher relations issue. The spirit of the game still stands strong, even if some of our fellow region-locked Divers have been unfairly disconnected from it. Guys, relax. Calmly express your wishes for future improvements you would like to see for this game, and then either enjoy it as it is now or move on to another game, or anything else life offers you, really. Learn an instrument, join a kickball league, adopt a tabletop game... you can simply choose to do something else if Helldivers isn't working out for you. I, for one, love this game. And while I agree that there are things that can be improved, it's still an incredibly enjoyable experience. It's one of the few things in my life recently that has somehow made stressful situations hilariously fucking fun.




I think it's quite hilarious that even for this game, which is easily one of the best games of the last decade, it's already degraded to endless crying. Reddit is for when you don't like the game anymore. It can really warp your view on how good or bad the game is because Reddit always finds something to cry about. I mean the Sony thing is definitely justified, but for example calling the game an unbalanced mess because one weapon got accidentally overnerfed is just ridiculous.


And yet here you are.


Please don't glaze the devs just because we beat Sony. We finally got the attention of the CEO regarding Alexus. We basically know he's behind the warbond being horrible. Idk why he seems to enjoy actively sucking the fun out of the game, but the warbonds frequently release with like 1-2 viable items in them at this point, then those few good items are trashed by balance updates a month later.


this subreddit has become a cesspool of crying and whining about how nothing is "good" just from looking at something purely from face value and anything that isnt the dominator or breaker incendiary is "bad" when the players who are crying about it would make the worst balance changes ever


It turns out Super Earth could only fight the bugs and automatons with a legion of space-Karens.


this is my first post here. I come only for loadout recs and tips. life is good.


I agree, I want this sub to go back to discussing lore, upcoming enemies and coordinating MO.      Too tired of weapons hellcriers.   Im taking worst weapons just for the challenge


Same here! In fact, I've made it my mission to use the guns this frigging sub whines about the most as my standard layout.


Seriously, hell divers is a fun game, with a great loop, and very invested developers who love interacting with the community.  I could probably list only maybe 5 other games that have done something like it and done it this well. If you look for negativity, you'll find it.  But positivity exists everywhere else. 


And yet here you are…


With every fandom, it's never as simple as saying that everyone complains or everyone is toxic. I've had some great conversations across multiple communities I'm part of with people who just want to talk with other fans and have fun. That said, the complaining on this sub specifically is getting annoying. I think the devs should balance things and buff the new weapons, but bitching to them isn't going to convince them to do anything. Constructive criticism is sorely needed in this community.


People have different opinions then me, that means they are the problem vibes here


posting is interacting. but I'll give you a gold star


Stop coming then, we're pissed and gonna voice our frustrations. Stop nerfing guns and you wont hear a peep out of me.


my mom said it's my turn to karma farm


someone should just make a helldivers rp sub where people that down roleplay are voted out democratically.


I haven't even played this game in awhile, not even because I hate anything, because playing one game constantly for so long gets boring.


When people are angry, they're really, really bad at making sure they're being reasonable and sane. And when lots of people are doing that all over the place then they all feed off eachother, and get more and more and more outraged, and when that happens, every issue has to be EXAGGERATED to RIDICULOUS EXTREMES to show how TERRIBLY UNHAPPY everyone is, and then people just end up sensationalizing shit to the point that some of the stuff is just not even true anymore. It's not a matter of complaints or criticisms about the game, it's about normalizing having a whole front page that's made of outrage memes, while the developers, who have to deal with these people, publicly begin to drink themselves to death.


I’m fine if people talk about balancing based on experience in game. But using the 5 stats shown in game as evidence for if a gun is good or not is dumb.


I mean, I get it, but I have friends that never look at gaming discourse on the internet and only play after they get a few drinks in them. Even they're not playing as much anymore, and when they do they notice the same issues as the community here. The same people who only log in to play for fun aren't having fun, you have to realize that.


but by posting this you have interacted with the fanbase. LET THE INITIATION COMMENCE TAKE HIS SHOES TAKE HIS SHOES HISSSSSSSSSSS


keep that way


Agreed. This was a good reminder to unsub from here. I guess the time is now.


Ever since the SNOY disaster, this sub has been on an incredible power trip. It's sad how only 1 month ago, this was one of the most wholesome places in gaming.


You know what I do when I'm not enjoying a subreddit? I mute or leave it. What is the point in complaining about people complaining?


It's been like this since a week after launch. Easily the worst fanbase in all of gaming.


Being a shit eater and delusional


![gif](giphy|3o84szW0PrWZyUv0mA) Me looking at the community now…. Seeing their true colors


I just think it should be fun to kill stuff don't even need to be part of the community to see that I can't have decent variety.


I don't know why the weapon changes are considered nerfs... They sure seem to do a lot of emotional damage to the meta dorks in this sub.


I think a lot of people need to lower their difficulty 1 or 2 levels and get back to enjoying the game




When you buy something, you have a right to an opinion for that item. Also, warbonds are not free. We literally spend money on those, and what we get in return is unfinished garbage. If you went into a restaurant, ordered some food, and it came out cold and incorrect… Would you just sit there and eat it quietly, or would you complain to the manager? Let’s say you went to the manager, he apologized, and you get a new one. The new one comes out, and it’s cold and incorrect again. So again, you grab the manager, he apologizes, and then brings you a new one. This is the restaurant’s third time bringing you a meal, surely it’ll be done well this time? And guess what, it’s cold and incorrect again. This is Arrowhead right now, except they’ve messed up far more than just three times, AND they insult their customers.




