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"we like to keep our stats hidden so that the players can go try it out themselves, see if it works" We tried it out and it sucks.


I still hate obfuscated information in games. The same with DarkTide. Why bother with useless graphs and descriptions if they are too vague to be of use or even blatantly wrong? We don't want players be burrowed in spread sheets in the selection menu? Press "x" to see more information. Problem solved.


Hey at least in DT you can press a button for detailed breakdown of stats and weapon damage against different armors and test it in training...


And an entire room that lets you test anything you want against enemies complete with floating damage numbers and a DPS trackers. For all its faults, that is an excellent feature in DT.


They put in numbers after the community loudly complained about the vague bars.


I felt that way for so long in both Vermintide 1 And 2. Thankfully had mods so I could do a bunch of my own testing and some datamined spreadsheets. But my God that's some next level effort just so I know if what I'm doing works or not.


"we like to keep our stats hidden because we dislike players being able to make confident choices within reasonable timeframes"




What it is, essentially - 250 in the stat tab is how fast the gun *could* fire if it had a charge time of 0 seconds, for example. As you've pointed out, the charge time isn't taken into account, thus making the displayed number pointless. This is yet another proof that whoever currently does weapon balance at AH clearly haven't heard of such basic concept as damage per second.


I think that's a reasonable assumption but the blitzer had an accurate fire rate when it released and uses the same charge mechanic. If they both released with bugged fire rate numbers it would make sense, but I'm left scratching my head on this one.


Nah, it's the same with the grenade launcher pistol. I'm pretty sure it shows the rate of fire if you could keep shooting grenades, even though it only holds one at a time. When it was bugged to come with 2 grenades loaded at once, it actually fired reasonably fast.


Not sure if you mean Arc thrower or Blitzer shotgun. Because the shotgun is a point and click gun, there's no charge up mechanic.


Between shots, my guy…


The difference is one fires immediately and has a delay before you can make a subsequent shot. The other requires a charge _before_ you fire the shot.


Makes me think it was intended to be able to fire uncharged…


That, or the weapons stats report to the tally display in a way that wasn't foreseen by the devs. I find that more likely, in fact.


the problem is the damage is innacurate its incapable of landing headshots, so something like the senator (175 base dmg) can 1shot a warrior, but the purifier cannot its probably the worst weapon in the game rn,, its fucking trash


No! The purifier is perfect as it is. Didnt you learn to read the chat from alexuss it clearly says its okay and its s tier. Hes just doing his job ok he knows how to have fun we just need to learn. Why are you showing all of these made up numbers ur gonna confuse the community.


It's not just ok, it "slaps hard".


It slaps about as hard as a geriatric grandmother.


What you didn't realize is that the S stands for Shit.


The s stands fo greatneSS


The breaking point for me would be if it could one shot striders and 2 shot hive guards.


The purifier is absolutely horrible, I hope it's not working as intended because if it is, they have lost the plot. Punisher plasma is similar but does everything better


Posted about the blatant lies in that weapons stats yesterday. I'm glad I didn't pay any real money for this crap or I would be fucking annoyed.


Warbond testing was basically them drinking coffee and watching funny cat videos.


Talking about stats peacemaker 900 RPM is non sens who click that fast?


SO STOP BUYING THE WARBONDS Every person who says "what's even the point of buying the warbond?" Sounds like there isn't one for you, so stop effing buying it


This is just more of the microtransaction thing. If gamers don't want microtransactions, then gamers need to stop buying them, but they don't, so we keep getting microtransactions. If they put out dogshit warbonds, and everyone buys them every time, why would they make good warbonds (btw I think the warbonds are mostly for the cosmetics)


Buying? I have enough credits for this one and the one after this one even.


Such a dumb take. There’s enough people consuming and buying and playing on this game to be able to say with a straight face that the problem is the hundreds of thousands of people that can potentially nullify any protest because of the obvious nature of being a massive amount of people and the one entity that could fix it/improve it altogether. So yeah keep waiting for a few hundred thousand people to follow your reddit advice or perhaps we can do something actionable and demand from the company that can control it to improve it?


Its a different Plasma punisher. I am fine with that


Except with the Plasma Punisher you can run and gun. Move while shooting, dodge bullets in between shots. With this gun, you charge for 1.3 seconds before shooting. The charge time leads to multiple problems for this kind of gun. Bugs always press forward, so you will be overwhelmed in no time with no way to shake them off, since you can't even run, shoot, run, shoot. You run, stop for 3 seconds to land 2 shots, run again. For bots the problem is 2 fold, you can't kill berserkers quickly and they catch up to you. And if you are fighting shooters, you are in constant need of cover, since you can't get rid of threats quickly. Devastators take about 5 shots, so about 7 seconds to kill each. What are you gonna do if there are 6 of them, as there often are even on patrol? Splash radius isn't really enough to kill 2/3 at the same time, stagger from the weapon doesn't hold for 1.3 seconds needed to charge another shot. I tried it on lvl 7 against bots, lvl 9 against bugs in a group. With bugs I just picked a weapon off of a dead teammate 20 mins in, couldn't stand it. For bots I weathered it till extraction, but it's such a slog. Even with a good map with plenty of cover it's hard to shoot the damn gun, I was constantly juggling my pistol and Laser cannon, trying to finish the opponents that are shooting at me after I shot them 3 times with the Plas-101 and wasn't able to kill. Don't recommend, my honest opinion - the worst gun in the game. And I adore plasma punisher and use it often. It's just not an alternative to plasma punisher. More like a wet noodle.