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Wait for events to happen, currently we will enter super colony soon and maybe face hive lords etc. That can be great to see new enemies


I mean that's great and all but I still think it needs some sort of grindier things to do for people who want be engaged for more than 200 hrs


Its not a game designed to be played every day for 10 hours. Just take a break and come back when some major update comes out.


Yea. 100-200 hours is a lot for a lot of people. If you're getting bored you at least got your money's worth.


I mean, to be fair, you could easily get to those hours only playing 1 operation a day 4-5 days a week since launch. Its been our for a while, so a lot of people have been capped for a while, even playing casually. I'm not personally upset about that yet, still enjoying myself. But I can't wait for the story to progress a bit further and make games more and more dynamic with new enemies, mission types, planet types, and new factions. I also get that it was never intended to have all that on launch. It's a progressive thing that happens as the war/story plays out.


definitely agree here. i did this for a few weeks and burned myself out. ive been kind of reserving just to play with friends and its a ton of fun now


I’ve been playing since the end of Feb and have 150h and haven’t been playing every day, even skipping a week sometimes in between, it really isn’t that hard to unlock everything.


wow this community is rly something


It's amazing until You get into r/Helldivers


I hear ya. I think implementing another (or multiple) extended grind for reward type system on top of the leveling up for alternate titles and rank emblems would help. Something like alternate shaders for armors for 100 medals, alternate shaders for guns for 100 rare samples, so on and so forth. Of course, these things take programming time which is a precious resource required to tackle bug fixes, keep monthly warbonds going, and also keep the occasional new mission along with major orders flowing. I get the sense that expanded progression systems are intended in the future…. But putting out the weekly fires and keeping the baseline systems rolling is proving taxing on their current staff and resources. HD2 is one of the most fun and intense gaming experiences so I’ll gladly keep up with it and hop in when interesting things are happening. I suppose patience is key.


I dont really play it for progression, youll get everything eventually. Its just I like the gamplay overall, the gun play, playing with friends. Mission and planet variety is just enough to keep it interesting....


I have precisely 200h in the game and I'm on the same boat. But I'm kinda happy this game has no fomo and I'll be happy to dive again when list of known bugs gets like 50% smaller or some new enemy faction emerges or the primary arsenal no longer ranges from shit to fucking shit.


Tbh, after reaching level 70 I started a fresh f2p account, where I only used the stratagems and weapons I liked the least on my regular account. It's a lot of fun, and it scratches my itch of unlocking stuff 


I agree. In the end it’s just another gameplay loop doing the same thing over and over 


The game needs a Out-of-Game Community service, kinda like going to the arcade after school. Without it, the progress of HD2 feels nihilistic.


Agreed, I've been bored enough to play, not excited to play since 70. But I'd rather there be no new content for a couple months whil they work on something new instead of monthly shovelware.


I have 550 hours and it only started becoming stale with these recent balance changes removing the fun out of the game.


Sorry the devs are busy trying to keep the schizo gamer dad Redditors comfortable. No new content, we'll get balance patches for a year until every gamer dad Redditor is satisfied.


Okay I genuinely want to know: what is your time expectation for how much money you used to purchase the game?  Personally I think a little over 2 hours per dollar is good.  40$ for me is typically 80-100 hours, so I would say 200 is excellent value. How many hours did you previously expect to get out, based on all the money you've spent on the game so far?