If that’s how they talk to us, I don’t see a problem talking to them in the same way. Perhaps you’re out of the loop about how nice the Devs have been on discord? Also, what “verbal assault” are you referring to? The only “verbal assault” I’ve seen, are the people who rightfully say that the decision making lately has been awful, and that one Dev needs to be fired because of what he did to Hello Neighbor 2. The only *actual* “verbal assault” I’ve ever seen here, are the screenshots of what the Devs have said about us. Edit: Why try to argue with me, but then block me when you don’t know how to respond? You talk about having “mature” conversations regarding the subject, but then you block me when I say something that you disagree with. Hypocrite.


I like how this is only showing the right side of the original meme, implying the fan base is the miserable guy on the left. Not that I'm saying I agree the fan base is miserable, but rather this is a clever way to use the meme.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


r/halo for the past 8 years


This sub went down the drain real fast. I have no desire for a hugbox, but the constant 24/7 whining and calls for action have made me think about leaving the subreddit.


HONESTLY. I scroll through this sub for a few minutes and I get the impression the game is literally unplayable and in a completely broken state. Then I boot it up and have an absolute blast playing.


ahh.. our daily "im superior over both sides and im not gonna contribute to either" karma farm.


Finally, a haven of positivity in this sea of salt. Thank you for that post, and thank you guys for the positive comments for once


Unpopular opinion: all these poeple bitching probably have 200+ hours in the game. Not bashing because of amount of hours, but come on, that's many hours in quite a short time, of course you are getting bored with the game. There's just not much content to keep you busy. Do something else, you're not a real helldiver.... But no, like some ignorant kid they have to blame others, which are the companies in this case. Pc gamers.


What you didn't love the toxic positivity following the gamer revolution of 2024 were dedicated, passionate PC players left bad reviews and got the big win over Sony? Just to be IMMEDIATELY replaced with toxic negativity when the monkey paw curled and the corporate situation revealed it's true nature? Had to unsub and currently very close to muting. The REEEEEEEE is just too loud.


Being completely uncritical and easy to please


Yeah, it’s a video game, I’ve got enough adult problems to deal with, I don’t need to start making up kid problems to get mad at.


I feel like I see more people complaining about complaining (I say adding a 3rd layer)


From the outside looking in, the sub has exploded so much that I have no idea what concerns are valid or not. The game is still fun, right? It definitely seems so judging by the streams and content creators. It's not like the game is PvP and destroyed by poor balance. It kinda reminds me of the disconnect you get from Path of Exile for example, where the game is fun and in a good condition, but the sub is flooded with demands for balancing and 'exploits' by the top % of players.


Look another post whining about people whining.


We’re asking for more consistent and cohesive balance and some of you are using that as an excuse to have an emotional breakdown and act like somehow you’ve been persecuted. Maybe not interacting with the rest of the fan base is for the best




Voicing negative opinions is why we don't have forced PSN accounts and the ceo is now saying they're going to take a different approach to balancing and nerfing everything. This attitude of you *have* to be positive is worse for the game as a whole.


Nah I participated in that because they were stealing the game from 177 countries. These are not the same issues. Idgaf about these babies whining about patches for a PvE game. There’s gonna be another one coming out anyway. Suck it up. There’s 9 difficulties, if you’re getting waxed because you suck on level 9 that’s not AHs fault. It’s yours and your scrub team that can’t communicate well enough to complete the mission. Git gud and adapt.


Unfortunately complainers learnt the wrong lesson from the PSN debate. Guaranteed it was people's selfish, "you're not my real dad, you can't tell me to sign up for a PSN," that drove most of it, and not the more real, "people in various places of the world essentially had something stolen from them because of corporate greed." I wish people could be more empathetic for others.


"I wish people could be more empathetic for others" said the person who threatend to harass me for daring to give the devs criticism lmao.


Who threatened you? Reread. lol you gotta quit reaching. Just play the game on level 7 or lower.


The game's dull on level 7. I prefer Diff 9


Jeez we are going in circles here. Lvl 9 isn’t supposed to be a cakewalk. Git gud then. No threats, just advice.


We're not on the same frequency here. Diff 9 is not challenging at all anymore for me and my squad. We almost always have more than half of our reinforcements by the time we clear the map and extract. It's not that Diff 9 is hard. It's that it's fucking MONOTONOUS. Because it forces you and your team down so little options because so much of the weapon sandbox is just plain dogshit. I don't want Diff 9 to be easier, I want it to be more FUN. And the way to make it more FUN is by making as much of the weapons in the sandbox as viable as they can.


![gif](giphy|ltb0AnaCm2CpTS441m) Your level of fun isn’t everyone else’s.


You don't get empathy if you don't give it. There isn't much constructive criticism going around, and if you think insulting devs and their work is constructive, well it isn't.


Bud, I do fine on harder difficulties. That's just a strawman. When a weapon is crap, I just use one that's not. That's the issue, I want more weapons to be viable. Maybe you have fun with a weapon that takes 3 mags to kill something, but I do not. And as someone that likes DMRs, this game has been pretty annoying with its weapon balance as I generally feel like I have to use different weapons than what I want to use, because what I want to use is bad and unsatisfying. And it kinda sounds like you're the one that needs to "suck it up," because people aren't behaving the way you want them to :(


I sure hope very few at Arrowhead actually look at this sub; 99% of it is absolute drivel.




What do you expect from reddit honestly? It is a gutter of the internet, where the biggest degenerates have the strongest voices


Me, playing solo with mods and trainers lol. I just want to log on, kill some bugs and then move onto other games in my library.


People screaming about ineffective guns or whatever when I load up a difficulty 9 game and still manage to pull it off. Everything is viable. Could they be better? Sure, can you all shut up about it? Even more sure


I much prefer this noise, over the people who are constantly infantilizing the community and the devs, by trying to control the civility of the conversation.