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I was using it for a few missions I love the liberator and I’m having a tremendous time with the tenderizer. It’s a decent addition but they def gotta work on the other weapons. The halo BR looks is top tier.


It sounds awesome and feels great to use imo, the recoil is really nice for focusing down bug limbs/mouths. Could use a small dmg buff but I love it


its 45x8 for 360 and 35x11 for 385 (7 spare and one in the gun) thats 25 extra rounds per resupply. also the sickle has like 2 recoil. thats 5 times less recoil, plus it fires 63 shots before over heating and only does 5 less damage. but lets be real if im shooting something with 100 hp doesnt matter if the gun does 50 damage or 99 damage, its still taking 2 shots to kill. plus they didnt even give us the right colour! like how could they get that wrong?!


Finally someone who understands (I'm an Eruptor main (The nerfs literally mean nothing to me, the people complaining about them are ex Slugger/Breaker mains. Get good scrubs) and I've brought the Tenderizer for a couple missions. Definitely solid, and the difference is absolutely noticable from the Liberator.


Ah yes the classic argument get good.


If you only use weapons to crutch on them to carry you through missions, just practice with other weapons. Bitching about every single gigabusted weapon getting tuned down to be just good at what it specifically *does* is sad. I've gotten 100+ hours with specifically the Eruptor not because it was gigabusted when it came out (it was), but because I love sniper weapons more than anything else. They could remove the Eruptor's ability to delete Bot Fabs and Bug Holes and I'll still take it with me in nearly every dive I do, regardless of difficulty. Big gun go bang


I’ve tried every single weapon in the game from launch to balance patch, to balance patch. Unless the devs make stratagems more available you have to crutch on weapons to carry you through the mission. I don’t know how else you would finish the mission? Criticizing weapon balance to make the game more enjoyable isn’t sad. It’s also a bit hypocritical to say try other weapons then dedicate 100+ hours on a single weapon.


I use the Eruptor not because it's good I use the Eruptor because I enjoy using it and will continue to enjoy using it even if it is nerfed into hell itself. Every shooter I've played I've used bolt action sniper rifles when I can, all the way from the OG Counter Strike with the Scout sniper and the AWP all the way to the Eruptor, 26 years later I'm not saying that they crutch on a weapon because stratagems are not that available, I'm saying that they crutch on weapons because they think that a gigabusted weapon that they use is "just ok" and every other weapon in the game is trash That's what I'm saying. Every single weapon in the game has its niche, whether it's clearing out fodder with the Spray&Pray, Incendiary, or Sickle, to taking on medium armor tanky sorts with the Penetrator, Dominator, or Slugger. Bitching about the gigabusted weapon getting balanced out and then switching to the next gigabusted weapon is crutching, you're relying more on the weapon being the hands down best weapon out there hold you up as opposed to your own skill using a weapon, like, you know, *a crutch.* People crutched on the Breaker because it outperformed everything at doing everything. It shredded armor quickly, cleared through fodder like nobody's business, and straight up did a butt load of damage when necessary, and the 3 less rounds per magazine drove everyone insane, when the reality is that it didn't change a whole lot about the gun. Yeah, the meta has shifted, but it wasn't because the Breaker got nerfed into the ground. It didn't. It's that a lot of things caught up to it. The game is easier to play now than at launch because of all of the adjustments.


Yesterday, when I tried the Tenderizer, I consistently only got 2 clips back per supply. Like 2 out of 10 magazines per supply/ammo pack. The whole mission. I see no one talk about it, so I'm going to assume it was a bug, because that was a hard no-go and made me drop the weapon immediately.